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The head of little sister development would like for citizens to stop teaching the kids curse words! They can’t handle the sass they are getting - sinclair
#augustussinclair#subject delta#jackryan#gaming#jack wynand#bioshock atlas#atlas ryan#bioshock 1#bioshock2#bioshockshit post
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happy birthday aurora!!! I hope you have an amazing day of nothing but great memories bc you deserve them! 💕💕💕
you’re a sweetie 🥺🥺🥺 thank you sm!! xxxx
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thank you guys!! also yes i had fun thank you jiji :)
#tbd#i was going to reply privately so i don't keep clogging everyone's feed but i also want to keep these....#divorcedspiderman#augustussinclair#raulpanther
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do the even numbers for the vg ask binch
Video Game Asks!
2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc.answered!
4. Who do you play with now?Who? Like my friends? Mostly the same people I played with when I was a kid, but now they’ve grown up into ripe gaming fruits. And some new friends who I met through love of video games *stares directly into camera*
6. Ever buy strategy guides?No. I’d rather spend money on the game itself. I see the pretty art books often and wonder though…
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection?uH. What? Rarest? I don’t have any of those classic games that are worth a fortune now. Most expensive was probably the Dishonored 2 bundle that I bought because I wanted Corvo’s mask super bad
10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours?
I have not! I usually pre-order using the internet and try to distract myself until I can feel the game with my fingers
12. Ever get picked on for liking games?Wheeeen I was younger, yes. I stopped playing for a little while, even though I was not any good at the time anyway. I didn’t pick it back up again until the middle of high school when I stopped caring.
14. Favorite game music?I… really like the Journey and Undertale Soundtrack. However, Kingdom Hearts and Nier: a tomato have been my… main music go-tos .In fact, I’m listening to the Nier ost right now.
16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL?Answered!
18. Would you date someone that hates gaming?No. Bitch. Worst-case scenario they “tolerate” it. Just kidding, NO that’s impossible. Worst case is they’re indifferent. And in that case, they’d have to be pretty darn spectacular. Like they own Disneyland spectacular. Trust me.
20. Game that you know like the back of your hand?BIOSHOCK. I can tell you where every audio diary is. And every ridiculous jump scare. I also could say the same about Nier, but that’s a little too recent, so the obsession is still fresh.
22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories?I have a Fallout t-shirt, Kingdom Hearts Sweater, some lovely Nier pins, and a 2B phone charm accessory. I love game merch, I just am a bit picky on which ones I wear.
24. First Pokemon game?It was actually Yellow. I never got Red and/or Blue.
26. Ever form any gaming rivalries?I don’t like those, but literally Pokemon Go sets them up by making you pick teams and publicly fight the other teams down.
28. Ever play in a tournament?nOpe I’m not that good. I watch a lot of tournaments though.
30. How many consoles do you own?Uhh, since forever? I would say 8. However, the only active ones right now are my ps4 and Switch. Everything else is stored away in the closet or was given away.
32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic?Not. Really. No. I don’t really love those. One time I got Narnia as a gift and cried at how bad it was. And then there was Shrek Party?? Which was a depressing version of Mario party, but with Shrek characters. I liked it… actually. If it were done well, maybe?
34. Do either of your parents play video games?My mother plays pokemon go and is level 40, which is higher than me. And it’s kind of made her more open to the idea of playing video games. But my mom knows the basics of certain video games enough to not get mad at me when I tell her I can’t pause.
36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game?I have cried over a few video games. Not full on crying, but my eyes will water and that’s pretty wild. Sweat is all over my controllers. I clutch them so hard. I was also very emotionally compromised over The Last of Us, but it was mostly internal.
oHH! One time I was playing Battleborn and got a nosebleed, but I’m pretty sure that was on account of the weather and not the game.
38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like?I have no shame at all whatsoever in any game that I like. I guess Fable, 2 and 3 were absolutely awful according to everyone, but I thought they were alright, mostly because it made me think of the first game.
40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls?I think they’re fun! But am sad that they probably won’t be able to reach their full potential in my house.
42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness?…Bioshock tbh. That was the first game I legitimately played after stopping gaming for an awfully long time. The one that started it all. Kingdom Hearts and Bioshock. Two completely different games.
44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters?I never really played arcade games? Soul Calibur? DDR??
46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon?YES THOSE ARE LIKE MY FAVORITE TYPES OF GAMES!!??!? I can seduce Harvest Moon characters all the ding dang day. And I can fish for hours. Fishing mechanics are vital in every game.
48. How long does it take your to customize your player character?84 years. In all honestly, it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the options that are available. Dragon Age took so… so long. Basically any game with the objective of making your character look cooler is… dEATH
50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create?Answered!
52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid?Pokemon Y
54. Do you give in to Steam sales?I use my friend’s steam and he has like 2000 dollars worth of games, so I’d say he definitely does.
56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests?I never played that game, but I remember quality video compilations of that.
58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick?Answered!
60. Do you know the Konami Code?It’s like a bunch of directional buttons, but idk which ones.
62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game?I bought a gosh darn PS3 like 10 years ago because I thought KH3 was going to come out for that. Now here with are the PS4 pro and KH3 will be out in a year.
64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming?I have! Or I mean it was a family TV anyways, but I sneakily snuck in a question or two about gaming quality and the guy hooked me up.
66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it?No. I didn’t have a legit cellphone until after high school.
68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool?LOL no I’m so bad at those, I spend all my tickets immediately on the dumbest thing I can find like those finger traps.
70. Very first game you ever beat? I want to say Fable. As a kid I didn’t know what a memory card was and sort of assumed you had to start over every single time.
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Looking for ADAM #bigdaddy #alphaseries #subjectomega #augustussinclair #littlesister #bioshock #neca #toyphotography #toyhunterscollective #fridaysthcfeature #wheretoysdwell #ata_flipthatswitch #toy_confederate #toyartisty_elite #toyartisty #epictoyart
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Commission for @augustussinclair of their Star Wars OC Cien!
[I love getting to do work of their OCs and especially always a blast when people get me to draw Star Wars ones lol]
Had a lot of fun with this one, and it really has me feeling better about my art overall again, which was much needed with the art block I was going through ;;!!
#commission#commissions#star wars#star wars oc#original character#NOT ME JUST NOW NOTICING THEY HAD THE SAME LAST NAME#I HAVE QUESTIONS NOW LOL
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shado i know this it out of the blue but my birthday is next friday and i just went back and watched that flynn/elena video you made me for my birthday and I still love it so much, five years later. you and val's old editing studios brought us all together with editors we became close with for the rest of our lives and even though we've all grown apart i'm so happy to have been a part of it back then
@augustussinclair aww I feel like I’m really late to this!! so happy possibly very belated birthday!! <3 I’m so glad you liked it and still do, I was always terrible at making birthday videos for you all haha no matter how much I told myself to remember birthdays I always remembered a day too late!
yes, I miss our studio days, we made some great vids and some awesome friends! and I’ve been away from editing for some time now (trying to get back into it) but making a new studio or being a part of one could be fun again!
hope you’re well <3
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Bioshock 2 intro one of the parts lol #bioshock #bioshock2 #bioshockthecollection #ps4 #PS4share #sharefactory #playstation4 #gameplay #2kgames #games #videogames #gaming #subjectdelta #sofialamb #augustussinclair #frankfontaine #andrewryan #irrationalgames #eleanorlamb #bioshockinfinite https://www.instagram.com/p/B4S9-QjDFq_/?igshid=5b9u9yfn43qd
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Time for a 2018 art rewind 🔮 Thank you to everyone who made this a great year, for inspiration and encouragement and everything in between. Lowkey this year was good then it got t r a s h at the end so hopefully 2019 will be better!! Heres a majority of everything i drew in 2018 (according to my feed), hopefully there’s something for everyone! See you guys next year 😋 • • • • • • • • • • (Theres gonna be a lot rip) #art #drawing #prismacolors #copics #artistsoninstagram #doodle #gelpens #traditonalart #ocs #originalcharacters #murdocniccals #2dgorillaz #wiitchstory #playinggod #butterfliesandmoths #baldisbasicsineducationandlearning #pidgegunderson #hunkvoltron #reylo #starwarsart #augustussinclair #sallyfacefanart #salfisher #larryjohnson #rewind2018 https://www.instagram.com/p/BsCCHYkFbe5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1evxts35ncj5z
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And now to see your love set free You will need the witch's cabin key Find the lady of the light gone mad with the night That's how you reshape destiny
#alan wake#alanwakeedit#gamingedit#apolloette#romanticzomedy#augustussinclair#this game is one of my top favourites now right up there with fallout and bioshock#*
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even numbers for the gaming asks!
Okay, its been 1000 years since I posted this gaming ask. But here are the answers!!!! I put most under the read more…
2. First game you played?The first game I ever played ever, in thehistory of forever, was Super Mario Bros. at my babysitter’s house, if mymemory serves me correctly
4. Longest consecutive hours you’ve played agame?Ohkay, let’s see. Without eating or bathing,but I did get up briefly to bathroom and drink water, I finished uncharted 1,2, and 3 consecutively in 120 hrs. Needless to say, I never did that again, asthe blood vessels in my eyes popped, I ate two bigmacs after, and my parentsyelled at me. Otherwise, without moving or tending to most of my basic bodilyneeds, 10 hours max as of late.
6. An underrated game from within the last fewyears?I don’t know, I’m probably biased and neverreally look online to see how the game was rated/how it’s doing. Oh! But! Ireally liked Battleborn, which was basically a game that came out like a littlebefore Overwatch? Or near the same time, actually. You also fight in teamsagainst one another with unique character abilities to obtain certainobjectives. Honestly, it is extremely well done and detailed, but very muchfalls in Overwatch’s shadow possibly due to similarity and budget D: 8. The game with the best atmosphere/scenery?I’m biased. I love Bioshock. But I also am ahuge fan of those apocalyptic, dystopia aesthetics. So, essentially, anythingalong the lines of bioshock, Fallout, and Last of us.
10. Prefer PC or console?I’ve always played on console. And I’m so bad atPC. You would think it’s a bit easier to aim a cursor to shoot at something,but I’m particularly bad at that.
12. Most bizarre game you’ve ever played?Most games are pretty… bizarre. Most of theactual weird ones I’ve only seen online on those “top ten weirdest video games”but maybe Katamari? There are definitely weirder ones… The Nightmare Within wasalso… strange. I don’t actually know what counts as bizarre anymore in thegaming world. Shrek party…
14. Do you watch playthroughs online?Sometimes, yes! If I know I am never going toget the game. For example, an xbox exclusive (I do not have an xbox) or if Ialready played the game and want to see others suffer, lmao. Or if I like thestreamer.
16. The best year in gaming you’ve experienced?… I don’t remember. I’m going to say 2011.
18. Worst game you’ve played?There are probably worse games, but I’ll go withthe most recent one I’ve played, which was Bound by Flame. It was kind of thisunfortunate mix of—attempt at—Dark Souls, Dragon Age, and other medieval games.Some parts of the gameplay were unnecessarily hard for kicks, with no way toovercome the boss aside from chipping away at the health by throwing a rock atit, while your single dead companion lay sprawled in the middle of the fieldten seconds into the fight. And of the one and a half romance options pergender you were allowed, none of them were very enticing. Spoiler** I overcamethe end fight by purchasing 10,000 potions to fight the dragon. I made itthrough just fine, only after using 600 potions. Strategy was little help, butheyo I made it through. 20. Favorite publisher and/or developer?…Sony? I don’t know… I’m terrible at thesequestions.
22. If you could turn one game into movie, whichwould it be?You know I don’t know, since any game thatturns into a movie makes me want to cry bitter tears of hate. I’m looking atresident evil specifically. But if I could turn Bioshock into a really goodmovie with the proper actors/actresses, storyline, extras, atmosphere, then …yeah.
24. Ever cried because of a video game? Whichone(s)?…Too many. Nothing gets me more invested andemotional than a videogame. I guess the only one that has made me actually cryvisible tears is Journey. The ending overwhelmed me in an inexplicable way.
26. How often do you play online? Co-op?Relatively often now, especially withOverwatch, and the fact that a lot of my friends have Overwatch as well. So,like, every other day, if not daily. Otherwise, I love co-oping with a friend mostlybecause the AI that they give to work with you tends to … suck butts. Lookingat Resident Evil… again.
28. Who got YOU into gaming?My babysitter. Haahaa. I used to hang out ather house all the time and I’d watch her play all sorts of games. She’s alsothe one who gifted me my purple game boy color :’D30. On average, how long does it take you in thecharacter creation screen?Could be up to an hour. But at least 30minutes. It depends on if I know what I want.
32. Do you cosplay?I do! But I’ve actually only cosplayed animethings. Most of the video game stuff I would like to cosplay is too hard and/orI wouldn’t do it justice. Also I’ve been parts of group cosplays generally, sowe gotta find a good match.
34. Favorite male npc?For some unknown reason, the only personpopping into my head right now is erandur, the dark elf companion, from skyrim.Like… he’s not my favorite npc, but…my mind is drawing a complete blank. And isjust repeating that name over and over in my head. Oh boy
36. Best antagonist?Albert Wesker. …Spoiler??** Look… if you gottathrow him in a volcano to get rid of him after 200 tries of “just survive longenough” fights, he’s pretty good to me. Please let him die.
38. Have you tried a game, hated it, then triedagain, and loved it?N….no? There are some games where I getfrustrated, then invite a friend to play, who is extremely over-leveled, andthen they help me… live. Does that count?40. Favorite voice actor?Okay, I love Troy Baker. How can one person beso gosh darn versatile?? For anyone who doesn’t know (I doubt that) He voicesJoel from TLOU, Booker from Bioshock, Sam Drake from Uncharted, to name theones that pop into my head. And he does like a million other voices, and sings,and is just very excellent overall.
42. A game you will never forget (in a bad ORgood way)?Resident Evil 5 in the respect that I justplayed it during a very happy time in my life with one of my friends. And itwas also when I learned that I really love co-op, as well it was a supertreasured bonding time with that friend. We legit screamed so obnoxiouslythroughout the whole thing, apologized profusely, yelled for help. Like thatgame brought out our full range of emotion while playing.
44. Do graphics matter?Not necessarily. They add a nice kick, butthere are quite a few games I can think of where the gameplay and story aremore prominent. Storyline is generally always the main thing I look for first.Storyline and characters. 46. Always, sometimes, or never use subtitles?ALWAYS. Even for NPCs. Like the setting thatsays “ALL SUBTITLES” one of the reasons is because it alerts me to enemiessometimes too as they whisper in the distance. Which is the closest thing to awarning from jump scares that I’m going to get.
48. A game you’ve always wanted to play but havenever gotten to it?Um. I’ve actually been pretty aggressive ingetting my grubby hands on the games that I want. EXCEPT. Nearly everythingthat came out after Kingdom Hearts: Chain of memories?? Like 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 5 ½,365/3 days idk there were too many?? AndI basically had almost every console except the PSP so I just kind of gave up??
50. How many games do you own?…uh… too many?? At least 200 if you total allof them from the dawn of my first game boy color.52. A game you will always stand behind, andsupport no matter what?..Fable. OKAY So, even though the game, alongwith the game company crashed and burned, I really loved that first game??Along with The Lost Chapters. I essentially based the experiences I had withFable 2, 3, Journey on how good the first game was. If I were to make someoneplay it now, they would probably think it’s pretty dumb, but I thought it was acleverly made game…54. A sequel you really want?… lmao Fable. AND/OR The Wolf Among us, becausethat’s been sitting there for far too long.56. Do you tell people irl that you play videogames?Yeah. If it comes up in the conversation. Or if…they have merchandise that I want.
58. Ever have someone walk in on a sex scenebetween you and you LI?N…o…60. The game you are best at?I know Bioshock inside and out… I don’t knowwhy I’ve played it so much, it’s a very linear game, but wuh. Also weirdly, I’mvery good at Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. And the only reason I’m obnoxiously goodat that game is because of the Chaos. I love those ridiculous little things andwould do anything to make sure they’re happy and healthy. And in order to dothat I had to play each stage multiple times to get the right power-ups andanimals to feed the Chaos…. There was a whole garden. And god.
62. Would you want to work with video games whenyou are older?I feel like if I start working with it I’llstart disliking it very much, unless I literally work as a tester… that getspaid a decent amount. Like seriously, walk in, sit down, play for… hours uponhours. Otherwise, I do not have the creativity or skill. lmao.
64. Describe your favorite video game using onlythree words?Underwater death city.
66. Game with the yummiest looking food?Final Fantasy XV. Okay, so I haven’t finishedthe game. I’m really not even that far into it, like… at all. I just saw thefood and got hungry. It’s so realistic and pretty.
68. An older game that you’ve just recentlygotten into?I guess… Fallout New Vegas was pretty old, butthen my friend bought it for me on sale, and I tried it out and it was supergood??? And now I’m really into the Fallout series.
70. Do you play any mobile games?I.. play Fire Emblem Heroes, and a variety ofother mobile games like.. Notice me Senpai, Zen Koi, Mystic Messenger, uhhh…whatever is recommended sometimes. .
72. Have any guilty pleasure games?Not really. I’m pretty prideful in every game Iplay, including my otome games.74. Which game has the best lore?…Once…. Again, BIOSHOCK. Idk there are just somany little things in the city that you can find that point to the history ofthe residents, and what happened to them. There are those audio messages and littlesecrets that everybody has in the city, leading to its fall. I just love it somuch. Skyrim is a close second, to be fair. It’s more immersive and I canroleplay more on there.
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Commission for @augustussinclair of their Star Wars OC Ishale.
[I have a deep fondness specifically for Star Wars OC commissions lol]
But this was hella, I like the vibe of her for sure, being a tea sommelier and running a refueling station? It's such an interesting sort of soft and gruff polar dynamic omg I'm working on finishing up the second of these shortly, time just got away from me!
#commissions#star wars oc#mein art#hannibal's surgery really has thrown me off because my office is in SHAMBLES as a cat quarantine zone....
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happy birthday!!!!!!! i hope im not too late
no you weren’t!! I’m just a bit slow to reply bc lately I’m only workin at a laptop in the evenings, but I saw your message b4 sleepin sothank you very much Emily!! ♥
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Welcome to Rapture #bioshock #bioshockthecollection #playstation #ps4 #playstation4 #ps4share #sharefactory #games #videogames #gaming #rapture #subjectdelta #johnnyarriba #eleanorlamb #sofialamb #fontainefuturistics #lol #2kgames #gameplay #andrewryan #augustussinclair https://www.instagram.com/p/BwXcUOYjdb9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=167k4cs4ypvgu
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