#august fawley
sdhqsecrets · 2 years
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happy birthday august fawley !!
1st march
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romione-trope-fest · 7 months
The Way I Love(d) You
Fic Title: The Way I Love(d) You
Author name: adenei
Trope: Soulmates
Summary: Junior Auror Ron Weasley is about to embark on his first assignment thanks to a new Death Eater threat. Hermione Granger has sworn off the Magical World forever, living in ignorant bliss as a Muggle. But what they both don’t realize is just how serious this threat is, not only for the magical world, but also for the two of them, and what it means for their future.
WC: 2k & counting (more chapters to be posted on ao3
Rating: Teen
TW: None
5 March 1999
Attn: All Active Junior & Senior Aurors
There will be a mandatory briefing in Fawley Hall at 16:00.
G. Robards, Head Auror
“Any idea what this is about?” Ron holds up the inter-office memo that he pulled off of his locker moments ago.
Harry finishes toweling off his hair before acknowledging the half-sheet of parchment. “No idea. But it doesn’t say ‘trainees,’ so why are we included?”
“Well, we did technically finish our six months of training,” Ron reasons.
It’s true. Long, grueling, eighty hour weeks have kept them both occupied since August. Not that Ron’s had anything better to do with his time. Especially since—no. He refuses to go there. He can’t.
Focus on the job. On protecting people. On making a difference. 
That’s all he can do right now. Anything’s better than grappling with what went wrong.
“Huh?” He glances back at Harry, realizing he’d tuned him out.
“I said—nevermind. It’s not worth arguing.”
Ordinarily, Ron would want to know what Harry said, but right now he’s too distracted to care. He pulls a clean undershirt out from his locker and pulls it over his head before throwing on his robes and affixing the shiny new badge that very clearly says ‘Junior Auror’ on it to his chest.
“Because you know I’m right.”
Harry rolls his eyes. “Yeah, well, we may hold the title of ‘Junior Auror’ but we’re still at the bottom of the totem pole.”
“I love how you say that as if you’re not already some God-sent war hero.” Ron snorts. 
They both are, but Harry definitely gets higher preferential treatment. Not that Ron’s resentful at all. He earned the right to be here, and he’s bloody proud of the badge, even if it means they’re being pulled into a last-minute briefing on a Friday afternoon.
“It’s nice to pretend I’m just like everyone else every once in a while.” Harry grins, trying to keep the comment light-hearted, but Ron knows there’s a stark truth behind it. “Come on, we’re going to be late if we don’t get moving. And I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not be on Robards’ bad side when we’re just starting out.”
Ron bites his tongue, resisting another jab as they head out of the locker room and toward the main entrance of the Auror department. It’s the quickest way to get to the briefing room, otherwise known as Fawley Hall. The large meeting area is already half-full by the time they get there.
Harry and Ron stand against the wall in the back with the other Junior Aurors who don’t dare to take one of the coveted seats at any of the tables. It’s common knowledge among the ranks that the Senior Aurors get precedence in these types of meetings. And though Ron would love to sit because of his aching legs after today’s training session, he doesn’t complain. Hopefully, this will be quick, and they’ll be on their way home for the weekend in no time.
A minute before the meeting is about to start, Ron turns his attention toward Robards, who’s standing tall at the podium. His brow is knotted even tighter than usual and he keeps glancing at the door.
Huh. That’s strange.
Ron’s gaze follows the Head Auror’s and he’s surprised when the Minister for Magic enters the room. 
What the hell’s Kingsley doing here?
He nudges Harry in the side, then cocks his head toward their fellow Order member. “This must really be serious if Kingsley’s here.”
Harry nods, opening his mouth to say something, but Robards clears his throat, signaling that he’s going to begin.
“Thank you all for your punctuality. We won’t keep you long,” he begins in his gruff voice. “Your tireless work to help the Ministry get back in order following the defeat of Voldemort has not gone unnoticed. However, it is far from over. 
“Most of the Death Eaters have been apprehended, but there is still a group of rogue sympathizers who continue to fly under our radar. All of our leads have resulted in dead ends, and while we have names and warrants out for the arrests of half a dozen individuals, I am afraid this may be more serious than we realized.” Robards pauses, looks to Kingsley, and gives a small nod.
Kingsley then steps forward and addresses the room. “There has been a breach in the Department of Mysteries, specifically the Registrar room.”
A low rumble rolls across the room as people mutter to themselves and each other. Ron and Harry share a look. He doesn’t remember the Registrar room. Did they not visit it during their excursion back in fifth year?
Robards holds his hand up to regain everyone’s attention, then continues once it’s quiet. “A large portion of one of the lists was stolen, and we believe that there are many people in danger now as a result. In order to stay ahead of this rogue faction, we need to protect the innocents we believe they are targeting. 
“All Senior Aurors will be prioritizing this case above anything else. We need to catch these Blood Purists before they can do any physical harm to anyone on that list. Junior Aurors, you will be assigned shifts to guard at-risk individuals. Twenty-four hours on, twenty-four hours off. Right now, the threat level is minimal, so the affected witches and wizards will be permitted to go about their daily lives.”
“So, we’ll be acting as their bodyguards?” one of the Junior Aurors calls out. 
Ron can’t help but raise his eyebrows at the bloke’s brazenness. He doesn’t remember the guy’s name, but he reminds Ron of McLaggen. Robards glares at him, but still offers a curt nod. 
Kingsley interrupts again, staring directly at the Junior Auror who spoke out of turn. “Your job to protect these people is just as important as those who are trying to apprehend the Death Eaters. More important, perhaps, considering you’ll be the one in the line of fire should an attack happen upon your watch.”
A Senior Auror in the front raises his hand and Robards nods to him. “What list did they steal? And how do we know who is being targeted off that list?”
“A duplication charm was detected on the Fatum Animarum. They only managed to steal a few pages before stunning the Unspeakable on duty and fleeing. And if you have to ask about targets, then you might need a refresher on the fundamental beliefs of the Death Eaters.” Robards rolls his eyes before continuing. “Now, if there are no further questions, Senior Aurors can pick up their assignments from Cole at the front desk and Junior Aurors come see me. Dismissed.”
A loud scuffle of chair legs scratching against the wood floors accompanies the immediate rise of voices as people begin moving about the room. It’s a bit of a mob scene as half the people head for the exit and the other form a line in front of Robards. Given that Harry and Ron are in the back, they file in at the end of the line. Ron doesn’t mind though, since it gives him time to digest the information.
Harry turns to him while they wait. “Fatum Animarum? Have you heard of that before?”
“Nope. Don’t have a clue. Fatum’s ‘fate’ though, isn’t it?” Ron ponders.
Harry nods slowly. “Or destiny.”
“Why do you know that?”
“It’s the only thing that stuck from Divination. You know, Trelawney had a field day trying to predict my ‘fatum.’” Harry pretends to gag while Ron sniggers. He’d forgotten about that.
“Ah, that rings a bell now that you mention it.”
Now, if he could only figure out what Animarum means. The line is slow moving, and Ron taps Harry on the shoulder to get his attention again, but when his best mate turns around, he’s frowning.
“What?” Ron asks.
“I’m just thinking about Robards’ statement—about who we’re going to be protecting.”
“And? What about it?” But even as Ron says the words, his blood runs cold. “Muggleborns?”
“Who else would Death Eaters be targeting?” Harry tries to reason.
He’s right. Of course he’s right. Ron’s mind goes blank and overflows with a million different scenarios all at once. He can’t think straight. They’re supposed to be past this. Everything is supposed to be okay now. But even through all the commotion banging around in his head, one name screams at the forefront. 
As if reading his mind, Harry places his hand on Ron’s shoulder. “She’s fine. What are the chances she’s even on that list?”
Ron nods, as if to placate Harry, but he doesn’t mean it. How can they be sure?
No, he can’t let himself go down that path. He needs to focus on the job. He’s about to get an assignment. He needs to keep his senses clear to gain whatever intel he can and—
“—souls.” He catches the last part of someone’s conversation as the line moves forward. It’s a group of Senior Aurors who haven’t left yet. They’re huddled around a nearby table discussing possibilities, apparently eager to get to work. 
“They stole names from the Destiny of Souls,” a dark-haired witch says.
“But why? If they’re targeting Muggleborns, wouldn’t it have been easier to just get those names instead? Hell, I’m sure someone in their ranks already has them! Why go to the trouble?” A balding wizard with glasses retorts. “I’m not saying it’s right either way, but—”
“Merlin, you’re really thick sometimes,” a blonde witch cuts him off. “They don’t care about just any Muggleborn anymore. They’re going after the ones who have the potential to taint bloodlines and make ‘impure’ baby wizards and witches, you dolt.”
“Blimey,” the wizard says, making the connection. “So, they’re targeting the Muggleborn halves of Soul pairs?”
“It certainly seems that way, doesn’t it?”
Ron catalogs the information he’s overheard, intent on doing his own research once he has his assignment now that he has more to go off of. The line finally starts to move faster, and eventually he gets to the front.
“Weasley,” Robards addresses him before thrusting an envelope in his hand after Harry moves to the side. 
He takes it and turns around, taking a few steps toward Harry, who’s already going over his assignment. “My first shift’s Sunday,” he says. “What about you?”
Ron tears his envelope open, pulling out the slip of parchment. His heart plummets to his stomach for a multitude of reasons when he sees the name. “No.”
There, in a loopy scrawl he doesn’t recognize, is the name of the witch who left a hole the size of England in his heart: Hermione Granger.
“Wha—oh, shit. Really?”
Ron whips around, turning back to Robards, who is gathering his things in an attempt to leave. “Sir, this has to be a mistake. A conflict of interest. Plus, she’s not even—”
Kingsley, who must have overheard Ron, abandons his other conversation and walks over to him. “It’s not a mistake, Ron.”
He shakes his head. “No, but—why? She’s in—she’s not here.”
“That doesn’t mean she’s safe. None of the Muggleborns on that list are. Especially her. Not after everything she did alongside you two to stop Voldemort.”
A million questions whiz around in Ron’s mind, but one keeps fighting its way to the forefront. He’s not sure how many questions Kingsley or Robards will entertain, so he has to choose wisely. And though there are more logistical questions that should take precedence, the two words slip out anyway.
“Why me?”
Kingsley and Robards share a look before Kingsley’s soft, yet serious expression meets Ron’s. It’s full of the same sureness he remembers when the older wizard assured Ron that Hermione would be okay while she was with him when they went to retrieve Harry two summers ago.
The Minister gives him a small, sympathetic smile. “Because if something happened to her, you’d never forgive us if it was anyone else.”
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annasghosts · 1 year
For @jilymicrofics with the August prompt: silence
Spin the bottle
“And he licked my lips!” Mary sighs dramatically while Lily and Marlene roll on the bed, laughing. “OI! Stop it!”
“Come on, Mary!” Marlene exclaims, but she closes the curtains of the bed after giving them a withering look and silence falls over the dormitory.
“Amos Diggory.. who would have thought.” Lily whispers and they can’t keep quiet anymore, dissolving into giggles all over again.
“You know what?” Mary says, ripping the curtains open and dropping on the bed between the pair.
“Oi, Mary! You are sitting on me-”
“You tell me about your first kiss! Let’s see if it’s so much better than mine!”
“Oh, I don’t know-”
“Paula Fawley,” Marlene says immediately, looking up at Mary smugly. “behind the Three Broomsticks in Forth Year and she knew exactly what she was doing.”
“I hate you.” Mary grumbles and turns to look at Lily. “What about you?”
She is looking into warm, hazel eyes, heart beating wildly as he comes closer, his face getting slightly out of focus..
“I already told you about it. It was with Benji during our first date.”
“LIAR!” Marlene exclaims, sitting up. “You are such a liar, Lily Evans!”
“Who was your first kiss with and why does she know and I don’t??”
Lily looks from one to the other, panicked. “That doesn’t count-” She tries to say, but Mary inches closer, eagerness written all over her face, while Marlene is smirking, knowing exactly what mess she’s started and she knows, she just knows they won’t let it go.
Her eyes flutter closed as she feels his breath on her lips and she swallows before leaning forward, not wanting the others to think she’s scared, but she thinks he can feel her slightly trembling as they touch.  
“Fine. Potter.”
“POTTER?!” Mary exclaims, delighted. “When? How?”
“Spin the bottle. It was completely average,” She says, getting up and climbing on her own bed.
“Come back here! I need details!”
But she ignores her, closing her curtains to shield herself from her friends’ too perceptive scrutiny. It’s much easier to let her mind wander in the dark, her memory clearer when she closes her eyes, her fingers reaching up to trace her lips, to chase that feeling that to her frustration stays just out of reach. It’s been three years since that night and she’s had real kisses, passionate kisses so much different and more meaningful than that innocent peck and yet..
He draws back, smiling at her in a way that’s wholly unfamiliar: not smug or arrogant, but soft. He reaches up and gently tucks a curl behind her ear and Lily’s stomach flutters, making her slightly nauseous, but then someone whistles, laughter echoing around them and she flinches, sitting back. He turns around, grinning at Sirius and the sight is so wrong it stirs something in her. “Go back to your seat, Potter!” He looks shocked for a moment, but then he goes back to his friends, shrugging, and they’re grinning, as insufferable as ever, and it’s in that moment Lily decides that spin the bottle kisses don’t count. Her first kiss will be with some nice, sweet bloke, not with James bloody Potter.
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ofxsorcery · 2 months
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Cressida Malfoy attending the wedding of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy on Saturday August 03rd. Accompanied by her fiancée, Mr. Fawley.
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
𝙑𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙮
"𝙇𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙧𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙮 𝙢𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙣. 𝙒𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙤𝙡𝙙, 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙡𝙚𝙜𝙖𝙘𝙮."
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Name: Vincent Joseph Gray 
Birthday: 23rd of October, 1858 
Zodiac sign: Scorpio 
Weight: 85kg 
Height: 1.88m 
Religion: Agnostic 
Eye colour: Black 
Hair colour: Brown 
Faceclaim: David Oakes 
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Mother: Demelza Elisabeth Gray, neé Fawley 
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Demelza was a beautiful pureblood woman from the Fawley family, who, per tradition, was sorted into Hufflepuff. She was nearly sorted into Slytherin, though, for her cunning and intelligence matched her Slytherin peers. She met Ernst Gray during a ball that was all pure-blooded and the two hit it off instantly. After a year of courtship, they married in a December morning in 1857 and had another son, Matthew. She was quite disappointed and unimpressed with Victoria, but loved Primrose and lived to see her married to a fellow pureblooded man, and thus her fortune went to her when she passed in December 1900 instead of her son, Vincent. 
Father: Ernst Augustus Gray 
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A handsome, rich but minor pureblooded man of high standing, he was one of the hottest bachelors of the day, for many pureblooded man of higher standing had been married when they were infants. He met the beautiful and intelligent Demelza Fawley and fell in love with her. He courted her for a year before he proposed to her in the 1st of January, 1857. She accepted, and within they were married and expecting their first child, Vincent. Ernst was dissappointed when his son married the aristocratic muggleborn Victoria, but spoiled Primrose rotten. It was she who got both their fortunes, making her the second richest viscountess of Winbourne. Ernst died in 1897, leaving Demelza a wealthy widow. 
Other relatives: Matthew Eustace Gray 
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Handsome, charismatic and with a charm, after Vincent gave up his legacy to commit to his wife’s estate, Matt was made heir instead and was the one to rescue the well-thought bride for Vincent from the Avery family. He earned a seat into the Ministry of Magic and lived the typical pureblooded life. 
Friends: TBD 
Significant Other: Victoria Augusta Gray 
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Vincent and Victoria went to Hogwarts together. He didn’t at first believe she was from a high-standing aristocratic family until he asked her himself, and from then on, he tried to impress her, though often failed. 
One afternoon, during a meal with his friends in Hogsmeade, he boasted that Victoria could never best him during a match, and Victoria calmly got up and stupefied him against the wall and told him loudly “A fool plays the game to win. A wise one plays their opponent.” She then whispered to him “Do not doubt my prowess or skill. I am match for any man like yourself, Mr. Gray.” He fell in love with her right there. Silly, he knew, but he fell for her nevertheless. By the time he learned why she remained in Hogwarts, he declared his love for her and boldly went to ask permission to her parents to marry her without his own parents’ knowledge. Seeking an escape from the man, they accepted, wanting her married before her 20th birthday. 
They married in June 1877, and both had a close and loving relationship. Sadly, Victoria miscarried a child early into 1879. In 1881, they had their first and only child, Primrose. By law, she got his name, and wasn’t expected as the heir. They lost another four children of miscarriages and the doctor told off Victoria on getting pregnant no more, or else it’d kill her. Though Vincent was afraid of getting her pregnant again and killing her, they got up to stuff and remained close until 1898. Victoria fell ill with cancer and wouldn’t survive for long. In August 1899, Victoria passed away, and Vincent was devastated. He went on a trip for a secret business he never revealed and found out too late that the Duke of Buckingham had seized Winbourne and Alina hostage and would marry her by any means unless Primrose, who was just 17, surrendered to him and marry him in Alina’s stead. She did neither, and after a night’s ride in a stolen Abraxan, got Winbourne back with the help of the village with a motivational speech in which she said “I am aware that I am young and feeble still, but my heart and will are a Viscount’s one, and most certainly of a Viscount of Winbourne. I’ll have you know I’ll happily die before I am submitted to a tyrant’s will.” She duelled him and won, which made him extremely proud of his little girl. This action would always be remembered by everybody for years to come. 
The next two decades, Vincent started to sort out his affairs and spending time with his grandchildren, a help which was appreciated by his daughter. He adored and spoiled all of them, and the fortune he had ammassed in Victoria’s name went to his two eldest, Vincent Jr (who was named after him) and Alexandra, meanwhile the younger four sisters got jewels, clothes and dowries on his account and some hidden fortune in case Winbourne was in red numbers.  Vincent joined his wife in eternal peace in 1923, having outlived her by twenty-four years. 
Overall personality: Cunning, intelligent, ambitious and with a boldness, Vincent is cold and unafraid of getting his way, but he is firmly loyal and a romantic, passionate man who almost never lets his heart do the talking 
Positive traits: Cunning, intelligent and ambitious 
Negative traits: A bit bold, cold and secretive 
Guilty pleasure: Cuban cigars 
Vincent grew in near luxury in Gray Manor, receiving an exquisite pureblood education, though he never truly bought most of these. He lived with his parents and younger brother Matt, whom he always knew would go far in life. 
He was engaged to Marianne Avery, but he had little time for her, always training to be a Cursebreaker and always be as far away from his family as he could, to no avail. He soon fell for Victoria and broke off the engagement to marry Victoria instead, and to avoid a family feud with the powerful Averies, Matt promised to marry her himself with an unbreakable vow, and the two seemed happy. He left home the moment he declared his intentions to marry Victoria. 
Vincent Joseph Gray was born on the 23rd of October, 1858, to Demelza and Ernst Gray, two pureblooded families. He grew up in the lap of luxury, though he never truly bought such lifestyle and ideals and preferred to open his windows to... somewhere else. 
In his late years in Hogwarts, he fell in love with Lady Victoria Gray of House Somerset after she stupefied him for boasting that she’d never best him in a duel. He broke off his engagement to Marianne Avery and asked Vicky’s parents to marry her, and they accepted. They married in 1877 and had a daughter, Primrose. After several miscarriages throughout the 1880′s decade, in 1890, they started to prepare her to inherit the estate. To avoid her probable unhappiness in a terrible family that was closely related to the royal family, he plotted his daughter’s engagement with the infamous ‘ward’ of Lord Paul Carlisle, William Devlin, someone who wouldn’t have any chance to annex anything into the lands of the viscount, for he was not the heir, despite him knowing well that he was his firstborn son. 
His daughter received her Hogwarts letter, and the rest, is history. 
Vincent is a well-read, intelligent and astute man who always gets his way. His daughter would inherit this from him 
He soon made friends with his brother-in-law George, and advised him not to fight the Anglo-Afghan war, but it went unheard. Months later, the fateful letter that he had perished in battle would come, changing Winbourne’s history forever. 
He was a mathematics mastermind and enriched Winbourne with his own fortune 
He spoiled Primrose rotten and made sure she had the best tutors during her childhood 
He was the one who corresponded the most with during her time at Hogwarts 
Every birthday, anniversary and deathdate of Victoria, he’d visit her tomb and leave her her favourite flowers 
His final words were “I am ready, dearest Vicky.” 
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mollyxprewett · 1 year
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free as the wind. free as the clouds. free as a song when you sing it out loud. there ain't no stopping or slowing down. let's be wild and free. we are the wild. we are the free and our fire burns eternally. we'll travel far; far as the eyes can see. we are the wild and free.
name: molly ava prewett. meaning: of the sea. to live. nickname: mols. birthday: august 2nd. leo. age: twenty. pronouns: she + her. sexuality: bisexual. siblings: fabian prewett. gideon prewett. parents: augustus prewett. coredelia prewett née fawley. languages: english.  current residence: hogwarts. born: nottingham, engiand.
wizard fun.
hogwarts house: gryffindor. hogwarts year: tenth. area of study: charms. extracurriculars: dueling club, charms club, gay straight alliance. affiliation: order of the phoenix. pet: tuxedo cat named jeeves. blood status: pureblood. species: witch. patronus: basset hound. boggart: fabian and gideon being tortured. wand type: aspen wood. dragon heartstring. 10 ¾"
height: 5'4" hair color: black. eye color: dark brown. hair style: usually down, long past her shoulders. fashion style: tomboy but girly when she feels like it. basically whatever she feels like when she wakes up in the morning.
positive traits: + compassionate + adventurous + confident negative traits: - mischievous - stubborn - prideful
quick facts.
grew up in a manor with parents, fabian and gideon but weren’t the typical pureblood family. parents disowned for not believing in blood purity.
molly was an accident but made a huge impact in the family. have the twins a hard time, mothered them but looked up to them.
hogwarts gave her the chance to find herself without aside from her brothers.
skateboards, bakes, knits, and into music and records.
discovered the order.
updated frequently.
it took a little bit of luck, a little bit of fate, a slight accident and a lot of spice to welcome molly into the prewett clan. she was a spitfire from the very beginning. she demanded attention but usually in the most loving way possible. however, she had her toilsome ways as well from time to time. both a reflection of who she would become.
the family grew up in a manor in nottingham. their mother was a fawley, their father a prewett, both purebloods expected to live the life of typical purebloods. little did the families know they would be more relaxed, they allowed their children to live as children, they didn’t believe in arranged marriages and, most of all, they didn’t believe in pureblood purity. the family was disowned. but they still had the home, they still had the money, they still had the means to give their children the life of leisure, though none of them truly cared for the finer things in life. they just lived.
growing up in a household with a set of older twins, gideon and fabian, molly had to make her mark. she wasn’t going to take it lying down. she wasn’t going to be the younger sibling who sat back and let her older twins run the house. no, not in the slightest. she asked them questions constantly, demanding the correct answers, seeing through their bullshit being the smart young witch she was. on the other hand she also mothered them. when they did something questionable she was the first to call them out. she tried to be gentle but with them that was virtually impossible. however, she loved them to pieces and looked up to them. they had fun, they were smart and lived life to the fullest. that’s how she wanted to live but in her own way. she wouldn’t have asked for any other brothers.
when fabian and gideon went off to hogwarts the manor was quiet. molly missed them terribly and couldn’t wait for her chance to get back with them. she would never admit it but they were her rocks. in the meantime she spent in the library reading all she could and practicing all the magic she could. she was going to be ready to enter hogwarts with experience. her parents helped her learn, supportive as ever. molly’s perseverance paid off once her letter came.
upon entering hogwarts she was sorted into gryffindor with little question. she couldn’t have been happier. she was there with fabian. once again the little sister but tried to reign it in, wanted to be cool. but she also found herself, making herself cool aside from her brothers. she began skateboarding, she got into music, she made her own friends and got into baking and knitting. she was everywhere and loved it. hogwarts was helping her find herself. even that she was bisexual. she was molly ava fucking prewett.
as she grew into herself and a war on the horizon she immediately wanted to be part of the order. she may have been young but knew what she believed about blood purity and that it was a fight worth fighting.
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sleepingdragonhq · 2 years
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Under the cut you will find the list of everyone’s costumes as well as lists for the couples romantic and platonic. The voting for the costume contest this year will be done here. We ask that you choose your top 5 favorites in each category but then rank the order in which you’d rate them in the ‘other’ option. If you’ve got any questions about how that works, do not hesitate to ask us. The ranking per usual goes five points for first place, four points for second and so on so please put your votes in order accordingly. Please vote before the 10th of November as we will be announcing the winners from that point onward before the end of the event. If we have missed any contestants/costumes on any of the lists please shoot us a message so we can fix that !! 
Aaron Hale - Werewolf
Adeline Mulciber - Harley Quinn (DC)
Alastair Watson - Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom)
Alessandra Macnair - Roxie Hart (Chicago)
Alexus Callahan - Spider
Alice Longbottom II - Woody (Toy Story/Pixar)
Alison Wood - Glinda (Wicked)
Andromeda Marshall - Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice)
Aryana Robins - Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab (Marvel)
Ariella Belefleur - Lizzie McGuire (The Lizzie McGuire Movie)
Astrid Mendez - Betty Boop
Auden Wilkes - Charlie Spring (Heartstopper)
August Fawley - Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Aurora Claremont - Alex (Totally Spies)
Axel Wolffe - Waving Inflatable Tube Guy
Beatriz Calderon-Boot - Kuzco (Emperor’s New Groove)
Benjamin Ollivander - Pirate
Bentley Lockhart - Superman (DC)
Briar Bellchant - Evil Queen
Caleb Cresswell - 70s Vision (Marvel)
Camille McGonagall - Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
Casey Abrams - Lady (Lady and the Tramp/Disney)
Cassius Cresswell - Thor (Marvel)
Cedrella Weasley II - Sam (Totally Spies)
Charlotte Watson - Emily the Corpse Bride (Corpse Bride)
Chloé Bonaccord - Britney Spears
Clara Arquette - Catwoman (DC)
Clementine Delacour-Laurent - Shuri/Black Panther (Marvel)
Colm McCarthy - Darth Vader (Star Wars)
Cynthia Clearwater - Elphaba (Wicked)
Cyrus Clearwater - Steve (Blue’s Clues)
Damien Launier - Milo Thatch (Atlantis/Disney)
Delilah Hartwell - Spider-Gwen (Marvel)
Diana Rosier - Scarecrow
Dominique Weasley - She-Ra/Adora
Edward Lupin - Doris the Ugly Stepsister (Shrek)
Elara Macmillan-Bones - Cotton Candy
Elena Flores - Bride of Frankenstein
Elias Hopkirk- Linguini (Ratatouille/Disney)
Elijah Westenberg - Frankenstein’s Monster
Erin McCormack - Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Evan Parkinson - Dr. Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Evangeline Pickering - Sharpay Evans (High School Musical/Disney Channel)
Evelyn Moon - Stain Glass Window
Ezra Broadmoor - Mafia/Mob Boss
Finnley Wood - Ash (Fantastic Mr. Fox)
Francesca Zabini - Yip Yip (Sesame Street)
Frank Longbottom II - Tramp (Lady and the Tramp/Disney)
Frederick Hayes - Kida (Atlantis/Disney)
Freya MacDougal - Harley Quinn (DC)
Gabriel Larkin - Gambit (X-Men/Marvel)
Gwendolyn Hawkes - Pirate
Halley Macmillan-Bones - Hot Cheeto
Hazel Macdougal - Sexy Cryptologist
Hunter Adams - Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher)
Ingrid Hagen - Ellie Sattler (Jurassic Park)
Iris Lestrange - Scary Bunny
Isabelle Durant - Elf
Jaiyash Dewan - Loki (Marvel)
James Ashcroft - Tony Stark (Marvel)
James Sirius Potter - Shrek (Shrek)
Jasper Locklear - Elvis Presley
Jaxon Dequan - Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinder)
Jia Rookwood - Yip Yip (Sesame Street)
Jonah Finch - Beetlejuice
Joseph O’Reilly - Lord Farquaad (Shrek)
Joséphine Flamel - Jessie (Team Rocket/Pokémon)
Juliet Highmore - Supergirl (DC)
Laurel Ollivander - Loki Variant (Marvel)
Liam Alvarez - Ian Malcom (Jurassic Park)
Lily Luna Potter - Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story/Pixar)
Lorenzo Roshan - Hannah Montana (Disney Channel)
Lucas Harper - Creepy Owl
Lucienne Wolffe - Fortune Teller
Lucy Weasley - Woody Pride (Toy Story/Pixar)
Luke Dawson - Marty McFly (Back to the Future) 
Lyra Malfoy - Isabella Parigi (The Lizzie McGuire Movie)
Lysander Scamander - Scarlet Witch (Marvel)
Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas Potter - Fiona (Shrek)
Madeline Brown - Sexy Mothman
Mae Levesque - Velma Kelly (Chicago)
Maeve Finch - Mia Thermopolis (The Princess Diaries)
Manon Flamel - Marcus/Kevin (White Chicks)
Marcus Carson - Cowboy
Mason Jones - Waving Inflatable Tube Guy
Matthew Asprey - Swedish Chef (Sesame Street)
Melora Flamel - Marcus/Kevin (White Chicks)
Meredith Wayfelle - Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb)
Merle Rappaport - 70s Wanda Maximoff (Marvel)
Molly Weasley II - Beldam (Coraline)
Natalya Dolohova - Rogue (X-Men/Marvel)
Nate Wood - Alan Grant (Jurassic Park)
Nathaniel Marshall - Skeleton
Nicholas Vexmoor - James (Team Rocket/Pokémon)
Octavia Coleman - Shego (Kim Possible)
Oliver Mulciber - Flynn Rider (Tangled/Disney)
Orion Macmillan-Bones - Legit Snack
Orlando Lockhart - Maleficent (Disney)
Peggy Carson - Sam Manson (Danny Phantom)
Penelope Hawthorne - Barbie
Pepper Rosewood - Michele (Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion)
Perseus Mulciber - Alan (The Hangover) 
Piper Wilkinson - Golden Angel
Pippa Rosewood - Romy (Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion)
Reid Anderson - Jareth (Labyrinth)
Rory Goldstein - Sharpay Evans (High School Musical/Disney Channel)
Rose Granger-Weasley - Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Samantha O’Reilly - Jenna Rink (13 Going on 30)
Scorpius Malfoy - John Constantine (DC)
Seraphina MacAuley - Clover (Totally Spies)
Seung Krum - Wybie (Coraline)
Silas Zabini - Satyr
Sophia Parkinson - Bloody Skeleton
Stella Macmillan-Bones - Pop-Tart 
Talia Kiraz-Mulciber - Rapunzel (Tangled/Disney)
Tallulah Abbot - Voodoo Doll
Thea Cresswell - Mighty Thor (Marvel)
Theodore Dubanowski - Blondie (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)
Theodore Oliver - Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Theseus McLaggen - Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Valeria Sanchez - La Muerte (The Book of Life)
Vera McKinnon - Poison Ivy (DC)
Verity Nott - Pepper Potts (Marvel)
Victoire Weasley - Aurora (Sleeping Beauty/Disney)
William Ashcroft - Agent (Men in Black)
Willow Picquery - Valkyrie (Marvel)
Xavier Dupont - The Priest (Fleabag)
platonic couples costumes
Alessandra Macnair & Mae Levesque - Roxie Hart & Velma Kelly (Chicago)
Alice Longbottom II & Lily Luna Potter - Woody & Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story/Pixar)
Ariella Belefleur & Lyra Malfoy - Lizzie McGuire & Isabella Parigi (The Lizzie McGuire Movie)
Axel Wolffe & Mason Jones - Waving Inflatable Tube Guys
Bentley Lockhart & Juliet Highmore - Superman & Supergirl (DC)
Camille McGonagall & Theseus McLaggen - Alice & Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Cedrella Weasley II, Seraphina MacAuley & Aurora Claremont - Sam, Clover & Alex (Totally Spies)
Damien Launier & Frederick Hayes - Milo Thatch & Kida (Atlantis/Disney)
Elena Flores & Elijah Westenberg - Bride of Frankenstein & Frankenstein’s Monster
Evangeline Pickering & Rory Goldstein - Sharpay Evans & Sharpay Evans (High School Musical/Disney Channel)
Freya MacDougal & Vera McKinnon - Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy (DC)
Hazel Macdougal & Madeline Brown - Sexy Mothman & Sexy Cryptologist
Jia Rookwood & Francesca Zabini - Yip Yips (Sesame Street)
Liam Alvarez & Nate Wood - Ian Malcon & Alan Grant (Jurassic Park)
Melora Flamel & Manon Flamel -  Marcus & Kevin (White Chicks)
Meredith Wayfelle & Evan Parkinson - Perry the Platypus & Dr. Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Natalaya Dolohova & Gabriel Larkin - Rogue & Gambit (X-Men/Marvel)
Nicholas Vexmoor & Joséphine Flamel - Jessie & James from Team Rocket (Pokémon)
Octavia Coleman & Erin McCormack - Shego & Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Orion Macmillan-Bones, Halley Macmillan-Bones, Stella Macmillan-Bones & Elara Macmillan-Bones - Legit Snack, Hot Cheeto, Pop-Tart & Cotton Candy (Snacks)
Pepper Rosewood & Pippa Rosewood - Romy & Michele (Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion)
Seung Krum & Molly Weasley II - Wybie & Beldam (Coraline)
Thea Cresswell & Willow Picquery - Mighty Thor & Valkyrie (Marvel)
romantic couples costumes
Alastair Watson & Peggy Carson - Danny Phantom & Sam Manson (Danny Phantom)
August Fawley & Rose Granger-Weasley - Jack Skellington & Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Casey Abrams & Frank Longbottom II - Lady & Tramp (Lady and the Tramp/Disney)
Clara Arquette & Kai Arquette - Catwoman & Batman (DC)
Cynthia Clearwater & Alison Wood - Elphaba & Glinda (Wicked)
Gwendolyn Hawkes & Benjamin Ollivander - Pirates
James Ashcroft & Verity Nott - Tony Stark & Pepper Potts (Marvel)
James Sirius Potter & Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas Potter - Shrek & Fiona (Shrek)
Merle Rappaport & Caleb Cresswell - 70s Wanda Maximoff & Vision (Marvel)
Oliver Mulciber & Talia Kiraz-Mulciber - Flynn Rider & Rapunzel (Tangled/Disney)
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molly-prewett · 5 months
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skateboards. long naps. believing in love at first sight. spirited debates. never taking no for an answer. dandelion wishes. disheveled clothing. sipping lattes. asking nosy questions. going to parties. finding the silver lining. always offering a helping hand. getting fired up.
name: molly ava prewett. meaning: of the sea. to live. nickname: mols. birthday: august 2nd. leo. age: twenty. pronouns: she + her. sexuality: bisexual. siblings: fabian prewett. gideon prewett. parents: augustus prewett (father). coredelia prewett née fawley (mother). languages: english.  current residence: london. born: nottingham, engiand.
hogwarts house: gryffindor. affiliation: order of the phoenix. pet: tuxedo cat named jeeves. blood status: pureblood. species: witch. patronus: basset hound. boggart: fabian and gideon being tortured. wand type: aspen wood. dragon heartstring. 10 ¾"
height: 5'4" hair color: black. eye color: dark brown. hair style: usually down, long past her shoulders. fashion style: tomboy but girly when she feels like it. basically whatever she feels like when she wakes up in the morning.
positive traits: + compassionate + adventurous + confident negative traits: - mischievous - stubborn - prideful
theme song: live while we're young by johnnyswim.
it took a little bit of luck, a little bit of fate, a slight accident and a lot of spice to welcome molly into the prewett clan. she was a spitfire from the very beginning. she demanded attention but usually in the most loving way possible. however, she had her toilsome ways as well from time to time. both a reflection of who she would become.
the family grew up in a manor in nottingham. their mother was a fawley, their father a prewett, both purebloods expected to live the life of typical purebloods. little did the families know they would be more relaxed, they allowed their children to live as children, they didn’t believe in arranged marriages and, most of all, they didn’t believe in pureblood purity. the family was disowned. but they still had the home, they still had the money, they still had the means to give their children the life of leisure, though none of them truly cared for the finer things in life. they just lived.
growing up in a household with a set of older twins, gideon and fabian, molly had to make her mark. she wasn’t going to take it lying down. she wasn’t going to be the younger sibling who sat back and let her older twins run the house. no, not in the slightest. she asked them questions constantly, demanding the correct answers, seeing through their bullshit being the smart young witch she was. on the other hand she also mothered them. when they did something questionable she was the first to call them out. she tried to be gentle but with them that was virtually impossible. however, she loved them to pieces and looked up to them. they had fun, they were smart and lived life to the fullest. that’s how she wanted to live but in her own way. she wouldn’t have asked for any other brothers.
when fabian and gideon went off to hogwarts the manor was quiet. molly missed them terribly and couldn’t wait for her chance to get back with them. she would never admit it but they were her rocks. in the meantime she spent in the library reading all she could and practicing all the magic she could. she was going to be ready to enter hogwarts with experience. her parents helped her learn, supportive as ever. molly’s perseverance paid off once her letter came.
upon entering hogwarts she was sorted into gryffindor with little question. she couldn’t have been happier. she was there with fabian. once again the little sister but tried to reign it in, wanted to be cool. but she also found herself, making herself cool aside from her brothers. she began skateboarding, she got into music, she made her own friends and got into baking and knitting. she was everywhere and loved it. hogwarts was helping her find herself. even that she was bisexual. she was molly ava fucking prewett.
as she grew into herself and a war on the horizon she immediately wanted to be part of the order. she may have been young but knew what she believed about blood purity and that it was a fight worth fighting.
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senatushq · 8 months
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NAME. Ian Fawley AGE & BIRTH DATE. 28 & July 19th, 1996 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/Him SPECIES. Human OCCUPATION. Firefighter FACE CLAIM. Steven R. McQueen
( tw: guns, hunting, violence, death )The youngest of four boys born to a fisherman and a school teacher, Ian’s childhood was spent on his father’s fishing boat in St. John’s. Quiet and unassuming, Ian suffered the standard youngest child syndrome in that he could get away with anything he wanted. Doted on by his mother and father, his brothers were forced to drag him along everywhere they went and look out for him every step. Ian was naturally curious, precocious, and at times capricious. Mischief was something he seemed to be born with but there was no inherent maliciousness to it, in his youth Ian just liked to make people laugh, even if that meant that it was at his own expense. Growing up on the boat meant that from the end of May until the end of the Summer there wasn’t much time on the land itself. In the winter, the current was stronger, the waters were less forgiving, and because the salmon were sizably larger, they were more difficult to net and pick. It was in the colder months that Ian’s mother would keep him back, this was something that he loudly complained about but was promptly ignored; in February in St. John’s there wasn’t much to do but shovel snow, so to keep Ian busy that was exactly what he did. Out on the water there was enough to look out for, when he was older, when he was bigger, and when he was stronger; that would be when he could go out with them.
In the off season Ian’s father and his older brother would take him hunting, in August bow hunting began, late September they’d open it to rifles. Ian was a natural, his father had said as much after the young boy had first held a gun; out in the rural areas of Newfoundland they’d hunt moose, deer, caribou, foxes, wolves, black bear; far enough North and they’d hunt polar bears as well. Ian learned how to trap and to track, snaring small game like porcupines, otters, lynx, martens, arctic hares, grouse, and more. Skinning, cleaning, and preserving was brutal work but Ian had never baulked at hard labour. His parents and brothers showed him the ropes but even still it felt like a second nature to him, they’d sell the furs and the hides, meat to the butcher, to neighbours, or to their own stores, and for Ian this just felt like a very natural part of his life.
One of the plus sides of this was all the boys usually had cash in their wallet, most of the young people in St. John’s did, at least the ones who worked on the boats. Fishing paid well when you did it commercially and fisheries were willing to pay handsomely for long, hard days of work. While his eldest brothers squirrelled there’s a way for future down payments or cars, the one above him blew through his just as fast as it hit his pocket. Indulgent and bad with cash, Ian’s approach was different, he just saved it. Saved it and thought about how someday he was going to get out to see the world, he had a list of places he wanted to see and his plan had always been to do that as soon as he finished high school.
Other kids his age had very similar lifestyles, they went out on the boats in the late winter months and were on them through the summer. And much like his parents they grew up around guns and hunting, so when not tasked with the menagerie of chores that came with this sort of lifestyle, Ian had a close knit group of friends who all more or less came from the same place as him. Despite all of this there was the lingering feeling that somehow he just didn’t quite fit in, like Ian didn’t really belong. He loved his family and he got away with a lot more than his brothers had when they were his age, but there was something about the sea that made Ian want to see what was on the other side of it. There was something about looking at the unpolluted night sky from the deck of a fishing boat in the Labrador Sea and questioning the extent of things. The world was larger than the fishing town at the top of the Saint Lawrence, and somehow Ian felt like he was called to do more somehow.
Volunteering at the fire department started when he was in high school, while his family had been fishermen for years, that burden had always been on his eldest two brothers while Ian was encouraged to do more of what he wanted. At times this was a point of contention within the family, because while Ian could go off after school and work elsewhere, his brothers were stuck scrubbing down the boat while the one above him took to disappearing for entire days on end. Drugs plagued the small town and sunk their teeth into Ian’s family. They were a god fearing family and while his parents took communion and his dad liked to have a beer when they stepped off the boat, there wasn’t a lot in the way of alcohol around.
At seventeen Ian had nearly completed high school and was already enrolled for the following September to begin training as a firefighter when his brother suddenly passed away; found dead in his apartment the family never really recovered. While the two eldest remained to pick up the slack, the sudden schism pushed Ian to leave St. John’s for a time; he ignored whatever bitterness came off of his brothers as he talked about the money he’d been putting away over the last few years. To see the world, but in doing so Ian would end up on the other side of it; all his life Ian had been talking about places he wanted to see, about people he wanted to meet, and about the stories that he’d found in books or were filled into his head in school. Ian graduated from high school, bought a plane ticket, and then he was gone.
Ian managed to mostly break even in the places that he travelled to, working mostly as a labourer doing odd jobs here or there. His brothers had said that he wasn’t going to last a month, but then one month turned into two, then three, and then from four months up to a year. Ian stayed in one place for a month or two, and then he’d head elsewhere; the thing was that he always felt like he was looking for something, like he was laying on the boat again watching the sunrise over the ocean and just feeling like something was missing. There were questions that he wanted answered but the truth was he didn’t really know how to get started. He’d get work on the boats along the coast, netting, picking, cleaning, scrubbing, whatever he had to do. Ian gained a lot of experience this way and as he moved more inland he began to look elsewhere, at twenty-two Ian had gone from island to island in Italy before he made his way up the coast and then into Rome.
Whatever it was about the city, it felt like he was meant to be there, like he’d nearly found what he was looking for. Here, he ended up working as a laborer while studying to become a firefighter, eventually participating in public competitions when notices were posted.
Five years in, and Ian hasn’t missed a Christmas back home yet; while being away from his family has been challenging, there’s a very dominant part of the man that could never shake the feeling he’d gotten when he first stepped into the city; this was where he was meant to be. Completely unaware of the supernatural world and the forces behind the city, Ian’s job has always been to put out fires wherever they may appear.
+ independent, opinionated, compassionate - shortsighted, impulsive, stubborn
played by shane. est. he/him.
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ao3feed-torchwood · 10 months
Harry's Delight
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51686137 by SnarkyGranger1 Hermione gave Harry an Auror's delight through Kreacher. It's also a side story of Soul Bound, a Bellamione that I wrote in August. Words: 3061, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Torchwood Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Harry Potter, Kreacher (Harry Potter), Jack Harkness, Ron Weasley, Rita Skeeter, Penelope Padgett Fawley, Terry Boot, Ernie Macmillan, Rodolphus Lestrange Relationships: Jack Harkness & Harry Potter Additional Tags: Renegade Death Eater, illegal animagus, Captured and interrogated, Animagus, Expecto Patronum | Patronus Charm (Harry Potter), Veritaserum Potion (Harry Potter), Nudity, Stupefy | Stunning Spell (Harry Potter)
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duchessravenclaw · 1 year
New important characters Chapters 11-20
Albert Fawley: Lord to House Fawley, first ally of Slytherin House. Makes reparations and still comes out well with marrying his daughter in the house after some horrific family history comes to light. He is an even tempered man who never expected to accomplish much during his reign. Alexandria Fawley: Married to Lord Fawley, formerly Selwyn. Married off in a betrothal, while she does not love her husband she has come to like him a lot. They have become good friends and maintained a faithfulness that you don't find anywhere else. Nicolai Fawley: Son to Albert and Alexandria, Heir to House Fawley. Already in Hogwarts and is forced to keep the secret of the family alliance for years. This helps his cunning, and Lady Slytherin owls with him often helping bolster his confidence and begin making alliances at a young age. Helping to set the family up for the future. Gemma Fawley: Daughter to Albert and Alexandria, Secondary Heir to House Fawley. Betrothed to the future Lord Slytherin. She is raised with the Slytherin boys, learning a long with them, both their family traditions and hers. The families hope this will help them to learn to work together. They encourage her play with her betrothed but to spend more time with the secondary heir so as to not develop sibling like feelings. August Nassau: Herr Nassau, raised and lives in Germany, Holds his seat on the German Ministry, holds a seat on the Italian primary school the children attend, and the department head of the German DMLE. Introduced to the Slytherin family through Sirius. Formerly allied with the German Black Branch of the family, which Sirius holds up. Karl Nassau: Son of August and Heir to the Duchy. One year older than the Slytherin boys. Friends with them and attends primary school with them. Over protective of his younger sister. Mathilde Nassau: Daughter of August and Secondary Heir to the Duchy. She was born with an atrioventricular septal defect and born with no right forearm or hand. She is treated as a princess by both her father and brother. She is the same age as the boys. Narcissa Malfoy: Daughter of House Black, granddaughter to current Lord Black. Married to Lucius Malfoy, formerly Black. Meets Lilith at the opening of her first shop. She is Lilith's first wizarding female friend. Lucius Malfoy: Lord of the Malfoy House. Very Pompous, exceeds in gaining the upper hand but sometimes can lack a deft touch on things. Always thinks he knows everything and isn't always good with having foresight and can frequently almost mess things up if not for Lady Malfoy. Lucette Laval: Daughter to Lucienne and Lou Laval. Heiress to the Laval House. Meets the Slytherin children at primary school and becomes friends with them, the Nassau children, and the Wilhelm children. She is one year older than the boys. Lunette Laval: Daughter to Lucienne and Lou Laval. Secondary heiress to the Laval House. Meets the Slytherin children at primary school and becomes friends with them, the Nassau children, and the Wilhelm children. She is one year older than the boys. Lunette was born blind but sees far better than most do. Her family desperately tries to keep this knowledge from the public as true seers are valuable. Augusta Longbottom: The Dowager, Grandmother to Neville Longbottom. Current Regent of House Longbottom until Neville is of age. She is one who was a big believer of Dumbledore until tragedy befell her only son and daughter-in-law. Drowning in her grief she is barely able to keep up her formidable front on in public.
Neville Longbottom: Son to Frank and Alice Longbottom, Heir to House Longbottom. Lives with his grandmother ever since his parents were brutally attacked and their minds addled. Lonely young child until he is introduced to Hadrian and his brother Andras. Learns with the two on most wizarding subjects outside of the main classes they learn at school. Becomes Hadrian's best friend and good friends with Andras. Henri Prewett: Son of Lancelot Prewett and Cassiopeia Prewett nee Black. Lord to the House of Prewett after Gideon and Fabian died in the last war. Meets Lilith at the opening of her rare book store and becomes intrigued with her. Severus Snape: Heir to the Prince House, Former best friend of Lily Potter. Held under vow to Dumbledore to keep his former best friends child safe. Professor of Potions and Head of Slytherin House at Hogwarts, former death eater, and spy for the Order of the Pheonix. Kaori Kikuchi: Secondary Heiress of House Kikuchi in Japan. House is a Vassal to the Slytherin family who never gave up hope of the house having a resurgence. Voluntarily serves the family to help them and gain a leg up in the betrothal department for a prime husband. Harold Greengrass: Lord to the Greengrass family. Neutral family and head of the Neutral Block. Does not side consistently on one side or the other but tries keep things more even and away from the extremes. Well known for being fair and his ability to see through lies. Emners Greengrass: Son to Harold Greengrass, Heir to House Greengrass. Went to school with Sirius, James and Lily. Good man still learning the ropes. Min Greengrass: Married to Emners Greengrass, Helping Lord Greengrass out with Lady duties since his wife died. Very sweet, comes from a halfblood untitled family. Mother to two daughters. Annaliese Greengrass: Daughter to Harold Greengrass, Secondary Heir to House Greengrass. Once Betrothed to someone who grew up to be a reckless, sadistic death eater who luckily died before she hit the age agreed upon for marriage. Well protected by her family due to this and a little afraid to die an old maid.
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sdhqsecrets · 2 years
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halloween costume contest ‘26 →  alastair watson & peggy carson for best romantic couples costume
this is the third time we’ve see you two up at the top of the leaderboard in this category !! we love the classic nostalgia you guys went with your costume, but it’s a shame to see you two are still happy and together after all this time. bring us some more drama !!
2nd place - Merle Rappaport & Caleb Cresswell
3rd place - James Ashcroft & Verity Nott 
the rest of the runner ups are below !!
August Fawley & Rose Granger-Weasley 
Casey Abrams & Frank Longbottom II 
Clara Arquette & Malachai Arquette 
Cynthia Clearwater & Alison Wood 
Gwendolyn Hawkes & Benjamin Ollivander 
James Sirius Potter & Mackenzie Potter 
Oliver Mulciber & Talia Kiraz-Mulciber 
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rickztalk · 2 years
Kremlin-backed hackers targeted a “large” petroleum refinery in a NATO nation
Kremlin-backed hackers targeted a “large” petroleum refinery in a NATO nation
Enlarge / Fawley Oil Refinery on a bright day. Getty Images One of the Kremlin’s most active hacking groups targeting Ukraine recently tried to hack a large petroleum refining company located in a NATO country. The attack is a sign that the group is expanding its intelligence gathering as Russia’s invasion of its neighboring country continues. The attempted hacking occurred on August 30 and was…
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Kremlin-backed hackers targeted a “large” petroleum refinery in a NATO nation
Kremlin-backed hackers targeted a “large” petroleum refinery in a NATO nation
Enlarge / Fawley Oil Refinery on a bright day. Getty Images One of the Kremlin’s most active hacking groups targeting Ukraine recently tried to hack a large petroleum refining company located in a NATO country. The attack is a sign that the group is expanding its intelligence gathering as Russia’s invasion of its neighboring country continues. The attempted hacking occurred on August 30 and was…
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ofxsorcery · 28 days
Self Para for Cressida Malfoy Date: Sunday August 4th 1979, early hours - after the wedding Location: Malfoy Manor Featuring: Lucius Malfoy, Tiberius McLaggen, Dobby
There were so many things in the room that had memories to her past. Some fond, some not. It was strange to think that it was the last time that she was going to see them. Because Cressida knew that as soon as she set her last step out of the Manor, she was not going to be able to return. Her suitcases were packed with the things she wanted to bring over to Tiberius' place. All the extra things... Jewelry she didn't need, clothes that were too fancy for daily life. The engagement ring she had gotten from the Fawley wedding for the betrothal. They were all in her room.
Cressida folded the letter she had just finished and sealed it with th darkgreen wax with the family logo on it. Also the last time she was going to be using that. She turned it around and carefully wrote Lucius' name on the letter as she put the parchment away so she could give it to Dobby. He was the house elf of her brother but he had a soft spot for her. So when she had asked him to deliver a letter to her brother, only to be found after his return from his honeymoon, he had agreed upon it.
Her feelings as she got up from her chair were mixed. Sad that she had to leave her brother behind, happy that she could start the life she wanted. That she could be with the man she loved. That she could be as happy with him as her brother was with his now wife. And Cressida could only hope that he would forgive her one day. In the far future. In the far, far, future.
A quick flick of her wrist with her wand was enough for her luggage to move up in the air. Another flick send them to the apartment of Tib, the place she was going to be calling home from now on instead of the Manor she was leaving for the last time.
"Dobby?" The House Elf appeared in her room and Cressida smiled at him. "Here is the letter. You will take care of him, won't you?" The House Elf nodded and disappeared into thin air.
The sight of the House Elf disappearing caused Cressida to be washed over by sadness because there was no way back now.
This was truly goodbye.
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
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27/08/2022-Post 1 of 2: Hook-with Warsash
We as has become August bank holiday tradition for us, doing it on the Saturday in 2020 and Monday last year, came to Workmans Lane, Hook-with-Warsash to look for the Yellow Wagtails that turn up here at this time of year today. Like the last few years we saw them, a very pleasing amount of them in a nice group flitting around the feet and grazing noses of horses and donkeys in the fields. We got some excellent views of these sweet looking birds shining out in the landscape, with a dazzling bright yellow one looking amazing. It was exceptional to see this bird again one that has come to epitomize late summer for me. Its fun to try for photos of this bird generally that associate with cattle and other grazing animals, and especially at this site it’s always a unique one to try and photograph them having distant horses’ faces and legs to focus on something quite unique. I took the second picture in this photoset of three of them and fifth of the bright yellow one. As a second bird year tick in a row and in consecutive weekends in horse paddock areas after Sunday’s Pied Flycatcher at Northney Paddocks, Hayling Island it’s another of my best birds seen this year I do love seeing these and it’s my 193rd bird species of the year.
Another bird you can see here at this time of year is Whinchat and we got some lovely views of a fair few here today, some with some striking eye stripes. I took the eighth picture in this photoset of a couple. Another bird I adore which I liked seeing today. In the fields it was nice to see lots of two garden bird favourites of mine Starlings flocking together well seen well in trees too I took the third picture in this photoset of one and a nice flock of colourful Goldfinches looking especially nice on the ground near puddles with Linnets around with them too especially in the bushes. Whitethroat was another bird we saw well with their shiny brown backs in the vegetation in the fields. As we headed for the sea and did a nice loop coming back via Cowes Lane on a great walk around we were treated to some top water birds too; loads of Oystercatchers seen well foraging with the tide out, Curlew and a fantastic moment as an elegant Spoonbill flew past over the shore. A stunning bird to see always which was a real bonus today.
Dragonflies probably hawkers, a burst of colour of a Red Admiral along a lane and Meadow Brown seen well in the field made great insect sights today. It was nice to chat to a nice couple one of which showed us a wasps nest that seemed to have been dug into or something (hopefully by accident) and you could see right into it with them coming and going which was fascinating. Chamomile I took the fourth picture in this photoset of some of the fair bit of it in the fields, dock, carrot, yarrow, ragwort, bindweed, plantain, nightshade and fleabane were great plants to see today. It was nice to see tons of blackberries on the bramble bushes and acorns on the oaks. I really enjoyed seeing a Roe Deer looking great in a field in the open at the end of the walk a brilliant view of it.
There were beautiful views of nice green vegetation, glistening sea and landmarks looking across to Calshot and Fawley today with the sun in and out. The sun poking through clouds created some smashing scenes of sun rays reaching down and a pinky haze of colour in the clouds. I took the first, sixth, seventh and final two pictures in this photoset of landscape and sky here today.
Wildlife Sightings Summary: My first Yellow Wagtails of the year, one of my favourite mammals the Roe Deer, one of my favourite butterflies the Red Admiral, Whinchat, Linnet, Goldfinch, Whitethroat, brilliant views of Swallows, a top view of a Robin, Starling, Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, possible Stock Dove, Rooks seen well a highlight today with one heard well too I believe, I seem to recall Jackdaw, Magpie, Mallard, Curlew, Oystercatcher, Spoonbill, Meadow Brown, possible Veneer moth, possible hawker dragonfly, a nice beetle and the wasps.
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