#auggie answers asks!
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mortkranken-plague · 9 days ago
*Raiden wasn't a particularly shy person, but he was stressed by the fact that he would have to go to the "freak hideout" - Mortkranken. Although his tense state is still more related to that local ghouls are completely crazy.*
*Without being too ceremonious with questioning ordinary students, he managed to find out the location of his room, even though he was called a barbarian and rude behind his back. Now he was standing in front of the door, pondering his next course of action. Raiden was not too eager to climb out the window like this psycho either. So he just knocked, just like normal person.*
( @lightning-iwasaki )
At first, no obvious movement was heard within the room. Only, after a second attempt of knocking did the sudden movement of someone who didn't expect a guest was heard as items were possibly getting thrown [or hidden] into place.
Then, the door's lock clicked and was opened marginally for Auggie to see just who the person was. When a familiar Vagastrom uniform was spotted on the other side, the door was fully open as a rather excited Auggie stood underneath the doorframe.
“Hehe, I didn't expect you to visit!!” He smiles brightly, happily pulling the unfortunate first-year inside before closing the door. “Sorry for the mess, its usually worse.”
His current outfit, given the state of his rather haphazardly organized room, were plain pajamas pants and an old t-shirt that hasn't seen the sunlight for twenty years. What was he doing before? Not important, probably reading or something equally uninteresting.
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shanastoryteller · 10 months ago
Happy birthday! FMA is possible or dealers choice
Annie grew up with so many things being good but not quite good enough.
She hated it and swore to live a life of too much, to indulge in excess, to gain fluency in not one new language, but four, to travel and eat and fuck until she was sick from overindulgence.
Loving like that hadn’t been her intention, but pattern recognition can be a bitch that way.
Of course she was the first to jump out of the plane during training at the Farm.
She loves the sensation of falling.
Ben had been like being struck by lightning.
She’d been sand, shifting and impossible to grasp and disappearing with the next tide. Then with a single strike, she was glass. Changed forever, with no choice but to adapt or break.
Annie had thought that for Ben, she could refocus her heart, if not shrink it. He was a feast, surely enough to sustain even her greed, so there’d be no need for hunger to draw her elsewhere.
In the end, she hadn’t had time to find out. He was there, then gone.
Even when she gets him back, when there are a glorious few months when she thinks that just maybe –
But, well. Pattern recognition is a bitch.
In the end, Ben can only be an indulgence. It’s sweet, when she can, but she learns not to rely on it, to rely on him.
Jai isn’t someone she sinks into. She wants to, thinks that he could, but that pattern recognition gets in her way. Something about him never feels quite right to her, but so few things feel right to her.
Still. He’s dependable. He looks out for her. Even when things sour, when he turns angry and biting while jockeying for power with Joan and Arthur, he’s still there for her. He protects Eyal because she wants him protected. He goes back onto the field to help her.
When he discovers something terrible, and believes he can trust no one, he trusts her.
He dies in fire right in front of her and her glass heart shatters.
He was her friend, he cared about her, she trusted him despite all the reasons not to, and now he’s gone.
Why does this keep happening? It’s hard not to focus on the common factor here.
She should know better when it comes to Eyal, but it’s hard. He’s a foreign operative for a competing agency and he’s an ass but every single time she’s needed him, he has been there.
Pattern recognition is a bitch.
Annie is so desperate to be right about someone, to hand someone her heart and have them treat it gently. Eyal is always sweet to her, always has her back, but she’s learned her lesson. She lets herself like him, because she should like him, and that’s safe.
Then Russia happens. Then he goes off book to break her out of a Russian prison and smuggle her out of the country when what should have happened was her dead on those filthy stone floors.
She knows how it will end, because it’s how it always ends.
When he betrays her, it’s almost a relief.
Except as he confesses, it feels like he’s lying to her – but what does she know, anyway? Her blind spot is always the men she thinks she can trust.
Then there’s Auggie.
He’s not an indulgence. She doesn’t fall in love with him so much as step into it, head held high and eyes wide.
She hopes that mean it can last.
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auggies-dreamworld · 3 months ago
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inkscapedoodles · 5 months ago
Also pleaaaaassseee yap to me about TADC EP3! (That goes for everyone here lol-)
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cheshire61 · 1 year ago
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hobbitrex · 1 month ago
What are you currently reading?
The Hobbit
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puppppppppy · 2 years ago
How do you feel about OC & OC interactions?
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Just a heads up, Im in the middle of overhauling all of my ocs rn so designs/stories can always change 🙇
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augustinetwo · 5 months ago
I already gave an explanation to someone in comments, so I'll just put this here !!
I'm really sorry I've gone such a long time without updating !! I pretty much grew out of my Cold Front obsession, but I'm getting back into it ... (probably because it's getting cold again, lol) also, I never expected people to like my fic this much !! (Tysm to everyone tho ily all <3)
In all honesty, I've had the whole story planned out from the beginning ... but I feel like my writing was too amateurish in this fic. Kinda lazy and sloppy, I guess. By my standards. So because of all this attention and feeling unsatisfied with my writing and everything, I lost motivation to work on it.
But, recently, I've started picking it back up !! I'll probably be rewriting it with longer, more in depth chapters and a bigger outline !! Tysm for commenting !!
It means a lot to know someone likes my writing, tysm <3 (..◜ᴗ◝..)
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pangolinheart · 2 years ago
I just lost the housing lottery again after being bidder number 1 for DAYS, Then a person comes and bids and I lose...I'm so tired. I want to keep trying but every loss makes me sad and dislike the game. How do I get over this feeling?
WWWWWW I can provide you with solidarity as Guy Who's Lost 49 Housing Lotteries. I know how you feel. I wish i had better advice for you.
Honestly I managed to maintain my desire to keep bidding out of Spite. I could give up, but I'm determined to at least make a nuisance of myself. I also have felt a little better bidding on houses I REALLY like, even if they have more bids. It's less surprising when I lose, which helps. Another thing I've tried is bidding on okay-ish smalls, because I had enough gil to afford a medium AND a small. So I could at least have a place to gpose while I bid on something I like more. Obviously this didn't work, and since you said you were the only bidder for a long time it probably won't do much for you either.
If it's really bumming you out, though, and ruining your enjoyment of the game, it might be good to take a break. Not give up forever, just take a few weeks off. If you want a house to gpose in or decorate, you can do smaller scale projects in an apartment. If you have friends with houses, they might be willing to let you do stuff there. I've even seen people online looking for people to decorate their houses for them.
I'm sorry that luck hasn't been on your side, though. I can empathize. I hope this helps at least a little. I'm crossing my fingers for your next bid! Maybe my luck will help you out!
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wiedzmacienia · 1 year ago
Would you rather give up your magic to live a normal life, or keep your magic and never hold any genuine human connections? (There's no anon option, so I guess I have to be called out lol.)
eyes narrow in the light of the campfire, wood crackling and heat meeting her skin that's made it crawl for centuries yet she can not move with the young boy who's head lays on her lap having fallen asleep (she imagined she'd have to carry him back to his tent at some point). maybe she shouldn't have come here, even if the knightley boys had asked her to when she'd been to see beth. they'd found a few soldiers they'd felt able to confide in about themselves, soldiers who seemed to accept them once one of them had used his powers to save the other, and it's from this that such a question has been brought forth. she knows it is not out of malice and yet, it still awakens something deep within her. a memory she's locked away for ages in the depths of her soul. maybe they think her standoffish because she is so much less open than the boys. but she can not afford to be like them when she must direct her forces by the day. these boys were young. too young and had yet to truly understand the world even if they were serving in an army now let alone understand magic or it's role in the world.
there was one day, no, a mere few hours within her life that katarzyna had wished she could have shed her magic from her body and lived a so called normal life. that she could have been as human as the rest of her village. the moment men who had been smiling at the children just the day before entered their home with violence and tore her and her brother from their beds, binding them and dragging them outside. when she had screamed for her brother as wooden posts had been erected. there had been no trial or recourse. no amount of pleading for their lives had halted them from being beaten for speaking the foul words of creatures they'd said. it had been them who had brought the plague upon them they believed. yet was it not the twins whom only sought to save an elderly woman from the pain of such plague? fires had been lit and pain seared their bodies and in those moments she wished they could have been anything but what they were. for to have been born as such had been their death sentence.
but then they had been reborn from the ashes and her whole world view had been shaken. her parents had given of themselves to bring them back and she no longer saw her power as something to shy away from. her parents had believed in magic. had believed in the worth of her and her brother and what they could bring to the world. and she vowed to never seek to be anything but what she was again.
to never be weak and powerless again.
greenish-blue hues move over the fire and meet the human speaking to her. was she not making a human connection now? perhaps once she believed being what she was separated her from the human world. perhaps in the respect that she lived longer than humans it did. but this war and the people she had begun to meet made her begin to question such. maybe making connections with humans wasn't about how long you knew them or preventing one's self from becoming close because of the eventual loss but the value of the time spent with them. no, she did not think having magic equated to a lack of forming human connections, genuine ones. not if she didn't allow it to.
after all, while it had never been the intention, she cared for-- no, she could acknowledge it was more than that now as she ran her hand through the young boy's curls, she held a motherly love for auggie in a way she had never believed she could possess before-- and tended to the human child more often than not these days. sometimes the intensity of which she believed she would protect the boy scared even her for if there was a choice between him and someone else, she held no doubt of what she would choose even if it could mean burning the world in the process. but did her love toward the boy not equate to a genuine connection? and was her magic not the very thing which could allow her to protect him? was such love not a normal part of life?
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"why can i not have both?" she questions, gaze drifting over the man's shoulder to see the major approaching. ah, perhaps she would not have to carry auggie back to his tent herself after all. still, she continues, looking back at the questioning soldier without care for the major hearing her words, for they were truth and she would not deny her connection to the boy at this point even if she has no idea what it would look like once this war was done.
"is there some book of rules which state i can not have magic and hold connections with humans who i love? that i can not still have something of a normal life with them?" and with that she looks down upon auggie and begins to shift him gently without waking him, picking him up so that his head falls to her shoulder. strangely, the heat of the campfire seems to affect her less, a different kind of warmth washing over her as she raises from their perch on the log and moves to meet tallmadge. "come to collect the little terror? i think him, cora, and furgus just about defeated half the soldiers in camp charging them while wearing your helmet today."
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shieldmagicops · 12 days ago
"You look flushed; are you feeling okay?" (from grace)
"I'm fine."
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The words out of his mouth were almost reflexive. Augustine Sharpe wasn't a person who opened up around other people, or someone who allowed himself much space for vulnerability. It was almost as strong of a personal flaw as his stubborn streak which pushed him to finish his mountain of paperwork before he'd call it a day, even as he started to feel a bit under the weather.
Besides, if he admitted out loud that he wasn't feeling well, someone was likely to make him go home and he wouldn't care to see the sate of his inbox should that happen.
"Thank you for your concern."
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mortkranken-plague · 18 days ago
Happy valentine's day
( @lightning-iwasaki )
Is it really that time of the year...? Wow, I should really start paying attention to the calendar.
Raiden!! Hi!! Happy Valentine's Day to you too, hehe! Did you get me anything, or are you yourself the Valentine's gift?~
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scarletvisionss · 1 month ago
Will Auggie talk to Wanda about her being nervous about meeting her sister?
“What if they don’t like me?”
Oh I'm sure she'll talk Wanda's ear off about it, but whether or not there will be a scene with that, I'm not sure yet, it might just be something that definitely happens 'offscreen' so to speak, but I'm sure it happens!
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auggies-dreamworld · 4 months ago
You didn't specify, so have this tardigrade. :3
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thats so ugly i love it sm
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inkscapedoodles · 3 months ago
could you make a space themed blinkie? 🥺
also when have u been going to bed lately? 🤔
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Keheheh, it's spaaaaace!! I hope you like it! :D
And that is None of your Business, my friend! >:P
...definitely not past twelve at midnight-
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cheshire61 · 2 years ago
Cheshire's masterpost!
(I don't feel like going through every single post to update this masterpost)
Link to PO Box for mail(Closed at the moment)
My discord server!
Masterpost for all series linked here
Art is here
goobersona | beta goober getting comfort | Beta goobersona | stuff including my beta goobersona: 1 , 2 | fanart for Cokowii and tapahka | Attack of the pillows | Budzthepotato | holy shit new sona design?! | Spirits reborn stuff(Cokowii's Au) | New oc
Reblogs!(not in order)
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , normal day in the ROTTMNT fandom ,
Vent posts
1 , 2 , 3 , 4
Stuff with people I tagged, asked questions or made recommendations
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , I love the ROTTMNT fandom U-U , No touch ,
Asks and responses
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
✨other shit✨
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , good vibes from Moma Rona that made me cry TwT , main sona and A_A Picrew/capcut edits
🏳‍🌈Aroace & Poly moments(Aka poly panic) 🏳‍🌈
1 , 2
Gacha & GLMV'S
Digital silence GLMV ,A_A stuff
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