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Audincourt, agglomération Sochaux/Montbéliard.
Eglise du Sacré Coeur.
Architecte: Maurice Novarina.
sacré coeur
#audincourt#franche comté#architecture#eglise moderne#maurice novarina#retro géographie#sochaux#montbeliard
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Rencontres et racines, festival à Audincourt, 23-25/06/2023
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Furnaces of Audincourt, Franche-Comté region of eastern France
French vintage postcard
#comt#historic#photo#briefkaart#vintage#furnaces#region#sepia#eastern#photography#carte postale#postcard#postkarte#franche-comté#france#postal#tarjeta#audincourt#ansichtskarte#french#old#franche#ephemera#postkaart
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✅ TEINTURES www.pressingduchateau.net, www.tiktok.com/@pressingduchateau, #montbeliardpressing, #audincourtpressing, #seloncourtpressing, #valentigneypressing, #montbeliard, #audincourt, #seloncourt, #valentigney, #casquette, #pressingduchateau , #teinture (à Pressing du Château) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cot9PUHLwWM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Details Concerning The Cheese-dairies Of Pontarlier
Les Mis Letters reading club explores one chapter of Les Misérables every day. Join us on Discord, Substack - or share your thoughts right here on tumblr - today's tag is #lm 1.2.4
Now, in order to convey an idea of what passed at that table, we cannot do better than to transcribe here a passage from one of Mademoiselle Baptistine’s letters to Madame Boischevron, wherein the conversation between the convict and the Bishop is described with ingenious minuteness.
“. . . This man paid no attention to any one. He ate with the voracity of a starving man. However, after supper he said:
“‘Monsieur le Curé of the good God, all this is far too good for me; but I must say that the carters who would not allow me to eat with them keep a better table than you do.’
“Between ourselves, the remark rather shocked me. My brother replied:—
“‘They are more fatigued than I.’
“‘No,’ returned the man, ‘they have more money. You are poor; I see that plainly. You cannot be even a curate. Are you really a curé? Ah, if the good God were but just, you certainly ought to be a curé!’
“‘The good God is more than just,’ said my brother.
“A moment later he added:—
“‘Monsieur Jean Valjean, is it to Pontarlier that you are going?’
“‘With my road marked out for me.’
“I think that is what the man said. Then he went on:—
“‘I must be on my way by daybreak to-morrow. Travelling is hard. If the nights are cold, the days are hot.’
“‘You are going to a good country,’ said my brother. ‘During the Revolution my family was ruined. I took refuge in Franche-Comté at first, and there I lived for some time by the toil of my hands. My will was good. I found plenty to occupy me. One has only to choose. There are paper mills, tanneries, distilleries, oil factories, watch factories on a large scale, steel mills, copper works, twenty iron foundries at least, four of which, situated at Lods, at Châtillon, at Audincourt, and at Beure, are tolerably large.’
“I think I am not mistaken in saying that those are the names which my brother mentioned. Then he interrupted himself and addressed me:—
“‘Have we not some relatives in those parts, my dear sister?’
“I replied,—
“‘We did have some; among others, M. de Lucenet, who was captain of the gates at Pontarlier under the old régime.’
“‘Yes,’ resumed my brother; ‘but in ’93, one had no longer any relatives, one had only one’s arms. I worked. They have, in the country of Pontarlier, whither you are going, Monsieur Valjean, a truly patriarchal and truly charming industry, my sister. It is their cheese-dairies, which they call <i>fruitières</i>.’
“Then my brother, while urging the man to eat, explained to him, with great minuteness, what these <i>fruitières</i> of Pontarlier were; that they were divided into two classes: the <i>big barns</i> which belong to the rich, and where there are forty or fifty cows which produce from seven to eight thousand cheeses each summer, and the <i>associated fruitières</i>, which belong to the poor; these are the peasants of mid-mountain, who hold their cows in common, and share the proceeds. ‘They engage the services of a cheese-maker, whom they call the <i>grurin</i>; the <i>grurin</i> receives the milk of the associates three times a day, and marks the quantity on a double tally. It is towards the end of April that the work of the cheese-dairies begins; it is towards the middle of June that the cheese-makers drive their cows to the mountains.’
“The man recovered his animation as he ate. My brother made him drink that good Mauves wine, which he does not drink himself, because he says that wine is expensive. My brother imparted all these details with that easy gayety of his with which you are acquainted, interspersing his words with graceful attentions to me. He recurred frequently to that comfortable trade of <i>grurin</i>, as though he wished the man to understand, without advising him directly and harshly, that this would afford him a refuge. One thing struck me. This man was what I have told you. Well, neither during supper, nor during the entire evening, did my brother utter a single word, with the exception of a few words about Jesus when he entered, which could remind the man of what he was, nor of what my brother was. To all appearances, it was an occasion for preaching him a little sermon, and of impressing the Bishop on the convict, so that a mark of the passage might remain behind. This might have appeared to any one else who had this, unfortunate man in his hands to afford a chance to nourish his soul as well as his body, and to bestow upon him some reproach, seasoned with moralizing and advice, or a little commiseration, with an exhortation to conduct himself better in the future. My brother did not even ask him from what country he came, nor what was his history. For in his history there is a fault, and my brother seemed to avoid everything which could remind him of it. To such a point did he carry it, that at one time, when my brother was speaking of the mountaineers of Pontarlier, <i>who exercise a gentle labor near heaven, and who</i>, he added, <i>are happy because they are innocent</i>, he stopped short, fearing lest in this remark there might have escaped him something which might wound the man. By dint of reflection, I think I have comprehended what was passing in my brother’s heart. He was thinking, no doubt, that this man, whose name is Jean Valjean, had his misfortune only too vividly present in his mind; that the best thing was to divert him from it, and to make him believe, if only momentarily, that he was a person like any other, by treating him just in his ordinary way. Is not this indeed, to understand charity well? Is there not, dear Madame, something truly evangelical in this delicacy which abstains from sermon, from moralizing, from allusions? and is not the truest pity, when a man has a sore point, not to touch it at all? It has seemed to me that this might have been my brother’s private thought. In any case, what I can say is that, if he entertained all these ideas, he gave no sign of them; from beginning to end, even to me he was the same as he is every evening, and he supped with this Jean Valjean with the same air and in the same manner in which he would have supped with M. Gédéon le Prévost, or with the curate of the parish.
“Towards the end, when he had reached the figs, there came a knock at the door. It was Mother Gerbaud, with her little one in her arms. My brother kissed the child on the brow, and borrowed fifteen sous which I had about me to give to Mother Gerbaud. The man was not paying much heed to anything then. He was no longer talking, and he seemed very much fatigued. After poor old Gerbaud had taken her departure, my brother said grace; then he turned to the man and said to him, ‘You must be in great need of your bed.’ Madame Magloire cleared the table very promptly. I understood that we must retire, in order to allow this traveller to go to sleep, and we both went upstairs. Nevertheless, I sent Madame Magloire down a moment later, to carry to the man’s bed a goat skin from the Black Forest, which was in my room. The nights are frigid, and that keeps one warm. It is a pity that this skin is old; all the hair is falling out. My brother bought it while he was in Germany, at Tottlingen, near the sources of the Danube, as well as the little ivory-handled knife which I use at table.
“Madame Magloire returned immediately. We said our prayers in the drawing-room, where we hang up the linen, and then we each retired to our own chambers, without saying a word to each other.”
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Pour régler les fournisseurs, y'a pas eu le feu
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En février 2025, le Conservatoire du Pays de Montbéliard vous propose : Vendredi 7 février 2025 à 20h00 à HÉRIMONCOURT, Salle des fêtes CONCERT La symphonie de poche Voici un concert sur notre territoire qui se veut une invitation à une écoute renouvelée de musiques parcourant les siècles. Ce programme pour basson, quatuor à cordes et piano propose une redécouverte d'œuvres appartenant au répertoire symphonique, jouées dans l’esprit de l’époque de Mozart, en effectif réduit, pour être présent sur le territoire. Les airs les plus célèbres d’opéras étaient à l’époque transcrits pour des petits ensembles afin d’être diffusés et partagés par le plus grand nombre. Du Barbier de Séville de Rossini à la Valse jazz de Chostakovitch, tant de madeleines à déguster... Au programme : G. Rossini, S. Prokofiev, G. Puccini, W.A. Mozart… Avec Celia Ballester, Andrea Pujado, violon / Françoise Temperman, alto / Lison Scherrer, violoncelle Delphine Hézard, basson / Véronique Ngo-Sach-Hien, piano. Avec le soutien de la commune d’Hérimoncourt. Entrée libre, sans réservation (dans la limite des places disponibles). Mardi 11 février 2025 à 19h00 à MONTBÉLIARD, Le Jules Verne Le petit show des CHA Les classes à Horaires Aménagés Art du Spectacle du collège Lou Blazer présentent leurs rendez-vous de mi-saison. C’est l’occasion de voir les collégiens jouer, chanter et danser sur scène dans des programmes inattendus et surprenants. Coordination : Cédric Meyer. Avec la participation des classes CHAV (Classes à Horaires Aménagés Vocales) du Petit-Chênois. Avec le soutien de la Ville de Montbéliard. Entrée libre, sans réservation (dans la limite des places disponibles). Mercredi 12 février 2025 à 18h00 à MONTBÉLIARD, Le Jules Verne AUDITION DE CUIVRES, Hissez les pavillons Les classes de cuivres ont toujours eu des affinités et depuis l’installation dans le nouveau conservatoire, elles sont plus que jamais incitées à se rassembler par la proximité géographique d’une part et les nouveaux dispositifs pédagogiques d’autre part. C’est donc très naturellement que les professeurs rassembleront leurs élèves pour un concert qui donnera à entendre les cuivres dans tous leurs états. Au programme : P. I. Tchaïkovski, N. Rota, V. Brandt, A. Telman ainsi que des musiques de films. Avec les classes de cor, trompette, trombone et tuba et le grand ensemble de cuivres. Coordination : Emma Cottet. Avec le soutien de la Ville de Montbéliard. Entrée libre, sans réservation (dans la limite des places disponibles). Vendredi 14 février 2025 à 20h30 à AUDINCOURT, Le Moloco MUSIQUE DU MONDE, Fleurs Noires Le Conservatoire et le Moloco s’associent pour une soirée sous le signe du Tango et de la création avec l’orchestre Fleurs Noires. Les élèves-musiciens du Conservatoire seront également de l’aventure. Fleurs Noires est un orchestre composé de dix musiciennes argentines et françaises. Ensemble, elles nous livrent un tango vigoureusement contemporain qui se démarque du tango traditionnel ou électro et qui mélange leurs différences culturelles à l'originalité de leur répertoire. Les compositions originales créées pour l’orchestre par sa pianiste Andrea Marsili empruntent l’essence du tango pour la transformer en un langage actuel. Dans le cadre de la résidence d’Andrea Marsili, les élèves-musiciens constitués en orchestre présenteront les pièces en création. Avec Orchestre Fleurs noires : Anne Le Pape, Andrea Pujado, Solenne Turquet, violons, Marion Chiron, Kristina Kuusisto, Carolina Poenitz, bandonéons, Sophie Durteste, alto / Veronica Votti, violoncelle / Anne Vauchelet, contrebasse. Artistes invités : Aureliano Marin, voix / Tomas Gubitsch, guitare / Minino Garay, percussions. Avec les élèves-musiciens du Conservatoire. Direction artistique, piano et composition: Andrea Marsili Entrée libre, sans réservation (dans la limite des places disponibles) Samedi 15 février 2025 à 16h00 à MONTBÉLIARD, Conservatoire CONCERT-RESTITUTION, Un parfum de Milonga Dans le prolongement de la soirée au Moloco avec les Fleurs noires, les petits ensembles qui auront travaillé les musiques d’Andrea Marsili, compositrice en résidence, se produiront au cours de ce concert qui nous réserve de belles surprises… Coordination : Andrea Pujado. Entrée libre, sans réservation (dans la limite des places disponibles). Lundi 17 février 2025 à 18h00 à MONTBÉLIARD, Auditorium du Conservatoire Conférence par Denis Morrier, professeur de culture musicale Le Conservatoire du Pays de Montbéliard et l’Université Ouverte proposent un nouveau cycle de conférences et d’ateliers de Culture Musicale en 2025. Au programme cette année : Un an à Vienne… Les auditeurs ont le choix d’assister soit aux conférences, soit aux séances d’atelier, soit à l’ensemble des interventions. Ce lundi : Vienne, du Moyen-Âge au Baroque (1400-1700) ; musiques et musiciens des premiers empereurs Habsbourg. Entrée libre, sans réservation (dans la limite des places disponibles). Vendredi 21 février 2024 à 20h00 à MONTBÉLIARD, Auditorium du Conservatoire LES MILLE ET UNE NUITS DU CONSERVATOIRE, La Rencontre imprévue Le Pôle d’Art Vocal propose un cycle autour des Mille et une Nuits, et sa pléiade de contes, légendes, chroniques... L’orientalisme a été une source d’inspiration féconde pour des compositeurs romantiques français invités au cœur de cette première nuit : Saint-Saëns, Ravel, Fauré, Bizet et leurs mélopées suaves et enivrantes. Avec la participation de la classe de chant de Claudine Bunod et du Jeune Ensemble Vocal dirigé par Cédric Meyer. Accompagnement piano : Annie Corrado. Entrée libre, sans réservation (dans la limite des places disponibles). infos > 03 81 94 77 80 ou www.agglo-montbeliard.fr Read the full article
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DANIEL BERETTA (1946-Died March 23rd 2024,at 77).
French actor. He dubbed over Arnold Schwarzenegger in the French versions of all his films from 1987.
Daniel Beretta was born in Audincourt, Doubs on 24 December 1946. He started learning how to play piano at the age of 3. He later took theater courses at Montbéliard. He performed in his first play, Copain Clopants, in 1966. Catherine Allégret, who was in the audience, introduced Beretta to Marcel Camus, who put Beretta in his first film role in A Savage Summer. Beretta went on to star in more plays, including Jesus Christ Superstar and The Umbrellas of Cherbourg.Daniel Beretta - Wikipedia
#Daniel Beretta#French Actors#french Voice Actors#Actors#Voice Actors#Character Actors#Notable Deaths 2024#Notable Deaths in March 2024
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Ai là người sáng lập ra hãng xe Peugeot: Kết Nối Truyền Thống và Hiện Đại Trong Thế Giới Ôtô
Peugeot là một trong những hãng xe hơi lâu đời và nổi tiếng trên thế giới. Nhưng bạn có biết ai là người sáng lập ra hãng xe Peugeot không? Trong bài viết này, chúng ta sẽ tìm hiểu về người sáng lập ra hãng xe Peugeot và cách mà hãng xe này kết nối truyền thống và hiện đại trong thế giới ôtô. Người sáng lập ra hãng xe Peugeot là ông Armand Peugeot. Ông sinh vào ngày 26 tháng 3 năm 1849 tại Audincourt, một thị trấn nhỏ ở miền đông nước Pháp. Ông là con trai của ông Jean-Pierre Peugeot, người đã sáng lập ra công ty sản xuất dụng cụ cơ khí Peugeot Frères vào năm 1810. Khi ông Armand Peugeot trưởng thành, ông quyết định mở rộng hoạt động kinh doanh của gia đình từ sản xuất dụng cụ cơ khí sang sản xuất ôtô. Vào năm 1889, ông Armand Peugeot thành lập Cie des Automobiles Peugeot, một công ty chuyên sản xuất ôtô. Ông đã đưa ra những ý tưởng sáng tạo và tiên phong trong ngành công nghiệp ôtô, đặc biệt là việc sử dụng động cơ nhiên liệu đ - zlf7jk1trd
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#lours postal#carte postale#couleur#végétal#dessication#cachet postal manuel#oblitération#Audincourt
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¿ ® U ready to take the flash ?
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Retrouve moi en dédicace, dès demain, durant 3jours avec @johannazaireofficiel au festival Bloody week-end d'Audincourt. www.thibault-cdf.com #festivals #salon #bloodyweekend #blood #audincourt #dédicace #artiste #cinema #horror
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Église du Sacré Cœur à Audincourt, dans le Doubs (partie 2) Dans cette même église où nous avons pu voir les créations de Fernand Léger, se trouvent des dalles de verre et une mosaïque imaginés par Jean Bazaine. Les paroissiens se sont énormément impliqués dans sur le chantier de cette église, entre les recherches de financements, les travaux et le dynamisme actuel. Les dalles de verre de Bazaine sont situées dans le baptistère de forme ronde, un magnifique lieu où la lumière colorée émane à 360 degrés. #audincourt #stainedglass #bazaine #baptistere https://www.instagram.com/p/CO7j2Ght8_R/?igshid=zy4x3xtsce78
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🏡MULHOUSE - BELFORT - MONTBELIARD 🗓DIMANCHE 19 FÉVRIER 2023 ✅Haliyikama - Nettoyage de Tapis 👉 Poil court 6€/m2 Poil long à partir de 8€/m2 ✅Enlèvements & livraison 🚚 à domicile 📞 0️⃣6️⃣ 5️⃣9️⃣ 7️⃣2️⃣ 2️⃣9️⃣ 1️⃣3️⃣ www.pressingduchateau.net, www.tiktok.com/@pressingduchateau, #mulhouse, #illzach, #Kingersheim, #pfastatt, #Wittenheim, #rixheim, #saintlouis, #montbeliard, #audincourt, #seloncourt, #valentigney, #belfort, #pressingduchateau, #halıyıkama (à Pressing du Château) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoocBuDMY0c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#Repost @cyril_rffr ・・・ #tattoo#tatouage#artcorpstattoo#artcorpstattooetreushbodypiercing#paysdemontbeliard#audincourt#audincourtink#ink#inked#blackandgreytattoo#silverbackink#cheyenne_tattooequipment#lucky7division#artwork#boat#boattattoo#navire#bateau#pirate#seaworld https://www.instagram.com/p/ByJVgJejpiQ/?igshid=1i4dj9f611qc2
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