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tumbibliophile · 21 days ago
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الcommandeمتاعي ضايعة و الlivreurيلوج و قلب الدنيا عليها و انا شنعمل ؟نصور في الياسمين 😅
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postcard-from-the-past · 1 year ago
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Afternoon tea in the restaurant of the "Marie-Antoinette" farm in Auberville-sur-Mer, Normandy region of France
French vintage postcard
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clawmarks · 1 year ago
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L'ornement des tissus : recueil historique et pratique - Auguste Dupont-Auberville, Antoine Bachelin-Deflorenne - 1877 - via e-rara
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arrgh-whatever · 17 days ago
You might have already answered many questions like this, but I wish to ask all the same, considering how tremendous you are at depicting this: Where do you get references and inspirations when it comes to medieval European clothing and fashion?
sorry for the late reply!
✶ Medieval Chronicles is a great place to start. It's like Wikipedia but for medieval Europe so I usually go there when I need information to base my further research on
✶ YouTube has lots of people talking about (and making!) medieval clothing but it's best to know what exactly you're looking for before going there so you won't get lost in the amount of information
✶ and finally I have two wonderful books I use almost daily
The Costume History by Auguste Racinet
The World of Ornament by Auguste Racinet and A. Dupont-Auberville
they function like a cheat sheet and I use them when I need an inspiration for an outfit. They contain depictions of clothes, armor, jewelry, a few depictions of weapons and even interior design!
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saintsaensreads · 2 months ago
Beaux-livres of 2024
"Beaux livres" is an expression I couldn't find any equivalency for in English. You'll come across it often in French bookshops, with especially attractive books, usually larger than others, or heavier to handle, printed on fine paper with great care applied to their design, typography, visuals etc. They're usually made for their visuals rather than their textual content. They are also known for being quite expensive compared to other books.
I don't usually buy any beaux-livres, maybe because until very recently I didn't have any nice location to put them in (nor any library shelves for that matter...). This year, however, through my travels, I came across a few which have been mesmerizing me ever since I bought them, and I thought it would be nice to share two of them with you (and maybe mesmerize you too!)
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The World of Ornament, David Batterham (2006)
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Discover a world of decorative ideas with this compendium of history's most elegant patterns and ornamental designs.The World of Ornament brings together the two greatest encyclopedic collections of ornament of the 19th century: Auguste Racinet's L'Ornement polychrome Volumes I and II (1875-1888) and Auguste Dupont-Auberville's L'Ornement des tissus (1877) to provide one lavish source book spanning jewelry, tile, stained glass, illuminated manuscript, textile, and ceramic ornament. Encompassing classical, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Etruscan, Asian and Middle Eastern, as well as European designs from medieval times through the 19th century, this compilation of cultures and aesthetics offers a primary reference for artists, historians, designers, and patternmakers, and anyone engaged in decorative design and impact.
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I happened on this book by pure chance : it's quite small (although heavy) and is filled with fascinating decorative styles, listing their historical and artistic specificity, as well as providing many examples for each style mentioned. The explanations are as interesting as the visuals, and I can spend easily an hour just browsing through it.
How Zoologists Organize Things: The Art of Classification, David Bainbridge (2020)
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Humankind's fascination with the animal kingdom began as a matter of survival - differentiating the edible from the toxic, the ferocious from the tractable. Since then, our compulsion to catalogue wildlife has played a key role in growing our understanding of the planet and ourselves, inspiring religious beliefs and evolving scientific theories. This human quest to classify living beings has left us with a rich artistic legacy, from the folklore and religiosity of the ancient and Medieval world through the naturalistic cataloging of the Enlightenment to the modern, computer-generated classificatory labyrinth. This book tells the fascinating, visual story of this process. The wonderful zoological charts reflect prevailing artistic trends and scientific discoveries, as well as telling us as much about ourselves as they do about the creatures depicted.
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I had been looking for quite some time for a history of classification regarding animals. I finally broke down and bought this book in early december, and I am absolutely in love with the visuals involved. They are fascinating. I'm less taken in by the text, explaining the logics behind such classifications and artworks. It's very much european centered, and has many shortcuts which made me jump when explaining historical periods. Nonetheless, it's main goal (introducing the visual classification of animals and its evolution throughout time) is fulfilled. And it's really inspiring.
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hexaconto · 2 months ago
Choisir son expert-comptable à Auberville - 6 critères incontournables
La région de Auberville compte moins de 10 experts-comptables. En tant qu’entrepreneur, dirigeant ou créateur, cela vous fait donc autant de possibilités pour choisir l’expert-comptable adéquat qui vous
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praza-catalunya · 8 months ago
Louis Stettner, fotografía directa e comprometida
As imaxes que saen dunha cámara de retratar poden semellar sempre iguais e, polo contrario, sempre presentan perspectivas de vida distintas. Cómpre ter un talento especial para que un artista pare os seus ollos, deteña as súas sensibilidades en captar as realidades máis cotiás, aquelas que perden interese para a maioría dos mortais. Louis Stettner forma parte desa lexión de retratistas que se moveron polas sensibilidades que se achegan ás persoas traballadoras, a aquelas que non son protagonistas.
Lito Caramés
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Stettner. Woman Holding Newspaper,  1946
Louis Stettner. KBr Barcelona Photo Center
Was somebody asking to see the soul? / See, your own shape and countenance, persons, substances, beasts, the trees, the running rivers, the rocks and sands. / All hold spiritual joys and afterwards loosen them; How can the real body ever die and be buried? / Of your real body and any man’s or woman’s real body, / Item for item it will elude the hands of the corpse-cleaners and pass to fitting spheres, / Carrying what has accrued to it from the moment of birth to the moment of death. (W. Witman. Leaves of grass, 1855).
A Fundación Mapfre, por medio do seu establecemento KBr Barcelona Photo Center (referencia fundamental do mundo da fotografía na capital catalá), presenta estes meses de mediados de 2024 a mostra Louis Stettner, sen adxectivos, e a carón da presentación en España da fotógrafa chilena Paz Errázuriz, outra mostra realmente magnífica. Ambos fotógrafos -fóra de cronoloxías- comparten as súas principais preocupacións pola humanidade. Trátase da retrospectiva máis ampla e completa que se leva feito das obras de Stettner, aquí e en calquera outro lugar; xa estivo en Madrid e, posteriormente, viaxará por Europa e os EEUU de Norteamérica. A escolma antolóxica está conformada por máis de 180 fotografías, case todas elas do fondo documental da propia Fundación Mapfre. Todo un luxo. As creacións do autor de Tony, Ibiza, aínda que compañeiro e amigo doutros retratistas ben coñecidos, non tivo moita sona ata hai pouco tempo. Quedaron relegadas (pola ideas de esquerdas do seu autor?).
A retrospectiva Louis Stettner preséntase ao público nas salas do KBr de xeito cronolóxico, o que permite seguir os vieiros vitais e profesionais do fotógrafo. Así é doado acompañalo nas súas paseadas polas rúas do New York, logo polo París destruído tras a II Guerra Mundial, e o regreso á súa cidade de sempre, así como as viaxes para coñecer ás poboacións traballadoras en calquera lugar do planeta. Visitou a URSS ou España, Italia e outras zonas europeas. Nestas peripecias vivenciais tamén cómpre incluír a diversidade temática cara a que dirixe a súa cámara o autor da serie Bowery. Levado pola curiosidade cara as persoas, vainas retratando amoreadas en vagóns ferroviarios ou intúe a súa perda nesas rúas baleiras, inquietantes; atráenlle as traballadoras e traballadoras en plena xornada laboral e tamén algunhas formacións vexetais do sur de Francia.
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Stettner. Aubervillers, 1947
O fotógrafo Louis Stettner viviu, fundamentalmente, a cabalo entre New York e mais París. Pasaba décadas nunha desas cidade para logo mudarse á outra. E nas súas creacións vese bastante a influencia dos xeitos de traballar na metrópole do río Hudson: a fotografía de rúa, combinado co humanismo que rezuman os traballos deitados na capital francesa. Ese humanismo que escribiu sempre sentiu na capital francesa levouno a escribir cousas como Yes, my “Workers” series is my paean of praise, a long heroic poem in homage to working and salaried people everywhere. It was as if I wanted the lyricism of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel brought down to earth, finding it in the everyday factory. A poética da vida das persoas que traballan.
No ano 2008 o MACBA (Museu d’Art Comporani de Barcelona) presentou a exhaustiva mostra Sota la Bomba. El jazz de la guerra d'imatges transatlántica. 1946-1956. Naquelas salas a hipótese a demostrar era a evidente diferencia de creación artística entre o vello e o novo continente; todo focalizado en dúas cidades: París e New York. No París de posguerra (ese que tan ben coñeceu, e retratou, Stettner) a creación prestaba atención ás persoas, o humanismo que aínda capitaneaban Picasso e mais Matisse. En New York mandaba a rapazada da Escola de New York, os Pollock’s Boys, tan empregados pola CIA nas súas guerras frías contra o comunismo. Esa realidade que tan ben se divisaba percorrendo as salas do MACBA, agora é doado facelo contemplando as imaxes xeradas por Louis Stettner. A mostra Louis Stettner está comisariada por Sally Martin Katz, experta na obra de Stettner e comisaria adscrita ao SFMOMA. Acompañando ás case 200 imaxes do fotógrafo, a Fundación Mapfre publica un excelente catálogo de Louis Stettner.
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Stettner. Tony, Ibiza, 1956
Louis Stettner. Atget, Brassaï
Like Atget, who at the begining of his century took moving such at photographs of the streets and hoauses of Paris, Stettnet also points his camera, not at the living, who hurrying, preocupied, tired, appear only between two subway trains, but at their environment. And what a camera! He has adquired a square, antidiluvian box with a robust tripod, and this is the monster, ridiculus in our day, that he trusts around and plants in view of streets and hauses of the 14th Arrondisement. (Brassaï, no prefacio do libro 10 Photographs by Louis Stettner, 1949).
Cando Stettner chega por primeira vez a París, ano 1947 (en principio para estar tres semanas; na realidade foron 5 anos), o fotógrafo atópase nas ribeiras do Sena como na súa casa. E alí fará unha serie completa de capturas -tomadas moi cedo- sobre as rúas baleiras de París; a populosa urbe sen xentes. Son tomas nas que tampouco procura as rúas onde viven as xentes ricas, non; rúas de barrio traballador. Cal é a intención? Segundo explicou o propio retratista, levado polo seu humanismo quería representar a devastación da guerra, a desolación, as perdas humanas. Non se deixou levar polo “intre decisivo”, fuxidío, nin se parou a retratar bicos de mariñeiros e mozas (totalmente amañados, como se demostrou máis tarde). Non. A dureza da vida de posguerra. Nisto, como ben apunta Brassaï na introdución ao libro 10 Photographs by Louis Stettner, o autor da serie Workers segue os vieiros que xa outros riscaran nesa mesma cidade. Primeiro foi Eugène Atget que se fartou de facer tomas das rúas parisienses de comezos de século XX sen habitantes; só arquitectura. E máis tarde é o propio Brassaï o que fai o mesmo para o seu libro París de Nuit. De 1933. Por iso, acabando os anos 40 pode presentar con toda autoridade as imaxes de Stettner.
Louis Stettner comezou na fotografía en New York. Alí logo se xunta coas persoas que forman parte da Photo Leage. Trátase dunha cooperativa de traballadores (mormente fotógrafos) onde estiveron desde o principio persoas moi coñecidas e sobranceiras como Berenice Abbott ou Aaron Siskind, Paul Strand ou Louis Stettner. En concreto Stettner foi moi amigo de Paul Strand e nas súas fotografías percíbese perfectamente a sintonía que os dous sentían polos mesmos temas e intereses sociais. Algunha imaxes mesmo custa diferenciar se son toradas por un ou polo outro (tal como acontece co caso de Aubervilliers, 1947). Nese grupo de persoas inquietas Stettner comeza a facer prácticas coñecidas como a straight photography, a fotografía directa, moi relacionada coa street photography. Un cambio radical, nada que ver co pictorialismo nin outras tendencias esteticistas. Stettner, como no caso de Strand, foi unha persoa de ideas marxistas, por iso, fose onde fose, sempre lle preocuparon os temas sociais. Desde comezos do século XX moitos fotógrafos progresistas miraron de atopar un vieiro propio para a fotografía artística, tendo a vida cotiá e o mundo laboral como referentes, sen ter que copiar da pintura. A straight photography foi unha das súas ferramentas para logralo. Por iso, Stettner percorrerá países e rexións sempre captando as persoas nos seus postos de traballo. E os seus ollares presentarán a esas persoas con dignidade, conscientes das tarefas que están a facer na fábrica, obradoiro ou campo e mar.
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Stettner. Assembly Line Worker, 1972
O feito de ter sido fotógrafo perante a II Guerra Mundial aínda o condicionou máis e o orientou cara a humanidade, a valía da persoas; a grandeza da persoa que traballa, vive, loita día a día. Os seus temas están case en exclusiva centrados na figura humana (niso tamén coincide coa fotógrafa chilena Paz Errázuriz, coa que agora coincide nas salas do KBr de Barcelona). As lecturas de Marx ou de Whitman (a quen le e admira desde a adolescencia) aínda o encamiñan máis por eses mesmos vieiros humanistas. Para moitos dos seus compañeiros e amigos, a fotografía é unha ferramenta que se pode empregar para favorecer os cambios sociais. Procurando o benestar, celebrar a vida.
Louis Stettner escribiu moito; publicou durante décadas artigos sobre fotografía e sobre política en diversas revistas. É ben coñecida a súa sección Speaking out, que publicaba periodicamente na revista Camera 35. Nesa sección deixábase ganar pola paixón sobre o seu oficio e tamén sobre a vida. Nun deses artigos escribiu: No matter how intimate, how well you know a person, you can never tell how a portrait will turn out. Almost as if a human being is so complex, we can never hope to grasp him fully, nor can he or she ever hope to be aware of their total being. Coido que este breve parágrafo permite coñecer o respecto que o autor de The Family Manege 14e Arrondisement (1949) sinte en todo momento polas persoas. Mesmo nesta imaxe que se acaba de citar (The Family Manege), onde Stettner capta a tres persoas camiñando por unha “rue” parisiense un día de inverno, en vez de ser unha visión do frío, do desasosego, acaba por transformarse nunha sorte de baile, quizais de baile de máscaras, onde non hai faces, non hai fasquías individualizadoras, e si un canto ao afecto, á harmonía do casal que carga co fillo. Unha imaxe conmovedora.
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Stettner. Aluminum Foundry, Soviet Union, 1975
As imaxes de Stettner teñen poesía. As súas instantáneas en branco e negro semellan estrofas de Witman; cada unha refire unha historia. Xa no século XXI, Stettner viaxou, outra volta, a New York e retratou mormente persoas na céntrica Times Square. Esas imaxes, con cores bastante saturados, recordan ás que -polos anos 60 e 70, contra todo prognóstico- xa facía William Egleston, o fotógrafo das imaxes banais, e ás que tamén cedo decidiu facer Saul Leiter, o fotógrafo de New York. Aínda que nas de Stettner -como nas do seu amigo Strand- o interese polas persoas salta a primeiro plano e enche a imaxe de humanidade.
No ano 1956 Stettner estivo na illa de Ibiza, e pasou dous días con dous pescadores daquela illa: Pepe e mais Tony. Acompañounos no seu traballo a bordo da súa barca, no seu traballo cotiá. E a reportaxe que agora se pode ver en KBr (Louis Stettner) é outro canto máis á vida dura desas dúas persoas en pleno traballo. Os planos de todas esas instantáneas é moi próximo (en moitos casos non aparecen os corpos dos mariñeiros enteiros, porque no reducido espazo da barca, o fotógrafo non ten perspectiva suficiente). Torsos, brazos, mans, faces; a loita diaria do primeiro plano en contraste coa poética do marco, do fondo; do mar Mediterráneo:
Lito Caramés
EXPOSICIÓN: Louis Stettner KBr Barcelona Photo Center Fundación Mapfre ata o 15 de setembro de 2024
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Stettner. Demonstrators on March in Support of United Farm Workers, 1975
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brother-joseph · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Saint John Eudes 8 by 10 Print.
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federer7 · 2 years ago
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Aubervillers, France, 1947
Photo: Louis Stettner
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borntoloos · 3 years ago
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gerardbillet · 4 years ago
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Street Art sur le Campus Condorcet. #campuscondorcet #universiteparis8 #aubervillers #streetart #urbanart #artderue #arturbain #wallpainting #spraypaint #graffiti #graffitiart #jj_urbanart #jj_urbex #instapic #photooftheday #aubervillersencommun (à Campus Condorcet) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLtZmlilfrh/?igshid=5asup6r70k01
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uwmspeccoll · 3 years ago
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Decorative Sunday 
This Sunday we present plates from L’ornament des Tissus: Recueil Historique et Pratique (The Ornament of Fabric: A Historical and Practical Collection), a French portfolio publication of one hundred chromolithographs highlighting textile design through the ages. The portfolio was published in 1877 in Paris by Ducher et Cie, publishers for the Société Centrale des Architectes, with introductory essays and explanatory texts accompanying each plate by Auguste Dupont-Auberville, a successful banker and collector of porcelain and textiles.
Charles Kreutzberger illustrated the textile designs and the lithography was completed by Frédéric Régamey. Text was printed by L'imprimerie Alcan-Lévy, the printing outfit of Félix Alcan. Alcan’s father Moyse Alcan was a publisher in their hometown of Metz, and his grandfather Gerson-Lévy was an educator, publisher, author, and translator, and was one of the earliest advocate of Reform Judaism in France.
See image captions for description of plates. 
You can find more Decorative Sunday posts here. 
-Olivia, Special Collections Graduate Intern
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postcard-from-the-past · 8 months ago
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Restaurant of the Marie-Antoinette Farm in Auberville-sur-Mer, Normandy region of France
French vintage postcard
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hahsmari · 7 years ago
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France was okay, wouldn't go again tho
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arrgh-whatever · 10 months ago
Do you have any favorite sources for learning about medieval things? I just recently got into doing research of that period for my own project and it is daunting for sure and hard to pick out what is nonsense sometimes
I don't know in what part of the Medieval Ages you're interested but will give a few sources that'll be a good start.
✸ Medieval Chronicles
Basically a medieval Wikipedia (with a pretty awful title font) which means that it won't tell you much but will be able to give some basic knowledge you can base you further research on.
✸ Advice for time traveling to medieval Europe
A very nice video with plenty of facts about Medieval Life. VERY good for worldbuilding since it tells you about Medieval Life from the perspective of you being there. (It also has a few good book recommendations in description.)
✸ Matt Easton of Schola Gladiatoria
An incredible YouTube channel with all sorts of videos about (not only) Medieval Military History.
✸ Festival of Archaeology 2020
A few amazing videos about Medieval Crafts.
✸ The Castle Builders
Documentaries about Medieval Castles.
✸ The Medieval Feast
And a documentary about Medieval Feast from the same YouTube channel.
(Note that as far as I know most of the information that we have on Medieval Recipes we have from Nobility since poor were not able to record them. So a lot of information you'll find on Medieval Eating might not be applicable to all classes.)
✸ For clothes, jewelry and decorative ornaments I usually use
"The Costume History" by Auguste Racinet
"The World of Ornament" by Auguste Racinet & Auguste Dupont-Auberville
Just like Medieval Chronicles it doesn't have a lot of detailed information on the period but points out important parts and has lots of examples.
✸ I personally don't make the world of Forest Manuscripts extremely historically accurate for the sake of storytelling.
For example I have a few smoking characters and tobacco wasn't introduced to Europe until the 16th century which is a bit later.
Before you break some rules it is important to know history but yeah breaking rules is totally fine unless it's a documentary thing!
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capellavanryan · 5 years ago
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Right after filming today’s videos for YouTube Channel #lacourdelagrangediaries 
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