#au: omega queen lexa/pack leader clarke
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lexa-griffins · 2 years ago
This may seem completely random but I just discovered your noble x feral au. And I gotta say, it's everything I ever wanted in an abo fic! Like holy shit, I've had the though for a very long time. Like, hey abo dynamics is actually a really good vehicle to study gender role structure and society hierarchy!
Also, as a bio nerd, I actually believe it's possible that if humans were to possess more.... animalistic traits, the "female" (ie the one giving birth/laying eggs) would for sure be in a position of power socially. I mean you hold the power to prevent "males" from passing their genes. That's like the one and only resource that rules over any and all for organisms that reproduce sexually. Since omegas can't get pregnant outside of knotting, this is basically giving them reproduction agency. This translates to social and gender supremacy over alphas/betas in a civilization. It makes sense! (Sure there are other factors, but let me dream dammit😤).
Anyhow, that got away from me. I was gonna ask a question about whether or not Clarke had been a alpha toy to other omegas before lexa but ended up raving about this au.
I think pre-lexa, if Clarke were to be taken by an omega who wasn't very.... kind, it would add to her back story of why she was feral; why she was slow to trust lexa; and why, even when she has to leave the Woods household, she refuses to be gifted to another noble house. Like sure Clarke's not a big fan of the pound, but it's a known evil. She's not about to risk it even if Lexa vouchs for her putative new owner. Also I love me some angst for Clarke. Like after clexa get closer maybe Clarke can talk about what happened, maybe show some of they physical scars etc etc. And then Lexa's like poor bby, come here lemme make you feel good. Just imagine the softness🥺
I need to stop, this is getting out of hand. Imma stop right here.
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I!!!! Love playing with the more traditional dynamics of ABO in historical settings!!!!! And!!! Noble x Feral au is one of my attempts and i just love how people seem to love it 🥰 (I have another one with a similar dynamic, although its more clan focused and has some magical elements, its my Omega Queen Lexa and Alpha pack leader Clarke, i can tag it below :) )
No, yes, yes, exactly! This is why, in a noble setting, mates are vetoed by the omega themselves. While, of course, there are desired non physical and personality attributes like family business, wealth, estate, etc. it is the time for the omega to see if their mate is a person they would like to have children with as this is pretty much what their entire relationship entails. Not to say there might not be love, but an alpha is there to give an omega and their family a new generation of children. That is why there is usually more than one alpha courting the same omega as the one who is rejected can be seen as not favorable, and with enough rejections, it could mean no marriage nor children and somewhat of a burden to their families as any child they might have will always belong to the omega family, not theirs (they could marry a beta, but betas are highly discouraged from it because alphas are "too agressive" and omegas have a better grip on them and it could be dangerous for a beta if an alpha loses control. That being said, omegas and betas are very common, and if a beta is from a noble family, it's even encouraged - Lexa's parents are beta/omega). While outside of higher circles, the omega still has a lot more power socially - they are still expected to have children and not work, but in a light that is much more on the "omegas carry and care for children and should not be expected to have to focus on tasks that of work and house work, that is a alphas duty to provide and care for the omega" - things are more liberal and far less by the books as they are in noble circles.
This to say that Clarke growing up with a higher status because of her parents work so she was seen as a somewhat more proper alpha as noble alphas and such are (due to education and how they are socialized very early on to be good and charming unlike eough and unruly lower class alpha). Clarke soon got tired of that role and started to hang out with deliquents and soon found herself as a criminal and thrown in the pound. She has never been a toy before, although she had been with omegas (and other alphas which isn't to heard off, as well as betas, can you say ✨️bi queen✨️) and there have been instances where Clarke felt pretty used by some omegas that felt very unkind and where Clarke was fairly used like a sex toy, so while omegas are taught to distrust alphas and only accept one that was "raised right", alphas also gain a distrust in omegas because there is some violence towards alphas, for sure.
So, it definitely adds to the trust that takes time to build with Lexa. She knows that noble omegas will often be horrible to their toy alphas, and Lexa seems so... untouchable and cold when she gets her from the pound, and yet she is so very gentle with Clarke, and the thing is that still, Clarke's light at the end of the tunel lasts so little because the moment she falls for Lexa, there is no freedom if its not with Lexa and soon her only choice is to go back to the pound and be put down. And somehow that decision comes about much easier to her now, before she was terrified of death but now, knowing her choice is to die having spent all the time she could with Lexa or live the rest of her life without Lexa.... its easy to pick the first. Death doesnt scare her after that, a lifetime without Lexa does. And all because Lexa showed her that softness - a softness Clarke barely ever knew, a softness Lexa never showed, and yet its so limited in time it feels like if they had just met in another time, if Clarke hadn't turned her back to the way she was raised maybe she could even be considered to be Lexa's mate if her parents managed to be influencial enough, maybe if Lexa had run away like she dreamed of once upon a time with Luna. Maybe..... but maybe didnt happen.
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lexa-griffins · 2 years ago
Didn't you also have an ABO au where omega Lexa was a queen and Clarke was a rival clan? I remember you did a lot of world building and even drew some sketches
I do have that au! Its not particularly smutty but is about Omega Queen Lexa and Pack Leader Alpha Clarke ☺️
It never gathered much interest when i talked about it so I don't talk much a out it but in my own time i do still continue to world build for it and organize the plot! Its still one of my favorite ideas ive come up with to these day! 🩷
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lexa-griffins · 3 years ago
You can’t say that and not share those pics with us 👀 👀
You know what, I'll show because who knows if this fic will even happen BUT I'm putting their human forms first so you don't judge the wolfy forms because they look GOOFY!
Since I'm trying to get a feel for the outfits, you'll have to excuse the notes around it
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And I'm hiding furry clexa under a read more
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you asked for it so you cannot judge me
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lexa-griffins · 2 years ago
ABO Clexa from the drawings have my heart. But I am also very in love with the goddess Mother Heda
L I S T E N. I adore that grumpy goddess. She is Lexa's great great great great great great grandmother and was said to make the people of Trikru sprout from the dirty and grow like trees, their roots deep in the ground of where the trikru tribe stands in the woods. She is a massive icon to Trikru. And she was so in love with this alpha girl and she wanted to marry her but then the alpha raped her and left her with child so she become very protective of her child and deemed alpha’s as sole helpers for omegas to continue their lineage and that taking their bite and mating them is below an omega meaning most children are raised by their mothers and omegas are the symbol of leadership and tribe values while alphas are savages only good for procreation and war. And that tradition keeps going all the way to Lexa, raised by her grandmother and her mother, who while a good leader, as not yet given the people of Trikru an heir even after the passing of both women.
And during the entirety of Lexa meeting Clarke, being nursed back to health by her and staying with her and her pack in Skaikru, Heda is a constant presence inside her head as they have a divine connection reminding her love is weakness, more so love for an alpha whose tribe believes alphas are superior to omegas. And even if her and Clarke don't even speak the same language and Clarke does not know Lexa is the queen of the Trikru tribe, Lexa is truly starting to fall in love with her and in the process, angering her omega ancestors who fought their love for alphas and omegas so they could honor their duty.
Oh and because Lexa looks so much like the Omega Mother Heda she is believed to be the one to lead Trikru into a new era of greatness after around a decade of the higher number of births being alphas inside the tribe, which is believed to mean war and devastation (alphas become warriors -> more warriors is a omen of war for trikru while more omega births means more prosperity and a future of great leaders and peace).
I am rambling but I have so much world building for this fic, I could talk about it for ages!!!!!!!
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lexa-griffins · 2 years ago
Fic writing lightning round:
-What fandoms have you written fics for?
-Do you have any original stuff?
-What's your oldest fic?
-What story are you most proud of?
-What stories are in the works?
-Where can I read your stuff?
What fandoms have you written fics for?
Clexa only so far, but I'm hoping to maybe dip my toe into writing something for RWBY!
Do you have any original stuff?
I am in the process of figuring out some more world building for an original story but I have a little bit of it written and I'm in love with the plot! :)
What's your oldest fic?
(I will find you) Beyond Any Star aka the one where little Raven is adopted by Lexa and Clarke and finally gets the love she deserves :)
What story are you most proud of?
The act of falling in love right now, i'll shamelesly go back and re-read it!
What stories are in the works?
What stories /aren't/ in the works? :p right now im focusing on my vampire Clarke au Amor Mortis, mobster daughter Lexa and detective Clarke au, a sappy angsty christmas au and I do got a aciddental pregnancy turned forced roommates during it AU on the back burned ;) And I do have a Omega Queen Lexa/Pack leader Clarke in the works but who knows if i'll even post that 😅
Where can I read your stuff?
On my AO3 or here on tumblr, I tend to post a few things here and there :)
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lexa-griffins · 2 years ago
I keep world building for this, the differences of both tribes, Trikru and the myth of Goddess Omega Heda who turned trees into people and gave the royal Omegas the right to rule, Skaikru and myth of the fallen Arcadia constellation and the fallen Alpha star that turned start dust into humans and made alpha's the leaders.
The Omega Queen burden of refusing any mate and only using an alpha for an heir, believing Alphas to be to violent and reactionary to lead. How a year with more omega births is celebrated as a fertile and peaceful one and a year with more alpha births is considered one of war and misery.
the family packs of Skaikru that put every decision into the hands of the alpha pack leader, omegas being seen as less then.
The language differences and the fact Lexa and Clarke do not understand each other for the better part of the story.
The culture clash and the two leaders who fall in love when war against a common enemy is brewing... AH
You can’t say that and not share those pics with us 👀 👀
You know what, I'll show because who knows if this fic will even happen BUT I'm putting their human forms first so you don't judge the wolfy forms because they look GOOFY!
Since I'm trying to get a feel for the outfits, you'll have to excuse the notes around it
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And I'm hiding furry clexa under a read more
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you asked for it so you cannot judge me
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