#au hopping
project-isles · 7 months
Do the Aus visit the other Aus? Like does Cowboy!Goldie just randomly visit Jester!Goldie in his universe?
Well other AUs can visit each other, it has to be done under circumstances (well most of the time), usually the traveler must be helped with au hopping via an au guide. if they get help by an au guide, a green ribbon will appear on them, that ribbon is so they don't get lost or... Killed. There's something excepts though, some Goldies and freddys are very powerful and don't need help and just au hop on their own. This can cause chaos though, depends on what the traveler is like.
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bonewaryreblogs · 7 months
Crossover Adaptation: Trolls!
Who's surprised?
I decided to take the basic premise from the first Trolls movie (bergens eat trolls for happiness, they end up being allies) and fitting it with Monster Lore from Undertale (consumption of souls for magic power) and ended up with this mess :D
King Tobias has been struggling on the front lines of the human-monster conflict for a while now. His kingdom is on the border between human and monster territory but he hasn’t received the support he feels he deserves from the other human kingdoms. Tobias had only recently discovered that humans could use magic after consuming a mira (latin mirus =wonderful, marvelous, amazing, surprising, miraculous), a type of small, fairy-like monster that lives in a nearby mountain, also bordering human and monster territory. Having been abandoned as a “lost cause” by the rest of the monsters, all hope seems lost for the mira until Serif arrives. Deciding that the best way to keep the mira from being eaten was to convince the eaters that the mira were more useful alive than dead, Serif convinced a small group of mira to accompany him to King Tobias’ court and convince him to give it a try.
Serif shows off his own usefulness first, setting himself up as someone to not be messed with, before presenting his idea to king Tobias, who agreed to think about it over night before giving an answer. Serif and his mira companions are given a room and eventually bed down for the night. Serif doesn’t really sleep, noticing immediately when there is an intruder in their room in the middle of the night; obviously the human is there to kill/capture them but Serif gives them an out, saying that the castle sure gets their days started early. Immediately agreeing, the would-be assassin flees and Serif decides to head to the kitchen; none of them are getting any more sleep after that. Serif also uses this time to show off another reason having the mira alive is better than as a one-time consumable: dead monsters can’t make monster food.
Potential Plot Points - Filler at Tobias’ Castle
A noblewoman tries to make a pass at Serif, which he declines as politely as possible (considering how forceful she was being). Pissed at being rejected, she accuses Serif of promiscuity, which he denies by saying he doesn’t swing that way. Confused by the term, Serif explains that he’s not interested in women (which isn’t too far from the truth of not being interested in either gender), saying that his boyfriend (Starling) back home is hotter than any human here anyways.
Serif meets Princess Chara, her handmaiden Frisk, and her bodyguard Kris. Kris and Frisk are siblings and grew up with Chara; their dad was the Queen’s bodyguard who died in the line of duty and their mother died due to complications during Frisk’s birth.
At some point, a human nobleman visits and gets into an argument with King Tobias. They decide to let their chosen champions battle it out and Tobias picks Serif. There’s no way for Tobias to lose; either Serif wins and Tobias wins the argument, or Tobias would get to watch Serif lose and get taken down a peg. Serif decides to use this to reiterate that he’s not someone to be taken lightly, hoping to scare his human allies.
“Hey, Tori; how good’s your healing magic?” “It’s one of my strong suits; why do you ask?” suspicious “Oh, no reason. Just something to keep in mind.”
Preemptively accused of cheating via magic, the other noble demands Serif be constrained but Serif offers the opposite; anything goes, including playing dirty, so long as they don’t bring anyone else into the fight. No hostage taking. The noble agrees, setting several of his guard against Serif; he wins handily but loses himself to battle lust and must be stopped by one of the mira, effectively ending the match. The mira go heal everyone but they don’t know how to set bones and Serif doesn’t really trust medieval medicine so he has to calm himself enough to do it himself, tending to those he just pummeled.
Eventually, King Tobias takes Serif to another human kingdom as his bodyguard, trusting that Serif will do what’s best for the mira, which currently includes keeping Tobias safe. At the meeting, King Tobias asks for the authority to make peace with the monsters on behalf of the other human kingdoms. He is allowed to lead that charge but some of the more powerful kingdoms want to send a representative as well, if for no other reason than to observe. A message is sent to the monster royals, who agree to meet; at the mira’s mountain, not Tobias’ castle. Tobias agrees to the meeting arrangements and says he’ll provide to the mira whatever they need to set up a meeting place. The meeting happens and it is eventually decided that Tobias’ young daughter, Princess Chara, is to marry the monster Prince. Everyone is happy with this except Tobias, who is convinced that peace is mostly in his interest so he should be paying the most for it. He doesn’t like it but accepts his fate.
There are some monsters who don’t like this idea and make their thoughts known. Fearing an ambush, one large caravan is set up as a decoy to attract the dissenters while Serif leads a very small group (just him, the three kids, and a few mira) to take another route. This works perfectly, as the decoy is trashed but the Princess makes it to the monster capitol safe and sound, if a little worse for wear.
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ninjasmudge · 3 months
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silly maid shit, late for the maid hype
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samaraxmorgan · 2 months
Your Roommate Sukuna
“That Time His Older Brother Gave Him A Tarot Reading”
Modern no curse AU, Sukuna X Reader
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Synopsis: This housing crisis sure is no joke huh? Rent is just too expensive to live alone, so you put out a listing for a roommate and ended up living with none other than the tattooed bad boy Ryomen Sukuna! This is part of a series of drabbles and oneshots showing glimpses into you and Sukuna’s living situation!!
Contains: brothers au, pure fluff, reader is not present, Sukuna is pining hard
Word Count: 1.26k
Series Masterlist - My Full Masterlist
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Sukuna isn’t one to make time for his family. Although he has an identical twin brother who bothers him far too much for his liking and an older half brother, he almost never talks about them and spends even less time talking too them. But today he was feeling nice… which is strange for him, but regardless, he decided to agree to come by his brothers’ apartment.
And was quickly reminded of why he never comes over.
Sukuna was seated on the antique couch while Choso kneeled in front of the coffee table between them, flickering candles on every surface bathing the living room in a soft warm glow and reflecting on the shiny surfaces of the crystals placed meticulously all over the table. Choso opened up a small black box, pulling intricately designed tarot cards from inside and fanning them between his fingers before spreading them face down across the table.
Sukuna really was trying not to roll his eyes at the whole ordeal, but the man can only take so much before he’s bound to cave, “This is so stupid.”
“Shh…” Choso leans forward and presses his finger over Sukuna’s lips.
“Don’t touch me.” He grumbles.
“Shut up,” Choso loses his calm demeanor for only a second before he’s closing his eyes again, “I’m focusing.”
“On what?”
“I’m tuning in…” He wiggles his fingers over the cards, “to the energies.”
“Jesus fucking christ.” Sukuna rubs his temples, “When did you start doing this witchcraft shit again?”
“Not witchcraft,” Choso peeks one eye open to shoot a quick glare at his brother, “And yesterday.”
“Oh you’re a real professional huh?” He smirks down at him.
“Sukuna,” His shoulders slump and he lets out a frustrated huff, “Just, fucking shut up.”
The two of them squint as the lights suddenly flick on, Yuuji not quite getting the memo of what’s going on downstairs as he leans his head over the stair railing to peek into the living room, “Ooh, how’s the satanic ritual going?” He calls out from the stairway.
“Yuuji!” The two of them call out in unison. He lets out a little “Oops” and flicks the light back off, running back to his room upstairs.
Choso rubs his eyes, smudging his eyeliner onto his fingers, “Okay just, pick a card.”
Sukuna huffs out an annoyed breath, reaching forward and tapping his pointer finger on one of the cards in the middle. Choso slides the card down in front of Sukuna and flips it over, revealing an upside down picture of a man sitting upright in a bed with his head in his hands and swords neatly stacked on the wall behind him.
“Oh, interesting.” Choso mumbles.
“The fuck is he crying about?” Sukuna leans down and squints at the card on the table, “It’s upside down.”
“It’s reversed,” Choso clarifies, “The nine of swords reversed.”
“Choso, I don’t know what the hell that means.”
The long haired man sits up a little straighter, pointing at the card with a manicured finger, “This first card is your past. The next will be the present, and the last will be your future.” He picks the card up and scans it carefully, “You were… struggling, alone, not one to talk to others even when you need to-“
“What is this fuckin’ therapy?”
Choso groans and rolls his eyes, “God knows you need it, but no. Anyway,” He clears his throat, “You were in a downward spiral, but this is past tense, clearly you’re more open now considering,” He gestures vaguely around the room, “Well, you’re here for once.”
Sukuna is visibly annoyed, not a fan of being picked and prodded at. Choso places the card back down on the table, gesturing for Sukuna to pick another one, which to Choso’s surprise and for Sukuna’s morbid curiosity, he does; tapping his finger on a card pushed to the side of the table.
Choso flips the card over, and once again, it's upside down. It pictures a man sitting cross crossed in front of a tree, three golden goblets on the grass in front of him and a fourth being given to him from a disembodied hand floating next to him.
He’s really fuckin’ bad at organizing his cards.
Choso’s gaze flickers between Sukuna and the card, his brows furrowed in thought so clearly that you could almost see cogs turning behind his eyes, “Four of cups… reversed.”
“The hell does reversed mean?”
“It’s usually a negative version of the card’s meaning.”
Sukuna scoffs, “Oh fuckin’ lovely.”
Choso props his elbow onto the table, tracing the outline of the card with his finger, “You’re withdrawing-“
“Well yeah. No shit,” Sukuna cuts him off, “You’re telling me I’m cursed. What’s the damn card mean?”
“That is what the card means, idiot. You’re reluctant to open up to someone.”
Sukuna leans back against the couch, crossing his arms over his chest, “Who?”
“I don’t know,” Choso shrugs, “Maybe the future card will clarify.”
“Absolutely not.” He huffs. Choso looks up at him with confusion, “I told you this was stupid, I’m not picking another.”
The light flicks on once again, Sukuna groans at the sound of Yuuji’s voice yelling from the stairway, “Sounds like someone’s a fucking pussy!”
“Yuuji, quit eavesdropping or I’ll gouge your fucking eyes out.”
The light flicks back off.
Choso looks up at Sukuna expectantly, and after glaring down at him for a moment he breaks, rolling his eyes and flipping over a random card, “If it’s upside down I swear to fucking god-“
“Oh shit!”
“What?” Sukuna sounds almost startled, looking down at the card he sees that this one is upright; picturing a naked man and woman standing in front of some kind of angel. But he’s quickly able to gather the most damning part of the card.
The bottom of the card says “The Lovers.”
“Oh fuck off.”
A smile spreads across Choso’s face, “I don’t think I need to explain this one to you. And it’s not upside down.”
“Reversed.” Sukuna mockingly clarifies.
“Shut up,” Choso leans forward, grin still plastered on his lips, “Who is it?”
“It’s nobody, this shit isn’t real.” Sukuna scowls, but deep down he’s glad the room is so dark to hide the tint in his cheeks.
It’s not fucking real idiot. Stop it.
“How about this,” Choso clasps his hands together, looking up towards the ceiling, “If this shit is real, give us a sign.”
Yuuji flickers the lights.
“No! Stop interfering, this is serious!” Choso yells out towards the stairway.
But Sukuna’s blood runs cold as his phone buzzes in his pocket, quiet enough that no one could hear, but he could feel it.
It’s not real.
The room is silent for a moment as Choso scans for any type of sign, but it’s as if the world had completely stopped turning, not even the candles were flickering. Choso plops his head onto the coffee table, mumbling under his breath, “I don’t know why I thought that would work.”
“Mhm.” Sukuna hums, putting up a disinterested front as he pulls his phone from his pocket, “Can we watch a movie or something now like a normal family?”
Choso defeatedly blows out the candles, collecting his crystals and placing his tarot cards neatly back into the box, “Fine, fine, but I still think it’s real.”
Sukuna’s heart nearly stops beating when he unlocks his phone and sees a text from you, “If u leave dirty dishes in the sink one more time I’m actually gonna kill u in your sleep.”
God I hope it’s fucking real.
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A/N: Family bonding time has never been so awkward, anyway here’s that time Sukuna started to believe in magic, or witchcraft, or anything if it means you like him as much as he likes you. Dividers by @adornedwithlight
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!
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Sleepwalker Infection
Where it all began
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morganski-19 · 8 months
Steve seeing something on tiktok and trying it on Eddie
Steve: You know what I kinda really want right now, an orange
Eddie: Do we even have the oranges?
Steve: I’m not sure
Eddie: *getting up* Let me check. Nope, be back in ten
Steve: *to the camera* I was not expecting him to go that far
Ten minutes later
Eddie: *comes back to the apartment with a bag of oranges* Do you want peeled or sliced
Steve: Peeled
Eddie: Ok
Steve: *looking at the camera* I think he passed
Eddie: *handing Steve a bowl of peeled orange slices* Passed what?
Steve: Nothing
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opera-ghost · 1 year
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phantom of the opera + twitter
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dashintrash · 2 years
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amphibia? more like dragon.... ia (based on @/cutetanuki_chan au cause I'm low key obsessed with the concept)
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bananadramaaa · 6 months
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Thanks to @birdsaretoddlers and hers "A Gentleman's Calling" (!murder besties fic!), I have one more woman who's wrongs I support. Terrible woman save me, save me terrible woman.
(Dolly's design by @lemonberyl)
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skywerse · 6 months
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the eepening
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traffrogers · 3 days
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Cover for HOP au! A hermitcraft/volleyball webcomic written by @briefle and illustrated by me :D
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zondearts · 18 days
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Au Haruka but with a new design
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bonewaryreblogs · 7 months
Crossover AU Hopping: Trolls!
Because they happen to be on my mind lately :p
Anyways, This would take place sometime between the first and second movies; it always kinda bothered me that they never addressed bergens who didn't want to change their ways, rebelling against King gristle Jr. and still wanting to eat trolls. I've decided to use Serif to explore that thought because it's a convenient situation in which he can be useful, cause drama, and fuel interactions.
To anyone who doesn't know, Serif is an Undertale original character (my own Sans clone) that I'm writing a fanfic for. He eventually gains the ability to travel between Undertale AUs and I use this same mechanic to get him to interact with other fandoms/franchises as well, because I can. It's not exactly canon but it's fun to think about.
Serif had set up camp in a small clearing he found in a lush, tropical-type forest, awakening to find the trolls come by to prepare the clearing for a party. Serif apologizes for encroaching on their area, having not known that the area was already claimed; Poppy, enthusiastic as ever, invites Serif to join in the festivities, much to Branch’s chagrin, not trusting the large interloper. For all they knew, Serif was another predator out to get them when they least expected it. Serif agreed that Branch had a point, which surprised Branch, saying that all they had was his word that he was friendly; however, optimistic as trolls are, Branch was overruled and Serif was allowed to stay.
Serif helped set up some of the larger equipment, saving time and potentially dangerous physical labor, which Branch grudgingly appreciated. Serif kept very aware of the location of all the trolls so he didn’t accidentally squish any of them. As the party commenced, Serif stayed on the outskirts, entertaining some trolls with some scaled down magic; after his novelty wore off, Serif was mostly left alone but Branch stayed near him, using the excuse of watching Serif for any funny business (so he could also stay on the outskirts of the party). Not wanting to distract from the actual party, Serif spoke with Branch in hushed tones, revealing more about himself to try to get Branch to relax. This sort of worked. Branch also told Serif about trolls being a Bergen delicacy to explain his mistrust; being so small, they weren’t exactly high on the food chain. After the party, Serif helped with the breakdown and was allowed to reset his camp in the area while the rest of the trolls went to their own homes for the night.
Unbeknownst to the trolls or Serif, Chef had been gathering bergens that didn’t like the new truce with the trolls and chose this night to attack Troll Village. Serif was brought out of sleep due to an aggressive, predatory energy nearby, realizing it was in the same direction all of the trolls had come from and returned to; he assumed that was where their home village was. Concerned for his new friends, Serif gets up and quietly stalks over to the energy, arriving just in time to hear screams of panic and fear as the group of five bergens were scooping as many trolls into sacks as they could. Without really thinking, Serif acted, grabbing the bergens with blue soul magic and flinging them away from the village, corralling them together before grabbing each within the maw of a large, terrifying Blaster.
Sacks removed and set down for Poppy to empty, making sure everyone was accounted for, Serif identifies Chef as the ringleader and questions her, discovering that the trolls were going to be eaten for their happiness, a fact Branch had carefully omitted when speaking with Serif earlier. Chef tried to bribe Serif with a few trolls of his own if he let them go but the Blasters tighten their grips instead, as Serif was thoroughly disgusted. He was about to take them away from the area and kill them but Branch (of all people) stopped him, saying death was too far. Serif asked if he had another idea and Branch said they should take them to Bergen Town for punishment; they had befriended the Bergen King there and he would know what to do with them. Poppy and Branch agree to lead Serif and their prisoners to Bergen Town and, despite bursting with blood lust, Serif manages to only tie the offending bergens up, though perhaps a little tighter than necessary.
They set off the next morning, Poppy and Branch riding in Serif’s hood while the prisoners are tied together and forced to walk. Serif mentions the omission and Branch reveals that he did indeed keep that bit to himself, not wanting to give Serif any ideas. Serif understands but it doesn’t quell his utter disgust at the bergens; killing for pleasure was against everything Serif had ever been taught. Even their magically grown foods, if they gained sentience, were given full citizenship, like the Vegetoids had.
By noon, Serif thinks to ask how long the trip to Bergen Town would be and Poppy confirmed they’d arrive by tomorrow. Not wanting to wait that long, Serif decides to fly the rest of the way there, extending his flight magic to all five bergens, causing varying degrees of distress. They were heavy but, fueled by his thirst for justice, Serif could manage if it meant they could get this over with faster. Flying as fast as he could with his cargo in tow, Serif managed to travel the distance in record time, landing somewhat haphazardly between the Troll Tree and the castle steps as the sun was setting. Poppy and Branch went ahead to explain the situation to King Gristle while Serif caught his breath. Curious onlookers began to approach and some of the tied bergens tried to plead for their lives, which was cut short by Serif growling that he caught them trying to eat the trolls again, which miffed some of the others; how dare they try to keep the trolls all to themselves! Such comments quickly quieted as Serif seethed that if they thought eating another sentient being was ok, they could join these in whatever punishment Gristle deemed appropriate. This shut up most of the protests, despite the prisoners swearing it wasn’t true.
Becoming impatient, Serif picked up the five bergens again and flew up the steps. Finding the door locked, Serif growled and opened a shortcut through the door, releasing his hold on the prisoners once inside, dropping them all in a heap. Gristle is defensive at first but Poppy exclaims they were just about to go get them. Not soon enough for Serif; the townsfolk were getting antsy seeing the other bergens tied up. Chef says that they’re all lying, just to further punish her, and that Gristle can’t possibly take the word of these trolls over the word of one of his own kind. Gristle says that it’s true, the trolls have no evidence beyond their words, but Poppy says if they go back to the village, they could see the destruction for themselves and ask other eyewitnesses. Bridget mentions that she trusts Poppy to tell the truth far more than Chef and Gristle makes up his mind to throw the five bergens in the dungeon for now and go see Troll Village. They leave in the morning!
Serif is given an introduction, saying that Troll Village would be done for if not for him stepping in, and all three are given a room for the night, with extra pillows for Branch and Poppy to nest in. Interactions happen before everyone goes to sleep.
The next morning, a knock on the door awakens Serif with a jolt, battle ready, while Poppy and Branch barely begin to stir, having somehow managed to cuddle at some point during the night. They are told that breakfast is almost ready and Serif replies that they’ll be down in a bit, releasing tension as he remembers where he is and Branch and Poppy separate in embarrassment. Serif brings them both to the attached restroom; the trolls take turns in the sink, taking advantage of the soap to wash their cloths too, while Serif took a quick shower and picked a different outfit from his Inventory.
After breakfast, Serif hesitantly reveals that, now that he’s been to both places, he can take a shortcut to Troll Village and back again, making the trip and investigation take barely one day. They arrive in Troll Village and discover it was still pretty well wrecked, despite the trolls’ best efforts. They got many of the inhabitants to tell their version of events, all of which had varying degrees of theatrics but ultimately drew the same picture: the bergens attacked in the night (unprovoked), stuffed bags full of trolls, and were ultimately stopped by Serif. Though he tried to downplay his role, Serif received a lot of praise and even an amount of hero worship; they were so glad they decided to trust him the day before the attack!
With all of this in mind, Gristle and Bridget return to Bergen Town to deal with the criminals; Serif wants to go and see justice served but Poppy hesitates. She should probably go on behalf of her people, but she didn’t want to leave them again. She was also a little scared of what kind of justice would be served, knowing the bergens were generally more violent than the peaceful trolls; would she even be able to stomach it? Serif suggested he represent the trolls’ interests but Branch offered to go instead, knowing it would be best if an actual troll was there as witness.
Serif offers his services as executioner but is shot down by just about everyone; Serif also agrees that death would be the easy way out for Chef anyways. He wants her to suffer, as her victims suffered, but reiterates that he doesn’t want Chef finding some way to claw back her power and be able to hurt others again. Chef is manipulative and cruel, willing to do literally anything to achieve her goals. The others can’t exactly deny this, and banishment obviously didn’t work either, so it is eventually settled that she will work in the castle as a scullery maid, the lowest of the lowly positions. There is a glimmer of hope that working in such a lowly position would break down her cruel mentality so she could be built back up into a better person but Serif is certain that won’t happen; if anything, it will likely make her more bitter, cruel, and hateful. However, knowing she’s at least going to be supervised, Serif concedes.
Serif decides to stay at the castle while he recovers enough magic to AU Hop again, shuttling visitors to and from the castle and Troll Village, mostly Bridget and Poppy taking advantage of Serif’s quick travel shortcuts.
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Springdad binkies :]
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biboomerangboi · 7 months
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The cowboy Zukka art that I kid you not broke my iPad ✨
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journey-to-the-attic · 2 months
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the new nightmare is cool but i think not putting them in hanfu was an missed opportunity
(+ long hair version that i wasn't as sure about)
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