#au astor
edgy-dragon-trash · 3 months
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Prayer to the Calamity 🩸
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fluffykittyscientist · 11 months
Astorvember 2023, day 10: Circlet
Made of gold and a gem resembling an eye, Astor's headdress is a unique part of his outfit. He wears it at all times, whether he's working at his tent, chilling with acquaintances or simply sleeping. It's always there.
Probably in his early 20s, he was destined to find it. Where? Somewhere. When? Sometime. He put it on and it has almost never left his head ever since. Maybe it came with a note or a vision.
The deal is that it's cursed. The proof is in Astor's eyes, or rather his eyes themselves. They were of the dark brown color before. They are not anymore. The effect took some time to get noticable, but they had, indeed, turned sickly goldish.
However, Astor does not think he's cursed. No, he's been blessed. Graced. Favored. By none other than Ganon himself.
In fact, it's possible the headdress whispers ideas to him, and Mojmír takes them as his own. He is consciously unaware of its influence on him. He may even think his eyes have always been gold. And if he is to remove it from his head for a few days, the effect disappears, and he acts less mysteriously, more normally, even if not by much. And his eyes turn back to their original color.
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
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Some villain squad bs without any context lol. I do have a story idea for this. Just guys bein dudes.
Also I did mention how I wanted Kogha in this au but sadly he doesn’t have that big of a role except for antagonist against these guys and it’s all Astor’s fault lol.
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emicat1159 · 5 months
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Paimon from @lilluciferau :)
And thanks for the suggestion, @angie-serpant ^^
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spacenintendogs · 1 year
modern au ask. What are the gangs personal clothing styles ?
ooooo.... i'm not very fashionable nor am i rlly confident abt my knowledge of styles & stuff so i'm sorry if it's not as creative as it could be :')
hiccup i see a lot of layers, similar to how he dresses in the dreamworks franchise. as he gets older there's more leather since he does a lot of motorcycle riding. flannels, graphic tees, baggier cargo pants & shorts & sneakers are his general go-to. has a nice pair of chucks he brings out once in a while. no piercings but he has a tattoo of toothless' strike class silhouette on one of his shoulder blades.
astrid dresses practically. usually in a pair of jeans or leggings. when she dresses more casually it's basketball shorts with a jersey of some kind. she wears jerseys relatively often too. also shirts she can easily move & breathe in. i think she'd like horizontal stripes for shirts but i might be projecting lol. she's got multiple ear piercings on both ears tho. she also loves her headbands!!! gets a specially made one from tuff & snot with stormfly's spines on it!! steel toed boots.
fishlegs dresses like a hipster. have u seen his moustache in httyd 3?? he's a hipster & he fucking rocks it. also rocks a lot of street styles he's one of the most fashionable of the gang & he is proud of it. he looks great always. gets the tattoos on his arms like he has in httyd 3. he also likes wearing rings!! has a wooden bead bracelet he wears from his older sister. uses stuff like beard oil & is super into skincare. u will catch him with a face mask & cucumbers over his eyes.
snotlout prob goes through the biggest style shift. when he's younger he dresses like the usual high school douchebag, backwards cap & everything. once he's a senior & after he graduates he's more biker style (he does become a biker dude after all). super tight t-shirts that show his boobs lmao. he gets his ears pierced & gets a labret piercing. tattoo sleeve on his right arm of monstrous nightmares entangling around each other. old habits die hard tho so sometimes u catch him with his backwards cap. heeled boots bc he likes to be tall.
ruffnut is so fucking cool u guys. she dresses in a variety of styles, sometimes vastly different day to day but she pulls them all off flawlessly. strong fashion is actually how she & fishlegs bond sometimes (or argue lmao). she's got so many ear piercings & switches out what she has by the day. she does her hair the most elaborately out of the gang, when it's long or short. loves long necklaces & layers them. has her nose pierced too. she has a tattoo of barf going down her calf (tuff has the other half so if they stand next to each other it completes the zippleback!!). her fave pair of shoes tho are her sketchers hiking sandals. let the dogs out!!!
tuff is also so fucking cool, though in a more laid back way compared to ruff. more grungy. ripped jeans from falling off his longboard. old sneakers that have been everywhere. shirts he's had since middle school that may be repurposed to have ripped sleeves or become crop tops. that ugly dress u saw at a thrift store? he's wearing it & fucking looks great. he has his septum pierced and multiple ear piercings (like httyd 3). i also think he'd get snake bites. when he's younger he wears beanies a lot but once he's older he puts his hair up in more elaborate "viking" styles with how he braids. also enjoys tank tops & more frayed looks to shirts in general. has belch tattooed down his calf (ruff has the other half, as stated above).
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Modern AU where Maya likes to go “lmao remember my straight phase??? That was crazy” whenever she’s about to talk about when she and Jason were dating
Her comphet phase was BAD
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Faces Of Eons
more for Sakiru, this is kind of a follow up to Return. here we have Sakiru meeting the main silly guys of the AU :3
(for @bugger-loz's dungeon boss AU, Dark Disciples)
Word count: 1268 Characters: Sakiru, Astor, Original characters (the blights and temple bosses), Kohga and Sooga (briefly) Warnings: None
The four stood there in silence, facing Sakiru and the apostle with exaggerated expressions ranging from bewilderment to annoyance. Not knowing what to say, Sakiru stood there and studied their features.
There weren't many collective similarities between them. They were all different shapes and species- a thin and lanky gerudo who appeared to be a man, A built and stocky goron, a tall-statured zora, and a barrel-chested rito. All of them were flicking their eyes between Sakiru and the robed man.
After a minute of silence, the apostle spoke. “I told you that the Demon King’s alchemist turned himself into a construct.”
“I… guess that is a construct… but you at least could’ve told us what that meant! We weren’t exactly expecting a full on robot, ya know?” “What were you expecting?” He threw their hands in the air. “I don’t know, but it damn well wasn’t that!”
The apostle sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Enough. The point is that he’s here now. You may call him Sakiru. That was the name that he took in life.”
“Sakiru,” The rito murmured under his breath.
The apostle turned his head to Sakiru. “I wanted you to meet these people. These are the ones who call themselves The Blights, followers of Calamity Ganon. Each of them serve as their respective element.”
He gestured to all of them, one by one. First the gerudo. “Raedihn is the blight of thunder.” The rito. “Thyelli is the blight of the winds.” The zora. “Ahvesus is the blight of the waters.” The goron. “And finally, Kohlasi is the blight of fire.” He crossed his arm over his chest and bowed. “I am the prophet of doom. You may call me Astor.”
Sakiru looked from Astor to the blights. “...That’s not all of them. What do you mean?”
Astor stood up from his bow, masking his confusion with false confidence. “I assure you, that is all four of them. Each counteracts a certain person, a general in our enemy’s army. Every single one is accounted for.”
“But what of light? What of spirit?”
A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, but he still kept some of that confusion. “You’ve been down there quite a while, you must not be up to speed. There is no ‘spirit’ that you speak of. The light, Princess Zelda, is opposed by the calamity itself.”
Before Sakiru could ask any questions, Ahvesus cut through with a sarcastic laugh. “Look, prophecy man. We don’t have all day. This isn’t exactly, you know, time for a little history lesson.” They hissed that part through gritted teeth. “So can we please get to the point?”
Astor nodded. “Of course. Right this way, Sakiru.”
He opened the wooden doors and let them out. The quiet of the room they were in seemed infectious, the bustle of the outside going silent in nearly a second. The strange masked men clothed in red suits stared at them and shuffled out of their way to clear a path.
While they walked, Sakiru perked his mechanical ears up. He noticed two men in the crowd: one of them significantly taller than the rest of them, the other jumping around and waving his arms in the air. “Sooga, lift me up! I wanna see em!”
The tall man named Sooga picked him up by the armpits and lifted him to about the height of his chest. The other man, wearing a more extravagant mask and noticeably more stout than the others, put a hand at his forehead to shield his eyes from sunlight that wasn’t in the underground hideout. “Woah! What in Ganon’s name is that? Is that the alchemist guy that Astor was talking about?”
The man stopped speaking and demanded to be let down when Sakiru looked at him. Before he could fully squirm out of his position, they entered the next room.
Just like the one that they met in, this room had no masked men in it. There were three mounds of blankets and cushions, along with a wooden tub of water clearly separated from the fabrics. As they walked in, Astor jingled the jewelry in his hair.
The four beings in the room perked up, intrigued by the noise. They were… babies. A gerudo girl, a goron pebble, a zora fry, and a rito hatchling. They crawled a little closer to Sakiru. Fascinated, but wary of danger.
The Blights looked at each other and waited for one of them to say something. Thyelli took that responsibility. “...These are our children,” she said. “Moruka, Gohrra, Gyba, and my son, Colgheri. You… can imagine why this is so important to us.”
“I see…” Sakiru rasped as he kneeled down. Gyba got a little closer and reached out. Her little fingers grasped one of the zonaite prongs at the end of his arm. She giggled as he raised his hand a little bit, lifting her a few inches off the ground. 
The other kids joined their friend to meet the newcomer. Ahvesus picked up their child as they waddled over. “This is war. If anything goes wrong… yeah, not risking it. We can’t fight and take care of them at the same time.”
“What about these masked men? There’s plenty of them.”
Astor scoffed. “Sakiru, let’s just say that I wouldn’t trust those buffoons with a dog, much less children. The Yiga are a bad influence, and I doubt they’d feed them anything but bananas. We only work with them out of necessity.”
Ahvesus wiped off a bit of water that Moruka spit in their face. “We need our futures and legacies to be protected, unless the calamity doesn’t go entirely to plan. Since you have no counterpart, could we rely on you?” Sakiru picked Gohrra off of the floating pieces of his arms. “For fellow disciples of darkness, I will do what I can.”
“What do you mean, ‘no spirit’? What happened to the fifth sage?”
Astor and Sakiru were alone now in the quiet of the night. Everyone else had gone to bed. The only sound accompanying them was the wildlife in the highlands.
“I found out about you through the stone archives in the temples I’ve unearthed. I’ve seen depictions of the ‘sages’ you speak of, but I assure you that there were only four. Perhaps something has been lost to time.”
“But you spoke of Princess Zelda, I remember her… It can’t have been that long.”
“Interesting. It seems there really is more going on here than I imagined…” He turned back to him. “But it really has been that long. Based on the age of the archives, you’ve been in that temple for at least ten thousand years.”
“T- ten… ten thousand years…”
Sakiru couldn’t move his arms. His whole body seized up. His heart stopped beating in its jar.
“It’s a lot to take in, but-”
He cut Astor off. “Ten thousand years…! Ten thousand-! TEN THOUSAND YEARS!”
And with that, he threw his glass head back and looked up towards the sky. From his jaws, brought from the air itself, he let forth a cackle like he had never laughed before. Such a deep and throaty noise that didn’t travel through his severed neck, not coming from jarred lungs that never filled with air to create it. All through the night, he laughed and laughed up towards a sky full of stars that he didn’t recognize anymore.
Rauru was dead. Mineru was dead. Every single hylian under their command was now the dirt that his zonai feet walked upon. It didn’t matter. He did it.
He was immortal.
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fenriraa · 3 months
I'm still trying to find the spot the cult was having their gathering at. I < think > they were right next to a river or creek. There's other landmarks too but I cannot for the life of me find where they were at. I'm not even sure if its a location in BOTW or if Nintendo just made it up only for the scene.
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i have no idea if my shitty markings are gonna help
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night-fa1r · 6 months
Everyone lives all is well modern AU with TAOPP?! I’m giving them all favorite MLP characters fight me.
Jason would LOVE Apple Jack because she’s dedicated to Apple Acres. He can relate to overworking yourself and refusing help. But he phrases it as her just being really dedicated to her job and independent.
Louis adores Rarity and her personality. It’s even better she has AMAZING fashion. He will justify her faults and her actions; “I mean, don’t you want gems and diamonds too?” & “I’d do the same!” He hates the episode where all of the mane six didn’t like the dresses she made them.
Maya likes Rainbow Dash. She envy’s how bold and hot headed she is. But likes how she’s caring and still a good friend. She finds Rainbow confident and proud, and Maya wishes she could be like that, along with being with Maddox openly. While she doesn’t want to be queen, and doesn’t find herself all that happy being princess, she still would like a reality where she could be a known royal and open like that.
Maddox finds themselves relating a little too much to Princess Luna. They watched the Halloween episode and had a crisis. Being feared? Rumors and tales made about them? People actively avoiding them? Practically no one knowing the real them? This sounds familiar… They will deny it with all their heart though. Princess Luna is just their favorite because she’s a pretty, dark, and interesting character!!!!
Rowan likes Sunset Shimmer. He will NEVER admit he likes MLP. But he likes the running away plot and feels like she’d kinda hate being wrapped in Equestrian stuff again. If someone asks him he won’t say he wants to run away like her but he will say that he likes the fact she was against Equestria at first. He likes the way that unlike Twilight, she kinda goes along with what’s happening instead of planning everything. He bonds with Maddox on how the both of them relate to Sunset, but they will be the ONLY person who knows he likes that stupid pony show of course.
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welcome-to-hyrulepark · 7 months
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When I watched how YouTubers like Beq Art or well_D_raw drew anime characters with liners in their mini sketchbooks, I wanted the same set for myself, but to make small sketches for Hyrule Park.
I want to share some of them with you, but not all of them because they could potentially contain major spoilers.
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Here I tried to redesign Jimmy's exoskeleton that he will wear in seasons two and three.
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Clyde tests the mechanical suit that Robbie was creating for Link.
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Astor's lifetime: from insatiable brat (when Zelda was born), to mediocre sorcerer (when Zelda's mother died), to prophet of doom (AOC events), to vengeful spirit (season 2 events, but I’m no longer sure whether Astor can fit into them).
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Just a stupid idea for a storyline with koroks. Jimmy will ignore Hetsu's request to collect 900 koroks, since he knows full well that they do not have time for this. However, Butters feels bad for Hetsu and decides to secretly collect these little creatures. Open Alt to read the dialogue.
And here, I tried to draw in the format of already mentioned Beq Art and well_D_raw. Here's what I have:
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Sketch of Zelda's mother
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In my AU, Link will wear the Yiga uniform, just like in TotK. But I won't say in which season this will happen🤫
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And finally, I present to you Maraku - the mother of Impa and Purah. Her name is a derivative of passion fruit, which in my language is called "marakuyya"
From now until the end, I will only be drawing concepts for Hyrule Park in this little book, while my old unfinished sketchbook is now free for other kinds of drawings.
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karakulialiny · 1 year
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Originally, these days aren't supossed to be merged, but I already wanted to publish the entries for Linktober in the right way. And in general, I didn’t want to bother much.
Context: After Ganondorf fell into the abyss, he was brought back to life by Astor, who himself had just come from purgatory, where he had been after the absorption by Ganon. Then he offered the rebellious king of Gerudo his help in achieving his goals…
Listen to this for the atmospere:
If anything, this is just another random idea for my fan comic, which is unlikely to be in the final version, because I’m not quite sure what will be there yet. For example, if last year I said that Astor would be the main and most powerful villain of the second season, now he is no longer so owerpowered, but he is still a brilliant manipulator and an unredeemable scumbag, who is very interesting because of his unpredictability and charisma.
{Previous drawing] [Next drawing}
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edgy-dragon-trash · 1 month
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Heres biblically accurate Astor vs my nasty old man <3 This is a bit rushed tho.
Anyways wow it has been 4 or 3 years since I tried to draw game accurate Astor.
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fluffykittyscientist · 11 months
Astorvember 2023, day 5: Braids
Astor is a very stinky guy. He doesn't shower very often, perhaps only once in two weeks. Therefore, his two braids stay on his head pretty much permanently. Unless his mom decides it's time to do an apartment clean up and proceeds to put his clothes into the washing machine, mop the floor, dust the furniture and throw Astor into the bathtub. Then, of course, she has to unbraid them.
(Pretty humiliating and awkward for poor Astor. Like he's in his mid-30s and his mom still sometimes washes his hair.)
The braids hold no meaning, he simply enjoys the look. He can braid them himself.
Astor doesn't waste his money on hairdressers. When his hair gets too long, he cuts it himself. Yes, it looks ugly and low-effort, but he doesn't care. (His mom does, though.)
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
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Villain squad bs
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emicat1159 · 4 months
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Anyone free to babysit two angel children? I think my girl needs a break
(Quick sketch to get back into drawing hhhhhhh)
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spacenintendogs · 6 months
for the rqs if ur doing ocs could you draw my creature pepper.. if not that's totally fine!! or snotstrid pretty please
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he is so cool!!!
& a dragons off the coast snotstrid scribble 4 u
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