#attoye au
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mamajanky · 11 months ago
「 Kiln Me Softly 」
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Chapter 2: Thrown.
Summary: Two weeks after Okoye’s first pottery class.
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siancore · 1 year ago
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Chapter 2 from the third installment of The Alliance Kingdoms series.
Summary: The aftermath of Okoye and Attuma's first night together as husband and wife.
Excerpt: She wanted to proclaim that he was strong and handsome. That he was drawing pleasure from her the likes of which she had never known. That she thought she would not enjoy coming together with her friend in that manner, but his hands and lips and manhood was washing the doubt from her. That his touch was incendiary and made her feel as if she was on fire. That his lips already knew her so well. That his eyes were like the Wakandan night skies: Dark and beautiful.
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mickimomo · 2 years ago
Attoye-Week Snippets (Part 1)
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So, I decided that since I’m participating in Attoye-Week, I’d drop a snippet of the first chapter of each entry I intend on dropping for each theme as I work on them. Hopefully it’ll either get you motivated to participate or interact with the peeps who make something for this Attoye-centered creation event. 
For whatever reason, Day 6: Fairytale had my brain ready to type out every thing. So, this is the first snippet you’ll get outta me. The final draft will definitely have more added to it, so keep an eye out for when Day 6 comes around for @attoye-week! 
Siren Tears and Fairy Wings (Fairytale AU)
Torrential rain dropped from the heavens as a group of men chased after a flickering ball of light.
They ran through the dark forest filled with a few bioluminescent plants and fungi that glowed eerie shades of pink, violet, and teal as they pursued their target.
“Where is it?!?”
“It’s just up ahead! Go! Go! Go!”
The men spilled into a small clearing and began to search around, hitting bushes with sticks and prodding leaves with blades.
“Damn it, Cap’n! We lost em’. I just saw the lil sprite dive intah one of these bushes!” One man grunted. “It’s so hard tah see in this storm!”
“Keep looking!”
The man nodded as he tried to blink away the rain and continued his search.
“Come out lil fairy!” Another crew mate sang softly as he abused a few bushes with a slew of violent swings. “We haven’t got all night!”
Another man moved closer to the captain as the rain poured down harder, making it nearly impossible to see beyond the forest line that circled them.
Just like the others, his white-puffed-sleeve shirt was soaked to the point that it clung to his skin, while his dark brown pants whispered threats of chafing his thighs with every step he made.
“Captain Namor, it’s getting harder to see and we’re not familiar with the terrain or wildlife of this island. If we don’t stop, someone may get hurt-”
The older pirate glanced back at his quartermaster. “Do you know how much money we’ll get with that fairy, Attuma?”
“Lots.” He bit the inside of his cheek at his captain’s incredulous look.
“Not just lots, Attuma. Enough to stop going out to sea! Enough for us to all settle down and live comfortably with our friends and families until our souls depart.” He narrowed his eyes as his eyelashes became curved ledges to raindrops. “Two fairy wings are worth so much. Too much for me to be pouting over someone slipping and busting their ass in the rain or getting nibbled on by a feral critter.” He held up two fingers and wiggled them. “Do you know why?”
“Because they can extend one’s life.”
“Because they can extend one’s life.” He nodded with a grin before tapping his two fingers against the taller man’s chest with each word. “We just need one little fairy and we’re back on the ship and on our way home.”
“I understand, but this weather could cost us a few men.”
“They all want this fairy just as badly as I do. We’ve already injured the little bug, so it’s an easy job.”
“Right, but-“
“-If you want to minimize casualties, I suggest you help us look, so we aren’t out here much longer.”
Attuma’s lips parted slightly before he nodded apprehensively. “Aye, aye captain.”
With a curt nod, Namor walked away leaving the soaked man in a corner of the woods as shouts of possibly spotting a fairy stirred the others up on the other side of the clearing.
This was all futile.
It was only a matter of time before someone got injured and he was forced to patch them up.
Namor was a great captain, but his dreams and ambitions made him reckless and uncaring of the sacrifices it took to achieve them.
Always reminding everyone about how their voyages and discoveries benefited the greater good.
Never caring about the sacrifices, it took to benefit the greater good.
He loosened the collar of his shirt around his neck before he began to look around for any signs of the fairy.
Shouts rivaled the thunder as the men rushed onward, leaving Attuma behind as he quietly searched the clearing.
Part of him wanted to call out to them to slow down, but it would only go in one ear and out the other.
There was no point in chasing after them and trying to convince them to give up either.
For now, he could only make sure he was safe and well enough to help in the event of an emergency.
From where he currently stood, he could find his way back to the ship without any issues.
Those idiots would probably get lost and need him to come find them or lead the way back to the ship.
It was only a matter of time.
He shook his head at the thought before examining a small patch of mushrooms beneath a bush that had been smacked and rattled by one of his crew mates.
He carefully lowered his head to find a pair of shaking legs by the base of one of the mushrooms and sighed softly.
He turned around to make sure he was alone before reaching out to carefully scoop up the hidden fairy.
“LET ME GO!” The fairy screamed before tossing a handful of mushroom spores at his face.
“Hey- shhhhhh.” He hushed her frantically before falling into a fit of coughs. “What is that?” He frowned as the rain slowly cleared his senses.
“Something that should have killed you, but surprisingly didn’t.” She scowled as she tried to free herself from his grip.
“Hey. I’m trying to help. My name is-”
“Will you be quiet before you summon my shipmates?” He hissed. “I’m trying to help.”
She let out a scream of frustration after slamming her tiny fists into his hands until she was temporarily burned out, her fairy magic dimming until she was lightless as she panted.
“Hey, will you just calm down and listen to me?”
“Calm down?! Calm down in the hands of a fairy hunter?!” She squirmed in his hold and tried her best to claw at his wet hands with her tiny fingers as the rain poured down on them.
“I’m trying to help you.”
“Help me?”
“You can’t help me, and I don’t need or want your help.” She glared up at him as rain slipped down her bald head. “You’re with those monsters.” She slapped his hand. “You are a monster.” She curled her hand into a fist before rapidly opening her hand, as if to shoo him off with a sharp flick of her fingers.
“So, what if I am? I want to leave. It is not safe here.” He frowned. “I don’t care if we capture a fairy or not.”
He huffed as he carefully lifted her and rose to his full height. “I don’t intend to argue with you all night in this awful weather. I need to get you somewhere safe and go find my shipmates before someone gets sick or injured.”
“You don’t have to get me anywhere. Just let me go!” She smacked at his fingers before landing a bite with her sharp teeth.
He let out a shout of pain and his hand opened. “Fuck-” His eyes widened as he watched the fairy drop to the ground with a wet thud, sparkling dimly as she sat in the mud and tried to flap her broken wings.
“Stupid human.” She spat as she stared up at him. “You were crushing my wings to worsen my injuries. You did that so I couldn’t get away, didn’t you?”
“I didn’t do it intentionally.” He frowned as he looked at his bleeding finger before taking note of the sparkling blood that coated his palm and fingers. “You’re bleeding.” He whispered as the rain slowly washed it from his warm tan skin.
“It’s your fault.” She scooted back a little as her body shivered in the cold rain. “All you humans ever do is take and destroy.” She narrowed her eyes. “You do not know how to coexist peacefully or let things be. You’re always trying to conquer things that are deemed weaker and murder what you do not understand.” She looked around the forest as an inkling of grief shined in her eyes. “You all will be the death of my home. A terrible illness.”
“I won’t let that happen.”
The pirate slowly crouched to look at her properly.
Her skin was a sparkling dark brown that was lined with dimly glowing white and black markings.
Upon further inspection, they were various symbols that he couldn’t comprehend but he knew they meant a great deal to her.
She wore a tattered red dress that sparkled with her blood and was damn near a permanent burgundy brown from all the mud and rain.
Her wings were transparent, but extremely iridescent, looking as if they were paper thin slivers of detailed glass.
Every twitch they made in the light the lightning provided as it danced across the stormy late afternoon sky revealed a bright rainbow.  
He leaned in to inspect the damage that had been done to them, only freezing when his close proximity earned a nasty hiss and baring of sharp teeth. The sound and gesture explicitly promised to do more damage with her razor-sharp teeth if he touched her again.
“I won’t touch you again unless absolutely necessary.” He raised his hands in surrender. “Let’s just talk.”
“I do not want to talk. I want you to go away.”
He sighed. “Look, I’m sure every single human on the face of this planet has a flaw that will prove you right for hating us.” He stared at her solemnly. “I am sorry for hurting you and for assisting with hunting you down. A lot is depending on your wings right now.” He held her fiery gaze. “However, right now, I just want to get my men and my captain back to our ship without any casualties.” He pressed his hand to his chest. “They are like family to me. I don’t want anyone to suffer.” He pointed a finger at her. “But… if I could get you somewhere safe and sound, far away… I could tell them to give up on their pursuit because I know they’ll never find you.” His gaze softened like melting chocolate as he stared at her. “You’ll never see us again if I can get them back to our ship. I just need you to trust me.”
The fairy stared at the pirate long and hard before screams and shouts of panic filled the air in the distance as a loud beastly roar filled the air.
Attuma looked back with wide eyes before looking down at the fairy.
A wave of curiosity graced her features before shifting into a soft smile.
“W-What was that?” He whispered.
“All of you will be punished for coming here.” She looked up at him. “You will all die here.”
“And you’ll die too.”
“I’ll be just fine.” She scoffed. “I belong here. You do not.”
The screams grew louder as they drew near and Attuma reached down carefully. “I have to hide you.”
“If my shipmates see you, they will kill you. You can’t escape in your condition.”
“I’ll just hide here.”
“This place is not safe.” He frowned as the shouts came closer to where they were.
“I am not afraid of death. The death of a fairy will curse a hundred men.” She spat.
He shook his head before carefully picking her up. “You can curse some other humans, but not my men.” He scolded her softly. “They have friends and families to return to.”
“Do not touch me!” She struggled to smack away his hand. “Put me down! All of you deserve to die! I’ll be fine-” she snarled before falling silent as he pressed a finger to her lips. His body grew tense as the trees rattled and the bushes began to shake.
He slowly backed himself into the forest before hiding amongst the bushes they had searched earlier, keeping his dark brown eyes locked in the clearing before them.
The fairy froze and looked out into the clearing with curious dark brown eyes.
A ferocious roar challenged the thundering sky as Attuma watched a large monster’s silhouette get highlighted by a strike of lightning.
A slew of bloodied and battered pirates came tumbling and stumbling out of the woods into the clearing, following their mighty captain in hopes of escaping the pursuing monster.
Attuma gently placed the fairy in his shirt. “Hold on.” He whispered before getting up to run parallel to the fleeing men.
A/N: Alrighty! I’ll drop the rest when Day 6 gets here. Check out @attoye-week​ for the deets on when that is and all the other info if you wish to participate.
I hope to see you then and stay tuned for other snippets! <3 
p.s. And yes, I’m working on updating Storm and Exchange. I am slowly and steadily making my way back to the Attoye cookout. 
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nilseyart · 2 years ago
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Au Laboratory nashuri and attoye 🔬🧬
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dontruinmymorning · 2 years ago
ATTOYE AU (another part)
Okoye is Attuma’s best friend’s sister.
Nobody asked for this but imma do it anyway
Attuma couldn’t get enough of Okoye. He knew it was wrong. So wrong to want his bestfriend’s sister like this, but he was helpless against it. It came as natural as breathing. It didn’t matter what they were doing as long as he was with her.
They spent a surprisingly large amount of time together. Okoye wanted to see the new city she would be living in and Kosa didn’t always have the time to do it with his new internship. So he entrusted Attuma with the task when he wasn’t available.
Before he knew it they were going out for coffee, dinner, other meals, the movies, he took her to various sites, museums even a couple music and art shows. He wanted her to get a feel for the city but really he just wanted to see the way her face lights up.
He was completely and utterly smitten and he was so fucking screwed.
Attuma was so caught up in his own mental battle that he was completely oblivious to what was happening with Okoye.
She was really enjoying her decision to transfer to her new school. She was especially pleased to meet her brother’s friend and roommate. Attuma. He came up with some of the most spectacular outings for them and Okoye loved them all. She can’t remember having this much fun and ease with any other man she’s been with.
Attuma was totally clueless to the fact that Okoye thought they were dating this whole time. He wanted to believe they were but tried to kill those thoughts before they even started. She was off limits. So he was completely unprepared when she kissed him one evening while they were hanging out at his apartment.
Kosa was still at work, but he said he’d be bringing home dinner. They were relaxing after Attuma had took her on another sweet outing. She had her head on his shoulder while they watched tv and he was internally freaking out trying to figure out he was gonna move without being weird before Kosa gets back and also because it feels so right and natural to be this cosy with her.
He stiffened when she ran her hand across his chest and rested her arm across his stomach and cuddled further into him. Shit, shit, shit. She laughed at something on the screen but he had no idea what was going on. Alarm bells were going off inside and she seemed totally at ease. Like they’d been doing this for years. As if she could sense his distress she looked up and asked if he was okay.
He answered shakily, but he couldn’t help smiling at her concern. She smiled back at him and lifted her hand to his cheek. His eyes widened when he saw her lean in to kiss him. He didn’t move to stop it cause he could no longer feel his body. It’s like he was watching it all happen as a third party.
Her lips met his and he was lost. He felt his eyes close and his body sink into the sofa. She leaned her body into him more and deepened the kiss. He found himself pulling her closer without even thinking about it. She made the cutest sound at the back of her throat and ran her hand to the back of his neck.
They finally pulled back when they ran out of air. She gave him a soft peck and moved away. He looked at her questioningly asking her what that was.
She giggled and said, “Well you didn’t seem to be in a hurry to do it so I thought I might as well do it myself if it was ever gonna happen.” She smirked and continued, “And judging from your response i’m glad I did.”
She chuckled and gave him another peck then moved to go use the bathroom. He was left flustered on the couch having no clue what the fuck was going on. As soon as she headed down the hall he heard the front door open.
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theattoyearchive · 2 years ago
Day 7: Historical/ Gods & Goddesses
Have you ever imagined Attuma or Okoye as your favorite God or Goddess? Day 7 of Attoye Week is your time to shine! Everything from the Greek and Roman Pantheons to the Gods of Egypt are available to choose from!
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dontruinmymorning · 2 years ago
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siancore · 2 years ago
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Attoye Canon Divergent | DarkFic | Explicit | Part 2 of 4 
Read it on AO3 
Summary: Okoye offers herself to be taken by the Talokanil in place of Shuri. As is customary with prisoners of war, they are to be sacrificed to Ku'ku'lkán. However, Attuma is infatuated with the Wakandan beauty and asks his God-King if he can claim her as spoils of war. Okoye has a plan, and she will allow the Talokanil warrior have his way with her to execute her plan.
Content Warnings: Dubcon; explicit sex; language; power imbalance; obsession; violence; dark!Attuma; captivity; mind control 
You are responsible for the content you consume. Heed the warnings and act accordingly.
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mickimomo · 2 years ago
Túumben comienzo (Attuma x Okoye)
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Garden Shop AU - soft!Okoye x alt!Attuma
By @karimk2
This is the link
“But I am glad you kept your promise too, Attuma” Okoye offered another smile before giving a thoughtful look. “Ah! Here, let's do this. I will give you my number so that way you can send me pictures of those beautiful flowers when they blossom.” Okoye pulled away from him, only to retrieve her phone from the top shelf of the wooden bookshelf in the back of the store.
I just wanna say- Okoye was smooth AF.
After she said that I just know this was everyone's face:
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Aneka & M'Baku:
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pilesofpillows · 6 months ago
Won’t You Bring Me Whiskey? || Attoye Drabble || Western AU
Warnings: Hats off to Cowboy Attuma 🤠
Tags: @mamajankyy @xenokattz @tvreadsandsleep @ariyannah @iccedays @blissdoutbyattuma @umber-cinders @mickimomo @dontruinmymorning @princess-of-gondor
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“And here I was, thinking you’d forgotten me.”
Okoye acknowledged his presence without ever looking up from the papers strewn across her desk, right where Shuri had said she’d be.
Attuma smiled at her from the post he’d taken up against her office doorframe.
“Darling, I think I could take a hoof to the head and still remember every damn detail about you,” he replied with a soft laugh.
Her writing paused, and she spared him the briefest glance before returning to her work, amusement dancing on her lips. “Flatterer.”
“Maybe so,” Attuma conceded, standing to his full height and flashing her a charming smirk. He strode over to the large oak desk and leaned close enough to smell the lingering scent of orchids and amber on her skin and see the bright glint in her dark eyes, “but never a liar.”
She hummed in response, lips quirking up, and continued her writing. “Staying long?”
The question was a familiar one, and he thought he heard something like hope in her tone. But he ignored it just the same as the pang of disappointment that flashed through him, knowing the answer.
“Just until morning. We leave at first light,” he said quietly, rounding the desk and leaning against it as he admired her. Even after almost a year of this— whatever this was —he still found himself awestruck by her. From the sharp arch of her brow to the wide set of her nose, the deep bow of her full lips and elegant column of her neck, the sleek lines of her collar bones and supple curves of her breasts and hips, Attuma could spend hours cataloging her beauty.
He had.
“Tell me something,” Okoye started as she finished scrawling a few numbers in a ledger and interrupted his musing. “What does it say that your dog found her way here before you did?”
She chuckled at his questioning hum and closed her ledger, storing her pen. Then, she pushed her chair back, nodding to the black-and-white animal napping under her desk.
Attuma glanced down and snorted as Yawri sleepily blinked one eye open. “Comfortable down there?”
She sniffed at him, then crawled from under the desk, yawning and stretching as she went and placed her head in Okoye’s lap, preening as the woman began to scratch her behind the ears.
“You’re an awfully spoiled thing, aren’t you?” Attuma admonished playfully, shaking his head as her tail began wagging from Okoye’s continued attentions. He was suffering from a unique sort of madness where he found himself jealous of his own dog. “but I suppose you’ve got your priorities in order.”
Okoye shot him a dazzling smile lined with mischief. “Why Mr. Almehen, are you implying I’m a priority to you?”
Attuma froze for a moment, biting his tongue to stop the answer from spilling out. She always left him floundering, on the edge of laying out every secret his soul held. Gunfights held less danger, and yet—
His mouth curled into a dimpled grin as he replied, “No need for implication, Ms. Khubana. You occupy every spare thought I have.”
The admission earned him a playful arch of her brow, and she stood after stroking her hand through Yawri’s fur once more. Her eyes remained locked on him, and her skirts swished softly as she danced around the dog to close the short distance between them. His hands moved of their own accord, winding around her waist the moment she was within arm’s reach and pulling her into his chest. Okoye didn’t object; she simply traced her hands up his arms and settled them on his shoulders.
“Every spare thought?”
Her eyes studied him carefully, compelling the answer before there was thought to refuse.
She pushed up on her toes, nudging his nose with her own, and something sweet on her breath danced across his lips.
“What about the occupied ones?”
Nimble fingers mapped the veins of his neck before burying themselves in his hair, and his eyes fluttered shut as she began massaging the base of his skull.
His errant hands tightened around her waist and drifted down to the warm skin of her exposed back.
“Do I occupy your other thoughts? Even the busy ones?”
His eyes shot open, finding hers immediately. Dark eyes entranced and entrapped him, and Attuma drowned in twin pools of brown richer than the ripest cacao.
His confession was rewarded with a kiss this time, and Attuma found himself uncaring for self-preservation.
Slow and searing, Okoye kissed him until he was drunk with desire and the whiskey that lingered on her lips. He kissed her back fervently, moving his mouth over hers until his mind spun from the lack of oxygen. The hand in his hair tightened as he pulled back, and he cupped her cheek with one hand, resting his forehead on hers as they breathed in tandem.
Orchids. Amber. Whiskey.
He never wanted to leave.
~plus venire~
A/N: I got bored and drunk and I’ve been watching a lot of Yellowstone and this has been in my drafts for… a while. Just a lil bit though I might circle back later... excuse my rambling in the tags
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pilesofpillows · 2 years ago
Somebody write me an earth goddess AU…
Nvm I’ll do it myself
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Ladies and gentlemen and nonbinary peeps, may I present my favorite color: Phtalo Green
The way Okoye would look so good in this color too! With a little bit of gold
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dontruinmymorning · 1 year ago
Finally writing the last chapter for Leap ✍🏾
If you haven’t read it yet, you can find it here:
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theattoyearchive · 2 years ago
Day 5: Angst/ Drama
Sometimes those unrequited AU Love Stories just take over as your muse!
Submit your favorite angst or drama for Attuma x Okoye on this day!
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skylarstark4826 · 5 months ago
I absolutely loved these beautiful Black Panther fanarts from the Attoye ship of the characters of Attuma and Okoye together and above all because I really love that in the first fanart we see Attuma and Okoye sitting together with Okoye hugging a shark while Attuma smiles when she sees her so close to him while Okoye is leaning on his shoulder but at the same time I also love that the second fanart is with the theme of Modern AU and that in Attuma it is human but what I love most about him is the fact that he and Okoye are dancing together what seems to be salsa while Attuma has a rose in his mouth while both look at each other deeply in love and I also absolutely loved that in the third fanart it has the theme of The Little Mermaid AU and what I really love is the fact that in the Attuma is a newt while Okoye is human somewhat similar to the movie of The Little Mermaid and above all because I will not lie the person who made these fanarts are completely amazing, incredible and absolutely beautiful in every sense... sincerely
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By the way, these beautiful Fanarts of them is not mine and the credits are not for me, but I let you know that right here I am going to leave you the link of the true creator on Twitter. Since apparently there is a new update on Twitter and you can only see the link if you press X.Com
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vibralumy · 2 years ago
The Oblivion
Vampire AU
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Rating: Explicit 
Summary : Vampires have always been a myth for many, but for the humans living behind the walls of this secret kingdom : it’s their reality. Okoye is a member of the Malaji guard, the humans responsible for protecting and maintaining the peaceful link between vampires and humans. Her life was turned upside down the day she was called by the Almehen family to pay a debt, and saw herself swap her Malaji status to a collector one, becoming an integral part of the castle... and of Attuma Almehen's life...
Warnings: Vampire, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Violence, Blood, Blood Drinking, Blasphemy, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Eventual Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, attoye week, Eventual Romance, Angst, Sadness
Little Comment : Here is the first chapter of my Attoye Vampire AU for @attoye-week 2023! A huge thanks to @chottopoco for correcting my fic and being patient with me. English isn't my mother tongue so if you see anything wrong tell me!
The Fic on my AO3 HERE !
@xblackreader @karimk2 @iccedays @mamajankyy @kyauchiha @p3achez32 @pilesofpillows @bardocksheadband-fanfics @attoye
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tvreadsandsleep · 2 years ago
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» Regular People AU || Attoye Prompt Drabbles || Master List « » The Complex #1 — Read Attuma’s POV in the companion piece «
Okoye had never seen this man before. If she had, she definitely would’ve remembered—probably down to the exact detail, he was that good looking. His tall physique and long dark hair drew him immediately to her attention as he leaned forward to reach his mailbox in one of the lower rows. The glimpse of his firm, round backside that his position afforded her also made a major impression.  
Tearing her eyes away from the pleasing sight, she spied over his shoulder on her way to the elevator, and was barely able to make out the number on the box’s door. Apartment 605. That put him in the dwelling right above hers. It was no wonder, from his height and bulk, that her evenings had recently become filled with the stomping of heavy footsteps from above. She’d been tempted to cause her own disturbance by banging the handle of her broom on the ceiling, but resisted, choosing instead to put in her earbuds. Now seeing the culprit, she could easily forgive his transgressions.
Had her friends been around, Okoye was sure that Aneka, the more laidback of the two, would have called him, “Beefy,” his arms bulging beneath his t-shirt (and stretching it close to capacity) with the flex of his elbow. While her other friend, Nakia, the well-read scholar, more likely would’ve gone the route of describing him as, “Tall, dark and handsome,” taking into account the brooding expression on his face as he sorted through his mail. It was probably all bills, much the way hers had been earlier.  
Waiting for the elevator, Okoye continued to ogle him, pretending to be absorbed in her phone. His hands looked massive—the fingers long and tapered with what looked to be clean and neatly trimmed nails. This gave him another good checkmark in her book. There were few things more unattractive than a man with raggedy, dirty fingernails. His hands also looked strong, veins running across the unblemished skin on its back. She was just beginning to envision what those hands could do when he suddenly looked up, his eyes instantly locking on hers.
She’d been caught staring, like a weirdo. Reflexively, she wielded the most powerful weapon she currently had at her disposal: her smile. Beaming in his direction, she put her pearly whites on full display. She’d always been told that she had a radiant smile and prayed that it would help dispel any creepy stalker vibes that he could have been, incorrectly, sensing.
He smiled back, and her breath hitched. “Maybe not so dark after all,” she thought to herself, slightly dazed as she watched his face light up. To her astonishment, two small indentations appeared on either side of his cheeks. Dimples so adorable they gave him a boyish charm that refuted the badass energy evoked by his stature and muscles. She was close to smitten, to say the least.
Just as she was working up the courage to introduce herself, the elevator chimed behind her. Its doors slid open and the person inside, obviously in a hurry, clipped her shoulder on their way out. Turning to glare at them, Okoye found W’Kabi, the obnoxious butthole from down the hall. “Of course, it would be him,” her mind supplied as her glower deepened. Flipping him the bird behind his back, Okoye then returned her attention to the mailboxes. Unfortunately, it was to find that the handsome stranger had left before she could speak to him.
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