#Wakanda & Talokan meet in via explorers and no one gets colonized and there’s elements of the Underground Railroad
pilesofpillows · 9 days
Won’t You Bring Me Whiskey? || Attoye Drabble || Western AU
Warnings: Hats off to Cowboy Attuma 🤠
Tags: @mamajankyy @xenokattz @tvreadsandsleep @ariyannah @iccedays @blissdoutbyattuma @umber-cinders @mickimomo @dontruinmymorning @princess-of-gondor
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“And here I was, thinking you’d forgotten me.”
Okoye acknowledged his presence without ever looking up from the papers strewn across her desk, right where Shuri had said she’d be.
Attuma smiled at her from the post he’d taken up against her office doorframe.
“Darling, I think I could take a hoof to the head and still remember every damn detail about you,” he replied with a soft laugh.
Her writing paused, and she spared him the briefest glance before returning to her work, amusement dancing on her lips. “Flatterer.”
“Maybe so,” Attuma conceded, standing to his full height and flashing her a charming smirk. He strode over to the large oak desk and leaned close enough to smell the lingering scent of orchids and amber on her skin and see the bright glint in her dark eyes, “but never a liar.”
She hummed in response, lips quirking up, and continued her writing. “Staying long?”
The question was a familiar one, and he thought he heard something like hope in her tone. But he ignored it just the same as the pang of disappointment that flashed through him, knowing the answer.
“Just until morning. We leave at first light,” he said quietly, rounding the desk and leaning against it as he admired her. Even after almost a year of this— whatever this was —he still found himself awestruck by her. From the sharp arch of her brow to the wide set of her nose, the deep bow of her full lips and elegant column of her neck, the sleek lines of her collar bones and supple curves of her breasts and hips, Attuma could spend hours cataloging her beauty.
He had.
“Tell me something,” Okoye started as she finished scrawling a few numbers in a ledger and interrupted his musing. “What does it say that your dog found her way here before you did?”
She chuckled at his questioning hum and closed her ledger, storing her pen. Then, she pushed her chair back, nodding to the black-and-white animal napping under her desk.
Attuma glanced down and snorted as Yawri sleepily blinked one eye open. “Comfortable down there?”
She sniffed at him, then crawled from under the desk, yawning and stretching as she went and placed her head in Okoye’s lap, preening as the woman began to scratch her behind the ears.
“You’re an awfully spoiled thing, aren’t you?” Attuma admonished playfully, shaking his head as her tail began wagging from Okoye’s continued attentions. He was suffering from a unique sort of madness where he found himself jealous of his own dog. “but I suppose you’ve got your priorities in order.”
Okoye shot him a dazzling smile lined with mischief. “Why Mr. Almehen, are you implying I’m a priority to you?”
Attuma froze for a moment, biting his tongue to stop the answer from spilling out. She always left him floundering, on the edge of laying out every secret his soul held. Gunfights held less danger, and yet—
His mouth curled into a dimpled grin as he replied, “No need for implication, Ms. Khubana. You occupy every spare thought I have.”
The admission earned him a playful arch of her brow, and she stood after stroking her hand through Yawri’s fur once more. Her eyes remained locked on him, and her skirts swished softly as she danced around the dog to close the short distance between them. His hands moved of their own accord, winding around her waist the moment she was within arm’s reach and pulling her into his chest. Okoye didn’t object; she simply traced her hands up his arms and settled them on his shoulders.
“Every spare thought?”
Her eyes studied him carefully, compelling the answer before there was thought to refuse.
She pushed up on her toes, nudging his nose with her own, and something sweet on her breath danced across his lips.
“What about the occupied ones?”
Nimble fingers mapped the veins of his neck before burying themselves in his hair, and his eyes fluttered shut as she began massaging the base of his skull.
His errant hands tightened around her waist and drifted down to the warm skin of her exposed back.
“Do I occupy your other thoughts? Even the busy ones?”
His eyes shot open, finding hers immediately. Dark eyes entranced and entrapped him, and Attuma drowned in twin pools of brown richer than the ripest cacao.
His confession was rewarded with a kiss this time, and Attuma found himself uncaring for self-preservation.
Slow and searing, Okoye kissed him until he was drunk with desire and the whiskey that lingered on her lips. He kissed her back fervently, moving his mouth over hers until his mind spun from the lack of oxygen. The hand in his hair tightened as he pulled back, and he cupped her cheek with one hand, resting his forehead on hers as they breathed in tandem.
Orchids. Amber. Whiskey.
He never wanted to leave.
~plus venire~
A/N: I got bored and drunk and I’ve been watching a lot of Yellowstone and this has been in my drafts for… a while. Just a lil bit though I might circle back later... excuse my rambling in the tags
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