#attempting to write with a cold
“I just want them to be happy“ I say as I put my favorite character through more hell than canon ever did
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pixelatedraindrops · 8 months
can we get another sick yuma fanfic?
I usually don't take fic requests because I feel I'm not creative enough to write too often. But if its sick Yuma you want I may have a lil’ oneshot for ya c:
Here's a fic where he catches a terrible cold after losing his hat in the rain. This one's less whumpy and more fluffy. And Yuma will be speaking in a nasally tone pretty much the whole time.
Under the Weather
Word Count: 4,000+
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, Found Family
Fandom: Master Detective Archives RAINCODE
It was just more terrible, awful luck for Yuma. When has it ever been good? He was minding his business investigating the situation in Kanai Ward like he usually did to track their ultimate secret down, but suddenly when he was doing something that upset the wandering Peacekeepers, they had begun chasing him. Thankfully Yuma was able to evade them, however it came at a price. A sudden gust of wind had blown across the trainee as he ran in the neon city of rain…and his rainhat had flown off. Yuma wanted to try to go back to get it, but the peacekeepers were still after him. He had to keep running, he had no choice. If he was captured, it would be all over.
He eventually lost them by running into a corner of the city. He decided that he needed to go back to the agency, thinking maybe this was enough for today. Yakou always said that if things like this happen, it was best to lay low until things calmed down. So, Yuma waited a little bit for the peacekeepers to get further from him so he could rush back to the sub safely. But as he ran, the rain kept pouring. He had no hat to cover him anymore. By the time he got back to the nocturnal detective agency’s submarine base, his hair and face were soaking wet.
“Master, you look like a sopping wet cat! Kyahaha~!” his spirit partner Shinigami cackled as she viewed how wet her master was. “Practically…dripping…wet…” The death god’s dirty mind decided to jab at the short detective.
Rain water was dripping down every strand of his lilac hair. To say he was sopping would be an understatement, He was practically drenched with the rain from the city by the time he came back from the chase. He began realizing how much that hat was protecting him as he tried to shake his head in a poor attempt to try to dry off.
“Stop it. There was nothing I could do. The Peacekeepers would’ve caught me if I went back to get my hat…” Yuma responded, starting to sound a little bit slurred in his speech.
He sighed as he opened the cover of the sub.
“Hey Chief, I’m back…” he announced climbing down the steps to the entrance chamber.
“Hey Yuma, how’d things go out there?” Yakou’s voice could be heard from the office of the sub. “You find anything new out?”
Yuma slowly walks into the office room sniffing a bit and wiping his nose with his sleeve. “No…” he quietly responded.
Yakou was not paying attention to the boy, as he was reading the paper at his desk with a cigarette in his mouth like usual. “Well, don’t sweat it, can’t do everything all at once.”
Yuma shivered as he took his rain attire off. “I-I was cha- aehh..” He stopped as he felt something tickle his nose.
“You were what?” Yakou asked still not paying attention to him.
Yuma couldn’t finish his sentence as he felt a sneeze building up something fierce.
“Eeeahh… Ahhh…” his eyes were squinted as he tilted his head backwards.
The loud wet sneeze finally came out of the small detective in training like a volcano erupting. His head shot downward as the sneeze came out, he tried to cover his mouth with his sleeve.
Let’s just say…he failed.
This finally got the chief’s attention. Yakou heard that sound and then moved his gaze to meet the shivery trainee detective at the corner of the right side of the room. His nose was bright red and now leaking profusely after that sudden onslaught.
He was dripping wet in a different way now.
“Whoa, gesundheit! Are you alright?!” Yakou exclaimed putting the paper down.
“Y-Yeah…” Yuma replied weakly as his nose continued dripping.
The NDA leader immediately stood up from his desk and grabbed a box of tissues that were in the desk drawer and walked over to the trainee.
He took one of the tissues out, handing it his way. “Here you go.”
Yuma still had his eyes shut from the intensity of that sneeze, his eyes stinging a tiny bit as tears formed, but he reached for the tissue grabbing it.
“Tank you…” he responded sheepishly. The congestion in his speech is now making its way to him.
“Sheesh. You’re a mess… Did you catch a cold out there in all that rain?” the chief asked as he leans down to be more at the trainee’s level.
Yuma sniffled hard. “Ugh…I guess so…”
Yakou sighed as he placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Well, that much can be said from the way you look and the way you sound…”
Yuma let out another wet sneeze interrupting him mid-sentence, making sure to do it into the tissue he held. Yakou flinched, turning his head away. “Yikes…that sounds bad.”
Yuma sniffled again finally opening his watery eyes to look Yakou’s way “I’b…reawy sowwy…” he muttered in his nasaled tone looking embarrassed and ashamed.
Yakou sighed, smiling at him a bit as he stood back up. “You poor kid. I’ll go get a towel to dry you off. Then I’ll get you something warm to drink, how’s that sound?”
Yuma held the the tissue to his nose wiping it a bit.
“Uh-huh…dat souds good…” he responded before he blew into the tissue.
Yakou felt sorry for the boy but couldn’t help but be a little amused by his nasaled speech. He walked over to the shower room to grab a towel he could use to dry his wet hair. He walked back over to see Yuma sitting on the purple sofa still holding the tissue to his face.
Yakou placed the towel on Yuma’s head and began drying it moving his hands in a circular motion. Yuma tried remaining as still as possible while the older man dried his wet hair off.
He put the towel around the boy’s neck after he finished drying him off best as he could.
“There we go.” He said with a grin. “Thats about as dry as I can make you. You can hop in the shower later.”
“Tank you…” Yuma responded before his nose tickled him again. “Ahh-choo!” he sneezed into the tissue he held.
“Gesundheit!” Yakou responded surprised as he placed the tissue box he was holding right next to the boy and walked over to grab the trash can by his desk and put it below the purple sofa where the stuffy detective was sitting.
“Here, the trash can is officially reserved just for you today.” he responded kindly.
Yuma sighed as he threw the tissue away. His nose leaking again not long after, but he didn’t notice as he felt a little dazed.
The older detective sighed. “Yuma, your nose is still running…” Yakou grabbed one of the tissues and placed it to his face wiping it away himself as Yuma scrunches his face up, then he threw it away. Yuma blushed in minor embarrassment.
“Hey, are you feeling alright?” Yakou asked looking at him with some concern. “Aside from…well this.”
Yuma sniffled in response before answering.
“S-Sowwy…my head’s just fuzzy…” he responded putting a hand to his head.
Yakou slid his hand under Yuma’s bangs and onto his forehead after the sniffly boy uttered those words.
“Mmm yeah, you’re feeling a teensy bit warm. Rain sure did a number on you, huh? What the heck happened to your hat?”
Yuma looked down. “I…was chased…by some peacekeepers…”
“What!?” Yakou exclaimed in shock looking nervous. “Th-They didn’t follow you did they!?”
“Don’ wowwy…I lost dem…” Yuma said sniffling again. “But…I lost my hat while I was running…and couldn’t go baaaa…aaah…” he felt another sneeze coming. He quickly grabbed another tissue sneezing into it. “…back to go get it...” he finished throwing it away afterwards sighing.
Yakou sighed and calmed down hearing that they weren’t in any trouble looking at the boy with pity in his expression.
“Okay I gotcha. Sorry about that kiddo.” he said putting a hand to his shoulder to try to comfort him. “Looks like you got a pretty nasty cold though. So no more going out today, got it?”
Yuma nodded without hesitation or further argument. Without his hat, going out in the rain again would only prove more harmful. And he was starting to feel a little bit dizzy, so he didn’t really want to get up again anyway.
“I’ll write to the WDO to send you a replacement hat later, but for now I’m gonna go make you some tea. Drinking something warm should help you feel a little better. You want ginger or chamomile?”
Yuma wanted to respond but then his voice got a little hoarse in his attempted response causing him to cover his mouth in embarrassment.
Yakou raised an eyebrow as he closed his eyes smiling. “I’ll do chamomile then, sounds like your throat’s getting a little scratchy.”
Yuma nodded quietly as he laid back. His head was starting to hurt a little as well as his throat. He cleared it as he grabbed another tissue in his hand feeling his nose start leaking again. It just wouldn’t stop.  
“Sheesh! You humans sure are pathetic! Can’t believe you got this roughed up from JUST the rain, gosh you’re so lame master!!” Shinigami said floating by her master’s side laughing to herself a bit. “And you look awful!! May as well be dead Kyahahaha~!”
Yuma rolled his eyes as he blew his nose into the tissue again throwing it away.
“Just leave me alone…I’m not in the mood for your antics right now.” Yuma responded in perfect speech to the cackling spirit in his head.
“Ooh, you’re so snappy!! Are your face holes being full’a gunk making you a bit cranky!?” she retaliated teasing him again.
As Shinigami kept yapping away, Yuma just turned away from her as he curled up trying to ignore her and how bad his sinuses felt right now. He could hardly breathe through his nose, so he had to do so through his mouth. His head was starting to hurt again, and he felt another tickle in his throat.
He definitely caught a cold. It was going to be a long day.
After a short while Yakou returned with the tea as he saw Yuma curled up facing away from him. Yakou sat down. “Hey, Yuma? You awake?”
Yuma slowly got himself up before he let out another harsh sneeze.
“Aahaa…” Yuma whined trembling a little from the shock as he didn’t have a tissue on him, so his nose was leaking again, and his teary eyes were clenched shut.
Yakou put the tea down grabbing another tissue placing it to Yuma’s face. “Alright, let it out Yuma.” He responded. Yuma did so as he blew into the tissue harshly.
“I think we may need to get some nasal spray for you kid.” Yakou said throwing the tissue away. “Didn’t think you had this much mucus in your tiny body.”
Yuma sniffled while groaning miserably.
“Ughh…Adythig…to make dis stop…” he muttered quietly in an annoyed tone.
“Alright kid, sit up. Let’s get a warm beverage in you for now.” Yakou said as he grabbed the warm tea again.
Yuma sat up as Yakou handed him the tea. Yuma tried smelling it, but there wasn’t much luck in that. He was still way too stuffy to smell anything.
“Made it extra warm. Hopefully it’ll settle that tickle in your throat down.” Yakou said.
Yuma sighed as he drank a bit of the tea. It was sweet and warm, and felt nice going down. It uplifted him a little bit.
“Tanks Chief…” Yuma said weakly smiling.
“No problem.” Yakou replied smiling petting his head. “I’ll go get you a blanket. You’re officially taking today off to rest. I’ll see if I can tell the other master detectives to get you some things to help. Like, maybe some nice warm soup, nose spray, cold medicine, and some more tissues and herbal tea bags.”
Yuma nodded. “Dat souds dice…tank you…” he took another sip of the tea then handed it back to Yakou.
Yakou smiled taking it then putting the tea on the table. Then he stood up to walk the other room to get a dark blue spare blanket that he had stored away. He brings it back and places it over Yuma’s head and shoulders wrapping him up into a cocoon.
Yuma smiled as he sunk his chin into the blanket taking on its softness.
“So warm…” he said sighing in content.
“Good. Now you lay down and rest. I’m gonna head out to tell everyone else what happened then later we’ll all come back with more things to help you feel better alright?”
Yuma nodded. “Tank you. Ad…I’b sowwy for da twouble…”
“It’s no trouble Yuma, you’re sick.” Yakou chucked. “And hey, it beats being caught by peacekeepers. At least here you’re safe and warm instead of being stranded in the rain or in some run-down cell at Amataerasu.”
Yuma nodded before he laid back down sniffling curling up sinking his face into the warm blanket. He groaned a little bit. “…by head huwts…” he complained.
“Hang in there kid, medicine is on the way. Just try to relax.”
Yuma fell asleep soon after Yakou responded to him.
Yakou nodded as he grabbed his raincoat and put it on. He turned one of the lights off in the office to see if dimming the lighting a bit would help the trainee sleep better. Then he left closing the door behind him.
After about 2 hours, Yakou along with the rest of the Master Detectives all came back with multiple shopping bags. Containing many different necessities for the cold-stricken trainee waiting back at the office. Everyone also wore facial masks. It was probably already too late for Yakou on being a carrier, as he spent quite a while with Yuma along with touching him, but him getting ill wouldn’t be a big deal. But he could not risk any of the other detectives getting sick, or they wouldn’t be able to do any work.
They all entered the room to find Yuma awake sitting up on the side of the purple checkered sofa wrapped in the blanket trying to get comfortable looking very out of it. Shinigami decided to be quiet as Yuma continued to ignore her, so she eventually gave in and just stayed quiet floating beside him.
Yuma’s hair was a mess, as was his face, his nose was running, and his eyes were as watery as before. The tea left on the table was empty and there were tissues everywhere. Even on the sofa and table, and the trash can was full of them as was the floor. Only one person littered the sub in trash today. One sick little trainee detective.
“Hey Yuma, we’re back!” Yakou said smiling brightly at him.
Yuma looked his way, not changing his expression nor speaking. Just lightly nodding.
“How are you feeling, my man? Heard the rain gave ya a pretty bad case of the sniffles!” Desuhiko chimed in also grinning behind his mask.
“We got some basic necessities for you.” Halara said muffled as well as they lifted the bag they were holding. “Hoping to help to cure whatever ails you.”
“Yuma, you look like a caterpillar in a little cocoon right now!” Fubuki stated observing the state of the trainee as he tried to get warm. “How very cute!”
“Honestly Princess, have some compassion! Can’t you see he’s suffering right now?!” Desuhiko exclaimed a bit annoyed.
“Looks comfy…wish I could…do that too…” Vivia lastly responds.
Yuma sighs as he lets out another sneeze before groaning and sniffling the nasal discharge up again. Then he wraps himself in the blanket once more hugging himself shivering a little bit.
This pitiful sight and clearly very miserable gesture from him made everyone else get a worried look in their eyes.
Yakou signals the other detectives to keep their distance as he removes his raincoat putting it to the hanger, and walks over to the wrapped up trainee sitting down next to him moving his face closer to observe him carefully.
Upon looking at him more closely, his skin looked a little paler and shinier and there was a slight pink flush in his cheeks, but not nearly as red as his nose.
Yakou placed his hand to the boy’s cheek gently. The older detective frowned a little.
He felt warmer. No wonder he wasn’t speaking.
“Hang tight kid, medicine’s here.” Yakou said as he rummaged through his bag to grab some liquid cold medicine as well as some aspirin for his headache.
“Mhm…” was all Yuma could utter.
Yakou then clapped his hands twice as he began instructing everyone else.
“Halara, go start making the soup, Desuhiko go grab some spare clothes from your disguise bag that he can change into later after he showers, Fubuki go get me a spoon from the kitchen and a glass of water, and Vivia go get me the thermometer in the shower room along with an ice pack.”
All the master detectives did as they were told. Halara grabbed the can that was in their bag and went into the kitchen to get to work as Fubuki followed them to finish her own task. Desuhiko unzipped his bag going into it to search for any spare clothing in Yuma’s size. And Vivia walks slowly to the shower room. Leaving the two to have a small moment alone.
When the coast is clear, Yuma weakly leans into Yakou’s shoulder still trying to get himself comfortable.
Yakou sighs as he places a hand over Yuma’s body scooting a little closer to him until the small blanket cocooned boy was in his arms. He smiles down at him sympathetically as a parent would for their sick child.
“Not feeling very good, are you kiddo?” he asked, looking down at him, placing a hand on his head stroking it softly.
“Mm-mm…” Yuma pitifully responded in a whiny tone shaking his head as he sinks his warm cheek into the older one’s chest.
“You’ll be fine, don’t worry. We’ll take care of you.” Yakou said petting his head more to soothe him.
Yuma nodded smiling before he felt another sneeze building up.
Like clockwork, Yakou quickly grabs the last tissue from the box he had and places it to his face catching the sneeze just in time.
“Gesundheit.” He says with a gentle smile.
“…Tank you…” Yuma whispered quietly with his eyes closed.
Yakou wipes the trainee’s nose then he tosses the last tissue on top of the ones already overfilling the trash can.
“Hey, look what I bought.” Yakou said rummaging through another one of the bags. He pulled out a small bottle of nasal spray handing it to him. “There ya go, instant relief for all that pesky nose stuff you have built up.” he gave him a reassuring grin.
Yuma smiled sighing in relief as he held the bottle and nodded in silence.
Soon Fubuki and Vivia had returned. They both hand Yakou the spoon and thermometer almost in synced unison.
“Here you go Chief! And here’s the water too!” Fubuki says a bit muffled by her face mask as she puts the water down on the table.
“Thank you Fubuki.” Yakou said smiling. Fubuki then turns her eyes to Yuma.
Yuma just turns and shyly hides his face away. He’s a little embarrassed to be seen like this in front of his coworkers.
Fubuki just smiles behind her mask at this reaction. Yuma was so cute!
Vivia places the ice pack down on the table next to the water.
“Thank you, Vivia, you’re excused to go back to your corner now.” Yakou said.
As if Vivia was waiting for those words he walks back to the fireplace and lays down and begins to read his book again.
Yakou uses his hands to shoo Fubuki away telling her to give the two of them some space. Telling her to go assist Halara in the kitchen. Fubuki nods and heads over to the kitchen where Halara was.
Desuhiko had found a suitable pair of pajamas for Yuma in his bag, but decides to stay in it to give Yuma and Yakou some space. He quietly watches them from a small open space from the open zipper.
“Coast is clear Yuma. Nobody’s here anymore. Except Vivia but he’s just in the fireplace like usual. He won’t bother us.” Yakou said telling Yuma he can stop hiding now.
Yuma turns his head to look around and then looks up at Yakou who was holding a device in his hands. Yuma raises an eyebrow in confusion.
“Just gonna take your temp real quick alright? Can you open your mouth for me?”
Yuma opens his mouth as Yakou places the thermometer inside. The feverish trainee instinctively moving it under his tongue and closing his mouth.
After a few seconds the device beeps and Yakou takes it out. It read about 37.7 c (100. f)
“Yep. Definitely a fever, but it’s nothing serious.” Yakou replied looking at the device then putting it down on the table. “Good thing we caught it early. We got some medicine for it, so it should break in a few hours after some rest.”
Yuma nodded as he leaned back into Yakou. He was feeling very tired.
“Whoa, before you go back to your nap, let’s get this medicine in you first so you can wake up later hopefully feeling better.” Yakou said noticing how sleepy he looked. “C’mon, sit up for me.”
Yuma slowly gets himself back up again facing Yakou. His complexion and appearance status were the same, runny eyes and cherry red nose, pale yet flushed cheeks, but his tired and dazed face made him look like a nervous yet curious little kid. Yakou couldn’t help himself when he spoke again.
“Attaboy. Alright let’s see what we got here...” Yakou said as he picked up the cold medicine. He reads the instructions over and takes the spoon Fubuki gave him uncapping the bottle and pours the orange liquid into it. “Open wide.”
Yuma opens his mouth as Yakou places the spoon of medicine into it.
It didn���t taste very good as Yuma’s face was a little scrunched up and his tongue slightly sticking out. But he still swallowed it down with no vocal complaints.
“Okay good, now let’s try this one, it should help your headache.” Yakou grabbed the aspirin tablet and placed one in his hand and gave it to Yuma. “Pop that in and we’ll swallow it with some of this water.”
Yuma placed the tablet in his mouth and Yakou gave him the water glass to drink and swallow it down with. The boy takes the glass and took a small drink from it swallowing the pill and sighing once he was finished.
“There we go. Medicine is all done. You’ll be just fine now.” Yakou said smiling at him.
Yuma smiled in return before he sneezed twice into his arm quickly turning away from Yakou as he did so. His nose was running once again. He instinctively reached for the tissue box on the table, but it was empty.
Yakou laughed. “Don’t worry, we got more tissues.” he said looking at the empty box on the table as he took out some new ones, he bought at the store placing the box in Yuma’s lap.
Yuma nodded as he grabbed a couple of tissues wiping his nose and blowing into it.
“Sowwy…” Yuma said quietly feeling a little guilty for using up the entire tissue box.
“You’re fine. You have a cold; it can’t be helped.” Yakou responded taking the tissues and throwing them away for him.
“You wanna use the spray?” Yakou asked.
Yuma nodded quietly.
Yakou took the nasal spray from Yuma’s lap and opened and uncapped it. Then he plugged it up the boy’s nose.
“Brace yourself.” Yakou said a bit playfully. As he quickly spritzed the formula into both the boy’s nostrils then quickly taking it out. He puts the cap back on it placing it onto the table.
Yuma flinched slightly as he received the spray, but then as it was removed he exhaled trying to breathe through his nose again. It was a little better, but not quite.
Yakou then lays the blanket wrapped trainee back down. “Alrighty. Now you can sleep. When you wake up later you should feel better and then you can have some nice warm soup, take a nice hot shower and change into fresh and warm clothes.”
Yakou grabbed the wrapped ice pack Vivia brought and placed it under the boy’s neck where the pillow was. “And that should cool you off while you rest.”
Yuma smiled as he laid his head to the pillow and cool ice turning his head curling up to get in a more comfortable position for his nap.
“…Tanks fo all dis chief…” he said quietly as he began nodding off.
“You’re welcome, Yuma.” Yakou said smiling, putting his hand to the trainee’s head petting it softly.
“Get well soon, okay?”
Yuma smiled as he drifted off into a deep sleep with the medicine now in his system. His chief and coworkers watching over him and caring for him throughout the rest of the day.
He was already starting to feel better.
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dinkflocculent · 5 months
Old Prey - Chapter Five: Hope
The sound of Leo’s deep snoring wakes me from my drowsiness. The wind roared outside, shaking the house each time it passed. The snow kept building up, meaning the night was dreadfully cold.
That won’t stop me from trying.
I look through the wardrobe, it contains nothing that can protect me from what awaits me outside. I don’t know where I am exactly or I don’t how far I am from a police station. But I have to try. Even if it means walking in a snowstorm barefoot.
I push the door open with the smallest ounce of strength, trying not to make a sound. The window is across the hall, just steps away from getting my freedom back.
I take a step, attempting to make my forepaw as light as a mouse’s. No sound. Step after step, I watch my forepaws closely, making sure each step is silent. No creaking floorboards or objects kicked to the ground. No obstacles.
Until I get to his room.
A small nightlight dimly lights the dark room. He lays curled on the large bed, clinging to the covers. His loud snoring is as deep as a growl. He seems completely harmless, needing a nightlight to sleep alone.
His position makes him completely distracted from what I’m doing. By the way he’s purring, he’s probably dreaming about Soleda in his arms. Clueless to the fact I’m so close to freeing myself from him. I do have a chance. I do feel hope.
I could close the door. Then all the sounds I’m making could become even more silenced. But these doors are old, they creak every millimeter they’re pushed. I can imagine waking him up—thinking that I had a nightmare or something like that—bringing me back to the room. Or worse, making me sleep in his bed with him. I should leave it.
I clamp my paws over my snout as I slowly pass his room. My heart nearly stops every time he twitches. But he stays in his slumber. Finally, I’m at the end of the hall.
Fog engulfed the whole window. Wind hitting it with such force. It’s freezing cold to the touch.
I know what I’m facing, yet I don’t know how terrible it’s going to feel. I am not physically prepared the face the devastating weather. But I need to do this. I can do this. I can get my life back.
I struggle to open the window. I get hit by the rough, cold air, almost knocking me down. It pierces my ears, and it might pierce his too.
I jump out of the window, falling into the snow. My body shivered in the cruel cold as I looked up, trying to see anything in the storm. Anything. But the falling snow is blinding me.
I walked through the snow, using all my energy with every step. The snow burned my lungs with every breath I took. I don’t know where I’m heading. I can’t see anything. But there has to be something here. A beast that could help me. It has to be somewhere.
My feetpaws feel like thousands of pins and needles are stabbing it. A warm sensation coursing through me, as if I’m being lit on fire. I can’t do this. I’m going to freeze to death. What am I going to do?
I squint my eyes, seeing something. It’s faint. Small. Yet fills me with hope. A light. Its something. It could be someone. Someone to save me. Someone to free me from this nightmare.
“I’m over here!” I yell, rapidly waving my arms in the air. “I need help!”
The sound of deep breathing looms over me. A shiver goes down my spine as I slowly turn behind me.
He found me.
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 6 months
help i really want to finish writing my "ted and rebecca are long-distance dating and ted comes to town for beard and jane's 1 year vow renewal and then CHAOS!" fic but i can't because my brain is melty. afflicted with the melty brain, am i.
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otherworldly-whump · 2 years
Returning Home
Whumpee finally escapes. Or were they let go? They honestly aren't sure which. All they know is that they finally got everything they wanted, they're free. But something is wrong. It turns out whumper might have been right. The world is just a bit too big for them. It's scary, dangerous... overwhelming. Whumper was right when they warned them outside was actually less safe. Less comfortable. Less kind. Suddenly whumpee isn't sure they want to be free. Maybe whumper is keeping them safe after-all. Before they know it they find themselves back where they'd just escaped, on their knees in front of whumper. Words pour out of their mouth, begging and sharing and emotional dumping, and just pleading, pleading whumper to take them back in, where it's calm and quiet and there's simple rules, with simple results. They'll do anything. They're so so so sorry they left. They're sorry they didn't listen It had just gotten too much, it hurt too much, and they just wanted to stop hurting. They didn't mean to leave, they didn't mean to put themself in danger. They just couldn't handle all the feelings anymore. Please all they're asking for is a little more kindness and they'll stay forever. They'll do anything, anything, whumper wants.
Whumper watches them, cold, expressionless, for almost half an hour. They listen to whumpee plead and sob and cry until their throat is sore and their mouth is dry. And then slowly, they nod. "Welcome home whumpee dear. Of course we can be more gentle, if you finally understand your place. I only ever was correcting you to keep you safe like I told you. If you're finally willing to learn better, it's wonderful to have you home."
That night, for the first time in a long time, whumpee didn't sleep on a floor. They fell asleep on whumper's bed, curled up to their chest, shivering as their touch starved body and affection starved brain curls up tight and close. Not caring that this is the monster that had been torturing them for months. This was their proper owner now afterall. They hadn't been lying. They had been keeping whumpee safe. And the arms around them felt too good. A soft bed. An arm tucked around protectively. A belly full of Chinese takeout. Whumpee doesn't know if they escaped, or were let go. All they know is they're home finally now. They drift to sleep in Whumper's arms. Safe.
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Writing attempts
Warning: NSFW!!! There is porn in this, so keep away if you're a minor!!! I even labeled this as mature, so don't say I didn't warn you!!!
@6-022-10-23 that comment you left on this post has been bouncing in my brain like a dvd screensaver and when it hit the corner, i wrote this. Hope you (and everyone else reading) like it!
He's straight-faced and serious, following the lectures with the same diligence as before, eyes icy. His expression betrays nothing at all, concentration written all over his face as he listens to the teacher's words. Unmoving, unbothered.
You know he's anything but. You know that underneath the high collars of his pristine white robes, on his pearly skin, the marks you left on him bloom like red and violet flowers on an expensive canvas. You know he still has that heart-shaped collection of hickies right below his navel that you gave him the other day in the library, when all he could do was gasp and writhe and moan under your tongue as you-
"Wei-xiong, what are you doing?"
Wei Wuxian scrambles to close the notebook he has been writing in. "Your stealth is creepy as hell, Nie-xiong! Make some noise when you walk in, won't you?!"
"Sorry, sorry, I'm used to sneaking around da-ge all the time, you know his senses are super sharp! So I'm like a panther now! Anyways, what were you doing?"
"Um, I was... practicing my calligraphy!"
Nie Huaisang smiles knowingly, a raised eyebrow. "And you're that ashamed of your calligraphy that you quickly shut off your notebook before I could see it? I thought you mastered the four arts already."
Wei Wuxian's cheeks dust red in embarrassment and he gives Huaisang a half-hearted glare. "You're not very good at minding your business, Nie-xiong."
"Of course not! Being nosy is my best attribute!" Nie Huaisang reaches to pick up the notebook, "Now let me see!"
Fortunately, Wei Wuxian is a lot faster and more agile, managing to pick up the offending item and hide it in his robes. Huaisang frowns. "Wei-xiong, you know of my literary proclivities, don't you? What could be so shameful in that little notebook of yours? With all I've read and seen, I don't think I'd be surprised even if it was about slutting teacher Lan out!"
Wei Wuxian makes a disgusted face, but does not surrender the notebook, securing it in his breast pocket. "It's nothing like that! It's just... private!"
Nie Huaisang smiles wider and Wei Wuxian almost fears his friend can see right through his very thin mask. "Oh, I'm sure I can guess how private it is. Anyway, I'll leave you to it then. Lend it to me when you're done, I'm curious to see if you're as good a writer as you are a cultivator!"
He leaves, smiling in that same conspirational way, and Wei Wuxian is almost sure Nie Huaisang knows.
(He does).
His lips are forceful and overwhelming, taking your breath away as he kisses you, passionate and endless. You know you could push him off, you could fight him and break free - but you don't want to, you don't want anything but to feel him closer, on you, around you, inside you. You can feel how hard he is, heavy and wanting against your naked inner thigh, and you wonder how long he's going to keep torturing you, dragging his soft, delicate hand over the length of your-
"Oi, Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Cheng calls out, angry and half asleep, from his bed, "Turn that damn candle off already, do you want to get in trouble for breaking curfew again?"
Oh yes, I do - no, wait, what?!
"I can't write in the dark, so bear with it!"
"What the hell are you even writing anyway? Didn't you say you finished the homework already?"
"I did! I'm just... writing... rules!"
"The hell you are!" Jiang Cheng throws the blanket off himself as he stands up. "If you don't put out that damn candle, I'll send your notebook right out the fucking window! Some of us actually fucking work in school and are tired at the end of the day!"
Wei Wuxian quickly hides his notebook in his other books and waves the candle's flame away. "If you were so tired, you'd sleep anywhere, light or not!"
He's so impossibly hot, you can't even look at him without blushing, shameless as you may otherwise be. He's all muscle and sharp edges, an elegant god - a sex god. Just looking at him makes arousal pool low in your belly, sending shivers down your spine, all the way down into your groin.
He looks at you so heatedly, desperate for it, for release, for you - and just that knowledge alone has you reaching up to touch him. But he's pinning your wrists above your head with one of his arms before you can do it, and you gasp at the feeling of his strength holding you down. You want him to hold you like that forever, to take you however he wants, to manhandle you and use you and fuck you so hard you pass out. Maybe even pass away. What a legendary way to go that would be, fucked to death by the Second Jade of Lan!
You're growing impatient now, watching him undress with only one hand, so incredibly skilled but way too slow for your tastes. As you eyes follow his movements, you're suddenly acutely aware of the fact that those nimble fingers have already been inside you, stretching you out, trying to prepare you for him - but he's so impossibly big you know you won't be able to feel anything but the imprint of his cock inside you for days after he's done with you. You can't wait for that, for him, for everything.
And suddenly you're pulled out of your thoughts when you feel him so very slowly slide the head of his cock in, his eyes half-lidded in concentration and the self-control it must take for him not to just thrust ahead in your hole and break you. But you want him to do that, to make you his and only his, to ruin you for everyone else-
"Wei Ying."
He raises his head to briefly meet his husband's eyes before returning to his book. "Oh, hey, Lan Zhan!"
"Are you reading another book you stole from the juniors?"
"Ah, no, I'm reading porn I wrote of us when we were studying together!"
The way he says it, so simple and casual, almost has Lan Zhan move on to the next topic - but his brain catches up to him a few short seconds later, and his eyes widen.
"What - what did you say?"
"Hanguang-Jun, your ears are working very well, don't make me say it again. I don't want any more interruptions, I'm reading!"
But Lan Zhan can't get over this. Wei Ying has written... erotica of them. Together. When they were young. Original erotica.
He's snatching the book before Wei Ying knows it - and his ears are red and burning like they've been set on fire.
"Lan Er-Gege! Hurry up a bit, won't you? I know I said I was a virgin, but I'm going to fall asleep if you don't - AH!"
You were right - he's so big he knocks the breath out of you and you're delirious with the feeling, the burn of it, the fullness of it, and suddenly he's all you'll ever be thinking of when you'll masturbate for the rest of your life.
"Not going to fall asleep anymore, are you?"
He's smug when he says it, but you can tell he's affected too, his words punctuated with sharp breaths and quiet little noises of pleasure as he thrusts inside you. If you could think, you'd say something back to him, but you can't and now he's decided to move faster, so all you can do is wrap your arms around him and try to ground yourself.
He hisses when your nails dig into his back and the sound of it has your insides twist in satisfaction. You do it again and he glares for a moment before you feel his teeth into your neck-
"It's good, right?" Wei Ying says, a sultry little smile on his lips. "My teenage fantasies of you were spot on, weren't they?"
Lan Zhan wants... a lot. He wants to rip his clothes off and pounce Wei Ying right now and make him read that story aloud while he's being pounded into unconsciousness.
But he has a question first.
"How did you manage to write this here?"
"At night before bedtime, or just when I was done with schoolwork and the likes." He licks his lips and Lan Zhan knows he's going to lose his mind soon. "But most of it... I wrote it when I was in the library with you."
(Nobody sees them leave the jingshi for three days after that, but nobody has the courage to pay them a visit about it either.)
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ered · 9 months
You know, I still have time off until next monday so I thought to myself why not get a little writing done?
I don’t think I’ve ever talked about it before, but my favourite place to write in is our kitchen - the kitchen table is just the right height for me to comfortably tap away on my laptop and snacks and tea are readily available.
I haven’t written anything in so long, not since way before my hospital visit and I’ve been looking forward to it. Especially since my partner is going back to work and I’ll have the place to myself to get those first awkward pages tapped away in peace…
Anyway, our kitchen this morning
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blueberry-beanie · 9 months
went to visit horseys in the freezing cold today
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whysamwhy123 · 8 months
Of course, it's not any of the fics I wanted to finish. I went back to what is essentially my bread-and-butter now and wrote a short-ish, random OrangeHook fluff. But considering how much writing's been a struggle as of late, I'm just glad that I successfully finished something. I was back in one of those stretches where I couldn't seem to write much of anything. And this fic isn't about their age difference or Hook being a cuddlebug, so...progress?
Unless I decide I completely hate it (which is always a possibility) expect something to drop on Valentine's Day, tis the season, after all.
#What is wrong with you Sam you should not be allowed to write#Small victories you know?#Will I ever get sick of OrangeHook?? Apparently not#Can't even remember the last time they interacted on screen but that ain't stopping my brain LOL#On a more serious note - I really do hope that I can get back into the swing of things and make some real progress#On the bigger fics I want to work on#I want to finish the messy angst OrangeHook fic at some point even if it's unlikely to appeal to anyone#Annnnnd deep down in my cold dead heart I still wanna make an honest attempt at that DG Dead Dove fic#Even though that would be even more unappealing + a huge undertaking because that bitch would be loooooooooong#Also I had a slightly less angsty OrangeHook idea recently about them having their first fight and I wanna write that too for some reason#And there's still a part of me that really wants to continue Business/Pleasure because I have soooo many ideas for that AU#But that would require me to get over my inability to write smut#And I don't know how to do that (would appreciate any advice on that if you've got some...)#But at the same time I don't wanna beat myself up for not being able to write much - if anything - most days#This is a hobby after all - it's supposed to be fun#There ain't no deadline and it's not like I'm letting anybody down#Just gotta do at my own place#And write whatever absolute trash I want to write 😈#My tags are always so obsessive like SHUT THE FUCK UP SAM#But if you've actually read all these - hey. Thanks. Love ya 😘
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ranger-kellyn · 3 months
look, i love ALL the avatar's equally. i think they all have a unique and fascinating story, and are all well-suited for the issues of their times. i can't pick a true favorite.
anyways, time to go plan out my fifth avatar fic where one of the primary settings is kyoshi island, and one of the characters connects with her spirit--
#tHO for this one it's actually rangi's spirit i'm thinking of#finally playing more with my asami fic and i thought it would be fun if right before the death of asami's mother#they all took a family trip to kyoshi island as part of an attempt to bring some early future indst tech to kyoshi island#something which adult/elder suki is Absolutely Against#(something that won't get properly explained until way later when asami is spending some time with katara)#but while on the island asami gets lost while playing with some of the other kids on the island and finds herself at some old shrine#the sun is setting and she's getting freaked out - but realizing she's at a shrine of some kind she imitates her mom#and offers a copper piece on the offering plate and asks the spirits to guide her home#and then Nothing#just as she's starting to absolutely freak out#''you got lost didn't you?''#she turns around and there's this lady she's never seen before dressed in an outfit she's never seen--#and essentially rangi's spirit guides her back to the village - where her parents are with suki and some other kyoshi warriors#about to go search for her#rangi is no longer with her when she tries to tell them a lady walked her back ''i forgot her name...rani? rami?''#''...rangi?'' suki guesses#suki who had been very cold to the satos up to that point...finally relaxes when asami excitedly says yes#with the search effort called off and things settled suki suddenly changes her mind and agrees to speak with the satos#idk something i'm playing with#writing tag
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montammil · 2 years
Admittedly I don't read whump often, but cold cold eyes has become a comfort series for me since it hits a lot of tropes I don't see often (parental whumpers are criminally underrated) and oh my god the recent part was so good. The contrast between Marshall's sheer horror and begging while Lawrence comforts him... ahh its so good. I'd love to see a continuation of that with Marshall going into a depressive state as you mentioned in another post, I'm sure it'd be a very interesting progression of events
Sorry I'm a little behind, I've been busier than usual lately! But thank you, I'm so glad CCE is a comfort series for you, that actually means so much to me!! To specify, this is a continuation off of when Lawrence kills Marshall's biological father.
I am keeping my normal content warning, but I'd like to specify again, this is pretty dark and involves attempted suicide via sleeping pills. I just want to warn twice since I know this is a huge trigger to a lot of people, even in the whump community.
CW: Attempted suicide/overdose, parental whumper, manipulation, mentions of death, creepy comfort
It's been a week since Lawrence did what he did. He doesn't regret killing George, but given how Marshall seems so scared and sad… he does regret doing it right in front of Marshall. He thought Charlotte's advice would work, it always did, but apparently not this time.
Lawrence gently knocks on Marshall's door. "Hey, Marshie, can I come in?"
Like always, he gets no reply.
"I'm coming in." Lawrence opens the door to see Marshall absentmindedly playing with a Rubik's cube, not even attempting to solve it, and rather just using it as a fidget.
The younger man doesn't even acknowledge Lawrence, staring blankly at the cube of colors.
Lawrence takes a breath. "Hey, kiddo. How long have you been up? It's almost 11:00." He usually doesn't let Marshall sleep in this late, but when Marshall's awake, he acts like he isn't there.
A slight shrug comes from Marshall. At least he's giving some kind of response.
"Okay… what do you want to eat? We still have time for a late breakfast. We could even go eat somewhere if you want. Or pick something up." Lawrence is desperate for something. This isn't like when Marshall went catatonic, he can tell Marshall is hearing everything he says clearly.
Somehow, that makes him even sadder for him.
"I don't want anything to eat."
"You have to eat something, Marshall. Anything you want."
"If I have to have something... I guess any fast food sounds good."
"Of course," Lawrence chuckles. He's usually against letting Marshall have fast food, but he'd give Marshall the world just to gain his approval again. "Tell me what you want, buddy."
"Fries. And, um, a cheeseburger."
"Alrighty, I'll go pick that up."
With that, Lawrence slips on his shoes and leaves, telling Marshall he'll be back in a few minutes.
In hindsight, that was a pretty stupid decision.
Marshall doesn't waste any time as soon as he hears the front door shut. He goes to the front, looking out the window and sighing in relief when he sees Lawrence drive off.
He jogs to the kitchen, then notices the drawers are locked. Well, there goes that idea. He looks around for anything that can put him out of his misery.
Typically, Lawrence keeps the medicine cabinet locked, but sometimes he forgets. Much to Marshall's advantage, when he enters the restroom, he finds the cabinet unlocked.
He tears open the drawer and starts shoving his hand past medications he doesn't know the names of, trying to find something useful.
He sifts through various bottles and pills, but nothing seems to catch his eye.
That is, until he finds an old, worn bottle of Belsomra, half-empty. He remembers his mother had this prescribed to her, and she'd often give Marshall some when he couldn't sleep. He wonders nowadays if that was a responsible thing to do, but it doesn't matter.
He grabs the bottle and opens it after nearly two minutes of struggling. Stupid child safety cap.
He pours the contents into his palm. He walks back into the kitchen, clutching the pills in his palm. He places them on the counter and grabs a glass to fill with water. He never could swallow pills dry.
Marshall's hands are shaking. He notices his whole body is shaking, and tears are dripping down his cheeks and onto the floor. How long has he been crying? He counts the pills, even with his blurring vision from his tears.
Nine pills in total. That should be enough, right?
For a moment, he wonders how Lawrence would react. Hysterical, no doubt. Even though the bastard killed his father, Marshall does know Lawrence loves him... in a fucked up way, but still love, nonetheless.
Would Lawrence even take him to a hospital? Not that he'd want to go, but he's sure Lawrence would be caught if he did that. Unless he had connections there, too. Marshall wouldn't be surprised if the guy had his own hospital, at this point.
Marshall takes the first pill and swigs down the glass of water. It burns in his throat, but not as badly as he expected. He's pretty sure it's just his hatred for swallowing pills.
He takes the second one, and just as he swallows it down, he hears Lawrence's car pull up. No...nonono. He must've dissociated, because what seemed to have been twenty minutes felt like five.
He frantically gathers the pills back in his hand and runs to the bathroom again, along with the glass of water. He's finishing this.
After locking the door behind him, he slips the third pill in his mouth and washes it down with the water. His body is shaking more, and he can't tell if it's from the anxiety or not, at this point.
Marshall sobs as he drops the remaining six pills to the ground, just as he hears the front door open. He falls to his knees and grabs the closest one, getting ready to have the fourth pill, when...
"Marshall? Where are you?"
Great. Marshall knows that means he's already went to his room to not see him there. The younger man tries to stay quiet, but can't control the next sob he gives.
Oh God... Please, no. Marshall tries to stand, but his legs aren't listening to him. He stumbles right into the wall, feeling ready to hyperventilate.
The doorknob jiggles, but doesn't open. "Marshall, open the door right now." Lawrence's tone sounds beyond stern, but also terrified, breaking more than once. "Please, Marshall!"
Marshall's heart skips a beat every time the knob jiggles, and he can feel his blood rushing to his face. Is Lawrence going to force the door open? He puts the fourth pill in his mouth, not trusting himself to speak.
"Marshall? What the fuck are you doing?!" Lawrence cries out, louder than usual. He bangs on the door. "Open the fucking door! I know you're in there! Open the goddamn door, dammit!" Lawrence knows the medicine cabinet is in there, and remembers he forgot to lock it.
Growing frantic as well, Marshall searches for the other pills to stuff in his mouth, but then he hears Lawrence start to slam what he assumes is his shoulder against the door, planning to knock it down.
Lawrence knocks the door down after slamming himself against it five times in total. When his eyes lock with Marshall, the blond is screaming in cold-blooded dread, his eyes bulging out of their sockets.
He straddles Marshall and forces the remaining pills out of his mouth, demanding, "HOW MANY!? HOW MANY DID YOU TAKE?! ANSWER ME!"
Terrified, Marshall sobs harder. "Th-three, I took three, please--"
"If you're lying to me--"
"I'm not, just please, you're hurting me!" Marshall's wrists feel broken from the grip Lawrence has on them both.
Just like that, Lawrence is pulling Marshall into an even more tightly gripped hug, so tight it feels like Lawrence is trying to suffocate him. Lawrence starts sobbing into Marshall's hair, causing Marshall to tense up. He's been pulled into suffocating hugs before by Lawrence, but he never seen him openly cry.
"You scared me," Lawrence cries, "you fucking terrified me. Never do that again. Never again, Marshall. You have to promise me."
"Okay, I-- I promise!"
Lawrence kisses his hair. "Thank you..." He picks Marshall up and puts him on the couch. Lawrence's eyes are red and puffy, tears still pooling his eyes. Marshall would feel guilt if Lawrence hadn't murdered his father. He just doesn't want to argue.
It's hard to breathe. Marshall goes back to feeling suffocated when Lawrence lays down next to him and pulls him into his arms, fingers raking down his back. Compared to how gentle Lawrence usually is with his affection, this is a stark contrast.
Lawrence's fingernails practically dig through Marshall's shirt and into his back. He doesn't know if Lawrence is even doing this on purpose or not.
Marshall wants to say something, but he's afraid if he does, he'll trigger more anger. All he can do is lie there as Lawrence rubs circles on his back.
After a few minutes of silence, he glances up to see Lawrence staring right down at him, expressionless, even with the tears still in his eyes. He looks scary with the blank look he's sporting.
Quietly, Lawrence asks, "Why would you do that? Do you hate me that much?"
"I..." Marshall wants to say he does, to call him every name in the book, but god, Lawrence looks so... broken. He bites his lip and shakes his head. "I'm just depressed. Just because I want freedom doesn't mean I hate you."
Lawrence doesn't answer, but merely continues to stare at him. Marshall isn't sure what to do. What else does he want from him?
"I'm sorry," Marshall tries next. "I wasn't thinking."
"Clearly." Lawrence sighs, wiping his tears with his hand. The circles in his back come to a halt. "I can't live without you. Everyone in my life leaves. If you die, then I'll die, too."
"I don't... um..."
"My father left me as soon as I was born, my mother died of cancer, my other children hate me, my fiancée was murdered... and do you think I'll let you go, too? Especially from suicide, of all things?" He practically cackles, clearly not a shred of humor in it. "Do you really think I'd allow you to do that to me? You're the only reason I breathe, Marshall. You need me and I need you."
Marshall hates how eerily calm he is saying all of this. He feels really tired, the adrenaline of the situation wearing off. His drowsy mind doesn't even think twice about how Lawrence mentioned 'his other children'.
Lawrence seems to notice this. "Get some sleep, sweetie." He smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "I'll make sure a situation like this never happens again. It seems I have to keep you safe from yourself now too, huh?" He chuckles. "That's what good dads do, right? They protect."
As Marshall's eyelids droop shut, he feels the older man's hand go into his hair, damp from Lawrence's tears just a couple of minutes ago. He hears his voice one last time before dozing off.
"Good night, sweet boy. I love you so, so much."
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buildarocketboys · 11 months
for the word wip! Glass :)
Thanks! 💜 Have some (half-finished) peterick werewolf fic based on An American Werewolf in London lol:
"What is it?" Patrick says, twisting around and squinting at Pete's face. He can't see so well, in the dark without his glasses, but he knows Pete's face better than his own, and Pete looks scared. Terrified even. "What is it?" he says more softly. "What's wrong?"
"Did you hear that?"
"What? No, I-" and then he does. A guttural, whining howl fills the air; even muffled by the glass and metal shell of the bus, it's still loud enough to make the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.
Patrick takes a moment to consider that as Pete gently sets his glasses on his face, the room coming into focus. "All of it, I think. But it's blurry, like it's not real. How long was I out for?"
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rowandekarios · 8 months
Hi! Loving the shadows we weave, it's so interesting and a wonderful spin off of the normal Gale fics I read! When will the next chapter be coming, I can't believe you left it off at such a cliffhanger!!!!!!!!
aw thank you <3
and uh. good question lmao. I am taking a major writing break as I let my muse recover and try to balance this new work schedule so...I don't know ): I'm sorry. But I have no plans to abandon the fic, it just may take a very long time until I get something posted.
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rietveild · 1 year
and if i reboot my p.eter p.arker blog what then....
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buyingaradspaceship · 10 months
I think it’s beautiful
Going outside in the cold winter air to grab the parcel that arrived while I was asleep from the garden
It’s 1pm and I only just got out of bed
The harsh freshness catches me off guard for a moment
Forces me to really notice
I notice the brown leaves in their resting place
The bird bath glazed over solid
A robin curiously hopping closer
I notice and it’s beautiful
I take some deep breaths and I give the robin some seeds
I soak it up because as wonderful as it is I know I probably won’t go back outside today
The parcel was candles
They smell beautiful
The postie drew a smiley face on the ‘sorry we missed you’ card
The neighbours were putting up christmas lights
Everything feels so still
And I think, what if I died in 2014?
Not ‘what if’ in the sense of ‘imagine if that happened’
More like ‘what if it’s true?’
A part of me, at least
A piece of 2014 me might be a ghost
I want to honour them but I also don’t want to be haunted anymore
If I died that day so what?
Shit happens
Then it’s winter again
And I wonder why my life is strung out like this
It isn’t cohesive
It’s bubbles on a web
Today I lived
Insignificantly but boldly
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synnefo-nefeli · 2 years
Merry Almost Christmas/Mer Crisus
I didn’t have time to do Holiday Drabbles this year, but I’m linking an oldie but a goodie klapollo fic i wrote for a Yuletide Exchange years ago:
Enjoy Klapollo and warm coziness after the angst!
Have a good one everyone!
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