#attack in titan
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houseofcrying · 2 months ago
headcannon that in season 3, when the 104th cadets and levi where living in the cabin, sasha probably snuck into the kitchen at night to get some food without anybody noticing, except levi did and never said anything because he knows what its like to be hungry and not know when it’ll be the next time you’ll be able to eat.
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cosmicjoke · 1 year ago
One thing that gets me about the way Isayama draws Levi, is how well he captures Levi's depression. I don't think it really gets talked about enough, but I think it's fairly obvious that Levi suffers from depression, and it's not clinical with him, but rather a result of the life he's lead. All you have to do is take one look at Levi in the manga, and you can see that he's had a hard life. That he's been through and seen things that are genuinely spirit crushing. He wears that, not only on his face, but in the way he holds himself. He's often almost shrunken in on himself, face down-turned, eyes exhausted, shoulders drooping, like there's a weight pressing down on him. People always talk about Levi having a stoic expression, or a cold, emotionless expression, but I think that's completely wrong. To me, he more often just looks sad. He looks pained. You see this most in shots of Levi when he's just standing around, when he's not engaged in any particular action, when he's in repose. That tells me that Levi's general state of being is a depressed one. And it astounds me that anyone could ever accuse him of being unfeeling, or untouched by the destruction, death and despair around him. I think Levi carries the weight of those things more obviously on him than anyone because he feels the weight of those things more keenly than anyone. It all affects him, it all leaves its mark on him. That he pushes through that pain, the sadness and depression, is testament to his strength, to his commitment to others. But to think every death, every hardship, every instant of suffering doesn't impact Levi to his core is to simply not understand Levi at all. You get as much out of the visuals in "Attack on Titan" as the text, sometimes more, and with Levi, I think it's particularly important to pay attention to the way he looks, because he doesn't often express what he's feeling in words. But he always shows what he's feeling, through his expression, through his body language, the way he holds himself, etc... Levi just strikes me as a hurting unit. He's a deeply, deeply hurt man. He's hurt by the suffering of others, by the struggle and desperation he sees around him, by the unfairness and cruelty of life and the human condition. And it's always so evident, that hurt he feels, just to look at him.
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theprodigalson-jyango · 8 months ago
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Newest art, the chaos triplets 🥹 I love them so much.
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arminsrealwaifu · 5 months ago
my piece of cent (i have no idea how the saying goes) is that after the war, mikasa went back to their home eren made sure to have been rebuilt after retaking their lands.
eren's belongings are all there. his unkempt and messy room, his laundries, carla's other pair of shoe that he kept, their old utensils, EVERYTHING and with each passing day, his smell fades the way she forgets how green his eyes were...
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psychopasss4 · 1 year ago
Kogami can single-out all Anime Crossovers❣️👌🏻
From FMA to AoT.
Will he and Roy Mustang be amicable 🤭?
Will he stop Eren with Captain Levi if he's part of the Survey Corps 🤣?
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bedknees · 1 year ago
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Happy Birthday to my favorite character of all time in anything EVER!! You have impacted me in ways I didn't know a fictional character could. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART LEVI ACKERMAN 😭😭
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cliipsa · 1 year ago
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Me and @llynnix in fontaine
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natenatnate · 2 years ago
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season 4 sketches 
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houseofcrying · 2 months ago
Attack on Titan Edits:
Levi Ackerman - Big Dawgs by Hanumankind & Kalmi
AoT - Lay All Your Love On Me by ABBA
Levi Ackerman - Replay by Iyaz
Love in AOT - Champagne Coast by Blood Orange
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cosmicjoke · 1 year ago
“Why the hell can't we sympathize with a character that isn't like us? Why do they have to be what we are in order for us to care about them? Why do we have to see ourselves in everything?”
Thank you for this. As much as I understand that a part of connecting to literature (or media in general, whatever), when young, depends on how much that is relatable to your own experience, and that is why fair representation is important, I think that like many other things this need has been bastardized and commodified. Now you can’t connect to a character unless you convince your followers that the characters has the same sexual orientation/gender/ethnicity/brain as you do (but in an argument when you remove your personal need from it, and present your need as a hard truth that everybody has to agree to, or else).
You think it helps diversity; in fact, it only makes people see characters as recyclable labels, and people as well.
While I don’t think all the people that do this are assholes (it’s such a widespread trend, claiming I don’t know, bisexuality for this or that other character, that is mainly about being young, insecure, wanting to belong… then there are indeed assholes among those, but not all, and a lot depends on group dynamics, and pervasive violence in internet discussion spaces), I wish there was a clear understanding that the best thing you can do when experiencing stories is to find commonality with people different than you, and that knowing that commonality is part of the human condition, and not because they have the same X diagnosis you have.
Exactly, and well said.
And no, not all of them are assholes, just the ones that harass others and literally try to force their pathological need for these characters to be self-inserts onto everyone else. When they start becoming aggressive and hostile toward anyone who doesn't accept their headcanons as canon, then there's a problem. And those seem to be the ones that dominate fandom spaces, and make the general experience of fandom miserable.
And like I said, this absolute refusal to acknowledge that this or that character isn't them and doesn't encapsulate who they are and what they identify as, is often indicative of how they'll treat people in the real world, flying off the handle at anyone who expresses different views to the ones they hold, or isn't what they are (i.e. this general hatred and demeaning attitude toward anyone who isn't like them, or isn't part of whatever group they identify with).
The idea of story telling, as you said, is to find commonality even with people who AREN'T like you, and through that, to find empathy for one another through our shared humanity. But we've gotten to a point in society now where racial or sexual or gender essentialism has taken over, where once the goal was to render these things obsolete and recognize them as arbitrary and thus non-essential in judging another person. Instead we make them the only thing that matters about someone, and that's also reflected in this obsession with making every character gay, or trans, or nonbinary, or bisexual, or whatever. Because we make those arbitrary characteristics the most essential part of who we are, then we also want to make them the most essential characteristic of everyone else too, including fictional characters, and yeah, it ends up homogenizing everything, instead of creating actual diversity.
Relating this to Levi specifically, it's particularly ironic, since Levi is the most empathetic character in the story, and that empathy extends to people who are very, very different from him. The people that try to force Levi into a box then are completely missing the entire core of his character. Levi should be teaching us about the importance of compassion and empathy and kindness, but instead these people display this attitude toward Levi where, if they can't mold him into exactly what they want him to be, then in their eyes, he's worthless.
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theprodigalson-jyango · 8 months ago
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The next set of art! Thank you for all the notes and views 💕
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gem1ny · 11 months ago
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decided to have a lil fun and add another, humanity's strongest soldier.
same reference used
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yutamayo · 8 months ago
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Get car seats for my kids first.
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babushkahihi · 21 days ago
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The Fallen Angel Levi Ackerman
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chappellrroan · 7 months ago
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