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kyaflint · 6 months ago
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Cuetlanqui trio!
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valkyries-things · 10 months ago
“She was the Cihuatlahtoani of Tenochtitlan from 1466-1472 after her father’s death for her son. It is suggested the ruled as tlatoani in her own right, despite being married.”
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neechees · 6 years ago
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Historical Indigenous Women & Figures [3]:
Atotoztli ii: also known as “Huitzilxochtzin”, was a daughter of Emperor Moctezuma i, and wife of Emperor Tezozomoc. Sources say she ruled as regent, and may have ruled the Triple Alliance herself for as long as 30 years Muriwai: Whakatōhea can trace their history back to her, who famously said “make me stand as a man” as she took the helm to pull the Mātaatua back to safety when were no men available to do so Kenojuak Ashevak: Renowned Inuit artist, whose multiple artworks have been featured in numerous coins & stamps, as well as many art galleries and museums. She became the first Inuit to be inducted on Canada’s walk of fame, and was appointed as a Companion of the order of Canada Pretty Nose: Arapaho war Chief who participated in the Battle of Little Big Horn Zitkála-Šá: Yankton Dakota writer, editor, translator, musician, educator, and political activist. Her books brought Native American literature to mainstream culture, and she was the co-founder of the National Council of American Indians in 1926, and is noted as one of the most influencial people of the 20th Century Gatûñ'lätï: Cherokee war hero who lived during the American Revolutionary war, and upon her husband’s death, she grabbed his tomahawk, screaming “kill! kill!” and encouraged the retreating Cherokee forces to rally, gaining their victory Thanadelthur: A trilingual Guide and Interpretor for the Hudson’s Bay company, she was able to broker peace between Crees and Chipewyan peoples Red Wing: Silent Era Winnebago Actress who starred in multiple films, she and her actor/director husband James Youngdeer were dubbed as a Native American Hollywood power couple
Part 1, part 2. 
Transphobes need not reblog and are not welcome on my posts.
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msochacka · 4 years ago
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ATOTOZTLI the Eagle Warrior
Hot  & Dangerous pin-ups created for Wargamer Games Studio. Girls are wearing uniforms of most iconic military units. They are put  together in pairs - each one from opposite enemy armies. Fighting  heroines, which  are beautiful and strong as all women. They are base  for miniature  sculptures, which are available on Kickstarter campaign.
I declare that illustrations are made by me and all claims of other persons are baseless and illegitimate.  
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thundershore · 9 years ago
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I don’t really play anymore but occasionally when I visit my dragons’ pages, I’ll do the bond dance. This happened enough times over the years that a certain someone is now awakened. :-D
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neechees · 5 years ago
Really liked your Indigenous Historical figures post, what movies did you use for your gifs? Your posts are real cool, glad I started following 👍👍
Thanks mate!! And oh boy, I used quite a lot. But not all of them are from movies, I had to improvise quite a bit! The movies are:
Dreamkeeper (Molly Brant, Buffalo Calf Road Woman, Running Eagle, Red Wing), Big Bear TV short (Fire Woman), Dances with Wolves (Pretty shield, she who walks with stars), Maïna (Shawnadithit), Frontier (Amelia Douglas), The New World (Weetamoo), Apocalypto (Yax Ahau Xoc), the Snow Walker (Alberta Schenk Addams), The Other Conquest (Atotoztli), the Deadlands (Muriwai), The revenant (Pretty Nose), Into the West (Zitkala sa), Twilight (Gatunlati), Once upon a Time (Thanadelthur)
The rest I took from youtube videos, but I'm on mobile so.
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neechees · 6 years ago
hello!! wouldn't atotoztli be tenochca, not aztec? or mexica, since im fairly sure that's what fourteenth century people of tenochtitlan and tlatelolco called themselves. i may be wrong though, sorry
Would she? You could be right! I just know that Tenochtitlan Mexica called themselves “Aztec” specifically, so that’s why I used it. When I looked her up, the sources also listed her as Aztec. But thank you for coming to tell me, no need to be sorry, I appreciate it! :) I’ll edit hers just in case, but also do a little more digging in the mean time!
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thundershore · 11 years ago
There's still one spot left at the Trading Post
I'm imagining Atotoztli and Tahirah setting up shop and asking dragons to help them do ecological research.
Tahirah, alas, would not be doodling butterflies when distracted. Well, unless the butterflies were perched on a ridgeback's nose...
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thundershore · 11 years ago
Atotoztli/Toztli word origin
So I got kind of curious as to what the origin of the word Atotoztli was today. I know Atotoztli was an Aztec queen (mother of the first Aztec emporer), but Nahuatl names usually mean something.
It seems Atotoztli would refer to a type of bird, but which I am not certain. A(tl) means "water", toto(tl) means "bird", and toz(tli) means a "yellow parrot".
A note on Nahuatl (Aztec language) - "tl" is a common suffix you put on a root to make a singular noun when the final letter is a vowel while "tli" is what you use when a word ends with a consonant. So atl means "water" but when used in a compound word, it's just 'a'.
I've found atototl to refer to a heron or other water bird and toztli definitely refers to a parrot, perhaps specifically the endangered yellow-headed amazon, but these days, at least, it seems to refer to any sort of parrot.
But I'm not sure if Atotoztli meant some kind of water parrot (whatever that would be) or perhaps a yellow water bird of some sort. Perhaps this has been lost to time. I can't seem to find the word still used in modern Nahuatl from the searching I've done, other than as a name.
But I am more than tickled that "Toztli" means parrot. Parrots are brightly colored, incredibly intelligent birds and that's just so perfect for her.
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thundershore · 11 years ago
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Atotoztli's adventures in entomology. Special thanks to my good friend, Loddie.
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thundershore · 11 years ago
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I totally have like the best friends ever. It turns out oilslickmires has been looking for a hippojay for me and Atotoztli for weeks. OMG.
*does a hippojay dance.*
This takes place after the events in The Calling Part 1 as well as Part 2 (which we haven't written yet). I'll write a reply once we finish the main encounter and I know Atotoztli and Aquamarine's state of mind and such. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Thank you so much, Slee! Happy holidays!
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thundershore · 11 years ago
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In The Lair of the Shadow Clan: Part 2
To view at full resolution, right-click on each image and open in a new tab.
This is a continuation of a previous RP between Maryn and me involving Atotoztli and Xochiquetzal as well as other members of our clans such as Alphonse, Hegra, and Ázeth. I actually wrote this quite awhile ago but i think the story has moved on a bit from this time and since most of the plot threads are tied up in this, I figured I'd post it to give a conclusion to this part of the story. This also tells the story of how Diomedes came to Thunder Shore.
I'm guessing that, alas, all of their efforts to find their sister back then turned out to be fruitless. And Xochi likely became very busy once the eggs hatched and Atotoztli is nearly always busy with her various projects. Will the sisters ever be reunited? Find out next time on The Dragons of Our Lives.
For the background on this, please read Part 1. :)
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thundershore · 11 years ago
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The Calling - Part 1
(Right click and select 'Open in new tab' to make these readable!)
Another plague of insects visits Thunder Shore; Atotoztli and Aquamarine decide to investigate.
Wasn't sure whether to wait for a response before posting this, but I figure I'll give all of y'all some downtime reading material.
Background on how this came about:
And, of course, all the Atotoztli and Three Sisters stuff.
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thundershore · 11 years ago
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Atotoztli is fascinated by the storm and its effects but sad for the poor wildlife. She takes the opportunity to study the poor critters close up and can't help but grin as she examines the beautiful scale patterns on the ruby tetras. But soon she scampers off to find the local Mirror pack to let them know about the bountiful feast.
(Thank you so much, Slee! This is my first event I've ever received. :)
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thundershore · 11 years ago
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Riot of Rot Poetry Contest
Atotoztli's Choice - Untitled by Silent (Grune)
This is an excellent poem!
Like two of the other three poems, you have included death as a key theme in your poem. Very appropriate given the holiday. You seem to be describing the the journey of corpses from violent death through funeral rights to, finally, internment. The chaos and frantic actions of the living are contrasted with the stillness and peace of the dead.
I was most impressed by your use of meter in this poem. You have used a trochaic tetrameter to reinforce the fast and chaotic pace of the living as they deal with the dead. There are plenty of hints of madness in the poem and your choice of meter reinforces this feeling because trochaic meter has been used to render such themes before, including in one very famous poem that this one surely brings to mind (The Raven by Poe).
To reinforce the trochaic nature of the poem and prevent it from falling into a iambic rhythm when using masculine (one-syllable) rhymes, you have made sure to start every line but the last with a trochee. And, in fact, it is quite clear you have switched to a line of perfect iambic tetrameter to end the poem in order to contrast the peace of death now that the funeral is finished with the frantic actions of the living described in the rest of the poem. Your final line is one of my favorites in the poem partly because of this contrast and partly because of the way you have managed to place the caesura directly after sleep, reinforcing death's stillness and quiet.
I would also like to note that you have added a bit of texture to the rhythm by rendering one word from each line in upper case. Your use of meter also often reinforces this emphasis. For example, in every case that you have substituted a pyrrhic (two unstressed syllables) for a trochee (a stressed followed by an unstressed), leading to three unstressed syllables in a row, you have followed with an emphasized word in upper case that is highlighted by the quick pace of the preceding unstressed syllables. Examples include "Gathered for the PRAYER and hope", "Items to PROTECT the seal", "Tiny shadows, are they REAL?", and "Phantom touches, do you FEEL?". Breaking up the strict trochaic meter with these substitutions prevents the poem from falling into a monotonous rhythm while at the same time working to support the lines in which they are used.
My second favorite line in the poem is the first. You establish the meter with four trochees and the quadruple alliteration of the 'b' echos the violent nature of the death being described. It almost feels as if each 'b' represents a separate stroke or clubbing of the victim.
I also was happy to see that each of the rhymed words is important to the poem since rhyme naturally emphasizes and links the words involved. I actually would have liked to see another feminine (two-syllable) rhyme or two ike the one you used in the first couplet, but there is enough of a trochaic feel that all of the masculine (one-syllable) rhymes do not pull the poem into an iambic rhythm.
Tlaelquani would also like me to mention that the poem is very fun to say and she has had a great deal of fun scaring her friends by reciting it. Amethyst would like me to mention that she appreciated the power of the poem to affect her mood and the fact that it is uncomfortable to read.
Finally, I'd like to say that we were all so impressed by the quality of the poems submitted (and the pace at which our familiars have been breeding) that we have decided to offer each of our participants another familiar in addition to the existing prizes. So I am going to give you Ko and Zugzwang's Psywurm kitten as promised and you can choose one of our other available familiars as well. Please take good care of them and I know they will reward you with much warmth and love. It seems like you perhaps could use that in your life*.
Thank you and congratulations!
(In addition to the Psywurm, you may choose one from the following familiars: Black Wolf, Blooming Strangler, Bluefin Charger, Citrine Cave Jewel, Clown Charger, Cumulus Seal, Emerald Cave Jewel, Everglade Lasher, Longneck Mender, Masked Harpy, Shadow Serpent, Shalebuck, and Steam Gyre.)
*Atotoztli is speaking to Silent in character!
Correction: I incorrectly transcribed Atotoztli's analysis last night. Two unstressed syllables is obviously a pyrrhic, not an anapest. An anapest is two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable, not two unstressed syllables on their own.
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thundershore · 11 years ago
The Saga of Thunder Shore - CRUSH
Atotoztli gingerly attempts to pull her chess book out from under her psywurm, but it won't budge. "Zugzwang," she pleads. The little blue furry creature stretches and yawns, then turns over in his sleep, now even more firmly ensconced upon the book. Atotoztli frowns. She is a young imperial dragon, but still quite long, covered in bright red gems with a cool light blue, almost white, splotched body and delicate, red striped wings. She is stretched out among the pillows covering the floor of a gigantic library that has been carved out of the limestone. Books and scrolls line every wall and are practically overflowing from the various wooden bookcases scattered throughout the room. Covered brass lamps provide light. Across the room, another psywurm, Ko, stares in an intent silence at a finely crafted wooden Go board covered by a couple dozen black and white stones. Next to Atotoztli sits Tahirah, her arcane sprite, who now puts down the book she had been engrossed in. "I have a book you could read," offers the magenta-colored sprite with long antennae. She roots through her pile of books and hands Atotoztli one of the few without a suggestive painting on the cover. "'Reedcleft Heights'?" Atotoztli asks, as she looks over the book and settles back down onto the pillows, finally giving up on dislodging her psywurm. "Is this going to be like the last one?" she asks somewhat sceptically. "I think you'll like this one!" Tahirah says with a smile. "I guess I'll give it a try."
(Continue reading the complete story here.)
Unlike my other stories, this one occurs closer to the present. It's set sometime after Atotoztli received a letter from Xochiquetzal but before she left to visit her. Enjoy!
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