giantkillerjack · 4 years
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Nate "it's not gay if it's on the Waverider" Heywood
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legendsofsmallville · 4 years
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(Friend)ship or whatever. Can we all just cry about this for a moment? Because I don’t know why, but they always break my heart
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legends-of-tomorrow · 5 years
also not over the fact of how loud nate protested ray preposing,, like bro u have somthin to say? but then walking him in by the elbow to his wedding 😭😭😭 that's a real bro i am not okay
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ljones41 · 5 years
Poor Nate.  In the space of a few years, he has lost Amaya, his father Hank Heywood, Zari and now Ray.  Poor Nate.
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steelatomweek · 7 years
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Hi guys! Thanks for being so awesome and giving us the chance to run something like this! We appreciate it so much! Our dorks deserve all the love they can get!
SteelAtomWeek2017 will be held during the week of June 12th - June 19th.
The themes for the days are as follow:
Monday, June 12th — Soulmates  
Ever think that it’d be fun if Ray and Nate were destined to be with each other? Well, this is your chance on exploring that, whether it be through soulmarks, soulbonds, or etc. Time to let the connection shine!
Tuesday, June 13th — Earth-2/Multiverse AU
Ever imagine if Nate or Ray meets another version of themselves? Well, this is your chance to get wild. Throw whatever version of Ray and Nate, or heck even SteelAtom  together from Earth-2 or another Earth! Let the confusion and awkwardness begin!
Wednesday, June 14th— Fake/Pretend Relationship
Ever imagine Ray or Nate having to pretend to be in a relationship? Maybe they have to do it on one of their missions. Maybe they have to do it to get their teammates, or friends, or families off their back? You are free to build your budding ‘fake’ relationship! Throw the dorks together and maybe make them see what happens when ‘bromance’ turns into romance! 
Thursday, June 15th — Nate’s Hemophilia
Ever wanted Nate to confine a bit more in Ray about his hemophilia? Or maybe gets injured where his hemophilia starts acting up? Or maybe he hides the fact that he still has his hemophilia from the team, and Ray finds out? Do whatever you want! Let the discussion begins!
Friday, June 16th — Free Day
This is the day to try out all those prompts that didn’t make the cut. Or maybe you have other ideas. You can do whatever you want on this day. Let those amazing ideas out!
Saturday, June 17th — Jealousy/Protectiveness
Are you a fan of jealousRay! or jealousNate!? Now is your chance to put them into a scenario where one of them gets jealous, or maybe both of them do. 
Or maybe you’d rather protectiveRay! or protectiveNate! Maybe one of the dorks risks his life, and almost dies in the process, and the other one can’t help but smother him/watch him like a hawk. 
Let the dorks lose control by driving each other crazy with jealousy or protectiveness!
Sunday, June 18th— Fairytale AU
Ooh, do you love fairytales? Ever want to throw these two lovable dorks into a land of magic, love, heartache, and beauty! Because we do!
Want Ray to be the cinder-boy and Nate to be the dashing Prince, or vice versa!
Want Nate to be an hideous beast, and Ray to be his beau whom awakens him with an act of true love, or vice versa! 
Want Ray to fall into a deep slumber after escaping from his wicked step-mother, or step-father, or hint, evil twin brother, only to be awaken from true love’s kiss which can only come from no other than the dashing Prince Nate? 
Light the sparks up into these two dashing men’s lives and let the candles burn! 
Monday, June 19th — Wrap Things Up
This day is for you guys to wrap things up. If you couldn’t do the prompts for each day, this is the day, where you can try those prompts out, or finish the ones you started but never got around to finish! This is your day and we hope you take advantage of it! Or maybe just sit back and relax, dreaming of Ray and Nate bromancing each other, without the ‘bro.’
What is SteelAtomWeek?
SteelAtomWeek is a fairly new thing, and we aren’t sure if there is going to be a next one as of yet. This is basically a weeklong event dedicated to Ray Palmer and Nate Heywood from DC’s Lot. This is where you guys pour your heart and soul out, if you can, by writing/creating things that relate to Ray Palmer/Nate Heywood.
Is there a specific tag to use?
Yes, of course, how else are we supposed to find your amazing creations! Make sure to tag your work(s) with #steelatomweek2017. This must be included in the first five tags, or we might lose track of your stuff, and we don’t want that to happen.
Any other questions?
Send us your burning questions or check out our FAQ page! Happy shipping!
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clefclefairy · 8 years
steelatom for the meme please?
YES i love my precious hot dummies
Who said “I love you” first
trick question they both said it immediately and all the time forever they love like big dumb idiots Ray bought Nate a ring five minutes after meeting him
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background
both of them, home and lock screen, and also, half the pictures on their phones are of each other
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
Ray, because Nate uses the shower as a Disassociation Cube, so he’s being helpful!
Who buys the other cheesy gifts
Ray, buying Nate eternity bracelets from Tiffany’s, and Nate is buying Ray every dumb stuffed animal on valentine’s day he can find, honestly, their room starts to look like a memorial to v-day
Who initiated the first kiss
Nate, because Ray was hesitant like oh does he want to kiss me? oh man oh jeez HE’S KISSING ME I’M NEVER GOING TO STOP KISSING BACK
Who kisses the other awake in the morning
Ray, and Nate snuggles into his kisses and gets so eager and delighted about it.
Who starts tickle fights
Nate, because he’s not afraid of bruising anymore, and Ray’s super ticklish too, so....
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower
Ray, because Nate is trans and he’s not sure if maybe he’s pushing somewhere he’s not welcome and is this rude or does Nate want his privacy meanwhile Nate is literally throwing the shower curtain out the window in his rush to get Ray into the shower with him
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch
Ray, and it always has a cute note for Nate taped to the sandwich bag
Who was nervous and shy on the first date
Nate, because Ray bought a flock of birds of paradise and--you know that scene in the Baz Lurhmann version of Gatsby with all the flowers? that’s Ray.
Who kills/takes out the spiders
Neither, because Nate is a big baby and Ray is afraid that he’ll crush them on accident, so they’re both just running away from them in a blind panic
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk
Both of them, but Nate gets drunk a little more frequently. The team tries not to get them drunk together.
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Can we believe the last episode actually happened ? I got all the kinds of Brokeback Mountain's vibes.
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 8 years
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jtmarx · 8 years
I was really feeling Amaya and Mick.  I felt like they played off each other really well and they actually had a few interesting conversations over the season.  Plus, I’m lowkey (read: hella highkey) Nate/Ray.
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seiya-starsniper · 8 years
A Life Not Lived
Read on Ao3 [Link]
Ray had been feeling off ever since they came back from 1967. He couldn't explain why, but he felt like there were things he should know, but didn't. His head seemed fuzzy, like it was underwater, but not quite enough to drown him. It actually reminded him of his first blackout in med school, they had all just completed their finals and Tommy had brought a crate of rum to their dorms and-
...Med school? That didn't seem right. And yet...Ray had memories of anatomy books and clinicals, even though he knew none of his degrees (plural? he had multiple degrees, right? Right.) fell under medicine. He was an inventor, a physicist. Yet, even as he told himself these things, even though he knew them to be true, they were starting to sound wrong in his own head.
Ray realized something might not be right when he took one look at Rip Hunter and started cataloging the man's vitals, assessing his wounds, and trying to form a diagnosis (for what? a diagnosis for what?) in his head. He's shaken out of his own thoughts when Gideon starts talking about their recovered captain's head condition and something clicks in Ray's brain.
"Reprogrammed? The technology to alter the brain at that level doesn't even exist," Ray said. Yes, this was familiar to him. Technology. This was what he knew. "Unless, Rip's brain was somehow altered by impulses from the...from the..."
"From the ship's time drive?" Martin finished for him.
Shit. Ray thought. How could he not know that? He knew that. Didn't he?
Maybe he just needed to a take a walk and clear his head. He wasn't doing much good here anyway.
Ray knew something was definitely very wrong when he walked into the library and felt his heart catch in his throat when he looked at Nate. Seeing Nate sitting at a desk with a large book just looked wrong, even though Ray knew it was right. Nate was their researcher, their historian. He was supposed to be in a library, surrounded by books.
Suddenly, Ray sees himself facing Nate's back in a wide open studio.
"Nate Heywood?" Ray called out. The man in question turned around and gave Ray the most breathtaking smile.
"That's my name, don't wear it...out..." he trailed off. An awkward silence descended between the two as they gazed at one another. Ray had never felt so self-conscious in his life, and yet he couldn't tear his eyes away.  
"I, uh, I'm Doctor Palmer," the brunette stuttered, recovering his voice." I was, uhm, my friend Tommy recommended you to me," he explained.
"Oh. Oh right, right, right! Tommy, yes, you're Ray, the really stressed one right?" Nate asked.
"I uh, yeah. The stressed one. That's me. Tommy uh, he said you could help me out with that." Ray then realized what he said. "Uh, with yoga!" he clarified. "Right, because you're a yoga instructor and yoga is great for handling stress, yep."
Ray isn't sure who started laughing first, but he's pretty sure Nate's laughter is the most beautiful thing he's ever heard.
Well that was weird. Ray thought to himself. Nate was definitely not the type to do yoga.  Was he? Did Ray do yoga? Where had that vision come from? Ray had always been stressed at his job when he was CEO for Palmer Tech, but he had never been stressed enough to require yoga. He's also pretty sure he doesn't know someone named Tommy.
Ray didn't have much time to dwell on his thoughts though. As soon as she saw him, Amaya dove right into an explanation of the props Sara and Jax had recovered. To his horror, Ray realized he couldn't process what she was saying either. It was all in English, but it sounded like gibberish and he knew it shouldn't. Gideon bringing up the schematics for the time drive didn't help either. How was he supposed to know how to read schematics anyway? Amaya had looked skeptical when he mentioned it and asked about his PhDs.
"Psh, I don't have four-," Ray suddenly stopped as a wave of memories came crashing down on him. Heart surgery, med school again, a sunlight studio overlooking the Star City waterfront, and blood, so much blood. It was like his head was going into overdrive trying to add all these new life events. At the same time, the physicist felt like he was losing memories, which didn't make sense, one didn't just lose entire parts of their lives all at once.
"What's wrong?" Amaya asked, and then Ray found out he wasn't the only one having visions of a life that never was, but was fighting to be.
"I don't want to be a heart surgeon!"
"And I don't want to be a yoga instructor!"
Ray knew that it was the right thing to say, he knew that he wasn't meant to be a heart surgeon, and Nate wasn't meant to be a yoga instructor. They were an inventor and a historian, and more importantly, they were superheroes. Superheroes who were definitely not romantically involved.
And yet.
Ray couldn't explain why his heart felt so broken. He's afraid to look at Nate, afraid that he would see the exact rejection he feels so instead he keeps trying to implore George Lucas to go back to filming, so that he and Nate can go back to the way things were, and Ray could stop feeling this utterly crushing weight that was now between the two of them.
At the same time, Ray doesn't want these memories, however false they are, to go away just yet. So while Amaya tries to re-inspire the man who will shape his life, Ray lets the visions of this alternate existence wash over him. He's too afraid to look at Nate to see if the other man is feeling the same things he is.
Warmth. Nate's studio. The hospital. Ray's an important doctor there.  Their apartment. Their dog...dogs? They have dogs. Their life is peaceful here. Serene even.
"I love you, you know."
"I know. I love you too. Marry me?"
If Ray's lucky, he won't remember this happiness when they've fixed the time aberration.
With the time aberration fixed, the intricate knowledge of the human heart Ray's brain had been desperately trying to store finally began to fade.
The memories of Nate's studio don't. In fact, they're becoming clearer, and Ray's worried he'll no longer be able to look the historian (historian, not yoga instructor) in the eye. Ray's not sure if focusing in on his life with Nate (his Nate, in this alternate life) caused the memories to somehow implant themselves in his brain, or if those memories just needed some extra time to slip from his mind. Ray's conflicted about which route he wants them to take.
"Ray!" Nate called out suddenly, snapping the scientist out of his thoughts. "Wait up!"
"...hey buddy!" Ray tried for a smile, but even to him, it felt forced and unnatural. "What's going on?"
"You've been acting...well...I mean, something's wrong still, isn't it?" Nate tentatively asked. He looked like he wanted to say something else but held himself back. Ray wanted so desperately to ask him how much he saw of their other life, but he's scared. So he shrugged instead.
"It's nothing Nate, don't worry about-"
"Is this about us being together if George Lucas doesn't make movies?" the historian blurted out suddenly.
Ray thought he might faint.
"T-together?" the scientist stuttered out. It couldn't be, it had just been him having the visions, right? Nate hadn't indicated at all that he knew anything about their other life.  
"Yeah, Ray, like together...together Oh God, it wasn't just me having those visions right, I shouldn't have said anything, you probably think I'm crazy or-"
"No!" Ray yelped, his brain finally catching up to him. "No, you're not crazy at all. I mean, I thought I was the only one still having them."
"Still?" Nate inquired.
"...You're not?" Ray replied, suddenly feeling sick.
"No, I mean yes! I mean, sort of? I don't know, everything's been a bit fuzzy lately, I don't know. I just, I don't know, I really didn't want to be a yoga instructor, but then you...I..." The historian seemed at a loss for words. "I didn't want anything to do with that life except for you," he finally admitted and Ray felt his heart soar.  
"I think it was about the only thing I wanted to happen," the physicist responded, a smile forming on his face. "Everything else about that life, our jobs, our routines, all of that felt wrong. But not you." The smile had turned into a full on loopy grin now, and Ray knew he probably should care, but he didn't.
"Ray," Nate breathed. Ray thought he could get used to him saying his name that way.
"Yeah?" he asked, feeling just as breathless.
Nate took one step, then two more, and  then suddenly they were practically pressed against each other. There was a brief period where neither of them dared to move, least they ruin the moment, and then Ray dipped his head and crashed his lips into Nate's.
There's a hot flash of memories, the most intense Ray's felt so far, as he's kissing Nate. The feeling is both new and familiar, like his body knows the experience is new, but his mind contradicts that information. When Nate bites on his lower lip, Ray sees a candlelit bedroom and feels sheets wrinkle under his grip. When the blonde's lets Ray's tongue into his mouth, the brunette can smell autumn and coffee, with just a hint of antiseptic.
And then...everything is gone.
Ray pulled away at the sudden loss. He tried desperately to recall anything, the studio, the room...but his traitorous mind comes up blank.
"What's wrong?" Nate asked, panic evident in his voice. "Was that not good, I could try again, I-"
"No, no, no, that's not it, everything you did was perfect and amazing," Ray assured him. "It's just I...I can't remember anything about, back then anymore."
"...huh, neither can I," Nate remarked. "Maybe it's a sign," he offered after a moment.
"A sign?" Ray inquired.
"Yeah," Nate shrugged. "Clean slate, you know? Our first kiss wasn't in a yoga studio, it was now. If you ask me, honestly, I like this version better."
"Yeah me too," Ray smiled. "Although, that other life had a lot of kisses, so I think we have a lot make up for," he added already leaning back into his newfound lover.
Ray's glad that the one thing that hasn't changed between both lives is how much he loves Nate's laugh.
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thoughtscascade · 8 years
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legendsofsmallville · 5 years
Okay, I finally did it. I made a video about them. It took me a week before I was mentally capable. XD But well, I’m still heartbroken. 
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audiovizualna · 7 years
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Yuletide is neary here and I decided to celebrate it with CC Chritmas fic + illustrations. Yes, I know we already had incredible Christmas-Viking episode of LoT, but I started to write this one right after DC Crossover which was a blast (!) and I hope you’re going to enjoy my version of events after Martin’s death. This fic is also written to honour our favourite professor, who will be missed dearly.
Special thanks for loveliest beta @flabbergabst, who must hate me right now, for giving her mental breakdown through the whole story.
I’ll try to post full fic (4 chapters) until 25th December. With love, PANDArt :*
(I own nothing)
“You’re Not Him”
Part 1: ”For Him”
 Here they were. Another Christmas spent on the Waverider, but oh so different.
Of course the team was glad to welcome both Zari and Leo on the ship; although this year, no one felt the Christmas spirit. Not without Stein.
After the whole Earth-X situation, Martin’s death and the general trauma all of them carried within, the Legends started to lose the contact and connection they’ve built and established with each other. Seeing that was painful, and they felt the necessity to change it.
This team usually needed some time for reflection and peace - to settle their emotions in place - which was even harder this time. Not that Sara, Mick or (partly) Jax didn’t have it before. They used to feel some strange emptiness after Len’s sacrifice at the Oculus, but time heals the wounds eventually, so the three had moved on somehow. Sara became the ship’s captain. Jax started using his engineering skils to improve the timeship whenever he could, and Mick came back to his old habits, all while bonding with newbies.
The memories of Snart returned as his ghost keeps appearing in random situations. Sometimes next to Mick, and once as Len’s evil version in Legion of Doom. Both of which were really surprising for Sara, but now…this was different.
Earth-X Leonard Snart or Leo, as he preferred to be called, was very much alive and well. He became curious about the details of previous missions and took his time to explore every inch of the ship, because that’s what all versions of Leonard would do.
Sara caught herself simply avoiding the man in blue parka, not knowing what to tell him or sometimes simply forgetting her tongue around him. In fact it seemed like he and Raymond were the only people on the Waverider who were still talking at all.
They journey back to the mission was spent in silence ever since they left Central City in November. Even if this silence never affected the accomplishments of their missions or in dealing with anachronisms, only whispers and empty echoes of footsteps could be heard afterwards.
Of course there were days when gathering the team was vital and the ‘AtomSteel‘ duo never resigned from organizing movie nights, but even then, the Legends prefered to remain silent.
Over time Sara started one-to-one conversations with members of her team. The captain tried to reach Jax whenever he needed it or so she thought - needless to say, it was successful most of the time. The Canary visited Zari and Amaya often when simple girl talks were necessary. Sara even joined Mick a couple of times for sleepless night drinking. Despite her efforts, none of them wanted to talk about things going on in their heads, especially now that Leo could appear behind them anytime.
Situations changed significantly during one of those nights, but not in the galley, where White Canary and Heatwave were playing cards and drinking cheep beer.
On the other end of Waverider, Raymond knocked quietly on Jax’s door with really serious expression on his face, which was quite unusual considering that the ATOM is natuarally a ray sunshine for most of his life.
”Hi Jax!” Ray started. ”I… damn, I don’t know where to start, but I have an idea. Naturally, it’s up to you if you want my plan to push through or not, but…”
”Woooah, slow down man. Why me? Shouldn’t you be asking Sara about stuff like this?” Jax interrupted Ray, crossing his arms with sleepy eyes.
”Well… No. Absolutely not in this case. I value my life,” Ray chuckled nervously.
”Sounds like a bad move from the beginning, but tell me so I could finally go back to bed, Ray.”
”All right,” Ray continued. ”It’s partly about Marty, I mean, Professor Stein - and please, before you reject it, let me explain.”
From the look on Jefferson’s face, it seemed like that’s the last conversation he wanted in that moment. But he didn’t want to be rude and his facial expression encouraged Ray to continue.
”I’ve been thinking about…” Ray paused for a moment before the next word left his mouth, ”… Christmas Day, which, as you may or may not know, is tomorrow.”
Jax finally let the breath leave his lungs, but did not say a thing to that proposition.
”We all know this is going to be hard. Sitting there, knowing Marty’s not with us and never will be, but I figured that this is exactly what he would have wanted. Last Christmas dinner was in fact his idea and you know very well we need each other’s company more than ever. I’m sure he’d find it unacceptable to spend the 25th of December separated in our private quarters.” Ray said those words so fast, that Jax could not stop him even if he tried. Eventually this confession has been answered.
”I don’t know man. How can we pretend that everything is okay, when clearly it’s not? We don’t talk to each other like we used to, so what?” said Jax with utter sadness and disappointment in his voice even if he tried to keep his voice calm.
Jax shrugged and continued. ”Having a Christmas party is the last thing this team needs right now. I’m aware of Grey’s opinion on that subject, yet maybe we do need more time to gather our thoughts.”
”Or… Raymond is right and ‘this’ is the best option you have to finally start talking.”
Another deep voice joined the conversation out of nowhere. They turned and saw Leo’s silhouette came out from behind the corner.
”I’m very sorry about eavesdropping, but I meant every word,” the man continued. ”I figured you’re all hurt because of what happened, so I never wanted to disturb any of you with my judgment, but I’m perplexed by one thing.” Leo started to get closer to them slowly and carried on.
”On my Earth, silence is the safest option to stay alive. We have this…fear of speaking beacuse we know if one of us says something wrong  in front of those awful Nazis, we’ll end up dead with a bullet in our brains. People there live with their mouths constantly shut. The only exceptions are the plans whispered to each other’s ears, or quick encrypted messages in things and places you wouldn’t think possible to use. I would give anything to feel free to speak out loud what’s in my head and now, and the moment I found heroes to share my stories with, they have no intention of making a conversation.” Snart said with visible soreness in his ocean blue eyes, leaning against the wall.
Jax and Ray were equally taken aback by Leo’s words. Both felt really conflicted, knowing that Citizen Cold was 100% right. His statement showed the team’s interactions in a completely different light. Upon their realization of the situation, Jax just sat resigned on the floor at his door. Leonard and Dr. Palmer followed and did not say a word for a while.
Finally the youngest Legend opened his mouth and asked Earth-X Snart out of countenance. ”Why do you care, Snart? Why are you worried about our relations at all? The Leonard we knew would avoid getting involved. I’m aware Grey would want us to move on, but you didn’t even knew him.”
Leonard heard the hurt in Jefferson’s voice and used it as one of his arguments.
”See Jax? That���s exactly why I’m concerned. Your tone tells me everything I need to know about your emotional state, which by the way is far from stable,” the older man lectured. ”I’m a good observer and so was, as I’ve heard, my Earth-1 version, who never left his own crew behind. I am aware that one simple dinner won’t change everything at once, but that’s a start. Also I’m sure ‘you’ are the perfect person to begin a decent conversation about what happened, without unnecessary tears.”
Raymond’s eyes got bigger and rounder with every word Leo was saying, which caught Citizen Cold’s attention when he stopped talking.
”What? Did I say something stupid or unrealistic?”
”No!” Ray quickly defended. ”No, it’s just…strange to hear anything motivating from you. Our Leonard always kept his thoughts to himself, except for snarky comments and sarcastic one-liners,” Ray said with tiny smirk at the memories.
”Wow,” Leo flatly said. ”Sounds like really grumpy and rude fellow.”
Both Jax and Ray choked with laughter hearing it from Leonard Snart himself, even if he was his different version. But still.
”Oh yes. He was one of a kind, trust me. Though it’s nice not to hear new nicknames from you,” the Atom pointed out, then stared at the ceiling.
”Careful there, sunshine, You’re stepping on very thin ice here. Nothing stops me from starting,” Leo quirked his eyebrows, while doing his characteristic head tilt and smirked .
Jax found flirty Earth-1 Snart pretty odd in general, but seeing his other version even more confident to flirt with both men and women was beyond bizarre. After few seconds he asked: ”So what’s the plan? It’s Christmas Eve and we have almost one night to get everything ready. I vote for secret preparations. Just us three. No one else engaged. I know Grey would be delighted to see a positive surprise on their faces. So I’m in… for him.”
”Let’s not waste more time. Now, move your asses. Lot of work to do and not much time left,” uttered Leo.
That’s how a few moments later, the unusual trio landed in the fabrication room asking Gideon for help.
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superscanaries · 8 years
im salty now cause i ship ray and nate lmao
Atomsteel definitely had more build up
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kalinara · 8 years
Steelatom? (Or Palmersteel, Atomic Nerds, Atomsteel, whatever tf their ship name is)
Despite the fact that I’m not a big fan of Nate (sorry, he doesn’t make sense in a lot of weird ways, and I still kind of think he’s evil), I do really like the Steelatom dynamic.
A lot of Ray’s problem last year, in my opinion, was that he was relatively isolated from the group.  It was him and Kendra and then everyone else, and Kendra at least had her friendship with Sara and her thing with Savage.  He had some nice friendship moments with Mick, and supportive moments with Rip, but not a lot.
This year has been doing a much better job of showcasing the interpersonal relationships within the team.  Ray seems like he’s connected more with a lot of people, not just Nate.  But I do like that he gets to actually laugh and have fun.
I don’t tend to see at as romantic, though I can see why that appeals to a lot of people.
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steelatomweek · 8 years
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While we’re taking votes for the week to hold SteelAtom Week, we’d like to hear your suggestions for themes! Once the poll for dates close, we’ll open up the poll to vote for what prompts you guys are itching to do/see. Some potential suggestions are shown below to get you guys started but please feel free to send us suggestions and we’ll add them to the voting list!
Favorite SteelAtom moment on LoT
Secret Relationship
Domestic (what happens post waverider, domestic moments on the waverider, etc)
Earth-2 /Multiverse AU
Time Aberration: Nate is a Yoga Instructor and Ray is a Heart Surgeon AU
First Time (Date/Kiss/Sex/maybe their first meeting was pre-waverider)
Fake/Pretend Relationship
Soulmates AU
Fairytale AU
Supernatural AU (note: general supernatural stuff, not the CW show)
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