klbwriting · 4 years
Friday Night In
Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow
Pairing: None, just fun friendship times with the reader and the Waverider Legends and maybe some Constantine x Reader if you read it that way
Warnings: None! Just fluff
Summary: The Legends are stuck in the temporal zone and decide to just have a night off for once and hang out, fully integrating their newest Legend (this team includes: Sara, Ava, Constantine, Charlie, Zari 2.0, Behrad, Ray, Nora, Nate, and Mick)
Notes: I’m taking requests again but this is just something I wrote for me for fun.  I’ll probably do more of these until people request things if anyone even bothers with me anymore
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Y/N had been traveling with the Legends for a few months now and it had been just nonstop from one thing to the next and finally it seemed like things were lightening up just a little. On a particularly slow day they thought it would be fun to have a ‘Friday Night In’ like they used to when they lived at home with family.  Food was prepped, drinks were made and passed around, and everyone was invited to find a seat in the living area to watch a show that Y/N picked.
“I don’t want any arguments.  We are watching something that is wholesome and sweet because we deal with too much crazy shit for any of that stuff right now,” they said, turning on the latest season of Queer Eye on Netflix.  Sara and Ava laughed from their place on the couch with Behrad next to them.  Mick and Nate both looked curious if slightly confused while Ray’s smiled his happy puppy smile.  
“Here! Here!” Charlie said as she threw some popcorn into the air.  Y/N hit play and took a seat between Zari and Constantine, settling in to watch the show and just let it be calm and happy in the Waverider for just a couple hours.
“So, this is a...makeover show?” Constantine asked.  Zari rolled her eyes a little.
“This show is a lifestyle,” she said, giving a small fist bump when Y/N held up their fist.  
“Its just a happy show that literally anyone can enjoy and learn from,” they said.  After awhile they noticed the first episode raising up some emotions from the other Legends, even tears were making appearances.  Good, this was theraputiec, get everyone to let out some of the emotions and stresses they had building up while hopping through time.  
“This is making everyone sappy,” Constantine muttered, leaning back on the couch.  Y/N smiled and leaned over, head falling to Constantine’s shoulder.
“Yes, but sometimes you need this, sometimes you need a Friday night in.”
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necrofixer · 5 years
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mooniemouse · 4 years
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No way... The best brotp and the best funny duo. I'll gonna miss Ray so much but I guess that will be Nate and the other legends who will gonna suffer truly hard his absence... Let's move on, no without crying as a baby 😭💜 I'll gonna miss you so much @brandonjrouth 💜💜💜💜 #SteelAtom #NateHeywood #RayPalmer #TheAtom #Steel #Bromance #MyFavoriteLoveStory https://www.instagram.com/p/B-JuS7gpyDV/?igshid=i4wy3mffhj56
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comicgirl08 · 5 years
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DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow 4x14 “Nip/Stuck” Promotional Pictures 1/2.
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pantherjackets · 3 years
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Legends Of Tomorrow S05 Nate Heywood Bomber Suede Leather Jacket
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nickzanoonline · 6 years
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National super hero day! #NickZano #MelissaBenoist #Supergirl #CitizenSteel #NateHeywood #LegendsOfTomorrow #NationalSuperHeroDay
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kendrysaneela · 7 years
#LegendsofTomorrow and #iZombie are def the best #DCTV shows. - - #izombieedit #legendsoftomorrowedit #saralance #livmoore #clivebabineaux #peytoncharles #majorlilywhite #jaxjackson #martinstein #amayajiwe #zaritomaz #raypalmer #mickrory #nateheywood
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dwaynehanley · 5 years
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Nick Zano/ Nate Heywood/Citizen Steel. . . keyshot bridge render . . . #artfollowsme #workinprogress #zbrush #likeness #citizensteel #nickzano #nateheywood #legendsoftomorrow #dc #wb #arrowverse @nickzano #keyshot3d https://www.instagram.com/p/B3tNPqUjRvg/?igshid=7rcswwl0osqw
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historysteel · 5 years
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Indie Nate Heywood Rp Blog, Ocs and Crossovers Welcome! Like or message me anytime you'd like to interact.
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glitterb1234 · 5 years
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#Arrowverse art project #NateHeywood #Steel https://www.instagram.com/p/BxTMXtWFWDv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pr2bdsk6n0gf
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nico.sachse: #legendsoftomorrow S7Ep2 day 7. Out in the country with #saralance #nateheywood #avasharpe #garygreen #behradtarazi
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breanadavenport · 3 years
Well now that everyone is alive (or close enough to alive) @nateheywood, @mickrory and I have an announcement to make. I found out I’m 9 weeks pregnant with twins. Obviously we weren’t trying so this is a big surprise and it’s still not guaranteed and there’s still a risk of miscarriage and everything, especially with my medical history.
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@brilliantbillionaire @douglas-davenport @superbionicbree @drlizzybknight @bionicgenius @dannydavenport @adam-is-the-best @thelastkrane @chlominamorningstar @imtotallytecton @a-really-good-looking-toaster
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legendsofsmallville · 7 years
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zaricats · 4 years
i was meant for you - nateheywood
i was meant for you by @zaricats for @daphmckinnon (i hope you like it!!)
general audiences
no archive warnings apply
alice cullen/jasper hale
Alice hadn’t hesitated to spill everything about herself to Jasper when they’d met, a stark contrast to his tight-lipped reserve. He knew the ins and outs of Alice, and that meant that he knew the ins and outs of her visions.
Or, at least, he’d thought he did.
Or, Alice has a vision that leaves her near comatose as she rides it out. Jasper... does his best, given the situation.
language: english
words: 1,566
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henriete41 · 5 years
They’re back! But first, they have to face the crisis. A new season premieres Tuesday, January 21 on The CW! #LegendsOfTomorrow https://t.co/pW57gXILWo https://twitter.com/TheCW_Legends/status/1202679034116628480?s=19 #CaityLotz #SaraLance #WhiteCanary #BrandonRouth #RayPalmer #Atom #DCLegendsOfTomorrow #DominicPurcell #HeatWave #NickZano #NateHeywood #Steel #MaisieRichardsonSellers #Charlie #CW #AmyPemberton #Gideon #TalaAshe #ZariTomaz #MattRyan #JohnConstantine #JesMacallan #AvaSharpe #CourtneyFord #NoraDarhk #RamonaYoung #AlaskaYu #theyreback https://www.instagram.com/p/B5t9FmOjHy7/?igshid=1jfojho6fa7v2
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dwaynehanley · 5 years
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Becoming Citizen Steel. . . Quick keyshot bridge render . . . #artfollowsme #workinprogress #zbrush #likeness #citizensteel #nickzano #nateheywood #legendsoftomorrow #dc #wb #arrowverse @nickzano #keyshot3d https://www.instagram.com/p/B3tJkTDj5gm/?igshid=9z6shic4dkhe
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