rockstarjackets · 3 years
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Legend Of Tomorrow Mick Rory Jacket
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taylorsage22 · 4 years
Shy (Mick Rory x Shy! Reader.
Request-Hi, can you write Mick Rory x shy! reader smut? Thank you🖤.
A/N-I Hope you like it. 
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          You were always a timid, shy person. Your face would turn as red as a cherry anytime anyone spoke to you and your voice  would come out wobbly and quiet.  The team has gotten used to your quiet voice and always knew not to call you out on it or else you’d get even more shy and embarrassed.
     Everyone knew you were shy and were like a turtle that liked to stay in your shell. Mick Rory has brought you out of that shell, little by little really everyone on the team wonders how he did it. He loves how shy and quiet you are.  And he also loves to see you initiate a conversion on your own especially if its with him.
    It took you  quite a while to get used to everybody and the first time you let yourself laugh uncontrollably without a care it made Mick fall in love with you.
    You were sitting in Micks room in the Waverider, cuddling after your movie had ended. The final credit rolled off the screen and you stretched out sighing. “Why did you make me watch that?’’ Mick ask even though he was happy to just hold you for an hour and a half. “I liked Olaf didn't you?’’ you said with a sight giggle which made you snort. 
    “What was that?’’ He ask chuckling. You blushed and giggled a little more. “Stoooop.” You playfully whined, lightly hitting Micks big chest. “Nope.” Mick Says back, pulling you fully into his lap.
     You giggled a little more, feeling Micks big hands rest on your sides. “Your so gorgeous, Y/n.’’ Mick says looking straight into your eyes. Your cheeks burned bright red and you hid your face with your hands. “You look cute when you blush.’’ Mick chuckled, rubbing your sides. 
    A loud string of laughter came from your mouth at the sudden action your body writhing slightly. “Mickkk, That tickles.’’ you whined, pouting as you moved Micks hands away from you. Mick smirked and raised his eyebrows at you.  “Really.’’  Mick teasingly asked. 
      You felt his fingers dig into your sides and you squealed out, laughing harder as he continued. You gasped for air, writhing around in his lap. He laughed with you as you tried to push his strong hands away but he didnt budge. His eyes remained on you as he felt his heart flutter in his chest. 
   “S-stop, ple-eeaaasse!’’ You squealed while you laughed so hard tears filled your eyes. Micks fingers slowed to a stop as you breathed heavily,  collapsing into Micks chest. 
   Mick went silent and you caught your breath, looking up at him. Your sides burned from the tickle session. Mick was staring at you smile on his face. “What?’’ you softly ask. “I love you.” Mick said. 
     Your eyes widened and your mouth opened slightly, “Y-you do?’’ you asked, getting shy again  ”So damn much.’’  Mick said pulling you in for a kiss. You kissed mick back, a small smile making its way onto your face.  you pulled away gasping for air “I love you to Mick.’’ you said quietly. 
Micks eyes remained glued on your face as he slowly leaned into your neck. You nervously sat there, anxious for his next move. A small gasp fell from your lips as you felt Mick press a kiss to your neck. Your eyes fluttered closed as he pulled away just enough to let his tongue trace little circles against your pulse point. “Mick.” you whispered breathlessly. 
Your shy nature caused your cheeks to turn bright red. “Y/n, let me show you how much I love you.” Mick whispered into your ear, causing you to shiver.  You opened your eyes and nodded slightly. “o-okay.’’ you said softly.
    He pulled away from your neck and saw something in your eyes that caused him to ask. “Are you sure? We don't have to.” You shook your head quickly “No! No, I want to. Its just I'm too shy. I don't have much experience.’’ You said quietly, feeling ashamed. “Y/n, that's okay. I don't care. I love how shy you are.’’ Mick said words full of emotion.
   You smiled and bit your lip. Mick looked at lips and brought his thumb to them, slowly pulling your bottom lip from underneath your teeth. “Bout’ you tonight.’’ Mick said as  softly as  you usually speak making you feel especially loved. 
     You blushed and nodded, holding onto Mick as he stood with you clinging to him. Mick carried you to his bed from his little couch in his bedroom. Mick gently put you down on your back before hovering above you. He smiled down at you and began to lift your shirt up, his hand rubbing the smooth skin exposed to him. 
      His hand slid further up your shirt as he looks into your eyes asking the silent question if that was okay. You nodded and as the goosebumps covering your skin from the cool air in the room, as you lean up so Mick could take your shirt off and he nearly groaned just looking at you.
    You  shyly crossed your arms over your chest wishing you hadnt worn such a girly purple bra. Mick frowned, pulling your arms away. “Gorgeous.’’ Mick Whispered leaning down to kiss your collarbone.  You felt Mick raise your arms above your head adding a little pressure as he gripped your wrists. Micks lips made their way to the top of your left breast and you gasped, closing your eyes for a split second.
   You quickly opened them, watching as Mick licked a strip up your cleavage. “So soft.’’ He grunted quietly.  He gently removed your bra making eye contact the whole time. The cool air caused your nipples to harden and Mick let out a small groan at the sight. Leaning down to capture one in his mouth. You let out a squeak and Mick groaned even louder grazing his teeth against your nipple. 
   “You can be loud.” Mick said in a sultry tone as he pulled away from your breast. 
                      You were a sweaty and loud moaning mess, your hands gripping the bed sheets so hard your knuckles were turning white as Mick worked his tongue around your clit. You could feel him groan against you everytime you squirmed.
  “ M-mick im gonna-” you whimpered out, arching your back. The pleasure spread throughout your whole body as Mick continued to lick and suck on your pussy. Micks strong arm held your hips down as you writhed around on the around on the bed. Mick cleaned you up with his tongue and kissed his way up your stomach. “Mm, You taste so innocent.’’ Mick said, nipping at your skin.
    Your breathing was heavy and deep, your head still spinning from your orgasm. “You’re good at that.’’ You said breathlessly. Mick chuckled deeply. “Mmm’’ he said resting in between your legs.  You bit your lip and looked down at Mick’s still covered cock. “ Do you want to go further?’’ Mick asked making sure you wanted to do it still. You nodded and that's all Mick needed to continue. You whimpered craving to feel him inside you. Mick Pulled off his boxers. His erection springing free and you gasped Mick chuckled, taking it in his hand.
   The tip was red and you could tell he was ready to chase his own release. Mick aligned himself in between your legs, rubbing the tip against your sensitive clit. Your hips jerked a tad at the contact and you whimpered. “I love the sounds  you make.” Mick said lowly, grabbing your hands and holding them above your head.
      You whined impatiently, rubbing your wet pussy against Micks hard cock, “ Mick please.” you softly begged. Mick smirked and started to slip himself inside of you slowly and carefully. You gasped and your eyes momentarily rolled into the back of your head.
“Fuck.” Mick groaned out, sliding in deeper as he watched you. He stretched you a good bit and you definitely felt full. Or so you thought. Mick finally filled you up, his pubic bone resting against your clit. He was a lot to take in for sure.
Mick gave you time to adjust and you were panting. “You’re so wet for me, y/n” Mick rasped, starting to slide in and out slowly.
You moaned, wanting him to take control. “Harder.” You begged, looking into Mick's eyes. “Are you sure?” He asked, suddenly growing serious. “Yes. I want you to fuck me so hard I can’t walk.” You said softly, trying to pull your hands out of his grip.
Mick grunted . “God, you’re sexy when you’re shy, but this is a new side of you.” Mick smirked and pulled out, and just as quickly, he shoved himself back in. You cried out, loving how he filled you. “Shit, yes.” Mick growled.
Mick started to pound into you, his mouth catching onto one of your bouncing breasts. You wrapped your legs around Mick’s waist, screaming out his name as his thrusts got faster. “Mick, oh my god!” You cried.
Mick’s flesh hand twitched in yours and you bit your lip. “Choke me.” You whimpered out. Your face got red, not believing your mouth spoke what was on your mind.
Mick's thrusts came to a complete stop. “Oh, princess .” Mick said with a devious smile. Mick got up on his knees, still inside of you. His hand released yours and he brought it to your neck. You moaned, moving your hips against his.
Micks thick cock slid in and out of you and he applied more pressure to your throat. He started to thrust inside of you faster and harder. “You like that? You like when I choke you and fuck you this hard?” Mick said, his breath uneven.
You nodded, gripping onto his wrist. You could still breathe through your mouth and you let out a particularly loud moan when Micks cock hit your g-spot. “There it is.” He chuckled darkly.
Micks thumb started to rub fast circles against your clit and you felt your orgasm approach quickly. “I’m close.” You squealed, gasping for air.
Mickcgrunted and nodded. “I feel you-oh God.” he growled as your pussy clenched around him. “Wait for me. Don’t cum yet, Princess.” He said, speeding up his movements.
You moaned, digging your nails into Mick’s arm. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He groaned, his thrusts losing their rhythm. You couldn’t hold it back anymore. You had to cum and you had to do it now.
“Mickkk”, you moaned as your pussy tightened around Micks cock again, “I need to-” “Cum for me, Y/N. Cum.” Mick ordered. You gasped as your orgasm hit you.
Micks hand tightened around your throat, so much so, you couldn’t breathe. You didn’t care, you loved it. A smile formed on your lips as you came around Mick.
You felt hot and long spurts of Mick’s cum fill you up inside, a little bit seeping out of your pussy. Mick came down from his high and you moaned as you finished coming down from yours.
Mick pulled out slowly and fell onto his back beside you. You both were breathing heavy and you let out a small giggle. You covered your face with your hands. “What’s so funny?” Mick asked with a chuckle. “I’m getting shy.” You said quietly.
Mick chuckled again. “You’re always shy.” He said with a smile. Mick got up to get a damp towel to clean you both up with.
You and mick were cuddling now, still unclothed and worn out. Mick's hand was drawing small circles on your back and you pressed kisses to his scar. “I love you.” You whispered softly.
You lovingly looked up at him, your cheeks red. “I love you too, my shy princess.” Mick smiled, pulling you in for a kiss. 
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aliyahsadventures · 3 years
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I will claim badassery in a number of categories… beer chugging is not one of them. Just ask @dominicpurcell and @officialsudzsutherland 😜 Now a tequila shooter competition… (Those who know…KNOW 😉) Swipe right to see Alien Kayla’s transformation, and more importantly, the look on #mickrory ‘s face 👽 @cw_legendsoftomorrow #dontmindifido https://www.instagram.com/p/CSz1LN-BWkm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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klbwriting · 4 years
Friday Night In
Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow
Pairing: None, just fun friendship times with the reader and the Waverider Legends and maybe some Constantine x Reader if you read it that way
Warnings: None! Just fluff
Summary: The Legends are stuck in the temporal zone and decide to just have a night off for once and hang out, fully integrating their newest Legend (this team includes: Sara, Ava, Constantine, Charlie, Zari 2.0, Behrad, Ray, Nora, Nate, and Mick)
Notes: I’m taking requests again but this is just something I wrote for me for fun.  I’ll probably do more of these until people request things if anyone even bothers with me anymore
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Y/N had been traveling with the Legends for a few months now and it had been just nonstop from one thing to the next and finally it seemed like things were lightening up just a little. On a particularly slow day they thought it would be fun to have a ‘Friday Night In’ like they used to when they lived at home with family.  Food was prepped, drinks were made and passed around, and everyone was invited to find a seat in the living area to watch a show that Y/N picked.
“I don’t want any arguments.  We are watching something that is wholesome and sweet because we deal with too much crazy shit for any of that stuff right now,” they said, turning on the latest season of Queer Eye on Netflix.  Sara and Ava laughed from their place on the couch with Behrad next to them.  Mick and Nate both looked curious if slightly confused while Ray’s smiled his happy puppy smile.  
“Here! Here!” Charlie said as she threw some popcorn into the air.  Y/N hit play and took a seat between Zari and Constantine, settling in to watch the show and just let it be calm and happy in the Waverider for just a couple hours.
“So, this is a...makeover show?” Constantine asked.  Zari rolled her eyes a little.
“This show is a lifestyle,” she said, giving a small fist bump when Y/N held up their fist.  
“Its just a happy show that literally anyone can enjoy and learn from,” they said.  After awhile they noticed the first episode raising up some emotions from the other Legends, even tears were making appearances.  Good, this was theraputiec, get everyone to let out some of the emotions and stresses they had building up while hopping through time.  
“This is making everyone sappy,” Constantine muttered, leaning back on the couch.  Y/N smiled and leaned over, head falling to Constantine’s shoulder.
“Yes, but sometimes you need this, sometimes you need a Friday night in.”
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m8tb0ll-n-spagett · 4 years
Mick: Has a shit ton of gold in his room
Also Mick: Has a beebo in his room
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lacommunarde · 4 years
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#Repost @wentworthmiller (@get_repost) ・・・ This ring. Purchased at a pawn shop in Vancouver (I felt like Snart needed jewelry). Once I started wearing it on the show, props made copies. Eventually became a plot point, a symbol of the bond between Snart and Mick Rory. I kept the original. Hammered silver. Bonus pics: Snart's kilt! Worn in one scene and one scene only (sadly). I had visions of it whirling and twirling, cold gun firing, bombs going off, in slo-mo... Would have been gorgeous. Wish I still had it. Looks like I'm wearing my ring in that last pic too. #dccomics #thecw #legendsoftomorrow #arrowverse #captaincold #leonardsnart #heatwave #mickrory #wentworthmiller #dominicpurcell #ring https://www.instagram.com/p/CBQbolcsJk1/?igshid=lgyb8fyr5g4c
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letzoespoilyou · 4 years
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Rainbow Atomwave Ship Heart! https://www.redbubble.com/people/LetZoeSpoilYou/shop #Atomwave #raypalmer #mickrory #mickxray #legendsoftomorrow #dclegendsoftomorrow https://www.instagram.com/p/CDnkqPiAx9E/?igshid=1794oxlp268qt
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necrofixer · 6 years
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comicgirl08 · 5 years
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DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow 4x14 “Nip/Stuck” Promotional Pictures 1/2.
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One of my favorite lines by Mick!
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estelofimladris · 6 years
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Two men just looking for a bank... No reason. #sdcc #sdcc18 #captaincold #leonardsnart #heatwave #mickrory #dctv #legendsoftomorrow #lot #theflash
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taylorsage22 · 4 years
Dating Mick (Mick Rory x Insecure curvy Fem! Reader)
Me And Mick have been dating a while now. About 3 months. Being a Legend was fun. And hard work but that didnt mean you were skinny. Not like Sara or Kendra or Amaya. You were definitely Curvy.
We all had an off day and most of us were using it for some well earned relaxation. Not me I'm currently using my day off trying to work my ass off (literally). In the gym. Much to Micks Dismay. He wants to Hang out with me. Hold me. Cuddle with me. Maybe have sex for the first time with me. You love Mick but you didn't want him to look at you in disgust when he sees you naked just like you do.
You've been in the gym for 3 hours now. And Mick just wanted to be with you. He just wanted to hold his girl. But you were off doing something. So he got up grumbling. "Gidieon wheres y/n?" " she's In the gym Mr.Rory." He grumped in response.
He made his way into the gym. Seeing you on one of those stay in place bikes. You stopped when you saw him giving him a small shy smile. "Hey Mick Whatcha Doing?" "Coming to get my girl." "But I'm working out." "You already did." He grumbled in response. I get off the bike I walk up to him get up on my tip toes and kiss him on the cheek. "You missed." He says right before he grabs her by the waist. And kisses me very fiercely. And you let him for a minute before you registered the fact that his hands were on your waist.
I pulled myself away from him. He looked a little hurt. "Mick I just remembered I need to do my laundry." I ran out before he could answer. I opened the do to my bed room. And grabbed a laundry basket and headed to to the laundry room thankfully nobody was in their and I threw my laundry forcefully into the machine while letting the tears flow freely.
I wipe away my tears as I hear some footsteps coming closer. Too late, Sara walked In saw them. "You alright Y/n? Do I need to kill Mick?" I laugh a bit "No I'm fine." "Why would you lie to an Ex-Assassin?" And then you broke down to your best friend. "What if when Mick doesn't like what he sees what if he realizes that he can have someone with a better body then me. What if he realizes how ugly and I am?"
Sara calmed you down before she realized that all of the people that were in the hallway had heard all of your insecure thoughts. Which include Ray, Jax, and Mick. They quickly moved away from they laundry room door. Which Jax and Ray pulled Mick into a empty room. "Mick did you hear her? Ray asked "Yes." "Then go tell her how you feel about her body man." Jax states. "She's Fucking beautiful she's wrong." Mick says as he's walking out of the room to find you.
Mick walks into your room to find you putting away the last of your cloths. "What you up to Gorgeous?" He ask making you aware of his presence. "Now before you start talking. I heard what you said when you was talking with Sara. Your wrong sweetcheeks." Your face is most definitely red. He walks to you wrapping his muscled arms around you. "Your fucking Gorgeous. Now come lay with me were watching this movie haircut. Was talking about."
"Mick?" I say in a quiet shy voice. "Mmh?" "What about sex?" "What about it?" He says looking down at me. "What if you decide you dont want to." "I love you y/n and when I get a chance to see that gorgeous body of yours I will worship it and that's a damn promise." "I love you too Mick." I say with tears In my eyes. He wipes them off "Don't Cry Sweetcheeks."
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klbwriting · 4 years
A Calming Influence
Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow
Pairing: none but Constantine x Reader if you want to read it that way
Warnings: panic attack 
Request:  hello!!! i loved the john constantine fic you posted the other day!!! can i please request a fic or one shot where the legends walk in on the reader having a panic attack and they realise that only john’s voice can pull the reader out of it?? ((i find his voice so so calming
Note: request still open, come on guys, I can’t think of all the ideas, though I do have a couple ideas brewing
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Mick helped carry you onto the Waverider, trying not to move you too much and give you more of an issue.  Any sudden movement and he worried you might panic more and the attack would get worse.  He could feel your body shake as you tried to calm, get your breathing right, but nothing was helping.  Sara moved in front of him, yelling for someone to go find Constantine, knowing that he could calm you done like he had done before.  She cleared the way to your room on the ship and Mick brought you in and set you down.  Zari had followed and wrapped a blanket around your shoulders, rubbing them gently.  
Ray had run off and found John in the parlor, telling him what had happened.  You were on a mission with Mick and Sara and during a fight with pirates you had suddenly had a panic attack and had almost collapsed.  Luckily they had gotten away with you but now you needed his help.  John got up and ran off to your room already pulling off his jacket before he got there.  
Sara and Mick stood outside your room, Mick acting like a bodyguard and Sara having gotten you a glass of water for after you had calmed.  They both pointed John into the room and once inside Zari removed the blanket and he wrapped his jacket around your shoulders now.  You got a breath in and his scent made you feel a little better, your eyes started to focus better but your breathing was still tight, still making you feel like your lungs had stopped working and you couldn’t manage to start them again.
“Hey Y/N its me, Johnny,” he said, sitting down and putting an arm around you.  “Its alright, I’m here now, just take a breath real slow.”  You heard him and focused on his voice, feeling the calm that had come over you last time come over you again.  You inhaled deep and felt your lungs open again and you exhaled fully, feeling a weight come off your chest.  He continued to say calming things, reassuring you as your breathing went back to normal in a few minutes.  He leaned his forehead to the side of your head when you had settled some.  “Feeling better?”
“Yes,” you said.  “Thank you John.”  Sara came in then with the water and you took a drink as Sara joined you on the bed.  
“You scared us out there,” she said.  You could tell she wanted to say something else but you already knew.
“How about I stay on the ship for awhile?  Quarterback from here?” you suggested for her.  She nodded.
“I don’t want to sideline you...”
“You want me safe and I want to keep you guys safe.  I’ll stay here for now,” you said.
“I’ll stay with Y/N when I can,” John said.  “I never want them to be alone when this happens again.”
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dilfmobius · 7 years
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Mick Rory Appreciation Week: Day Two - Favorite Relationship 
“It’s you and me, right?”
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lacommunarde · 5 years
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#Repost @rrrlll78 (@get_repost) ・・・ #WentworthMiller #LeonardSnart #captaincold #DominicPurcell #MickRory #heatwave #LegendsofTomorrow #TheFlash https://www.instagram.com/p/B6oK83ygkIc/?igshid=qtwb8495j1yu
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letzoespoilyou · 6 years
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My heart skips a beat whenever I see Brandon and Dom on set together for Legends!! #Atomwave #mickrory #theatom #raypalmer #brandonrouth #heatwave #dominicpurcell #legendsoftomorrow https://www.instagram.com/p/Bna7CdplgZH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ddttpyrjw7p
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