#atom zombie smasher
mysteamgrids · 1 year
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Atom Zombie Smasher
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omegaremix · 2 months
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Omega Radio for July 1, 2013; #23.
Agro “Space Is The Place”
Testratte “I Shoot You In The Mouth”
DJ Scud “Mash The Place Up!”
ADC “Roma 1943”
Electromeca “Biker D’Amour”
Society Of Unknowns “Vector”
Base Force One “Dynamite & Fire”
Kovert “Soundboy”
Krackhead “Breakneck”
EC8OR “Overload”
Paul Snowden “12 Gauge”
Tech Level 2 “Teknological”
Sonic Subjunkies “Formula For Terror”
Converter “Zombi”
Torque “Frozen”
Not Breathing “National Anthem Of Wor”
Nomex “Stop 2000”
Council Estate Electronics “Hall Hayes”
Techno Animal “The Mighty Atom Smasher”
Electric Kettle “Shoot The Moon”
Parasite “Corporate States Of America”
16-17 “Digitized”
Hydrus / D.J. The Neck “Moonstalker” (RMX)
Noisex “Plasmid”
A’Simetric “Refusal”
Killout Trash “I Got Straight Edge”
DJ 6666 feat. The Illegals “Dead Nation”
Xanopticon “The Shift”
Somatic Responses “Artificial Disintegration”
Slaughter Politics “You Must Help Yourself”
Salt “Feed Me”
Imminent Starvation “Tentack” (live)
P.A.L. “I Set My Dog On Fire”
Solaris BC “2”
Bonus Omega; first-ever tech showdown.
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hawkgirlz · 2 years
to say the JSA didn't care for the people of kahndaq like tumblr really watched the movie with their eyes closed.... cyclone & atom smasher were literally helping the people of kahndaq fight those zombies that were attacking the citizens while hawkman was busy fighting sabbac. sabbac was also ishmael who was basically the leader + spy for the intergang operations in kahndaq. hawkman & dr. fate also protected adrianna + amon during the blasts. they clearly didn't know about the operations in kahndaq either which is why they're confused and stop pursuing black adam in the end. dr. fate even frees black adam and hawkman loses dr. fate in the end which clearly hit him hard.
I know tumblr tends to lack basic comprehension skills but this is a new level of stupidity, especially since the jsa will be getting spin-offs. they'll never be seen as the villains in the eyes of dc lmao, they've always had moral boundaries like this even in the comics 😭
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in the spirit of what I did with Morbius, I think there's a way Black Adam could've worked—by turning its second half into its own sequel.
Hear me out
Disclaimer: I personally did not enjoy the movie, but if you did, I'm happy for you! This isn't a personal attack, just some brainstorming. Also there are Black Adam spoilers. Obviously.
Get rid of the first five minutes. It's laborious and clunky, and the groundwork that it lays is relayed again five minutes later when they explore where the crown is kept. It's also told in a way better way. And the fake-out of the younger voice trying to make you think that the son was Black Adam was....Not convincing.
Define Ishmael better. The turn of him while looking for the crown right up front? Great. Give us more time with him. Show us more time of him leading Intergang. Show us what the flippity fuck Intergang is. Show us the second in command that must be running things on the policy front, managing checkpoints. Make your villain actually intimidating and not just a big devil guy in the third act.
Amon? Great kid. Make him two kids. Give Adrianna two boys, one that's fourteen and the other that's, like. Six. Have Adrianna constantly telling Amon to mind his brother rather than being a revolutionary because they're both children, and have his not paying attention lead to the kid and the crown getting kidnapped. Also you can't have a character that you're trying to baby-fy use lines like "What you are is a neo-imperialist enforcer...Sent to steal my country's natural resources...Oppress our heritage..." And then also have him running around in a fucking cape like he's playing dress-up for a large swath of the third act. Just. Two kids.
Also, making Amon two kids would bring some conflict between Amon and Black Adam—Amon is trying to show him the lay of the land, get him to be a real superhero, Black Adam is reminded of how easy it is to lose a child if you're not careful. He gets on Amon's case as much as Adrianna does, giving Black Adam and Adrianna a point of commonality that's not just 'hey i woke you up thanks for killing those dudes that were trying to kill me'
Don't give me Hawkman and Cyclone, Atom Smasher and Dr. Fate right up front. Give me, like Hawkman and maybe Atom Smasher. Have Waller explain that the Justice League and Suicide Squad are engaged elsewhere, all we can spare is the kid. Keep the Henry Winkler cameo if you must. But this would tie the movie more tightly into the universe.
Also, explain how the flipping heck Dr. Fate and Hawkman know one another??? What good old days??? Have Atom Smasher ask Hawkman about how he knows his uncle, ask why his uncle doesn't talk about that stuff. Have Dr. Fate ask if he should be there and have Hawkman retort, "You tell me."
Have Dr. Fate arrive in the third act, explain to Black Adam that he knows all sees all possibilities, blah blah blah, convince him to give up his powers after Black Adam's blast levels the facility and puts the younger of Adrianna's kids (who we have added) into some kind of critical condition. It turns Amon against superheroes and the idea of a protector. It makes Black Adam rethink his willingness to kill more critically. It gives the movie stakes because the kid needs something more than a bandaid and a nap.
End the first movie with Black Adam giving up his powers. Make that stinger scene Ishmael's skeleton glowing. Hook people into the idea of a second movie.
Speaking of a second movie
Open with some kind of rising darkness—not the zombies, not yet.
Increased Intergang raids? Maybe they're looking for another artifact, or a new leader, considering that Ishmael appears to be dead. Maybe the number two that's been reintroduced in the first movie has taken over, or some other DC universe baddie has stepped in. I dunno. Something.
Have Adrianna helping people, but not actively working for the Resistance. Same with Amon. Both have sworn it off, but they're both getting stuck into it in private.
Have Adrianna still artifact hunting, looking for clues to explain what's happening, doing a deep-dive back into the crown
Have Amon mistrustful of the superheroes that are coming to help. Bring in Cyclone, have the four from the Justice Society trying to help out. Introduce MORE OF THE KAHNDAQ RESISTANCE BECAUSE RIGHT NOW IT JUST FEELS LIKE IT'S FIVE PEOPLE. WAS IT JUST THOSE FIVE PEOPLE???? AND ONE OF THEM WAS ISHMAEL, WHO WAS EVIL, SO WAS IT JUST. THOSE FOUR PEOPLE???????????
Ishmael returns, big crown, suddenly a devil for some reason? ? Fine.
Now bring in Adrianna figuring out whatever the hell the crown says.
Now have Dr. Fate tell Black Adam either A) You have to come back or B) You have to give your powers to someone else. Maybe that someone else is too...Good is the wrong word, but not willing to take matters into their own hands like Teth Adam. Maybe they're worse than Teth Adam. Give him a reason to feel he needs to redeem himself further after nearly killing a six year old (which we added)
Have him come back in the third act after reclaiming his power
Act three fight happens, Dr. Fate dies
Amon's trust in superheroes is restored, Kahndaq has a protector that's like....Earned his way back to the throne
I just....I think one of the biggest issues that I had with this movie was that it should've been too movies. At two hours, it's got a shorter run time than most superhero movies and it still feels too long because the exposition just keeps. coming. We're still explaining shit at the end of the second act because the groundwork was laid improperly and didn't give the audience a chance to get comfortable because launching into fucking Paint It Black mother of god
Anywhoo, yeah, that's my pitch. I think that's how Black Adam could've taken its base and been two decent movies instead of one...not so great one.
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g4zdtechtv · 4 years
THE PILE PRESENTS: X-Play - PAX Prime 2011, Day 2 | 9/7/11
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why-i-love-comics · 4 years
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DCeased: Hope at World's End #10 (2020)
written by Tom Taylor art by Marco Failla & Rex Lokus
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indiegamesofcolor · 3 years
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“Atom Zombie Smasher” is a strategy game about evacuating civilians before they fall prey to a zombie apocalypse! With up to 3 players, tactically instruct snipers, artillery crews, orbital bombardments, and more as you fight off hordes.
For Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Developed by LA-based studio Blendo Games, an independent studio founded by Brendon Chung. Blendo Games is known for rich worlds storytelling, and superb gameplay.
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lettherebemonsters · 3 years
Meta: Height (for Grundy)
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While Grundy currently stands at an immense 10 feet tall (Injustice puts him at 9-9.5 feet, but other sources and games have his height as being 'variable') he's not trapped at only 10 feet. In fact, he was much smaller at one point.
When he first reanimated, he was tall compared to humans, but as tall as Lurch is to the Addams. Not a hulking unstoppable brute zombie monster that he would be drawn as more and more as the time passed.
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(Here he is compared to Jade in Infinity Inc. He's roughly as big as Nucleon/ Atom-Smasher but wider. This is more a transitional form he took where he was bigger than his original appearance, but MUCH smaller than he is now.But already you can see the sheer heft to him.)
Now, Grundy grows bigger the more he dies. Everytime he dies, he reanimates stronger. His strength forces his body to mutate and stretch and is horrifically painful for him. He's in constant agony as his body keeps expanding outwards to contain his ever-growing power, rendering him more unstable, more aggressive, and more feral (imagine Broly but....zombie.) Literally, all you need to do to stop his size-increase is......don't kill him. That's it. Just leave him alone or restrain him, but don't kill him. It's the worst thing to do because he'll just keep growing stronger....eventually he'll basically be strong enough to snap even Kingdom Come's Superman and THAT version is considered god-level powerful.
Already his sheer power is so insane that he could strip the planet of all life if he wanted to. He's just.....not in the mood to do it. And he's literally got no clue he's got that power.
Poor boo's saving the world by being a moron.
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spacedhamlet · 8 years
Nick and me playin’ a fave, + a game which good at dramatizing our ineptitude
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mysteamgrids · 4 years
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Atom Zombie Smasher
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rugeon · 6 years
Learning to butterfly the videogame chicken breast
New year new potential projects. For final year project 2018-2019. Might as well start with the new ‘ideation document.
Ideation Document
Systemic gameplay - systemic narrative, and otherwise
Gamefeel/ Player Satisfaction/ Juicing
Strong unusual sense of place and people
Unique methods of interactive media storytelling (NITW Text boxes)
Coziness in games
Non traditional methods of mechanical interaction ie. traditional control methods, with more unique player expression
Having an Interesting failure spectrum (Tom Francis thoughts on why MGSV is a fun stealth game, due to its wide array of failure states)
Analogue/varied means of  expression within one mechanic or activity (jumping in mario, building a snowman in NITW prologue game, Lost Constellation)
Ethos of messy fast prototyping iterartion and production (inspired by Jenny Jiao Hsia talk about prototyping)
Affecting audio  
Interaction Design
Branching Narratives + Dialogue
Games AI
Procedural Generation
Advanced Audio and Visual Processing
Inspiring Works 
Heat Signature - Suspicious Developments, Tom Francis
Roguelike, top down action/ stealth/ heist game where you play as different intergalactic heist/bounty hunter people that breaks into spaceships. Extremely systemic game that encourages players to find interesting solutions to problems by providing a wide variety of interesting sci-fi tools to the player. Systemic gameplay+ systemic player narratives as told through gameplay plans  being made and then changing/going awry as well as conditions constraining players to be creative.
Hotline Miami - Dennaton Games, Jonatan Söderström. Dennis Wedin
Surreal, hyperviolent top down action game about the trancelike sprees that a masked killer enacts, that strongly highlights the violent obsession of videogames and culture. Has several factors that contribute to a sense of good gamefeel, and making what should be a frustrating experience instead induce a flow state.
Sid Meier's Covert Action - MPS Labs, MicroProse
Interesting systemic narrative that the player experiencing by foiling and interacting with various agents and stages of a spy plot. Systemic narrative that is expressed by the gameplay systems. Feeling of the ai acting irrespective to the player. Narrative experience of player feels quite systemic.
Night in the Woods (NITW) - Infinite Fall, Scott Benson, Alec Holowka, Bethany Hockenberry + Finji Adam Saltsman, Rebekah Saltsman, Em Halberstadt
Anthropomorphic animal narrative, platforming, adventrue game that tells the story of a 20 year old that comes back to her home town and and friends after leaving college. Tells an emotive story unconventional by games standards in a very playful way that has some traditional gameplay elements (platforming) but also makes interactive more unusual verbs (a pizza eating section, and pretzel stealing microgame). Creates an extremely strong, cozy sense of place. Expressive within the limits of its digital medium+storytelling (wide variety of personality conveyed through text box animation).
Minit - Vlambeer, Jan Willem Nijman, Kitty Calis, Jukio Kallio, Dominik Johann
Small, short adventure game where you die and every minute and respawn at the same space, learning about the world, optimising your route and changing the world slightly with each successive run. Very polished game with superb gamefeel (all vlambeer games have great gamefeel+juice)
Kentucky Route Zero - Cardboard Computer- Jake Elliott, Tamas Kemenczy, Ben Babbitt
The great american novel in game form. A magical realist story about debt to the past. Extremely important and affective narrative game. ‘The Entertainment’ - Interlude, elucidates relationship and interplay between player and developers that creates the game experience. Creates a powerful atmosphere + utilises branching narrative
I also wrote down a bunch of other stuff I’ve been thinking about in a big jumbled list for help during ideation process. This is just junk floating around, mood board of my head.
Yakuza, Moby Dick, Dark Souls/Absolver, Atom Zombie Smasher+Brendon Chung, Papers Please+Return of Obra Dinn, FTL+Into The Breach, Hylics, High Hell, devolver, Hyper Light Drifter, Flinthook, Jalopy, Jet-Set Radio, Mark of the Ninja, MGS V, Luftrausers, Shadow of Mordor, The Norwood Suite, Small radios, big televisions, The Endless Express, Alan Wake+remedy games, Assassins Creed 1, Banner Saga, F.E.A.R. ,  Helldivers, invisible inc. , Monaco, Westerado,  spectacle fighters dmc, thomas was alone, reigns, evil dead, sorcerer, valhalla rising, a field in england, hard to be a god, stalker, man with a movie camera, bomb city, taking of pelham 123, assault on precinct 13,  escape from new york, fruitvale station, playtime, drive, thief, collateral, taxi driver, lost in translation, tekkonkinkreet, ki-ki delivery service+ghibli, REDLINE, cagliostro, 2049, che, motorcycle diaries, man with movie camera, koyaanisqatsi,VVitch,Sacco e Vanzeti, nocturnal animal, die hard, ghost in the shell, atlanta, twin peaks, fear and loathing,only god forgives,donnie darko, mad max, satoshi kon films, eyes wide shut, dog day afternoon, seventh seal, whiplash, brazil, t2 trainspotting, hellboy comic, fargo, rocky horror, gozu, juno, clerks, slacker, daria, almost famous, lady bird, frances ha, fury, wes anderson colour+ framing, NOIR + lighting, there will be blood, no country for old men, unforgiven, dollars trilogy, run lola run, phone booth, die hard, dr strangelove, apocalypse now/heart of darkness, the wire, adult swim+space ghost stuff, home movies+squigglevision, hannibal, bojack, flcl, true detective, desert punk, QOTSA, them crooked vultures, grunge, idles, talking heads, wu, green kingdom, lizard gizzard, acoustic wizard, tobacco, diiv, mbv, spooky+ over the garden wall, bowie, clash
Initial Ideas
A game where you play as a witch exploring a modern magical realist city at night. Should have an interesting traversal mechanic. All about traversal, dancing and screaming in a city at night, strong sense of place + atmosphere: inspired by films such as playtime, thief, drive, collateral, fruitvale station, lost in translation as well as games like NITW. Thought about more in this doc: one pager section on 2nd page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O3NC8HqwmERq57Dcqqc2d2Ih34ZVO4-vEQPnVTKRyOk/edit?usp=sharing
Some kind of game themed around the desert/stoner rock music genre which includes acts like Red Fang, Kyuss and Sleep. Make use of AAVP to have a dynamic soundtrack responding to gameplay that impacts the visuals. The game’s mechanics should be directly inspired by the theming, and common features of the genre, could be action oriented, with rhythm game influences. One game that would probably be worth looking at in relation to this is the recently released Tetris Effect, while I would not be as interested in a game as abstracted as tetris, how they achieve a flow state, and have music and visuals informed by gameplay would be worth looking in to. I feel this game is more likely to involve rapid prototyping.
Create a languid game about chilling out on a ship with crew and passengers. Setting could be sci-fi or more historic - chatting on computer to far flung galactic friends and doing menial space jobs/ tasks aboard ship. The setting and experience of the place can draw from ideas about coziness in games + make use of Branching Narrative/Dialogue. Potentially also think about how procedural narrative could be a factor. Inspired by Moby Dick, NITW and Purgatory
Hotline Miami/Goap/Diehard - ‘Create a systemic top-down stealth action game where the player is asked to foil a developing plot/heist by a group of AI agents whose plan and activities respond to the players attempts to derail it. The focus should be on the player feeling like they are responding to the AI’s adaptations to the player interrupting their plot. Each level would be one plot/ situation the player is thrust into. The project is inspired by the evolving plots of covert action, the setting/circumstances of Die-Hard and the gameplay/perspective of hotline miami. This project will involve development of a complex AI system that could be implemented via a GOAP method.
Walkie talky/radio gameplay mechanic to solicit/disseminate information
Research into the effectiveness of procedural vs authored content in games, as large games increasingly find themselves trying to use procedural generation to meet the demands of growing content demand they are finding it difficult to reconcile this with a desire to create quality, curated content, narrative or otherwise. I propose research into the various ways procedural vs authored content has been divvied up in games, the amount of people working in each area, how much curated work is required for procedural work to be effective and the reception/perception of these two methods to create content for games. The means by which this could be investigated is perhaps by creating some data sets of very simple different possible mechanical games in Unity or more narrative ones in twine, that are sorted into different groups of procedural / authored games. We would then measure the level of player engagement over the course of their time with the games and within the context of how long it took to make the given games. Context + techniques: procedural generation + branching narratives
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Why is Atom Zombie Smasher so woke
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Getting Rich's is Worthless and being poor fucking Suck's -
Getting rich is a bitch, no friend's, no joy no Time to your Self and once that get that money ... there a zombie with hollow pride after thay where granted this false achievement
thay have no Mind, thin body and No Soul -
there really nothing of them - there mindless and thay go threw life being smug, and there family's SUCK, it's not a gang of soul's in Order if each other is a house of pig's, there parasitic-ing off one and other and only when he's old will he see, what a dip shit He is, Most women already Automatically do not care about 80% of all homo women are parasite's cold blooded parasite's, that only care about them self and thay think the world is always Closeing in on them, there in constant fear and at the same time anger -
So there going to right off the bat nothing going to care and be actting 24/7 for that Sweet Coin, he punp's out he bought a classy Whore,
he bought a whore he doesn't even fuck -
And like all Whore all thay want is money thay live in a house of mirror's, and hold one in there hand and yet there made of glass and have no heart inside, the body is made of ice water as the breath is made of winter, the Eye's are hollow and dead Even tho the heart beat's
he live's his life thinking money, Money, a man made object is the greatest thing in less the realizes' that money CAN'T BUY Him happiness just like so many before, that have fallen for this trap, and the rich do 3 thing's thay either go mad, kill them self's with at Golden rope and or Throw it all away ad go kinda crazy and start spend like crazy - Becuz thay have detached them from reality and life thay have money and yet no life as the poor have life and yet no money
Money was infect want people could not trust one and other on trade, it was a way to keep people from stealing, and it was a attempt to create order in the human race
Don't chase the coin rolling down the street, the Golden Coin that roll's down the street in the night - it's not worth it roll's right into hell - and all the way into circle 9 ...
There is a string on that fukcing coin and a price too high to pay
fuck the golden coin -
i'd say chase love but love is a fucking illusion -
idk what to say for you to do - i guess to do as thou wilt, it's not like any thing fucking matter's -
i rather not say it's CERN becuz there are so many alien's, With shit so much Greater why on earth ( no pun Intending ) With, There little Atom Smasher do anything - with alien's And Tech light year's, beyond us ???
I guess the best i can give you is do whatever you want - when ever how ever the holy order of the universe is dead, all the is sacred - Special is dead
So go do as thou want's, becuz it's like you need to give a fuck any way -
God might be alive but i'll be not surprised if it kill's it self after seeing the crazy shit that want doesn't  here on earth, you see the thing about free will is this
even Tho God can see all that you'll ever do, it doesn't mean your going to do it - god the creator and all like's to watch your action's it can see all possible out come's and yet not Kno that out come - it' has a hunch, that the thing about free will, it oddly Keep's god from being to depress's in all of existence's, reality is tragic and god try to make it a little better With a little Magic it was a big bang, that god started all of life to be quite honest life is quite depressing, becuz beyond god there is nothing, no life no soul's no world's
And, god still Search's, On how it was created ??? God doesn't even know -
All the omniscience's in God can't understand who or what made it - No Bull Shit, at it's apex God's want's to find it's mother and it wonder's if it even needed a father - God is NOT it's own Father but look's and hunt for It's creator -
and at that god's look's, for the Meaning of life - God created the universe BUT not Existence's -  
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epicmeetsfail · 5 years
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Have You Played… Atom Zombie Smasher? http://bit.ly/2Zx0WQg April 24, 2019 at 03:11AM
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ewniversal-art · 7 years
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Zombie Atom Smasher . . . #dc #dcu #dcuniverse #postits #postitnotes #copic #copicmarkers #uniballsignowhite #atomsmasher #jsa #justicesocietyofAmerica
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Pokemon Snap, Apple Lootboxes, Super Collider & Cyberpunk 2077 featuring Stephen from Sigmate Studios & Comics2movies
This week, Deviboy returns from his exile, and Stephen from Comics2Movies and XCT joins us to discuss a new comic.
Devi brings news from the far off land of Nintendo. It's time to get your cameras out for the New Pokemon Snap. Apart from Nintendo's hopeless naming, it's shaping up to be an expanded photography game for the new generation. We all hope they fit in the fun easter eggs and interactions.
Oh no, Loot Boxes! Apple are being taken to court for exploiting children via the App Store. We think we've got a solution to the problem too, so be ready to send us your opinions on the system.
Supercollider? I hardly know her! CERN are designing a 100km collider almost 4 times the size of the Large Hadron Collider. The LHC failed to open a portal to hell and lead to a demon invasion, but maybe the Future Circular Collider will. Somebody get Doomguy on speed dial.
Cyberpunk 2077 is delayed again, but to tide us over until the release a comic series titled Trauma Team. This also gives it the accidental honour of being the first piece of Cyberpunk 2077 to release. Until then, keep working to create a hyper corporate dystopia so we can all live out our Cyberpunk fantasies.
In gaming, Professor went up against space card sharks in Star Realms, Deviboy relived his childhood in Raze 2 and Stephen fell in love with Hearthstone.
Pokemon Snap now on Nintendo Swtich
Apple being sued for lootboxes
An even bigger super collider now in the works
Cyberpunk 2077 comic book series announced
Games Played
– Star Realms - https://store.steampowered.com/app/438140/Star_Realms/
Rating: 3.75/5
– Raze 2 - https://armorgames.com/play/12275/raze-2
Rating: 3/5
– Hearthstone - https://playhearthstone.com/en-us/
Rating: 5/5
Other topics discussed
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- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_Party_10
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- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZombiU
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- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Snap
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- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Pok%C3%A9mon_Snap
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- https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Voltorb_(Pok%C3%A9mon)
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- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Unite
- https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-video-games/pokemon-unite/
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- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Mario_Odyssey
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- https://www.titlemax.com/discovery-center/money-finance/the-25-highest-grossing-media-franchises-of-all-time/
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- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Camel
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- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Michael_Straczynski
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- https://esportsedition.com/hearthstone/hearthtsone-trading/
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- https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/06/ea-loot-boxes-actually-surprise-mechanics-that-are-ethical-and-fun/
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- https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2019/06/20/ea-loot-boxes-discussed-by-the-companys-ceo-andrew-wilson/
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Diablo Immortal (upcoming action role-playing hack and slash video game in the Diablo series designed for online multiplayer play on mobile devices.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diablo_Immortal
Blizzard Entertainment principal game designer Wyatt Cheng : Do You Guys Not Have Phones (Said during the presentation of mobile game Diablo Immortal at BlizzCon in November 2018. The remark, which was said as an answer to the crowd's disappointment reaction to Diablo Immortal being strictly mobile, has since been used to mock both Blizzard Entertainment and video game publishers acting disconnected from gaming audiences in general.)
- https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/do-you-guys-not-have-phones
Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) (American self-regulatory organization that assigns age and content ratings to consumer video games. The ESRB was established in 1994 by the Entertainment Software Association, in response to criticism of controversial video games with excessively violent or sexual content.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entertainment_Software_Rating_Board
ESRB ratings will begin warning players of loot boxes in games. The Entertainment Software Rating Board announced its plans today, stating it would be adding the description “Includes Random Items” in its rating of games that allow players to makein-game purchases of random items.
- https://www.vg247.com/2020/04/13/esrb-ratings-loot-boxes/
China's new law forces Dota, League of Legends, and other games to reveal odds of scoring good loot
- https://www.theverge.com/2017/5/2/15517962/china-new-law-dota-league-of-legends-odds-loot-box-random
Loot box warnings to be added to video games
- https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-52281573
PEGI Introduces Notice To Inform About Presence of Paid Random Items
- https://pegi.info/news/pegi-introduces-feature-notice
Auction House (The Auction House was a feature of the PC version of Diablo III. This allowed players to put items up for auction, bid and buyout. Two versions of the auction house existed.One used gold earned in-game while the second used real-world currency. Sales and purchases from the Real Money Auction House (RMAH) could be funded by either the players Battle.net account balance or a separate e-commerce service such as PayPal.)
- https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Auction_House
Budget of NASA (As a federal agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) receives its funding from the annual federal budget passed by the United States Congress.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budget_of_NASA
CSIRO Budget 2019-2020
- https://www.science.org.au/news-and-events/news-and-media-releases/mixed-news-science-2019-20-budget
Avatar: Last Airbender comics (visual publications that depict events and situations unseen during the series' run. Most of the first comics released occur during and between episodes as a means of supplementing the series, while comics released following the conclusion of the show's official run pertain to events after the end of the Hundred Year War.)
- https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Avatar:_The_Last_Airbender_comics
Bionicle (a line of Lego construction toys marketed primarily towards 8-to-16 year-olds. Over the following decade, it became one of Lego's biggest-selling properties; spawning into a franchise and playing a part in saving the company from its financial crisis of the late 1990s.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bionicle
- https://bionicle.fandom.com/wiki/The_Bionicle_Wiki
Terralympus (by Stephen Kok, Earth is a distant memory and the remnants of humanity now live aboard the space station, Terralympus.)
- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43181637-terralympus
Transhumanism (a philosophical movement that advocates for the transformation of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellect and physiology.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumanism
The Legend of Korra ((also known as Avatar: The Legend of Korra) is an American animated television series created by Bryan Konietzko andMichael Dante DiMartino for Nickelodeon that aired from April 14, 2012 to December 19, 2014. A sequel to Konietzko and DiMartino's previous series Avatar: The Last Airbender, which aired from 2005 to 2008.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Korra
The Legend of Korra comics (visual publications that depict events and situations unseen before and after the series' run.)
- https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_The_Legend_of_Korra_comics
Assassin’s Creed Comics
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed#Comics
- https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/112978.Assassin_s_Creed_Comics
J. Michael Straczynski’s AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: A Retrospective
- https://comicsverse.com/straczynski-amazing-spider-man/
Spider-Man: One More Day (four-part 2007comic book crossover storyline, connecting the three main Spider-Man series concurrently published by Marvel Comics at the time. Written by J. Michael Straczynski and Joe Quesada.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider-Man%3A_One_More_Day
The Witcher (a Polish-American fantasy drama series produced by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich. It stars Henry Cavill, Freya Allan and Anya Chalotra. The show initially follows the three main protagonists at different points of time, exploring formative events that shaped their characters, before eventually merging into a single timeline.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Witcher_(TV_series)
Bat-Credit Card (The infamous Bat-Credit Card was a credit card that Batman used when he needed to make monetary transactions. Batman used it in Batman & Robin to offer $7 million for Poison Ivy.)
- https://batman.fandom.com/wiki/Bat-Credit_Card
Batman: Year One (American comic book story arc published byDC Comics which recounts the superhero Batman's first year as a crime-fighter. It was written by Frank Miller, illustrated by David Mazzucchelli, colored by Richmond Lewis, and lettered by Todd Klein.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman:_Year_One
Check out more stuff from Stephen Kok
- https://sigmatestudio.com/
Check out more stuff from Comics2Movies including XCT & Terralympus
- https://www.comics2movies.com.au/
Shout Outs
20 June 2020 – Aya and the Witch: Official Stills From Studio Ghibli's First Fully CG Film are released - https://www.ign.com/articles/aya-and-the-witch-studio-ghibli-cg-film-stills
Studio Ghibli is doing a long-form adaptation of Diana Wynne Jones’ novel Earwig and the Witch. Titled Aya to Majo (Aya and the Witch), the movie will air on NHK in Japan this winter. Earwig is an orphan girl who has lived at St. Morwald's Home for Children ever since she was a baby, but all of that changes the day that she is adopted by a mysterious woman named Bella Yaga, who turns out to be a terrible witch and brings Earwig to live in her home of supernatural trinkets. With help from a talking cat, Earwig must use her wits to survive in her new magical surroundings. The colourful carousel of images sees a digression from the traditional, hand-drawn animation that Studio Ghibli is well-renowned for. Instead, this feature has opted for a new kind of art style with an entirely 3D computer-generated story that centres around Earwig, the young girl with the broomstick. Hayao Miyazaki is overseeing the adaptation’s planning, while his son Goro, who helmed From Up On Poppy Hill, is directing. Toshio Suzuki is producing.
21 June 2020 – Lilo & Stitch turns 18 - https://comicbook.com/movies/news/lilo-and-stitch-fans-celebrate-anniversary-twitter-trend/
18 years ago, Lilo & Stitch hit theaters, spawning a franchise still beloved by Disney fans all these years later. After grossing $273.1 million at the box office for Walt Disney animation, the fan-favorite animated feature went on to introduce three more movies and a television series. A year after its release, the Stitch-centric Stitch! The Movie hit theaters and two years after that, Lilo & Stich 2: Stitch Has a Glitch made its way to the masses. The franchise then ended with Leroy & Stitch and Lilo & Stitch: The Series, both of which set sail in 2006. More recently, however, new reports have surfaced that say Disney+ is now developing a hybrid live-action/CGI remake for the platform. Prior to any coronavirus shutdowns, the film was reported to start production later this year. No further information has been released about the project as of now.
22 June 2020 – Kurt Cobain's MTV Unplugged guitar sells to Australian for record $9m - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-22/kurt-cobains-guitar-bought-by-australian-for-9-million/12379316
An Australian businessman hopes his purchase of music icon Kurt Cobain's acoustic guitar could help boost the struggling global music industry. The 1959 Martin D-18E guitar was played by Cobain during his 1993 MTV Unplugged performance in New York. It now holds the record for being the most expensive guitar in the world after being purchased by the founder of Rode Microphones, Peter Freedman, for $US6 million ($8.8 million). Mr Freedman plans to display the guitar on a worldwide tour, the proceeds of which will go back to the performing arts sector. "I did it to highlight the massive crisis in the arts," he told ABC Radio Brisbane. "I've got the attention of government, I've got the attention of everyone asking me why I did it." "Musos and entertainers get nothing — it's as though they don't exist," he said. His main motivation is to lobby on behalf of musicians in countries like as Germany, the UK and Australia. "The money that comes from it mightn't be much, but it's the focus on governments, and the effects of this will last forever if I do it right," Mr Freedman."It's not the money we need, it's the people, the support.
23 June 2020 – Joel Schumacher passes away at 80 - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-23/filmmaker-joel-schumacher-dies-at-80/12383008
The man behind the flamboyant reinvention of Hollywood's Batman franchise, Joel Schumacher has died. From a job dressing department store windows to costume design for Woody Allen's 1970s movies Interiors and Sleeper, the New Yorker made his mark on the big screen in 1985 with the coming-of-age movie St Elmo's Fire. That project launched the careers of the Brat Pack — Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, Emilio Estevez and Ally Sheedy — and had the movie industry clamouring for more of Schumacher's brilliance. The Lost Boys, Flatliners, John Grisham adaptations The Client and A Time to Kill and the critically acclaimed Falling Down followed. Audiences loved Schumacher's overly dramatic and exuberant Batman Forever in 1995, but panned its follow-up, Batman & Robin in 1997. After theBatman films, Schumacher pulled back from blockbusters and returned to making minimalist films such as Tigerland and Phone Booth, both earning positive reviews. He also directed The Phantom of the Opera , The Number 23, and two episodes of House of Cards. He died from cancer in New York City.
24 June 2020 – Segway ends production - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-24/segway-ends-production-of-vehicle-falls/12386530
Segway is ending the production of its namesake vehicle. The two-wheeled personal transporter, which the company boldly claimed would revolutionise the way people got around, will be retired on July 15. While used by tourists and some police forces, the vehicle also became known for high-profile crashes. It even resulted in the death of a former Segway company president, who drove one off a cliff in 2009. The company said 21 employees would be laid off, another 12 employees would stay on for two months to a year, and five would remain at the Bedford, New Hampshire facility. The transportation revolution that inventor Dean Kamen envisioned when he founded the company in 1999 never took off. The Segway's original price tag of around $US5,000 was a hurdle for many customers. It was also challenging to ride, because the rider had to be balanced at a specific angle for the vehicle to move forward. If the rider's weight shifted too much in any direction, it could easily spin out of control and throw the rider off. They were banned in some cities because users could easily lose control if they were not balanced properly. In 2017, Segway got into the scooter business, just as the light, inexpensive and easy-to-ride two-wheelers took over urban streets. It comes after decades of high-profile falls, viral videos and even the death of a former company owner.
23 June 2020 – Deus Ex turns 20
- https://techraptor.net/gaming/features/deus-ex-20th-anniversary-nameless-mod-retrospective
- https://www.techradar.com/au/news/deus-ex-20th-anniversary-programmer-scott-martin-talks-about-working-on-the-pc-gaming-masterpiece
If a game came out today that depicted a world ravaged by a viral outbreak, dehumanized by capitalism, in the throes of mass public riots, gripped by anti-government sentiment, and witnessing the progressive breakdown of American society amid the rise of China as an autonomous superpower, you might think it was too on-the-nose. Twenty years ago however, it was simply the setting of a radical, and somewhat prophetic video game, called Deus Ex. Directed by System Shock producer Warren Spector and designed by future Dishonored creative director Harvey Smith, Deus Ex represented a profound leap in both storytelling and mechanical depth for first-person video games. The game placed players in the role of J.C. Denton, a cybernetically augmented United Nations Anti-Terrorism agent who gradually unravels a web of conspiracies gripping the dark cyberpunk future of 2052. Its sprawling world was dense with philosophical questions, conflicted morality, deep characters, and all the ingredients that make an instant classic; its character customization system and resulting player freedom is still imitated today. It’s success spawned a lukewarm sequel in 2003 withInvisible War, and then a successful revival in 2011 with the prequel Human Revolution and its own sequel in 2016,Mankind Divided. The original game is fondly remembered in PC gaming communities with the meme, “every time you mention it, someone will install it.”. Seven years after its release, Deus Ex served as the basis for one of the most impressive mods of its generation, known only as The Nameless Mod. Reflecting on the original Deus Ex's revered place in PC gaming history, Scott Martin one of the only three programmers tasked with coding the entire game using the very first Unreal Engine, keeps it humble. "I feel honored and privileged to have worked on the game," he said, "and happy that so many people still remember it fondly after all this time!"
22 June 1965 – David O. Selznick - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_O._Selznick
American film producer, screenwriter and film studio executive. He is best known for producing Gone with the Wind (1939) and Rebecca (1940), each earning him an Academy Award for Best Picture. In 1926, Selznick moved to Hollywood, and with the help of his father's connections, he gained a job as an assistant story editor at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. He left MGM for Paramount Pictures in 1928, where he worked until 1931, when he joined RKO as Head of Production. His years at RKO were fruitful, and he worked on many films, including A Bill of Divorcement , Rockabye,Bird of Paradise, and King Kong. Despite his output of successful movies at MGM,Paramount Pictures, and RKO Pictures, Selznick longed to be an independent producer with his own studio. In 1935 he formed Selznick International Pictures, and distributed his films through United Artists. His successes continued with classics such as, A Star Is Born , The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and Gone with the Wind , which remains the highest-grossing film of all time (adjusted for inflation). Gone with the Wind won eight Oscars and two special awards. He produced his second Best Picture Oscar winner in a row, Rebecca , the first Hollywood production of British director Alfred Hitchcock. Selznick had brought Hitchcock over from England, launching the director's American career. Rebecca was Hitchcock's only film to win Best Picture. Gone with the Wind overshadowed the rest of Selznick's career. Later, he was convinced that he had wasted his life trying to outdo it. The closest he came to matching the film was with Duel in the Sun. With a huge budget, the film is known for causing moral upheaval because of the then risqué script written by Selznick. The film would be a major success. The film was the second highest-grossing film of 1947 and was the first movie that Martin Scorsese saw, inspiring Scorsese's own directorial career. He died from heart attack at the age of 63 in Hollywood, California.
22 June 1969 – Judy Garland - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judy_Garland
Born Frances Ethel Gumm, American actress, singer, and dancer. During a career that spanned 45 years, she attained international stardom as an actress in both musical and dramatic roles, as a recording artist, and on the concert stage. Garland began performing in vaudeville as a child with her two older sisters and was later signed to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer as a teenager. She appeared in more than two dozen films for MGM and is remembered for portraying Dorothy Gale in The Wizard of Oz. Garland was a frequent on-screen partner of both Mickey Rooney and Gene Kelly. Although her film career became intermittent thereafter, two of Garland's most critically acclaimed performances came later in her career: she received a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in A Star Is Born (1954) and a nomination for Best Supporting Actress for her role in Judgment at Nuremberg. At age 39, Garland became the youngest and first female recipient of the Cecil B. DeMille Award for lifetime achievement in the film industry. In 1997, Garland was posthumously awarded a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. Several of her recordings have been inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame, and in 1999, the American Film Institute placed her among the 10 greatest female stars of classic American cinema. She died from Barbiturate overdose at the age of 47 in London.
22 June 1990 – Ilya Frank - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilya_Frank
Ilya Mikhailovich Frank, Soviet winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1958 jointly with Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov and Igor Y. Tamm, also of the Soviet Union. He received the award for his work in explaining the phenomenon of Cherenkov radiation. In 1934, Frank moved to the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the USSR Academy of Sciences . Here he started working on nuclear physics, a new field for him. He became interested in the effect discovered by Pavel Cherenkov, that charged particles moving through water at high speeds emit light. Together with Igor Tamm, he developed a theoretical explanation: the effect occurs when charged particles travel through an optically transparent medium at speeds greater than the speed of light in that medium, causing a shock wave in the electromagnetic field. The amount of energy radiated in this process is given by the Frank–Tamm formula. The discovery and explanation of the effect resulted in the development of new methods for detecting and measuring the velocity of high-speed nuclear particles and became of great importance for research in nuclear physics. Cherenkov radiation is also widely used in biomedical research for detection of radioactive isotopes. He died at the age of 81 in Moscow.
Famous Birthdays
22 June 1834 – William Chester Minor - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Chester_Minor
Also known as W. C. Minor, American army surgeon and one of the largest contributors of quotations to the Oxford English Dictionary. He was also held in a psychiatric hospital from 1872 to 1910 after he murdered George Merrett. It was probably through his correspondence with the London booksellers that he heard of the call for volunteers for what was to become the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). He devoted most of the remainder of his life to that work. He became one of the project's most effective volunteers, reading through his large personal library of antiquarian books and compiling quotations that illustrated the way particular words were used. He was often visited by the widow of the man he had killed, and she provided him with further books. The compilers of the dictionary published lists of words for which they wanted examples of usage. Minor provided these, with increasing ease as the lists grew. It was many years before the OED's editor, Dr. James Murray, learned Minor's background history, and visited him in January 1891. In 1899 Murray paid compliment to Minor's enormous contributions to the dictionary, stating, "we could easily illustrate the last four centuries from his quotations alone." He was born in Ceylon
22 June 1898 – Erich Maria Remarque - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erich_Maria_Remarque
Born Erich Paul Remark, 20th-century German novelist. His landmark novel All Quiet on the Western Front (1928), about the German military experience of World War I, was an international best-seller which created a new literary genre, and was subsequently made into the film All Quiet on the Western Front. Remarque had made his first attempts at writing at the age of 16. Among them were essays, poems, and the beginnings of a novel that was finished later and published in 1920 as The Dream Room (Die Traumbude). All Quiet on the Western Front (Im Westen nichts Neues) (1929), his career defining work, was written in 1927. Remarque was at first unable to find a publisher for it. Its text described the experiences of German soldiers during World War I. On publication it became an international bestseller and a landmark work in twentieth-century literature. It inspired a new genre of veterans writing about conflict, and the commercial publication of a wide variety of war memoirs. It also inspired dramatic representations of the war in theatre and cinema, in Germany as well as in countries that had fought in the conflict against the German Empire, particularly the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Remarque continued to write about the German experience after WWI. His next novel, Three Comrades (Drei Kameraden), spans the years of the Weimar Republic, from the hyperinflation of 1923 to the end of the decade. His fourth novel, Flotsam (in German titled Liebe deinen Nächsten, or Love Thy Neighbour), first appeared in a serial version in English in 1939. His next work, the novel Arch of Triumph, was first published in 1945 in English, and the next year in German as Arc de Triomphe. Another instant bestseller, it reached worldwide sales of nearly five million. His final novel was Shadows in Paradise. He as born in Osnabrück,German Empire.
22 June 1899 – Richard Gurley Drew - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Gurley_Drew
American inventor who worked for Johnson and Johnson, Permacel Co., and 3M in St. Paul, Minnesota, where he invented masking tape and cellophane tape. While testing their new Wetordry sandpaper at auto shops, Drew was intrigued to learn that the two-tone auto paint jobs so popular in the Roaring Twenties were difficult to manage at the border between the two colors. In response, after two years of work in 3M's labs, Drew invented the first masking tape, a two-inch-wide tan paper strip backed with a light, pressure-sensitive adhesive. The first tape had adhesive along its edges but not in the middle. In its first trial run, it fell off the car and the frustrated auto painter growled at Drew, "take this tape back to those Scotch bosses of yours and tell them to put more adhesive on it!" (By "Scotch," he meant "cheap".) The nickname stuck, both to Drew's improved masking tape, and to his 1930 invention, Scotch Brand cellulose tape. In 1930 he came up with the world's first transparent cellophane adhesive tape (called sellotape in the UK and Scotch tape in the United States). During the Great Depression, people began using Scotch tape to repair items rather than replace them. This was the beginning of 3M’s diversification into all manner of marketplaces and helped them to flourish in spite of the Great Depression. He was born in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
22 June 1958 – Bruce Campbell - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Campbell
Bruce Lorne Campbell, American actor, voice actor, producer, writer and director. One of his best-known roles is Ash Williams in Sam Raimi's Evil Dead franchise, beginning with the 1978 short film Within the Woods. He has starred in many low-budget cult films such as Maniac Cop , Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat, and Bubba Ho-Tep . In television, Campbell had lead roles in The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. and Jack of All Trades , and a recurring role as Autolycus,King of Thieves, in Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess . He played Sam Axe on the USA Network series Burn Notice and reprised his role as Ash Williams on the Starz series Ash vs. Evil Dead. Campbell started his directing career with Fanalysis and A Community Speaks, and then with the horror comedy feature films Man with the Screaming Brain and My Name Is Bruce, the latter being a spoof of his career. Campbell is featured as a voice actor in several video game titles. He provides the voice of Ash in the three games based on the Evil Dead film series: Evil Dead: Hail to the King,Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick and Evil Dead: Regeneration. In addition to acting and occasionally directing, Campbell has become a writer, starting with an autobiography, If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor, published on August 24, 2002. The autobiography was a successful New York Times Best Seller.If Chins Could Kill follows Campbell's career to date as an actor in low-budget films and television, providing his insight into "Blue-Collar Hollywood". He was born in Royal Oak, Michigan.
Events of Interest
22 June 1633 – The Holy Office in Rome forces Galileo Galilei to recant his view that the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the Universe in the form he presented it in, after heated controversy. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_affair#Trial_and_second_judgment,_1633
Galileo was interrogated while threatened with physical torture. A panel of theologians, consisting of Melchior Inchofer, Agostino Oreggi and Zaccaria Pasqualigo, reported on the Dialogue. Their opinions were strongly argued in favour of the view that the Dialogue taught the Copernican theory. Galileo was found guilty, and the sentence of the Inquisition, issued on 22 June 1633, was in three essential parts:
Galileo was found "vehemently suspect of heresy", namely of having held the opinions that the Sun lies motionless at the center of the universe, that the Earth is not at its centre and moves, and that one may hold and defend an opinion as probable after it has been declared contrary to Holy Scripture. He was required to "abjure, curse, and detest" those opinions.
He was sentenced to formal imprisonment at the pleasure of the Inquisition. On the following day this was commuted to house arrest, which he remained under for the rest of his life.
His offending Dialogue was banned; and in an action not announced at the trial, publication of any of his works was forbidden, including any he might write in the future.
22 June 1978 – End of the World came in theatres in Columbia - https://www.scifihistory.net/june-22.html
On this day in 1978 (in Colombia), End of the World served up yet one Apocalyptic-themed SciFi/Thriller.  The feature film starred Christopher Lee (in a dual role) and Sue Lyon, and here's the premise as cited "After witnessing a man's death in a bizarre accident, Father Pergado goes on a spiritual retreat, where he encounters his alien double bent on world conquest." For no apparent reason, French distributors cut the movie down to one hour and fifteen minutes for its French theatrical release, Sir Christopher Lee only appearing in its prologue and its conclusion. Sir Christopher Lee has said about this movie: "Some of the films I've been in I regret making. I got conned into making these pictures in almost every case by people who lied to me. Some years ago, I got a call from my producers saying that they were sending me a script and that five very distinguished American actors were also going to be in the film. Actors like José Ferrer, Dean Jagger, and John Carradine. So I thought "Well, that's all right by me". But it turned out it was a complete lie. Appropriately, the film was called End Of The World."
22 June 1978 – Charon, the first of Pluto's satellites to be discovered, was first seen at the United States Naval Observatory by James W. Christy. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charon_(moon)#Discovery
On June 22, 1978, he had been examining highly magnified images of Pluto on photographic plates taken with the telescope two months prior. Christy noticed that a slight elongation appeared periodically. The blob seemed to move around Pluto. The direction of elongation cycled back and forth over 6.39 days―Pluto's rotation period. Searching through their archives of Pluto images taken years before, Christy found more cases where Pluto appeared elongated. Additional images confirmed he had discovered the first known moon of Pluto. The International Astronomical Union formally announced Christy's discovery to the world on July 7, 1978. After its discovery, Charon was originally known by the temporary designation S/1978 P 1, according to the then recently instituted convention. On June 24, 1978, Christy first suggested the name Charon as a scientific-sounding version of his wife Charlene's nickname, "Char".
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
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