kiddotarot · 26 days
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Explanation = 1H and 2H are the house which shows your face structure and the part of your head, voice. And any other planet which influence these houses can decide your face structure and any other combination in your planets can also effect it so you can mix different planet and can recognize your speciality. Special Thanks to jay for teaching me this much ☺️ enjoy!!!
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SATURN = If your saturan is in first house or it's aspecting your 1h or it is dominating your chart then you can have some kind of marks on your face , there can be something related to teeth shape. You can always wear a mask of serious person but you can have dark humor, silly jokes is not for you . You can look much mature then your age and saturan is a dry planet so it can also make your hair dry no matter what you try or your body can have high metabolism.
MERCURY = you can have a young look or you can look more younger than your age your facial freature can never change . They can be witty childish and there hair cut will be never stable like the always experimenting with there hairs for example me . Can have big forehead, jupiter prominent people can have big forehead but in Mercury case it shows there sharp and active mind .
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JUPITER= There face can always look like laughing Buddha means they can have full cheeks where ever they smile there cheeks lift up. And there body or face can have fat or high metabolism. They often find difficulties for jaw line or sharpness. If it retrogated there nose can be little crooked or sharp and big . There ear lobe can be big and soft fluffy . There ears can be big or charp if there jupiter is exalted ( pisces) again big forehead.
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MARS = They always have sharp freature but if mars aspecting your 1H or its in 1H you can have problems of pimples, marks ( specially jupiter and mars have a connection) . Very sharp eyes but small . Dominated mars with Rahu or saturan or strong mars can have big eyebrows and if mars is in prominent position or your Atmakarka they can have joint eyebrows. If your eyebrows is thin then you have sun and mars connection. They can have broad sholders, angry face expression, Specially male can be attractive , strong mars can also give you big arms and chest . Waek mars can give blood imbalance. And mars and moon connection can also make you to put you hair short .
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VENUS = The person can have beautiful face and sharp nose there chin can be very structured for example = Lana bel ray , venus and rahu connection people can have big eyes and almond shape eyes, these person can easily become famous or actors in there life. Thery are always changing there appearance or fashion they set the trend in the society can also go for surgery and changing freature. Jupiter and venus person can have beautiful face and full cheeks smile example = margot robbie.
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MOON = These people change very fast just like moon phase and can have problems with digestive system . They can have a yellowish color of skin regarless there skin tone . They are very preety and cute . If Jupiter and moon have a connection they or Jupiter is in moon sign they can eat to much but never gain weight or eat less much but gain weight . There is no sexual attraction like venus but people can look young , preety like moon and emotional. Example = Taylor swift ( moon and jupiter connection) great smile and expressive. Moon and ketu connection can also give expressive and beautiful eyes. Moon and rahu connection can give a person over expressive nature . Venus and moon connection people are the most beautiful person.
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RAHU = These person are always changing they can be hard to recognize over time can have surgery example = Kardashians . They can loose there weight very fast . If rahu is bad placed they want to change in there appearance but no one gonna notice it. There teeth can also have something different like long legs . Rahu in mars sign can give injury but they can have goid facial freature and attractive personality.
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SUN = There eyes can be small , and there skin can be yellowish at the some time in there life they can have long hair but later hair lose can be problems for sure..sharp and small eyes but very expressive and sharp . They can be not so tall but have normal height. But they hold authority in there presernce and there appearance. There chest can be big and havy good and perfect and facial freature sun and jupiter connection can give them handsome and leadership qualities and looks.
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lua-magic · 4 months
Hello to our dear Lua. May I ask what Saturn AK (AatmaKaaraka) means? Does that also mean Saturn is one of the dominant planets in the chart?
If this is a malefic placement, what’s one way to remedy? Thank you so much, if this is alright to ask.
Atmakarka is the highest degree planet in your chart and it represents journey of your soul.
Benefic planets like Mercury, Venus, Moon, as atmakarka assures native comfortable life untill and unless they are afflicted or badly placed however, being soft planet they won't give extreme bad results..
Now, when malefics like, Saturn and Mars becames atmakarka, because native has to fight alot, that is why God gave you malefics as atmakarka..
Saturn being lazy and slow moving planet makes native lazy and native has habbit of procrastination.
It also causes gas related disorder in your body like body pain especially leg pain and pain in joints and knees ...
Native will struggle in each and every area of his/her life but slowly and steadily as Saturn gains maturity with age and time, later in life, with the help of Saturn native will start winning battles of his/her life
Saturn causes damage to Mars and Sun and moon most.
Now, here , Native could be extremely attached to mother or detached or becomes detached from mother later, so the relationship between mother and native remains complicated inspite of love between them.
When Saturn becomes strong Sun becomes weak, so relationship with father also gets affected..
Native gains every thing in life Only through hard work as Saturn is hard work.
Never run away from your duties or karma, don't have escapist attitude, as when you have Saturn as atmakarka your duties and responsibilities are your priority.
There are many rituals and remedies for Saturn, you can go to Vedic astrologer and they will give lot of remedies, if you want to allign with Saturn energy.
However, common remedies are,
Take out time to excercise, your Mars will give good results.
Do Breath work your moon will give good results.
And get up morning, as early as possible like 5:O0am your sun will give good results.
Take oil bath, sesame seeds oil but only on Saturday as Saturn rules Saturday don't do it on any other day, Saturn will give negative results..
Saturn is a planet of hard work and discipline, so don't show ego and work selflessly for others...
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Soooo guyyysss especially my astrology enthusiasts....
My atmakarka is sun (according to mainstream apps)
And there's a software which is used by many astrologers jagannath hora and it says that my atmakarka is mercury!
I am so shocked!!! What should I believe in??
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tara-girl · 11 months
Unearth the Secrets of Your Soul’s Odyssey: Exploring Past Life Karmas and Mistakes
It is the purity(God/Universe/Nothingness/supersoul) who is taking birth that you see in form of life everywhere.
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A Soul journey is divided into 3 categories-
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Tamasik Journey
Rajasik Journey
Satvik Journey
1-Tamsik People are those people who have just started their journey. They have newly acquired bodies. They have been reborn only few times. They are full of desires(Rahu). They don't have wisdom.They are completely apathetic. They are like birds, fishes and animals whose mind have been completely captured by their senses. They can do anything to fulfill their needs like a fish eat her own children to survive. It's not their bad karma but they are not able to realize themselves and that's why they are doing mistakes which can be considered as bigger mistakes by the society.
In birth chart of Tamasik people, you can see their Rahu is in conjunction or aspecting most of the planets. Rahu is desire, obsession and attachment. Rahu is physical form of anything. More the planets are aspected or sitting with rahu (without the aspect of Jupiter on either rahu or other planets), the lesser number of birth the soul has taken.
Due to facing repercussions of doing these bigger mistakes, they jumped into Rajasik journey in their next birth.
2-Rajsik People are those people who follows the social norms to prevent itself from repercussions/wrath from Society in general. Thats why they do fewer mistakes. But they don't have empathy for anyone but they know very well to act like wise. They too have so many desires but they have learned to fulfill them by maintaining social discipline. These people don't hurt physically directly but indirectly or mentally they hurt by playing politics.
In birth chart of Rajsik people, Rahu could aspect or sits with few or many planets but these planets too have some aspects of Jupiter.
But because of repercussions faced by playing smart politics to hurt someone to fulfill their needs, they jumped into Satvik Journey in their next birth.
3-Satvik people are those people who no longer feel attached to material things. They believe in embracing the universe rather than conquering the universe. They don't do mistakes intentionally. They think a lot before taking any decision that whether it is good for the society or not. They are very empathetic.
In birth chart of Satvik people, Ketu aspects or sits with some or many planets. Ketu is experience. Ketu is detachment and moksha. More the planets are sitting or aspected by ketu,(with jupiter aspect either on planets, ketu or ascendant) more the journey of soul is older.
These people feel themselves everywhere and realize themselves as one and no longer feel fascinated to take birth and jumped to moksha after their death(back to their original nature which is purity/nothingness).
Past life Mistakes
Remember, Atmakarka(reason to take birth by improving the qualities of that planet), D9 ascendant sign(desire of soul to take birth), retrograde planets(unfinished work)and combust planets(planets that will do transformation)also have roles related to past karma.
Past mistakes and mistakes that a person will do in this life can be observed by looking the position of Rahu, it's conjunctions with the planets and aspects on planets in a birth chart-
Rahu sits with or aspect Mars- Hurt people by doing physical violence.
Rahu sits with or aspect Sun- Hurt people on their Self-respect.
Rahu sits with or aspect Moon- Hurt people due to Obsession.
Rahu sits with or aspect Mercury- Hurt people by their back biting.
Rahu sits with or aspect Venus- Hurt people ditching in love or Marriage relationships.
Rahu sits with or aspect Jupiter- Hurt people who are wise and pure.
Rahu sits with or aspect Saturn- Hurt people by over controlling behavior.
Note-This does not mean that they take only three births. It happens slowly in many births. And the journey of a soul can be looked more elaborated from the chart.
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youremyheaven · 1 year
Please dont be offended but I'm just curious as I'm still learning vedic astrology.
So you said in your post about big age gaps that mercury and moon nakshatra men are most likely to marry younger women.
And when asked about Jk's preference for older or younger partner you said he can go for someone older,but he has saturn atmakarka in revati,venus amatyakarka in hasta and jupiter shravana.
Soooo what do you think about this?
I mean please dont be offended.
You are great.
i didn't say that as my personal opinion. Jungkook himself said he likes noonas/older women/wants an older partner 😭
The fact that he has Saturn atmakaraka itself is a very poignant significator. Saturn delays things and idk about his 7h placements but it can point to late marriage if 7h is in Saturn or aspecting it. It can also point to an older partner.
Saturn is debilitated in Pisces, so that's another thing. When interpreting a placement, we cannot interpret it independently, we have to interpret it within its placement.
He is Purva phalguni Sun, Magha Moon and idk if his AM/PM birth time situation was resolved so he's either Pushya Rising or Mula Rising
Either way, from his personality, style etc its very apparent that he's strongly influenced by his Magha Moon. He is Ketuvian, not Mercurial or Moon dominant.
Like you previously asked me whether he'd like a cute, doll like younger girl, nothing in his chart gave me that vibe explicitly but at the end of the day he's not someone I know personally so I can't conclusively say what he will or won't do or who he will or wont be attracted to
hope this clears things up<3
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dushysworld · 3 months
Hi I would like to participate in your game
DOB: 15 March 2003
Place: gurugram, haryana
Time: 3:20pm
Thank youuu 🎀
Your future spouse characteristics will be:
- You got Sun as your Darakarka, which naturally makes your spouse a very regal, bold and confident individual.
- Since you have Saturn as your 7th lord and on top of that you have Saturn as Atmakarka so this means that you will find that purpose in life when you meet your partner or this can even turn out your partner to help you achieve that goal in this life.
- Saturn being your 7th lord will naturally give you a dutiful, calm, composed, at times restrictive, mature and humble spouse. On top of that you also have Venus in the 7th house of Capricorn which will give you a charming, diplomatic yet hardworking spouse. Saturn is also in Taurus in 11th, which confirms that your spouse will at first become your friend and will have a family oriented approach when in commitment with you, just like a Taurus ♉.
- Your 7th lord Saturn is in the Mrigashirsa nakshtara which tells a lot more about your spouse. Your spouse will be very energetic and at times impatient even due to Mar-tian energy into this constellation.
- Your spouse will be very attentive when listening to you and will also be very loyal.
The only downside according to this nakshatra placement is mood swings and over possessiveness.
Your marriage timing is likely to be:
You might get into a serious commitment or even marriage during 2027-2029 Venus-Moon time period(could even marry) but higher chances of you marrying your life partner during Venus-Rahu Dasha Antardasha from 2030-2033.
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hello! <3 may i please know your thoughts on 25 degrees mars atmakarka sitting in the third house along with venus darakara, [0 degree] and saturn[13 degree]? i'm a gemini asc [13 degree] and uranus is in aquarius [9th house, 28 degree] !
i'm not sure if it matters, but my jupiter is in seventh house sagittarius! it stands out in my chart so yeah...
i hope this request will amuse you! <3
also your works are lovely! if you'd be interested in advice [which i may not be qualified to give] then nakashatra observation series and navamsa chart readings are pretty lovely to check out!
thank you very much <3
Hiii there 🤍✨✨✨
For gemini ascendant, mars rules the 6th & 11th H.
Mars Atmakaraka signifies that courage , action , confidence these are quite well developed at soul level.
Mars in Leo is a friendly placement . Mars at 25 ° Leo goes to Scorpio navamsha. Thus gaining quite a power. Scorpio sign becomes the karakamsha sign . So in D1 chart mars lies in 10th house Leo. Thus. Career & serving society will be important for you. And it will lead you towards it.
Now it's conjunct Saturn , so the energies have to understood and worked out 🌻🌻. Jupiter's aspect on them from its mool trikon sign in parashari jyotish is beautiful and makes it auspicious too.
Jaimini aspects are different. 🙃.
Venus is more than 15 ° away from mars , so not much influence on each other, though they influence together the sign leo :)).
We don't consider Uranus in Vedic 😋🦋
Now 7th lord & 10th lord in own mool trikon sign is beautiful and adds strength . It also aspects the personality , head. So quite helpful.
PS : Your advice is precious & welcomed 💗💗💗.
I will do Nakshatras series , you guys can recommend your choices in it :).
And yup I will start navamsha & D1 chart readings too. From my jyotish guru , I learned that D1 chart reading is incomplete without navamsha and this is what I have observed too. 💗💕
Hope it was helpful ☘️🌻🌻✨✨
Love & light to you ✨⭐
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azure-cherie · 2 years
Dii hi. It's me again🙋 👯
you're back !!! 😙
How have you been?... this new header is so cool <33
Here for the game and your vibe lately, GURLL
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And my placements: vedic 😉
Aries rahu in 2nd house in Ashwini nakshatra
Mars is atmakarka in 6th house (leo) conj sun , both in purva phalguni nakshatra.
Hope you're having an amazing day, and thank you so much for the game 🥰😛😍
See ya 🫶🫶
Hello my love , how are you ? 🥺
Yes 🥰 kinda , idk why i guess it's the planets I've been feeling quite detached but i come back quite often 🌝
Thank you so much my gurlll 🥺🥺🥺
Immaculate board i love greens and blacks 🤩✨✨✨
For you :
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Aries rahu in 2h Ashwini suggests that your gains of money could be in influential fields of singing , cooking , beautiful industry too , with material gains it could also be with share market , investing could be good for you , also in healing professions ,fitness industry too, you're advised to go for your spite but also keep in mind that once you start something you should complete it , be mindful of your actions at certain times , trust yourself and contemplate a bit at times, mars Atmakaraka signifies your goals meaning a lot to you , you want to do a lot of things but you might be confused about where to begin , with this your interest could also gravitate towards divination, in the 6th H of goals and ills and habits shows the way to connect to them is to make routine for yourself and follow it honestly, you work great planned , with purva Phalguni you really like to do things for the aesthetic of it it's very important to you which is beautiful, things looking good inspires you , like you start to have a good day if you look pretty, all in all id say a very suited chart for beauty industry and Astrology, maintain routines and try to romanticize what you do , all the best to you.
I hope you have an amazing day too , welcome my lovely 🌹 please leave a feedback 🌛
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enchanted-moura · 2 years
I had a question about charts...vedic in particular...
One what does rahu and ketu really signify? If rahu is life path or purpose, then what does rahu (in mrigshira) in 8th house mean?
Plus yk how Vedic charts will either be square or triangles (north/south indian) and theres numbers inside? Are numbers zodiac signs? Because i have a lotta things in my 8th house, as its being shown with like a dark 8 on one side and small 2 in another corner of the house box (Saturn, Rahu, Sun, Jupiter. Saturn (in Rohini) in my atamakarka, i thought atmakarka was purpose, which idk what this placement wants me do...) and all in taurus. I have been hunting around to learn to read it, but the wording confuses me. I have the other three as stellium in another house
There are several dozen even hundreds systems of Vedic because India is huge and every area varies in how they do if I’m not mistaken.
Keep it simple in a way our western minds can understand😂😂Rahu is the north node and Ketu is the south node. Our Rahu is not our purpose but more so we have an insatiable drive for.
So your Rahu in the 8th house means you will be drawn to 8th house fields such as the occult, inheritance, sexuality, darker aspects of life. Mrigrashira there means a lot depending on where it’s Ruler Mars is…but generally Mrigrashira is an endless quest for knowledge, for discovery. similar to Rahu.
Research the Nakshtras and Houses💗
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 years
It would be really kind if you can give me some insight on...
What does it mean when darakarka, atmakarka and amatyakaraka all are in conjunction? [ Saturn, Venus and mercury respectively.]
Thank you 🤍
As per Jaimini, they create a Raj yoga but these are common and found in most charts. So they do not have special importance.
Venus as AK and saturn as DK can indicate a long term union.
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saturnianprincess · 1 year
Hi! Would you mind giving your opinion on 9th house atmakarka going in 7th house in D9?
hey anon sorry but i am not answering anymore questions as the game has been closed for a long time now :)
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kiddotarot · 1 month
How to know about your carrer or profession in vedic astrology with BB ( Destiny point ) .
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( specially thanks for anmol for teaching me this ) 💖
Brighu bindu ( BB ) is also known for destiny point. its a mathematical calculated point between Rahu and moon . Which shows your ultimate life path and your destiny financial and emotional satisfaction and show you a lot about life .
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Calculation = Take the degrees between Rahu and moon and divide them by 2 and you got the point . You don't have to worry much about minutes because we know 1°= 60 min . So you can easily calculate it .
What other things are need to look along with BB is your Atmakarka ( your soul purpose) , Amatyakaraka ( path , resources you got ), 10H lord , 6H because it shows daily routine.
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You can see the BP point mention in the 7H where the moon sticker placed . So this point is calculated by Rahu sitting in 2H and moon sitting in 12H so the point between them is Bp ( brigu point ) is the destiny point which shows your life path and carrer.
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Now this person is a very famous lawyer. His 10H lord is in 12H so they deal with the prisoners or prison related things. And jupiter is also the Atmakarka in his chart we know that jupert is teacher and adviser so he work in the law matter and provide his advise in court cases. And mars is there Amatyakarka which is also a fighter . Because mars is sitting in sagittarius so they know how to utilize there knowledge and fight for it.
Rahu in 2H in aswini so very dominating person know how to put there point in front of others. And 2H lors Mars in 10H so they going to have a great source of income because of thete speaking skills.
Now his 6H lord sun is sitting in 4H so his routin is mostly related to his home and surrounding. And with sun in Gemini mostly related to communication or dealing.
Now let's see the BB or BP its in The chart BP is in 7H who's lord is in 5H with 3 and 8H lord ( Mercury with venus ) so 5h means politicsor educationo and pusya nakshatra means again political things and 8h means hidden things. Bp in the hasta nakshatra which is moon is in 12H with Jupiter ( 10H lord ) .
BB or BP in 7H so partnership is important for there career. BP in hasta nakshatra so related to writing.
So the charts shows the communication is important here.
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lua-magic · 7 months
hello, how are you? what does it mean to have Mercury Atmakaraka sitting in the 6th house for Sagittarius Ascendant?
Sixth house, is of debt and diseases, exalted planets gives you fighting spirit, you fight for health and for debt, sixth house is extremely active sign and Mercury is exalted, so your Mercury is strongest planet, as it is atmakarka sitting in own sign, so you are good in auditing, faults findings, nitpicking, and organised. Sixth house is it not considered so good house, so atmakarka sitting there makes you fight, you are compititive, intellegent, and learn things fast
As, sixth house Capricorn sign, Mercury does face challenges, as Mercury is again soft planet, but it shows you are good in documents, and paper work and Mercury related jobs would be extremely beneficial to you, as sixth house is also jobs and Capricorn is again jobs and exalted Mercury is 👍 great..
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Fellow astrologers pls help
So my atmakarka is sun in 7th house and in Dhanishtha nakshatra along with mercury and venus andddd
I saw a video of sun in atmakarka in 7th house of KRS and it was not Resonating because he said I'll be too focused on marriage or maybe dream about it frequently BUT I hateee the idea of marriage!
Do you think so it's because of dhanishtha nakshatra?
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thed4rkhand · 3 years
Darakaraka and atmakaraka conjunction ?
Hey! This is a really nice question! For this questions, we’ve got to see a bunch of stuff, and let’s work our way through them and then get to an example! We’ll obviously keep it as brief as we can, since as I always say, it’ll take us a good phD thesis and more for each and every position.
Firstly, which planets are your atmakarka and darakarka? It’s important to see this to relate to the qualities of each planet and their relationships with each other. Saturn would behave very differently with Venus, as it would with Jupiter. So it’s important to know which planets. Further, we have to see if the planets get along at all, even regardless of a chart. Saturn and Mars? Eh tough match, but still a lot to see, this would cause a lot of fights in general. Venus and mercury? Pretty good, happy and prosperous relationship. Further, certain planets conjunct can form certain yogas together, for example mercury and sun will form Bodh-Aditya yoga in addition to their roles as atmarkaka and darakarka, so it’ll bleed into the relationship too!
Secondly, which house is it formed it? What is the ascendant of the chart where it’s formed? What sign is it formed it? What are the house rulerships of the atmakarka and darakarka planets? You see, if the ownerships of the atmakarka and darakarka is a trine (5th,11th or 9th house) or a Kendra (1st,4th,7th or 10th), and they are conjunct, it’s the formation of a raj yoga. Which type? We won’t know we’ll enough, but they will bring prosperity in different forms depending on which kind it is. Even better if the conjunction occurs in a Kendra house itself! Further, if the rulership is of a malefic house is here (6th,8th or 12th) and the conjunction occurs in a malefic house, we’ll get vipreet raj yoga which would reverse fortunes (we can see it as marriage will get you from rags to riches or visa versa depending on different aspects).
Similarly, a chart will have maleficent or benefits depending on the ascendant of the chart other than general ascendants. Like for Taurus a, Jupiter will be malefic despite being a natural benefic. So a malefic and benefic conjunction is bad, similarly with degrees you can see who will be the dominating party and so on, obviously darakarka will be lower so it’ll be leading the conjunction here, but through nakshatras we can see who will be in better dignity.
Let’s go with an example, say your atmakarka is Jupiter and your darakarka is moon. They’re sitting in the 10th house, in Gemini. The ascendant becomes Virgo naturally here. Let’s say moon is in mrigshira at 2’ and Jupiter is in punarvasu at 27’.
Firstly, a gaj-kesari yoga is formed here, so we can see that through the spouse the 10th house of career and reputation will be activated. Your soul purpose and meeting your spouse will be largely material and your spouse’s family will be cardinal in (4th from 7th house) forming your character, especially his mother. You will also see that your father will be important in your relationship with your spouse, your father will also benefit from the marriage. Your Jupiter (punarvasu here) will be a caretaker and go through tribunals to serve your karma (like Lord Ram), you will also have tribunals related to your spouse and their image in the open. Your spouse may also travel a lot and be very deep into research, their life purpose may be to research or find a cure to something, maybe even as their career. They will also pay karma to you by form of supporting you through the tribunals you face.
Overall a conjunction like this is heavily karmic and usually a due to both sides will be paid. However it’s important to see the placement in totality. Hope it works! Loads of love and feel free to send me any doubts!!
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youremyheaven · 4 months
does having Atmakarka planet ruled by Darakarka mean your soul path fulfilment is through relationship? (Taurus moon AK ruled by Libra Venus DK)
me rn:
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truth be told bestie i have never thought about it before and i wouldn't really interpret it that way??
The karakas aren't dependent on rulerships or aspects as far as I know, they're a significator so they're looked at in isolation?? you can look at your Moon placement (sign, nak, house) to know more about your purpose
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