#atlantis language
Have you ever noticed the hidden connection between Disney's Typhoon Lagoon water park and Atlantis the Lost Empire?
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So, it is all about the family raft ride (ya know, the kind where 4 people ride together) called Miss Adventure Falls.
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Because this is Disney, it isn't just a regular water slide. It has a story and characters and all that stuff. This ride is specifically about Captain Mary Oceaneer! An explorer, sailor, scientist, bad bitch, treasure hunter, etc...
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She is also a member of the Society of Explorers and Adventurers (aka S.E.A.) A secret society that works as a sort of meta narrative tying a bunch of Disney rides from around the world together. But that's not important right now, just cool to mention. I've talked about S.E.A. before anyways
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What IS important right now is her sub! Rightby the exit to the slide you can see her underwater exploratory vehicle which has been blown ashore by the huge Typhoon that transformed the Placade Palms Resort into the Leaning Palms Resort and created Typhoon Lagoon (the story behind the water park as a whole)
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(Notice the two beach chairs next to the sub. one for Captain Oceaneer and one for her parrot, Duncan)
Look real close at the sub and you'll see something a little odd
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Look at those squiggles! Those aren't just squiggles! That's Atlantean Script! The language made by Mark Okrand (the guy who made Klingon) for Atlantis the Lost Empire! And we can translate it!
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Captain Mary Oceaneer wanted the Atlanteans to know "I Come in Peace" as she explored the ocean! And I think that's neat as heck
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atlantis-just-drowned · 2 months
The most important thing I learned from discovering Polari is how 'Puttin on the Ritz' was about Harry Richman telling the gays to meet each others at the Ritz
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twotales · 8 months
Radek said fuck in show?
Yup. It's in Czech 🇨🇿 but imo it counts.
"Do prdele" it's an equivalent for "Shit" or "Fuck." He says it to John in the submersible jumper (Grace Under Pressure) and to Evan on the Daedalus. (No Man's Land.)
He says "Já se už na to můžu vysrat," to Rodney when he's in the chair being a dick. Basically he's saying "Fuck it" or "Fuck this." e.g. Rodney is being an ass so fuck this. (Tao of Rodney.)
I think that's all of them. Hopefully my Czech is still on point for these translations @all-mighty-yaoiyuri is the Czech who checks my Czech.
It's been awhile though! 💛💚
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startrekmemequeen · 2 months
🤍 - stargate atlantis - for the ask game
🤍: Which character is not as morally bad as everyone else seems to think?
Honestly, i haven't seen much undeserved demonization in stargate fandom, usually it's just jokes about war crimes people make about literally every character 😅
But i don't get people who hate Weir and think she was a bad leader. I haven't rewatched Atlantis for a while but from what i remember, she was an amazing leader an always tried very hard to make decisions that would be the best for the expedition.
Also if you have seen some hate on stargate characters that you think is undeserved, you're welcome to tell me, maybe i've just never seen these posts/opinions 👉👈
Thanks for asking ❤
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conlangery · 8 months
Just released my interview with Marc Okrand, who created Klingon and Atlantean.
You can also get the audio of the interview on my site or through your podcast player.
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logicgunn · 1 year
domaystic 24: secret language
On AO3
Written for @domaystic
McKay (Rodney) 
I can’t help but notice you decided to visit Jeannie just in time for the yearly evals. (I miss you.) Lorne left for the mainland with Teyla, I think he’s avoiding them too. (I’m bored out of my mind.) 
You missed out on mystery meatloaf night. (I wish you were here.) I could order the mess to tell me what’s in it, but then I wouldn’t have won the kitty; two twinkies and a box of red pens (for you). 
Atlantis is still standing without your massive intellect, but it’s a close thing. (Come home soon.) 
Sheppard (John) 
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
imaginary book: “The Ruined Idylls of Calomar”, low fantasy (quite obscure, authorship disputed; philologists suspect the first draft was written in a Celtic or Semitic language in the late 19th or early 20th century.)
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The Ruined Idylls of Calomar by A.E. Mann
This haunting work of fantasy claims to be the journals of an unnamed scholar living in exile after the fall of the hidden lands of Calomar. Once a thriving, peaceful, highly civilized culture, its glory was brought low by the pride, greed, and wrath of kings, scholars, explorers and warriors who fought for glory, power, and honor, until its final destruction by a dark, nameless weapon left only a scant handful of survivors to escape and tell the tale. In haunting language, the narrator writes of Calomar's glory and intrigue, its final fall, and his irresistible yet doomed attempts to return to his lost homeland and learn what, if anything, has survived.
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historianroo · 1 year
my conlang
i have been working on a story about Atlantis and it’s the love of my life.
And for it I made a conlang and yesterday I turned it into a font so that I didn’t have to handwrite every letter and i am literally OBSESSED with the way it looks!!!
(it’s a little blurry because I had to take a screenshot)
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The Atlantis Project
(Photo Transcriptions available below the cut. I really wanted it to be pretty so it’s all screenshots, sorry.)
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Begin Photo Transcriptions:
-Photo One: A series of ten lettters from the writing system called Atlantean. 
-Photo Two: Screenshot of text. All of it is center aligned. The first line of writing is in bold and says, “‘I meet you’ in Atlantean.” The word Atlantean is in italics. On the next line there are five tildes to seperate the lines of text. The third line is written in a smalled font and says “On this page you will find lore, worldbuilding, a created language, far too many details for one story, and a smattering of memes created just for fun.” This is followed by five tildes again. The next line says, “‘The Atlantis Project’ is a historical fantasy story told in two parts.” This screenshot ends with five tildes.
-Photo Three: The first line says: “The First:” The second line says “1957 London” in bold. It is followed by three paragraphs of text. “A retired Army soldier turned historian Endeavor Amadeo is approached by an old friend with a mission unlike any other. He is tasked with finding the lost continent of Atlantis, a feat deemed impossible by many. But Amadeo has more up his sleeve than he is willing to share. He carries with him the stories of generations of Atlanteans that fled their country, artifacts that fill a shoebox that now encompassed the whole of a continent's identity, and a language that has not been spoken in centuries. He is joined by the crew of the Macon Rhodes and Admiral William Moore for his journey. The Admiral will become a welcomed friend during the months of travel throughout the Mediterranean Sea, south of Europe, and the northernmost coast of Africa.A story of riddles and puzzles and finding lost things with the help of an eager naval crew and a newfound friend.” This photo also ends with five tildes.
-Photo Four: The first line says “The Second:” The second line says “1200 BC Atlantis” in bold. It is followed by three paragraphs of text and two lines of writing that are one sentence each. It says “The continent of Atlantis has thrived untouched for many centuries in its spot in the Atlantic ocean, the home of their goddess Noseah. The ten sons, created from the mountain’s own hand, each crafted kingdoms with an individual purpose and a beauty of their own. In the centuries that followed their creation the ten kingdoms of Atlantis created a space of their own on their islands.Of these ten kingdoms, the two queens of Autochita, the northernmost island, have chosen to pass on the rule of the kingdom to their son, Naheel.But, before he can be king, he must first honor the journey that the mountains took to create the ten sons. He must travel to the nine islands and take part in the culture and beauty of each, to fully grasp the effect that each of the kingdoms has on his own. Prince Naheel begins his journey in the grasslands of Gadeiria, with a handsome guard who is sworn to protect him no matter what.This is a story of a Prince’s journey to become king.And it is the story of how Atlantis came to sink and be lost in the sea it once worshiped.” This photo also ends with five tildes.
-Photo Five (the last): The first line says in bold “Information About This Tumblr.” This is followed by three bullet points. The first: “This is mostly just for fun, I like to share the process of working on this project with people and I thought that this page would be the best way.” The second, which is bold and italics, “Everything found on this page is my own creation, unless otherwise specified.” The last bullet point says: “While the story itself does not (yet) have a name, it has been referred to consistently as the “Atlantis Story” or “Atlantis Project” in all of my notes and research that I have conducted over the past few years.” This screenshot ends with five tildes.
End Photo Transcriptions.
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kijiboop · 9 months
Take Care, Darling - Stargate Atlantis
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Characters: Dr. Radek Zelenka, Aino Tamm (OFC)
Warnings: None, except swearing in other languages
The first thing he noticed was her voice.
No, that wasn't quite true. The first thing he noticed was her language. Not that he knew the language. It was as different from Czech as it was from English but the fact of it, the foreignness of a language other than English being spoken in Atlantis was what first drew his attention. 
Radek Zelenka stopped in midstride toward the lift and backpedaled to listen more closely. 
There are some words that are curses no matter what language you speak and this woman was clearly cussing wholeheartedly at something in a language he didn't recognize. He had to swallow a smile as he approached; she cursed in her mother tongue the way he did in his own. "Did you need some help?" he asked. 
The woman with the non-English vernacular vocabulary of the proverbial sailor spun away from whatever she'd been addressing to look at him in surprise. She was about his height, maybe a trifle shorter with bright blue eyes behind glasses that tried to mask the color and still couldn't manage it. Short, wavy brown hair was swept away from her face and into an efficient twist. Even her hair didn't seem to dare to step out of line. "Tämä päivä on perseestä!" she blurted, then blushed a rather becoming shade of pink.
Radek chuckled. "I'm sorry, did I startle you?"
"Yes, but it's my own fault," she replied, brushing nervously at her clothing. "I was preoccupied."
"I noticed. Did you need help with something?"
The woman shook her head, her eyes closed as she tried to regain her composure. "No, thank you, Doctor Zelenka. I'm fine. Just annoyed."
He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You know me."
"Doesn't everyone in the science department?" she asked with an almost sly smile. "You're quite notable, you know."
"I wasn't aware you were in the science department."
She gestured to the name tag on her informal uniform. "Aino Tamm, linguistics and anthropological studies. I'm more on the soft science end of things, but we still answer to the science department."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, then, Doctor Tamm."
She shook her head with a wry smile. "No doctorate. I was working on it when I was recruited for the Atlantis expedition and there was a lot of head-scratching and handwaving behind the scenes, as I understand it."
Radek smiled at her, charmed in spite of himself. "You must have impressed someone. But then, we all did to get recruited here."
"True enough." Aino shook herself and glanced down the hallway. "I'm sure I'm keeping you from something, Doctor. Thank you for stopping, though you didn't have to."
Radek nodded. "I probably should be getting back to the lab. Drop by anytime. It's nice to hear a non-English accent from time to time."
"We take what we can get?" she laughed. "I have been meaning to learn Czech, actually. If you're willing to cringe through my pronunciation?"
"Anytime," he repeated with a smile. He nodded his way past her and back to the lifts, the smile still clinging to his lips. "Kdykoli," he murmured to himself, then let the smile blossom to a grin.
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atlantis-just-drowned · 8 months
Where is the secret third option ? (helping the DCAs to clean and decorate their room)
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dedalvs · 2 years
Please convince mr Okrand to expand on his Atlantean conlang
You know, Marc continues to work in fits and spurts on various things that require his attention (e.g. when a translation comes up here and there, or when the Klingon community wants some words for stuff), but otherwise, I don't think he spends a ton of time conlanging—and if he does, he isn't spending time on Atlantean. That's my guess. I think if you want to get his attention on Atlantean, you've got to band together. Has Atlantean got a Discord? If you can organize and nail a thesis to his virtual door, he might get back into it and generate some vocab. Otherwise, there's too much stuff going on with Star Trek to cause him to go back to Atlantean.
You know what you need? One of those live action Disney remakes. If they had to do one of those, I bet that Atlantean will come back and require new vocab, and they'd have to get him involved.
But I'll send him a text and let him know you're looking for more vocab.
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Fun fact:
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Cepheus is a polyglot!
Now whether or not it's through supernatural means is up to you- but my personal headcanon is that he listens and mentally cross-examines the similarities/differences between languages and root dialects in order to figure out what language would be best to communicate!
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loricvampyr · 6 months
our people live, but our culture is dying.
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dandunn · 2 years
I think the only correct response to a man showing u the lost city of Atlantis is to kiss him deeply on the mouth
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