#atla liveaction spoilers
kyshiwarrior · 7 months
has anyone brought up how great it was for them to change hahn??? i didnt have that on my list of things i needed necessarily but it was so refreshing and touching. i loved the lack of miscommunication and love triangle tropes because you actually dont need them for a good story or root for characters. but the fact that they changed him to not be an ignorant jerk to someone i could actually see getting approval as a leader. hes honorable through and through. it made his ending tragic, as it should be in cases of young people joining a war because they had no choice. i went from being like ‘oop thats what you get’ to leading into such devastation that added to the northern water tribe tragedy. i loved that change.
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hannaxjo · 7 months
I actually think that the thing that bothers me most about live action Yue’s design is that her eyebrows are black. Why would only the hair on her head get white. It makes it feel disconnected. If her brows and even lashes were white too, I’d believe that her hair is white. Like the wig wasn’t good. But the dark eyebrows aren’t certainly helping with convincing me that her real hair color is white.
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arsonyte · 6 months
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sasstrid-and-dorkcup · 7 months
Also it's not the most important critique of the show and I know it can't really be helped but frankly if Koh is not being voiced by Eric Dellums I am not interested because that is a VA that cannot be beat
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thevictorianghost · 4 years
Avatar live action with katara and Zuko being the oldest: aangs crush just being more harmless and less serious and actually turns into a real friendship and the motherly situations aren't weird. Aang accidentally calling Katana mom and being embarrassed because this person is there friend and teacher, less about crushes.
Zutara live action where they're the same age: they're both charge of people who don't really listen to them or respect them at first.
If the ATLA liveaction ever ends up being made and if the latest news are true, I hope they pull off a Gravity Falls with Kata/ang! In Gravity Falls, one of the protagonists, Dipper, has a crush on Wendy, his friend. He’s twelve and she’s sixteen. Spoiler alert: Wendy ends up breaking up with her boyfriend and Dipper thinks she’ll be available now because she’s single. When Wendy realizes he has a crush on her (and it makes her visibly uncomfortable), she sits down with Dipper and tells him that she’s too old for him. She tells him that... but she also tells him that his friendship is so important to her, she can’t lose him! And they are friends throughout the whole show. Nothing really changes about their dynamic, except Dipper’s crush is never mentioned again. And that’s so healthy! That’s such a good thing to show in a kids’ show!! We need more of that.
(Also I ship Dipper with Pacifica Northwest, the arrogant rich girl who is revealed to be emotionally abused by her parents and finds friendship with Dipper. Guess this is the Taang of Gravity Falls!)
I know others have talked about this, but making Katara the older sister doesn’t change anything about her dynamic with Sokka. She’s always acted as the eldest, especially in Book One, and he’s always acted as the younger brother, especially in Book One. Sure, in Book Three, Sokka takes on a more leadership role, but that’s always been Katara’s job. From saving Haru to the Desert to the Painted Lady. Katara’s narrative is about individuality and being recognized for her own merits, especially during her fight against Pakku. She saves and takes care of people while Sokka watches on the sidelines. As one of the eldest in the Gaang, she’d be even more recognized as a leader. Even if Sokka is the younger brother, he can still have this protectiveness intact. Which would emphasize his misogyny in Book One. He’s the younger brother and “man of the house”. He wants to protect his older sister and he feels insecure that she’s older and takes care of everyone else. Isn’t that supposed to be his job? Sokka becomes the engineer of the group while Katara becomes the leader. He thinks while she acts.
A sixteen-year-old Katara gives her even more parallels with Zuko (which is... A LOT, since they already have so many!) Even in Book One, before Zuko’s redemption arc, their respective stories were always about being recognized for their own merits. Katara against Pakku. Zuko against Zhao. Katara with the Gaang. Zuko with his ship’s crew. They’ve always been in charge of others. They both learn to be sympathetic to people on the other side, too. Katara with the villagers fron Jang Hui in The Painted Lady. Zuko with Song and Lee and everyone he meets in the Earth Kingdom. As leaders, they take charge, of course, but they also learn they have to respect others to be respected leaders. And as others have already said, sixteen-year-old Katara opens the door for Chief Katara after the War! Which is awesome :)
I just think it’s a shame people in the ATLA fandom at large don’t recognize Katara as a leader in her own right and give all her characteristics to Sokka. It’s very... meta, you know?
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kyshiwarrior · 7 months
another great set up for book two is jet going from a place people could BELIEVE there were fire nation spies and could actively do things to at least try prevent it (in the most chaotic fashion) while being so frustrated by royalty and guards turning a blind eye AGAIN — but it becomes his ultimate downfall, despite attempts to change his course of action and methods, because there is no war in ba sing se
((also if i had a nickel for every time iroh and zuko went into the EK in disguise where jet was also there, id have two nickels ))
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kyshiwarrior · 7 months
something so healing about them acknowledging where jet went wrong but also holding so much consistent empathy for him healed me
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kyshiwarrior · 7 months
the whole story around the 41st division that was added in was so beautiful in every way imaginable… ‘Masks’ is an episode i will burst into tears its so touching
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kyshiwarrior · 7 months
zuko really went “you look easy to draw” at aang
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kyshiwarrior · 7 months
he really tried to put the ‘boom’ in king bumi
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kyshiwarrior · 7 months
:’) we got the ‘eat the rich’ rep at last
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hannaxjo · 7 months
Okay, ep 6 of live action avatar. so far the best, and it’s so frustrating, because in that i see the potential that this thing has. that chat with aang and zuko, after the escape, i liked it. because for a moment, the show paused. it stopped with the exposition, it stopped with the plot, and it just breathed in those characters for a moment. i was interested in what was happening. but it was also frustrating, because; why are you making me care about the relationship between zuko and aang, before making me care about the relationship between aang, katara and sokka. if they could’ve put that energy into them, allowed them to have moment where i care about them, this could’ve been so much better. not having sokka and katara do much anything in that episode worked in the animation, because it was one of twenty. this was one of eight. that’s a very different thing, and it’s clear that the show doesn’t care about sokka and katara.
what they should’ve done, is cut the original show into it’s bare bones. leave all the extra plot out, that isn’t necessary, and spend the time they have; not creating new plot to fill that, but to explore the characters. take time, show the audience why we should care about them.
also, the agni kai scene. i’ve seen a lot of people say, that because this is live action, it’s going to be a lot darker. but that scene showed them do pretty much the opposite. nothing about the original agni kai needed to be changed, it was already really dark. but that could have changed, is how they told that story. they could’ve done like they did in that episode, and show fully what happened, but no changes. because no one did speak out for zuko. Iroh looked away. and zuko didn’t fight back. he didn’t try to defend himself. he just begged for forgiveness. if they wanted to go the dark route, they should’ve kept that. they could’ve shown ozai walk over to zuko, telling him to get up and figth, while zuko refuses to do so. they could’ve literally shown ozai cradling zuko’s face in his hand in a moment of comfort, that for a moment makes people and zuko thing it’s going to be okay, before lighting his whole palm on fire. but then they couldn’t get away with not making his scar a proper scar.
i did like the idea of having a scene in which ozai tells zuko he’s banished. but even on that one, i would’ve made a few changes. i think they should’ve remembered that the agni kai was for speaking out of turn, and the banishment was for refusing to fight and therefore dishonouring himself. there were no real reasons, there was no right way to act in an agni kai (a battle to death), that would’ve resulted any better, and ozai knew that. he wanted to get rid of zuko, because he liked azula more.
yeah, i don’t know if any of this made sense, i just kinda wrote out my thoughts. i guess if i had to summarise this, it’d be just, i wish they’d spend more time on the characters and the relationships between them instead of on useless plot that no one gives a shit about.
also, removing sokka’s sexism arc is not progressive, it just gives you an out from actually talking about sexism in depth and from making sokka wear a dress.
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sasstrid-and-dorkcup · 7 months
Me watching the scene in the secret tunnel
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