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queers-gambit · 1 year ago
Blue Bunny
prompt: you and the Twins show up to collect the same debt.
pairing: Tangerine x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Bullet Train
word count: 4.4k+
warnings: Tan's real name being Aaron, Lemon's real name being Brian, Mafia antics, depiction of murder, blood, guns, brief physical violence, given nickname [ Bunny ], Daddy's Girl trope? dialogue heavy fic.
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"I like the lilac, what do you think? Maybe the yellow?"
"The pink's rather nice."
"How's about green? For St. Patrick's Day? Celebration of spring?"
Your lover chuckled over the receiver, phone set on speaker to the desk in front of you. "Think I prefer the blue," he replied, the smirk evident.
"You always prefer blue," you teased, handing the bottle of pale blue nail polish to your nail tech. "So, tell me, where are you now? Haven't seen yah all week," You pouted, placing your AirPods in to keep the conversation private. Not like it mattered, your nail tech, Collette, only spoke French, and she was the only other person in the room.
"'Fraid I can't divulge that information, sweetheart," Aaron sighed, "on a bit of business right now."
"Now? Like, in the present?" You chuckled, nodding at Collette when she pointed at the length of the acrylic.
"Yeah," Tan mused back, "say hello, sweetheart!"
"Hello, luv!" Brian, or otherwise known as Lemon, was heard calling. His twin, your lover, used the codename Tangerine for the contract agency they worked for - keeping their identities safe. Something you didn't necessarily have to worry about, being as your name held power. It was something like a shield in the criminal world, everyone knowing your surname dictated fear.
"Oh, hello, my sweetness," you cooed, grinning slyly. "What's it you two are up to? What sort of business are you on?"
"Ah, hang on a tick, love," Aaron mused, setting his phone down. You waited patiently, hearing a series of gunshots ringing out as you watched Collette paint the pale blue in sleek, professional strokes. Screams echoed over the line, tires screeches, several grunts of exertion, but you didn't so much as flinch, just admiring the work your nail tech did.
You blew on your nails, admiring the color.
Collette asked if you wanted to keep the paint shiny or add a matte overcoat, you humming, replying in French that you preferred the shiny coat. She held up a bottle of silver glitter, perking her brows, watching you nod - trusting her artistic eye.
"Hello? Still there, Bunny?" Aaron got back on the line, using your pet name he bestowed on you after your first date. You had a cold coming on, and after he kissed you, you instantly sneezed - nose screwing up like a fluffy bunny.
"I'm here," you smiled.
"Right, what color did you go with?"
You grinned, "Take a guess."
"Blue's your color."
"More like yours. I much prefer pastels, but I think this color's the best of both our preferences."
He chuckled, "Listen, yeah? You free Thursday? I'l be in your neck of the woods."
"Ah, I'm traveling this week," you answered with a pout, "what about next week?"
"I might be able t'swing that, yeah," Aaron agreed easily. "You hear from that Edward bloke recently?"
"No, no, I've told you, I'm done with him. You're quite the jealous type, you know, scared him off real good."
"Ah, well, don't like folks touchin' what's mine, now, do I?"
"Apparently not," you smiled, phone line beeping with an incoming call. "Oh, shit, I gotta go, Aaron, Daddy's calling."
"Mhm, and we all know you betta answer, huh?"
"It's how we all stay alive," you laughed. "Bye."
"See yah real soon, Bunny. Make sure your toes match!"
You hung up with a laugh, then accepted your father's incoming call, "Hi, Daddy."
"Hello, sweet one," he answered. "What are you up to?"
"Collette's doing my nails."
"Ah, very good. What color?"
"A pretty pale blue."
"Wonderful. Tell Collette I say hello. We'll have t'get her a sensational Christmas bonus with the way you work her."
You chuckled, "Yeah, yeah, I know."
"Listen, poppet, I need you to do something for me."
"Mhm, anything you need, Daddy."
"One of our associates is late on payment."
"How late?"
"A week."
"Oh, you're taking time in collecting," you mused, appreciating the full set Collette was detailing. "What's the hold up? Why wait?"
"I'm stuck in Prague."
"I know," he rushed, "but I need you on this one, princess."
"Who's the associate?"
"Fella name Wilmer DeLano."
"I know of him, doesn't he own the chain of pharmacies? His son and I went to university together, right?"
"The exact same," your father confirmed. "I need you to go collect, princess, please."
"How much is the debt?"
"With the added week, chalks it up to $3 million."
"US dollars?"
"Since when do we deal in US dollars?" You asked with a curled lip.
"Not the question I think you want to be asking."
"Uh, no, you're right, okay, sure, I can collect. Tonight?"
"He's not expecting it, knows I'm still in Prague. Take Rufus and Gunther with you for protection detail."
"I'd rather take Samuel."
"No, he's doing a different favor for me."
"He's making a delivery, all right?"
"What about Gunther and Casey? Rufus creeps me out."
"That's fine," your father agreed with a sigh. "Listen, princess, tonight might get a little hairy, so I want you prepared."
"Daddy, I'm literally getting my nails done, I'm not handling a gun. That's what Gunther's for."
"I taught you better than that. You protect yourself, you can't depend on anyone else."
You nodded, "Yes, sir. Do you wanna call the boys or...?"
"I'll call them, don't worry. Just be ready to go by 8. Remember, princess, $3 million - and make sure you count it, too."
You agreed, promising you loved him, then wishing him luck in Prague on whatever his business was. After hanging up, Collette smiled, asking in French, "When are you going to tell him?"
"Tell him what?"
"That you have a boyfriend," she laughed. "He's your father, he'll be happy for you."
"I don't have a boyfriend."
"Oh, please," she scoffed, swiping the glitter on your nails. "That boy that you're always on the phone with? You're not hiding it, not from me."
You felt warmth flush your chest, heating your core. "He's still not my boyfriend," you mumbled stubbornly.
"He picks your nail colors," she grinned, "that's a boyfriend!"
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You double checked the address your father sent, nodding at Gunther in the driver's seat. "All right, lads, I want this a clean collection. Just got my nails done," you smirked, the lights of the three-story home still on and indicating DeLano must've been home.
"Yes, ma'am," Casey agreed, getting out of the backseat and opening your passenger door; helping you out, letting you readjust your clingy black dress. Gunther moved around the back of the car, grabbing the usual go-bag brought to every collection.
Slowly, carefully, you stalked up the long driveway, heels clacking with every pace. You let Gunther peer through the windows, him nodding before leading the way to the backdoor. It was simple enough to jimmy the lock open, silently swinging the door wide open and stepping over the threshold.
Casey went around the side to enter through the living room as you walked through the kitchen, surrounding your target. Wilmer DeLano was sat at his dining room table with his wife, looking up when you cleared your throat. He jolted in shock, but Casey blocked the only other doorway; his gun in hand, both clasped in front of him.
Gunther checked the rest of the house.
"Hello, Mr. DeLano," you greeted casually. "Oh, something smells wonderful in here, you cook this?" You asked his wife, casually strolling up to the table, Red Bottoms sounding over the polish hardwood floors. You plucked up a slice of roast, tearing a bite off and humming, "Oh, very good that. You're a lucky man, Mr. DeLano to have such a talented wife."
"Who are you?" The portly woman begged, flinching when you hummed and brandished your gun.
"Right, guessing you don't know," you nodded. "Your husband's in a bit of a lucrative business, Missus. Nice house, though," you gazed around, "lot of fine art you've got hung up, saw all name-brand appliances in your kitchen."
"H-He owns a chain of drug stores - "
"Yes, yes, yes, I know. Very true," you agreed, "but that's only a front, it's not the full picture. I'm here to help illustrate, if you will. C'mon, why don't we all go into the living room? Hear that's where the safe is kept."
"What is happening!?" Mrs. DeLano demanded, gun pointed at her temple.
"Up, up," you demanded.
Slowly, Wilmer lifted from his seat with his hands held in peace, "Okay, okay, we can - let's go talk in the living room. Just don't threaten my wife, she's got nothing t'do with this."
"For now," you agreed, gathering the couple to the living room couch.
"Boss," Gunther alerted, dragging your old university classmate and a previous lover, Edward DeLano, up from the basement, "found this one down there, smoking a joint. Rest of the house is clear."
"Wonderful," you nodded, gesturing for Eddie to sit. "You bring enough to share with the class?" But your old peer just looked around the room of criminals. "Guessin' he didn't wanna share," you pouted, then rolling your eyes. "Well, now that we've all gathered - "
Suddenly, there was a noisy crack and bang as the front door was kicked in, making all three of you gangsters turn with weapons drawn and aimed. However, you chuckled and dropped your arm when you realized it was the Twins, Aaron and Brian, or Tangerine and Lemon, standing in the splintered doorway.
"At ease, lads," you chuckled, holstering your gun to your thigh. "These are friends of mine."
"You outsourced the job? Out your fuckin' mind, princess? Huh?" Casey growled, not lowering his gun as Tan and Lem strolled in.
"Don't fuckin' talk to her like that," Aaron snapped instantly.
"Fuck off, Casey, I would never outsource, I know the fucking rules," you sound more amused than anything.
"Well, ain't this fun?" Aaron mused with a grin, strolling in casually before pausing in the open foyer as Brian tried shutting the door again - but it the very doorframe was shattered, making it impossible. "Sorry 'bout the front door, ol' chap, but you understand, yeah? 'S just business," He nodded at DeLano. "Bunny," he smirked at you, hands in his tailored suit pants pockets; polished Italian leather shoes gently scoffing across the floor.
Aaron magnetized to your side, coiling his arm around your waist to lean in and peck your cheek.
"Hi, handsome. Thought you weren't in town until later?"
"We wrapped a different job early," he answered. "Question is: what're you doin' here, love?"
"Collecting debt payment."
"No shit," he grinned, "so are we."
Your head cocked; leaning into his side with your own arm wrapping around his chiseled waist. You asked, "He owes my father money. You?"
"Owes an associate, too." He smirked at the DeLano's you two stood in front of, "Ain't that right, geezer? Got yourself into a bit of a pickle, didn't yah? Got a bit of a problem with the nose candy, don't'cha, naughty boy?"
"You told me you quit!" Mrs. DeLano hissed, "now you're in debt!?"
"I have it under control," Wilmer deflected stiffly.
His wife sobbed and begged, "W-Would someone please just explain what's going on!? Who are you people!?" Tears fell fast. "What do you want from us!?"
"This ain't rocket science, love, fuck you mean what do we want?" Lemon snickered. "You not listenin' or something?"
"Ah, right, well, I was in the middle of explainin' the situation," you told the Twins, waving a manicured hand in the air as if swatting away a pesky fly. "'Ello, lovie," you grinned at Lemon when he stationed himself on your other side, "good t'see you."
"Sweetheart," he nodded, offering a side hug when you released his brother, "been too long, hasn't it?"
"Since Cancún," you agreed. "Right, then! Onward, ho! Casey, darlin', would you be a doll and open the bag? Get us set up t'count up?"
"'Course, boss," he agreed, kneeling at the mahogany coffee table and unzipping the duffel you brought.
"Right," your hands clapped, the family jumping at the sudden sound, "back to what I was sayin'. See, your husband owns the drug stores, that's true," you allotted, "but he also launders money for the Mafia. For my father, my family. Maybe you've heard of him?"
You relaid your father's first and last name, seeing the Fear of God paint over the DeLano's. "What?" Eddie snapped at his father sat beside him. See, despite dating briefly, you kept your identity a secret from Ed. "What have you done!? Do you know who her father is? Know what he's done!? He fuckin' gutted his own brother - "
"Allegedly," you interjected sharply.
" - all in the name of business! You don't know what this family is capable of!"
"Yes, boy, I'm well aware, the man is my bloody business partner," Wilmer snapped right back.
"Well, not so much of a partner now, are yah? Just more of a fuckin' nuisance," You smirked, earning the attention again. "So, you see, your husband washes our money, earns a significant cut for shouldering the risk. Payment's collected every two weeks and as of today, your husband's a week late on delivering our cash load."
"I-I can explain, please - "
"No need," you cut Wilmer off, "because I didn't get t'where I am now by listening to pathetic explanations. I don't listen to excuses. Fact is, you own my father money, and because you're late, the total is now $3 million - and he wants it in US dollars."
"Well, ain't that somethin'?" Tan smirked at Lem. "Turns out, he owes our client some million, too."
You hummed, nodding, "Right, right, but see, thing is, if my Daddy ain't paid, he goes postal. Nasty business, truly messy, just a chaotic clusterfuck, bodies left everywhere, cities in shambles." Turning back to the family, you offered, "So, we're just gonna make this easy. You cough up what you owe, we won't blow your brains out all over this nice Persian rug. Mmmh! See that, love?" You pointed to the fabric you stood on, looking at Aaron. "That's real authentic, you can tell by the threading. Be a shame to ruin it, yeah? Exquisite work."
"Sure is," he agreed, "but did you see up there, Bunny? 'Bove the mantel?"
"Oh, yes," you breathed in impression, "an ancient Aztec tribal mask. An artifact, very hard to get your hands on. Heard the British Museum was actually lookin' for that particular mask."
"Seems like Mr. DeLano is quite the collector of finer things," Lemon admired, pointing at a portrait on the wall. "Oi! Is that what I think? Is that a fucking Monet?"
"Priceless," you nodded.
"Listen, right, we've got strict orders, yeah?" Your lover sighed, shifting his weight. "We're t'collect payment by any means, a message is t'be sent. Right?"
"That's right, yeah," Lemon agreed, crossing his arms. "Make sure this kinda misunderstanding don't happen again."
Gunther asked, "You need tarps for this?"
You refused, "No, we're not here to kill anyone. We're here to let a loyal man the opportunity to pay us what's owed."
"Listen t-t-to me," Wilmer begged, stuttering in fear, "I don't have the money. Okay? The government came sniffin', I had tax liens to pay off to avoid prison time - "
"More fuckin' excuses! Jesus, fuck, man!" You groaned. "Who do you think can do more damage - the bloody government or my family? Huh? Look, lad, I know you've got what we're owed, so, be a good li'l boy and open the safe. Huh?"
"Fucking do it, Dad!"
"What're you doing, Wilmer? What are you waiting for!? You can't play this game! You'll get us all killed!"
"I don't have the money! How can I pay with what I don't have!?"
"Why do I not believe that?" You mused to Tan.
"'Cause you've been in this business a helluva lot longer than he has," Tangerine / Aaron answered. "You know a rat when you smell one, I reckon."
You nodded, then pulled your gun out again, aiming, and firing at Eddie's knee to shatter his kneecap. Blood splattered onto the couch. He screamed in agony, you raging above the panicked cries and shocked shouts, "Do I have your fucking attention now, Mr. DeLano?"
Edward sobbed in pain, trying to staunch the bleeding, Mrs. Delano gasping and shrieking. "Do whatever they want, Wilmer! For fuck's sake! Just do it!"
"Listen to your wife, mate," Lemon advised. "Unhappy wife, unhappy life, innit?"
You aimed at Eddie's other knee, firing, causing another flurry of screaming, crying, and begging. "If you want your son t'only have two bullets in 'im, I suggest you get moving!" You barked, aiming at Wilmer. "Now!"
"Well, wait a tick," Tangerine halted, "if we're both on the job, how's it gonna look if the geezer's telling us the truth, hey? Who gets the money?"
"Let's find it first, darlin', distribute later," you breathed as Casey finished setting up the automatic money counter. "Mr. DeLano? I advise you to do what we're asking. See, I use to duck hunt - I'm an excellent shot. The next bullet's goin' in your son's head and I never miss. Now, where's the fucking money!?"
"I don't have it! Please!"
"The money, DeLano, where's the fucking money!?"
"Please - "
"You want a dead son!?"
"All right!" He sobbed, "All right, fine! Yes, you win! Just please, please! Don't hurt my family anymore! Please, just leave them alone! I'll do what you want, just - leave them out of this!"
You nodded, "Well, you fucked with my Daddy's money. Only right I cripple you in a sense. Hey? Now, chop chop," you checked your watch for the time, "I'm a very busy bee and don't have all night."
"You're a smart lad, DeLano, we know you would've wanted to prep for a comfy fall if it came to it," Lemon laughed easily from beside you. "Ain't no way you're bone dry, know you have money stashed for security. Just c'mon, mate, these two sickos consider this a sort of foreplay, they'll go all fuckin' night with yah if you continue to refuse," he gestured at you and Tan.
You tacked on, "Lotta places to shoot someone without killin' 'em. Just saying..."
Wilmer stood from the couch, his wife shooting across the newly vacated space to embrace her whimpering son. The money launderer approached the Monet painting and lifted it from the wall; revealing an iron safe. You shared a look with Tangerine, smirking as the combination was entered and the door opening.
"That's what we fuckin' thought," Tangerine sneered, seeing the stacks and stacks and stacks of money. " Fuckin' hell. Right, so, look, count up the lady first. We'll settle after," he sniffed, fluffing his suit's lapel, picking off a piece of lint.
Wilmer began handing stacks to Casey to count, one of your arms crossing over your stomach to prop up your other arm; hand limp in the air. "Faster," you demanded, the man sweating bullets.
"Oh, now, look at that," Tan mused, taking your hand to admire your fresh manicure, "you went with blue."
"Like it?"
"Looks real pretty, Bunny, but I know something these would look better wrapped around," he grinned, making you smack his stomach playfully. "You wanna go get drinks afta this? My treat."
"Sounds like a date," you accepted, Gunther storing the counted cash into the dark duffel. "How's it lookin', Casey?"
"Looks 'bout right, boss," he reported, handing over another stack of banded money. "You want me t'count the Twins up?"
"Oh, if you would please, darlin', it would be very helpful," you nodded. "But I'm having a thought, right? Stay with me, would yah?"
"Oh, go on, toots, you've got great ideas," Lemon encouraged with a chuckle.
"Not always," Casey snickered, "remember what happened in Texas? At that Western bar?"
"Oi, the electronic bull was not my fault!"
"But the incident with the tequila and donkey was!"
"Hush!" You scolded. "Listen, all right, you see, this fucker tried to stiff us all... Let's clear the safe out. Take away any safety net? Truly cripple him, set him back to nothing?"
"Sound like your father," Gunther chuckled.
"That's a compliment," you shot back. "Go on, I want the lot."
Gunther agreed, standing, and approaching the safe. He shoved Wilmer out of the way, sweeping his arm into the safe and starting to load up the duffel. "You can't do this! If you take it all, what are we supposed to do!? How is my family supposed to survive when leeches like you suck us dry!?" Wilmer barked, making the amusement drop from your face.
"Watch your tone."
"No! No, I will not! You think you're high and mighty because of your father, but you're just a spoilt little girl! You all break into my house, extort me - "
"Can you truly extort a criminal? For the money they owe other criminals?" Brian / Lemon wondered out loud as he meandered the living room, making you shrug.
"He likes playing victim," you mused, but in the time you looked over your shoulder, Wilmer charged. You gasped when his shoulder bullied into your gut, tackling you past Tangerine and into the coffee table, shattering it.
"GO! RUN!" He shouted at his family, Tangerine lunging instantly to wrangle him off of you; the breath knocked from your lungs.
"Got some fuckin' nerve, don't yah!? Touchin' my girl!?" He raged, throwing the man to the floor again. "Nobody fuckin' moves!" Aaron growled, gun pointed at Wilmer.
"Not like they can, two blown out knees," Brian grunted as he helped pick you up from the wreck.
"Yeh all right, Bunny?"
"All right, love, yeah," you answered and adjusted your dress, picking up your weapon as Tan began wailing his balled-up fist into Wilmer's face at a jackhammering pace. It was wildly attractive, watching the man you were in-love with beat the shit out of someone who offered you threat and harm. Then something caught your eye, gasping, "Oh, you rat bastard! You broke my fucking nail!"
You yanked Tan back; aiming at Wilmer, pulling the trigger to let a close-range bullet explode the man's head; leaking brain matter on the Persian carpet. You turned to Mrs. DeLano and Eddie, cocking your head as they begged and pleaded for their lives, but you weren't listening anymore. "Got it all, boss," Gunther informed, dropping the stuffed duffel. "What we doin' with them?"
"Exactly what my father would do," you decided. "No witnesses."
Three more gunshots sounded, Tangerine's gun smoking before being tucked back into his shoulder holster under his jacket. "Well," he fluffed his lapels again, sniffling harshly, "shall we be on our way, Bunny? We good here?"
"Oh, might as well - got what we needed," you agreed, grimacing when blood bloomed towards your expensive shoes. "Ugh, what a mess. I'll make a call, have this cleaned up, pose it as a murder-suicide," you side-stepped the puddle. "Gunther, Casey, take what you want from this place, get the cash back to the stash house. I'm gonna grab a drink with the lads," you smirked, looping your arm with Aaron's.
Lemon / Brian packed up their share of the money, following behind as Tangerine / Aaron lead you from the house; placing a cigarette between his lips and lighting the end, inhaling, tossing his free arm around your neck. The night was dark and brisk, refreshing on your clammy skin as you stabilized your breathing; always a little shaken after taking life.
Call it morality.
Once in their tinted Mercedes, Brian got in the backseat, Tan rolled his window down to smoke, and you pulled out your ringing cell phone to answer, "Hi, Daddy."
He breathed in relief, "Good, you answered. Means nothing bad happened."
"That's not entirely true," you admitted. "We're leaving now."
"What happened?"
You winced, brushes already forming, "DeLano got bold, he attacked. So we left no witnesses."
"Good girl," he praised. "You feel all right?"
"Yeah, I'm good. I'm actually going to drinks with some, uh, friends," you glanced at Tangerine - seeing his lips pulled in a smirk as he started the car and pulled off down the street. "Turns out, DeLano didn't just owe us, but some coke dealer, too. Right, love?" You checked.
"Right," Aaron confirmed, reaching over to plant his hand on your thigh and give a soft squeeze.
"Right, yeah, so, he tried lying 'bout money, I shot his son's kneecaps - "
"That's my girl!"
" - and cleared the safe out. That's when DeLano attacked me - "
"Daddy," you reprimanded softly. "I'm okay. Actually, the hired contractors on the job saved my arse - they showed up after we did with the same agenda. Gunther and Casey are gonna take the cash to a stash house, I gotta call Mr. Brooks about cleaning up."
"Did you say contractors?"
"Yeah, uh, you know, from The Agency?"
"You mean hitmen?"
"Yeah, guess you could say that. Think they're more like contract killers? Verbiage is so fickle."
"Who? Who exactly was there?"
"The Twins, Daddy. Don't worry, they're absolutely charming, only took their payment. We're gonna go for drinks, yeah?"
"Huh," he grunted, "must've been some bigwig t'send them two. Or a considerable debt." You were about to reply when he gasped in realization, "Wait, no. No, no, hang on a tick, don't bloody tell me."
"This the lad you've got a thing for, innit? The one that sends yah flowers every other week?"
"Don't tell me it's that Tangerine fucker, princess, please!"
"Oh, no, look at that, we're heading into a tunnel! I'm gonna lose the call; talk tomorrow, be safe, good luck in Prague, okay, muah! Muah! Muah! Love you! Bye, bye, bye!" You rambled quickly, blowing air kisses, then hanging up swiftly.
"The hell was that about?" Aaron chuckled. "He mad we were there?"
"Not entirely."
"Was he mad you're gettin' drinks with us?" Brian laughed from the back.
"That's a little more accurate. Well," you winced, "he was a bit testy that I'm goin' with Aaron..."
"I haven't done a damn thing to him," he grumbled.
"You do have a bit of a reputation, bruv."
You smiled sweetly, gripping Aaron's hand on your thigh, "He's my father, 'course he's gonna worry."
"'Bout time he found out, keeping you two a secret was mad frustrating, yeah? You two are disgustingly in-love."
Tangerine squeezed your thigh again, sending you a bright grin, "That we are."
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requesting rules and masterlist
Bullet Train masterlist
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mencantaleer · 5 months ago
tangerine smut attempt
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Possible bullet train spoiler
Alternate line where tangerine does not die.
Set after beating white death.
Synopsis: Just the reader taking care of her boy after he comes back from a complicated day.
Female reader over 18 years old, 2797 words. mdni!
Warnings : rough sex, oral sex (m receiving), submissive reader, degradation (whore, slut), compliments, mild humiliation, a little tangerine fluff.
I really wanted to write about ATJ but after seeing bulleta train I was tempted to write about Tangerine, I'm not an expert in writing so if there are mistakes or suggestions I'm open to hear them (as long as they are respectful).
I finished writing it at 3 a.m. so I apologize if there are any spelling mistakes, my English is very basic so I tried to translate it the best way I could.
I hope you like it <3, enjoy.
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Since you are tangerine's girlfriend you are used to see him coming home with a body full of wounds due to his “work”, you are tired of that although you also find it exciting to see your man full of blood and with a stress that you know you will help to relieve. You love to be fucked hard by Tangerine after every assignment but you are not willing to risk losing him, the train incident reminded you of how fragile life is, that same train where you met him and although you were ready to kill him the fact that they were trapped in the bathroom changed your perspective (you still blush remembering what happened in that cubicle) and how after that he spared your life, a favor that you would return by saving his by pushing him to the ground to deflect the bullet that the fool carter had fired.
Luego de esta situación entablaste una relación de amigos con derechos que se vio opacada por los celos de Mandarina que al ver que un chico te cortejaba no dudó en pedirte que hicieran oficial lo que tenían, lo cual aceptaste sin dudar.
And now we're back here again as you choose lingerie since your boyfriend's wild one ended up breaking the most you had, you look all over the store until you notice a black lace set with floral details, the straps are thin and form a criss-cross design in the center of the chest, adding a sensual touch. The bottom is also lace, with straps extending from the sides, crisscrossing along the abdomen, exposing much of the skin. It's simply perfect, without wasting any more time, you pay for it and head back home until the sound of an incoming call from Tangerine appears on your cell phone screen.
Her voice sounds frazzled but calm
“Hey, it's me, are you busy?” -Tangerine lets out an exhausted sigh.
“No, is something wrong love?"-you reply.
“Nothing, just… you know how it is. Jobs, beatings, all that stuff that always comes along.”
“Do you need me to pick you up? Are you in danger?"-you murmur as the worry rises in you.
“No, no, it's nothing like that. I've had a heavy and tiring day. I think the best thing would be to relax at home with a shower and a drink, and if it's possible to spend some time with you, that would be the best thing that could happen to me today.”
“I understand, don't worry about anything but getting to the apartment alive, I'll take care of the rest” you said as you hurried to get everything ready for her evening.
Tangerine let out a relaxed laugh at your concern, which made her tired body feel slightly rejuvenated.
“I'll be there alive, I promise. Just wait a bit, in 30 minutes it'll be there, I love you, it didn't take long.”
And with that, Tangerine hung up the call and prepared to go home while you went into a kind of crisis trying to make everything perfect for your reunion with him. A quarter of an hour later, you heard a light knock on the apartment door.
“I'm coming,” you said as you hurried down the stairs, before opening the door, you arranged your coat in such a way that it didn't show what you were wearing.
Finally, you opened the door and turned your head, finding your boy there.
-Hi honey,” his tone was agitated.
His tired gaze meets your loving gaze, and despite the exhaustion, a small but tender smile forms on his face. He looked exhausted, his suit was wrinkled, and some dried blood stains decorated his face and cheeks. But still, he was there, standing before you, with what little he had, despite having had an exhausting and violent day. He stood there for a few seconds in silence, just looking at you and enjoying your presence after a long and exhausting day. Finally he spoke, his voice calm and exhausted.
“May I come in?”
“Of course I do"-you reply as you step aside so I can pass.
Tangerine crosses the threshold with heavy, exhausted steps and leans against the door as she closes it with an exhausted sigh. Her gaze briefly meets yours and she silently thanks you for your understanding and support. Finally, he forces himself to straighten up and walk slowly into the apartment, looking for a place to sit down and relax at last.
Let's go to our room, you'll be more comfortable there- you mentioned while you took him to your room, you immediately discarded the idea of sharing a dinner together, maybe another time, now all your boy needed was love and to forget about what he had done.
Tangerine moved quietly and allowed you to escort him to the room, keeping slow and heavy steps because of the exhaustion he felt. When he reached the room, he allowed you to go ahead of him to finally sit on the bed, letting out an exhausted sigh as he slumped his shoulders and rubbed his face with his hands.
“I'll prepare the bathtub with special salts for you to relax” you offered as you sat down beside her to caress her face.
Tangerine is grateful for the consideration of the prepared bathtub and while she appreciates the intention, she is reluctant to allow herself to be pampered, maintaining a façade of toughness and reserve in the face of her emotional and physical wounds. However, his efforts to maintain that facade are visible to your perceptive gaze, knowing deep down that he actually longs for that moment of relaxation and pampering.
“You don't have to bother with me…” he says as he watches you deeply….
“I don't mind taking care of you love, I just want to make you forget about today” you whispered to her.
Although Tangerine tried to hide it, it was quite obvious that what she wanted most was to feel your love and care at that moment. Even though she tried to keep her feelings at bay and show toughness, there was an undertone of vulnerability in her exhausted look. Although his facade might have suggested that he didn't want to be coddled, he actually craved to feel your support and affection in the midst of that exhausting and injury-ridden day he'd had.And if you wanted Tan to leave that life before now you were more than determined to convince him, it tore you apart to see him so haggard.
“How can I help you Tan?” -you asked as you watched him sit up to sit on his bed.
-“The only thing I need right now is you, help me forget about today,” says Tangerine as you feel his lustful gaze on you, at the same time he starts to fill your neck with wet kisses.
“I thought the evil cockroach would finally talk to me about his feelings"- you say while smirking at the same time you straddle him.
“Come on honey you really thought I would talk to you about how I feel dressed like that, don't think I didn't notice you wearing lingerie under that coat"- he said while kissing you all the time.
“How did you notice?” you asked as you felt your skin bristle at the contact of his mouth against your collarbone.
Tangerine let out a weak exhausted laugh at your question. Though she was trying to maintain her facade of serenity, an amused and exhausted smile forms on her face at the obviousness of your question.
“Not that it was too hard to deduce, honey…. I could tell by the way you moved when you entered the apartment, plus the way the coat contracted in some specific areas, even though you tried to be discreet, it was very obvious to me…”
And what are you going to do now that you know? -you moaned as you felt the bulge that had already formed in your boy's pants.
The first thing I have to do is ask you if you want me to go on because tonight I'm not exactly going to be gentle,” you could tell how desperate he was to claim you as his own.
I never asked you to be gentle,” your voice was full of nothing but desire.
And that was all Tangerine needed to finally get rid of your cumbersome coat, being stunned at the sight of what you were wearing
“you're fucking gorgeous honey” he murmured as he kept looking at you.
“do you like it, why I picked it out with you in mind” you said as you started to move over his bulge.
“It's amazing.. And… I can't deny that… it turns me on so much…” he said as he started to run his fingers over your skin
“Use me as you please, today I just want to help you let off some steam” You moaned as you felt Tan's fingers pinch your nipples.
His voice fills with a more dominant edge, an acknowledgement of dominance at the proximity of your bodies. “I'm going to use you for what you are, my plaything, my whore” he adds with greater concentration, as he tugs at your panties ripping them in the process.
“Only yours… all yours…” you roll your eyes as you feel her fingers moving inside you.
Tangerine watches your eyes, as you close them in excitement, she moves one of her hands to your neck and squeezes, keeping control of the situation. “You want that, don't you?” she adds with concentration, keeping her fingers moving and bringing you closer to orgasm. ‘You want me to treat you like a whore…is that what you want?’ she adds, keeping concentration and hardness in her voice, ”Of course you like it, I can feel it by the way you squeeze my fingers dirty slut.”
You frowned at the cluster of sensations and then nodded, “Yes, yes I like you treating me like your whore, go on please.”
He rubbed your clit in slow circles, feeling you squirm at his touch. “You like that don't you, it makes you horny when I talk dirty to you” he murmured, his voice hoarse with desire. “I can feel how wet you are for me.”
He slid a finger inside you, feeling your walls clench around it. He slid it in and out, gradually adding another and then another, opening you up. “Fuck, you're so tight,” he moaned, his cock aching at the erection you were causing him with your moans. “I love the way you feel around my fingers.”
Tangerine curved her fingers, searching for your G-spot that would make you see stars. She found it, and knew she had you right where she wanted you. “Cum for me, baby,” she commanded, her voice strained with pleasure. “I want to feel you come apart around my fingers.”
“So keep going please” you begged as you felt yourself about to come.
He continued to touch you mercilessly, pressing your clit with his thumb as he fucked you with his hand. He could feel your body tense, your moans as you approached climax. “That's it, let yourself go for me,” he urged. “Cum all over my fingers and I promise I'll fill you up all over your holes today.”
That was all you needed to finally cum on him, you could feel your walls clenching around his fingers, your juices coating his hand as you cum hard, just as he had commanded.
“Fuck, that was amazing,” he gasped, slowly pulling his fingers out of you. “You're amazing, baby.”
“I told you I would be there to please you today,and I don't break my promise,“ you mentioned as you knelt before him-”May I suck you sir?”
Tangerine felt a shiver run down her spine as she heard your request. She couldn't believe how insatiable you were, but she enjoyed every moment of it. He unbuttoned and pulled down his pants to make it easier for you, his cock bounced in front of your face, he was hard and ready for you. “You want to taste me, baby? I'm all yours,” he said, his voice low and seductive.
He watched you as with your hands you reached for his cock.
“Fuck, you look so sexy like that,” he growled, his eyes fixed on your face. “I can't wait to feel those lips around me.”
Tangerine placed her hand on the back of your head, guiding you closer to his cock. He could feel your warm breath on his sensitive skin, and it made him throb with anticipation. “Take it easy, baby,” he instructed, his voice strained with desire. “I want to savor every moment.”
When your lips closed around his penis, he let out a low moan, his fingers tangling in your hair. “That's it, take me deep,” he encouraged you, moving his hips slightly forward as he rammed into your mouth. “You're doing great, baby. Fuck, you feel amazing.”
Tangerine lost herself in the sensations, closed her eyes as she concentrated on the feel of your mouth around her. She could feel her orgasm approaching and knew it wouldn't be long before she would cum in your throat. “I'm going to cum, baby,” he warned, his voice strained with pleasure. “Swallow it all for me, like a good girl.”
With one last lunge, Tangerine unloaded, his cock throbbing as he shot his hot seed down your throat, droplets of cum falling onto your tits.
“Fuck Tan that was so good"- you mumbled as you dropped onto the bed trying to steady your breathing.
“We're not done yet Principessa. I still have so much more in store for you. “Tangerine stood up still.
“You fucking bastard, you're insatiable” you said with a smirk.
-Don't talk to me like that or I'll have to fuck you until you beg for forgiveness, love.
“Surely you can, I wouldn't want anything to happen to you for all that effort old man?”
Tangerine could sense the teasing in your voice, and that only made him more determined to please you. He gripped your hips tighter, his fingers digging into your soft skin as he proceeded to ram into you with renewed vigor. “You think I can't continue? I'll give you more, see if that changes your perspective,” she growled, her eyes locked on yours.
Tangerine rammed deeper and harder, his balls slapping against your ass with every movement, creating obscene sounds. “I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk straight. “She could feel her own orgasm building, but refused to let you go until you begged her to cum.
“Fuck, you're so close,” she gasped, her rhythm becoming erratic. “But I won't let you cum until you scream my name and beg me to let you do it.”
“Mhmmm” you moaned unable to control yourself.
“Words baby, use words if you want to cum or I am capable of leaving you like this” he threatens and you know that the very idiot is capable of following through with what he says
“Please love, I need you so much” you cried out, your voice full of desire. “I can't take it anymore.” “I need to cum, please Tan, let me cum.”
With one last thrust, he buried himself as deep as he could, rubbing his hips against yours. “Now, baby,” he commanded, his voice strained with pleasure. “Cum for me now.” His cock throbbed as he cum deep inside you. He could feel your walls clench around him, your juices mingling with his as you cum hard, just as he had commanded.
As he felt your walls close around him, he let out a guttural moan, and soon after he released. He filled you with his hot seed, his body trembling with the intensity of his orgasm.
“Fuck, that was fantastic,” he gasped, slowly pulling out of you and collapsing beside you on the bed.
“I hope I helped de-stress you” you say while still catching your breath.
“You did very well, accepting everything I gave you,” he murmured. “You know,” he began, his fingers gently caressing your cheek, ”when I look at you, I feel like the luckiest person in the world, everything about you captivates me in a way I've never experienced before.”
He leaned over and gave you a tender kiss on your forehead. “I feel so lucky to have you in my life. You bring out a side of me that I never knew existed, a side full of love and devotion.” “I've never felt this way about anyone before, and I know what we have is special. You have shown me what it means, I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too tangerine” you replied as you snuggled into his side before you both fell asleep.
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tokkiwrites · 5 months ago
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summary: you own a local flower shop, and with each passing day, you notice the same man come byㅡ watching. you try to forget about him and try your hand at dating, but you didn't know you were his from the first day he laid his eyes on you. tags: obsessive/stalker!sergei kravinoff , afab reader, mention of violation, short mention of murder, mean sergei, degradation, unprotected p in v (spooky!), head m receiving, breath play, creampie, slight breeding kink. /ᐠ - ˕ -マ⁩ authors note 𑁯 ✿ happy spookytokki kinktober!! the last fic is her, wowza! i had so much fun writing all of these for you guys, n i hope you enjoyed them as much as i did. this has around 4.48k words, so it's the longest of the bunch. i loved the premise. >:) obsessive kraven and flower shop owner reader. remember, this is all fiction, and i dont encourage behavior like that in real life!!! anyway, maybe i will make it into a series. not betad!
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It started in April. You remember because the daffodils had just come in, their yellow heads still stiff from the cold. You’d been wiping down the counter, lost in your routine, when you first noticed him— standing across the street, his eyes fixed on your window. He wasn’t a regular, not even someone you’d ever seen around town, but something about the way he stood there, hands buried in the pockets of his worn coat, made you pause.
He hadn’t come in that day, just lingered for a while before moving on. But the image of him stayed with you long after—broad shoulders, sharp features, his face caught in the shadow of his collar like he was hiding something.
That was six months ago.
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Now, it’s October. The light is thinner, weaker, as you arrange chrysanthemums in small clusters. You catch sight of him again today, across the street like always. It’s not every day, but often enough that you’ve come to expect it. Sometimes, you wonder what he does in the moments between his appearances, where he goes. Why he always walk past but never stops.
You try to shake it off, focusing on the customer in front of you. An older man, looking for a dozen roses, but his words don’t quite register. You’ve seen the way Sergei watches the shop, the way his gaze follows people inside, lingering too long when you talk to other men. You shouldn’t care, but the thought of it—of him—sends a strange warmth flooding through you.
The old man clears his throat, and you snap back to reality, managing an awkward smile as you finish wrapping the bouquet.
“Thanks,” you mumble, handing it over.
Outside, Sergei is gone.
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It’s three days later when the bell above your door finally rings, and he steps in. The air shifts with his presence, something heavy and deliberate in the way he moves toward the counter. He doesn’t smile, doesn’t soften the rough edges of his voice when he finally speaks.
“Do you have anything that lasts longer than a week?” he asks, his gaze holding yours in a way that makes it hard to breathe. His accent is faint, buried under years of elsewhere, but it’s there, just enough to make the question sound more like a demand.
You blink, trying to remember what he said. “Uh, the lilies,” you manage. “They—um, they hold up pretty well.”
He nods, eyes shifting to the bouquets behind you, though you can’t shake the feeling that he’s still looking at you, not the flowers. He doesn’t say anything. he just lets the silence stretch between you until you turn to gather a few stems. Your fingers tremble slightly, and you hope he doesn’t notice.
“You’re here a lot,” you say quietly, not sure why you decided to speak now, but needing to fill the space. “I mean… passing by.”
Sergei’s lips twitch, just enough to show the hint of a smile, but there’s nothing warm about it. “I walk this way often.” You nod, though the answer feels hollow, like it’s only part of the truth.
As you wrap the lilies, you feel his eyes on you, studying you, and something about it is thrilling in a way you don’t want to admit. When you finally hand him the flowers, your fingers brush his, just for a second. His skin is rough, cold, and the touch leaves a shiver running up your spine.
“Thank you,” he says, but there’s something strange in his voice, like the words are unfamiliar to him. Then, without another word, he’s gone.
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By November, you’ve almost convinced yourself that it’s nothing. Sergei’s just a quiet man, someone who happens to walk by your shop. You try not to think about him too much, though that’s easier said than done. The men who come into the shop are kind, sweet even. You’ve gone out for coffee a few times, tried to meet their eyes, and pretend you felt something for them. But it never lasts.
None of them leave you breathless like Sergei does with just a glance.
And that’s the problem. You don’t know him. You know nothing about him, except the way he makes you feel—on edge, watched, but also... wanted. It’s confusing, this push and pull, this desire for someone you barely know. And it doesn’t help that, whenever you catch his gaze, there’s something dark in it. Something possessive. Something that makes you wonder what he’s thinking when he sees you talking to other men.
it's like you already belong to him; and you know it.
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It’s late November when it happens again. The first cold snap has set in, the chill making your breath cloud the window as you adjust a vase of poinsettias. The shop is quiet, and you’re alone, lost in thought, when the door opens and Sergei steps in once more. His presence fills the space, the air somehow feeling heavier, and for a moment, neither of you speak.
“I’ll take the white ones,” he says, gesturing toward the lilies. His voice is lower this time, rougher, like he’s been thinking too much or not sleeping enough.
You wrap them in silence, aware of his eyes on you again. The tension between you feels thicker today, almost unbearable. As you hand him the bouquet, you can’t stop yourself from asking, “Do you ever buy these for someone?”
Sergei’s eyes flicker, narrowing slightly. For a moment, you think he won’t answer, but then he leans forward just a fraction, his voice low and controlled.
It’s just a word, but it wraps itself around you, a confirmation of something unspoken. You look down, feeling heat rise in your cheeks, and when you glance up again, he’s already turning to leave.
“See you soon,” he mutters before the door closes behind him, and you realize that you want to.
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It’s late December now, and the snow has started to fall, gentle flakes that coat the windows of your little shop. The poinsettias are in full bloom, their deep reds and whites filling the space with a festive calm. But your mind isn’t on flowers today. It’s been difficult to focus lately—especially after last week.
That was the day Sergei saw you cry.
You hadn’t meant for anyone to see. The shop had been empty, the late afternoon light casting long shadows as you sat on the stool behind the counter, head in your hands. You’d just finished arguing with Mark, a guy you’d been seeing for a few weeks. Nothing serious, but you thought maybe it could be, until he said something that cut deeper than you expected. Something cruel, dismissive, about how you were "too quiet," how it was "hard to keep a conversation going with someone who never has anything to say."
You hadn’t even responded, too stunned by the way he looked at you, like your softness was some kind of weakness. So you let him leave, biting your lip until the door closed behind him. It wasn’t until later, when you were alone, that the tears came.
Sergei must have been watching from across the street, unnoticed as usual, though this time he didn’t just walk by. You hadn’t seen him enter, hadn’t heard the bell chime, but suddenly he was there, standing in the corner of the shop. Silent. His eyes were on you, sharp and steady, watching the tears slip down your cheeks.
For a moment, he said nothing. Didn’t ask if you were okay, didn’t offer any words of comfort. He just stood there, his expression unreadable. But something about the way he looked at you made you shiver—not from the cold, but from the feeling that he liked seeing you like this. Vulnerable. Soft and broken, just for him to witness.
You’d wiped your face quickly, embarrassed, pulling yourself together before he could say anything. And then, just as silently as he’d appeared, Sergei had left, the door closing softly behind him. You didn’t know what to make of it. The way his presence lingered after he was gone, like a shadow that clung to the edges of your thoughts.
It wasn’t until a few days later, after another argument with Mark, that things turned. Mark had come back, all apologies and excuses, but something about the way he spoke to you still felt off. He’d asked you to meet him after work, so you did, more out of habit than desire. The conversation hadn’t gone well. He was frustrated, saying things he didn’t mean, but the look in his eyes as he spoke made you flinch. It wasn’t until he grabbed your wrist—harder than he should have—that the tears started again. This time, not out of sadness, but fear.
What you didn’t know was that Sergei had been watching. He always seemed to know when you needed to be seen, always appeared at the edges of your world when you thought you were alone. Later, you would wonder how he knew where to find Mark. Whether he followed him, waited, or if it was just luck that they crossed paths that night after you’d gone home, shaken and silent. All you knew was that Mark never came back.
You didn’t see the violence, didn’t hear the crack of bone or the dull thud of a body hitting the ground, but when the news came days later—a body found in the river, no suspects—you felt the air in your lungs freeze. You tried to convince yourself it was a coincidence, tried to push away the gnawing suspicion in your gut. But when Sergei came into the shop the next day, silent and cold as always, you couldn’t shake the feeling that he knew. That he had done something.
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It was snowing again when he walked in, the cold biting at the edges of the door before it clicked shut behind him. You were alone, rearranging the poinsettias for the third time that day, trying to distract yourself from the unease settling in your chest.
“You alright?” His voice was low, almost a growl, breaking the silence. His accent was sharper today, more pronounced, as if he was trying to draw you in with the weight of his words.
You didn’t look up right away. “I’m fine,” you whispered, though it didn’t sound convincing even to your own ears.
He took a step closer, his boots heavy against the wooden floor, and you felt the tension settle over you like a second skin. When you finally met his gaze, there was something in his eyes that made your breath catch. A darkness. Something more than just quiet observance. Something possessive.
“Mark,” he said slowly, testing the name in his mouth like it was something he had already chewed up and spat out. “He won’t bother you anymore.” You blinked, confused, the words hanging in the air between you like a dense fog. He wasn’t asking. He was telling you. And in that moment, you understood. “What did you do?” Your voice was barely a whisper, but you couldn’t tear your eyes from him.
Sergei didn’t answer right away, just watched you in that way he always did—intense, unblinking. When he finally spoke, his voice was softer than you expected, but no less terrifying.
“I did what needed to be done.”
Your heart raced, the realization sinking in. You should have felt scared, horrified even, but instead, you felt... safe. Like, in some twisted way, Sergei was protecting you, looking after you in ways no one else had.
It was wrong. You knew it was wrong. But standing there, in that small shop filled with delicate flowers and fragile stems, you felt something stir inside you—a recognition of the dark and dangerous things hiding just beneath the surface of his calm exterior. You should have told him to leave. You should have been afraid. But instead, you took a breath, nodded slowly, and whispered, “Thank you.”
Sergei’s lips twitched again, that almost-smile that never quite reached his eyes. Then, without another word, he came closer, the cold air from outside still clinging to him. "Is it wrong I want to kiss you right now?" he asks, voice rough, like the question wasn't even thatㅡ it was undeniable.
You couldn't speak. The words stuck in your throat as your pulse quickened. You should say something, anything. You should step back, put distance between you, but you didn't. Instead, your mind raced with a thousand thoughts, none of which seemed capable of grounding you.
Sergei's gaze flickered to your lips, his hand lifting slightly, like he might reach out and touch you but was holding himself back, his restraint barely visible under the surface. There was something raw in his voice, something that made your chest tighten because you weren't sure if it was wrong- or if it was exactly what you wanted too.
But it was dangerous. He was dangerous. You knew that now. You'd felt it from the start, Still, you stood frozen, much like the trees outside. You swallowed hard, finally finding your voice, though it was barely a whisper. "I don't know if it's wrong..."
His fingers brushed your jaw, slow, deliberate, as though testing your reaction. And then, so bitter, he murmured, “Is it wrong that… I want to see you cry, but not by the hands of others?”
The words stood there between you, filling the space with something you couldn’t quite name. Your breath caught in your throat, a sharp, involuntary intake, the meaning of what he said settled over you like ice. You should have felt fear—anyone else would have—but instead, there was only that pulse of something in your core you couldn't ignore.
His thumb traced the edge of your cheek, lingering near your lips, his eyes still locked on yours. You tried to swallow the sudden lump in your throat, your heart pounding in your chest, but the intensity of his gaze pinned you in place, making it impossible to move or even think clearly. it all felt hazy.
You should step back, should pull away. This was crossing a line, a line you hadn’t even realized existed until now. But you didn’t. You stood there, the tension between you thick enough to suffocate, his words playing over and over in your mind until he spoke again.
Sergei’s hand moved to your chin, tilting your face upward, forcing you to meet his eyes. There was a heat there, something primal and raw, something he wasn’t hiding anymore. His voice, when he spoke again, was softer, yet somehow even more dangerous.
“I don’t want anyone else to hurt you,” he murmured, his thumb brushing your lower lip, “but I want to see you break—because of me.” The confession should have terrified you, should have sent you running. instead, you felt yourself leaning into his touch, your body betraying the warning signs flashing in the back of your mind.
“Why?” you whispered, voice trembling. Sergei’s eyes flickered with amusement, as if he was mocking you. “Because,” he said slowly, his grip on your chin tightening just enough to make your breath hitch, “I want to know how far you’ll let me go.”
You could feel the space closing in, feel the weight of his words sinking deeper. It was a game nowㅡ his game, one you weren’t sure you knew how to play, but it was too late to back out. And somehow, some part of you didn’t want to.
you'd let him do it all. anything.
You stared at him, unsure of whether you should push him away or pull him closer. But the truth, the part you couldn’t admit to yourself, was that a twisted, hurt part of you wanted to let him see you break, wanted to be undone by him and only him. "Please kiss me." you manage to pull out from the pit of your soul, your senses filled by his smell mixed with the ones in your flower shop.
In one swift, consuming motion, he kissed you. It wasn't soft. It wasn't gentle. It was intense, fierce, like he'd been holding back for too long. His lips crashed against yours with a hunger that matched the heat rising in your chest. You felt his fingers thread into your hair, pulling you closer, as though he needed to feel you against him, needed to claim this moment.
And in that instant, all the fear, all the uncertainty, melted away. There was nothing left but him.
For a few seconds, he pulls away from the kiss, staring at your puffy lips and blushed cheeks, like he’s studying the effect he has on you, savoring it. "I want to have you crumble through my fingers and then build you up just to have you kneel at my feet again." It’s twisted, wrong, but it lights something inside of you, making you drip with arousal.
"You want this." he breathes against your lips, "I can see it." Sergei leans in, nose now flush to your neck as he huffs a deep inhale. "Smell it." you can feel him smile against the skin of your shoulder, palms riding down to cup your hips, grip not easing. "Feel it." he draws a long strip from the crook of your neck up to your ear, earning a soft moan from your parted lips. "Let me ruin you."
It wasn't a request but a demand, one that you were far too deep to deny him. the panties you had on were already soaked, and your hair stood up on end as Sergei trailed his calloused fingertips down your back. "Please..." it sounded so pathetic, weak, but that made him desire this even more. he listened to your pleads in no time, practically ripping the clothes off of you. the cold air hit your body, making it sting, nipples now pebbled. this was never something you imagined could happen, you fully naked and him fully clothed, scanning you as if you were his next full course meal.
"Kneel." this catches you off guard, but he's quick to notice the lack of response so he takes it in his own hands to make you obey. He roughly pushes you down to your knees, tapping the top of your head to look up at him. he's fast, unapologetic and carnal. he's what you're notㅡ what you need.
"Say you're sorry." The word cuts through the air, sharp and commanding, but you couldn’t understand why, it left you dumbfounded and for a split second, you just stare at him, breathless, unsure. "F-for what?" Sergei, ever attuned to your hesitation, doesn’t wait for you to respond. His patience isn’t one of his virtues, and you’re learning that quickly. he tuts, rolling i strand of your hair through his digits. “What do you mean ‘for what?’” he repeats slowly, his voice dripping with disdain, as though you should already know. “How many guys have you seen since you met me?”
Your stomach tightens at the accusation, the memory of each fleeting, empty attempt at connection flashing in your mind—Mark, and the others who never seemed to fill the space Sergei occupied without even trying. He leans down, his voice dropping to a near whisper, but there’s nothing soft about the way his words cut into you. “Even though you knew—felt—that you belonged to me?” it makes you realize you’d never stood a chance.
"Say it." you can feel the truth claw its way out. “IㅡI’m sorry.” a satisfied gleam flashing in his eyes. But the hunger remains. He isn’t done, not yet.
“Good girl,” your tummy flips as he says those words, a soft smile creeping upon your face. that feeling dissipates quick as you hear the buckle on his pants come undone and with a swift motion his zipper coming down.
"Show me how sorry you are." Sergei bites, taking out his hard-on and letting it spring free. your eyes widened at the sight. you'd never seen something so bigㅡ it was intimidating, but the churn in your stomach pushed you closer, slowly wraping your rosy lips around the tip. "yeah, like that. i wanna see you choke on my cock, c'mon." he says before thrusting deep in your throat, "Maybe if you weren’t such a needy whore.." he drags out "I would've fucked that pretty pussy like you wanted me to. But you don't deserve it. Not yet. You need to know who you belong to." he snaps his hips, the tip of his dick promptly hitting the back of your esophagus, drool and tears already dripping down your face.
for a moment he stops, and you feel him pull out a little bit, leaving only half of his shaft inside of your mouth, two of his fingers pinching your nose, cutting off your air supply. he was toying with you. "what if i keep you like this? make you sit like this, unable to breathe at all, with my cock down your throat... get you all dizzy and stupid." it was so sweet the way he said such bad things.
tears well up in your eyes, mind spinning as your heartbeat picks up, yet his hips don't budge and the pinch on your nose strengthens. "Look at me." and you do, all teary eyed and fucked out. Sergei's chest heaves up as he mutters a low 'God.', his other palm coming up to wipe your tears away. "You're so pretty like this." he lets go of your nose and you finally take in a big gasp of air just as he pulls back and burries his cock deep in your throat again making you gag. "So pretty when you cry."
his moves are deliberate, large palms on both sides of your head as his hips snap. drool pools from your mouth, falling onto your exposed thighs. you try to hold onto his legs for a little stability, but it was all too disorienting, so you were left at his mercy. with a few more harsh thrusts, he comes ropes down your throat and onto your tongue with a loud groan. "Swallow. All of it." You obey, the salty liquid now all gone from your mouth.
"Bend over the counter." you swiftly comply, scrambling to your feet. obliging his orders, you bend over the counter that still had a few petals scattered here and there, bare ass and cunt on full display. "mm.." sergei licks his lips before palming the small of your back "so pretty for me."
you completely shattered under his touch, his fingertips drawing small fires that spread through you in clusters, desperate whines escaping past your swollen lips. "please..." he roughly grabs you by the back of your head, leaning in to talk directly into your ear. "did i say you can talk?" you shake your head no, shuddering as you feel Sergei's beard rub against your pebbled skin.
pushing back your hips in gripe, you manage to get your face unwaveringly pressed to the countertop. "Don't be greedy now." With that, he nimbly plunged two fingers into your mouth, making you gasp. "Suck them like you did my cock." that's all you needed to hear, fleetly wrapping your lips around his thick fingers, sucking and swirling your tongue around them like there was no tomorrow.
pushing the fingers deeper, he wins a muffled gag, your tongue pressed flush against them. "yeah, good little whore." your walls were twitching around nothing, that familiar warm wetness spreading between your thighs that were parted by Sergei's knee. "Need'a prep youㅡ"
"No! pleaseㅡ hurry.."
he laughs, almost mocking you. "fuck, I'll tear right through you, little flower." Without any warning, he flips you over, fisting his shaft, aligning it with your fluttering entrance. "Filthy girl." inhaling a sharp breath, your muscles tense up as he plunges inside of your wetness all at once, with no warning. you writhe in pain for a bit, tears already spilling from the corner of your glossy eyes.
"Look at you swallowing me in." he groans, sinking his fingernails into the plush of your skin "c'mon, tell me you're sorry for being such an attention whore. apologize so i don't kill every man who looked your way." it was all so wrong, so dirty and vile, but it was making your tummy churn in excitement and blood pulse through your veins like nothing else. you felt so insane for liking the ideas Sergei put into your head, but you loved feeling insane as long as it was for him.
"I'm sorry, I'm so s-orry, pleaseㅡ" you moan as he drills deep into you, back flush to the cold counter. "Look at me. Look me in the eyes and apologize." he was so stoic, like he wasn't even destroying your insides right that moment. more tears fall from your eyesㅡ pleasure, fear, actually apologetic tears. you didn’t know which it was. but they fell like pearls. "I'm so-rry, 'm sorry, so sorry.." you were breathless, repeating those same words over and over again, as Sergei sped up his movements, your legs now closed together over one of his shoulders as he fucked into you with no remorse. "Shitㅡ fuck, 'm gonna come. gonna come so deep inside and make you keep it there, make you go to work with my come inside of you, fuck, you'd like that?"
"P-lease...pleaseㅡ! " With a loud plead, you reach your high, walls tightening around Sergei's shaft, causing him to growl. you were left shaking, thighs uncontrollably wriggling in the mans tight hold. with a few more pumps, he paints your walls with warm, white ribbons, panting soft 'you're mine's into the crook of your neck.
you cling to him, breathing in his scent as his seed slowly drips out from within you. you hear him hum before placing a soft kiss on the crown of your head. "my little flower."
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marchsfreakshow · 3 months ago
Don't mind me just thinking about this.
His hand gently rests on your head, occasionally gripping whenever you hit a good spot. That earns you a low groan that definitely came from the back of his throat.
He can't help himself, you're just so pretty on your knees and those thigh highs of yours, keeping your legs warm. Not like you needed the warmth anywhere else. Heat was practically radiating from his legs, and it only spurred you on.
"Fuck.." a small murmur left his lips as your tongue brushed itself on the underside of his cock. Mutters of swears and praise left his lips with every single feeling. You were just so good at this, how could he ever want you to stop? "You're doing so well..." He whined a bit, momentarily pushing your head down to deep throat him.
Feeling the back of your throat so easily sent him over the edge. Needy and desperate thrusts up into your mouth, an orgasm crashing over him like waves crashing into one another in the sea. The way he practically whimpered your name had your eyes rolling back.
You swallowed what you could, cleaned up best you were able to and sat on your knees between his legs. Gods...you were so pretty like that. Panting, red rimmed eyes and your face feeling as hot as anything. "There...so good for me.." He praised breathlessly, his cock still twitching from his release a few moments earlier. He gave you a pet on the head like you were a good puppy or something.
Well if you had a tail, it would certainly be wagging.
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andy-15-07 · 1 month ago
Secret in the Forest
pairing:Alexei Vronsky x f!reader
summary:In a hidden summer forest, a couple escapes to a private picnic where whispered secrets blossom into an intimate celebration of desire and passion
word count: 2050| requests are open (send requests, I will gladly answer them all)
Aaron Taylor Johnson Masterlist
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It was a sultry summer afternoon, and the forest beckoned with its promise of solitude and untamed beauty. The heat of the day mingled with the scent of wildflowers and the soft rustling of leaves, creating an atmosphere that was both intimate and liberating. Alexei, ever the dashing gentleman with an undercurrent of quiet passion, had planned a private escape—a picnic in a hidden glade deep within the forest—just for him and Y/N.
For weeks, they had dreamed of escaping the constraints of society, of leaving behind the weight of duty and expectation for a day devoted solely to each other. As they walked hand in hand along a winding, sun-dappled path, playful banter and soft laughter filled the space between them.
“Y/N, this place feels like our very own paradise,” Alexei said in his low, resonant tone as his eyes wandered over the gentle sway of the trees and the glittering light that played upon the forest floor.
Y/N’s smile deepened as they squeezed his hand. “It’s as if the whole world has paused just for us. Every whisper of the wind, every sunbeam, speaks of our love.”
Their conversation wove between shared memories and secret dreams. Soon, they reached a small clearing where a soft blanket lay spread beneath an ancient oak, its wide branches offering a cool refuge from the summer heat. A wicker basket, overflowing with fresh fruit, artisanal cheese, and a chilled bottle of champagne, rested invitingly nearby.
“Come, sit with me here,” Alexei beckoned, his eyes darkening with desire as he drew Y/N close.
They settled together on the blanket, the summer warmth wrapping around them like a gentle embrace. Over bites of sweet fruit and sips of champagne, their dialogue deepened, growing more intimate with each passing moment.
“I’ve always felt that nature reveals the truths of our souls,” Y/N remarked, fingers lightly brushing aside a stray lock of hair. “Out here, every sound and every ray of light feels honest—raw and real.”
Alexei’s gaze was intense and tender. “Indeed, it is as if every rustle of the leaves, every chirp of a bird, sings a hymn to our hidden desires. Here, in nature’s embrace, I can speak my heart without fear.”
The air between them charged with a promise of more than sweet words, and soon, the glances they exchanged became laden with unspoken longing. Y/N’s hand slid to caress the strong line of Alexei’s jaw, while his hand gently traced the delicate curve of Y/N’s neck.
“I’ve dreamed of moments like this,” Y/N murmured, their voice trembling with anticipation. “Where nothing exists except the intensity of our desire.”
Alexei leaned in close, his warm breath caressing Y/N’s ear. “Then let us not waste another moment, my love. Let us surrender to the passion that has always bound us.”
In that moment, words became unnecessary as their lips met in a kiss that was both tender and insistent—a prelude to the fire that was to consume them. With a shared, unspoken agreement, they rose from the blanket and moved deeper into the forest, seeking a more secluded spot beneath a cluster of ancient trees. The forest, as if blessing their union, seemed to hold its breath around them.
Amid a carpet of soft moss and delicate wildflowers, Alexei and Y/N began an exploration of each other that was as fervent as it was gentle. Their whispered dialogue mingled with the natural chorus of the forest, each sound accentuating the raw intimacy of their encounter.
“Every inch of you is poetry,” Alexei murmured as his lips traced the sensitive skin along Y/N’s collarbone. “I want to memorize every curve, every sigh that escapes you.”
Y/N’s soft moan was a clear reply. “And I want nothing more than to feel you, to be enveloped in every part of you, Alexei. Let us lose ourselves in this moment.”
Their kisses grew more urgent, igniting a blaze of passion. Hands explored freely, shedding clothing like the layers of restraint they had long carried. Sun-warmed skin shone in the dappled light as every caress became a promise—every touch a vow. The rustling of leaves and distant birdcalls bore witness to the burgeoning fire between them.
“I need you,” Y/N breathed, voice thick with desire. “I want to feel every part of you, to let go completely in this sanctuary of nature.”
Alexei’s eyes gleamed with a mixture of tenderness and raw need. “Then come to me, my love,” he said, drawing Y/N into a searing kiss that deepened with each passing second.
Beneath the protective canopy of trees, their clothes gradually pooled on the soft ground, leaving them vulnerable and wholly exposed to one another. The sensation of cool forest air against their heated skin, the gentle caress of the breeze, and the intoxicating scent of wildflowers set the stage for a union that was both explicit and profoundly tender.
Alexei’s hands, calloused yet gentle, traced intricate patterns along Y/N’s back, sending shivers of delight racing through every fiber. “You are exquisite,” he whispered, his voice a mixture of awe and passion. “Every touch, every kiss awakens something deep within me.”
A soft cry escaped Y/N as they arched into his touch. “I feel it, Alexei. Your touch, your kiss—it overwhelms me in the most beautiful way. I want to surrender to you completely.”
Their dialogue was interlaced with the symphony of nature—the rustle of leaves, the distant murmur of a stream, and the soft whisper of the wind through the branches. Every word they exchanged was a brushstroke in the masterpiece of their intimacy, each tender confession adding depth to the landscape of their love.
Guiding Y/N gently onto a natural bed of moss and fallen leaves, Alexei spoke in a low, husky whisper, “Let me love you as nature loves the earth—with a passion that is wild, unbridled, and eternal.”
Y/N’s eyes shone with unshed tears of joy and desire. “Yes, Alexei. Take me, show me the full extent of your love. I want to feel every heartbeat, every breath as we become one.”
Their union began slowly, a measured dance of passion and tenderness. Every kiss was a promise; every caress, a silent ode to their love. As their bodies intertwined, the explicit nature of their lovemaking unfolded like a secret language—one written in the language of desire and devotion.
Their movements were deliberate and intoxicating. Alexei’s lips traveled along Y/N’s skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake, while Y/N’s soft, yearning sighs punctuated the rhythm of their intimacy. The explicit details of their shared passion were woven into the gentle murmur of the forest, each rustling leaf and distant birdcall echoing the cadence of their lovemaking.
“Every moment with you is a revelation,” Y/N whispered between soft, heated kisses, their eyes locked on Alexei’s. “I want to explore every hidden part of you, to learn the language of your touch.”
Alexei’s deep, resonant murmur answered, “You are my desire, my sanctuary. With every kiss, every tender touch, I feel our worlds merging into one—a wild, endless dance of passion and devotion.”
Their lovemaking, raw and explicit, became a dance of both fire and tenderness. The explicit expressions of desire—the whispered instructions, the heated exchanges, the soft moans—were as natural as the murmuring of the summer wind. Each movement, each rhythmic motion, was an act of love that transcended the physical and delved deep into the realm of the soul.
As they reached the apex of their shared ecstasy, their voices blended in a harmonious chorus—a duet of love and longing that seemed to echo through the forest. In those final, heart-stopping moments, their dialogue was a litany of devotion, each word a promise to cherish the intimacy they had discovered.
“I feel as if time has ceased,” Y/N murmured as they lay entwined, the aftershocks of their passion still reverberating softly. “Every kiss, every caress has bound us closer, creating a tapestry of love that I never want to end.”
Alexei’s fingers brushed tenderly along Y/N’s cheek as he replied, “In this moment, nothing exists except our love. You are my heart, my soul, and every beat of my being sings for you.”
As the fever of their passion began to ebb, they lingered in the afterglow—voices soft and full of wonder as they recounted the beauty of their union. The forest, alive with the sounds of nature’s nocturne, cradled them in a cocoon of serenity and promise.
In the quiet that followed, their dialogue turned reflective. “Promise me,” Y/N said, their voice husky with emotion, “that we will always seek moments like this—times when we can lose ourselves in the beauty of our love and the freedom of our desires.”
Alexei pressed a gentle kiss to Y/N’s brow. “I promise, my love. As long as the summer sun warms the earth and the forest continues to whisper its secrets, I will always find my way back to you.”
The forest bore silent witness to their vows, the gentle murmur of leaves and the distant call of night creatures blending into a symphony that celebrated their union. Every whispered word and soft caress became a testament to a love that was as wild and enduring as nature itself.
As midnight approached and the world outside their secluded haven receded into the background, Alexei and Y/N remained entwined in a tender embrace. Their conversation flowed effortlessly from playful teasing about earlier moments to profound reflections on the future—a future that shimmered with the promise of unyielding passion and eternal devotion.
“Do you remember,” Alexei mused softly, “when we first met and every word felt tentative, as if we were afraid of breaking the spell? I never could have imagined that our love would lead us to a day like this—a day where every touch was a revelation and every whispered word a vow of forever.”
Y/N’s laughter, light and musical, filled the space between them. “I remember, and I cherish every memory that has led us here. Today, every moment was a celebration of the passion we share, a passion that burns brighter than the summer sun.”
As the first hints of dawn began to paint the horizon in soft shades of pink and lavender, the lovers lay together, still wrapped in each other’s warmth. Their conversation softened into quiet musings about dreams yet to be realized, hopes for tomorrow, and the enduring promise of the love that had so completely claimed their hearts.
“Someday, when we are far older,” Y/N whispered, “we will look back on this day—the memory of our passionate union in this secret forest—and know that it was the moment our souls truly met.”
Alexei’s eyes shone with tender certainty as he caressed Y/N’s hand. “And until that day comes, we will carry this memory with us, cherishing it as a beacon of hope and a reminder that love, in all its wild, unrestrained glory, is eternal.”
In that sacred morning light, the explicit, passionate memories of their union lingered like a cherished secret—a promise that, no matter where life’s winding paths might lead, the fire they had kindled in the summer forest would forever burn in their hearts.
As the sun rose higher, casting golden rays over dew-dappled grass and ancient trees, the lovers gathered their belongings with tender reluctance, knowing that the outside world awaited. Yet, even as they stepped away from their secluded haven, every step was imbued with the echoes of their shared passion, every heartbeat a reminder of the summer day when their souls danced together in the heart of the forest.
Their parting from that secret glade was not an end but rather a pause—a gentle promise that they would return to this hidden sanctuary whenever the world grew too loud or the weight of duty too heavy. For in the quiet, intimate embrace of nature, Alexei and Y/N had discovered a truth as enduring as the forest itself: that love, when embraced fully and without restraint, is the most beautiful and liberating force of all.
And so, with hearts full of memories and minds alive with dreams of endless summers, they walked back hand in hand—two souls forever changed by a day of whispered promises, tender confessions, and an explicit, all-consuming passion that would echo through the seasons of their lives.
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clairecrive · 2 months ago
A/n: Took me a while but here we are! The list might get longer in the future who knows. Requests are open for all of this characters <3
Content: Sergei Kravinoff (Kraven the hunter), Tangerine (bullet train), Alexei Vronsky (Anna Karenina), Dave Lizewski (Kick Ass), Friedrich Harding (Nosferatu)
Legend: + fluff, ^ angst, * smut
My other masterlists
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coming soon...
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coming soon...
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coming soon...
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coming soon...
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coming soon...
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voxmortuus · 9 months ago
May I request #3 ☆ { overstimulating } them til they’re begging with Tom Ryder?
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⇘ PAIRING:⇙ Tom Ryder x F!Reader ⇘ UNIVERSE:⇙ The Fall Guy ⇘ WORD COUNT:⇙ 466 ⇘ TRIGGER WARNINGS:⇙ Appealing to Tom's Massive Ego | Clitoral stimulation | Overstimulation | Begging | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this… ⇘ NOTES:⇙ Sorry if this is total ass... but I hope this brings you some joy. Prompt from this list. ⇘ DIVIDER CREDIT:⇙ @nyxvuxoa ⇘ IMAGE CREDIT:⇙ @nyxvuxoa ⇘ My Master Masterlist ⇙ ⇘ My Aaron Taylor-Johnson Masterlist ⇙
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Your breath, you couldn't catch it. It was like the whole world was non-existent, and you felt like you were floating. Your eyes flutter, your body shakes and quakes with such a fever that you feel beads of sweat forming at your brow and across your hairline. Clenching at the arms of the chair as he hovers over you, feeling your breath grace his skin. This sensation of static kisses the surface of your flesh, unable to make sense of much, it all becomes so overwhelming.
Pressing your legs against him as he keeps them open, working your swollen bud, you let out a shaking scream, your whole body feels so overwhelmed with pleasure you're unsure what to do with it. You can't close your legs, you can't move, you're just shaking. You can't find your words, each time you try to speak, it's nothing but breathy gasps.
Looking over you, he chuckles softly, kissing the corner of your lips as you press them together, whimpering. Your eyes search his face as you grab his arms, gripping tightly. Shaking your head, you still can't find your words. Your eyes flutter as you continue to shake your head.
"You're gonna need to use those words, Babe, I can't understand what you're tellin' me." Tom smirked.
You continue to shake your head, your breathing heavy and breathy. You can't find what you're trying to say, you press your hips up as you press your head back against the chair.
"If you can't find your words, I'm just gonna keep goin'."
Taking in a gasp, finally finding the free brain moment to form your words.
"Please -- Please stop!" you plead, though on the cusp of your finish, you need a moment to breathe.
Blinking twice, he looks over you, his fingers slow just a bit, but didn't quite stop.
"No, I think I'm going to make you beg for it." He smirked.
You weren't using your safe word, so he knew he was still okay to keep going. Groaning you shook your head again, biting your lip, your nails pressed into his arms a bit as you attempted to wiggle away, but unrelentingly his fingers kept working you.
"Tom. Please, please stop, I need a moment. Please." you whimper.
"You can do better than that, come on, beg for it." he groaned against your lips.
"My God, My Sir, My Master, please, please stop, I need a moment. Please, I beg of you, stop for a moment." you plead, appealing to that ego of his.
After a few brief moments of thought, he stopped for a moment but kept his hand there, covering your wet core. He searches your face and smiles a moment.
"When you're ready, let me know. We'll keep goin." he smirked and kissed you softly.
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andreawritesit · 6 months ago
A very unpopular opinion I have, is that ATJ's version of Quicksilver (MCU) is a better character than the Fox Quicksilver. I have many reasons; the biggest one is that Evan Peters' QS barely has any personality. I mean, I like him a lot, he has better looking scenes and seems cool overall, but he doesn't strike me in the same way MCU Quicksilver does. He had a backstory, his reasons for being against the Avengers, and he had such a good bond with Wanda. You could feel his protectiveness of her. He also had a way cooler character design, in my opinion. I loved his hair a lot and the light trail that was left behind as he sped away. IDK he just felt like a real person to me, someone whose life was cut short tragically. MCU underutilized the hell out of him. However, he'll always be the better Quicksilver to me. I also do not understand why people wanted Fox QS to be integrated into the MCU so much… He does not fit in, IMO.
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witchofthemidlands · 5 months ago
if billy gets a ghostly guide, tommy should have one too & idc how little sense it makes, i think that ghostly guide should be his uncle pietro.
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beforethesunsetends · 2 months ago
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queers-gambit · 1 year ago
Love What You've Done with the Place
song by Rascal Flatts
prompt: he's never been a man built for relationships, until you come into his life. now, the house feels like a home.
pairing: Tangerine x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Bullet Train
word count: 1.8k+
warnings: more brain rot rambles, probably cursing, NOT edited, very docile, fluff, romance, hardened men being simps.
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It started with clothes. Just a few, here and there; left behind, forgotten, purposefully stuffed in his dresser for when you stayed the nights. He didn't mind, in fact, Tangerine encouraged you to bring whatever you felt comfortable with leaving since he hated how early you'd leave in the mornings to get ready for work. He found his mornings were peaceful when you were around; neither rushed, both content, starting your days on high notes with each other.
So, he made the decision and found an old sitting-vanity for you. He put it in his bedroom simply because he was fascinated with the hair and make-up process; thinking it was incredible that women had such skill. When he came home about 3 months ago, he noticed your vanity when he first got home from a particularly difficult mission. Your chair was draped in an old university tee shirt, and he smiled.
It was like watching your comfort grow and it warmed something deep in Tangerine's heart. Your make-up wasn't always in a neat array, sometimes just left from a quick touch-up; making the house feel more like a home.
Tangerine also bought a strainer for the shower's drain to catch your hair. He didn't get angry like previous boyfriends did when he found strands of your hair left behind - not on purpose or by some gross standard, but it was natural that hair shed in a shower and not every single strand could be picked up. So, to make life easier, he just quietly bought the hair trap, placed it, removed whatever empty bottles from the shower, and went about his day. But then he started to notice your hair left other places.
His counters, his sink, the floor, your vanity, his bed sheets and pillows.
Tangerine had his issues with possessiveness in the past, but this wasn't remotely similar. No, Tangerine found himself smiling when he would find your hair in his clothes; thinking it was funny, almost like a mark or badge of honor to designate him as yours. It was a brief thought, but Tangerine actually felt giddy by the idea of people just knowing he was off the market 'cause his lady's hair was clung to his suit jackets.
He liked it. He really did. He'd not admit it aloud, but he liked it.
Tangerine wasn't the most humble man in the world, but he certainly liked to flash what was his. Golden jewelry, expensive, tailored suits, shining Italian leather shoes. And now, you, the woman who invaded his heart and head - and now his home. He adored showing you off, feeling affirmed and invigorated by the longing glances men threw your way, and while he expected jealousy from other women, they seemed more impressed by your beauty and grace as well.
He remembers one night, after a several weeks long mission, he just wanted to hold you. His throat was a little choked up when he called you, knowing you were at home after reading an earlier text. So, you rushed over in the middle of the night and he'd yet to let you go home - three days later.
"You've gonna have to let me out of bed sometime," you smiled playfully. "I have work tomorrow - and no, I'm not calling out again."
"C'mon, love, don't leave me alone," he whispered, looking like a beaten down puppy. The mission was much harder than he'd let on, but Lemon usually always filled you in. He thought it was important for you to know certain details that Tangerine was sure to omit, knowing those were the details that haunted him.
"I'll be back after my shift," you promised, nuzzling his nose with your own. "I also need new panties and clean clothes."
He sighed, "Some in there," he pointed to his closet now.
"What?" You giggled.
"You've left enough behind, got a bit of a collection goin', yeah?" He smiled softly, wrapping you back up in his arms. With a sigh, he relented, "I'll let yah go to work, love, just... Need this a bit longer."
You obliged, but the next day, you were gone before he woke up. With a frown, Tangerine dropped back onto the bed - but inhaled deeply when his nose buried into your pillow. He hummed in pleasure, feeling himself brim with contentment, bringing the fluffy item to his chest and nuzzling it; your perfume left behind to soothe him.
Was Tangerine clingy? Oh, for sure! He didn't think so, but you knew better. The contract killer liked you close, liked his hands on you; even if it was just a hand on your waist or a nose near your neck. He missed you when gone, but he usually held himself back from texting you all day - wanting you to be able to focus on your job.
But that day? He was inept, just wanting you; wondering if he paid you the same salary, if you'd consider just staying home. So, he texted you several times.
This obviously threw you off a little, knowing him better than himself most days. But he just missed you, so, you sent a selfie - promising you missed him too and would be home right after work.
He saved the photo and tried not to dwell on how you said you'd "be home" and not "come to his place". He had to take a few moments to calm down, feeling his heart zing with unfamiliarity - but not being afraid of it like he had been when you first started dating. He could recognize he was happy, that he was excited to see you everyday, and that the idea of coming home to you was far too appealing to ignore any longer.
It seemed neither of you needed to actually have an official conversation about living together. Lemon didn't mind, in fact, he was the one who insisted you have your own key; adoring you and whatever affect you had on his emotionally constipated brother. So, some mornings, Tangerine wasn't surprised to find a slightly damp towel left hanging in the bathroom, nor by the make-up on his counter - you using that mirror because of the fluorescent lighting. He never put it back, he didn't move it - he liked seeing it. It meant you were still here, and the idea of it being gone made his stomach knot with anxiety. He also wasn't surprised when he went to use the shampoo you insisted would help his curls flourish (you were right), only to find it damn-near empty. His shower gel, too.
When you came home that evening, you had Target bags in hand; replacing whatever was empty, making Tangerine grin to himself by how in-sync he felt with you. He'd never had a connection such as this, only ever feeling close enough to Lemon, but you changed everything for them both.
How Tangerine ended up with someone courteous was truly beyond either of them. Someone kind, caring, adventurous, sweeter than pie - someone definitely out of Tangerine's league, something he never let himself forget. He adored you to your core - thinking someone such as you should never have gotten tangled up in someone like him, but he knew, if the time ever came, he'd never be able to let you go. In fact, most days, he had to convince himself not to just pick you up and carry you around while he did chores or ran errands.
The very idea of losing you sent his heart into his stomach; hallowing his chest in a harrowing fashion that made it hard to breathe. Just a week or two ago, Lemon found Tangerine in the kitchen, hand to his chest as if he couldn't catch his breath, heaving for air; his worry spiking, but quickly realizing what was wrong.
"Bruv, you've gotta breathe - calm down," he tried to coax. "You're having a panic attack, you've gotta just focus on breathing."
"Fuck off with that!"
"Seriously, man," Lemon insisted, catching Tangerine in a vulnerable state enough that he actually listened without much of a fight. When Tan seemed a little more under control of his own emotions, Lemon asked, "What the hell happened?"
Tangerine shook his head, "Nothing t'worry 'bout - "
"Bullshit," Lemon snapped. "I've never seen yah like that, mate, the fuck happened?"
It was embarrassing, but Tangerine managed to answer, "Just... Just started thinking that if she ever left me, I'd fucking crumble, mate."
This made Lemon frown, "She's not gonna leave you, man. You know that. The girl's madly in love with you, yeah? Like madly in love - like to a degree it makes her stupid in the head, all right? Obviously, you too," he chuckled, shaking his head as he affectionately ran a hand over the back of Tan's head. "You're workin' yourself up, 's all right. You don't have to think about that - ever - 'cause she's it for you, mate. Yeah? Hear me? She ain't goin' nowhere, not without you."
Tangerine needed the assurance. Being alone after having a taste of your love felt impossible to Tan now, something he was never bothered by before. Seriously, why give a fuck about a relationship when he had his brother? Someone who loved him unconditionally and wouldn't leave? And then he met you and understood why people gave fucks about relationships.
It was as if every room you ever entered was brightened up simply by your smile. Your laugh wasn't always the most ladylike, but it was genuine and true and always made Tangerine smile to himself. During any public outing, Tan was always close - we've established this - but he liked to play a small game. One of your love languages was physical touch, so, you liked kissing him if even just for a single second. He was aware of your lipstick, feeling the tacky substance stain his cheek, but he wouldn't wipe it off. His game was to see how long it'd take before someone would point it out; his reputation didn't always warrant others to feel secure enough to speak up. Some nights, Lemon would motion to his cheek, and other nights, you'd return home, remove your make-up, and swipe make-up remover over his cheek to clear the color away.
However, it wasn't often you ventured in public due to Tangerine's innate introverted nature. You went if The Agency made it mandatory or if you were feeling stir crazy, but majority nights, Lemon would find you both lounged on the couch in various positions.
Sometimes, you'd be watching a movie together or binging a show. Other times, you were reading a book while Tangerine poured over paperwork. And once or twice, Lemon's come home to find you belly laughing and playfully scolding Tangerine as he tried to paint your toe nails. It was a homey sight to Lemon: seeing his brother so in love and at ease, hearing your laughter, the entire flat filled with warm smells of burning candles and homemade meals.
It wasn't evident at first, but with you laying in Tangerine's arms, clothes left on the floor, bellies full of whatever meal you had prepared that evening, favorite show playing on the bedroom TV, he realized that he loved what you had done with the place.
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requesting rules and masterlist
Bullet Train masterlist
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mencantaleer · 5 months ago
Feliz Halloween
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Línea alternativa donde el mandarín no muere.
Set after defeating white death.
Synopsis: Just tangerine being a good boy.
Reader over 18, 2000 words. mdni!
Warnings : rough sex, Sub!Tangerine, Dom! reader some degradation, compliments, mild humiliation, a little tangerine fluff.
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You are so excited to see your boyfriend after weeks without seeing him, to the point that when he comes home you jump on him to kiss him, and little by little the situation escalates to the point of having him in your bed, you sitting on his lap and when tangerine wants to undo the buttons of your jeans you stop him.
-When he comes back I want to see you naked and on your knees,” you mention as you start to walk away lifting a bag from your closet as you make your way to your bathroom.
-And if I don't listen what will you do, will you punish me mommy,” she challenges you.
Your eyes darken with desire at Tangerine's provocative words. You can't deny that it turns you on that he behaves like a spoiled brat, you know you'll soon give him what he deserves. A slow, mischievous smile spreads across your face as you lean in close to his ear, your hot breath against his neck sending ripples that create a tent in your boy's pants.
-Oh, I think you'll find that disobedience has its consequences, sweetheart,” you purr, sliding your hand down to rest on his penis that still remains covered by the fabric of his pants threatening to pop out. And believe me, you'll enjoy the punishment I have in mind.
You bite her earlobe and then whisper: “But if you're a good boy for mommy and you listen to everything I tell you now, maybe I'll show you how rewarding obedience can be,” and without further ado you go into the bathroom to change into what you had bought a few days before, taking care of every detail meticulously. When you get ready to leave the bathroom you see Tangerine sitting on the bed with a challenging look and with her clothes still on.
-Oh, you want me to punish you, don't you? -you tease him, you watch his eyes that have a hint of mischief in them as he tries to reach out to feel the lingerie you are wearing and when he is about to touch you, you firmly grab his hands, forcing him to look at you- Not so fast, only nice boys can touch and today you are just a little rebellious brat that needs to be disciplined.
-Come on, come on, let me touch you,” he purrs, as he watches you.
-Good boys earn their rewards, remember?” you mention as you stare at him.
-Don't be like that, let me touch you, I know you're excited,” he mentions while he tries to change your mind, but he doesn't succeed. You bite her earlobe and then whisper: “But if you're a good boy for mommy and you listen to everything I tell you now, maybe I'll show you how rewarding obedience can be,” and without further ado you go into the bathroom to change into what you had bought a few days before, taking care of every detail meticulously. When you get ready to leave the bathroom you see Tangerine sitting on the bed with a challenging look and with her clothes still on.
-Oh, you want me to punish you, don't you? -you tease him, you watch his eyes that have a hint of mischief in them as he tries to reach out to feel the lingerie you are wearing and when he is about to touch you, you firmly grab his hands, forcing him to look at you- Not so fast, only nice boys can touch and today you are just a little rebellious brat that needs to be disciplined.
-Come on, come on, let me touch you,” he purrs, as he watches you.
-Good boys earn their rewards, remember?” you mention as you stare at him.
-Don't be like that, let me touch you, I know you're excited,” he mentions while he tries to change your mind, but he doesn't succeed.
-If only you had been a good boy everything would be different, now you can only see me but not touch,” you reply as you tie him to your dresser chair and move it so he can see your bed. You stop to watch as you walk to the bed and sit down so he has a privileged view of what is about to happen. One of your hands slides up your thigh, playfully brushing against the thong you're wearing.
-Well, I guess I can show you what I'm feeling-you lean back a little so you can see better as you slowly unbutton your corset. Your pale skin and toned abdomen are revealed inch by inch. You squeeze your breasts through the thin fabric of your bra, squeezing them as you begin to move in circles. Your hips begin to move, rubbing together to seek friction as you stroke faster. Pinching your nipples through the bra, biting your lip to hold back a moan. The sensations are intense, raising your libido to 100%, not only are you enjoying yourself but you are punishing your bitch as she watches you get pleasure without her help, we gauge her reaction as you play with your tits. Her eyes are glued to your body, her breathing is agitated and the bulge in her pants is a case, she only needed to see you touching yourself to reach orgasm and she demonstrated that by staining her pants with semen, creating a whitish stain. That doesn't stop you from sliding your panties down your legs.
-Mmm, you like watching me touch myself, don't you, brat? See how wet you make me, how much I need this. -You slide a finger under the wet fabric, circling my entrance provocatively. I bet you wish you could fuck me right here, don't you? Bend me over this bed and take me real hard so everyone can hear me screaming your name.
You stick a finger in your dripping pussy and pump it slowly as you slide your hand down his pants caressing his member. Your free hand moves to caress your breast, pinching and pulling your nipple through the thin bra. Waves of pleasure radiate through me as you shamelessly touch yourself in front of Tan.
Your breathing becomes ragged, your hips jerk as you feel yourself close. You can feel yourself throbbing, your orgasm building. You want to cum, and you feel a wave of pleasure run through your whole body making you shudder.
-That's it, you were very good. You could have got rid of the ropes but you controlled yourself not to do it, you deserve a reward, pretty boy. - You deserve a reward, pretty boy.
-Please, please,” he says in a husky voice full of need. Please let me fuck you. I need to be inside you, to feel your heat tight around my cock. -Get undressed and get on your knees now,” you order as you see how he hurries to comply with what you ordered, and you can not help but smile as you see him like a puppy all eager to receive his prize, too bad you will not make it so easy, when he finally gets rid of his clothes and kneels before you, you order him to look up.
-You see it wasn't that hard to follow orders sweetie, but I need to make sure it's clear to you,” you say as you bring your fingers to his mouth, ”Tell me how much you want to fuck me, beg for it.
-I beg you mommy,” she moans as she pushes your fingers into her mouth, sucking on them as if her life depended on it, ”I need to be buried deep in your sweet pussy. I need you to mark me as yours, I need you to make me feel like your slave.
He tilts his head up as he continues to lick your fingers, “Please, my queen,” he whispers softly and seductively, “Let me worship your body. Let me serve you as your sex toy to soothe your desire,” he moans softly.
-Mmmm… good boy-your hands run over your pet's body while you kiss him possessively, making it clear who is the owner here-you can fuck me, but never forget that I am the one in charge. Tangerine's eyes light up as you give her permission, a mixture of relief and excitement flooding her features. She rises from the floor and begins to kiss you desperately.
-Thank you, Mommy,” she growls, her voice hoarse with desire. I promise to be your good boy and do everything you tell me.
He rolls you onto your back, his body covering yours. Tangerine's hands slide down your sides, gripping your hips tightly. He positions himself at your entrance, the head of his cock pressing against your slick heat.
-Remember that you are mine and that will never change,” you promise in a low, husky voice. You'll never forget who's in charge of the relationship, now just make me feel good pet.
With a powerful thrust of her hips, Tangerine thrusts inside you. He moans as he feels your tight walls surround him and rolls his eyes in pleasure.
-Fuck, don't stop Tangerine or I swear I'll punish you,” you say.
Tangerine moves her hips forward and plunges his cock deeper into your tight, warm clit. She moans at the sensation and drops her head back in ecstasy.
-God, Mistress,” he gasps, his voice strained with pleasure. You feel so good, as if you were created just for me.
He begins to move, his hips moving in a steady rhythm. Each thrust sends sparks of pleasure through your body, increasing the heat between your legs. Tangerine's hands roam your body, caressing every curve and valley. She leans in and captures your lips in a searing kiss. Her tongue delves into your mouth and claims you completely.
-I can't get enough of you,” he murmurs against your lips, his hips never ceasing their relentless rhythm, ‘I need more, always more,’ he moans in your ear as he continues to penetrate your aching pussy.
He moves slightly, changing the angle of his thrusts. You cry out when he hits a particularly sensitive spot, your nails digging into his back.
-That's it, my love,” you encourage him, your voice low and rough. Let me feel how much you want your mommy, how much you need me.
He reaches between your bodies and finds your clitoris with his fingers. He slowly rubs the sensitive bud, sending waves of pleasure through your center.
-Make me reach my orgasm Tan,” you order him, your voice brooking no argument. Make me cum until I feel dizzy,” you arch as you feel your impending orgasm.
Tangerine's thrusts become more erratic, her breathing ragged. She's close, teetering on the brink of release. But he's not stopping, not giving up, at least not until he makes you come. He's determined to take you to the edge with him, to share the ultimate pleasure. Suddenly, the climax overcomes you and your pussy contracts around his cock as you stifle a cry of ecstasy. Your hand milks his cock furiously, determined to make him come with you.
-Come on, pretty boy, cum for me, let me feel you, cum with me,” you scream as you feel one last powerful thrust, Tangerine sinking all the way in. She throws her head back and lets out a primal roar as she spills inside you. His hips jerk erratically and his cock throbs as he fills you with his seed. He falls in surrender as he embraces you, pressing his foreheads together.
-That was intense, wasn't it,” you murmur as you try to catch your breath.
-My God,” he murmurs, his voice hoarse with emotion. It was… indescribable. The way you took control, the way you dominated me… it was like nothing I've ever experienced before,” she says as she runs her fingers along the line of your jaw, her touch as light as a feather. Tangerine's eyes search you with a mixture of admiration and adoration in their depths. -You brought out a side of me I didn't even know existed. A side that craved submission, that needed to relinquish control-She leans in and places a soft kiss on your lips. “And the pleasure… my love, the pleasure was intense. Every touch, every command…it was like a high tension wire sparking through my veins.” -I thought you wouldn't like me, I thought you would hate me after this,” you reply as you snuggle into his chest.
-I could never hate you, I just want to say… Thank you.
-What are you thanking me for?” you ask, still a little unsure of his reaction. -For showing me this side of myself. For making me feel things I never thought I could feel,” Tangerine's hand slides down your side and her fingers intertwine with yours, ‘I love you,’ she mentions before falling asleep.
-I love you too Tangerine,” you reply as you cover him with the blanket and then lay down and hug him.
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I have to thank @tangerinesmommy who is the great creator of Sub!Tangerine, she inspired me to create this one shot, thank you <3.
Happy halloween to all.
Comenta, rebloguea, te leo.
(Contenido resubido) Lo subí de nuevo porque el post anterior estaba en español, olvidé traducirlo ;).
My requests are open if you want to ask for something <3.
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tokkiwrites · 6 months ago
𝓣.he darkest cravings (dilfs)
𝟐𝐎𝟐𝟒 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 © a spookytokki special
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▪︎𝐎𝐂𝐓 𝟏 : Jazz, pearls & older men. ⎯⎯ ᴀ͟ɢ͟ᴏ͟ʀ͟ᴀ͟ᴘ͟ʜ͟ɪ͟ʟ͟ɪ͟ᴀ with Logan Howlett
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Logan shows you that jazz clubs aren't so boring.
➜t̲h̲i̲s̲ ̲s̲t̲o̲r̲y ̲a̲l̲s̲o̲ ̲i̲n̲c̲l̲u̲d̲e̲s̲: sex with a stranger, sir kink, sex in a public space.
▪︎𝐎𝐂𝐓 𝟔 : Sit & Look pretty. ⎯⎯ ʀ͟ᴇ͟sᴛ͟ʀ͟ᴀ͟ɪ͟ɴ͟ᴛ͟s with Santiago 'Pope' Garcia
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Santiago works most days, so that doesn't leave a lot of room for the two of you. but he always finds time to teach you a lesson when you're bad.
➜t̲h̲i̲s̲ ̲s̲t̲o̲r̲y ̲a̲l̲s̲o̲ ̲i̲n̲c̲l̲u̲d̲e̲s̲: masturbaton, orgasm denial, voyeurism, cum eating.
▪︎𝐎𝐂𝐓 𝟏𝟐 Say 'Ahh!'.⎯⎯ ʙ͟ʀ͟ᴀ͟ᴛ͟ ᴛ͟ᴀ͟ᴍ͟ɪ͟ɴ͟ɢ with Joel Miller
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Joel (your dad's best friend) hates it when you talk back to your father.
➜t̲h̲i̲s̲ ̲s̲t̲o̲r̲y ̲a̲l̲s̲o̲ ̲i̲n̲c̲l̲u̲d̲e̲s̲: daddy kink, spanking.
▪︎𝐎𝐂𝐓 𝟏𝟗 : Collar.⎯⎯ ᴘ͟ᴇ͟ᴛ͟ ᴘ͟ʟ͟ᴀ͟ʏ with Wade Willson (Deadpool)
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: You're caught off guard when Wade calls you 'puppy'. He's even more shocked when he realizes how much you like it
➜t̲h̲i̲s̲ ̲s̲t̲o̲r̲y ̲a̲l̲s̲o̲ ̲i̲n̲c̲l̲u̲d̲e̲s̲: dumbifiaction (of reader), choking, dry humping.
▪︎𝐎𝐂𝐓 𝟐𝟔 Tears/Tears.⎯⎯ ᴅ͟ᴀ͟ᴄ͟ʀ͟ʏ͟ᴘ͟ʜ͟ɪ͟ʟ͟ɪ͟ᴀ with Sergei Kravinoff
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: You can tell whoever whatever you wantㅡ You already know who you belong to.
➜t̲h̲i̲s̲ ̲s̲t̲o̲r̲y ̲a̲l̲s̲o̲ ̲i̲n̲c̲l̲u̲d̲e̲s̲: stalking, breath play, degradation.
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babygirltangerine · 11 months ago
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andy-15-07 · 1 month ago
A Dance of Eternal Promises
pairing:Alexei Vronsky x f!reader
summary:During preparations for a grand ball, Alexei and his beloved celebrate enduring love, whispered dreams, and hopeful new life.
word count: 2264 | requests are open (send requests, I will gladly answer them all)
Aaron Taylor Johnson Masterlist
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Alexei Vronsky and you woke early on that gentle morning, the sunlight barely brushing the ornate windowpanes of your shared home. Today was not merely any day—it was the day of the grand ball, and with it came the celebration of both your union and the soon-to-be arrival of your first child. In the hushed light of dawn, while the city still slept, the two of you found yourselves immersed in the soft rituals of preparation, each moment an ode to the love that had grown between you.
You sat before a carved antique vanity, your delicate hands moving with quiet precision as you arranged your hair. Resting gently on your lap was the unmistakable reminder of the life blossoming within you—a small, vibrant promise of the future. The room, adorned with roses and pastel draperies, filled with the scent of freshly cut peonies and the gentle murmur of your whispered hopes.
Alexei, impeccably dressed in a tailored suit that spoke of refined elegance, approached with a smile that brightened his usually composed demeanor. “My love,” he said softly, his hand reaching to brush a stray lock of hair from your face, “you are more radiant than the morning light itself.”
Your eyes met his in the mirror, and a tender warmth spread through you. “Thank you, my dearest Alexei. Tonight, as we step into the ball, I want every eye to see the glow of our joy—of the life we are about to share.” Your voice carried both excitement and the weight of dreams fulfilled.
With measured care, he pulled you into a gentle embrace. “Every step we take tonight will be a step toward the future we build together. I long to dance with you, to lose myself in the music and the quiet promise that every heartbeat holds.”
The conversation flowed as naturally as the gentle breeze that stirred the lace curtains. You spoke of the anticipation of dancing beneath the soft glow of chandeliers, recalling memories of your first dance—when the world fell away and it was just the two of you, your hearts keeping perfect time. “Do you remember,” you began, your voice tinged with nostalgia, “when we first danced together, and it felt as though every note of the orchestra was written just for us?”
Alexei’s eyes sparkled with recollection. “How could I ever forget? It was as if the stars had aligned solely to bring our souls together. Every graceful turn we shared that night was a promise of the life we would lead—a life filled with passion, hope, and the constant wonder of love.”
As you both moved about your preparations, the room resonated with gentle laughter and whispered dreams. You carefully fastened a delicate brooch to your gown—a deep burgundy silk dress that hugged your form elegantly, its color reminiscent of the passionate hues of a sunset. “I have thought about tonight all week,” you confessed, adjusting the fabric with loving care. “I want our dance to tell the story of our journey, the struggles and triumphs, and now, the joy of a new beginning.”
Alexei stepped closer, his hand warm on your shoulder. “And I want every step we take on that dance floor to be a testament to our unyielding devotion. Our child will inherit a legacy of love, strength, and the beauty of shared dreams.” His voice, low and earnest, mingled with the soft strains of a distant piano.
You paused, a soft smile curving your lips as you glanced down at your belly. “Sometimes, I find myself imagining our child watching us now, wondering how we became so intertwined in each other’s hearts. It feels as if every moment, every glance, has led us to this crescendo of life.”
Alexei’s gaze softened. “Indeed, my love. Every heartbeat, every whispered word, every shared secret has woven the tapestry of our lives. Tonight, as we join the swirling throng at the ball, I want you to know that in every conversation, every dance, I see our past, our present, and the endless promise of our future.”
The hours ticked by as the two of you moved seamlessly between moments of quiet reflection and bursts of playful banter. At one point, while you adjusted a stray hem of your dress, you teased, “I wonder if our child will inherit my flair for mischief or your impeccable sense of style.”
Alexei chuckled, his laughter warm and rich. “Perhaps a little of both, my dear. I imagine our little one will have my adventurous spirit and your gentle grace—a perfect blend of both our souls.” His eyes crinkled with mirth as he continued, “And who knows? Maybe our child will be the one to steal the show at the next ball.”
The room around you was alive with the quiet symphony of domestic bliss—the soft clinking of fine china as breakfast was set out on a nearby table, the rustle of silk as you moved about, and the ever-present undercurrent of shared hope. Each object in the room seemed imbued with meaning, a silent witness to the love story unfolding with every whispered word and tender glance.
Before long, the time came to step out into the bustling world beyond your door. The grand staircase of your home, polished to a mirror-like shine, welcomed you both as you descended with measured grace. Every step echoed with the promise of the night ahead, a night where you would become the center of a celebration not just of opulence and artifice, but of a love that had been nurtured in the quiet moments between chaos and calm.
Outside, the world was vibrant with life. Carriages glided along cobblestone streets, and the chatter of passersby formed a lively counterpoint to the inner sanctum of your shared joy. Alexei, ever the gentleman, extended his hand to you. “Shall we, my love?” he asked, his tone both gentle and insistent, as if urging you to embrace the magic of the evening.
“Always,” you replied, your voice filled with quiet resolve and anticipation. “Let the night be a canvas for our dreams, a stage upon which our love is the performance of a lifetime.”
Walking together to the ball, your dialogue was a continuous exchange of memories, hopes, and plans. “Do you recall the first time we met at a similar celebration?” you inquired, eyes sparkling with the recollection of a long-ago summer night. “The way your smile lit up the room, making it seem as if everything had suddenly fallen into place?”
Alexei’s response was immediate and heartfelt. “I remember every detail. Your laugh was the melody that captured my heart. Even amidst the chatter and clinking glasses, it was as if only your voice reached me, pulling me toward you.” His tone held a note of reverence as he added, “Every dance, every glance since has been a reaffirmation of the bond we share.”
At the grand entrance of the ball, beneath glittering chandeliers and the admiring gaze of elegantly dressed guests, your conversation deepened. “Look at how everyone stops to admire us,” you whispered, a blend of amusement and quiet pride in your tone.
Alexei’s eyes never left yours. “They see only a glimpse of our story, but in that glimpse, they witness the passion and hope that define us. Tonight, the ball is not simply a celebration of society—it is a celebration of us, and of the future that awaits.”
Inside the ballroom, the ambiance was enchanting—a sea of dancing couples, lively music, and the soft murmur of delighted conversations. Yet even amidst this splendor, your dialogue remained intimate. While waltzing in a secluded corner of the floor, you said, “I sometimes worry that the splendor of this night might make me forget the simpler, quieter moments that truly matter.”
Alexei’s reply was immediate, his tone both reassuring and filled with adoration. “Never, my dear. For even in the brilliance of these lights and the grandeur of this setting, it is the simple truth of our love that shines brightest. Every shared smile, every whispered word, every heartbeat in sync with mine—it is all a reminder that true beauty lies in the authenticity of our connection.”
The dance continued, and with each turn and each gentle step, your conversation wove seamlessly between playful teasing and profound declarations of love. “Do you think,” you asked softly, “that one day, when our child is old enough, they will listen to our stories and understand the magic of a night like this?”
Alexei’s smile was both mysterious and tender. “I believe they will, my love. They will learn that our life has been a series of moments—a dance of passion and hope, of challenges met with courage and triumphs celebrated with joy. And in every step we take, they will see the unbreakable bond that has carried us through every storm.”
In the midst of the waltz, a dear friend approached, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. “Alexei, your love for her is as inspiring as the legends of old,” she said, her voice lilting in admiration. “Tell me, what is it that makes your union so extraordinary?”
Alexei’s eyes softened as he replied, “It is in the quiet moments, when the world fades away, and it is just the two of us—our hearts speaking in a language older than words. Our love is not simply a dance of appearances; it is a quiet, enduring melody that will guide us and our child through all of life’s seasons.”
Another guest, caught up in the enchantment of the night, added, “And now, with the promise of a new life soon to join your dance, it is as if the universe itself is rejoicing in your happiness.”
You smiled at these kind words, your heart swelling with gratitude. “Our child will be born into a world filled with love, laughter, and the beauty of shared dreams,” you said, your voice a soft murmur that resonated with every listener. “I want them to know that no matter where life takes us, our love will always be the guiding star.”
As the evening unfolded, every conversation, every shared laugh, and every whispered promise further enriched the tapestry of your lives. The ball became a living, breathing testament to the love you both nurtured—a love that had weathered storms and now shone as brightly as the chandeliers above.
At one point during a quiet interlude by a window draped with silver curtains, you paused to reflect. “Sometimes I wonder,” you said softly, “if all the beauty of this night is enough to capture the magnitude of our love. It seems so vast, so deep—how do we even begin to measure it?”
Alexei’s gaze was tender as he took your hand in his. “We do not measure love in grand gestures or opulent settings,” he said gently. “Love is found in the quiet moments—a shared glance, a soft touch, the way your eyes light up when you smile. Tonight, every moment is a note in the symphony of our lives. And no matter how grand the ball or how sparkling the chandeliers, it is our hearts that truly illuminate this night.”
In that moment, your words merged with his, forming a melody of hope and assurance that lingered long after the music had faded. You both knew that while the ball was a celebration of the present, it was also a promise—a promise of a future where every shared dance, every quiet conversation, and every new heartbeat would add to the enduring story of your love.
Later, as the final dance drew near and the crowd began to thin, you found a secluded corner where the gentle murmur of the evening gave way to a peaceful quiet. Here, with the soft glow of moonlight filtering through tall, arched windows, you continued your heartfelt dialogue. “I want you to promise me something,” you said, your voice husky with emotion. “Promise that no matter what comes, we will always hold on to this feeling—this unyielding joy, the simple truth of our love.”
Alexei pressed his forehead gently against yours, his voice a tender vow. “I promise, my beloved. Every day, every dance, every breath we share will be a reminder of the promise we made—to cherish one another, to hold our dreams close, and to nurture the love that has always been our guiding light.”
And so, as the night slipped quietly into the early whispers of dawn, Alexei Vronsky and you remained entwined in a timeless dance—a conversation of hearts, an endless dialogue of hope and commitment. The ball, with all its splendor and elegance, was but a backdrop to the real celebration: the celebration of your union, your shared dreams, and the promise of a new life soon to join your eternal dance.
In the gentle silence that followed, as the last notes of the music faded into the cool night air, you both knew that the beauty of this night would linger long in your hearts. It was a night of whispered confessions, of dreams shared between glances, and of promises made beneath the watchful eyes of the stars. A night that encapsulated the very essence of your love—timeless, unyielding, and infinitely beautiful.
With one final embrace and a quiet kiss that sealed every unspoken vow, you stepped out into the future, hand in hand, ready to greet the promise of tomorrow. The dance of your lives, rich with the laughter of the past and the hope of the future, continued onward—a brilliant, ceaseless melody echoing in every heartbeat, every shared word, every soft whisper of love.
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hederasgarden · 1 month ago
Aaron Taylor Johnson Character Discord?
Is there any interest in joining a Discord server for ATJ characters? This fandom is small but we are mighty I feel!
Please note, this would be a place to discuss the characters, NOT the actor or his personal life!
Comment if you'd like an invite if/when I create something. Also hit me up if you'd love to be a fellow mod.
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