#athan pro
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susanhorak · 7 months ago
الاذان مكرر للرقية اجمل صوت اذان في اليوتيوب لحالات المس والحسد والسحر اربع ساعات أذان خاص لعلاج المس والسحر والحسد وكشف الجن المتلبس صيغة الاذان ( اللهُ أكْبَرُ اللهُ أكْبَرُ ) مرَّتان . ( أشْهَدُ أنَّ لا إلَهَ إلاَّ اللهُ ) مرَّتان . ( أشْهَدُ أنَّ مُحَمَّداً رَسُولُ اللهِ ) مرَّتان . ( حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلاةِ ) مرَّتان . ( حَيَّ عَلَى الفَلاحِ ) مرَّتان . ( اللهُ أكْبَرُ ) مرَّتان . ( لاَ إلَهَ إلاَّ اللهُ ) مرَّة واحدة . نص الاقامة : ( اللهُ أكْبَرُ اللهُ أكْبَرُ ) مرَّة واحدة. ( أشْهَدُ أنَّ لا إلَهَ إلاَّ اللهُ ) مرَّة واحدة . ( أشْهَدُ أنَّ مُحَمَّداً رَسُولُ اللهِ ) مرَّة واحدة . ( حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلاةِ ) مرَّة واحدة . ( حَيَّ عَلَى الفَلاحِ ) مرَّة واحدة . ( قَدْ قَامَت الصَّلاةُ ) مرَّتان . ( اللهُ أكْبَرُ ) مرَّتان . ( لاَ إلَهَ إلاَّ اللهُ ) مرَّة واحدة .
المعوذتين لعلاج الحسد مكررة | سورتا الفلق و الناس https://youtu.be/KQ3SFPe_bhs مسلسل ضحايا شمس المعارف الحلقة الاولي https://youtu.be/7U3CsNGB2Xk فك السحر | اقوى رقية شرعية للعين والحسد والسحر والمس https://youtu.be/9NXR6PJIwH4
اشترك معنا قساعدنا علي الإستمرار في العطاء من خلال عمل مشاركة وكتابة تعليق و الاشتراك في قناة نور ذكر الله http://www.youtube.com/c/Noorone.
تحميل الاذان مكرر mp3,اذان,الاذان,الاذان مكرر,اجمل اذان,Azan,Allah,adhan,azan,islam,نور ذكر الله,تنزيل الاذان,azan alarm,azan prayer,athan pro,azan pro,quran,tilawat,koran,اذان مكرر,الاذان مكرر 100 مرة,الأذان,الاذان بصوت,القران الكريم,الاذان العربي,الاذان بصوت خاشع,الازان,الآذان,الاذان المكي كامل,الاذان بصوت الشيخ,الاذان المكي الفجر,الاذان المكي علي ملا,الاذان المكي الحزين,الأذان hd,افضل صوت للاذان,الأذان مكر,اطرد الشيطان بالاذان,الأذان المكي
الاذان الاذان مكرر الاذان الحزين الاذان مكرر 100 مرة الاذان المكي الاذان التركي الاذان في اذن المولود الاذان بصوت جميل الاذان ياسر الدوسري الاذان يوم الجمعه الاذان اليمن الاذان ياسر الحبيب
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adamyoussefmprahime6 · 7 months ago
Most Beautiful azan alarm , adhan repeated azan - azan prayer
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athanwritesthings · 10 months ago
Athan's Player Handbook To Everything
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Introduction: Heyo, I'm Athan, or Ath for short! I'm mainly focused on WWE/Youtube writings, and you may, very rarely, see me post other fandoms. I try to vary the wrestlers/Youtubers used in my writings as often as possible. <3
Warnings: Some writings lean to the more mature side, and all will have warnings before hand. I'm aiming to dabble in aromantic/platonic pairings more too.
Pairings: OC's and Readers vary by each story/snippit. Clarifications will always be given, either in the title, or in the A/N.
"Where do I even start?" You ask?: I'm still working on stories, snippits and continuations of things as of now. I'll be revolving this weekly to show my favorite writing of the week! Right now, my favorite lands with Bad News || Fem!Reader x Wade Barrett.
How often do you upload?: I try to upload every couple days. Sometimes, I find myself bulk writing, and will set one-two stories/continuations/snippits to post a day from drafts!
A bit about me: I'm a 23 yr old non-binary Twitch streamer (linked here,) Youtuber (linked here,) writer and gym rat, in love with WWE, who is currently saving for Oregon Pro Wrestling School (OPW.) I greatly enjoy cooking and baking as well!
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miragthia · 2 years ago
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Panorama General de Nuestra Trama
Agua. Tierra. Fuego. Aire. Habían pasado muchos años desde que las cuatro naciones mantenían el orden de este mundo según la cultura e intereses de su propia naturaleza. Pero todo cambió cuando la Nación del Fuego atacó, cuando un hombre que era originario de esa Fuente de Abundancia Comercial se atrevió a alterar el curso del espacio, el tiempo y de la magia misma. Por otro lado, en La Tierra del Bosque Fértil existía un hombre normal, con una vida normal. Pero en él había algo que pocos sabían, ¡era su secreto! Era el más nuevo Guardián Supremo de una magia superior a la que los propios elementos ya otorgaban a los diversos ciudadanos de las cuatro naciones. Era él quien lideraba el buen resguardo de unas joyas mágicas que desde antaño habían sido vinculadas a unas criaturitas de curioso proceder; y por supuesto, había fallado en su deber. Así fue como un primero de noviembre del 2008 los delirios de @Athan Tsergas, y la inexperiencia de @Atlas Redemptio, dieron lugar a la creación de una nueva realidad, un nuevo universo en donde la magia no era más que un cuento de hadas muy reconfortante para el hombre originario de la Nación de Fuego, pero todo un reto para el Guardián Supremo que no podía hacer uso del gran poder de su miraculous para siquiera revertir a su favor alguno de los próximos sucesos que se desarrollaron día con día en la nueva sociedad. En consecuencia, durante los siguientes siete años nuestra historia se centró en narrar únicamente una especie de película, un gran “Mundo Mágico” dónde los dilemas principales eran competir por una superioridad genética que sólo otorgaba un bello drama pero ¡no era real! Las víctimas de dicho ensueño sólo habían sido privilegiados con un don extraordinario, y asimismo había quiénes ahora poseían habilidades anteriormente desconocidas, pero en sí era evidente que la mayoría de ellos no estaba preparado para lo que significaba utilizar tan nobles recursos mágicos en pro de un armonioso desarrollo humano. Fue por eso que más tarde la verdad, una cosa terrible y hermosa, tuvo que ser tratada con gran cuidado. No había necesidad alguna de infundir terror, ya era mucho estar en una situación tan distópica —según la visión de quienes tenían un mayor conocimiento de cuál era el verdadero origen—, y si bien las cosas no lograron mejorar para las víctimas, finalmente se tomó una fuerte decisión que puso final a lo que ahora sería sólo denominado como “Wizarding World”. Lástima que el deseo solicitado al kwami de la realidad fuera tan precipitado. 24 de marzo de 2021 y Miragthia nació como un refugio transitorio, mismo donde queda claro que lo que perdemos al final siempre vuelve a nosotros, si bien a veces no del modo que esperamos. Por ello ahora se pretende despertar, EVOLUCIONAR y encontrar un equilibrio. ¿Volver a lo que fue hace varios años? Parece posible, pero sólo el tiempo determinará el momento ideal.
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ludwigshafen-lokal · 2 months ago
Ludwigshafen Gebetszeiten: Dein umfassender Leitfaden
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Das Wichtigste in Kürze
- Ludwigshafen Gebetszeiten sind für Muslime in der Stadt ein zentraler Bestandteil des täglichen Lebens. - Die Gebetszeiten variieren täglich je nach Sonnenstand. - Viele Menschen verwenden Apps oder Websites, um die exakten Gebetszeiten für Ludwigshafen zu ermitteln. - Gebetszeiten: Fajr (Morgengebet), Dhuhr (Mittagsgebet), Asr (Nachmittagsgebet), Maghrib (Abendgebet), Isha (Nachtgebet). - Lokale Moscheen wie die Mevlana Moschee bieten Hilfestellung und aktuelle Gebetszeiten.
Warum sind die Gebetszeiten in Ludwigshafen wichtig?
Für Muslime weltweit haben die fünf täglichen Gebete (Salat) eine große spirituelle und religiöse Bedeutung. Sie geben den Tag vor, strukturieren die Zeit und sind ein Mittel der inneren Reinigung und Verbindung mit Gott. In Ludwigshafen, einer Stadt mit einer vielfältigen Bevölkerung, sind die Gebetszeiten ein wichtiger Bestandteil des muslimischen Alltags. Sie richten sich nach dem Sonnenstand und ändern sich somit täglich. Welche Gebetszeiten gibt es? - Fajr: Das Morgengebet, das vor Sonnenaufgang verrichtet wird. - Dhuhr: Das Mittagsgebet, das kurz nach dem Höchststand der Sonne gebetet wird. - Asr: Das Nachmittagsgebet, das zwischen dem Mittags- und dem Abendgebet verrichtet wird. - Maghrib: Das Abendgebet, das direkt nach Sonnenuntergang gebetet wird. - Isha: Das Nachtgebet, das nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit stattfindet. So findest du die aktuellen Gebetszeiten Die genaue Bestimmung der Gebetszeiten in Ludwigshafen erfolgt anhand der geografischen Koordinaten und des Sonnenstandes. Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, die aktuellen Gebetszeiten zu ermitteln: - Webseiten: Viele muslimische Portale wie islamische Community-Seiten bieten aktuelle Gebetszeiten für Ludwigshafen an. - Apps: Moderne Apps wie „Muslim Pro“ oder „Athan“ bieten exakte Zeiten und Erinnerungen an. - Lokale Moscheen: Vor allem Moscheen wie die Mevlana Moschee in Ludwigshafen bieten Gebetskalender und geben auch Hinweise auf besondere Gebetsanlässe.
Externe Verlinkungen für mehr Informationen
- Islamischer Gebetskalender: Für eine detaillierte Übersicht über die Gebetszeiten in Deutschland kannst du hier klicken. - Moscheeverzeichnis Ludwigshafen: Finde eine Moschee in deiner Nähe hier.
Fragen zum Thema Ludwigshafen Gebetszeiten
Hier sind fünf interessante Fragen, die dir helfen, dein Wissen zu vertiefen: - Wie genau werden die Gebetszeiten in Ludwigshafen berechnet und warum variieren sie täglich? - Gebetszeiten basieren auf dem Sonnenstand, der sich täglich ändert. In Deutschland und somit auch in Ludwigshafen gibt es saisonale Unterschiede in den Gebetszeiten, insbesondere während des Fastenmonats Ramadan. - Wie integrieren Muslime in Ludwigshafen ihre Gebete in den Arbeitsalltag? - Viele Muslime finden Wege, ihre Gebete während der Arbeitspausen zu verrichten. Arbeitgeber sind oft tolerant und bieten Gebetsräume oder flexible Pausenzeiten, insbesondere in Einrichtungen mit einer hohen Anzahl muslimischer Mitarbeiter. - Welche Rolle spielen Moscheen bei der Bereitstellung von Gebetszeiten in Ludwigshafen? - Moscheen sind zentrale Orte für Gemeinschaft und Spiritualität. Sie bieten nicht nur Gebetskalender an, sondern sind auch ein Treffpunkt für Muslime, um sich zu vernetzen und spirituelle Unterstützung zu erhalten. - Welche Apps werden in Ludwigshafen am häufigsten genutzt, um Gebetszeiten zu verfolgen? - „Muslim Pro“ und „Athan“ gehören zu den beliebtesten Apps. Sie bieten genaue Gebetszeiten, Qibla-Richtungsweiser und zusätzliche Funktionen wie Koran-Rezitationen. - Wie beeinflussen kulturelle Unterschiede die Wahrnehmung und Praxis der Gebetszeiten in Ludwigshafen? - In einer multikulturellen Stadt wie Ludwigshafen gibt es unterschiedliche religiöse Praktiken. Die muslimische Gemeinschaft findet oft kreative Wege, ihre religiösen Verpflichtungen zu erfüllen, während sie in einem säkularen Umfeld leben. Read the full article
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mcpeli · 10 months ago
Muslim Pro v14.10.1 MOD APK (Premium Unlocked) for android https://apkpic.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/muslim-pro-quran-athan-prayer.png https://apkpic.com/en/muslim-pro-quran-athan-prayer-Mod-apk?feed_id=16884&_unique_id=659ed70db9fe9
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wewerecore · 1 year ago
CORE Pro #116 The Panic In Pillow Park 06/10/23 Pillow Park - Pillow, Pennsylvania Attendance: 519
Match #1
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folkstyle (Shaw Mason, Tim Bosby, and Hunter Holdcraft) vs. The Lost Boys (Juni Underwood, Ryan Ryzz, and Athan Promise) - Tim Bosby connected with a ripcord lariat on Juni Underwood into a release German suplex from Hunter Holdcraft. Shaw Mason hooked Juni's leg upon impact and applied the ankle lock until Underwood tapped out. Winners: folkstyle
Match #2
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Something/Nothing (Jake Something and Vincent Nothing) with UltraMantis Black vs. The OutRunners (Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd) - Turbo Floyd hoisted Jake Something up in running powerslam position setting up for the double team powerslam/neckbreaker, but Something slipped behind Floyd and pushed him into Truth Magnum. The two OutRunners bonked heads and Floyd stumbled into a sitout powerbomb from Something and the pinfall. Winners: Something/Nothing
- Franz Von Trier accompanied his sons to the ring but was escorted away from ringside by CORE officials Trik Davis and Aaron Arbo before the opening bell of our next match.
Match #3
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Starboy Charlie, Marcus Mathers, and Brogan Finlay vs. The Von Triers (Dale Von Trier, Keith Von Trier, and Kirk Von Trier) - Kirk Von Trier had the Iron Pinch applied to Marcus Mathers, but Mathers stomped on Kirk's bare foot. Starboy Charlie entered the ring and landed a spinning kick to Kirk. Marcus Mathers and Brogan Finlay climbed to the top rope and landed in tandem with a frog splash and an elbow drop respectively before Mathers got the pin. Winners: Starboy Charlie, Marcus Mathers, and Brogan Finlay
Match #4
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SAKI vs. Giant Baba Yaga (with UltraMantis Black) - SAKI attempted an atomic drop on Giant Baba Yaga, but Baba countered with the big Coconut Crush Knee. SAKI got back to her feet only to be met with a running neckbreaker and covered by Giant Baba Yaga. Winner: Giant Baba Yaga
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- Giant Baba Yaga attacked SAKI after the bell, first with a flurry of big chops to the top of SAKI's head before calling for an American Rebel cigar from UltraMantis Black. Baba took a pull from the cigar and went to put it out on SAKI's forehead before a visiting Rina Yamashita ran out of the locker room with a light tube. Giant Baba Yaga and UltraMantis scrambled out of the ring, but Mantis was a bit too slow as Yamashita grabbed him from behind. UltraMantis got on his knees and pleaded with Yamashita, but when Rina drew the light tube back over her head and behind her back to take a swing, Baba Yaga slid into the ring with a chair. Baba smashed the tube with the chair driving the glass into Yamashita's own back. Baba pulled Mantis to safety and they both fled.
Match #5
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Athena, Raychell Rose, and Queen Aminata vs. Billie Starkz, Kenzie Paige, and Kylie Paige - Billie Starkz had Queen Aminata up for a tombstone but Raychell Rose speared Aminata into Starkz which resulted in a pin attempt but Billie kicked out at two. Starkz got back to her feet but Aminata had tagged in Athena who came off the top rope with The O-Face and the pinfall. Winners: Athena, Raychell Rose, and Queen Aminata
Match #6
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Titus Alexander vs. Kerry Morton - As the match progressed, all of Morton's stablemates made their presence known in the crowd. Alexander was undeterred and maintained the advantage. Titus drove Morton sternum first into the turnbuckle to set up for the Chaos Theory. Brogan Finlay distracted referee Scarlette Donovan as Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers climbed to the apron. Charlie and Mathers went for stereo step-up enzuigiris on Titus, but Alexander ducked and they both connected to the back of Kerry Morton's head. Titus Alexander hit the Chaos Theory on Morton, but Kenzie and Kylie Paige pulled referee Scarlette Donovan out of the ring by her ankles. But from the opposite side of the ring referee Allison Leigh slid under the bottom rope and made the three count. Winner: Titus Alexander
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- Kerry Morton, Starboy Charlie, Marcus Mathers, Brogan Finlay, Billie Starkz, Kenzie Paige, and Kylie Paige all attacked Titus Alexander after the match. They took turns pummeling Alexander as the rest held off CORE officials and the locker room. Marcus Mathers' father, pro-wrestler Marc Angel, made his way to ringside and pleaded with his son to put a stop to this. Mathers seemed conflicted which allowed an opening for Titus to be rescued from the ring. Marc Angel entered the ring and pulled his son close to have a private conversation. As this went on, the other members of the group slowly encircled the two. Starboy and Finlay hooked Angel under the arm and pulled him to the center of the ring. Mathers watched as Starkz and the Paige sisters took turns superkicking his father. Kerry Morton asked for Marcus' hand and wrapped a chain around his fist. Morton called for water to be thrown in Angel's face as he "wanted him awake for this." Marcus Mathers paused, took a deep breath, and then began to repeatedly punch his own father in the face with a chain. The group cheered him on as Mathers spilled his father's blood on the canvas. Gradually Finlay and Starboy allowed Angel to slump into a prone position, face down in a pool of his own blood. They all began to leave the ring until Mathers turned around with a deranged look, removed the chain from his fist, and wrapped the chain around his father's throat and began to strangle him. They pulled Mathers off of his father and he continued to try to break free as he was dragged to the back.
Upcoming Shows:
CORE returns to the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania! 06/11/23 Television taping for The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour as seen on Defy TV.
JUST TAP OUT USA JTO Girls in America 07/04/23 Curry Donuts - Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
CORE Pro #117 The Long Mirror Of Time 07/07/23 Marts Center at Wilkes University - Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
CORE Pro #1?? Trios Kingdom 2023 09/01/23 Penn's Peak - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania 09/02/23 Charles Chrin Community Center - Easton, Pennsylvania 09/03/23 Martz Hall - Pottsville, Pennsylvania
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tiehid · 2 years ago
افضل تطبيق اتجاه القبلة للايفون – تحميل برنامج تحديد اتجاه القبلة للصلاة 2023
افضل تطبيق اتجاه القبلة للايفون – تحميل برنامج تحديد اتجاه القبلة للصلاة 2023
مرحبا بكم في موقع تطبيقات ترند في موضوع جديد حول افضل تطبيق اتجاه القبلة للايفون – تحميل برنامج تحديد اتجاه القبلة للصلاة 2023. تطبيق تحديد اتجاه القبلة للايفون يساعدك على تحديد اتجاه القبلة في أي مكان تحديد القبلة من المغرب أو تحديد اتجاة القبلة من فرنسا . برنامج تحديد اتجاه القبلة يعمل عن طريق البوصلة لمعرفة القبلة هي البوصلة لتحديد اتجاه القبلة . برنامج البوصلة لمعرفة القبلة يعمل بسهولة وسرعة القبلة للصلاة بدون انترنت . تحديد مكان القبلة هو تطبيق اتجاه القبلة للصلاة بدون نت . معرفة اتجاه القبلة مهم جداً للصلاة، ولكن ما الحل إذا كنت في منطقة مجهولة ولا يوجد ما يدل على اتجاه القبلة؟ ما عليك سوى تحميل برنامج اتجاه القبلة للايفون، يحدد لك اتجاه القبلة بدقة بحسب موقعك الجغرافي، دون الحاجة للبحث عن أشخاص أو القيام بحسابات لاتجاه الشمس، أو البحث عن مسجد في منطقة مجهولة، يستخدم تطبيق عرض اتجاه القبلة تقنية GPS لتحديد الموقع، بالاضافة إلى البوصلة المدمجة في الجهاز الخاص بك لتحديد الموقع بدقة وتحديد اتجاه الكعبة، تابع المزيد حول تطبيق تحديد اتجاه القبلة للايفون. إذا كنت تريد تحديد اتجاه القبلة للايفون في أي مكان تتواجد به، حتمًا تحتاج إلى برنامج القبلة للايفون حتى تتمكن من معرفة اتجاه القبلة بدون نت، تحديد القبلة بالبوصلة هو أمر شائع جدا وموثوق لتحديد الإتجاهات بدقة، نوفر لكم من خلال هذا المقال عدة طرق لتحديد القبلة ومعرفة مواعيد الصلاة لأي دولة حول العالم، وتجد أيضًا أدعية وتسابيح يومية للاستمرار في ذكر الله والدعاء خلال اليوم، وغيرها العديد من المزايا الأخرى تابع معنا المقال التالي. شاهد ايضا : تحميل تطبيق اواصر awasr للاندرويد والايفون 2023. تحميل برنامج الجاروشة بلس للايفون – متجر Jaroshah Plus 2023. تحميل تطبيق TopStore للايفون برامج بدون جيلبريك مهكرة IOS 2023. افضل برنامج القبله برنامج Muslim Pro للايفون هو افضل برنامج القبله للايفون وأحد التّطبيقات الإسلاميّة الأكثر روعة؛ لأنّه يتميّز ببوصلة متحرّكة وخريطة توضّح اتّجاه الكعبة، والتّقويم الهجريّ بالكامل، الذي يعرض التّواريخ الإسلاميّة المهمّة، ويُمكنه العثور بسرعة على المطاعم الإسلاميّة ومواقع المساجد القريبة من المُستخدِم، وفيه عدد من بطاقات المعايدة الإسلاميّة اللّطيفة التي يُمكن استخدامها أثناء الأعياد أو المناسبات الإسلاميّة المختلفة مثل رأس السّنة الهجريّة والمولد النّبويّ، والبرنامج والقرآن فيه مُترجم إلى عدّة لغات، ويُقدّم أيضًا إمساكيّة لشهر رمضان المبارك، وأدعية حصن المُسلم. للتحميل انقر هنا. برنامج Athan لمعرفة اتجاه القبلة للايفون تطبيق Athan هو أحد افضل برنامج القبله للايفون الذي يعتني بكافّة الضّروريّات الأخرى، مثلًا يُتيح معرفة أوقات الصّلاة بالضّبط من أيِّ موقع، ويُتيح تتبّع أداء المُستخدّم، ويُتيح التّطبيق قراءة القرآن الكريم مع التّرجمة، ويُمكنه تحديد المساجد القريبة، والمنظّمات الإسلاميّة، والمدارس الإسلاميّة، ومعلومات الاتّصال الخاصّة بها، ويُتيح متابعة جدول الصّلاة عن طريق إظهار إشعارات على شاشة قفل الجهاز، ويُتيح التّقويم الإسلاميّ فيه معرفة كلِّ الأحداث المهمّة القادمة. للتحميل انقر هنا. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMaQ_f_ip9o برنامج alQibla لمعرفة اتجاه القبلة للايفون يُساعد برنامج alQibla على إعداد مواقيت الصّلاة دقيقة بحسب موقع المُستخدِم، ويُمكنه إعداد إشعارات الصّلاة مع صوت أذان مختلف في كلِّ مرّة، ويُعتبر أحد افضل برنامج القبله للايفون أيضًا، ويُمكنه عرض مواقيت الصّلاة باللّغة العربيّة، أو الفرنسيّة، أو التّركيّة، أو الإنجليزيّة، ويُمكن مشاركة أحداث التّقويم الهجريّ فيه مع الأصدقاء والعائلة، ولكن للاستفادة من هذه الميّزة يجب الاشتراك من داخل التّطبيق، ولكنّ تحميله مجّانيّ، ويتضمّن قبلة رسوميّة لأجهزة +iPhone 3Gs. للتحميل انقر هنا. برنامج Qibla compass pro قبلة الايفون هو أحد افضل برنامج القبله للايفون ومن أشهرها أيضًا، ويُساعد على العثور على اتّجاه الكعبة مباشرة، وهو برنامج مجّانيّ وسهل الاستخدام، ويُمكن استخدامه في جميع أنحاء العالم للحصول على اتّجاه دقيق للقبلة، ويعمل مع نظام GPS ونظام البوصلة؛ لِذا من السّهل العثور على اتّجاه القبلة عند تغيير الموقع مباشرة، ويجب وضع الجهاز بشكل موازٍ للأرض، ثمَّ تشغيل البرنامج بحيث يعمل بشكل جيّد ليُظهر اتّجاه القبلة بسهولة ودقّة، ويتوفّر فيه شاشة للمُساعدة. للتحميل انقر هنا. Read the full article
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just-say-bismillah · 2 years ago
Real heartbreak was when we found out Muslim Pro was selling our information to the government
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susanhorak · 8 months ago
الاذان مكرر للرقية اجمل صوت اذان في اليوتيوب لحالات المس والحسد والسحر اربع ساعات أذان خاص لعلاج المس والسحر والحسد وكشف الجن المتلبس صيغة الاذان ( اللهُ أكْبَرُ اللهُ أكْبَرُ ) مرَّتان . ( أشْهَدُ أنَّ لا إلَهَ إلاَّ اللهُ ) مرَّتان . ( أشْهَدُ أنَّ مُحَمَّداً رَسُولُ اللهِ ) مرَّتان . ( حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلاةِ ) مرَّتان . ( حَيَّ عَلَى الفَلاحِ ) مرَّتان . ( اللهُ أكْبَرُ ) مرَّتان . ( لاَ إلَهَ إلاَّ اللهُ ) مرَّة واحدة . نص الاقامة : ( اللهُ أكْبَرُ اللهُ أكْبَرُ ) مرَّة واحدة. ( أشْهَدُ أنَّ لا إلَهَ إلاَّ اللهُ ) مرَّة واحدة . ( أشْهَدُ أنَّ مُحَمَّداً رَسُولُ اللهِ ) مرَّة واحدة . ( حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلاةِ ) مرَّة واحدة . ( حَيَّ عَلَى الفَلاحِ ) مرَّة واحدة . ( قَدْ قَامَت الصَّلاةُ ) مرَّتان . ( اللهُ أكْبَرُ ) مرَّتان . ( لاَ إلَهَ إلاَّ اللهُ ) مرَّة واحدة .
المعوذتين لعلاج الحسد مكررة | سورتا الفلق و الناس https://youtu.be/KQ3SFPe_bhs مسلسل ضحايا شمس المعارف الحلقة الاولي https://youtu.be/7U3CsNGB2Xk فك السحر | اقوى رقية شرعية للعين والحسد والسحر والمس https://youtu.be/9NXR6PJIwH4
اشترك معنا قساعدنا علي الإستمرار في العطاء من خلال عمل مشاركة وكتابة تعليق و الاشتراك في قناة نور ذكر الله http://www.youtube.com/c/Noorone.
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adamyoussefmprahime6 · 7 months ago
Most Beautiful azan alarm , adhan repeated azan - azan prayer
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voidingintotheshout · 4 years ago
Yeah, I used to use them but I found them really suspicious so I use Athan now. 
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https://www.vice.com/en/article/jgqm5x/us-military-location-data-xmode-locate-x 🙃
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southeastasianists · 3 years ago
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Myanmar Unanimously Defies Junta With Silent Strike
Myanmar’s people collectively showed their defiance of the junta with a successful nationwide silent strike on Friday, making it clear once again that the regime would never be allowed to rule them, despite its seizure of power from the country’s democratically elected government in a Feb. 1 coup.
Roads in cities across the country, including the commercial capital Yangon, the second-biggest city Mandalay and the administrative capital Naypyitaw, were deserted as people stayed home and shut down their businesses to join the strike.
Small vendors, local wet markets and wholesale markets were no exception, having shared the call to strike by word of mouth in the preceding days.
A local resident living near Hledan junction in Yangon’s Kamayut Township said the usually busy roadsides of her neighborhood had been quiet since morning, with shops and stalls closed and people staying off the street.
Maha Aung Myay, a grocery shop owner in Mandalay’s Sein Pan ward, told The Irrawaddy that he closed his shop for the whole day to participate in the silent strike.
He said junta forces on Thursday told people not to participate in the strike and promised to provide sufficient security for those who kept their businesses open. But the people defied their announcement and joined the strike anyway.
Nearly all supermarkets, shops and restaurants in Mandalay, including the Zay Cho market—the city’s busiest—and the Mahaaungmyay gem market, were closed on Friday.
In Meiktila, where the military’s proxy Union Solidarity and Development Party has a strong presence, authorities traveling in cars instructed locals to keep their shops open and not to participate in the silent strike.
A resident said, however, that only a few shops linked to the military and ward administrators were open in the town.
Even in Mandalay Region’s military-dominated town of Pyi Oo Lwin, which is home to the army’s officer training academies, photos shared by locals showed deserted streets and markets.
In Naypyitaw, the normally bustling Thapyaygone and Myoma markets were deserted after 10 a.m.
“This time the silent strike is more successful than the previous one [on March 24], with the whole city totally deserted, and not even a passerby or deliveryman in sight,” a Yangon resident said.
Myanmar people staged a silent strike on March 24 to disprove the junta’s claim to have reasserted “normalcy” in the country after the coup. It had a big impact, with the streets of Yangon and other cities practically deserted.
Timed to coincide with Human Rights Day, which falls on Dec. 10 every year, Friday’s silent strike was intended to demonstrate the Myanmar people’s continued opposition to the junta and to send a message to the world about the regime’s ongoing human rights violations and atrocities.
In response to the strike, the junta forces seized some goods from roadside stalls left unattended in Kamayut Township, and arrested three people for clapping in Mayangone Township, Yangon, when locals broke into a round of applause at 4 p.m. to celebrate the success of the strike. A small pro-junta rally was also held in Yangon amid the silent strike.
In Bago Region’s Pyay, local media outlet Myaelatt Athan reported that regime forces kicked and destroyed the doors of closed shops. Three shop owners who were spotted by patrolling regime forces were beaten and sworn at for closing their businesses.
The military seized power from the democratically elected government led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on Feb. 1 and formed its so-called governing body, the State Administration Council. Struggling to rule the country in the face of public resistance, the regime has in recent months escalated its crackdown on opponents of its rule.
According to one rights group’s count, regime forces have killed at least 1,323 civilians and arrested some 10,800 people over the past 10 months.
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years ago
[7] in the back of my mind
Fandom: WMMAP Rating: G Ship: Eventual Lucathy, Felily, Calena, and more Note: the Twin Sibling AU that i tried so hard not to write, but i DID, so naturally i have to call myself out for writing it. will be cross-posted on ao3 and wattpad under the same title
note: until athy’s magic-induced coma that occurs in the 2 year timeskip, Verena will not be introduced anytime soon for those who were aware of my love for her character and eagerness to introduce her. this also means that i’ll still have to be canon compliant with the story until then
Arc 1: Beginning of the End 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |  4 | 5 | 6 | [7] | 8
Arc 2: Of Princes and Villainesses 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
He was pretty sure he transmigrated into a fanfic of [The Lovely Princess] — after all, he would’ve remembered if Princess Athanasia had a younger twin who died.
// A retelling of WMMAP with a vital difference — Athanasia has a younger twin brother.
7. without a shadow of doubt
He finds a small creature in the forest on one of his few rare moments alone out in the woods. Its appearance was an awful lot like a white cat, with black and grey patches of fur and glimmering aquamarine eyes. They're not wary of him, nor does the creature run away — instead, it observes him, sniffing at him before curling up around his legs.
It seems familiar, oddly enough.
"Hey there, little guy," he greets, running his fingers through its soft fur. "I didn't realize cats existed in this world, too."
He stares at the small catlike creature, and weighs the pros and cons of taking it back to the palace with him. Athy was more of a fan of dogs, rather than cats — she would probably complain about him having his own pet. Claude wouldn't care much, although Athanase was fairly certain that he would probably hate animals for the mere fact that they were noisy.
So, it was fairly easy for him to decide to leave the cat behind. It should be fine if he shows up from time to time to keep it company. Cats can take care of themselves, but there shouldn't be an issue with him occasionally feeding them...
"Mrrp?" The catlike creature rubs against his leg before taking off for a tree branch, seeming to take a nap. Its fur was so soft... it seemed relatively friendly, too. Maybe it belonged to someone in the palace grounds? There wasn't a collar or anything, from what he could see.
'I'll have to come back later,' he absentmindedly thinks, watching the cat sleep up on the tree.
"Thank you for inviting Athy/Athan to tea," Athanasia said with a curtsy as Athanase bowed. He smiled, trying not to snicker as Athy internally bragged about her cuteness.
As always, their father remained uncaring — which is more or less what Athan expected. He could tell that Athanasia was mildly disappointed in the lack of response, even if she claimed to have expected it. Maybe he just understood their father better?
"Good morning, papa!" Athy cheerily greeted, clearly not at all disheartened by their father's uncaring attitude.
"Morning, papa," he lazily chirped, feeling somewhat sleepy as he rubbed his eyes.
Then again, he always did have a bad habit of trying to sleep past noon whenever he could. If it weren't for Lily and how their tea time with Claude was moved to the mornings, he would still be asleep! It was all Athanasia's fault — she just had to greet him with a "good morning", otherwise their sperm donor would never have made the change from noon to 10 AM.
What's the point in greeting him, anyway? He never responds to them, not even an acknowledging hum or grunt. All he does is stare at them blankly, as if thinking of something else.
His sister begins to ramble about her made up dream as he yawns, laying back against his chair as he tries not to doze off.
"And you, Athanasios?" Claude asked, causing Athanase to blink at the sudden question.
'What about me?' he dumbly thought.
'He's asking about your dreams,' Athy prompted.
"Athan had a dream where Athan went on an adventure!" he sleepily cheered. "Athan was a knight who fought against an evil witch and saved Athy and papa and Feli and Lily and Hannah and Ces," he rambled, "And Athan got to play with Athy and papa again. And, and, Athan got to eat lots and lots of yummy cake!"
'Huh? What's this?'
He glances over to his sister at hearing her thoughts, only to immediately perk up at the sight of cake.
"Cake!" he gleefully stared at the cake placed before him before diving right in with childish delight.
'Glutton,' Athy thought.
'I don't want to hear that from a chocolate thief,' he shot back as he hummed, taking a bite and savouring the strawberry shortcake.
Truly, cake is the most heavenly dessert, with its countless variations and options. How Athy preferred chocolate more than simple cake was beyond him. Delicate cream, with a smooth or fluffy texture...
"Papa, is that good?" Athy abruptly asked.
Athan whipped his head up with interest, thinking that Claude was eating cake for once. He was met with disappointment upon seeing that it was only tea. Strange — did their father dislike sweets? He called them for teatime on a regular basis, in which sweets made a regular occurrence...
Then again, tea sounded nice. He was getting sick of honey and milk.
"It's not enjoyed for its taste."
"Athy wants what papa's having!" his sister demanded, and Athan hummed as he took yet another bite of his cake.
"It might be too strong for you, princess," Felix spoke up, seeming somewhat concerned.
"I want it! I want the same one!"
Vaguely, Athan remembers something... but what?
"Let her have it. If she wants it, I won't stop her."
Athan blinked, looking up as his sister hums and smiles in delight at the teacup.
"I wanna try after Athy," he chirps up as Athy nodded, taking her sip. She visibly brightens up after her sip, handing it over for Athan to try.
"Athy likes it, too!" she cheerfully states as Athan takes a sip.
The tea tastes nice — it wasn't an overbearing scent, but it...
"It tastes like flowers are blooming inside my mouth," he says, right as Athy makes her own statement, and she gratefully takes the teacup back with a happy hum.
"Right?" Athy had cheerfully asked, turning to look at him, and was very much pleased at their similar opinion.
Even though he and Athy were strangers who suddenly became twins, it was amazing how some things between them would still be a perfect match, even word for word.
But Felix and their father stares at them, their eyes slightly wider, as if they were seeing a ghost right before their eyes.
And Athan... has a bad feeling about this.
'What's with this reaction?' Athy wonders.
"...I see you have taken a liking to it," Felix smiles, giving a mournful look as he looks at the table, at the tea. "It's called Lippe Tea. His Majesty enjoys it as well."
Immediately, Athan's head dully aches.
He remembers this scene from Toska — it was the teatime between the twins and their father, the one that caused the distance between Prince Athanasios, Crown Princess Athanasia, and Emperor Claude to grow wider because the twins wanted to hear more about their mother.
"And Lady Diana also enjoyed it. "It feels like flowers are blooming inside my mouth," is what she said."
But this wasn't meant to happen until later in their lives, when the twins turned seven.
And they were still only five.
His sister glances over at their father, briefly shifting over to make eye contact with him, before looking curiously at Felix, "Mommy said the same thing as Athy?" she asked.
This wasn't how the conversation had gone in Toska, though. In Toska, Claude had outright glared at Felix for even daring to mention their mother.
"Yes," Felix smiled, seeming almost delighted at the topic of conversation. "Lady Diana was the reason why His Majesty started to enjoy Lippe Tea. Lippe Tea's main ingredient, Sanyu, only comes from Siodonna."
Was... was he overthinking things? Athanase could have sworn this was a conversation that happened in Toska, but the details of Lippe Tea was never brought up. On top of that, Claude was letting Felix talk about their mother, while in Toska he shut that down relatively quick...
"Ah, the lady and His Majesty once had tea in this very place toge—"
"I do not have such memories," Claude coldly interrupted, staring at Felix with a dark look. "You are surprisingly chatty today."
Well, the details were different, but it was good to know that even meeting Claude two years early didn't drastically change the storyline of Toska too much... probably. It wasn't perfect down to the details, but it was still a useful guideline.
After this, Claude will definitely stop seeing them as often as before.
"You're being too loud. Leave us."
Felix politely bowed as he stared at the ground, "Blessings and glory upon the Obelian Empire," he murmurs before leaving the table.
'What?' Athy had thought, and he could feel her rising irritation. 'So she's just a girl you used to know? What a jerk. And he's still...' An image of a woman with brown hair flickered in the back of his mind, the painting of a woman in a golden frame from their father's room. '...keeping the other one's portrait.'
"You're both still too young for tea. It would be best if you drank milk."
Strangely, Athan thinks that their father looked... sad.
His sister giggled, "Athy likes milk, too."
"Mn," he slowly nodded.
'A mother, huh?' Athan absentmindedly thinks, wandering into his study and glancing over the books on his bookshelf.
The library of the Ruby Palace didn't have appropriate reading materials for him and Athanasia, so much that the library ended up being off-limits to the twins. Since the Lily and the other maids insisted on beginning their education long before they met Claude, they worked together to create a study room for their lessons.
He had his own personal bookshelf — his sister also has one, but it's a pink bookshelf with drawings of flowers. His bookshelf was a simple, standard wood with what seemed to be star decals.
Lily knew his tastes in aesthetics better than anyone, it seemed.
Athanase halts, his fingers resting on a book of the world's geography. He still had difficulties with reading some words — then again, The Lovely Princess was an online k-novel. He was fortunate enough to be able to read the online official English translation, but even then he couldn't understand a hint of Korean. The letters in the Obelian Empire's alphabet appeared to be similar, but that was just his assumption as someone who had grown up only knowing English his entire life — almost.
Well... oddly enough, he seems to have a better understanding of Arlanta's language. Strange.
"Siodonna..." he frowned, picking up the book and flicking through the pages to search for the country.
From what Athanase knew, Siodonna was drastically different from Obelia when it comes to culture and fashion. Enough that Claude actually wore the casual robes, which would be considered almost improper by the Obelian nobility.
Then again, Claude was too frightening of a man for anyone to protest against his choices.
Siodonna was a hot and humid country, where it seemed to be summer all year round, much like how Obelia experience spring year round. He wasn't much of a fan of hot weather, but he did like a nice sunny day... still, perhaps Arlanta would be a better choice in terms of a country to escape into. Claude certainly wouldn't try to search for them there, right? They even had a prestigious academy that he could always ask to go to when he turns eight.
Since Claude doesn't care much for him and his sister, he should certainly give it a try. Plus, Obelia and Arlanta were on relatively positive terms, and while he wasn't fond of the idea, Arlanta would probably try to aim for a royal marriage between Athanasia and Prince Dice, who's only two years younger than them.
Still, he'd like to visit Siodonna once in his life. His mother didn't have any family, if he's remembering correctly. She missed the warm summer breeze and Siodonna cuisine, but she was genuinely happy that she was going to bear a child, especially because the father was the love of her life.
But did she even know that she was going to have twins? She only properly named Athanasia, after all.
'My mother was neglectful in my previous life,' he thinks, fingers tracing the pictures of Siodonna, 'I guess I just assumed Diana would've been, too. I'll have to remember this to avoid that kind of mistake again. Did I really forget that she was my favourite minor character?'
A mother's love... he wishes he could've met Diana.
He was sitting on the sofa, drawing a scene of Lily and Felix who sat beside Athy, as she simply continued to doodle with crayons. Humming, he observed them, adding in the background details. If Athy was considered a literary genius, he was the artistic genius — while he hated being called a genius when he was just cheating because of his previous life skills, he was rather proud of his art skills.
"What are you drawing, princess?" Felix asked, glancing over his sister's drawing with simply curiosity. It's been a while since he drew an image of someone's back. Thankfully, he didn't have to worry too much with the details, since the cloak Felix wore covered all the complicated-to-draw lines.
'It's bad enough that Athy's dress has so many ruffles,' Athan internally groaned, huffing as he erases the charcoal marking with bread. 'Why do I do this to myself? I dropped out of my art classes in college because of this!'
"Lily, Lily," Athy piped up.
"Yes, princess?"
"What does mommy look like?" his sister asked, causing him to look up with interest. "Athy wants to draw mommy, but Athy doesn't know mommy's face. Is mommy's straight-straight like Lily's, or wavy?"
'Oh! Athy, I know what Diana looked like,' he excitedly thought, putting his charcoal drawing down on the table as he wiped his hands with a towel. 'I saw a lot of fan art of Diana on Tumblr, so I could try to recreate that for you. She was really, really pretty.'
'Really?!' Athy looked at him with glittering eyes as he grabbed a clean sheet of paper and plopped down beside her, picking up the crayons.
"She had shimmering platinum blonde hair, just like Princess Athanasia," Lily had smiled gently at them.
'And she had pretty rose-coloured eyes!' Athan hummed happily, setting off on his task as he thought back to the days of glancing through the little fan art his side of the fandom had.
"Hmm. Was it this long?" Athy hummed, moving her arms out wide in a gesture.
'Not sure — the side stories were never clear on the details, so everyone just assumed it was really, really long,' he absentmindedly thought.
"A bit shorter than that," Lily answered.
'Think you're gonna grow your hair out as long as she did?' Athy wondered, "What about the shape of her face?"
'Fuck yeah, I am! I look too much like Claude right now, even after growing my hair out like you. I'm gonna go to sleep with braided hair to try and get that wavy long hair... although I'm gonna rock the dead anime mom hairstyle and end the trope. Although it probably won't count since I'm a dude...'
'The dead-what hairstyle?' Athy incredulously thought.
"It was..." Lily began to explain, distracting Athanasia who listened to their nanny attentively.
'Oh yeah, everyone in the community kinda just unanimously decided to draw Diana with a kind of heart-shaped face,' Athan absentmindedly thought. 'I never really thought about it too much, to be honest.'
'Okay. I can draw her now,' Athy confidently thought.
"She was a beautiful person, just like Princess Athanasia and Prince Athanasios," Lily gently spoke.
"Like Athy and Athan?" his sister asked aloud.
'That doesn't cover half of the fan art I saw of Diana!' Athan grinned, adding in him and his sister, sitting at Diana's side. 'She was so pretty! I swear, she looked like she came straight out of a movie, Athy.'
'I guess that would be true. In "The Lovely Princess" she was described as a beauty you couldn't take your eyes off of,' Athanasia considered. 'I wonder how pretty she was. They say that I look just like her, but I'm only a kid.'
'Guess we'll just have to wait and see,' Athan shrugged. 'Maybe when I learn magic, I could figure out a way to share my memories of Diana's pictures with you?'
'Yeah!' Athy looked at him with excited interest. 'Come to think of it, even our jerk of a sperm donor liked Diana, right? She was that much of a beauty.'
"Mama must've been a fairy," he cheerfully concluded, ultimately deciding to include Claude as well, having the man sitting next to Diana and Athy. It was a pretty cute family drawing, and while it wasn't much of a realism artwork, it was pretty good for something drawn in a short amount of time.
"I want to see her, too," Athy smiled, and Athan finally drew in the giant tree by the lake. At this point, he couldn't help but get carried away by making his own fan art of their mother — he can always draw Diana later, but right now he ought to do the best that he can at the moment.
Suddenly, the room had gone silent as Athan hummed, continuing his drawing as he finally began to colour.
In the drawing he made, he and Athy were both napping on Diana's lap on a picnic blanket, with Claude sitting on Diana's left, where Athy was napping. Really, it ought to be unfair how good-looking their family was — then again, not once had he encountered someone with bad genes.
'Eh?' his sister thought. 'What's with this heavy silence?'
'Hmm?' he paused in the middle of colouring Diana's pink dress.
'Athan... did I just say I wanted to see mom out loud...?'
'I... wasn't paying attention.'
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writing-gifts · 4 years ago
datura (moth!bruno x butterfly!reader)
A/N: idk what to say so here’s another chapter ft. oblivious bruno lmao
First Chapter || Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Reader is gender neutral!
[Early Fall]
You thought you were at peace with Summer ending but apparently that wasn’t the case. Every time you woke up and it was a little colder than the day before you’d curse the season. It was uncomfortable to adapt to and made you want to stay under your covers longer than you should.
You still tried to see the good in Autumn though. Such as the trees changing from various greens to reds, oranges, and yellows. It was a nice change of scenery. But you quickly remember with that came giant dead leaves almost landing on you, which wasn’t as nice. And these leaves would make the paths you walked extremely uneven. To you every pro had multiple drawbacks.
"I just don’t want to say goodbye to the warm weather, even if the heat would get a little unbearable some days,” you complain to your friend.
"Yeah. It’s going to suck when it gets too cold to fly."
Frowning even more, you pour the bag of grain you’re holding into a storage container. Since it would only be getting cooler from now on Abilene needed to start saving up food and you were helping them.
"Don’t look so down, we can keep each other company during it. By the way, have you started preparing for Winter?" Abilene asks.
“Yep! You know I have copious amounts of nectar stored at all times.”
"Of course, of course how silly of me."
You stick out your tongue at them but stop when you almost spill some of the grain on the ground.
You both continue to work in relative silence but if thoughts could make noise it would be extremely loud. Something has been plaguing your mind recently. Something related to Bruno.
Your crush on the moth had always been there but instead of fading away like you expected, it seemed to have grown exponentially over the Summer.
You put down the bag you just finished emptying. “Hey Abby...”
You shift slightly from foot to foot, unsure how to bring up the topic. “Um, would it be strange if two different species got together?"
Abilene looks puzzled. “No? I've seen a lot of bugs do it, and honestly you and Bruno aren't that different. Moths and butterflies are probably under the same category."
"W-Wait, I didn't mention anything like that…"
Your friend shrugs, opening up another bag. "Why else would you ask a question that you already know the answer to? I’m guessing your little crush got more serious?"
You rub at your arm, your bottom hands wringing each other. "I thought I just had a crush because of his looks but I spent too much time with him and it got worse!”
"Yea, that's how relationships tend to work."
"Abby this is serious, I don't know what to do!"
They close the bin they just finished filling and look at you. “Maybe just confess?”
You almost roll your eyes. “You know that I can't do that. That’s the sensical thing to do!”
"I guess you're just going to have to suffer then. Unless, he confesses to you."
That gives you pause. You couldn't exactly see Bruno feeling the same way. Was that even a possibility?
"What if he doesn't see me that way?"
"As harsh as it sounds, you just have to accept and respect that. But at least you’ll know and there won't be any ‘what ifs’."
That was true but rejection was a scary thing. Scary enough to prevent you from even trying. And there was always that chance that the confession would ruin your friendship.
Suddenly, you didn't want to talk about this anymore.
“You okay?”
"I don't know...I just need to think a little more on this."
You help more silently from then on. It takes a while before you're done emptying the bags and the filled bins are placed neatly in Abilene’s pantry. And after cleaning up any spilled grains, you’re ready to walk home. Even though you try to reassure Abilene, they tag along to “prevent you from getting distracted”.
By the time you both get through the path between your homes, the sun’s on the verge of setting but you're surprised to find Bruno already waiting by the front steps.
The realization that crosses Abilene's face when they see him has you suddenly feeling antsy. You were not ready for this. You planned for them to meet during the upcoming play.
"Is this The Bruno?" they whisper to you.
Oh god.
“Abby please act normal…”
You both walk up to the moth, although you lag behind your friend.
When you catch up, Abilene’s already introducing themselves.
“I’m glad to finally meet the person I’ve been hearing so often about.”
You squint at Abilene trying to show your disapproval with just your eyes, but they simply return an “innocent” smile.
Fortunately, Bruno doesn’t question their comment. “Well It’s nice that I can finally sate your curiosity.”
“Definitely. But also it’s the perfect time to make sure that ____ is making friends with people with their best interest in mind. No offense.”
You internally groan. Abilene didn’t exactly sound confrontational but you can’t help feeling that from what they just said. If you knew they would act like this you would have avoided Bruno and Abilene meeting at all costs.
You sigh. “I told you he was safe….”
Bruno gives Abilene a slight smile, "It's good that they have someone looking after them. And I don't blame you considering how we met.”
You look at Abilene and for some reason they don't seem as sure as they did a moment ago.
“I've been wondering for a while...” Bruno continues. “Has ____ always liked to stay out late?”
Abilene seems to step out of whatever temporary daze they went into. “Unfortunately, yes. Ever since they were a caterpillar. I don't even know where they picked it up from, but you don't even want to know some of the other things I’ve caught them doing.”
The moth's brows raise and he looks at you, “That’s not very reassuring.”
“Guys”, you interject. Bruno did not need to know about that. Especially after what you said at the pond.
“I don't stay out that late anymore! At least not by myself anyways.”
"I suppose that's true." Bruno says.
“But the fact that you managed to discourage them from doing that is really amazing, you know?”
“It wasn’t easy trust me.”
You purse your lips. Sure you can be stubborn when it came to visiting flowers but were you really that bad? They had to be exaggerating. And you didn't need both your friends calling you out on your bad habits together. At least not in front of your face.
"By the way Abby, when did you say the play was again?” you ask.
"That’s coming up pretty soon actually--in a week.”
"I’m still curious about the ‘supernatural’ element," Bruno says.
You release a breath seeing that your question was enough to change to subject.
"Do you like supernatural stuff? Abby’s surprisingly into it."
“Not necessarily. I’m just wondering what they were planning since it was so vague.”
Abby nods. “I thought they would explain it when the play date got closer but it’s still pretty vague so guess we’ll just have to find out on the day.”
As the conversation continues you feel yourself relaxing. It really wasn't weird or awkward like you had been worrying about. Even if you wanted to pinch Abilene whenever they said something that even slightly implied your crush on the moth.
It doesn’t take long before the sun is gone and it’s dark out.
Abilene glances up. "Well, I’m going to head back now. Don’t want to let it get too late.”
You slightly pout. Now that the initial part of the meeting has passed you didn’t want this to end so quickly. "Aw okay. See ya later, Abby."
"It was nice meeting you. Be safe getting back," Bruno says.
Abilene smiles at you both, “Bye ____, and I’ll be seeing you at the play Bruno."
They turn to leave but they stop and lean towards your ear. “Now I know why you were so desperate to keep in contact with him--very handsome,” they whisper.
You push them in the direction of their home. “Yes goodbye Abby! Get back safely.”
They snicker at you, not moving as quickly as you would like. “I will obviously. Bye!”
Exhaling deeply, you watch them head back through the path you two came from.
“You guys seem like very good friends.”
You scowl still reeling from what that grasshopper said. “I have no friends!”
You sigh when you see Bruno’s questioning gaze and open your front door. “Nothing, just come and get your nectar.”
After Bruno and Abilene’s brief meeting you find yourself looking more forward to the play. Fortunately, the next several days pass by quickly and the three of you all meet up at your home before heading there together.
It’s quite crowded when you arrive but you all manage to find a spot together and you sit in between your friends.
Throughout the play, you couldn’t stop yourself from looking over at Bruno to see his reactions. One time you look over and he looks right back, which makes you finally stop, afraid that he had noticed you doing that the whole time. Other than that everything else went smoothly, or as smoothly as a unique play like that could go.
It went on pretty long, starting late afternoon so any bug whether diurnal or nocturnal would be able to attend. Now the last of the sun covers everything in an orange glow and those who need it can make it home safely.
You walk alongside your friends, leaving the open theater area to head back towards your home. It’s only a short while before the three of you are walking along a river bank.
You cautiously watch the running water, your eyes every so often follow the random leaves being carried away.
"I wasn’t expecting that…” you say.
It was a romance story like the poster said but the supernatural part was definitely something new to you.
“When Athan started drinking from the other mosquito--,” Abilene chuckles.
You side eye your usually practical friend. “You were into that...?”
Abilene shrugs, “It’s not the first time I’ve seen or read stories like this. Definitely has a strange allure to it...”
You decide to not ask them to go into detail since Bruno’s here and turn to said moth instead.
“Did you think it was weird?”
“Some parts were definitely strange, especially all the blood drinking, but I enjoyed it overall,” he says.
“Hmm, do you like romance?”
“I guess I tend to lean towards it.”
You nod. “I could tell you really liked the more uhh s-sensual parts?”
You know that sounded off and you can see Bruno wants to laugh but he holds it behind a small smile.
Abilene looks at you with a raised brow. “Why did you have to say it like that?”
“I don't know how else to say it! The sexy parts?!”
You and Abilene fill most of the silence while Bruno mainly listens, throwing in his opinion every once in a while. Eventually he needs to split off from the group to head towards his own home. So you exchange goodbyes and he flies off.
“Bruno looked really happy!”
Abilene’s brows raise slightly. “...He did? He seemed at most content to me.”
“Nah, I think he really enjoyed himself,” you couldn't help the grin on your face. You wanted to do more things like this with your friends.
For some reason Abilene starts smiling at you with a knowing look and you just stare back confused.
“Nothing, just smiling.”
You huff. “Come on.”
“Okay, you're so cute right now. I can tell that you really like Bruno a lot and spend a lot of time with him.”
Was it that obvious? You didn't even say anything strange though, at least you think you didn’t.
“I can't make you do anything but I really think you should embrace your feelings,” your friend says.
“I don't know...How should I go about it cause I’m too afraid to just come out and say it.”
Abilene holds their chin as they think. “Well, perhaps you just need to show him.”
“Like trying to hold hands or something? That seems a bit much--I mean, we did do that once…”
“You held hands already?” They sound very curious.
You wave your hand in front of your face. “He was leading me through the dark, but we’re getting off topic! What do you mean?”
“Just like hints at feeling more. Maybe compliment him more. If you're feeling really brave, maybe offer a hug.”
The idea of hugging Bruno has your heart lurching.
Abilene tries to give you a supportive smile. “Honestly this isn’t my area of expertise but you can’t expect anything if you just wait around. And you don't have to go hard all at once, just start off small.”
You really didn’t want to constantly wonder ‘what if’ in the future so you agree with this plan. “I’ll try…”
It definitely won't be easy though.
The sky had been dark and cloudy since morning and only got darker as the day went on. The pressure drop in the air was obvious but not a single raindrop fell. You just hoped it wouldn’t flood when it finally did decide to pour.
You were sitting on the ground in front of your low table sewing. You had neglected this hobby for baking last season so you decided to finally get back to it since you didn’t expect Bruno to show up tonight. You actually hadn't seen the moth that often since the play. Apparently, Narancia wanted him to stay with him more often and of course parent duty came first.
While focusing on pinning the cloth together that would be a new top, there's a knock on your front door which causes you to tilt your head. You wonder who it was. Maybe Abilene but they rarely came over this late, especially right before rain.
When you walk over to open the door and see Bruno, you immediately give him a questioning look. “What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to visit.”
“That’s it? But it’s going to rain though! How are you going to get back? What if it rained while you were coming here?”
“It’s fine--”
Suddenly there’s a loud clap of thunder, a bright flash and the stormy clouds finally release the rain they had been holding on to all day. Which instantly soaks Bruno.
You pull him in hastily and shut the door. “Holy crap, are you okay?”
“I probably should have not pushed my luck standing outside like that.” He wipes the fluff on his forearm across his face but it barely helps.
“Ah wait, let me get you something to dry off.”
You run to your bedroom to find a giant towel for the moth.
When you come back into the main room, you hold it out for him to take. He immediately brings the soft towel to his face and you leave again to get some blankets. It wasn’t too cold but it would be best to warm him up to absolutely avoid sickness.
When you come back with some of your fluffiest blankets in your arms, you see that Bruno has removed the golden clips from his hair to dry it. The braid on the top of head has come loose and the strands that once formed it sit slightly wavy atop the rest of his hair.
You suddenly remember Abilene’s advice to be more honest with your feelings but you could barely look at the moth right now. Damn him for not wearing clothes and looking good even soaked.
You finally look away and drop the blankets on your daybed.
You turn back towards him.
“Can you do me a favor?”
“Uh, yea?”
“If you don’t mind, I need help reaching my wings.”
Why didn't you think of that. Getting back there would take way longer by himself
You grab the towel and move behind him to gently dab at his damp wings, careful not to cause any damage. The towel wouldn't be able to dry them completely but it would slightly speed up the process. They would have to mainly air dry though.
“You won't be able to fly for a while Bruno. Not that you could fly back in this rain anyways,” you say.
“I know.”
You almost want to chide the moth for how indifferent he sounded, but you decide to let it go. Both of you knew you weren’t the pinnacle of careful behavior anyways.
“I’m not going to kick you out, obviously, but I don’t know if you’re comfortable with staying overnight.”
“Why wouldn’t I be comfortable? I would actually really appreciate it.”
“Well, then I guess that's settled then.” You gently touch the wing that's slightly overlapped on top of the other and direct it upwards so you can better get to the bottom one. They felt pleasantly fuzzy. Similar to a cushion you would like to lay your face on or rub your hands all over.
Brunos wings shift slightly under your fingertips. “T-Thanks for helping me dry off.”
You momentarily pause. “You cold?”
“Not much.”
You couldn't tell if he was being honest or trying to pretend but you’re sure you heard him stutter. You shake it off quickly so you can finish trying to get some of the water off his wings. After you finish you lead him towards the daybed.
“I bought you covers to warm up. You can air dry your wings later.”
“But I’m not that cold.”
“I’m hearing that you’re still cold though so I’m not taking any nos.”
The moth sits on the daybed in slight resignation, and you quickly wrap the covers around him, layering him with one after the other. Once you're done, you laugh at his face poking out of the hill of blankets and his antenna being forced down by the wait of the covers.
He furrows his brow, blowing the fur on his antenna out of his face. “Don’t you think these are too many covers?”
You do your best to speak through your laughs. “Better--Better safe than sorry.”
“This is so…” He shakes his head, well the best that he can under those covers, not bothering to finish his thought.
“Don’t worry, you look great like this!” Your laughs finally start to slow and you sit down next to the blanket heap that is Bruno. “If you need anything else just let me know kay?”
The moth moves the blankets to sit on his shoulder instead on top of his head. “I should be okay. Thank you again for letting me stay.”
“No problem. I would have let you for no reason honestly.”
Bruno watched you slide off the daybed onto the floor so you can continue your sewing.
“What are you making?” he asks.
“A top. I want to wear something new for the upcoming cold.”
You pull out a pin from your flower shaped pincushion.
“Actually, do you ever wear clothes? I’ve never seen you in any since I met you,” you say.
“Barely, I don’t really get cold enough that I need to.”
Your lips twist to the side, unconvinced. It’s not like his legs and torso weren’t nice to look at, but part of you wanted to dress him up. You're sure he’d look great. And just knowing his thighs and torso were always exposed made you worried about the inevitable drop in temperature.
“Not even in the Winter? But youre almost completely exposed….”
“I stay mostly indoors during it and I can keep myself warm if necessary.”
“I’ll just warm myself up by vibrating.”
You raise a brow. “...Vibrating?”
“It’s not exactly the warmest at night in Autumn so I need to vibrate my wings so I can fly. Do you want to see?”
You didn't want him to take off the covers so you shake your head, “Maybe another time.”
It did sound interesting, however you can't help thinking wearing clothes would be more convenient. Especially when it came to flying since it could get pretty chilly if you went fast enough.
“You must not be very fond of clothing. Or maybe you don’t like them at all?” you contemplate out loud. “Very interesting…”
“Is it really that unconventional to you?”
“It's fine, it’s fine. You can be exposed or whatever,” you say teasingly. “It's not like it's against the rules.”
The moth’s brow furrows. “I don't exactly hate wearing clothing, I just dont think it’s necessary for me.”
“I guess that’s true with all your fluff and you probably have a higher tolerance to cold than me. I still think you'd look good in something though. It’s actually pretty fun having stuff to change into.”
You notice that Bruno’s looking at your clothes and for some reason you decide to make a dumb joke. “Are you hungry or something?”
“If you're implying that I want to eat your clothes, then no.” He smirks a bit. “Unless you want me to, then I won’t be taking any bites near you, so you don’t have anything to worry about.”
Your eyes widen slightly, unsure of what to make of that. Next time you try to be clever you need to be better prepared.
“A-Anyways, maybe I could make you something one day! Do you have any preferences?”
“Maybe something that doesn’t restrict me too much. And doesn’t cover up my fur. It gets uncomfortable during the Summer.”
You cross off anything with long sleeves.
“Maybe it doesn’t have to be a typical top…” you say outloud to yourself.
An idea is taking shape in your mind's eye but you're not exactly sure how you’ll go about it yet. You might need to make a visit with your more arachnid than insect neighbor.
“Well for now I’m going to knit you a sweater for winter cause I’m not letting you walk around shirtless in the cold!”
“You know I do actually own clothes right?”
“But you said you barely wear them so I'm still making you a sweater. I'm going to make it so you can remove the forearm sleeves if you want, okay?”
“You can make it however you please. I’ll take whatever you make for me”
You shake your head. “That’s sweet but I want you to really like it too--like it so much that you’ll never want to take it off! So I want to make sure it’s something that would be completely comfortable for you.”
Bruno pulls the blankets closer to him. “I’m sure you’d come up with something good without my input, but if it will make it easier for you then I’m fine with that.”
After asking a few more questions related to the sweater, you continue working on the shirt in front of you while you try to figure out how you'd go about making a sheer piece of clothing. At one point you look over and see that Bruno has fallen asleep on top of all the covers that were previously wrapped around him.
You reach out to feel his wings without really thinking. They’re still wet of course but it was better than before.
The moth shifts in his sleep and opens a tired eye.
“Sorry, just checking your wings. Go back to sleep.”
He shuts his eye. “I’m going to poke at your wings when you fall asleep…” It was impossible to take that seriously with his voice being so groggy.
“I would barely call that a poke,” you roll your eyes when you see his lips form a soft smile. It’s tempting to reach out and pinch his nose but you leave him alone.
The rain continues to be heavy and persistent throughout the rest of the evening, filling your home with a pleasant hum. Once it gets too late for you to keep sewing you decide to leave your stuff on the table, too tired to clean up.
You move to get off the floor and jump when you realize Bruno was awake.
“Have you been laying there quietly the whole time?”
Bruno props himself up to better look at you. “Yes?”
“You should have said something, I would have talked to you!”
“You seemed focused and I didn’t want to distract you.”
You shake your head at the somewhat socially inept but considerate action. “Well I guess I’ll head to bed. Will you be comfortable here?”
“With all these covers and this daybed? Definitely.”
You grin, “I really can't believe you risked the rain to come over here. Did it really need to be today?”
The question was supposed to be mostly rhetorical but the moth still answers.
“Narancia wanted to stay over with a friend so I decided to visit. I knew I could make it if I was quick enough.”
But look at you now silly moth.
“That’s it?”
You were still confused by Bruno’s actions but he continues speaking.
“I wanted to visit you. I finally had a chance to come over and I didn’t want to let it pass by.”
How can he say things like that so easily?
“Oh, okay that’s--Thanks, I’m glad to see you too.”
The Bruno you were looking at right now with his messy hair and completely relaxed posture was almost hard to process. But when his usually serious expression is replaced by something more at ease and soft, your stomach feels weird, like something is fluttering within and you can barely keep eye contact.
“Y-You’re actually really cute sometimes--” You freeze as soon as the words come out of your mouth. It wasn’t an accident, you fully intended to say them but actually hearing them outloud? It was embarrassing.
“GOODNIGHT!” you yell before the moth can speak and quickly walk out of the room, leaving a probably highly weirded out Bruno on your daybed.
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mcpeli · 11 months ago
Muslim Pro v14.10.1 MOD APK (Premium Unlocked) for android https://apkpic.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/muslim-pro-quran-athan-prayer.png https://apkpic.com/en/muslim-pro-quran-athan-prayer-Mod-apk?feed_id=7188&_unique_id=6594f3da321cf
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