#atantaw clan
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alraunedrow · 7 months ago
🌿Na'vi cradles🌿
From left to right:
° lesutx aytanhi clan - compact, made from belly part of skin from passed ikran (because it's very soft type of leather) and sticks of the local "oak"
° atan'taw clan - multifunctional, the holders (?) of the cradle also are using to hold the cooking pots during the cooking
After the meal the coals that was left are gently heating the baby's bed
° metkayina clan - made from the giant snail shell and placed on the (unfortunately) dead coral
It's used by na'vi till the baby can walk after that they change it to mat (for baby's safety)
° tum'nan clan - making process of this cradle is very complicated and takes a lot of time
It's made of living tree which is modeled by na'vi to grow in certain direction (like a bonsai for example) but the tree isn't that big (more like a stunted plants) and stops its grow after a few years (2-3 years usually)
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ho-shka · 5 months ago
This is translation of my first post (it was in Russian)
The idea of ​​the OC appeared a long time ago (I spent almost a year perfecting it), but now I decided to patent it, since there is demand)))
Shi'rin te Atan'tirea Ri'oto'ite - the head of the Atan'taw clan.
°The name means "sweet", and the surname "light of the soul".
°Ri'oto is the mother and tsahik, she also has two students.
°Her father died when Shi'rin was 11 years old, so for 5 years she was raised to become their next leader.
°When she was 13 when her mother went on a two-year journey and brought back with her a new husband and a child, who was two years old. Shi'rin has a good relationship with her stepfather, and she also understand that Eywa gave her mother a second chance to have a happy life.
(The concepts were originally based on the Omatikaya people and after a little while she had a fur)
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°At the same time, she got a "Hunter" (this will be discussed in the next posts).
°Successfully completed the Fya'o keye'ung (Path of Madness, an analogue of the Iknimaya of the Omatikay clan) at 16, like most children her age.
° At 16, she got the title of the Olo’eykte.
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(Later concepts that became the final version, by my wonderful friend @alraunedrow)
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(These same two arts are by my other friend @anka-partizanka-from-pandora)
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alraunedrow · 5 months ago
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Aneya told them to stand in certain positions.. as you can see they didn't understood her correctly 😅
Thank to all guys on this pic, they were supportive as hell when I felt like shit ❤:
@ho-shka @anka-partizanka-from-pandora @danynotdevito @furiouspersonakitten and Jelly
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alraunedrow · 3 months ago
Day 17 Eywa
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This is a card of action, joy, love of life, prospects and high efficiency, positive changes after a long period of failures and stagnation in business and in love.
(Basically that what Eywa did for Jake)
So, in Tum'nan clan mythology Eywa usually depicted like a scorpion-spider mother - she weaves every soul that Pandora has, she weaves their lives and fate.
Usually Eywa described as a creature which part are parts of planet itself:
• meat — land,
• blood — water,
• bones — mountains,
• teeth — rocks,
• hair — forest.
But to each species she came in a form as much close as she can to that species.
So, in this image is Eywa as a hell mix of 4 subspecies of Pandora - forest, sea, snow and desert na'vi.
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alraunedrow · 1 month ago
Day 19 Battlefield
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I have no skill to bring this idea to life :(
As a kid who grew up on my grandma's stories about WWII I usually see battles and other war-around things as a meaningless massacre.. with hundreds.. with thousands.. with millions victims of this..
So when I've reached to this day I only thought about it in only particular way, this way...
Sorry to those for whom it might be a TW.
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alraunedrow · 6 months ago
The wedding rituals
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(It's a paired post with @ho-shka Special thanks for the art to her )
The engagement can happen at any time, but the wedding itself happens at a strictly defined time after the return of the traveler group (about this in the following posts) from the trip
At the night before the wedding, the couple comes to the parents' houses of both families and inherits a family heirloom (a carpet with a family history - each symbol means something) that was kept on the family altar - the couple chooses which surname they will use (there are usually 2 or more children in the family, so this is not a problem)
The carpet is taken from one family, and from another family they take materials for its weaving: threads, stones, pigments, etc.
On the same night before the wedding, the groom's mother braids the hair of daughter-in-law into one braid - as a symbol of the unification of souls
The pair wear the best clothes for the wedding: a ribbon and a veil made of spider silk, which are used in this way - they tie left hands together with a ribbon (the colors of the ribbon doesn't matter, only couple's preference), and then a veil is putted on the couple during the wedding (so that the first kiss was more sacred)
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(He tied the ribbon on his waist after the ceremony)
As a result, there are 3 symbols of the union of souls:
• Braid
• Veil
• Ribbon
After the ceremony they celebrate with a feast - where each fruit has its own meaning.
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(Sorry for the bad quality of some photos - it was on my old phone and unfortunately I don't have an access to that sketchbook anymore)
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alraunedrow · 6 months ago
Sketches of the Atantaw clan
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Just silly sketches of members of Atantaw clan:
1. Shi'rin is dancing special dance - before the Cold the tribe goes hunting for replenishing supplies for "winter" (remember, there are no winter in Pandora - it's a tropical satellite, Atan'taw live in demiseason region - well, demiseason like on Earth)
After the hunt they feast - the best hunters dance with their weapons - The celebration in honor of the Great Hunt
P.S. Atan'taw have shurikens
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(Thanks to this world for Hans Giger and his fleshy art style who inspired others)
2. Ri'oto te Atan'tirea Mistx'ite - the mother of Shi'rin and the tsahik of Atan'taw clan
The skull (the "horns" to be specific) on her chest is used for the same reason as the Ronal's shell or Mo'at's spike
3. Pet'ro te Atan'tirea Sewar'itan and his daughter Amral te Atan'tirea Khta'ra'ite - he's wearing traditional Tum'nan clothes (one-handed robe - it was very useful back then when Tum'nan - their ancestors - prefer to hunt in the daylight and ride a "horse".
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alraunedrow · 7 months ago
Redesign of Shi'rin info
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(And a little bit training of her emotions)
To be honest, her design for me is the most difficult but the most interesting-looking one😅
And I wanted to tell a bit about their culture:
• Sword - is made from spe'etu's rib - usually gifted by the head of the family (it could be male or female, remember na'vi don't care much about gender stereotypes 😉)
Was heavily inspired by the shape of shotel sword 👇
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• Necklace is a construction - I can describe it as a transformer - the main part is the baby tooth of her spe'etu - Stone - she always wear it on herself but changes the holders (aka necklace)
• Facepaint - distinctive feature (well, one of them) of this clan
- The triangles represent the bones of their village (shortly, their village is in the skeleton of a giant ancient animal. They created the base space, covered it with a skin and it become their village. Of course they have separate homes in it too - for the analogy - try to imagine their village as a small town with a square, alley and little houses)
- The circles represent the 2 suns (you may ask why 2 when they clearly have 3 suns - but from their areal they see only 2)
- The arrows on her forehead represent the hunt, power and survival
• The pattern on her dress is a pattern of her people, her clan
And the pattern on her sleeve is a pattern of her family only
(Character belongs to lovely @ho-shka )
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alraunedrow · 7 months ago
Shi'rin is so tsundere coded, I can't.. Even with her husband
(Sorry for bad quality, my camera decided to play dirty to me)
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(Character belongs to lovely @ho-shka )
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alraunedrow · 7 months ago
The wedding
Their outfits are mix of their culturs (because they respect each other and their own heritage too)
But mostly it's based on Atan'taw's - it's pretty cold there (they use basic logic 😅)
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Analogue to human wedding rings:
° their necklaces are part of Khta'ra's clan tradition - usually necklaces are made from a special geode-like piece of mountain - but in this situation she decided to embrace their both tribe's culture and mixed it (a bit 🤏)
° and their leather bracelets are part of Pet'ro's clan tradition - it usually shows from which family you are
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alraunedrow · 7 months ago
Oel ngati kameie
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I drew this two while I was listening this song 🎵Немеренно - Лампабикт, Элли на маковом поле🎵
So definitely recommending you to listen it too, the voices of the singers are.. I don't know.. almost angelic.. so soft, kind and highley heartwarming
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alraunedrow · 7 months ago
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Here they are - my lovebirds - Khta'ra and.. Pet'ro
By his name and his look (obviously) you can tell who he was heavily inspired by 😅
He is Shi'rin's uncle (I'll reblog her design from my friend - @ho-shka, she's the chief of the Atan'taw clan - so her uncle is from the war gang too)
I like how we decided to include characters of different ages and my baby Khta'ra is the oldest of the "Sabbath" - she's 30 years old
It's pretty challenging to write the relationships but especially it's challenging when it comes to an adult relationship (not that kind of it) - I mean the relationship when you're experienced enough to be more rational than emotional
That's why I insisted Khta'ra to be this old - it's not very common to have a character who's acting like and adult and goes through an adult stuff (like loosing a dear person or so)
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alraunedrow · 2 months ago
Day 18 Date
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🎉The 1st post of the 2025 (and still continuing avatartober)🎉
Unfortunately I don't have any ideas for this day so I'm just replacing canon ship with my OC ship (hope you will like them)
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alraunedrow · 5 months ago
Atan'taw clan lore
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• by ho-shka
(In English):
Part 1 (about character)
Part 2 (wedding)
(in Russian):
Part 1 (the culture)
Part 2 (the appearance)
Part 3 (the history)
Part 4 ( local "ikran")
Part 5 (her pet and friend)
Part 6 (wedding)
• By alraunedrow
(in English):
Part 1 (a bit of culture)
Part 2 (wedding "rings")
Part 3 (baby cribs)
Part 4 (tsahik)
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alraunedrow · 7 months ago
Some doodles of these two~
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alraunedrow · 7 months ago
Here she is - the niece of Pet'ro -oloekte of Atantaw clan- Shi'rin)
Идея оски появилась давно (без малого год оттачивала), но сейчас решила запатентовать, раз спрос пошёл)))
Ши'рин те Атан'тирэя Ри'ото'ите/Shi'rin te Atan'tirea Ri'oto’ite - глава клана Атан'тау.
°Имя значит "сладкая", а фамилия "свет души".
°Ри'ото - мать и цахик, есть две ученицы на её место.
°Отец умер, когда Ши'рин была в возрасте 11 лет, поэтому в течение 5 лет её растили для принятия титула вождя.
°Когда ей было 13 лет, её мать отправилась в путешествие на два года и привезла с собой своего нового мужа и ребёнка, которому было два года. Отношения с отчимом у Ши'рин были хорошие, к тому же она понимала, что Эйва дала её матери второй шанс на счастливую жизнь.
(Изначально концепты были основаны на народе Оматикайя, и только позже у неё появился мех)
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°Тогда же у неё появился "Охотник" (про это будет в следующих постах).
°Успешно прошла обряд Fya’o keye'ung (Путь безумия, аналог обряда Икнимайя клана Оматикайя) в 16 лет, как и большинство детей её возраста.
° В 16 лет приняла титул Оло'эйкте.
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(Уже более поздние концепты, которые стали окончательным вариантом, авторства моей прекрасной подруги @alraunedrow)
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(Эти же два арта авторства моей другой подруги @anka-partizanka-from-pandora)
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