alraunedrow · 2 months
🌿Na'vi cradles🌿
From left to right:
° lesutx aytanhi clan - compact, made from belly part of skin from passed ikran (because it's very soft type of leather) and sticks of the local "oak"
° atan'taw clan - multifunctional, the holders (?) of the cradle also are using to hold the cooking pots during the cooking
After the meal the coals that was left are gently heating the baby's bed
° metkayina clan - made from the giant snail shell and placed on the (unfortunately) dead coral
It's used by na'vi till the baby can walk after that they change it to mat (for baby's safety)
° tum'nan clan - making process of this cradle is very complicated and takes a lot of time
It's made of living tree which is modeled by na'vi to grow in certain direction (like a bonsai for example) but the tree isn't that big (more like a stunted plants) and stops its grow after a few years (2-3 years usually)
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ho-shka · 1 month
Внешний облик клана Атан'тау
Большинство представляют себе снежных на'ви белыми полностью, а-ля альбиносы. Но мне не очень нравятся такой концепт, как по мне уж очень мэри сьюшно, заезжено (сказано не в оскорбление, я уважаю любой цвет кожи, расы и тд). Поэтому мои на'ви как можно более приближенны к канону.
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(Арт @anka-partizanka-from-pandora).
Кожа: бледно-голубая, из-за малого воздействия солнечного света.
Глаза: радужная оболочка рубинового цвета, хорошо видят в темноте, потому что живут преимущественно в сумерках.
Волосы: имеют естественные кудри из-за тугих кос, что носят вне зависимости от пола. От природы слегка волнистые, то есть имеют легкую кривизну, которая образует мягкие волны.
Узор: серого цвета, в виде слабых волн, строго идущих к переносице. В основном схожи с узорами лесных племен.
Хвост: длинный и покрытый шерстью от хребта до кончика хвоста, с кисточкой на конце. Служит для дополнительной маскировки и утепления.
Особенность клана - это их клыки. Клыков не 4 с каждой стороны, как у лесных на’ви, а 6. Передний верхний и нижний ряды имеют по 3 клыка с каждой стороны (оба резца и клык), далее идут обычные (малые и большие коренные). Зубы растут немного под углом (верхний ряд чуть ближе, задний - дальше), челюсти из-за этого не сдвигаются (по сути как у человека).
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Ногти на руках и ногах эволюционировали в когти, для более легкого передвижения по льду, скалолазания и защиты.
Уши с округлыми кончиками, покрытые легким мехом.
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(Арты @alraunedrow и @anka-partizanka-from-pandora).
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alraunedrow · 2 months
Just The Sully girls night 💅
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I've changed Tuk's hairstyle because (as you can see🤭) it is happening in the future (Yeah, Tiri is pregnant, again)
And unfortunately (I don't know why) my phone flattened this drawing - Tiri looks more flattened than girls 🥲
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alraunedrow · 2 months
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I'll drop it as the separate post too :3
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alraunedrow · 5 days
The appearance 1.1 - teeth
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I worked really hard on this post - searched for good (at least not the worst) pics for explanation; searched my old textbooks from uni
So, here it is)
P.S. about teeth change: I think my hypothesis is pretty accurate - look at Tuk she's 7 and her first canines are rounder than Lo'ak's
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As we all know na'vi live about 90-120 years, so at least 3 teeth changes are evolutionary needed - look at Mo'at - her canines got rounder since the first movie
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alraunedrow · 1 month
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Just the silly sketch of my Khta'ra and @furiouspersonakitten 's baby - Zoa
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alraunedrow · 14 days
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Smoking is an important part of Tum'nan culture
They believe that because of this they are spiritually closer to the spirit world
(The rite of passage that I've mentioned)
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alraunedrow · 9 days
The wedding rituals
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(It's a paired post with @ho-shka Special thanks for the art to her )
The engagement can happen at any time, but the wedding itself happens at a strictly defined time after the return of the traveler group (about this in the following posts) from the trip
At the night before the wedding, the couple comes to the parents' houses of both families and inherits a family heirloom (a carpet with a family history - each symbol means something) that was kept on the family altar - the couple chooses which surname they will use (there are usually 2 or more children in the family, so this is not a problem)
The carpet is taken from one family, and from another family they take materials for its weaving: threads, stones, pigments, etc.
On the same night before the wedding, the groom's mother braids the hair of daughter-in-law into one braid - as a symbol of the unification of souls
The pair wear the best clothes for the wedding: a ribbon and a veil made of spider silk, which are used in this way - they tie left hands together with a ribbon (the colors of the ribbon doesn't matter, only couple's preference), and then a veil is putted on the couple during the wedding (so that the first kiss was more sacred)
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(He tied the ribbon on his waist after the ceremony)
As a result, there are 3 symbols of the union of souls:
• Braid
• Veil
• Ribbon
After the ceremony they celebrate with a feast - where each fruit has its own meaning.
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(Sorry for the bad quality of some photos - it was on my old phone and unfortunately I don't have an access to that sketchbook anymore)
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alraunedrow · 21 days
Sacrament of the soul
- is a rite of passage of Tum'nan clan
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It is carried out on a strictly defined territory (in the younger volcano - this is the name of the smallest volcano from the spit). The participants of the ceremony themselves are not privy to its subtleties until it is carried out (adults keep the younger ones in ignorance and call it the "mystery of knowledge")
The rite itself consists in the fact that the subject is fumigated with herbs (to cleanse the body and the spirit), a mixture of intoxicating herbs and the juice of poisonous plants is rubbed into the gums in order to enter a trance state, and then the venom of the snake is rubbed into the areas that represent each sense:
• temples - vision
• nasolabial folds - smell
• earlobes - hearing
• chin - taste
• fingertips - touch
After that, the subject sits in the lotus position and plunges into a trance, in which an internal struggle takes place - with his fears and the dark sides of his personality
The result may be:
• the rite is passed - out of consciousness;
• the test has not been passed - he remained inside himself and will not come out of this state (such people are spared and mercifully killed)
(Special thanks to @ho-shka with special effects)
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alraunedrow · 18 days
Sketches of the Atantaw clan
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Just silly sketches of members of Atantaw clan:
1. Shi'rin is dancing special dance - before the Cold the tribe goes hunting for replenishing supplies for "winter" (remember, there are no winter in Pandora - it's a tropical satellite, Atan'taw live in demiseason region - well, demiseason like on Earth)
After the hunt they feast - the best hunters dance with their weapons - The celebration in honor of the Great Hunt
P.S. Atan'taw have shurikens
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(Thanks to this world for Hans Giger and his fleshy art style who inspired others)
2. Ri'oto te Atan'tirea Mistx'ite - the mother of Shi'rin and the tsahik of Atan'taw clan
The skull (the "horns" to be specific) on her chest is used for the same reason as the Ronal's shell or Mo'at's spike
3. Pet'ro te Atan'tirea Sewar'itan and his daughter Amral te Atan'tirea Khta'ra'ite - he's wearing traditional Tum'nan clothes (one-handed robe - it was very useful back then when Tum'nan - their ancestors - prefer to hunt in the daylight and ride a "horse".
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alraunedrow · 1 month
Desert na'vi appearance
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Like I said earlier I've been working on my clan for a year and a half-ish
Disclaimer: I have a few posts on my insta as a proof that I didn't steal from anyone my concepts
So here is their transformation history 😅:
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I've created Sha'h (my tsahik) right after I've heard about ash na'vi and decided to hype a bit (you can't blame me 🤣)
So that's why their first concept was a bit.. weird?!
The look the you see wasn't real, they imitated like a completely new appearance by applying a clay (black and grey) on their skin - as the sign they were married (only their partner could see them without clay)
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2. And their real look didn't changed that much since then
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(The same post, it's just a carousel of photos)
3. After that doodles I drowned.. like dived in with all my body in this fandom and in creation of my clan
I've opened the biology books from the school time (I'm not kidding, you'll see it in later posts)
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In this time their tails were still small and had a piece of hair on the end of it (they shaved it and placed a piece on metal jewellery there)
Yeah, I heard the rumors about ash na'vi being bad guys - so my "ash" na'vi were against Eywa as well (shaved their kuru, their tails and wore metal - which is a big nono to na'vi)
But the time pass I dived more into biology and less into Mary Sue and came with an idea - give them a CHUNKY TAIL - as a storage for nutrients
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And this was the final part, I was satisfied with this results
(And practiced to draw the movie characters as well😅)
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(Old concept of completely different character but from the same tribe)
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alraunedrow · 1 month
Redesign of Shi'rin info
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(And a little bit training of her emotions)
To be honest, her design for me is the most difficult but the most interesting-looking one😅
And I wanted to tell a bit about their culture:
• Sword - is made from spe'etu's rib - usually gifted by the head of the family (it could be male or female, remember na'vi don't care much about gender stereotypes 😉)
Was heavily inspired by the shape of shotel sword 👇
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• Necklace is a construction - I can describe it as a transformer - the main part is the baby tooth of her spe'etu - Stone - she always wear it on herself but changes the holders (aka necklace)
• Facepaint - distinctive feature (well, one of them) of this clan
- The triangles represent the bones of their village (shortly, their village is in the skeleton of a giant ancient animal. They created the base space, covered it with a skin and it become their village. Of course they have separate homes in it too - for the analogy - try to imagine their village as a small town with a square, alley and little houses)
- The circles represent the 2 suns (you may ask why 2 when they clearly have 3 suns - but from their areal they see only 2)
- The arrows on her forehead represent the hunt, power and survival
• The pattern on her dress is a pattern of her people, her clan
And the pattern on her sleeve is a pattern of her family only
(Character belongs to lovely @ho-shka )
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alraunedrow · 1 month
Shi'rin is so tsundere coded, I can't.. Even with her husband
(Sorry for bad quality, my camera decided to play dirty to me)
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(Character belongs to lovely @ho-shka )
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alraunedrow · 2 months
The wedding
Their outfits are mix of their culturs (because they respect each other and their own heritage too)
But mostly it's based on Atan'taw's - it's pretty cold there (they use basic logic 😅)
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Analogue to human wedding rings:
° their necklaces are part of Khta'ra's clan tradition - usually necklaces are made from a special geode-like piece of mountain - but in this situation she decided to embrace their both tribe's culture and mixed it (a bit 🤏)
° and their leather bracelets are part of Pet'ro's clan tradition - it usually shows from which family you are
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alraunedrow · 11 days
Pixie and Imp
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🌿New slight redesign of MGE 🌿
I'm alive and my challenge isn't done💪💪💪
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alraunedrow · 2 months
And here she is THE QUEEN herself - Honey bee
I've decided to draw the queen and not the usual worker because of Marie Antoinette movie with Kirsten Dunst
So the miss Bee was HEAVILY inspired by rococo esthetic with a drop of pin up magazines of the 20th century
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