#at the very least maybe i'll archive my sideblogs there
protect-namine · 10 months
"anti software software club is a not-for-profit software company that hates the software industry" okay, fine, you got my attention with that pitch
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wolfgirl-valentine · 10 months
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Firefighter Hob I draw some months ago for my friends in the Dreamling con Ñ server based in this drabble I did for the Dreamling week, maybe one day I'll try to write something more long about that AU idk (and I'm really proud of how his face come out in this one 🥹)
Real life has been a little too much lately, I haven't draw much these days, I mean I have some sketches but I haven't finish even one, much less write, but I feel that if I stop publishing things for much time is going to be hard to do so later, so I'm going to be uploading some old drawings every now and then :)
(I'm very sleep depraved right now so I'm sorry about the English, at least I use real words right? They sound like real words to me...)
I make a sideblog to archive all my drawings and fics, instead of a pined post, so if you want to see other works from me you can give it a look (if you want of course) (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠). @miss-wolffie
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goldstargloww · 1 year
hi :D i'm gold, just a random blob you encountered on the internet :>
this blog used to be @starglowwos (our collective blog), but seeing as this is my account's main blog and mainly i use it, i've decided to move @starglowwos to a sideblog. also, here's all my links!
i use they/vae/void/ender/it pronouns, among others, but if you need to, just they/it is fine! i enjoy variation but no need to go out of your way to do so :>
i'm neurodivergent, queer, plural, and alterhuman, and a lot more (and if you don't know what some of those mean, don't worry about it! feel free to ask tho)
this is a blog for whatever i feel like talking about, really, which as of now tends to be mcyt and isat! my current special interest is the life series/traffic lives im pretty sure lmao, and i'm hyperfixated on in stars and time. as for mcyt, i very much enjoy the life series, hermitcraft, rats smp, pirates smp, and probably some other stuff.
speaking of fandom things, i do in fact do fanart! if any creators see my stuff, (thinking mcyt specifically) feel free to name drop or show my stuff on stream :D (keep in mind this blog isn't necessarily pg)
i do a lot of art in general! here's my ao3 and artfight if you're curious. also, reminder that nothing i make is ever okay to use to train AI models, prompt AI models, create NFTs with, or anything similar.
other than that, i enjoy liomogai stuff and i'm tangentially in the warrior cats fandom, and i very much enjoy omori! i'll try to remember to tag that stuff seeing as its a horror game
i make emojis over at @emojistargloww, all my art gets reblogged to @artstargloww, and i do liomogai things at @liomstargloww. i also run @isat-emoji-archive and help run @mcyt-emoji-archive!
i'd also like to say go check out my mallowfriends they're very cool :> @thecardinalcoven @milo-handsoftime
more detail in things under the cut :D
interacting with me
here's some notes on interacting with me, if you find that helpful!
dms are always fine! just explain why you're dming me instead of just saying "hi" or something
feel free to @ me pretty much anywhere!
when it comes to tone tags, i essentially mirror your usage. if they help you, go ahead and use em! if you want me to use em, go ahead and ask! if i'm not sure, i'll usually use the common ones like /j /srs /gen /lh, but otherwise i'll just clarify what i mean :>
squicks, warnings, and censoring
i don't really have many common triggers, so don't worry about triggering me - i do prefer warnings though in some situations!
note that this list does not contain anything that seriously would trigger me. it's dangerous to give that information out and i am aware. don't worry about accidentally triggering me, and don't purposefully try to do so.
warning that i will be talking about common triggers and squicks here!
common things like bugs and other small animals like snails don't bother me
flashes and eyestrain don't need censoring for the most part, but if it's a flashy thing (especially if it autoplays), warnings would be nice
i do need volume warnings though, please warn me for volume ^^
horror generally doesn't need any warning with me, except for maybe jumpscares and realistic horror, if you'd like.
things like suicide and self harm generally don't need censoring, but i don't mind a warning
if you're talking to a headmate of mine who you know may be triggered by something, it's usually a good idea to at least warn for that, just in case
i appreciate warnings for mentions/talk of removal of devices and restrictions on them (like screen time limits or phone lockers)
swearing and the like is completely fine by me ^^
images, videos, and other media
for videos, a video description would be really helpful for me! there's a lot of times that i can't watch videos in posts (clips, for an example—longer youtube videos i can make time for) and video descriptions are really helpful for me! to anyone who does this, thank you :>
image descriptions are also helpful, especially for text in an image. i can see the image fine under normal circumstances, but especially for things that might be hard to visually understand or to get without context, they can help a lot
audio descriptions of audio files could also be helpful (like, if talking, a transcript would be helpful for me as a form of captions—but if it's just music or something, there's no need)
oh, and for me, there's no need to make them entirely screenreader compatible as i don't use a screenreader, but it is good practice to regardless for those who do and for general accessibility :>
i try to do all of these things, but things like image ids are hard for me sometimes. i do video transcripts (with small descriptions of what's happening if needed for context) and audio transcripts fine though, for the most part! if you want to help me with accessibility on any of my posts, feel free to do so, i'd appreciate it ^^ if you do i'll probably add it to the original post :>
tagging system
my tagging system is a bit of a mess lmao, but here's the system ill try to be using
c:/sgos - any post by me or the brain beings
c:/sgos/user/[name] - a post by [name] (one of the brain beings—most things will be from me, gold), or intended for them if it's a reblog
c:/sgos/groups/[name] - anything for or by a group of brain beings
c:/sgos/talking - probably me just ranting honestly. probably about traffic lives
c:/sgos/creations/art - any art by me
c:/sgos/creations/animatic - animatics i've made
c:/sgos/creations/apmv - AMVs/PMVs i've made
c:/sgos/creations/writing - if i happen to post any writing, it'll be tagged as this
c:/sgos/creations/commissions - anything i was commissioned to make (i have commissions btw! dm me for info!)
c:/sgos/creations/skins - minecraft skins i've made
c:/sgos/creations/coding - code i've made
c:/sgos/creations/emote - emotes over at @emojistargloww
c:/sgos/creations/term - terms over at @liomstargloww
c:/sgos/creations/flag - flags over at @liomstargloww
c:/sgos/creations/other - any other creations i dont have a tag for
c:/sgos/projects/[name] - a project, such as an animatic/amv/pmv, that i'm working on
c:/sgos/quotes - i collect silly/weird quotes. they go here
c:/sgos/clips - stuff i've clipped
c:/sgos/asks - asks i've answered
c:/sgos/my asks - me reblogging things i've asked/requested
c:/sgos/saved - things i've saved for myself
c:/sgos/saved/btgbr - things saved for characterization reasoning, usually :>
more serious stuff - stuff that's more serious that you might want to filter out in case you don't wanna see it right now
heavier stuff - same as last one but for stuff that's more emotionally heavy
here's how i do warnings
cw [x] - warning for [x] (ex: cw eyestrain) (i don't use tw)
[x] spoilers - warning for spoilers for [x] (ex: limited life spoilers)
[x] slur - warning for [x] slur (ex: f slur)
[x] word - warning for [x] word (ex: fr word)
[x]phobia warning - warning for [x]phobia (ex: trypophobia warning)
eyestrain - eyestrain warning
flash warning - warning for flashing or fast moving visuals
paranoia trigger - warning for something that might trigger paranoia
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the---hermit · 2 years
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Today was totally unplanned. I originally thought I'd go to have a walk in the mountains with my family, but since last night a huge storm hit and flooded our basement we ended up going to bed very late and being super tired in the morning. Thankfully last night we managed to get all the water out, but I am still exhausted now. This morning I went with my mom to run some errands, and then I studied in the afternoon, working on my archival sources. I have also practiced Irish on duolingo, and did a bit of reading. As for the reading aspect I decided to dnf Ring Shout for now. I think I'll try to pick it up in the future when I'll be able to enjoy it more, cause as I said in other posts I am risking a reading slump.
I have been thinking about doing a new 100 days of productivity challenge, as it's been quite a long time since I did one of those. I decided to wait until September, when I'll start with the first classes of my masters degree. There's probably going to be quite a few changes for me when I'll start, as I haven't physically been to uni for classes in two years at least. My routine will chance, there'll be a lot to do between classes and finishing working on my thesis (I'll graduate in November, but I'll be able to start with classes sooner than that). I was also considering (again) to create a studygram/bookstagram accout maybe for the 2nd birthday of this sideblog. I have had this idea for over a year now, but never did it, because I've never used that app, and I am not really a big socials person. But I feel like it could be cool to have content like this blog here. I am still not fully convinced, so we'll see, but I thought I'd put the idea out there to see what people think.
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vicsdeangelis · 2 years
i think i made a decision
this is probably gonna be long and boring to literally everyone, so if you only want to know if i'm gonna delete or not, i'm gonna save you some time: no, i won't
now, to the long post
first, i wanna talk about my mental health, which i have been very openly struggling with for some time now. the thing is, i was on a medication that was actually making my depression worse, and that medication was also causing me the allergies that were making me feel so bad about myself. i'm off of them now, have been for a week, maybe, and i already feel like i'm doing better. therapy is also helping. i really like my therapist, and the sessions don't feel suffocating, like someone only waiting for me to word vomit all of my issues. we actually have conversations, it's not a one sided thing, and she's been helping me make some progress with my home life, which is the biggest external problem i'm having at the moment
now, to måneskin. so, the other day i listened to a podcast (you're wrong about, the "yoko ono broke up the beatles" episode, if you're interested), and it made me reexamine my relationship to the band. truth is, they're changing, and i don't like it. i really don't like it. from the music itself, to acting like they're instagram influencers instead of an actual band with actual talent, i just don't like it. and honestly, that's fine. the thing i have to come to terms with, and i'm really trying to for my own sake more than anything else, is that those are not my decisions to make. and that's also fine. i have to be okay with it, because the alternative only hurts me. i think i've been spiralling since they stayed in LA for those few months because i was too emotionally invested in them. like, i was borderline emotionally dependent on them, and that's so fucking unhealthy and also so unfair to everyone involved. they didn't sign up to cater to me, and it's really unfair of me to, i don't know, expect them to, expect them to keep me afloat when i'm the one who should be responsible for myself and my mental health, not them. i fully realize that now, and i'm working on it. i'm not saying i'm never gonna criticize them or voice my opinions on new songs, but i do need to chill with the emotional side of it.
and finally, the blog. like i said at the very beginning, i'm not gonna delete. but i don't think i'm gonna be as active here as i used to be, at least for now. i decided to keep it mainly for archival purposes, so my gifs and the things i did write won't just disappear. i want to keep them, so i'm keeping the blog. i will keep my inbox closed for a little longer, because i want to avoid a repeat of what happened. i don't want asks to end up piling up even more because i don't know how to answer them, because i'm feeling too down to match the enthusiasm, or because i'm not in the headspace to write. i don't know if what i did to my dms and replies even worked, to be honest, because i don't know what tumblr counts as "people you follow" when you do it on a sideblog, but in case it did make a difference, i'm just letting you all know i'm reopening them.
and speaking of writing, i'm coming back around to it, since i'm all around feeling better. i even managed to write a little yesterday, which is actually huge for me. i'm trying, i really am. and i want to answer most, if not all, asks i already have with the attention they deserve. i'm really sorry for making anyone feel bad, feel uncertain, or anything similar. that was never my intention, but i know intent doesn't equal impact, and i apologize.
for now, that's it. i'll keep reblogging, keep posting, keep thirsting, try to write in the background, try to do better for myself regarding the band's new direction.
what you can learn from all this mess is: always ask your psychiatrist why they're prescribing you a certain medication and what it is for. i didn't, and i paid the price for it for months. be smarter than i was.
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bog-entity · 3 years
your sideblog doesn't have asks on so I'll ask here, but I've seen a lot about the magnus archives and some amazing art so thinking of starting my first podcast so thought I'd ask a fan about any starting words (*parting words* hehe), and maybe any triggers that appear?
honestly i don't understand tumblr enough to figure out how asks work (i'm a grandparent in spirit) so sorry about that!
honestly my only tips are to try not to look for any content on tumblr if you want to stay spoiler free, and to not worry too much if you start forgetting some names/events that might be important. a lot of people and statements are mentioned all the time and i am notorious for not remembering that shit, but so far it hasn't been an issue at all for understanding the plot and i'm in season 4 (if i remember correctly, i've been binging). do try to listen to the episodes chronologically for yk storyline understanding purposes lol
for triggers, there is a lot mentioned at least that can definitely be a trigger, but to check them before the episode (there can be different ones per episode or none at all) i found this transcript: https://snarp.github.io/magnus_archives_transcripts/episode/002.html which - aside from being very useful for any hearing issues - is also great because it gives a small summary (spoiler free) of what happens in the episode and a box that says 'warning' and will show you the episode's triggers.
i hope this helps! have fun with the podcast, i hope you enjoy it :)
(also i love this podcast so much hmu if you wanna talk about it lol it's very fun)
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