#at the end of the day spock and bones is basically the scientist vs the doctor
favvn · 2 months
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I might make the parallel post later because this isn't the first time the show has highlighted their philosophical differences so plainly, but I will say this: based on other scenes with Spock (The Galileo Seven and Operation: Annihilate immediately come to mind), Vulcan logic is not at all lacking in compassion or sympathy just because they choose to suppress if not purge their emotions. Vulcans are very altruistic based on how Spock continues to see the importance of the alien lifeforms he encounters versus his fellow crewmembers, to the point of arguing for the lifeforms to not be harmed, even in self defense. I realize "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one" made its debut in the Wrath of Khan, but based on Spock, it seems like this same principle guides Vulcans through their decisions and interactions (for the most part).
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