imemana-blog · 6 years
Quand je l'ai rencontrée pour la première fois, j'ai ressenti en le voyant une étrange sensation... Ses gestes me séduisaient, sa voix me ravissait, toute sa personne me faisait un plaisir infini à regarder. Il me semblait aussi que je le connaissais depuis longtemps, que je l'avais déjà vu. il portait en lui quelque chose de mon esprit.
Guy de Maupassant
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imemana-blog · 6 years
يحدث ان تعجب بشخص ما.. وترفع منزلته في قلبك , وإذا ما صار هنالك نوع من الحديث الودّي والابتسامات أو التجاذب بينكما، فإنك تقوم برفع منزلتك في قلبه.. إفتراضًا. وتتصرف على هذا الأساس.
في حال كان إفتراضك خاطئ.. وهذا يحدُث كثيرًا , فإنَّ السقوط من هذا الإرتفاع مؤلم..
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imemana-blog · 6 years
“I’ve been praying for years for something to kill me, so I don’t have to kill myself.”
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imemana-blog · 6 years
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imemana-blog · 6 years
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imemana-blog · 6 years
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imemana-blog · 6 years
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"The most painful goodbyes are the ones unexplained."
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imemana-blog · 6 years
I’m not suicidal, but if a car came while I was crossing the street I don’t think I’d move and if someone held a gun to my head I wouldn’t exactly beg for my life in fact id laugh and tell them go for it. No I’m not suicidal but if I had the chance to die without killing myself I’d probably take it.
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imemana-blog · 6 years
“My heart is hurting beyond words, the pain is tearing up my soul.”
— Xena Warrior Princess
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imemana-blog · 6 years
No matter what I do I’ll never be happy. I’m worthless.
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imemana-blog · 6 years
I watched him walk away and it was like I had lost apart of myself. I didn’t know a world without him in it.
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imemana-blog · 6 years
“I’m sick of trying and I’m over crying. I want to be happy, not pretend to be. I want to smile and run around like a 5 year old again, but the non-stop screams and cries of the demons living in my mind, make it extremely hard to even fake a smile. It’s breaking me apart, but I won’t show it. Little do the people around me know, is that I’ll always fake it just so I don’t get the daunting questions that I don’t have the strength to answer. I’m alone, never fit anywhere, don’t have any talent, not pretty, fat, a loser, weird, clumsy and stupid. These are the words written all over my body and I can't scrub them off as they are permanent.”
— p.s.w // excerpt from a book i’ll never write #201
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imemana-blog · 6 years
hurts seeing how easily i can be replaced
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imemana-blog · 6 years
I'll never understand this :/
You know, I am sorry I am going to leave you. It isn’t your fault. It never was and never will be. You were always enough. But please my love, don’t ever think this is easy for me. Or that it was a impulse to make this decision. I was thinking about this for a long time already. And I am sorry I go. I never meant to hurt you or make you sad. Please promise me we will still care about eachother long after the future sunday, when I will leave. I love you and I never forget and regret you.
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imemana-blog · 6 years
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imemana-blog · 6 years
“I wish I could give you my pain just for one moment. Not to hurt you, but so that you could finally understand how much you hurt me.”
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imemana-blog · 6 years
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