#at the crux of it all he's just a silly guy
mooshys · 3 months
the older I get, the more I vibe with futakuchi like yeahhh! you go little bastard! you either die early or let life turn you into an asshole
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wannaeatramyeon · 9 months
Lookism x Reader: Simps
G/N. Gun Park, Ryuhei Kuroda, Jake Kim. Just stupid and silly.
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Goo calls Gun a simp.
He says it mocking and derisive as if it is something to be ashamed of.
Maybe it is. Gun doesn't know what a simp is. Goo opens his mouth and most of the time only shit comes out. Gun isn't about to ask and neither does he care.
"Wrapped around Y/N's finger," Goo sneers and that, Gun understands.
Maybe that's true too. He still aims a punch at the blonde's head.
Leaning over Gun's shoulder, you peer at the search box and chuckle, "Simp? Why are you searching for simp?"
"I'm researching what it means."
"Huh." Your brows knit together, wondering how he came across the term, when this is the kind of person who likes to text in either simple emojis or full sentences and no inbetween, has no idea about pop culture references and terminologies, and you had to teach him what the eggplant emoji actually meant.
A lightbulb goes off.
A Cheshire cat smile creeps over your face, " Did Goo Kim call you a simp?"
Gun turns towards you, traces of annoyance on his face, "He did."
"Well, aren't you?"
He looks down at the definition of simp again, doesn't really understand why it's meant as an insult, when at the crux of it, for Gun, it's simply someone attentive and devoted to their partner.
Gun grumbles, but he supposes: Yes. For you, he is a simp.
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Kenta and Ryuhei are Executives.
Part of the exclusive club of Senior Management at Workers yet they both wait patiently in line at the coffee bar as their assistants (and yours) fidgets behind them.
"They're worried," Kenta murmurs in his native tongue.
"Why?" Ryuhei glances over and indeed all three appear concerned.
"That you think they can't do their jobs."
"It's just a coffee." Ryuhei shrugs, "Anyone can get a coffee."
"Exactly," Kenta wonders if he's being deliberately obtuse. "And it's expected that assistants get the coffee. They think they're doing something wrong because you're here."
"I know how Y/N likes their coffee."
"So does their assistant."
"I know precisely how Y/N likes their coffee."
Kenta sees the beginnings of a sulk, Ryuhei's bottom lip starting to jut out and the furrow of his brows, and sighs.
Ryuhei is being deliberately obtuse. It's not even a particularly adventurous order. Even Kenta knows how you like your coffee, having unfortunately been dragged here by his friend enough times. 
They both shuffle forwards.
"One large Americano. No sugar, no milk," Kenta demonstrates, rattling off your drink of choice to the barista. 
It's difficult to get wrong.
Ryuhei gasps dramatically at Kenta stealing his thunder, and receives an eye roll in return. Who cares about who places the order? Ryuhei is going to be the one that hand delivers the coffee anyway, then hang around you all afternoon being a nuisance.
"You're such a simp." Kenta complains.
Any hint of indignation disappears, and a wide cheerful grin spreads over the blonde’s face.
"I know!"
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For someone of Jake Kim's size, he can be surprisingly sleuthy.
He pokes his head into the room, where the majority of his inner circle sits, hears both his and your name being mentioned and his ears perk up.
With quiet, measured movements, sneaks over to the table, and slides into the empty space between Jason and Jerry.
"-I can't believe he is such a simp!" Brad chuckles.
"He really is," Jason agrees.
Jake leans forward, "Who is?"
Lua rolls her eyes, "Jake!"
Hasn't this guy kept up with the conversation? "Yeah, obviously!" Lineman adds-
And then eyes widening in shock, recoils sharply. As does the rest of the table.
Jake?! When did?! How?! What?
An uncomfortable silence descends, festers, stretches taut-
Snaps, when Jake raises his eyebrows and asks the group, "I'm a simp, huh?"
Jerry, his ever loyal sword, speaks for the first time. "You are."
Jake considers it, thinks about himself, thinks about you and his eyes soften. He grins, toothy and lovestruck, "I am."
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ripplestitchskein · 3 months
I don’t know if we’ll ever get into it, because the show at this point largely plays it off as a joke, but I do wonder if Blitz’s very misogynist language and his association with feelings as being “gay”or for “pussies” will be explored more as part of this. It’s really hard to tell at this point if it’s an issue to be examined in the narrative’s eyes or just Brandon’s particular brand of humor coming into play with no deeper character considerations beyond the superficial “he uses insults and abrasive language to keep people at arms length”.
I mentioned it in one of my episode breakdowns but Blitz’s interactions with women are very interesting. Whore. Slut. Titty Haver. He is exceedingly more aggressive with women he meets than he is with men. Yet Blitz seems to have very much loved, and from the little we’ve seen, had a good relationship with his mother. He seems to get along well with Millie, he takes good care of Loona. Barbie is the only character he hurt he actively pursues to reconcile with. Yet all his interactions with other women he is a lot more hostile and aggressive than in his interactions with other men and that’s present from Murder Family on.
Most of his disguises are him dressing in drag though? If he has to put a costume on he generally defaults to female presenting. He seems to enjoy it as well, based on expressions and animated body language he is comfortable and having a good time. Again, hard to tell if it’s just a bit, but Blitz has been shown as pretty gender non conforming many times for a guy who mostly uses gendered insults. Some of it could be as simple as hiding horns and tail being made slightly easier by a wig and a dress, it could be just the way the writer’s humor trends but it could be a lot more.
Especially when paired with his clear association with feelings = gay. A crux of his post Full Moon communication attempts with Stolas seem to be “Haha, silly feelings, that’s gay, let’s…have gay sex about it again?”. Feelings are for pussies. What you said is gayer than love ballads. Etc. etc. The dude has no issue filling a house party with his conquests from across the gender spectrum though.
It just reads as coming from somewhere else. Cash specifically. Blitz himself seems to default to queerness. He doesn’t seem to care about it from the perspective of his own sexual relationships or gender expression but at the same time he is very misogynistic and associates things that make him feel weak or could be perceived as weak with gayness or women.
We have some scenes from the trailer that could potentially explore his more. His scene with his mom possibly coming out about his feelings for Fizz versus Cash refusing to let him see him at the hospital. Those may just be more “your romantic reveal led to a horrible tragedy” but it could also hopefully give some insight into why he handles the Full Moon fight like a 90’s middle schooler declaring anything that makes him feel squishy inside with a “That’s gay.”
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cocoa-rococo · 4 months
Koopaling Headcanons: Lemmy
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Larry | Morton | Wendy | Iggy | Roy | Lemmy | Ludwig
The clown prince of crime and everyone's favorite circus performer! Gosh he's adorable.
Fairly sensitive about his height. The rest of the Koopa Troop know better than to bring it up. Just. Don't call him short. Last guy who did ended up with more than a broken nose.
Allergic to peanuts, which is unfortunate, because a lot of folks like them roasted at circuses. He likes other nut butters better anyway.
Likes collecting old circus memorabilia, such as posters, small trinkets, and flyers. He started it when he was younger, and has kept it going ever since.
He purposefully lets people underestimate him due to his silly personality and clown aesthetics. Makes it all the sweeter when he ends up with the last laugh.
Can and will juggle just about anything. Ludwig had to stop him on multiple occasions because he was tossing around something dangerous for fun (and profit).
Is very fond of caramel corn and citrus candies, as well as fruit gummies.
Favorite cookies are snickerdoodles and classic chocolate chip, but he loves fruit pies and sweet crêpes for dessert, really anything flaky with layers.
An excellent roller and ice-skater, given his balance. He, Wendy, and Larry like to skate together sometimes.
Very tactile person! Likes giving and receiving hugs, pats on the back, head scratches, and secret handshakes.
Similarly, a tactile learner; if you want him to remember something, give him something he can hold.
Because of his smaller size and how much he moves, any sickness he gets hits him like a truck, but also burns through his system pretty quick.
The only member of the castle with permission to enter Iggy's lab at any time without prior warning or knocking.
Has an almost terrifying amount of emotional intelligence and is very good at sussing out the crux of a relationship problem, sometimes even before the other person does.
Always rehearses his tricks in front of Iggy before anyone else, because he knows he’ll always be guaranteed a laugh, as well as critique on what he can improve on.
One of the lesser strict generals, which the minions are thankful for, but will also ask them to assist in his tricks. This can range anywhere from "hand him something" to "balance on a ball while juggling flaming hammers". The minions are not so thankful for this.
His proficiency with stage illusions actually helped him grasp the concepts of his wand's abilities. Out of the Koopalings, his strength lies in how precise his magic is, able to pull what he needs right when he needs it, as well as being able to divide and manage his concentration.
Likes to exercise with Roy, though he leans more towards yoga and calisthenics than weight training.
He likes all kinds of flowers, but likes seeing cosmos and marigolds the most. Poppies are nice, too.
He can be just as bad as Iggy when it comes to pulling pranks, mainly because no one suspects him; he manages to get out of 99% of situations by pulling the "ohhhh I'm just a lil guy" card.
An alarmingly good impressionist. More than once he fooled the guards into doing something for him by pretending to voice someone else.
Given his small size and how active he is, his metabolism is working overtime to fuel him. He eats almost as much as Larry.
Mastered the art of making the perfect hot chocolate drink, inspired by his trips into the ice lands. Wendy is determined to learn his secret. Lemmy is an adorable steel vault.
If you pick him up or he falls over, he has this… almost ragdoll-like heft to him, with dangly limbs and a little flopping from where you grab him, like he's made of sand or a weighted stuffed animal. The only time this doesn't seem to affect him is when he's on his ball. No one can really explain why this is.
Favorite fruit is any kind of berry, as well as peaches (formed before any interaction with a certain princess).
Morton used to carry him under his arm when they were younger. For what purpose? None know. Lemmy, though, was happy to stay there until he was put down again.
He likes sleeping where he's suspended, like swings, tree tents, and other such places. There was a notable instance where Kamek once found him tucked in his shell and snoozing in an empty hanging plant holder.
Really good at shuffling cards and coin moves, really any sort of street magic or little parlor trick. He's been learning tarot interpretation from Kammy because it's always a hit at parties.
His bombs are his own invention. Iggy helped him develop the combustion system and ratio of powder to use, but the shape, style, and make are all his own. Similarly, the tires he sells for his business are made from the same rubber as his balancing balls.
One of the most agile of all his siblings, and one of the best climbers.
He used to share a bunk bed with Iggy when they were young, but once they got older and had their own separate rooms, he used a hammock instead of a bed. It's quite cozy, with lots of blankets and pillows.
One of his favorite snacks is roasted sunflower seeds with a little salt. Crunchy, and especially tasty after an energetic routine.
The one most likely to lose things. Not because he misplaced them somewhere, but because he made them vanish via magic trick, and can't remember if he re-summoned them again.
Takes any sort of dance class he can. He's energetic and likes being able to move around a lot, but he's especially fond of tap, hip-hop (no pun intended), and ballet. The latter he practices with Wendy.
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gachagon · 4 months
I don't think Kaiser and Ness would be good together
Which is why i think about their relationship constantly despite that, i love these freaky little soccer dudes and their obsessive codependency
If there's one ship in bllk that I absolutely adore the content for and think about constantly besides Kunigiri, it's Kainess. And it's not because I think "Oh they'd be such a wonderful couple" or "They look good together", this is one of those ships where if they ever got together I feel like they'd actively make each other worse because they have so much internal stuff to work on alone first, you know? And just thinking about that potential train wreck of a relationship is enough to keep me entertained for weeks on end.
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I've said before that Kaiser and Ness are a Bachira and Isagi parallel in that they show the toxic bad sides of a codependent relationship, but I think there's more to it than that. Like Kaiser and Ness are reliant on each other for both ego and attention, but they're also both deeply lonely people at the end of the day. Even in the scenes where it's just the two of them, they never let up the act of trying to surpass everyone and be at the top.
They have no silly banter or back and forth, even in this panel Ness looks more like Kaiser's personal servant than his friend or partner.
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Where as everyone else in the Blue Lock compound has some healthy way of destressing after a match, these two weirdos (affectionate) sit in dark rooms and watch the same matches over and over again while plotting like saturday morning cartoon villains on what to do next game. I mean, even Itoshi Rin has a destress activity he does that's NOT soccer related that helps him not morph into some soccer obsessed monolouging freak, so to see these guys just constantly always planning and thinking and practicing it really puts into perspective how much of the time that they spend together is them not having a fun time casually. And if you compare what they do on their down time with what the other "partners" in Blue Lock do, this difference becomes even more apparent.
And I don't know, I find that to be a really interesting aspect of their relationship just because even though they are so clearly missing all of the key elements meant to make a healthy partnership, it still works on the field anyways because they're both equally obsessed with the same thing. Kaiser loves football and wants to be the best. Ness want's to see Kaiser become the best because he loves football. Their devotion to the game drives them closer to one another, but it's clear only one side holds any real "affection" for the other directly outside of the game.
Now, I do NOT think Kaiser hates Ness which I think people assume if you say "Kaiser doesn't hold a lot of empathy for Ness, or cares for him" that it translates to "Kaiser hates him".
I think Kaiser keeps Ness around because deep down he knows that at the end of the day the only person who would be willing to follow him even if he couldn't become the worlds best is Ness. And I think that's because Ness loves soccer in a different way than Kaiser does. To Ness, soccer is a really magical sport and one where amazing things can happen. And Kaiser is the only character who has done the most insane feats in the manga so far. Kaiser does things on the field that seem impossible until he pulls it off, which is the whole crux of his ego anyways: Making the impossible, Possible.
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So as long as Kaiser plays that way and does all of the amazing things he's been doing, Ness would follow him literally anywhere because that's what drives him.
But Kaiser is different, it's clear that to him soccer/football is not something that is grounded in the fantastical, but something that's tangible and real to him. He takes it seriously even if he goes about it in the most dramatic and campy way possible. Looking at old chapters of Blue Lock when Kaiser was first introduced is so interesting to me because I forgot about Kaiser's whole "king" attitude where he pretty much talks and acts like some nobleman with a crown and scepter.
He even makes Ness "bow" to others or makes Ness physically lower than him like a king does with some peasant. You could chalk it up to him making Ness "apologize" in the Japanese way by also bowing, but I don't think that's why he does it just because his entire character is just so "king" coded.
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It's worth noting that he also makes Ness "bow" whenever Ness seems to lose any kind of faith in them winning. Which is why I don't think the above two times was him making Ness apologize, but that its something he does to ground himself or make Ness fall more in line with how he's thinking at the moment. Notice how he seems to only do it when Ness isn't sticking to the right "script" or seems to show the wrong reaction openly etc.
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But anyways, Kaiser and Ness love soccer but they don't love it for the same reasons and that is what ultimately conflicts with their relationship in the end. That, and they've both got their own issues to work out.
I feel like if they did ever get together, it just wouldn't work because in order for it to work, Kaiser has to first realize that he can still be an amazing player and have people regard him as the best without obsessing over where he sits in the rankings. That he can perform things nobody else can and never will and that is the thing that will separate him from the rest of the crop, not a trophy saying "Number 1" on it.
Maybe before when they first met things could've worked out well, but even still I think Kaiser was dead set on his goals of becoming number 1 long before he ever met Ness. We will definitely get to see the extent of that next week for sure I hope, when we learn more about Kaiser's past.
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Rating early seasons' villains for literally no reason. (This is just my opinion, it's okay if you disagree)
1) Garmadon: do i need an explanation here?
2) Morro: broken soul... He was relatable at some point. I think he deserved better.
3) Nadakhan: I know you hate him, i hate him too. He was very powerful, and he made people hate him, so that's why i think he was a good pure evil villain.
4) Chen: I don't know if i want to punch him or laugh with his silliness sometimes. Does that make sense? Anyway, I think he did great as a villain.
5) Pythor: How many times have we see this guy? Somehow he just survives all the time! He never gives up!
6) Crux and Acronix: I don't know why but i expected more. They had the potential and they didn't use it. They could have been better.
7) Overlord: Just no. I expected soooo much more from him in early seasons.
- Don't ask me "where are the other serpentine?" Or "where's Clouse?", "where's Nadakhan's crew?", "Where's the crimson snakes?", "where's the nindroids?".
I didn't include them because they weren't the major villain.
Also about season 3: i didn't include Cryptor because i consider Pythor and especially Overlord as the main villains of the season. If i had to include him, i think he'd go under Pythor.
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twinkle-art · 1 year
would you ever be in the mood to elaborate on what your emet/WOL dynamic is like? the bits you've posted have me curious
(gripping my thighs so hard i draw blood) yeah i don’t see why not
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so as i’ve previously outlined, my particular brand of emetwol (platonic) hinges on the fact that he reminds andromeda of her mother. like. a lot. 
i’ve gotten so deep in here that i’ve grown wholly desensitized to this premise and it’s not weird to me anymore so we will be moving right along
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(fig a- silly joke i made early into shb before i knew how dark this was going to get)
the crux of their relationship, to me, is that they are two people who flatly, abjectly refuse to truly see each other past their respective projections for nearly their entire time together, and this renders the very intense emotions they evoke in each other all the more corrosive to them. the exact emotions they even have towards each other are also… nebulous and hard to define, but they’re definitely bad. well. mostly bad. it’s complicated. 
This… might seem like a strange angle to take for someone who is pretty transparently sympathetic to emet-selch outside of all the atrocities but it’s definitely worth noting that andromeda’s difficulties holding him in her mind as a purely evil person despite her best efforts do not come from a belief that he is, in fact, secretly a good guy or anything. It’s first and foremost because she has a psyche that was shaped by an abusive upbringing, uncomfortable as that is. 
Without dwelling… too much on the details because this is quite heavy and I prefer keeping it tastefully vague (after this aspect of her character emerged shockingly organically as a frankly very obvious explanation for a LOT of her personality) her home life as a bastard child in garlemald was Bad. her step-family was bad. her mother had good intentions but was simply not there when she needed her. and all of this left her as an adult who is, frankly, pretty easy to manipulate if you prey on her bottomless, ravenous hunger for love and recognition… or the fact that she is just straight-up conditioned to respond to a particular flavor of authoritative influence. it is nothing short of a miracle that the scions found her first. 
i’m saying she’s dog-coded. is what i’m saying. you get it. 
(there IS also the whole.. uh. garlean fascism aspect. I don’t think i need to spell out why that’s relevant to her relationship with the guy behind the god-emperor she grew up being expected to revere)
NOW. as the arbiter of this reality, it’s not my read of emet-selch’s character that he enjoys doing any of this shit- him inevitably taking advantage of this glaringly obvious weak point is a wholly pragmatic move that ultimately contributes to the fact that she’s unwittingly making him nearly as miserable as he’s making her. Like, once he realizes what’s going on I fully believe he’d feel kind of dirty about it (never mind that this is a shard of azem he’s psychologically tormenting more than is strictly necessary. the man is sentimental) (also he thinks the mom stuff is fucking weird)
this doesn’t stop him tho. lol
a quick aside on azem and emet’s relationship since that’s never not relevant to these; they were very close, I hesitate to say overtly sibling-like since i think that’s a kind of an easy oversimplification, but the type of love they felt for each other was definitely more of a familial one than anything else. she trusted him more than anyone else, and he loved her fiercely and unconditionally, even if their day-to-day dynamic involved taking the piss out of each other constantly, and the fact that the last time he ever saw her involved a blow-out screaming match between them has not sat well with him these 12,000 years. 
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And so, they each project these warped reflections of people they love and resent in equal measure onto each other- andromeda with the mother she never expects to see again, emet with the friend he can’t let himself admit he’ll never see again- and it makes their presence both painful and comforting. their unwillingness to detangle themselves because of that extremely twisted feeling of nostalgic comfort borders on emotional self harm honestly. 
and that’s before factoring in that they’re championing opposite sides of a world-defining conflict
with her canon-divergent stint in amaurot that i swear i’m going to fully flesh out in art someday, no seriously, i mean it this time, the bubbling Weird Vibes that accrued any time they were left alone during shb come crashing down all at once and it is brutal. as she slowly loses her grip on reality (to the point where even she’s not certain what really happened that week and what was a hallucination, in retrospect) his mask also begins to slip, as the tiny part of him that so badly wants to believe he can get through to her gets louder and he decides that she’s not even lucid enough to warrant keeping up the act. despite his best efforts i do think this forces him to confront andromeda as Andromeda, not just as Thee Warrior Of Light or as 8/14th of his dead bestie
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anyways it probably gets to the point where he’s fully trauma dumping on her while she’s half-consciously lying in his lap wondering why her mom’s calling her perseus before the scions bust in to collect her. you know, really normal stuff
ultimately andromeda takes his death at her hands hard for… a number of reasons (and as i’ve previously touched on, feels bad and weird about the fact that she’s taking it hard at all) the largest of which being that she simply had not parsed how she felt about him beforehand, and was left to sift through a LOT of intense shit tied up in some really fuckin sensitive parts of her psyche for the first time in her adult life all while knowing meaningful closure was out of reach. it sucked. 
their surprise reunion in elpis was… both helpful and not to this end, on account of being extremely one-sided. much like emet did to her in the days leading up to his death, she only comes to finally understand him by observing him in this unguarded, regressed state- even if she is now a total stranger to him. 
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(hades found her.. unnerving, to say the least. she didn’t do a very good job leaving their Whole Thing out of her recounting of his future and he can’t deny that how obviously deeply affected andromeda still is by that gnaws at him even while he tries to reject it as total bullshit. it gets a bit lost in all the noise but he finds the thought that he’d do that to her a little stomach-churning)
i don’t know if i’d really call it cathartic but at least she can see him as a full person without it physically paining her now. that counts as progress
thank you for coming to my talk. here’s their playlist and here’s a drawing i did of them as dgs kitty mascots. i turned it into a cutesy phone background for myself. no i’m not sure what’s wrong with me either 
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givemea-dam-break · 8 months
babes is back
hello my lovies!!!!!!
i am back!!!! much to your pleasure and simultaneous screaming because yes, if i am back, the fics will be back. and they will be painful.
i thought i’d give you guys a little explanation as to why i kind of randomly stopped coming on tumblr despite my reappearances in december, which were because the lovely @neewtmas had her 12 days of christmas (FIND THAT HERE) and we’re online friends in real life (if that makes any sense at all) and i wanted to support her!!!! my wife!!!!
under the cut below is my little rundown, under a cut simply because i don’t want to take up a million scrolls of your dash if you don’t want to read my reasonings or you are just happy i am back (i luv u)
i have felt terrible since becoming inactive on tumblr since i made so many friends and had so so so many people supporting not only my fanfictions but the edits i also started making, so this is also kind of like my apology to you guys because i went so unexpectedly and without any explanation. so if you want to keep reading, then keep reading!
scary cut. i know. it’s ok. i am here to protect u.
anyways, like i said, my inactivity on tumblr was a completely out of the blue thing that even i didn’t expect. one day, i just found myself unable to go on the app out of pure dread which i had never felt because it was one of my faves.
and not dread because of anything that had happened here per se, just because my life had been becoming a bit of a mess.
that goes way back, but the crux of it was when me and my boyfriend of 4 years (who i had been staying with after my mum moved away) broke up
i won’t get into details about the breakup itself for both my privacy and his (very unique instances caused it), but basically it got worse and worse, and by october time it was getting to a point where i wasn’t feeling right at all. he was messaging me all the time, begging to get back together, the usual, but he was always wanting to come see me at my dads and for SOME REASON felt as though he had some entitlement to meet my new cats aka my little babies. he was saying creepy things to me (that he didn’t mean as creepy) and by november i blocked him.
i wasn’t feeling safe physically, worried i’d see him on my walks home from the shop in a different town that he comes to often to hang out in with his best friend, but also mentally. i wasn’t in a good mental space at all. i was scared. i was confused. he had pushed all of the blame of the breakup onto me. i was working 35 hours a week while being a student (still am) and my brain had no time for anything but work, studying, and worrying.
tumblr isn’t my job, but the pure guilt i felt when i deleted the app hit me like a tonne of bricks. i felt terrible. one of the only things that gave me solace was something i couldn’t bring myself to go on to. i couldn’t bring myself to write the requests i had piling in, ones i still have huge guilt for never getting around to writing. i couldn’t bring myself to keep answering messages or reblogging things because i didn’t have it in me. i didn’t even write at all october-november because i just had nothing in me, which is so so unlike me.
one thing that did keep me going though, was my emails. “eden ew ur job alert emails? ur period tracker app trying to get u onto premium? the emails from the joint account u had with ur ex for his music career that went kasplut?” no silly. maybe the job alerts - my job has too much drama.
no. 15 year old eden logging back into tumblr and setting email notifs on for comments, tags, and inbox was perhaps the smartest thing she did, and she got all A’s in her exams.
every now and then, i’d get a little tumblr notification. one of those “put this in the inbox of one of your favourite blogs blah blah blah” i luv em. can never get myself to do them because of the 13 year old in me screaming to never do chain mail again after carmen winstead and her creepy voicenote. but i love them, and i appreciate every single person who sent me one.
i could see people commenting on my fics, and absolutely loving them. i could see what my mutuals tagged me in, even if i wasn’t able to react to them.
it gave me peace of mind to keep going with my life while still being able to cling onto the happiness this site brings me while not actually accessing it.
i will always be sorry that i left so suddenly, but it was a spur of the moment thing and something i couldn't even explain myself.
i'm back now, but i likely won't be as active as i used to be. i'm prioritising work and my studies as much as i can while still finding time to write. this being said, i can't promise that all requests sent to my inbox/messages will be answered. part of my leaving was being so overwhelmed by them all (and i thank you all for choosing me to requests fics from, it means a lot!) so if your request doesn't get answered, i truly am sorry and it isn't anything personal! maybe I'll get around to it in the future, but for now i want to bring the joy back to writing for me so i will not be overloading myself like i used to!
i hope you can all understand, and know i love you all so, so dearly! i wouldn't have the friends i do or be where i am in life without all of you!
love u all lots lovies <3
-ur favourite person ever ever ever, eden MWAH
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bladesmercy · 6 months
001 for sfkr and clerith!
oomf u know me so well. thank you for letting me yap >:-)
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
sefikura 🐍♡☁️
when I started shipping it if I did:
there's actually a funny story to this one. > be me. > guilelessly playing kingdom hearts 2 in 2019. > "what the hell is these dudes' deal. i wonder if people ship them at all" > open ao3 thinking there might be a handful of fics > "oh there's a couple more than a few, huh" > life ruined.
my thoughts:
my favorite little guys in anything ever. they surgically removed my personality to make room for more sefikura. truly i have never loved a ship as much as this one. literal otp of all time.
What makes me happy about them:
everything? they're so funny and silly to me. extremely pathetic creatures. two absolute losers. i think of them and i always smile. i love the fact that each of them have independently made their personality revolve around each other at different points in time, it's so funny.
What makes me sad about them:
EVERYTHING. the fact they will never have a happy ending. the fact they will be enemies in every (canon) universe. the fact they are two extremely broken people who are uniquely equipped to understand each other and that won't be enough to save them.
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
tbh i'm so picky with what i like and don't like about how both these guys often end up characterized, but i also think all interpretations are valuable in their own way. i can't think of any huge annoyances, except that i have very Specific feelings/headcanons about sephiroth in crisis core era, and usually won't read things that veer too far away from that.
things I look for in fanfic:
i love any and all fics where the author makes it obvious that sephiroth is just. completely besotted. and i think cloud feeds off of that, even if he won't admit it. i'll read just about anything with these two, but i especially love stories where authors can articulate the crux of their dysfunction really well. yes, these two have have immense amounts of hate, and blood, and pain between them, but (especially on sephiroth's end) there is also an Intense desire for intimacy, of any kind. these two things juxtaposed well is just magical to me.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
no one. i say that as a joke but it's pretty much true. for cloud i do also ship him hardcore with aerith (somewhat against my own will XD), but outside of that i don't really multiship these two anymore. i used to be a Hardcore multishipper, and while i still appreciate things like some polyshipping (other cleriseph enjoyers where are you, i need food of that ot3 so bad), i honestly can't enjoy the thought of them being with anyone else. i miss being a multishipper, because these days pretty much every single other ship with them (outside of clerith) has become a notp for me. ;w;
My happily ever after for them:
in canon? haha. the closest i could see them in canon ffvii (and the closest i think part 3 of remake would get to giving them a 'happy' ending) is having a moment of resolution similar to what kuja and zidane get in ffix. i would be satisfied with that for canon. BUT if we're taking all the stops off, i want to see the dramatic epic pining slowburn post-AC where they eventually figure out how to lead semi-normal lives alongside each other. this is making me want to write that now....maybe that will be my next fic project.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
there's an obvious answer here with consideration to builds and hair lengths, i think. i like to think cloud has accepted his fate to have this 7 foot tall piece of brick clinging to him like an octopus.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
this is another obvious one, and i'm tempted to say 'fighting', but i'm not sure that clears the bar of non-sexual for them. my second choice is that i think they would just genuinely enjoy being around each other in silence. they're both such introverts, and i like to think of them just recharging quietly with each other.
clerith ☁️♡🌎
when I started shipping it if I did:
let me preface this by saying that when remake came out in 2020, i had less than zero interest in vii's infamous love triangle. i wanted no piece of it in my heart or my home. then the game came out and cloud and aerith gripped me by the throat and violently dragged me into falling in love with them by being so damn charming and heartfelt and perfect for each other.
my thoughts:
i love these two so damn much. i really Really loved them in remake, and rebirth intensified this to a level i could Not have anticipated and is currently ruining my life. i love them. i love that they are soulmates, romantic, platonic, or something in-between. i love that their bond and chemistry is near-instantaneous, i love that cloud blooms into letting himself experience softness around her, i love that aerith finally has someone who cares about making her happy and standing by her so damn much.
What makes me happy about them:
so much. their love is so pure and tentative. their vibes to me run parallel to how i see and experience the early 20s as a queer person, essentially the second teenage-hood where you're still feeling yourself out as a person, and you have no idea what you're doing. you feel like you're missing out on a lot of the fundamental experiences that 'normal' people have already had, and i feel like both cloud and aerith mirror that emotion, thanks to the fucked up circumstances of both their lives. aerith is cloud's first real friend after nibelheim (and potentially ever, depending on how close you think he was with zack. to me, i hc cloud and zack were pretty friendly, but not especially close prior to the nibelheim incident.) and cloud is also one of aerith's first friends. they've both suffered such acute loneliness and isolation in their lives, and the fact they find healing for that in each other is so so special to me. the fact that aerith is the person most able to reach through to the person cloud Really is, even under everything he's got going on, makes me so deranged.
What makes me sad about them:
well. there is a very obvious answer. so there is definitely That. that's kind of a big deal.
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
honestly i feel like i don't have many specific fanfic annoyances in general, because if a fic annoys me i just stop reading it, and then my adhd makes me forget i read it to begin with.
things I look for in fanfic:
i really love everything with these two, i love all the cute fluff happy ever afters they don't get to have in canon, but i also love the angst and the drama and the trauma. usually i just gravitate towards any fics that i feel understands the characters well or has interesting ideas, the exact plot or type of scenario is less important to me.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
in my heart, cloud's endgame ship is always sephiroth. as for aerith, i'm also a Huge zerith shipper (yes i am in constant emotional pain, how did you know), but aeriseph also firmly has a place in my heart.
My happily ever after for them:
any. any of them. i want the most tooth-rotting fluffy ending for these two. (admittedly, their iconic tragedy is a part of why i love them so bad. without it, my emotional investment would be Nowhere near as high.) i've been reading a lot of wedding/alternate future fics with these two lately and they all make me ;w;
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
i genuinely think it goes both ways, but if i had to say i think cloud is doomed to be a little spoon in any lifetime.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
oooh tough one!! i think aerith would love teaching cloud to garden....though i'm not sure he would be any good at it. but i have faith in him to learn.
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icypenguin · 1 year
★~ Kazuha Headcanons
hi guys! im trying to post daily or atleast 4 times a week! i hope you guys enjoy my creations 💗💗💗
Teyvat au
- whenever he’s gone, he will write notes to you daily! beidou always catch him writing notes for you on the crownest and teases him for it.
- when he sees you waiting for him at the docks, his face will immediately brighten up and he’s filled with joy.
- if he went to a nation that you’ve both never been to or literally anywhere, he will always get you a small gift that reminds him of you.
- hugs? cheeks kisses? suprise kisses? YES! YES! YES! your favourite spot with him is under the sakura/maple tree. you both often cuddle or just hangout there and enjoy the view.
- sometimes he will ask you if you want to join him on his next adventure! you will definitely cuddle and stargaze with him on the crownest. (don’t let beidou find out about this or she’s going to tease you both nonstop!)
- he will absolutely introduce you to alll the crux members and now when they see you both together theres no way to escape the teasing…
- petnames: dear, darling, maple. sweetheart, love.
~ small drabble ~
the night was chilly as i was cuddling on the crownest with kazuha. blanket covering out body from the cold wind. when all of the sudden he whispers something in my ear “The deep rolling waves, Are attracted by the moon, Our love never dies”. “did you just whisper a haiku to me?” i asked as my cheeks burns, showing a red-ish colour. “oh kazuha, how could i ever return the sweet talks you gave me?” i lay my head on his shoulder as we stare at the ocean, the waves we’re calm i could listen to it until i sleep… kazuha looks at me with a passionate gaze. he looks like he wanted to ask me something. “say, dear, would you like to come with me on my next adventure?” as i heard what he said i felt like i want to jump as high as i can. i’ve been wanting to hear him ask that question as day by day my life got even dull than before. “oh kazuha! i would love to!” i answer him while hugging him. kazuha chuckled and said “glad to hear, ill inform captain beidou later.” he then looked at my direction and kissed me on the cheeks, forhead and lips. we continue cuddling until a voice interupts us “i see loverboy reunited with his dearest, huh?”. oh, i could immediately recognise that voice! the brown haired captain was looking at us with a smirk on her face… what could go so wrong…?
Modern au (college au)
- you and him are neighbours so everyday he will wait for you at your front door so you can walk together.
- if youre ending the class later than him, he will buy you strawberry or banana milk so that you get more nutrients!
- his and your friends always tease you both. even though you both say ‘we’re just friends’ oh they clearly know you’re more than that!
- your parents knows him as he always hangoug with you almost everyday! either if its doing homework together or just chilling together.
- he will totally confess to you at prom! with bouquet and chocolates~
- he will hold your hand whenever you’re walking together. and hugs are appreciated too.
- petnames: darling, sweetheart, love. if he’s feeling a bit silly: cinnamonbun, maplesyrup, cupcake, sweetie pie.
~ small drabble ~
last week, school just announced prom is about to come. i was excited but also nervous as im not sure who i would like to go with. i mean.. it’s obviously kazuha but well- he’s been receiving many people that’s asking him out! with this problem im a bit afraid he will accept one of them.. i supose if im not going with him then i won’t go to prom! at lunch, kazuha looked a bit nervous. i didn’t know what’s going on as he was more quiet than he usually is. so i decide to ask him “kazuha? is anything bothering you?”. kazuha looked at me and replied “oh no, its nothing”. i didn’t believe what he said but i decide to slide that answer. i was peacefully eating my lunch when all of the sudden he told me “hey uh- could you meet me at the school garden after school? i want to ask you something..”. i said “oh suree! ill meet you under the big tree ok?” he only nods his head as a respond.
*time skip to after school hehe*
the bell rang signaling that school is over. i quickly went under the big tee at the school garden and kazuha was already there. “hey kazzz! sooo what do you want to ask mee?” i asked in curiosity. i’ve been waiting for this momet since the time he told me to meet him after school. “oh- hey.. i didn’t see you coming.. um-“ he looked nervous and he was avoiding eye contact. i gave him some time to process what he wants to say “um.. w-ould you like to go to prom with me, y/n?”. i can see his ears going red and he pulled out a bouquet and a heart shaped container thats filled with chocolate. hearing this question made my heart go crazy! i quickly replied “OH YES! YES! uh- i-i mean mhm! i would love tooo!” i can feel my face getting a lot warmer as heat rushes through it. i accept the bouquet and chocolates from him and tackle him into a hug. we both ended up falling on the grass, laughing.
OMG MY GRAMMAR SUCKS SOOO MUCH IM SO SORRY 😭😭😭 kazuha is my fav but idk im not that proud with this oneeee ill prob make something like this later on… idk if im just not feeling it or what but i hope u guys enjoy this and advices are appreciated thankyouu!
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huaandbloom · 11 months
I see you also ship Barbara x Bennett what else do you ship
I'm just gonna assume you're asking only about Genshin ships. I'm a multi-shipper so there will be repeats.
Warning: very VERY long read. I got a bit more extensive than I thought I would.
Ships that have a chokehold on me:
Keqing x Heizou: would hate each other at first, but with enough time and maybe one night of forced deep conversation realize that they have a lot in common? Both are very dedicated to their work, almost to a fault, but have very different working styles
Barbara x Bennett : I'm a sucker for character A chastising character B for getting hurt while they patch them up
Amber x Razor: hc Amber to be 18-20 and Razor to be 17-18 in case anyone's alarmed. It's the bunny x wolf and "outgoing girl helps awkward and closed off boy get out of his comfort zone" for me
Jean x Diluc: fully convinced they're exes and Diluc still has feelings for Jean at least. You can't tell me that one of the reasons he went to the summer islands wasn't to see Jean in her summer fit
Kazuha x Xiangling: mostly QPR, Xiangling canonically sails with the Crux Fleet sometimes so I'm pretty sure they have an established friendship of sorts already
Ayaka x Thoma: am a sucker for royalty x servant type dynamics, they'd be really sweet together, and I totally bought the pre-Inazuma rumors that they were gonna be fiances...
Xiangling x Xiao: all it took was one(1) fic which is now lost forever :( but either way I'm sold now
Mona x Scaramouche/Wanderer: look aesthetically pleasing together, plus I like the bickering between the two of them in the fics I read
Gorou x Kokomi: my loves my babies my everything the apple of my eye the peanut to my butter the fried to my rice to yee to my haw the dog leans over to kiss the fishy in the pond memes the- (has been shipping them since 2.0 livestream and refuses to let go)
Ships I can enjoy:
Bennett x Fischl: mainly for the ship name puns, but also I like their friendship a lot it's very cute
Ayaka x Kazuha: angst edition in which they try to maintain a long distance but after a while Ayaka can't take it anymore and breaks it off. Other than that I think they look really pretty together and they think really highly of each other
Beidou x Ningguang: Lantern Rite 2021 sold me on this ship. Like sure you guys, you just play chess and nothing more. Sure sure sure-
Xinyan x Yun Jin: Lantern Rite 2021 also sold me on it
Katheryne x Wanderer: @probably-impossible has me hook line and sinker it's such a silly ship but also makes so much sense for some reason?? Content for it has died down but I look back on that time fondly
Dehya x Dunyuzard: look me dead in the eye and tell me they aren't dating. You can't
Cyno x Nilou: the fanarts get me every time in a way I can't explain I feel so much feeling whenever I see them that it borders on having a chokehold on me. It's only here because I only feel the feelings when I remember they exist which isn't very often
Albedo x Sucrose: Windblume had me feeling a certain way let's just put it that way
Amber x Eula: similar-ish dynamic to Amber x Razor and admittedly they have more canon content than the aforementioned ship ever will (cri)
Itto x Sara: childhood friends to petty bickering enemies to lovers. Need I say more.
Chongyun x Xiangling: used to ship them in early game because of that one character story where Chongyun accidentally eats a chilli at Wanmin and then apologises to her profusely
Hu Tao x Xiao: grumpy x sunshine-ish that's it that's the tweet
Kaeya x Rosaria: bi4bi drinking buddies (romantic)
Kaeya x Kokomi: aethetically pleasing and amazing fanarts I must say
Cyno x Layla: an online friend sold me on this and I think it's just neat
Wanderer x Traveler: the love-hate potential is there and I can appreciate it. It's an acquired taste personally, but now I kinda dig it.
Bennett x Chongyun: both constantly get less-than-desired results in their respective lines of work
Ships I can see happening I guess:
Cyno x Tighnari: I like imagining them as a divorced couple co-parenting Collei lmao
Alhaitham x Kaveh: it's fine I guess?? I just see so much fan art that frankly it's become oversaturated for me
Dainsleif x Kaeya: I don't care much for Dain but I like royalty x knight so there you go
Venti x Xiao: this would go under "ships I can enjoy" but now I have beef with it. No it doesn't have anything to do with the fandom or the shippers /gen but I'd rather not get into it
Hu Tao x Yanfei: y'all YanTao nation people make good fanart ngl
Ei x Miko: they're wives. Not a big fan of them, but they're wives
Childe x Traveler: used to ship it but not so much anymore for some reason
Xiao x Traveler: except it's one-sided 'cause I'm a bit evil like that
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Imagine being so sensitive that you have to attack others when you feel your ship is "under attack" (criticized). ... This has been my common experience with Big Four shippers, and it looks like my pause from the FT fandom has not changed this trend. I really shouldn't be surprised~... But let's get into it.
Here's my original post: https://at.tumblr.com/pyropsychiccollector/fairy-tail-ask-now-what-is-by-far-the-worst-part/p8o5djvreeoe
A simple post on my preferences towards FT ships in general, right? I mean, it was *asked* of me. I'm gonna give my opinion. I honestly just hate how Jerza is portrayed in canon. That's the crux of my argument; I'm not attacking Jerza shippers or even necessarily the ship itself. If you want to ship Jerza, that's your prerogative. Ship them how you want, too. But here's the thing: I don't like how canon presents Jerza. If you observe Erza throughout the series, there's a distinct difference between Erza interacting with, say, Fairy Tail or other Guilds, and Erza interacting with Jellal. It just... doesn't go anywhere. And moreover, we're supposed to just sweep what Jellal does under the rug. That he took over the Tower of Heaven, forced Erza's friends into slavery, chased Erza away and ordered her never to come back, and then later... killed Simon, one of Erza's closest friends. I've never bought into that "possession" bs, and we have people like Ultear taking the fall for Jellal because he's too "guilty" to man up and take accountability. Consequentially, whenever Erza and Jellal talk, the mood's always dismal and uncertain, and Erza is COMPLETELY different from when she's talking to Makarov, or Natsu, or Lucy, or Gray... It's NOT vulnerability being shown, Jerza is literally running on a hamster wheel and going NOWWHERE... And we're just supposed to be fine with that? Accept that Erza has "forgiven" Jellal and that it's okay to force others to forgive him, too...? It's JUST my preference, posted here on this blog, but I don't like Jerza. It makes me "anti-Jerza" insofar that I really, really disapprove of the direction canon took with it. .... And I'm not gonna apologize for that.
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... But wait~! Here comes our latest challenger, idklanguages. Of course, of course, of course. How silly of me. Erza's not "scared" of Jellal, "that's how she acts when she's in love." It's also a bit sad this guy has to tack on the end that she "doesn't" love Natsu, like he's reassuring himself.
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... But we're not done. No, sir.
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*pinches nose* It's not about the fact she "has to be a badass all the time." Of course everyone has moments of vulnerability. ... But when she's with Jellal, that's NOT being vulnerable. She's literally feeling sorry for him, wishes things were different, wishes Jellal could be that boy in the tower who saved her way back when. This mood never changes, and Jellal perpetually brings Erza down to this one-dimensional girl that ultimately forces others to accept Jellal...even if he kills your brother. Because holding a grudge over that wouldn't make sense at all~ -_____-
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And right here's when idklanguages begins to unravel into ad hominems and being contrary for the sake of being contrary. Where the hell is your argument, idklanguages? "You can love someone and NOT be in a relationship"... I've addressed why I loathe the direction that canon's gone, why that "love" is honestly toxic. But you keep going on and on and on without making ANY points. At this point you're in it just to be contrary.
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You miss the point ENTIRELY with this nonsense. Erza, frankly, IS obsessive over Jellal with how Mashima's portrayed the dynamic. She URGES people to just accept the past and move on, and while that's all well and good, the issue is how flippant Erza is portrayed over Simon's death. She cares more about supporting her "crush", who's hurt her, traumatized her, and killed one of her best friends... as opposed to understanding how Simon's sister must feel. Here's the thing: Erza's "acceptance" of Jellal and his past sins might have been admirable if she didn't force others into doing the same, and if Jellal did something to warrant such a relationship with Erza. ... But he doesn't. His existence, as canon portrays him, is to make people pity him and forever whine about whether or not he'll make up for his past transgressions. He SHOULD feel guilty for everything, but he could also stand to accept and feel more confident about the good that he's supposedly doing, wiping out minor Dark Guilds. A life of selflessness and charity on his part isn't a bad thing; it's what he wants, frankly. But Mashima keeps pushing the Jerza agenda even though there's been no progress. No development. If that somehow appeals to you, fine. But I'll die on this hill that canon Jerza is toxic, and I'm not gonna apologize for my opinion.
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.... So yeah. We reach the end of this rant, with idklanguages making a bunch of hot air and a whole lot of, "No, I'M right, YOU'RE wrong, nyah!!!!!" It's fine for you to not like Natza, idklanguages, but just accept that I'm gonna do the same for Jerza... and properly outline arguments for WHY I think it's a toxic ship. Jerza shippers are more than welcome to keep shipping what they do - and who knows? Maybe your ideas and stories find a way to properly redeem Jellal, to give Erza a reason to look past everything he's done to her; or maybe you completely do away with all the pain he's caused her. Whatever floats your boat, more power to you. ... But just like how you lot treat Natza as "non-existent", have your own opinions, I'm gonna criticize Jerza. ... Because it DOES have problems in the source material. In this case, you ARE the aggressor, idklanguages. And all you're doing is spewing hot air. (❋•‿•❋) But go on. Come at me. This is not my first FT rodeo with Big Four fans.
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bandtrees · 7 months
yaaay, thank you caro! fanfic writer emoji ask!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? - (not... quite the answer to this question but i don't think my writing style applies here so i'll just pick specific examples i like xP) i love interpersonal tension so much, i love writing all brands of it, from active arguments to awkward conversations to everything inbetween :'D but if i had to pick favorite "sad conversation"s, i love the serizawa scene at the end of act 1 of tttaac, i remember, as i wrote that part, considering it a mini few-act-tragedy all on its own, the awkward hesitance with mob, the texts from tome, the bits where he's alone with reigen and ritsu... very very fun. i love writing characters who have history and a lot of weight to when they interact with eachother, and you can tell in tttaac xD (on that note: the garage scene in tttaac, the argument between dimple and mob, was one of the first scenes fig and i ever came up with for this fic, one we wanted to write from the very beginning. not only is dimple fig's favorite character and mob mine, but we both love their relationship so much, it's very important to us both (both in a 'well written and beautiful character dynamic in a piece of fiction' way and a 'show of our friendship too' way) and a biiig crux of this fic. we loved destroying eachother emotionally with tttaac but especially with everything about dimple and mob - i wrote the garage scene and then fig got back at me by adding the videos. sniffles sadly)
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh? - OH BOY. i love injecting little bits of silly into my mp100 fics in particular, because the show itself is very silly and it doesn't really feel like mp100 anymore if its not. in crowfic, sammi and i went back and forth figuring out increasingly sillier ways to describe teru's wig, and we also wanted banter between ritsu and mogami to feel appropriately lighthearted to show mogami wedging his fingers in. i also have to express. one of my favorite running gags in my and sammi's fics that i will never shut up about because i think it's entirely too funny. and i express it because i encourage everyone reading this to continue the bit: the baby episode the baby episode began as a joke in tttaac, a one-off line in the social media segment here (fun fact about this scene, the usernames are all pulled from usernames in various social media cutaways in canon):
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this was, out of universe, inspired by the fact that, to get a feel for "how subreddits for big longrunning reality tv talk shows talk", i went on the dr phil subreddit and found the only posts on it recently were a bot crossposting videos from the dr phil youtube channel and one guy asking about, quote, "the infantilism episode"
and i cracked myself up at my own joke. i don't know why i was so tickled by the string of words "supernatural detective baby episode", but i was. tttaac is a very heavy and miserable fic so we find spots of humor wherever we can, and i was just... so amused by the mental image of someone reading this fic and thinking, "what the fuck is the baby episode of supernatural detective" but of course our in-universe commenter does not elaborate. they know about the baby episode. this is a long-running subreddit for a show they're all superfans of, everyone knows about the baby episode. but you, the reader, seeing only a glimpse into these people's lives, do not. the conversation moves on. the fic moves on. the times a change. you cannot ask u/YUJIHAIZINOO what they mean by "the baby episode".
i don't remember how this part came to be, but as time went on, the baby episode became an injoke with my friends, and when sammi and i wrote ch4 of crowfic (which was published before tttaac but written long after the baby episode bit), we (sammi, specifically, who wrote this part,) decided to continue the gag. a piece of our cinematic universe
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now, this creates a world of implications. for starters, tttaac takes place in 2022-2023, and crowfic takes place in 2012. the baby episode has now been also described as "weird", existing in 2012, and, most importantly, potentially being lost media.
i don't know why this stupid gag has affected us so much but it has. and i beseech everyone reading this who writes mob psycho fanfiction: somehow, someway, please insert the supernatural detective baby episode into your text. please reference it in some manner no matter how small. i want the bit to go on. i need it to grow, like a wound. i want to eventually convince people reading mob psycho fanfiction that this is a canon event they just forgot about.
the rules to the supernatural detective baby episode go as follows: you cannot describe its contents in any way, shape, or form, you can only allude to its existence and optionally that it is, quote, "weird". it may or may not be lost media, as it's possible reigen is misremembering. it exists in 2012 and is likely even older than that.
Now go forth. Spread the Supernatural Detective baby episode wide and far.
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postgameroutesix · 1 year
💕👗🍿💿 for the scooby ask meme!! :D
💕 - favorite relationship in the Gang?
fred + velmas friendship means SO much to me u have no idea like numero uno blowout beach bash is my best friend for what it did for them but its just how the crux of their relationship is how theyre able to relate to each other most - like while that element of relatability between them is obscured or more implicit in some iterations (sdmi for example) i think its SUCH an important facet of their relationship. they are two sides of the same coin u know. they bounce off of each other SO well whether its them putting their heads together or lightheartedly teasing the other. the whats new era + be cool did so much for the velma + fred bestie truthers
👗- favorite outfit(s) worn by the Gang?
tbh im a certified Fan of their outfits in frighthouse of a lighthouse + loch ness monster like theyre not the MOST different outfits in the world but i think theyre silly….loch ness monster more specifically actually bc we get bucket hat velma there
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i also love like. all of their snow outfits like u cant go wrong with those tbh!!! be cool in particular has great subtle variation throughout which i enjoy. also also like EVERY scrappy outfit ever i do not care seeing them put him in these absolutely MINUSCULE outfits makes me tear up…..hes so baby….
🍿 - favorite movie?
AUGHHH its SO hard picking b/w my top 2 so ill say both: cyber chase + the sword and the scoob!!!!! the former i think while couldve benefitted from a larger cast i still love so mucb like it reads like such a love letter to the franchise to me its hard to articulate why i love it so much!!! it just makes me feel warm n sometimes thats all u need. wrt the latter i really really love the character + relationship writing in it!!! it feels so deeply GENUINE to me that i can even brush over one of my least fave aspects of the modern character writing (extreme skeptic velma) bc i have so much fun with it. like man when im watching this movie im kicking my feet througjout purely bc of the characters n their relationships….i dont even care about the mystery hugely though i think the idea of them being in a performance is cool i think it coulda been executed better (and they shouldve been in wales not england smh smh) but tbh whatever. the sword and the scoob is my best friend <333
📀 - favorite tv show?
SO HARD AGAIN BUT gotta be equally whats new, thirteen ghosts + be cool
whats new IS partly bc its the one from my childhood (even if i wasnt actually a scooby fan back then + was actually scared of it lol…can u imagine) but it radiates comfort for me. the theme song alone is to make me just feel purely happy u know….but anyway besides that i love the overall character writing in wsnd!!! its the last show we got with casey kasem + ill always love the snark he brought to shaggys character which is very apparent in this show. daphnes resourcefulness takes center stage which is always just super funny and endearing like girl i dont think thats supposed to work but <333 velma is portrayed as sarcastic but its never meanspirited like its made CLEAR how much she loves her friends. theyre just all so silly and love each other sooo much….
thirteen ghosts i havent actually finished yet BUT despite that its literally already at the top for me lol like firstly i love the premise - its a breakaway from the traditional scooby formula but honestly by the structuring of the episodes u wouldnt think so!!! that different take is executed VERY well imo. the cast of characters r all so very endearing like they r family…. ive always loved the decision to place daphne in a leadership role esp considering what its since engendered. flim flam is SUCH a little guy. hes a witty kid who gives great balance to the cast n his relationships w vincent + scrappy are SO!!! good honestly. vincent is funny like his entire predicament reminds me of thay thing like “found family but its a group of kids who adopt an old guy instead of the other way around” u get it….
be cool is absolutely the funniest scoobh show like no question AND its got great writing to boot!!! ive talked about character + relationship writing a lot and thats just bc thats what really makes or breaks scooby media for me lol. for be cool it BEYOND makes it!!! their dynamic is so well done like bro they r teens. they are stupid 18 year olds with thwir collective dog bestie travelling around the united states and shenanigans occur. there are so many be cool episodes just stuck to my brain bc of how genuinely great they are. and its a show where yeah its goofy and silly and comedic but it can alsp be sooo genuine i love it <333 be cool my absolute beloved
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7ban-sama · 2 years
currently at the point where... I feel like the crux of the Yugi twins is a fakeout.. the order of the events early on are set up to certainly make you assume that Tsukasa is this ominous figure paired with the bandaged, isolated Amane of the past (and Nene-chan makes her simple conclusions thusly, that he must have been bullied and murdered his attacker)... like well, it's certainly easy to conclude early on that Tsukasa must simply be, a violent person and Amane was being aggressed. but urgh we're at such a point where it feels so deconstructed...
I mean, once you understand that the power dynamic between a mystery and their yorishiro is what it is... and you've witnessed their interactions in hell of mirrors/picture perfect... and, we've seen their childhood more and more, where they seem intertwined and happy together... It feels silly to say that Amane is scared of Tsukasa because he, used to hit him. what a crude thing to seriously consider, this deep into the game-!! haha, I dunno, it feels reductive to Amane and Tsukasa's complexity & takes aggressive denial of all the information we've received since volume 4.
but yknow, I find it very stimulating that our story is proposing that the scariest thing to face is someone who loves you unconditionally, and can see through your facades and lies... if you're a self-hating guy who is averse to sincerity, who can't even bare to say I like you or You look nice. ..... logically, what would make your hackles rise is someone whose known you your whole life, that can tell what you're hiding. hooo... it's so decadent
that being said, it means that the answer to "what is he upset about here?" might be something we can't begin to understand.....
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i think this amane is like ah, if ONLY it was 'just' that he was 'being bullied'... in some ways, that would be easier... or perhaps simpler, is a better way to put it.
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disco-tea · 2 years
Ok Spuffy!Roxanne AU where Spike is C.D., Buffy is Roxanne, and Riley is Chris.
I feel like this would be some time in late season 4 or something. Maybe early S5. Idk, this would be very AU but somehow Spike gets himself into a position where he’s writing letters/poems to Buffy and she thinks they’re from Riley. Maybe he walks in somehow on Riley trying to write a poem for Buffy and it’s really bad, and that’s saying something coming from Spike. And Riley goes “like you could do better” and then Spike opens his big mouth and just fires something off the cuff he absolutely has NOT thought about 100 times before and Riley is like “wait crap that’s actually good” and somehow he gets Spike to write a poem for him for Buffy either through blackmail or he offers to pay him.
And Spike is like ‘wait I can use this I can absolutely ruin their relationship, she’ll run screaming away from Riley faster than Cecily ran from me.’ So he sits down and writes one and just goes all in, just throws himself into it and this is ABSOLUTELY not dredging anything up. Nah uh no way. He HATES Buffy this is completely fake. 100%. These beautiful eloquent descriptions of her hair in the sunlight mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. So he writes it and Riley gives it to her and…
She loves it. It’s the most beautiful thing anyone has ever written her. She loves it so much she almost cried. It is the exact opposite reaction that Spike wanted and yet…there is somebody that loves what he wrote. Somebody that was actually moved by his words. This is huge. This is insanely personal. This is hitting him on such a deep level it is ABSOLUTELY dredging up things absolutely dragging silly little William to the forefront. And Spike knows he shouldn’t be doing this, that somehow, he’s playing a dangerous game here. But he can’t help it, her reaction hit him just as hard as his words hit her.
So the next time Riley asks, it doesn’t take much convincing or blackmailing or paying at all. He keeps doing it. Keeps writing her. Poems turn into letters with poems attached to them and he finds that he loves writing to her. Loves being able to just absolutely unload all these feelings. To wax as poetic as he likes because it’s not coming from him. There’s no fear of being rejected or judged. There’s also some comedy because no NO HE WANTS THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO GO BADLY. He’s metaphorically digging his own grave here and having all the little freak outs that come with it.
And somewhere along the way he has his epiphany and realizes that he loves Buffy. But the crux of the story is this; she thinks he’s just a soulless monster without the capacity for genuine emotion and tells him as much on a regular basis. He’s the monster. The Quasimodo. The Cyrano de Bergerac. He could never come up with something that genuine and beautiful. He could never make Buffy feel that way. But Riley? Riley is the good one. The nice normal human guy with a soul. The only problem? Riley is even worse with words than Spike considers himself to be. He can’t write anything without it turning out basic and mechanical, like a military report.
Well, the story goes on and Spike keeps writing and Buffy finds herself falling more in love with whoever is writing. Except her and Riley just aren’t having the same sort of connection face to face and Buffy is having trouble reconciling it. They get into a fight and Riley decides to give Buffy some space by going on a week long mission with the military. Spike takes that opportunity to write Buffy every day. It’s about this time that Dawn figures out what’s been going on because she walks in while Spike is writing. She tries to talk to him about, tell him he should come clean and they get into a bit of a spat about it. During their argument Dawn mentions that Riley is back early and Spike panics and runs off to find him because he doesn’t know that Spike has been writing. In his haste he forgets the poem he’s drafting and Dawn takes it.
Unbeknownst to either of them, Riley and Buffy have had another fight and all the issues of their relationship have come to the forefront. Riley decides to leave with the military for good and leaves Buffy a note to tell her. Dawn ends up placing Spike’s letter along with Riley’s and Buffy finds them both. It’s about that time that Spike shows up at Buffy’s house in a last ditch effort to find Riley. By the time he gets there Buffy has read both letters. She shows Riley’s to him and Spike is a combination of pissed off and internally freaking out because he knows he’s gotten himself into a mess now. Then she shows him his own and makes him read the poem out loud. To his horror, there’s an addition on the back that says “PS, Spike wrote this ~ D.”
The first thing Buffy does is punch him (like in the movie). They get into huge argument about it and Buffy accuses him of just playing with her emotions to try and hurt her and Spike ends up admitting that it’s not that, that he genuinely loves her. They continue to argue about it, about how he’s a vampire and he couldn’t possibly be in love with her and Buffy starts digging herself a nice deep denial hole. They have the whole porch fight from the movie and some of the comedy beats that comes with it. She eventually slams the door in his face and he yells “you wanna know what the rest of the letter said? It said PS I was only kidding!”
And at this point I’d say we’re in a mash up of Crush and Intervention, because it’s now that Glory’s minions kidnap Spike. The same thing happens, he gets tortured but refuses to tell them anything and that proves to Buffy once and for all that he was genuine. That every single thing he wrote was real. That he can love. That he’s loyal.
It terrifies her, and as much as she wishes it didn’t, it makes her love him more.
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