#at that point he'd be forced to be just enji. just a father
thyandrawrites · 2 years
on a slightly bitter note, seeing this arc animated truly makes it obvious how two arcs later nothing changed at all uh. the villains will monologue for an hour about the reasons why they're fighting against the system, and then after they're done the heroes will be like: "why are you doing this?!" and then not wait for a reply and punch them with the force of a thousand suns
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todorokistheories · 1 month
Endeavor Is One Of My Favorite Characters
I don't agree with his redemption from a viewer standpoint but heres the thing no one seems to realize.
It's really realistic.
tw: discussion of abuse, toxic masculinity, it's the todorokis what do you expect
I can't count how many middle aged men I've seen realize that what they were told about being a man their entire life was false. They never learned to mature, sit with their feelings, and all they were left with was this anger they never learned how to control.
Now let me make this clear. I am IN NO WAY defending his actions.
Think of those older men you know who are still misogynistic, prideful, greedy. They all think they're better than everyone else because if they don't, they have nothing.
Fathers, uncles, grandfathers, even brothers who were just too proud to sit with the fact that all they've done is hurt have a breaking point. Sometimes that point comes when they're on their deathbed.
Or, like Bakugou he was taught by the ppl around him that he was what everyone wanted to be.
Difference is... he grew up. Endeavor didn't.
He had the great success of his 20s, a loving wife who was bought specially for him, the public's awe, and his first ever prodigy who was going to be even more special than him. He was in the best position he'd ever be in his whole life.
That's why All Might's success messed with him so much.
He was at the highest point of his life and career and he STILL wasn't good enough to become number one.
For a man who only has his pride, that's a huge ego crusher. Unlike bakugou he never sat with this. He became obsessed, deciding that if he couldn't be the best then he'd train his kids so that they were. That way he was still worth something. Because all of his worth was tied to his success.
It didn't matter what stood in his way, because he had two choices: succeed, or admit to himself that he was a failure.
For men who bought into toxic masculinity, yeah that wasn't an option.
And then his worst failure happened. Touya burned.
He died and suddenly those voices that told Enji that he was a failure grew loud enough for him to lash out at everyone who might even hint that they agree. Unfortunately, Rei was in the forefront of that. Every comment about their children turned into a criticism that his ego couldn't handle. It was a personal attack.
And then his second failure happened. Shouto burned.
Suddenly, the shame was too much to handle. So, he sent away the person who would constantly remind him of his inadequacies: Rei. Sent her away to never see the light of day again because he couldn't face it.
He locked everything away and threw away the key, shutting down Shouto verbally and physically just so that he didn't have to think about what he's done. Because he's special, remember? He's better than everyone. He is worth something because he's special.
Then Touya, who he shoved all of this generational trauma onto, turned out to be alive. Not only is he alive, he's the antithesis of what Enji fought his whole life to be.
Suddenly, he couldn't hide anymore. The whole world knew he was a fraud. He's forced to face the jealousy, the embarrassment, the shame, and the feeling of worthlessness that he ruined his life to run away from in the first place.
His career, gone. Image, gone. Youth, gone. His life is over and all he is left with is the shards of a family he broke years ago.
So he embraces it. He accepts the blame for the first time in his life.
And it changes for the better. He can't undo it. He can't fix what he hurt. And he can't truly repair anything. But he can try and that's worth something even if he's not.
This is a scenario that happens daily. This is something that happens in real life. And no one is expected to forgive these people for the harm they've caused. But understanding it is the first step to not repeating it. So yeah, I fucking hate Endeavor but goddamn he's well written.
Horikoshi wrote something very accurate to the experiences thousands of people have and I appreciate that. It's needed in media. There's many things he's done with the Todoroki family that I do not agree with, but the premise of Endeavor's redemption is one that rings true.
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haikyuuwaifu · 1 year
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Genre: Humor
Warnings: Swearing
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-Aizawa adopted Shinsou when he was around 7, and he adopted Eri when her grandfather died.(She was 3 at the time) The man had taken preventive measure to ensure his granddaughter and her quirk didn't end up in the wrong hands. He's closed himself off to dating. His last relationship was difficult for him, and the woman he dated never really liked the fact that he had kids.
-Enji was forced to marry Rei at the demand of his parents. They had 4 children together before Rei lost her shit and left. She did end up burning Shoto. Enji and Mitsuki met through Inko and Yagi. Katsuki's father passed away when he was a baby, and Mitsuki left Japan so she could heal. Now, Enji and Mitsuki are happily married and raising their blended family. Enji makes sure to talk about Masaru with Katsuki as much as he can. Katsuki enjoys that he has siblings. Fuyumi is his favorite.
-Yagi took in his mentor's grandson, when he'd found out what happened to the boys family due to his quirk. He'd met Inko at some point and the two married. Yagi knew Izuku was quirkless and he, Inko, Enji, and Mitsuki had discussed the possibility of giving Izuku OFA. Tenko is a recovery hero and a substitute at UA. Yagi and Enji are the oldest of the group.
-Oboro and Present Mic are Shouta's closest friends and his most chaotic. Oboro suffered an accident during a work study in high school. He's not fully who he used to be, but his friends are always there for him. They both want to see Shouta happy and married.
-Jeanist is the cool, calm, and snobby of the group. He and Mitsuki always have beef because they work in the same industry. He's pretty sure Mitsuki would slit his throat if she had the chance. (She so would)
-Natsuo, Touya, and Fuyumi have somehow become friends with their dads friends. It's a sore point for Natsuo a lot of the time, but he just doesn't connect well with others his age. Fuyumi's father scares everyone off and Touya enjoys being a problem child. He and Shouta often spend steak outs together, so Shouta would count the young man as one of his best friends
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problemswithbooks · 1 year
So, the Todoroki side plot got thrown in the garbage this chapter...
The less problematic stuff, aka, Geten being a Himura--pointless and just an excuse to explain the ass pull Hori pulls with the actually relevant characters. I think it's a neat that it turns out the Himuras were just as, if not more into Eugenics type shit than Enji. But besides getting a bit more background on Rei's family Geten being a Himura isn't important at all and really didn't need to be included.
As for the rest--it's trash and ultimately could end up with the Todoroki subplot's theme endorsing abuse.
I've seen people defend Touya getting ice as a power up as it proving Enji wrong--proving that Touya was always good enough. Maybe that could have worked if his ice came out only once he was accepted by Enji and at peace, but instead it's the opposite. We are told a Quirk break through happen when people are put in life or death situations. Touya is getting his ice after burning himself into a black skeleton.
Touya getting ice does the following:
Makes Enji right about the Quirk marriage. He and Rei produced a perfect combo first try and later got a second.
Enji was wrong to stop training Touya when he started to burn himself, and instead he should have just dialed up the training and tortured him worse than Shoto because that's what would unlock his ability.
The narrative is essentially saying child abuse is good actually. Again, because Quirks only awaken like this if the person is under extreme duress, if Enji had kept training Touya, but in a way where he didn't burn himself that wouldn't have unlocked his ice. Touya would still be stuck with his handicap and unable to reach his full potential. He wouldn't have become the perfect combo. Enji being non-abusive wouldn't have solved this problem.
The only thing that would have made Touya what Enji wanted is if he'd abused him more physically. If he'd kept training Touya and forced him to burn himself to the bone. Essentially his abuse would be rewarded.
The story is saying that if Enji had just stuck with it, and ignored Touya's physical pain than he would have gotten exactly what he wanted. Yet, instead he stopped the training Touya because it was dangerous for him. He should have spent time in other ways, developed a relationship outside fighting, but that's not the message Hori sends with turn of events.
It also just ruins any growth Touya could have had. He no longer has to see beyond his Quirk. It robs him of realizing that his father should have loved him regardless of his Quirk and more about Enji not seeing him for the perfect boy he always could have been if his father had just set him on fire at four years old. Touya's no longer wrong about anything--his dad should have kept training him, he should have been beat the way Shoto was. If his dad really loved him he would have let Touya burn his skin off.
To me the way Hori has included this power up for Touya ruins the subplot. Whether Hori intended it of not, it's now possible to read it as supporting abuse and self harm. Your kid can't do a thing because they're disabled--keep making them, eventually, once you beat the shit out of them enough they'll be the perfect kid you always wanted. Can't do a thing because you're disabled and it hurts you--keep doing it, even to the point of full body break down because in the end you'll achieve your goal.
It's become "See dad, you should have loved me because I was perfect the entire time!" instead of "it doesn't matter what your kids can do, you should love them anyway".
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pocketramblr · 2 years
It would be fun if we hit Endeavor with the DFO stick
Enji grew up knowing that his dad would give him anything he wanted- if he spun it right, and fully committed. If he didn't convince him, or faltered at all, then his dad won instead and that was a bad time.
He was allowed to become a hero because he said he specifically wanted to beat All Might, humiliate him at his own job before AfO took him down. And then he threw himself into getting strong enough to do just that, though AfO doubted it ever would work, it at least seemed like Enji thought it would, so he allowed it. The first time Enji met All Might in person, he saw no less than four of his father's operatives watching in the crowd, and knew he had to be cold, knew he'd never have the freedom to ask for help. And he'd gotten this far on his own, he'd gotten more freedom than he'd hoped for as a kid, so this was enough. this would be enough until All Might killed his dad, surely.
But then Enji fell in love, and knew that would never fly as a reason to start a family AfO was not involved in. He wanted to leave well enough alone, break it off for her own good- but Rei had her own family troubles, and Enji had managed to come up with a plan for everything else so far... so they staged a quirk marriage to satisfy all parents, Enji claiming it was to create a quirk strong enough to beat All Might. AfO raised a skeptical brow, but decided to let him try and fail, promising his best doctor and expert in quirk sciences to take care of Rei's and any children's health.
Now that Enji knew that AfO would absolutely be checking in on the children, he knew he'd be asking them about him as well, always keeping a close eye. Which means they couldn't tell the kids that it was a fake quirk marriage or that Enji didn't care about forcing them to beat All Might one day- AfO would find out, and Enji didn't want to know what his father winning would entail this time. Rei pointed out that they could just... not tell the kids anything, and if AfO asked, Enji could claim it was kinder to keep his children in ignorance until they were old enough to safely train, and even then, AfO wouldn't expect the kids to know everything about the terms of the marriage that he was told. But, stubborn Enji insisted that he knew his father, and this was the best way to keep the kids safe and the family together.
He was somewhat right- AfO had been keeping close tabs on Touya the whole time, acting as an online friend, and was utterly convinced by what Touya passed on- but also irritated by Touya's treatment as the oldest brother. (he's projecting) and since Enji clearly isn't even acting like a father, surely he won't mind AfO intervening on the children's behalf and keeping everyone happy, right? And if, say, hero society collapse entirely one day... well it's not like AfO didn't warn Enji all those years ago it would happen, and to try to reach number one hero as quickly as he could to actually enjoy it before he had to come home.
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x-neurotoxin-x · 1 year
i feel like some ppl can relate to dabi in a way where youd rather be dead or kill someone than be put back with your abuser & thats something i love abt timh cause i can relate to that keep up the good work :) /genuine
Well, that's the other thing i think gets misunderstood with timh. A big part of Touya wanted to go back home and be with Enji, from the jump he was trying to drive out the rest of the family so it was just the two of them. Part of this is old trauma responses, product of grooming and conditioning, and him really wanting his Father's approval, while another portion was Dabi trying to sabotage Endeavor, almost force the cycle to start up again, and prove to himself he was abused when he was a kid. That's why a lot of times it seems like Touya is "instigating things" and almost asking to be put in these situations. He isn't, obviously, it's trauma, but Touya's an unreliable narrator and since the majority of timh is in his point of view we're not actually seeing things how they are, we're seeing things through a very warped perspective.
There's definitely moments where he gets a clearer mindset for a few minutes and is angry or afraid and doesn't want to do this anymore, but he's usually thrust right back into this delusional mindset by the abuse or gaslighting. There's definitely moments where he realizes he'd be better off at a psychiatric ward or in the rehab program, several times he considers it, but he always goes back on it because he thinks he deserves to be there and he thinks he wants to be there. It's his home, after all.
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intersexalastor · 1 year
(warning: animal abuse and death)
thinking about a civilian (+dabitwice) au where touya is fond of cats, but enji hates them. and enji says smth kind of messed up involving one of touya's many insecurities to nip touya's interest in the bud, that something which he thought was ultimately harmless to say. but young touya very much internalizes it since enji is essentially god in his eyes and, again, he's already insecure as is. i have many ideas of what might have been said but can't really choose which way to go but regardless.
growing up, whenever touya came across some stray, especially kittens, he'd trap them and take them to shelters. and when he later makes friends with jin, jin's happy to lend a helping hand. he's got a room he was using for storage anyways that he can keep a cat or two in when needed.
it's no secret to either nat or fuyumi that touya has a soft spot for felines, since they've personally witnessed his efforts. but anytime they suggest he should keep one of them (they think it'd be good for touya to have a pet tbh) touya always brushes them off, making an offhand comment that strikes them as odd, something related to that very insecure boy from all those years ago.
and when enji's trying to figure out how to get on his eldest's good side, because touya keeps fully rejecting him at every turn, natsuo snorts and says he should get touya a cat, then. enji's hesitant but ultimately takes nat's idea. touya refuses, of course, having already decided that he shouldn't get one. enji won't force it, but also realizes that what touya's saying echoes what he said years ago and that his words had a larger impact than he had meant for them to
one day touya's headed home from work when he sees a couple of shithead kids having lit a kitten on fire. after delivering a couple of (minor) burns of his own, touya brings the kitten to an emergency clinic who say it's too late, all they can do is euthanize at this point.
touya won't (can't) accept that and takes the kitten home. he tries taking care of it with his emergency supplies, but ultimately regrets his decision when he finally has to come to terms with that this kitten is near-death and all he's done is prolong its suffering.
its little black body is curled up in his hands when its chest stops moving. he holds it there for a long time in silence. his mind is simultaneously blank and yet racing with thoughts all at the same time. all he can do is stare at the kitten's now-cool little body, unable to conjure up something to say, to do. and in the back of his head is a stream of thoughts.
things like how inherently cruel the world is. how this kitten was just a blip on this earth, whose pain, life, and death were all at the hands of people who couldn't care less, how it burned and was in pain and it didn't matter to anyone or anything. how its mother wouldn't care, how its siblings wouldn't care, how its father especially didn't care. it's dead. food for the worms and beetles. how he made it worse (because isn't that his whole life's story?)
he buries it in the backyard under a plum tree. he curses himself for taking the cat home, knowing full well that a cat (or any creature for that matter) belong with him.
he decides to make the long ride to see jin, because he can't stand being home, knowing that a small corpse is sitting in a freshly dug grave not meters away from him.
and when he gets there, jin is like "ta-da!" because he's saved a kitten by himself today and he wants dabi to see it because it's way too cute. but touya doesn't have any desire to see anymore kittens today. despite that, he can't bring himself to admit his sin to jin, so he has no argument for when jin insists that touya needs to see this kitten.
it's a little kitten with curls galore, little furry rosebuds all over its cream-colored body. a sweet little face looks up at him. jin is talking excitedly because, like nat and fuyumi, jin also thinks touya should get a kitten. (he loves them so much after all! even if he would never use the world "love") this irritates touya and he ends up angrily confessing his fuck up to jin. which ends up to touya admitting why he refuses to have a cat.
there's arguing and finally just talking and jin somehow manages to get touya to question whether or not what he's believed since he was a kid is true. touya agrees to keep the kitten for now, but only if he moves in with jin (as friends bc they still don't realize they're head over heels for each other btw) bc maybe he should really get away from his father while he's sorting things out.
now touya won't stop holding this little baby. and jin has to compete with a cat for attention.
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heroic-endeavors · 2 years
Headcanon: Enji's childhood
Father had been a hero who would die as he was attending UA. He did look up to him at some point before the hellish training and the death of Yuka.
His mother was abusive or neglectful.
Both siblings would apply to UA. Only Enji would get in. Erika unable to follow her brothers footsteps would run off when she couldn’t take being with their mother anymore.
Erika later becomes the villain Flame Doll. She changed her last name to Tomoko so no one would know her connection with Enji/Endeavor.
There was an occasion Erika would fight Enji mostly because their mother would force them to do so for ‘training’
He’d be surprised to see another student who vaguely resembled that quirkness boy but there couldn’t be any connection.
Parents didn’t really love each other. Mamoru would be away from home often and seemed like he was only home to put his kids though training.
[Had edited because I didn’t like what I put originally. I planned for Erika to be a hero but decided later I wanted her to be a villain because most OCs are heroes or students.
Because I’m not up to date on the manga [I only have 5 volumes and only read 3] I’m just making this shit up.]
His face would combust when angry or embarrassed. Though people tend to assume that every time it's out of anger.
If anyone would give him All Might merch as a joke he'll act angry but he'd still keep it. It'll be kept in a secret room.
Cold coffee.
0 notes
equizona · 3 years
You watch MHA? I’m thinking…some Yandere Todoroki family? When an adopted Tall reader?
It can be Headcannons or a story ? Whichever you choose. Ok, let me stop being annoying, and bothering you, I’m a new follower also! And my cat koy says hi!!
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❝Notes?❞ → What is that picture?😭 Mom pick me up I'm scared— Also I'm so sorry for the wait. Also I didn't really specify height much I'm so sorry Also, protective Natsuo? Forceful Fuyumi? Hero complex Yandere Shouto? Yes please. There's not a lot of bad Yandere here though, but I'm happy with it.
❝Fandoms?❞ → BNHA/MHA
❝Characters?❞ → Todoroki Enji, Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Shouto
❝Scenario?❞ → Yandere Todoroki family with an adopted sibling/child.
❝Trivia?❞ → GN Reader | ⚠️Yandere Behavior
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→ Todoroki Family
You were most likely adopted after Enji made the decision to try and become a better father. The other children were now living with Rei, but he really realty wanted to try anew.
A part of him was extremely scared he would fuck up again, but as long as he listened to what you wanted, along with thinking about what could be dangerous and whatnot, he'd be fine, right?
He came to the conclusion that he would not be okay after you were settled in your new room. He made sure it was big, and let you chose whatever you wanted.
So.. He makes the decision to ask Rei, who's rather angry about it. He adopted a child despite knowing how horrible of a father he was? And he didn't even talk with her or his other children about it?
She comes to understand though, and agrees to help out. However she wants to meet you, and the others have to meet you as well.
Of course, he agrees.
Now right off the bat, Enji and Rei are rather possessive.
Enji is aware he's a horrible father, and has been horrible to his ex–wife and previous children. He sees you as his chance to make things right. To have one child not hate him with their entire being.
Rei is familiar with that view point. She was better than Enji, but especially with Shouto, she feels horrible. She regrets a lot of her actions towards her children.
Enji is more than happy to let you spend as much money as you want on anything. The guy is the number one hero, and he's loaded.
Meaning so are you.
Rei is being the mother she didn't truly get to be with her other children. She'll cook you food, comfort you, give you relationship or clothing advice or anything else you need.
Now for the others..
Fuyumi is very accepting of you, a whole lot more welcoming than the other two. She's friendly and welcomes you into the family with open arms.
Her possessiveness comes from your willingness to be a family. That's all Fuyumi has ever wanted, a happy, normal family. Both of her brothers refuse even now that their father is changing, so she almost lost hope.
But here you are, unrelated to the past events and yet part of the family. How can she not try to keep you?
She'll do her best to keep you away from Natsuo and Shouto in the beginning. Not like it's hard, neither of them want much to do with you at the start.
She just wants to away from everyone who is trying to ruin her normal family. It's all she's ever wanted, why won't they let her have this?
Eventually she understands that her family can only ever be happy if it's all of you. Not a family with only the two of you, even if she almost prefers it that way.
So she's the one who starts pushing you to hang out more with Enji and Rei, to build a real parent–child relationship.
She then pushed you to create a sibling relationship with Natsuo and Shouto.
Natsuo is much closer to Fuyumi than Shouto is, since from a young age Shouto was kept away from his siblings.
So Natsuo listens to how often both Rei and Fuyumi speak about how wonderful you are. And when Fuyumi starts encouraging him to hang with you?
He wasn't fond of you at the start, but you grow on him quickly.
How would you not? He's been so alone ever since Touya died, and whilst he's happy he got closer with Shouto and Fuyumi has always had his back..
He remembers how badly Touya trained. Both for their fathers approval and to keep his younger siblings safe.
Natsuo wants to be like that too, so he gets undeniably protective of you. He wants to protect someone the same way Touya protected him, and you just so happen to be the ideal candidate.
Last but not least..
Todoroki Shouto.
God, he hates you. Loathes you even.
Why do you get everything? A loving father? His mother's love and affection? A stable, secure non–abuse home life.
He hates you. So, so much.
Because if both his parents have changed so much for you, given you everything he's ever wanted, then it means they were always capable of change.
He just wasn't worth changing for.
And it'll take a long time for him to care about you. He doesn't want to be anywhere near you at all.
Until he realizes maybe your life isn't as perfect as he thought.
He notices. Notices how overbearing Rei is, how pushy Enji is, how forceful Fuyumi is and how painfully overprotective Natsuo is.
He doesn't get it, but he knows those are clear red flags. He's ran into enough villains to know that much.
He slowly starts to become more sympathetic. And eventually he realizes that he thought you had everything, that you were happy.
Even he believed it.
People believed it, the ones around him growing up. That he was the happy, soon to be pro hero, the blessed child of Endeavor.
Someone saved him, because they saw he wasn't happy.
But who's there to save you? Because of the others you interact with nobody outside of the family. You get homsecshooled and you're kept far, far away from anything hero–villain related.
He realizes, maybe he needs to save you.
Just wait, he'll graduate and get a stable job and a nice place and then you can both leave,
You can escape this horrible, forceful, nightmarish house together.
Just wait, he'll save you.
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bbq-hawks-wings · 4 years
Chapters 301-302: Do as I Say, Not as I Do.
One of the biggest struggles as a parent is living out the example you teach your kids; and if Rei and Enji had been able to do that they might have been able to save their family and all those caught up in the carnage today a lot of grief. As much as this is the entire Todoroki Family's flashback, it mostly belongs to Rei, Enji, and Touya who took the brunt of their failure as parents and had the most spectacular fall because of it.
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Both of them dearly loved their children and hated to see them suffer, but they were unable to face themselves and each other to build a strong foundational relationship on which to act as an example.
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Their relationship was one based on a literal transaction - not love, not even mutual respect. It could have been salvaged long before things became irreparable, but neither of them were able to step beyond the confines of the conception of their union and grow it into anything more.
Because Enji's goal always came first and Rei didn't have the courage to put her foot down for even her own children's sake, it spiraled out of control into the blazing hellfire that left all of them scarred for life.
And to be clear, Endeavor is the one predominantly to blame for this scenario as he held almost all the power in the relationship. He was the one with the money and means of provision, and if he decided to abandon Rei and her kids she would have to hobble back home to a family that would berate and guilt her for the rest of her life for being useless, a failure, and a burden since they rested their financial stability on her to keep them afloat and now not only would have to care for her on tightened belts, but possibly the children she brought in tow.
So while her hesitancy to do anything to oppose him is beyond understandable she herself also owns that she fully knew she was enabling him and was personally familiar with the pain her inaction caused her children - going as far as to say she didn't deserve the title of "mother."
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With a foundation of, "the only reason we got married and had children is to realize Enji's goal of becoming the #1 hero vicariously through them" their insistence that the kids could find something outside of being a hero and still have their love and respect is rendered invalid. Rei says as much when he brings up conceiving another child once he realizes Touya chasing his dream would result in his eventual death.
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Children are smart and perfectly capable of following or developing logic with the facts they have. Touya picked up immediately that his parents started having more children as soon as he was deemed unable to fulfill Enji's wish and stopped having them as soon as he got what he wanted.
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What Touya wasn't able to recognize was that this was Endeavor's way of trying to have his cake and eat it, too - have a baby that surpassed All Might AND not destroy his favorite child. He was not able to piece together that his father was trying to save him from his quirk because Touya's foundational concept for his parent-child relationship with Enji was, "realize my dream and make me proud." If Endeavor had been able to stop all together and say, "Gaining my dream is not worth losing you," and embrace his son disaster could have been avoided.
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He just couldn't let it go.
Every time Touya tried to lean in on what he'd been taught and what was being shown to him (the promised child gets my attention) Endeavor leaned in further to the negative reinforcement of ignoring Touya and distancing himself from him which was only fuel upon fuel upon fuel to the fire.
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Endeavor can't face Touya because he can't let his dream go, and he runs away from his responsibility as a father and puts in on Rei instead. Rei tried to step up at that point, but by then Touya refuses to listen to her because he can't respect her with the foundational relationship he knows his parents have with each other. When Rei can't make him stop, Endeavor doubles down on both her and Shouto, becoming physically violent in the process. Rei's mental state continues to deteriorate until she can't even see her own children anymore past their father who has them all trapped in this nightmare. Touya tried to lean on his siblings but dismisses Fuyumi who can't see his perspective, places a double emotional burden on Natsuo who is being hit on all fronts as the middle "failure" child, and resents baby Shouto for even being born. Shouto, Fuyumi, and Natsuo are forced to live a vicious cycle of screaming, abuse, and neglect as they can see their family unraveling at the seams but are completely powerless to stop it.
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Touya lashes out at first, then withdraws into his own self-guided training, and eventually snaps when he reaches his breaking point that absolutely nothing he can possibly do will be able to bring his father back to him; and Touya dies in the flames of his own agony taking over and engulfing him alive. Though he somehow managed to survive the accident, by all accounts the little boy that Touya was dies that day; and the effects of that loss ripple through the family to the present day.
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At what point after this he became Dabi I'm not sure. He's worked with Dr. Ujiko since then, but the details of their arrangement is unclear. Fuyumi and Natsuo have done their best to simply move on and create their own lives since then; and in a twist of fate Endeavor's insistence that Shouto continue hero training puts him in a school and in a class where he begins to make friends and find a support network that encourages him to begin to choose his own paths in life which also leads him to reaching out to his mother again. In the wake of the house of cards that is Hero Society crumbling with the fall of All Might, Endeavor has finally had to face the reality of his inadequacy and the evils be inflicted on his family.
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By the time they're in the same room together again for the first time in years, all of them are different people. They all still have the same memories and the lingering feelings are strong; but what brought them together is also what tore them apart - Dabi, who is also not the same person he was when the ashes of this family came crumbling down.
They feel that the house who birthed this monster must have a significant hand in bringing him in and saving the public. This isn't a family issue anymore, and even if not every member of that household holds responsibility for what Dabi's become all of them want to do something to put out the fire that's now spread to the rest of the country.
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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Edited: 7-28-20
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You paced the floor of your dorm room back and forth as you impatiently waited for a knock on your door. You held a stick in one hand, one that displayed two positive lines. In your other hand was your phone, displaying an urgent text to your boyfriend, Inasa Yoarashi.
We need to talk! It's important... [Sent: 2:34 PM]
Your phone displayed that he'd seen and opened your text, but you'd gotten no response from him. From the tone of your text, it sounded like you wanted to break up, but the contents of what you needed to tell him were much more heart wrenching and serious than that.
There was a knock on your door and you knew it was him. After years of dating Inasa, you could recognize the way he knocks on your door.
You walked up to your door and unlocked it for him to come in. You quickly moved the hand holding the stick behind your back. You knew it was stupid, you called him over here to tell him in the first place, but now that it was facing you in the face you were scared.
"Hey, are you okay? I heard you were sent to your dorm and excused from your classes because you were ill."
Your heart ached at the words you had to tell him. He was so worried for you, and you feared the bomb you were dropping on him would ruin the relationship you had, but he is your boyfriend and the father of the baby in your womb. He had to know.
"I'm... I'm pregnant."
The words just tumbled out with a stutter and there was no taking them back. The truth was out there for Inasa to take however he pleased.
"I'm pregnant! There is a baby inside me. Your baby."
"You... You can't be. We were careful! We always used protection."
"Accidents happen, with or without condoms. The only one hundred percent protection is abstinence."
You quietly looked at the floor as you let him process the bomb you dropped on him.
"We can't keep it, you know that right?"
"They're not an it, it's a them... For now at least until I get an ultrasound."
"You're thinking of keeping it? You can't be serious! What about our careers, your career. You won't go to school, you'll never become a hero. You'll spend the rest of your days, picking up trash and waiting tables, your life will be over."
You picked up your eyes from the ground and faced your lover. The hatred and hurt could be seen in your eyes. They were glassy, and tearful, but what Inasa said was too late to take back.
"Six hundred, sixty-four thousand, four hundred, and thirty-five babies are lost to abortion each year. Sure, maybe those women were living in poverty, but I'm not. I have the means to take care of the life growing in my belly. I made the decision to sleep with you, therefore I have to own up to my responsibility."
"No one would blame you if you got rid of it. You have a career to think about. Fuck, you're a Todoroki, your business is everyone's business, you have a reputation to think about."
"I don't give a shit about my Todoroki status! Did you know Steve Jobs was almost aborted? One of the smartest men in the world. Did you know Celine Dion was almost aborted? She was her mother's 14th child and she wasn't sure she could handle it, but she did, and now her daughter inspires people through lyrics. If you don't want this baby, then our hearts will go on fine without you."
You avoided his eyes and pointed to the door. Maybe you were just being emotional and overreacting to him, but you knew you had to have this child, with or without his help.
"You should leave."
As you watch Inasa walk out your door one thing was for certain in your mind. This baby would grow up without having to worry about financial support from Inasa or Enji. Single mothers all over the world were surviving, so could you.
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Inasa stood outside your dorm room. Your door was wide open and there were boxes scattered around. You were scrambling about, folding clothes up and sorting items to boxes and bags.
Your eyes flashed up to see Inasa. Shock flashed your face before quickly looking down at the box you were trying to fit clothes in.
"Hi... What are you going here?"
"I... I heard you were dropping out of school."
"Well, the school board made it known that I'm not welcome here pregnant."
Instinctively, your hands went to the small but noticeable baby bump. Inasas followed your hands and he stared down at the bump bulging out of your stomach. His child was in there. His child. A literally baby.
"How'd Enji take the news?"
"I cut ties to my father once my pregnancy was leaked to the tabloids. He was angry that I tarnished his name, I couldn't really give a shit."
You taped up the last box and made a movement to pick it up but Inasa swooped in front of you and lifted it before you could. He gave you a very sheepish expression.
"It's bad for the baby."
"Thought they were an it?"
"[Y/N], I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that. It was irresponsible and out of line. You have to understand why I freaked... Babies require a lot of attention and needs. They have to be thought out and planned, that being said I've had time to think."
Inasa placed the box on the ground and knelt in front of you. He grabbed your hand cautious and carefully in case you rejected his display of affection. He placed a ring box in your palm as he started reciting the speech he prepared.
"I want to take responsibility. I want to be in this baby's life. I want to be in your life. I can't imagine doing this with anyone else... We can get a house and other mundane things. You can go back to school afterward. I want to do this together... If you'll have me."
"Inasa... Yes. Yes, I'll have you."
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The months leading up to the final trimester of your pregnancy went great. You and Inasa found a three-bedroom apartment for a cheap price, and you even found a school that would take you despite the fact you'd be a teenage mother. UA high said it wouldn't be any issues considering you only had to finish up one semester, and the handwritten recommendation from your brother, Shouto, a stellar top student at UA put you into good graces.
"Do you want any tea?"
You looked up from your book to see your brother peering down at you with a soft smile.
During the process of your pregnancy, your brother really helped out. Shouto was constantly there for you when Inasa was gone. He forced you to be on bed rest while he retrieved things like entertainment and food for you. Truthfully, your mood swings scared him a little bit.
"I'm good Shouto, have a seat you don't have to cater to my every need."
"Tea is good for the baby."
"Your brother is right. When I was pregnant with you I'd drink a cup of chamomile every night."
Your mother walked into the room and took a seat by your feet. Ever since your mother was released from the mental institution she'd been living with you and Inasa. She'd been very supportive and nice over the pregnancy. She'd been very motherly, the kind of motherly you'd missed out in your childhood, but she was making up for lost time now.
You smiled at your mother when you felt a warm trickle at your legs. You grasped the now huge bump on your stomach as you gasped.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?"
Your brother was by your side in a minute, concern and worry displayed on his face as you turned to him with just as much panic.
"My water broke."
"What? But your not due til next week!"
"I don't think she gives a shit, because my water just broke."
Your mother blatantly ignores your brother's freak out and calmly knelt next to you.
"Sweetheart, we're hours away from any hospitals, if your having the baby your gonna have to give birth here."
"This baby wasn't planned in the first place, neither should the delivery. Let's do it."
"Shouto, get me some buckets of water, clean towels, and pillows."
Your mother helped you adjust your body so you were in a birthing position.
"You need to stay in this position until your dilated enough to push. Take deep breaths. I'll have your brother call Inasa."
You started to feel cramps and pain. Immense pain as your mother walked away and talked to your brother. Shortly, she returned with a grim expression.
"Inasa is stuck at his internship. They won't let him leave."
"Okay. It's okay. I have you. I have Shouto. It's okay."
Your mother guided you through the process of birth-giving. She helped you get into positions that would help induce a faster birthing.
"You need to take a deep breath and push. I can see the head nearing. Just give me one more big push."
Exhaustedly, you pushed just as your apartment door swung open.
"Where is she? Is she okay?"
The urgent sound of Inasa resounded throughout the apartment as Shouto directed him to you.
"I'm here. I'm here."
"What about your internship?"
"Screw them, I said I wanted to be in this together! My daughter is being birthed, I'm not missing it."
With one last push, your mother pulled your daughter out of you. She sniped the ambiblical cord and cleaned her up before wrapping the baby in the clean towels and bringing her around for you and Inasa to hold.
As you looked down at your precious bundle of joy you squeezed Inasas hand. Months ago you thought you'd be alone with this, you were scared and frightened but you weren't alone. You had Inasa, your brother, and your mother. They weren't going anywhere.
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quirkdotcom · 4 years
The Arrangement | Part Two- The Meeting
Chapter Summary: It's finally the weekend for (Y/n) so that means its time to meet this suitor of hers...but also the Number one hero Endeavor. Could things be any worse ??
Authors Note: I am so sorry for the late update !!! I have been having troubles with writers block, and a few personal things, but I am going to try and stay in this writing habit !! I am even working on a denki fic !! Anyways, enjoy !
Part One
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"(Y/n), our guests are here, come greet them," your mother called from the front room, where you were dreading to go.
"Coming! Just a moment!" You called, smoothing down the skirt that you had bought earlier this week. You took a deep breath, taking a moment to send Maiko a quick message about how you were about to meet with Endeavour and his son.
As you made your way down the stairs, you could hear your father already laughing and making conversation with Enji Todoroki, but those were the only voices you heard. 
"Ah, there's my daughter!" He proudly beamed, most likely fake as he was never proud of you...not like this. 
You forced a smile onto your face, bowing your head slightly as you approached the two figures.  When you looked back up, you first made eye contact with the pro hero. 
He was intimidating, somewhere around six foot.  Though it wasn't his height, or sturdy build, or even the scar across his face, that made him fearsome. No. 
You found that it was the look in his eyes, they held very little emotion as he looked to you. If anything, they were scrutinizing and mean. The same that you had seen in your own father's eyes at times. 
Quickly, you averted your eyes, now looking to his son, the guy who you were going to be forcefully placed into a marriage with. 
After Maiko and you found out that Shoto was the son of Enji, and that you'd be meeting with him, your best friend had asked her coworker, Kirishima for his phone number, as they were classmates. And the redhead happily gave it to Maiko, who in turn, gave it to you. 
You had tried your best to make the first text quick, and explain everything, but the dual haired boy had never responded. 
You smiled politely to him. After being able to text him earlier this week, you hoped that Enji didn't know about the milkshake incident, or that you had tried talking to his son. But hey, luckily you were skilled at acting. 
"It is a pleasure to meet you both, my name is (Y/L/N) (Y/F/N)," 
"This is Shoto, and my name is Enji, but I'm sure you already know who I am," 
You nodded, "It is an honor to have you in our home, Im sure that my parents have already asked that you both make yourself at home here," 
Together, the four walked into the main living room, where Tea and some light snacks were readily made and kept warm by a maid. 
Once seated, your mother began to speak.
"Tell me, Shoto, how are your studies? I heard that you attend UA!"
He looked up to her, thinking for a moment, "It's good. By now, the weaker students have been weeded out. I'm actually one of the top three students there currently," 
You perked up, wanting to see how much he'd tell about UA, what it meant to be in the top three, and whether or not it was anything like your father said.
"Really? Tell me more! I've heard a lot about that school, and I've always wished I had been able to attend," you started, but stopped shortly as a hand was placed firmly on your shoulder. 
"(Y/N) Now don't bombard him. I'm sure that he doesn't want to speak about school on the weekend, " Your father gave you a side eye, in which you only nodded as a response.
It was silent for some time before you mother spoke up once more, "(Y/n), why don't you show Shoto to our garden, while your father and Enji talk details," 
"Yes mother," You said, masking your emotions with yet another fake smile, holding onto it until you and Shoto reached the backyard, where your mother's prized garden waited. 
Upon closing the door behind you, you sighed heavily. 
"You too huh?" Todoroki glanced over, his eyes reflecting the same amount of disdain for the situation. 
"Yeah...this isn't quite how I'd like life to go," you shrugged, knowing that you didn't really have a choice. 
At first, he didn't say anything, letting you lead the way further into the garden, and in the conversation. 
"Oh and again, I'm really sorry about my milkshake...and for having to get your number from that Kirishima guy, I know that it isn't polite," 
As he stopped to hold the bud of a blooming flower between his fingers,  Todoroki shrugged, "It's fine. No one was home to question me about the stains on my clothes, and Kirishima gave me a heads up," 
"Oh! It stained your clothes! Please let me make it up somehow!" You turned to face him, eyes widening some as you realized that he had been wearing a white shirt that day. 
"But I already said it was fine? It's just a shirt, by now my sister probably cleaned it fairly well," 
"Oh…" you nodded once, rocking backwards onto your heels, "I guess that's okay then…" 
He straightened out, "We should talk about the rhino in the room," 
You paused, "Uhhh...elephant," 
He stared at you, blinking slowly, then looked around, as if he was wondering if you and your parents had enough money to manage an elephant.
"The saying goes that there's an elephant in the room..not a...rhino?" You pause for a moment, "But uh yes, I agree…" 
With that, Shoto nods once, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but you also don't want to go through with an arranged marriage," 
"That's correct…but I really have no choice. I'd be facing my father everyday, met with a wall of un-forgiveness. I don't think I'd be able to handle it," You let out a long sigh, walking more until you found the bench put in by your mother.
He followed you, taking a seat after you had sit down. He wore a pensive look on his face, as if he was thinking about some past memory.
After a few moments he said, "But, it's your life…" 
You looked away from him, holding your hand out, watching as you activated your quirk.
Around you, loose dirt and sand raised from the ground, coming together into hard clumps of dirt. As you closed your fist, the shot forwards and fell as their energy died out. You could do this with most organic substances, but sand, dirt and rocks always worked best. 
Your father however, could do it with whatever he wanted. Object propulsion was what he had always called it. Brought things up, and then forwards at alarmingly fast rates. 
"It's never been my life. If it had been my life, I would have attended UA, I would be in control of how I act and how I want to decorate things. What I say and how I express myself. " You dropped your hand, shaking your head, "As much as I wish to defy his rules, I know that I'd only be a bigger disappointment to him and the rest of my family. I'd bring shame to our name and unwanted publicity," 
He didn't answer as first, as instead, memories flashed in front of his eyes. The sports festival being the most prominent. How long had he repressed using his fire. How long had he resented his own reflection.  
As he gazed at you, he could almost see some of the same traits. 
"Well, if that's the case. I suppose that by accepting this arrangement, I would only be helping you." He stood up, holding his hand out to you, "In which I want to get to know you better, that way, a marriage in the future won't be just to merge two hero alliances, but so we can enjoy ourselves," 
You faced him, taking his hand and standing up, the two of you now shaking hands for a short moment. 
"I'm looking forward to that," You smiled, feeling your cheeks heat up.
For the next half an hour, you and Shoto walked around your garden, taking turns talking about your interests and your lives. He told you about his siblings, and his mother. He talked about his friends, his classmates and his school. 
You in turn talked about your best friend, your mother, what it was like at your own school, and your want to have a puppy. 
"A puppy?? What kind? What would you name them?" He asked, stopping by some lavender colored roses, which weren't normally that color, but with your mom's quirk, the ability to change certain aspects about organic life,  like color and size, made it possible. She always talked about the significance of this certain color but you couldn't remember. 
"Any kind! If it was a boy, I'd name him Haku...and for a girl...maybe something like...Kiyo!" You beamed, a little proud of yourself for thinking of names on the spot. 
Shoto nodded, never having thought much about getting a pet, but the idea seemed to grow on him more and more as he doted on the idea of seeing you with a puppy. 
Before you knew it, both of your names were being called by your respective parents. Their meeting must have finished. 
As the two of you walked up, Enji spoke, "The details have been set, once you finish this year, you two will be engaged, and half a year after, the marriage date will be set."
Then your father took over at that point, "From there, our hero agencies will be joined into one, making us all stronger together," 
You caught your mother's eye, she looked a little distant, but still gave you a warm smile, the best one she could afford at the moment. 
Together, the five of you walked to the front door, and watched as Todoroki and his father got into their car, and drove away from your house. 
You waited until you could no longer see their car before turning and walking inside, your father and mother following suit. 
As you turned to walk up the stairs, your name was called once more, it was again, your father.
"(Y/n), do not forget what this means for us," 
"I...I won't" You didn't turn around, only continuing up the stairs and into your room, quietly shutting the door behind you, and sliding down it until you were sitting, knees hugged to your chest. 
While the event had been surprisingly nice, Shoto definitely seemed a lot nicer now that he wasn't covered in a strawberry milkshake. And you two even got along pretty well. 
But, his father and yours...they'd never understand.  To your knowledge, your own father had married your mother to take over her mother's hero agency. Never for love. You weren't even sure if they had come to love each other. 
After some five minutes you stood back up, moving to your bed and flopping down onto it, pulling your bunny plush to you, hugging it tightly.  
Supposedly, now that the details have been set, you'd be seeing more of Shoto and his family...and that almost didn't seem so bad. Maybe, since you wouldn't be alone in all this, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. 
You then pulled out your phone, hitting the power button and watching as the screen turned on, notifications filing in one by one. 
There were some from your group chat, and others from the few youtubers you watched, and then a few hidden text messages. 
When you unlocked your phone and opened the text app, you of course had a few from Maiko, asking how the meeting had gone, and then surprisingly, one from Shoto.
You typed out a response to your best friend first, recounting how everything played out. From seeing how scary his father really was, to the walk in the garden. You kept having to delete things and rewrite them, trying to make it so you seemed more enthused than you were, though she'd definitely catch on either way. 
Then, with a deep breath, you looked to the message from Todoroki. 
It read, "Hey, (Y/n) today wasn't actually too bad. I look forward to actually being friends."
At first, you didn't quite know what to say.  But as you pulled up the keyboard, you found yourself comfortably responding with, "Hey! Me too! Together this won't be terrible!" And hit send without even a second thought. 
Not even a moment later, your phone buzzed, half expecting a text back, you were surprised to see that it was actually a call from Maiko. Well, not too surprised.
"Mkay tell me everything, and not the half hearted 'it was so much fun' stuff because I know its a lie," 
You hummed, giving a soft laugh a moment later, "okay, okay, it wasn't exactly the best! His dad is really...really scary. I mean, even without the flames sprouting from his face. Not to mention, Endeavour in the same room as my dad?? I felt like the room drained of any good vibes." 
"Ah so they didn't pass the vibe check," you could almost hear her shaking her head sadly.
"Oh definitely not, " you chuckled, rolling over onto your back, still holding the bunny, "But Shoto isn't actually that bad?? He seemed really nice...not at all like the pictures or how he was at the mall!"
She paused, "Really?? Because I could have sworn that he was ready to kill one or both of us back then," 
"Surprisingly it's true. He spent like ten minutes talking about his siblings and how they all had dinner the day before." 
You both went on to talk about things for some time, passing the time away as your conversation drifted from Todoroki to the upcoming week of school, and the week in general.
At one point, you went to check your calendar app, and was met with another message from Todoroki.
"Ooooh Maiko I have a favor to ask…"
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yanderelovebites · 5 years
Yandere Headcanons: Enji Todoroki
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I'd like to note this is following the events where he claims he's going to change, aka try to redeem himself. I feel weird writing this and probably gonna clean my head by writing a Hawks one next 😓 This was requested on Wattpad. I’m not a fan of Enji but I tried.
- As you'd expect, He is a controlling and possessive Yandere. While many would expect him to be sadistic, it isn't true. He doesn't find joy in your pain but in how obedient you are. He doesn't care how others think it is degrading to you, he honestly believes he's keeping you above water.
- After What he's done to quote on quote 'clean up', he began noticing people he hadn't before. You see, you are a hero in his agency. He honestly didn't care other than you were a stubborn and determined person, seeing as your quirk wasn't exactly what people expected for a hero. He only noticed you after his promise to his remaining three kids and he took note if different things. You were strong and very much everything people wanted to be but can't find themselves being. Yet, he also noted other things. This is how his infatuation began with you.
- Imma tell you right now, on the scale to 1 (Midoriya) to 10 (Overhaul) he is an 8.5. He's the one who is not afraid of trying anything cause you're a second rate hero, it would be bad for you if you said anything.
- He will use his rank, his power, and more than likely any 'blemishes' in your family against you.
- Kidnapping is a strong word...try blackmail. He literally blackmailed you into staying with him. With his departed wife gone, he won't see any problem with it. He will only do this once she's gone though. Plus a month, make it look like he was moving on. However, once the man blackmails you...hehe...
- If you try to escape him, there is no one to help you. You poor thing, you won't last long away from him. No no. Not one bit. He will find you, he will take you back. Truly escaping him, like his son, is truly impossible.
- Punishment for him is quite sad. Admittedly, he is still trying to change. He will hold off on using physical means for as long as his temper can do so. This means he typically goes for the starvation and mental and emotional punches. Leaving you alone somewhere unknown... wondering if he was leaving you there to starve and rot... dying alone. That would definitely leave some mental marks!
- If he does kill, it looks like an accident. Or perhaps the villain on the scene did it! Yes, he will frame the villains if he can. He does try to make it quick though, he doesn't have time for their vile being!
- If he snaps, it's like all the progress he made was erased. He will hurt you. There's a chance he may even burn you as to mark you and dick you down hard.
- HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN?! HE SEXUAL YANDERE! He always ready to dick you down to the point you can't even process anything but the thrusts.
- If he snaps, he will force himself on you but otherwise he waits.
- the kinks he likes are bondage, creampies, petplay, collaring, breeding, unconscious.
- Typically his affection is shown in head pats and gifts. He isn't high on the PDA and feels awkward with doing too many other affectionate things and to be clear, if he did much more he'd be scaring his children.
- If you get Stockholm Syndrome you may end up well... quitting your job. More like he told you to. Enji will be very iffy about children because of his previous children. You can’t leave the house and at this point you don’t care. You just cook and really that’s all you do. If you want children, you’d have to encourage his children to want more siblings. Often, nights are either completely just cuddles (you don’t even use a blanket because of him) or you pass out after he dicks you down hard. Over all, you don’t have a bad life but you are wary of him. Something about Natsuo’s anger and the rumors of what happened with Enji’s previous wife still leave you cautious despite being accepting of him. Admittedly, while namely Natsuo is very against you being with his father, all his children adore you. You shifted into a place that was long broken because of their mother’s breakdown. Even when they had her, for what little they did before she left, she could never properly fill the role as before. With you, you had a mother’s touch whether or not you are female. They are touch starved and emotionally shaky. The happiest part about this is healing his children even if they’re mostly out on their own already. Again, you are cautious and hide this from Enji. You at this point are seen as someone that’s beautiful but you’re fighting a war inside. You are depressed, you were taken from your life’s work. Everything you once held dear is snatched. Most of all, your dignity. You lost you dignity by falling.
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