#at least there’s plants tho
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It must get lonely
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sparkling12 · 2 months
I'm curious, in general do we prefer Poison Ivy with Green Skin or Nah?
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oh reblog for more responses please lol
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notachair · 6 months
Since atla is again having an extra surge of popularity, I'm shooting my shot:
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[ID: (Rest of image description in alt). At the bottom of the image sits the text: "Zuko: Okay. Well, I can't remember how it starts, but the punchline is "leaf me alone, I'm bushed."" ID end].
Did we ever find out what the setup for this joke was? I feel kinda haunted by it. If not- anyone wanna make their best or worst guesses?
edit: I now know what "I'm bushed" mean, but go ahead anyway 👍
haunted thoughts in tags ↓
#atla#the way I was early out for this next surge in popularity 🤗 I was in a different phase by 2020#it's not like it haunts me day and night but it does bother me thinking back on it. please tell me I'm not the only one 🧍‍♂️#I'll have to reblog the 'closure is a myth' post jk#what kind... of joke is it? leaf pun on leave i get. I'm bushed however I dont get. it implies the punchline sayer is a bush at least I#think. but what prompts the 'i am bushed' I dont get. is it not contextual? is it a phrase ive not connected like 'leaf me alone'?#is there anotger layer between leaf and bush? again what kind of joke (social:joke purpose. what is funny? only pun?) + (in-joke set up)?#is it about the kind of bush it is? is it between two plants? the plant & someone picking on the plant like a teamaker collecting?#is it about a plant that has grown into bush and thus (somethingsomething)?? is it not a plant at all? other elements? iroh *what*.#if the creators actually had a setup in mind- I fear it will be lame. but yet I am haunted#it must have cracked someone up for him to try relay it. (set in term of endearment here) 🧍‍♂️👈 *poking him*#either way. me 🤝 zuko @ being bad at remembering & relaying jokes 😁👍#at least in that instance anyway#I mainly stick to irony & sarcasm. running along with an mistaken assumption or replying w something silly & blowing it out of proportions.#puns if I'm lucky. ect. fun when I can reference it later tho I try not to overdo it. not like I'll likely remember it for too long anyway#now to lay in wajt see if anything happens....#avatar the last airbender#zuko#atla zuko#a:tla#my rambles#its lie and not lay is it not.....
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sexlapis · 7 months
vegans r so right actually
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plushee-cant-draw · 27 days
All of the (current) quotes for the depths of duplicity dst beta (that I can find)! (Including the ones from one of the new items)
Just a little late bc Klei didn't add most quotes for most characters until the most recent hotfix
Below the cut! because it is very, VERY long.
Not including any scrapbook entries but you can get all of those in game by opening the console with ~ I think, then ctrl to set the mode to local and then entering:
Or you can find them in the strings file.
The quotes are mostly taken directly from the code which is why they look like that. Below is what all of the string/code names mean/translate to in game. Notes from me, not the developers, are in ().
-- Rifts 4 (Most quotes can be found under "-- Rifts 4" but not all of them.) SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "Beefalo Gloom Bell", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Nightmare Saddle", (The saddle's design is partly based on the nightmare throne which is why some characters react the way they do to it.) SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Shadow Maul", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Gloomerang", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Spelunker's Bridge Kit", GELBLOB = "Icker", RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Wrathful Rabbit King", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Benevolent Rabbit King", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Fortuitous Rabbit", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Royal Rabbit Enforcer", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Coat of Carrots", RABBITKINGHORN = "Burrowing Horn", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Portable Den", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Rabbit King Cudgel", RABBITHAT = "Warren Wreath", WORM_BOSS = "Great Depths Worm", RUINSNIGHTMARE = "Lurking Nightmare", (As a shadow, the chracters don't have quotes for this.) ITEMMIMIC_REVEALED = "Mimicreep", (I don't think characters have direct examination quotes for this but they can react to trying to use it and failing) STONE_CHAIR = "Stone Chair", STONE_STOOL = "Stone Stool", STONE_TABLE_ROUND = "Stone Round Table", STONE_TABLE_SQUARE = "Stone Square Table",
(Characters don't have quotes for these two since I think these are just mass crafting recipes for the saw horse.) BOARDS_BUNCH = "Bunch o' Boards", CUTSTONE_BUNCH = "Bunch o' Stone", CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Moon Glass Saw Blade", CHEST_MIMIC = "Ornate Chest", (Has the same name as other chests that spawn in the labyrinth) CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "Ornery Chest", SHADOWHEART_INFUSED = "Posessed Shadow Atrium", (At the time of writing this all characters use their normal shadow atrium quotes for the possessed shadow atrium so this item doesn't show up in the quotes.)
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "Ink Blight", SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH_ALLEGIANCE = "Rictus", (Shadow thrall mouth and shadow thrall stealth are the same ink blight)
(Also, while the quotes for the ornate chest (PANDORASCHEST) and announcing the worm waves are both old, but they're included because some of the new character quotes relate to them and they're good for context.)
Anyways I think that's every thing ^w^
Wilson: -- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "It's a dead ringer for my old beefalo bell.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "It reminds me of something. Ugh.", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Yikes! I'd rather bury this hatchet.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "What's the return policy?", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "This will keep us in suspense!", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "'Ick' is right!", HAS_ITEM = "Oh, that's where I left it.", HAS_CHARACTER = "Someone's in a sticky situation.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "It has a hare-trigger temper!", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "All hail the bun-evolent one!", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "I should capture it for science!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "They're hoppin' mad!", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "I like a tight-knit bunch.", RABBITKINGHORN = "The rabbits dig music.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "I'll use it now and den.", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "This will give a good thumpin'.", RABBITHAT = "It'll put hare on your head.", WORM_BOSS = "It's a big worm!", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "I use tables periodically.", HAS_ITEM = "I use tables periodically.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "I'd like to sit on that... rockin' chair!", OCCUPIED = "Somebody else is sitting on that.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Razor-sharp, like my mind!",
PANDORASCHEST = "It may contain something fantastic! Or horrible.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "Horrible! Definitely horrible!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "I felt it digesting me.", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Something bit me! Where did it go?!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Something is clawing its way to the surface.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Something is softly scuffling underground.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "What a strange rabbit!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Got you!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Maybe the rabbits don't dig this spot.",
ITEMMIMIC = "Well that's inconvenient.",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Did you feel that?", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "That sounds ominous?",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "It's a mouthy one.",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "I'm sensing the gravity of the situation!", (I'm pretty sure this is a new quote for when characters are about to fall into the void in the caves.)
Willow: -- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "I wonder if it will remember how it died.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "I could shoot a fire dart or two from there.", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Nasty. I like it.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Hmm, this could be fun.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "I'd rather burn a bridge than build one.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Yuck. No, thank you.", HAS_ITEM = "Whatever is in there, I don't want it that badly.", HAS_CHARACTER = "Maybe I should help.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "You have some real issues, buddy.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "What does it want?", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "I want that rabbit!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Don't you guys have anything better to do?", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Do they come roasted?", RABBITKINGHORN = "Rabbit music?", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Will the rabbits chew my things?", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "The original owner was a jerk.", RABBITHAT = "Ha! I want it.", WORM_BOSS = "Must be the mother.", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "I'm not sure how to feel about non-flammable furniture.", HAS_ITEM = "I'm not sure how to feel about non-flammable furniture.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "That definitely will not burn.", OCCUPIED = "You can sit there. That chair will not spontaneously combust.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "I wish I could throw it.",
PANDORASCHEST = "Kind of tacky.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "Kind of nasty.",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "Why does that exist?!", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Ouch! What the heck was that?!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Something's coming, and it doesn't sound happy.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "I think something is burrowing.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "That is one unique rabbit!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Gotcha!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Picky, picky.",
ITEMMIMIC = "Burned again!",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "I do NOT wanna see what made that sound!", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Let's not stick around for that.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "Somehow I don't trust that smile.",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "Can bring back Wolfgang hair-cow?", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Saddle make Wolfgang look dangerous, no?", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Does axe have to be so scary?", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Wolfgang never miss... most of time.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Promise it will keep Wolfgang from falling to death?", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Don't let it get on Wolfgang.", HAS_ITEM = "Something inside but Wolfgang not like getting hands dirty.", HAS_CHARACTER = "Don't fear, Wolfgang save you!", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Nasty little guy.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Aww, is good-natured rabbit.", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Let Wolfgang catch you, little rabbit!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Bad bunny! Don't hit Wolfgang!", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Looks healthy.", RABBITKINGHORN = "Wolfgang is jazz man.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Rabbit take care of Wolfgang things!", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Is horn of mean rabbit.", RABBITHAT = "Cute, no?", WORM_BOSS = "It is the mama worm.", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "Is table.", HAS_ITEM = "Is table.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Is tiny chair strong enough to hold Wolfgang?", OCCUPIED = "Do not worry, friend. Wolfgang will stand.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Wolfgang once receive nasty cut from glass.",
PANDORASCHEST = "Fancy box!", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "Wolfgang knew box too fancy to be true!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "That is no place for Wolfgang.", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Aah! Who... what bite Wolfgang?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "What is that digging? Sound angry.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Wolfgang hear something softly digging.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "That is strange rabbit!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Wolfgang!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Wolfgang in wrong place.",
ITEMMIMIC = "Fool Wolfgang, shame on you!",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Earth is tremble beneath Wolfgang's mighty feet!", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Wolfgang suggest run and live to fight another day.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "That smile make Wolfgang uncomfortable.",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "The void hungers for sweet Wolfgang!",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "A shame it only works for beefalo.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "The higher you sit, the farther you fall.", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "A beautiful death bringer.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "They don't all come back.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "A rope over an abyss.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Looks sticky.", HAS_ITEM = "I don't know if it's worth it.", HAS_CHARACTER = "They probably need help.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "It's in a foul mood.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "He seems friendly enough.", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "I should take a closer look.", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "You're making me angry.", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "I assume it only comes in orange.", RABBITKINGHORN = "I guess it plays a type of burial song.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "It's like a grave for my things.", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Death by rabbit antler. Cute.", RABBITHAT = "Fine. It's adorable.", WORM_BOSS = "Nothing goes extinct here.", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "Abigail's favorite hiding spot.", HAS_ITEM = "Abigail's favorite hiding spot.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Abigail?", OCCUPIED = "You might be sitting on Abigail.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Pretty. If it was smaller I'd wear it around my neck.",
PANDORASCHEST = "Life is a gamble.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "I did not expect that.",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "I don't prefer a slow death.", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Show yourself. I've seen worse.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Something clawing it's way back from the grave?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "A gentle creature approaches.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "That's an unusual rabbit.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Got it!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Not here.",
ITEMMIMIC = "It was the evil twin.",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Uh-oh. I think we should leave.", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "We need to go. Now.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "What are you? The Grin Reaper?",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "It revives one's dead beefalo by a simple mechanism: magic.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "A beefalo saddle fitted for combat.", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "There is a price to wielding such implements.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "This particular projectile gains strength with distance before returning to origin.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Not exactly a marvel of engineering, but I'm sure it will do.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Icker is a highly adhesive gelatinous substance.", HAS_ITEM = "There appears to be an object inside.", HAS_CHARACTER = "Someone is trapped inside and can't get out.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "That rabbit has a rather hostile disposition.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "It is a reputable breed known for fair dealings.", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "That is a rabbit worth capturing.", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Must be an aggressive breed.", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "This will be a big hit with the bunnymen.", RABBITKINGHORN = "It plays a melody meant for rabbit ears.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "The rabbits will keep my things safe.", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Not the most menacing weapon but it will ward off unwelcome bunnymen.", RABBITHAT = "This silly headpiece will render the wearer non-threatening to rabbits.", WORM_BOSS = "This one is older, larger... deadlier.", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "Perfect for enjoying a cup of tea and a good book.", HAS_ITEM = "Perfect for enjoying a cup of tea and a good book.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Reminds me of the chair in my reading nook. Just stonier.", OCCUPIED = "If you're going to sit, you might as well read.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "A moon glass saw blade. Sharp enough to cut stone.",
PANDORASCHEST = "An artifact which may contain other artifacts.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "This creature mimics an artifact.",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "I do not wish to experience that again.", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "I've been bitten by a camouflaged creature!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Some form of creature is aggressively tunneling in the subterrain.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "I hear the burrowing of a small creature.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "What a peculiar breed of rabbit!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Got you!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "This is obviously not the correct place for it.",
ITEMMIMIC = "I knew it.",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Something nasty intends to rear its head.", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Something monstrous approaches.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "A sensible person would avoid the toothy maw.",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "It will not hold!",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "This'll bring'er right back.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Looks a little warlordy, eh?", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Lucy, I can explain!", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Let's huck it at something.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Think she'll hold, Luce?", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "It's like some weird tar.", HAS_ITEM = "Hmm, is it worth fishin' it out?", HAS_CHARACTER = "I don't think they can breath in there.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the den.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Hey lil' buddy, whatcha got for us?", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Let's get'er, Luce!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Back off, bunny!", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Nice carrot vest.", RABBITKINGHORN = "A horn, eh? I prefer woodwinds.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Guess you can never have too much storage.", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "The rabbit's violence lives on!", RABBITHAT = "I can't keep up with these trends.", WORM_BOSS = "We can take her, Luce!", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "What kind of wood is this?!", HAS_ITEM = "What kind of wood is this?!", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "It looks a bit hard for my behind.", OCCUPIED = "They're takin' a load off, eh?", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "I know, Lucy. You're more versatile.",
PANDORASCHEST = "What's in the box?!", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "No! Noooo!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "I think some got in my mouth!", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "What the heck bit me?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Hear that clawing, Luce?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Something's crawling in the dirt.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Lookit that rabbit, Lucy!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Got'er!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Maybe we should try somewhere else.",
ITEMMIMIC = "Don't say it, Lucy!",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Oh geez. I hope you're ready, Lucy.", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Sounds like a hefty one, eh Luce?",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "Yeesh, that smile is giving me the creeps.",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "Save yourself, Lucy!",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "This is some decent magic.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "I hate it.", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Lovely.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Wonderous... and in my color too.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Ugh. You have to build it?!", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Blegh.", HAS_ITEM = "Don't expect me to reach in there.", HAS_CHARACTER = "This one is occupied.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Of course Simon's brute cousin fights his battles for him.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Spare me the token gesture. Simon knows what he did.", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "You've embarassed me for the last time, Simon!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Tell scallywag Simon I've got a hat he'll never escape from!", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "A little obsessed with bunnies, are we?", RABBITKINGHORN = "I doubt its reliability.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "You think I'd trust their ilk to hold my things?", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "About all they're good for.", RABBITHAT = "The rabbit goes in the hat, not on it. Preposterous.", WORM_BOSS = "Who unearthed this monstrosity?", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "Someone should really set this table.", HAS_ITEM = "Who set this table? It's all wrong.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "I'm appalled by the idea of sitting for some reason.", OCCUPIED = "Good. You sit. Forever.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Fancy... for a laborer's tool.",
PANDORASCHEST = "It's a trap.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "It's a trap!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "Gaah! The horror!", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Who bit me? Show yourself, coward!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "A frenzy of activity underfoot.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Some crawling creature beneath us, no doubt.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Simon, you rapscallion!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "I've got you now, Simon!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Typical rabbit. Never there when you need them.",
ITEMMIMIC = "I'm losing my touch.",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Oh dear. I know what's making that sound.", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Curses. I know that sound.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "What are you smiling at, pal?",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "That's not good.",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "We shall ride again!", SADDLE_SHADOW = "A fine saddle for slaying.", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "I shall bring down many a beast with that cursed axe.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "There will be no escape for my foes.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "'Tis no Bifrost, but 'twill do.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Cursed nectar of Helheim!", HAS_ITEM = "What is that flotant herfang?", HAS_CHARACTER = "Bestow succor upon that poor soul, lest they perish in that cursed tar.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "How adorable!", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "The diminutive lord seeks commerce!", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "I must capture it alive!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "I shall send you to the endless carrot patch.", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "'Tis better to wear than eat them, I suppose.", RABBITKINGHORN = "The rabbit had best heed my call.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "The rabbits pledge to safeguard my loot within their lair.", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "It shall be a delightful insult to mine enemies to perish by rabbit antler.", RABBITHAT = "Ridiculous.", WORM_BOSS = "A snake beast worthy of mine spear!", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "No sorrier sight than a bare table. Let us plunder!", HAS_ITEM = "Not the most impressive piece of loot.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "A warrior doth not sit.", OCCUPIED = "On your feet, soldier!", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "A shame it is not a weapon.",
PANDORASCHEST = "It contains a mystery.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "It contained not a mystery, but a curse!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "Thank Odin, I am free!", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Revealeth thyself, fiend!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Which denizen of the underworld draws near?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "A creature approaches from beneath.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Odd rabbit! A sign from the gods?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "I have you, fateful rabbit!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Are you not satisfied with the place?!",
ITEMMIMIC = "Infernal trickster.",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "The earth quakes with the approach of a foe!", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "A behemoth approaches.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "I shall wipe that grin off thine face.",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "'Tis not my time to fall!",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "We can save our beefalo!", SADDLE_SHADOW = "We love riding beefalo! Wheee!", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "We'll be careful. Promise!", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Oooh, fun!", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "We can help!", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Can we play with it?", HAS_ITEM = "There's a prize inside!", HAS_CHARACTER = "Are you stuck?", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "What a grouchy ol' rabbit!", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Hello, Mister Rabbit!", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "We'll catch it!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Nasty rabbit.", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Does this count as eating our vegetables?", RABBITKINGHORN = "What kind of music do rabbits like?", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "We can hide things with the rabbits!", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "It's a little fuzzy, like us!", RABBITHAT = "Haha!", WORM_BOSS = "Wow.", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "I remember drawing at the table.", HAS_ITEM = "I remember drawing at the table.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Mother said I could never sit still.", OCCUPIED = "Mother said I could never sit still.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Ms. Wickerbottom said we should be extra careful with that.",
PANDORASCHEST = "Stylish storage.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "We didn't touch it!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "We're all sticky!", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Ouch! No fair! We can't see you!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "We hear something coming! And it sounds grouchy!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Something's burrowing around us!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "We see a wierd rabbit!", (sic) ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "We caught it!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Aw, wrong spot!",
ITEMMIMIC = "Aw, I guessed wrong!",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Ohhh nooo. We're not friends with worms!", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Yikes! Here comes a BIG worm!",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "It's smiling at us! Maybe it wants to play!",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "Let's get out of here!",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "One lucky beefalo is gonna get a second chance.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Looks kinda forebodin', don't it?", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "It ain't a precision tool.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Round trip included!", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "We're puttin' a lot of trust in this thing.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "That ain't no engine grease I ever seen.", HAS_ITEM = "Looks like somethin's caught inside.", HAS_CHARACTER = "Someone's in tough spot.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "What is your problem, rabbit?!", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Friendly lil' fella ain't he?", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Gotta catch me that rabbit!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Must be somethin' in the carrots.", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Huh. Guess ya can make clothes out of just about anything.", RABBITKINGHORN = "It must play a thumpin' tune.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Mighty kind of them rabbits.", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Never thought of makin' weapons out of rabbit parts.", RABBITHAT = "Okay, that's pretty darn cute.", WORM_BOSS = "Now that's a big ol' worm.", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "I don't care if it's fancy, just solidly built.", HAS_ITEM = "It's doin' what tables do.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Looks sturdy enough.", OCCUPIED = "Looks like that seat's spoken for.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "That is one sweet saw blade.",
PANDORASCHEST = "Best not open that.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "Didn't I tell ya?!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "Let's not speak of this again.", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Ow! Quit skulkin' and fight me fair!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "What's with all that scratchin'?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "I hear a critter comin'.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "There is somethin' about that rabbit!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Gotcha, rabbit!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Nope, ain't the right spot.",
ITEMMIMIC = "I knew it felt funny.",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Was that a tremor?", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Oh man, that's a big one.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "Somebody's got a big mouth!",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "Ring the bell for seconds!", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Best seat in the house!", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "I've never seen a cleaver like that before.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Many happy returns!", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "This looks like a recipe for disaster.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "That is unappetizing.", HAS_ITEM = "There is something floating in the gelatin.", HAS_CHARACTER = "There is someone floating in the gelatin.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "It is tough, even for stew.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "A gentle creature. Hopefully.", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "I promise not to cook you!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "They are not trying to cuddle.", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Fresh style, non?", RABBITKINGHORN = "Do rabbits have a taste for music?", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "A cellar!", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Made from real rabbit antler.", RABBITHAT = "Cute topper.", WORM_BOSS = "That worm looks hungry!", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "All it's missing are homecooked food and good wine.", HAS_ITEM = "All it's missing are homecooked food and good wine.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Mon chair.", OCCUPIED = "Leur chair.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Will it slice le jambon?",
PANDORASCHEST = "It's quite magnificent.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "It's quite horrible!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "I thought I was going to expire in there.", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Non non, I refuse to be a delicious morsel!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Something unpleasant brewing below.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "I hear a gentle rustling beneath our feet.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "That is a rare rabbit, indeed!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Voilà! Got you!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Perhaps the accoustics are not ideal here.",
ITEMMIMIC = "Thought it smelled off.",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Huh? What's that?", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "I don't like the sound of that.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "It smiles, but is it happy?",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "It is not the fall that kills you...",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "A bell to bring back the beef!", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Shall we take a ride on the dark side?", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Foes will take pause, when they see the claws.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Delivering death from a distance!", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Hope the rope holds.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Ick! It sticks!", HAS_ITEM = "Enough with the guff! Let's get that stuff!", HAS_CHARACTER = "They're frowning because they're drowning! Hyuyu!", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Let his kicks miss you, he's got an anger issue!", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "The hare has an air about him.", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "That rabbit! Grab it!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "It's a warrin' warren!", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Carrot? Wear it!", RABBITKINGHORN = "It plays a tunneling tune.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Subterranean storage service", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "A bludgeon from a long-eared curmudgeon.", RABBITHAT = "Aww, lookit that! A rabbit hat!", WORM_BOSS = "Squirmy wormy! Hyuyu!", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "Now, will the tables turn?", HAS_ITEM = "The centerpiece has been set.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "I'll take a seat and rest my feet.", OCCUPIED = "Move your rear, I want to sit here!", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "But what does it cut?",
PANDORASCHEST = "Open it, open it!", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "Why did we open it?!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "I could've died inside!", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "I felt a keen blow, from an unseen foe!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "I'm serious, what approaches sounds furious!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "What's that sound from underground?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "A special rabbit! Please don't stab it!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Got it!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Not quite the site.",
ITEMMIMIC = "Can't stand it! Left empty-handed!",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Something approaches from beneath!", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Don't bumble about, upon that rumble, no doubt!",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "I'd rather see that smile from a mile.",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "No time to rhyme, lest we hear death's chime!",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "Un-die Shaggy Buddy", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Ride Shaggy Buddy!", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Not nice!", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Dark Returny Stick?", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Make air steps", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Stick-stick goop", HAS_ITEM = "What inside?", HAS_CHARACTER = "Help stuck friend!", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Mean Squee Hopper!", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Nice Squee Hopper", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Catch Special Squee Hopper!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Mean Squee Hopper's mean friend!", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Wear orange belly stuff?", RABBITKINGHORN = "Play Squee Hopper song?", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Thanks Squee Hopper!", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Mean Squee Hopper stick", RABBITHAT = "Squee Hopper hat", WORM_BOSS = "Hello, big wiggly!", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "Empty table", HAS_ITEM = "Table full", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Sit Place", OCCUPIED = "That okay! Will sit somewhere else", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Careful, friends! Sharp!",
ITEMMIMIC = "Wrong friend!",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Wigglies are coming", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Big Wiggly!",
Wurt: -- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "Wake up sleeping friend.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Pretty friend riding chair.", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Choppy time!", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Dark come-back stick!", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Don't scared! Me build SOOO safe bridge.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Want to touch it.", HAS_ITEM = "Florp! Surprise inside!", HAS_CHARACTER = "Hello!", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Angry old rabbit likes kicking. Glurgh.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Hi, friendly mustache rabbit!", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Me gonna get you!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Flort, Bunnyman! Me thought we friends!", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Me wear it.", RABBITKINGHORN = "Me blow rabbit horn horn.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Thanks rabbit!", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Angry old rabbit horn!", RABBITHAT = "Me love it much.", WORM_BOSS = "Don't eat me!", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "Table not set yet!", HAS_ITEM = "Wicker-lady! Table all set!", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Oooh, fancy sitting-place!", OCCUPIED = "Wanna turn! Move over!", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Pretty moon cutter!", PANDORASCHEST = "What in the box?", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "Mouth box! Glorp!",
ITEMMIMIC = "Bad tricker!",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "Glorp! Much teeth!",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "Glurp... this bad.",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "Like first aid but magic.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Neat seat!", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Woby, I think it winked at me!", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "You don't fetch this one, Woby.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "This is basic Pinetree Pioneer stuff... now, where are those instructions?", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Don't get stuck, Woby!", HAS_ITEM = "Do you see what's inside, Woby?", HAS_CHARACTER = "Are you in need of assistance?", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Someone's in a bad mood!", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "It looks friendly!", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Let's catch it, Woby!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Who's a cranky pants?", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Nice VESTable! Get it, Woby?", RABBITKINGHORN = "I can't carrot a tune! Heh. Nice, Walter.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Woby, now you don't have to carry everything!", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "The most striking part of the rabbit. Heh.", RABBITHAT = "Whoever wears that is a real hare-brain! Oh, Walter!", WORM_BOSS = "A monster worm!", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "Woby, no paws on the table!", HAS_ITEM = "Woby, no paws on the table!", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Sorry Woby, that's not for you.", OCCUPIED = "Sorry Woby, that's not for you.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Be careful, Woby! It's sharp!", PANDORASCHEST = "There's got to be something good inside!", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "And I was right! It's a box monster, Woby!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "That was not fun.", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Yikes! What bit me, Woby?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Woby, do you hear digging? Sounds angry!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Something's digging underground!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Look at that rabbit, Woby!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Gotcha!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Why won't it work here?",
ITEMMIMIC = "Oops!",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Something's moving...", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Something's coming. Something big.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "It's a silly one!",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "A way to reset the clock for my beefalo!", SADDLE_SHADOW = "If one must sit, they might as well be moving.", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "That will fell a tree in no time.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Right back to where we started... sigh.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Looks rather shoddy but it beats taking the long way around.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "I can't let it slow me down.", HAS_ITEM = "What's that inside?", HAS_CHARACTER = "Oh dear...", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "You have a horrible attitude.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "What a sweet little fellow.", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "I know I should catch that rabbit!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "From a bad litter, indeed.", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "I can see why the bunnies love it.", RABBITKINGHORN = "It plays a familiar tune.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "I hope I don't forget what I put in there.", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Surprisingly intimidating.", RABBITHAT = "A fashion statement?", WORM_BOSS = "We go back, don't we?", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "A table. Will wonders never cease.", HAS_ITEM = "Yes, there is something on it.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "I believe in my time, we called that a chair.", OCCUPIED = "It is occupied.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Well, does it saw faster?",
PANDORASCHEST = "What's the harm in taking an itty-bitty peek?", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "Totally not worth the peek!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "That felt like forever!", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "What was that? Expose that foul beast!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "I can hear clawing underground.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "There's something moving below.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "I've seen that rabbit before!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "We meet again!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "I should have known this was the wrong place.",
ITEMMIMIC = "Next time I'll choose the right one.",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "That rumble felt... ominous.", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "It's coming...",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "It's far too happy!",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "Time to get to solid ground!",
...Hopefully I didn't miss anything currently. Anyways, the shadow maul/axe has a lot of unique quotes (it can speak, kinda like the shadow reaper and Lucy.)
It's quotes are below:
overtime_l2 = { "Sh-sharp.", "We k-kill n-now?", "Ch-chop.", "H-hack... ha-ack? HACK!", }, overtime_l3 = -- And level 4 too! { "Let me axe you a question. Why aren't we killing something?", "What shall we destroy next, wielder?", "I know I have a rough edge. But I can still cut it.", "Can you hack it?", "What are you waiting for, wielder?", "We haven't murdered something in forever.", "We shall commit unspeakable acts of savagery!", "Mortal, do you realize what we are capable of together?", }, overtime_l4 = { "It's been a journey, wielder.", "I reflect on our path of destruction with fondness.", "Remember how much fun we had killing things?", }, overtime_woodie_l2 = { "Fo-for...get... forget h-her...", "M-mi... mine.", "He's... m-mine.", "Wo... Woo... Woodie.", }, overtime_woodie_l3 = -- And level 4 too! { "Heard you're an axe man.", "Forget your crazy axe.", "Sever your ties with that old battle axe.", "Just me and hew.", "I fell for you.", }, overtime_woodie_l4 = { "I just want a simple wielding.", "I'll never cleave you.", "Let's carve our names in a tree.", }, chopping_l2 = { "Ch- cho- chop. CHOP!", "Ch- chop tree... CHOP TREE!", "CHOP! CHOP! CHOP!", "Swi-ing... Swing!", "More...", }, chopping_l3 = -- And level 4 too! { "No tree is safe from us.", "CHOP-CHOP!", "We're in full swing now, wielder!", "Chop'em down. Chop'em all down.", "I was meant for greater things... fleshier things.", "Only flesh will sustain me.", "Where's the challenge?", }, chopping_l4 = { "Every tree shall fall before us.", "Trees feel pain... but not enough.", "I prefer the mobile variety.", },
chopping_woodie_l2 = { "Yes.", "All... m-mine.", "Wo... W-Woodie... i-is... mine!", }, chopping_woodie_l3 = -- And level 4 too! { "Forget her.", "No one will ever split us apart.", "Hold me tight!", }, chopping_woodie_l4 = { "Hew and me... FOREVER.", "Never let me go.", "I love hew!", }, hungry_l2 = { "Hungry!", "F-feed me!", "M-must... k-kill.", "Me-meat!", "Fl... fl-flesh!", }, hungry_l3 = -- And level 4 too! { "So hungry.", "I need to fleshen up.", "Find us something to kill.", "How about some pork chops?", "GASH, I'm so hungry!", "You need to MEAT me halfway.", "I crave beast flesh!", "When do we eat?", "I need meat.", }, hungry_l4 = { "You dare neglect me, mortal?", "Death gives me life.", "Wielder, you've changed.", }, starving_l2 = { "Starv... starving!", "D-dying!", "F-find... fl-flesh... now!", "Must h-have mmm-MEAT!", }, starving_l3 = -- And level 4 too! { "Feed me, NOW.", "Why do you starve me, cruel mortal?", "Are you trying to kill me, wretched mortal?", "Feed me before it's too late!", "We need to murder something, now!", "Getting... weaker.", "If I'm not killing, I'm dying!", "Not to be dramatic, but... I'M STARVING TO DEATH!", }, starving_l4 = { "Cursed mortal.", "Is this the end?", "It can't end like this.", "Come too far... tasted too much...", }, level_up_l2 = { "F-feel... str-strange...", "Some... thing... ha-happening.", "Stro... str-stronger!", "Aw... awa- awake.", }, level_up_l3 = { "I'm changing.", "My strength grows!", "I'm evolving!", }, level_up_l4 = { "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!", "Nothing can stop us now, wielder!", "AXE-IMUM POWER!!!", }, epic_killed_l2 = { "Yes.", -- 1st kill. "More... new... meat.", -- 2nd kill. }, epic_killed_l3 = { "Sumptuous! We're on the right path, wielder!", -- 1st kill. "We're on the cusp, wielder. I FEEL IT.", -- 2nd kill. }, epic_killed_l4 = { "OH YES.", "So juicy!", "A satisfying meal.", "Worthy.", "Beautiful!", "A delight!", "I am satiated.", "A fine feast of flesh.", "Gluttonous!", "Thank you, wielder.", "I'm proud of us.", },
creature_killed_l2 = { "Fun.", "I l-like.", "Want b-big... meat.", "Kill!", }, creature_killed_l3 = -- And level 4 too! { "That was fun.", "Thanks for the meat!", "Crunchy bones!", "Time to split!", "Shall we hunt bigger game?", "A tasty morsel.", "Shall we murder something of consequence now?", "Too easy.", "Nothing sweeter than death delivered by your hand and my face.", "Good times. Good times had by all.", "What a HACK job.", "It will do for now.", "You're a HACK!", "Satisfactory.", "Here's your final SEVERANCE.", "'Twas but a snack.", }, creature_killed_l4 = { "I'm rather insulted.", "That's it?", "Playing it safe, wielder?", "Meager.", }, }
And that's everything (I HOPE) :3
#dst beta spoilers#ds#don't starve together#A ton of rambling in the tags below lol:#Anyways I've seen a few people say that the rabbit king is Simon but Maxwell says:#Spare me the token gesture. Simon knows what he did.#and Of course Simon's brute cousin fights his battles for him.#when examining the benevolent and wrathful rabbit king respectively#and if the rabbit king was simon it'd make more sense for his first quote to be sm like 'Spare me the token gesture. You know what you did.#and in his second he calls the rabbit king 'Simon's brute cousin'#So I think that the lucky rabbit is Simon (or at least Maxwell thinks it is) but I think the rabbit king(s?) are separate from Simon.#anyways this update has me considering the rabbit biology of the constant.#Like. Wortox uses 'hare' for the rabbit king and other characters use rabbit tho the rabbits in the constant can't be hares bc they burrow#which hares don't but the constant rabbits also have horns like a jackalope and jackalopes are hares i believe-#considering their name comes partly from some species of hares? and the rabbits seem to have more hare-like ear markings but im not sure#also there's a decent amount of hybrid animals in the constant like the bearger dragonfly and moose/goose#and a lot of lunar mobs technically if u count plant/animal hybrids or living plants#so what if the rabbits in the constant aren't true rabbits but instead a mix of rabbit and hare..#anyways anyways from now on I'll always be calling Rictus 'the grin reaper' bc It's really funny to me asdfghj
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comical-icicle · 8 months
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I recently replayed the first pvz game, and I decided to make an oc for it because why not (basically the played character).
So just some sketches here for now because I just wanted to show her. I’ve been calling her Beatrice (because bee). And I’m kinda liking how these sketches came out.
Of course this based around the game. If I get time, I might try to do comic version or something. Or different outfits depending on the time because I do think it would vary.
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thatsitso · 2 years
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Yes I finally watched Trigun
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periipheral · 1 year
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for @wildmelon's cas challenge <3
plant sim (may), ambivert (medium hair), strawberry (red hair), black (cat), autumn (brown/hazel), history/english/foreign language/science (freckles, tattoos, eye bags, piercings)
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arolesbianism · 4 months
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New dupe real! Also new pod????? Olivia is that you girlie speak to me
#rat rambles#oxygen not included#screenshots are from the steam page#there is ofc a Lot to unpack here gameplay wise and Im guessing some things will be tweaked design wise but Im lore pilled so.#anyways Im not sure how I feel abt this dupe's design but I will still welcome them with open arms hello#but more important here to me is the pod#because erm. thats a very very different looking pod.#I dont wanna jump to any conclusions or speculate too hard because chances are its just olivia getting new drip#but like. what if its not. what if this is like a new new printing pod#I assume that if it is a new pod then olivia will like be able to connect with it somehow but idk#because it rly depends on how ambitious theyd wanna be with this dlc given that to rly make a new pod thats super not olivia theyd have to#do a lot of work to make that change prevelant in the rest of the gameplay#now chances are if it is a new pod its one that doesn't have a human consciousness inside it#even if it was there rly arent many options for who it could be and no good options from a narrative standpoint#now this pod looks quite gutted so maybe it is just a normal printing pod that got kicked back online when olivia sent some guys to kick it#now heres the most negative thing Ill say abt these screenshots. the fox critters are rly ugly imo#I like the bunny guys tho WAUTWIATSWAUT WAIT#ARE THEY THE SAME SPECIES AS THE ANCIENT SPECIMEN SKELETON?#I dont think they line uo perfectly if I remember correctly but the big one has the same tusks and is also yknow big and fat like the#specimen is described to be in tbe story trait logs#Im willing to bet so much that theyre at least related in some way#maybe the one that was initially sent back in time was used as a basis for these guys or smth#my main reason for saying this is that I have to imagine these guys have to have some other purpose than being data storage#its seems that you can shave their coats which is probably the main thing but I imagine they probably drop a good amount of meat too#also important to note that they are grazers which is good to know#also I think the upside down plant is going to be this planet's muckroot equivalent#oh and for the fox deer I assume theyll be farmed for their antlers which will probably shed wood or smth#not a clue what the new plants will do but idrc#Ill care abt the gameplay after I get my new lore <3
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friedunicornstudio · 2 years
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Legendary beasts from beyond the stars!
Cosmog and Cosmoem took less than two hours respectively, Solgaleo and Lunala both took a little over 3 hours each because it turns out that painting a bunch of sunflowers and moonflowers takes more time than I thought.
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dazzelmethat · 1 month
Worst part of having ocs you made when you were 12 that you still use: changing their names is like pulling teeth.
Wanting to experiment with name meanings or what culture they're from feels impossible when you already have certain sounds associated with them...
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pushing500 · 11 months
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Awww, look at Fafo teaching her son how to be a good friend. Ro is going to be such a lovely kid. <3
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Debby and Barghest got into a fistfight while under the curious gaze of Buccaneer the drebbbd, Dallas the baby thrumbo, and Asset the ankylosaurus. Perhaps the most difficult fight we've had to face while starting up the ship reactor. (Debby won)
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"This piece shows a knife" might be my favourite RimWorld art description ever.
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Then Fafo decided to give Ro another lesson, and... Well, I'm sure Kaz is thrilled by his son's newly expanded vocabulary at least.
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persephonaae · 4 months
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Me when there’s big trees: 🥰
Yes I may live in their native range and I’ve seen them thousands of times but it’s still always strikes me with awe
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wwpbviiid · 5 months
Wolf 359 TTRPG session one recap! Putting under cut as it shall be long. A lot happened. (Includes spoilers for wolf 359)
So season 1 is kinda difficult bc most of the situations Eiffel ends up in he puts himself in, so I have to move things around somewhat. I’ve decided to start on episode 3, giving Hart the goal of avoiding Hilbert’s physical exam.
First it said it was busy listening to static, and proceeded to ramble to Hilbert about how much it loved listening static— the different types of static, etc— until he went away.
When Hilbert came back, the player had the most Eiffel idea I’ve ever heard, and proceeded to tell Hilbert that “yeah I’m still busy, I know I should be done by now but I think I heard something? It was just for a second, I’m still trying to get back the signal, I don’t know.” He tried to get out of a medical exam by claiming he’d made first contact
This idea was so wonderful that I almost let it work, before I remembered that if Hilbert believed it he’d try to murder the entire crew, so I had Hilbert ask Hera and find out it was a lie.
(Between these interactions, Hart was having conversations with Minkowski that went basically the same way as in the episode, to the point where I managed to mostly just reuse her dialogue verbatim. This is the episode where the plant monster is introduced, if you don’t remember)
Then Hilbert came to the comms room and Hart said what he’d actually heard is the plant monster, and he needs to help Minkowski with that. Hilbert accepted this— Hart kept rolling super well, I don’t think it failed a single roll the entire session— and went away
Then on Minkowski’s insistence Hart went down to help her with the plant monster (unlike Eiffel, it listened to her and actually brought a flamethrower). She told it to help her kill it, the player reached for the dice and then went “wait what am I trying to do?”
To which I begrudgingly said “killing a plant monster?” Bc he had a flamethrower, he could do it. “I mean. If that’s what you’re trying to do. I don’t know, you tell me.”
It hesitated and then asked if it could try to talk to it first! Then after some very good dice rolls Hart befriended the plant monster, but convinced it to pretend to continue being aggressive to the crew so that the physical exams would be cancelled.
Blessie!!! He’s befriended Blessie! Blessie’s on their side now!!! (I’m not sure what this is gonna do to the significant amount of episodes in which the plant monster tries to kill them or whatnot)
So Hart succeeded in its goal. I had intended to also include the intro of the alien music, so I asked if Hart actually ended up listening to static today, but he said nah
“Haha, imagine if the one day I don’t is the day we would’ve made first contact,” he said, and I smiled knowingly, and proceeded to say the words “smiling knowingly” out loud bc he wasn’t picking up on my knowing smile.
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general-cyno · 1 year
Despite how wildly Elendira was changed as a character in tristamp she's just. so fascinating to me both bc of her existence as a whole (a human/plant hybrid of sorts that Nai, despite his hatred for humans, for some reason has allowed to exist) and the idea of her being an honest, childish reflection of Nai himself.
There is absolutely no way that Elendira's disdain for humans isn't something she learned from him. And when you compare their expressions and behavior - they are just so painfully similar. From the way their emotions shift so quickly from one to another to how they show so clearly on their faces/bodies,
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And how the only way to somewhat (poorly) mask themselves is to physically shift away and hide - which they both do in front of Vash specifically.
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On that note, Elendira's reaction to physical pain is very interesting to me too in how it contrasts with Nai's. Whereas she throws a tantrum and cries out about how much it hurts, physical pain does very little for Nai (outwardly, that is) as shown in eps 3 and 12. Even as Vash tries to shoot down his blades or as Nai burns himself alive along the fire of Vash's angel arm, it is the emotional aspect (Vash's rejection) which actually hurts him. It can be heard in his voice or seen in his face and still, he tries to hide that too behind a smile or laugh that always seems awfully close to crying or sobbing.
Ig what I'm trying to point at is Elendira - as a metaphorical and literal reflection of him, since she's implied to be a clone, kinda - being able to voice and act out all the reactions to pain, physical and emotional, that Nai usually doesn't allow himself to show.
Extra interesting to me that she immediately labels Vash a traitor and cries harder when she mentions Nai and how Vash doesn't know.
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I think a more literal tl of this bit is something along the lines of "it's your fault that lord Knives -", regardless... what is it that Vash doesn't know or that he's at fault for? Is she echoing Nai's pain, his loneliness? Why does she feel it so deeply?
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And did Vash realize? What she is and where she comes from, or why she exists? Is that why he looked so sad at the sight of her? Did he see part of his brother in her too? Did Nai as a kid ever cry like that?
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minhio22 · 6 months
Also i finished playing a date with death in one sitting. AND MY GOSH I GOT THE THIRD ENDING ITS YUMMY AS FCK.
Ngl the first time grim called. Hands down my jaw dropped. Mind u i havent seen any of his illusts before so its a pleasant suprise
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