#at least their dogs behave
grumfield · 3 months
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*sir mix-a-lot voice* this doggy don't beg (he does)
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jimmystrudel · 2 months
Wishing all high prey drive dog owners a happy spring and that all bunny dens that are found be empty
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arttsuka · 5 days
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cat pics to make you feel better :3
Cats 🥺 ᓚᘏᗢ
Thank you ♡
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treewithabark · 1 year
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Juno had a busy weekend, so for the last two days I’ve been doing calm, quiet walks to help her decompress.
It may be that she doesn’t need it, she seems to be the type of dog that can handle a lot. Most of her issues are to do with the fact that she wants to go go GOOO
But either way, a couple of days of laidback sniffy walks where she doesn’t have to greet people or dogs will do her some good. Today we walked for 2 and a half hours, basking in the spring sun, sniffing and exploring the environment, rolling in the grass, zoomies, all the dog stuff!
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She loved it!
And the next two days are forecasted to be miserable again so I’m glad we got a few miles in while we could enjoy the sun.
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aidenwaites · 4 months
Every now and then I see like local dog daycares hiring and the pay isn't bad but the problem is I have so much trouble not opening my mouth and being annoying about how other people handle their dogs and I would be going insane daily
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hotpocket-fucker · 4 months
Dog parents be like: I would never have kids! They are all badly raised little shits! My fur baby behaves better than that!
My sibling in christ, the love you have for your dog, has basically blinded you to believe they are better than a bratty kid, but THEY ARE LITERALLY BEHAVING THE SAME WAY!
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kelpiemomma · 9 months
i really need to draw khan and emmet hanging out bc they would be such buddies. ingo hates how quickly they bonded bc khan took one look at emmet, at how excited emmet is to battle, and seemed to Immediately like him (it only bc khan had already bonded w ingo, but like hell will he ever admit that. that proves he has emotions! he has to hide those.) khan & emmet battling each other. khan takes over for ingo sometimes on the multi trains except he and emmet get so into battles that they need a chaperone to keep them from getting too rowdy bc somehow (???) they've managed to destroy a couple of train cars??? khan challenges the subway himself (he battles using himself but also his pokemon. he'd rather battle using himself, but ingo and emmet get awfully concerned when he faints so he stops doing it so much). khan and emmet discuss battle tactics (khan insists "offense is the best defense" and "go balls to the walls immediately on attack" and emmet argues for better strategizing and well rounded move pools) and help each other train, offering suggestions and tips and "hey, let's try this maneuver" or "i think it would be better if you did this move first".
not that they don't enjoy an off day, but they definitely bonded well over battles.
#khan a.#just some thoughts#ingo is a little jealous over just how quick khan seemed to take to emmet but khan saw how ingo behaved around his brother and knew#he didn't have to worry. he based his reaction off ingo. not that he still liked emmet immediately (he didn't even immediately like akari-#he's been burned too many times to so quickly and willingly open his heart like that) but while it took him at least a year to go from#dubiously tolerating ingo for akari to hanging out with ingo with the excuse of 'having nothing better to do' and even longer to say#'yeah these are my people and i will protect them' (bc admitting he likes them?? that he loves that they love him?? that he would#keep them safe at the cost of his own life without hesitation? oh he'll admit he'll protect them but he would not say out loud#just how far he'd go to protect them.) it took him a few weeks to go from eyeballing emmet still suspiciously to going out of his way#to engage emmet in conversation and approach him. ofc he still approached emmet by way of 'i saw your battle. try me >:)' and challenging#him. but he wasn't threatening to kill him or anything. akari saw how khan watched ingo for his cues tho (bc she was doing the same thing.#that may have been her dad's brother but he was still just a stranger to her. she's been hurt by enough strangers.)#and she thinks its funny that ingo will grumble and complain about khan not threatening emmet like he'd threatened ingo in the beginning#(when khans not around ofc) but won't say it to his face. ingo is an Adult. he's Above Tthat. he's NOT jealous and upset that this#feral bastard has left him behind for a new treat (his OWN TWIN.) nevermind that khan will turn down emmet if ingo has a task for him#and that khan still drops in for dinner with them (drops everything if ingo invites him (through akari) for dinner).#ingo is still khan's preferred twin (unintentional human pack instinct & dog instinct bonding to ingo) but#he's glad that emmet exists as well. he's privately glad the twins exist and that ingo ended up in hisui and that nana yeeted him to arceus#bc what a sad & pathetic existence he'd have otherwise had. fighting w nana and getting his mind wiped. arguing w customers.#he'd have stagnated until he self destructed.#ANYWAY. i love my OC and the family he accidentally got himself inserted into.
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figofswords · 2 years
i love dogs. what if you took an apex predator and evolved it into a fluffy thing with adhd that eats grass until it throws up and cries when you leave the house
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dontwanderoff · 1 year
louis the dog trying to escalate our friendship by jumping on the couch beside me like bestie we are not there yet
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ourimpavidheroine · 2 years
Bless all of you who tell me IDNAtNfE is your go-to comfort story. COMFORT STORY.  And listen! There have been several of you!
I love you all, but are you serious!
IDNAtNfE, AKA Baatar Has An Emotional Crisis Over Well Everything Really And Goes To Pieces While Remaining Extremely Bossy And In Denial About The Baby Dropped Into His Lap Oh And Is Really Horny
IDNAtNfE, AKA Ikki Gives The Middle Finger To Everyone Who Expects Her To Run This Fucking Temple And Catches Some Very Inconvenient And Indeed Irritating Feelings And Is Also Really Horny
IDNAtNfE, AKA Huan Would Just Like Everyone To Get The Fuck Off His Mountain And Leave Him Alone Yes That Means You No He Does Not Care If He Was The One Who Invited You In The First Place
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lesbiten · 1 year
her dad doesnt believe in money for mixed breeds???? how can u be so cruel to say u see an animal has less value bc of their appearance/blood. thats a living thing wtf. im sorry to u and sheldon.
yeah its. upsetting. i was raised in a city that had (and still has) a very high number of dogs/cats in shelters and as such was raised with the mentality that buying a purebred dog just because its purebred is dumb. which like. isnt inherently true people can do whatever they want with their money but i fell in love w sheldon and she did too and im really sad that it took one single phone call to back track months of work to get him :(
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fatedevour · 1 year
♢  —    @bogachs​​​ asked: 🎶 → listening to music, catching their expression or movement
encounter my muse in a scenrio 🎶 → listening to music, catching their expression or movement
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   Dottore doesn’t expect to hear the once-familiar sounds of the chang ring out in the streets beneath the murmuring of the crowd and shuffling of people and manage to float in through the restuarant’s window. To most, despite the CHANG’S unique sound from lack of further vibrations when plucked, it would likely not even be acknowledged. If it was, it probably barely register to their ears. But to one who was ONCE very familiar with the sound, he cannot help but immediately lock onto it, especially when it is so far from its home in the desert. How ODD.
   Red eyes flick towards Pantalone, but is unsurprising to see that he’s still droning on with some investors about some INSIPID plan of his for economic gains. In other words, nothing but discussions so boring he’d rather deal with trying to pluck teeth from a particularly vicious spinocrocodile than continue listening to these discussions of investments and economic fluctuations. Why had HE even been dragged to this? This was hardly his place among the demands of higher etiquette and fine dining that was ABSURDLY priced for what was often MEDIOCRE food at best, and in such small quantities. Perhaps it was fine for those who enjoyed those multiple courses, but he’d rather prefer one big meal.
   He watches as multiple servers arrive to deliver who knows what course, although since it was some rice dish by the looks of it, it was probably the fourth. And the fourth Dottore would not eat. Rather than sit around getting bored out of his mind and potentially jabbed under the table for ‘SCARING’ people as he got more visibly irritated with boredom, Dottore slips away in the flurry and sounds of drinks being refilled. It doesn’t take long for him to head outside the establishment and to follow the sounds of the chang’s unique song a short distance away to the streets.
   There’s a moment of smug delight when he sees the familiar instruments, the traditional drums and wind instruments paired with it, and the group that performs. THEY  may have left the desert, but the desert never left THEM. It showed in how they moved, the quick reflexes from being ready to recover if sand should suddenly cave underfoot or rocks shatter apart, or to avoid a scorpion’s ambush. Much to Dottore’s delight, he notices the food cart with plenty of MEAT to sink his teeth into. He was here, might as well indulge without Pantalone’s disdainful stare or commentary. Food and music. It was an effective combination based on the crowd. Dottore thinks nothing in spending a few more to sink his teeth into much more tasty and filling food as he stands to the side at a distance, mask cast aside while he listens to the music and eats in peace.
   “  I take it your little SYMPOSIUM went well?  “  Dottore isn’t QUITE sure how long he’s stood leaning in the shade, red eyes fixated on the musicians still playing. The crowds had changed several times already. Fifteen, twenty minutes then? Mayhaps more. But he had felt when Pantalone’s gaze had turned in his direction and spotted him, watched the second listen to the performance with more attention than he typically allotted to performers other than some especially talented or flashy performers. What Pantalone sees though, Dottore doesn’t have a clue. It’s an easy excuse. he hasn’t heard the sound in a long time with the number of CHANG players dwindling. It will be longer still till he hears it again, IF he ever gets to hear it again.
  Finally Dottore turns away from the musician to look at Pantalone who still seems to be WATCHING. Was he surprised to see Dottore not causing chaos or somewhere he shouldn’t be? ...Probably. Last time he had gone somewhere unauthorized when Pantalone hadn’t been paying attention. Dottore clicks his tongue.  “  Are you done then? Can we go? Your POINTLESS insistence on me coming along wasted time I COULD  have used for my research you know.  “  He says, disregarding the fact he’d stayed right here the whole time as if it was nothing.
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as someone who's lost a dog before, the 'shout their name till they come back to you' trick works real well. little fucker came trotting up to me with a stupid doggy smile on his face like 'dude whata you mad about? me just went on a walk'.
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zombieella · 2 years
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pansunset · 3 months
reddit reccomend me a sub almost as bad as r/childfree gamers.
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vampirekinn · 10 months
every year we travel to poland to visit my aunt and every year her nasty (but lovely..... for the most part) fucking dog, and now nasty cat, is riddled with fleas. and every year she refuses! to give him! a bath!!!!
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