#at least the polin of it all (and the frannie)
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pensbridgrton · 10 months ago
Colin Bridgerton is canon Demisexual and I have never won so hard.
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shameonmeeguiltypleasure · 2 years ago
Helloooo so I have this question. Are you going to explore Polin's obsession with eachother from an outside perspective? more umportantly Colin's obsessiveness because speaking as someone who would be labeled a wallflower if I were to live in ye old England, wanting to see an outside perspective (maybe Lady Danbury's cuz that woman sees all ) is tremendously gratifying. Like I want him publicly pining over her and I would love seeing one half of the ton completely gobsmacked at the utter devotion Colin is showing to Pen and Pen alone while the rest who knows Colin (eg. his family) are just shrugging and are like "I knew it was gonna happen eventually."
Hiiiiiii Anon !! Thank you for the question x
(Please note, the following might be spoilery for SMB Chp 13)
Have you somewhat snuck into my mind and had a peek at my muse? How did you know this is exactly what I planned for Chapter 13? lmao. I intend for Chp 13 to be from everyone's POV but POLIN until the very end where I might leave it on a Cliffhanger. Again, I never know what's gonna make the final cut of a chapter until its all written but you can expect something along the following:
Miss Felicity is only the beginning of Poor Colin's torment (she is very much in bratty little sister mode again)
And she'll have the brilliant help of her two eldest sisters Prudence and Phillipa who are determined to make Colin work for Pen's attention. (They missed having her focus, and ever since Pen fancied herself in love with him, she's been obsessed with the Bridgertons. Its only because they love their little sister they are accepting the match lol)
Also, let's not forget that Penelope technically has brothers now too, in the form of her sister's husbands.
Then there's Ant, Ben and Simon trying to make sure Colin stays gentlemanly and proper while making his intentions to court Penelope clear at the ball.
We also have Eloise, who while not actively going out of her way to interfere, 100% will be offering her unwanted commentary. Cue Daphne with her ill-timed attempts to keep Colin from becoming an unhinged spectacle. Add a dash of Hyacinth adding fuel to the fire with her misguided assumptions about Colin's interest in Felicity Featherington.
While we're at it, let's peek at where Francesca is an unwilling witness to a verbal battle of will between Portia and Violet, where history is remembered and accusations are made. (Franny will argue this to be the reason she escaped back to Scotland)
How unfortunate of Lady Whistledown to retire just before the juiciest most scandalous ball (as of yet) came to be..... Oh well, at least Lady Danbury won't want for entertainment again.
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kepnerandavery · 3 years ago
The hair and make-up team could have dyed Hannah's hair the same color as Ruby's to at least PRETEND they are the same person, but they are acting as if Ruby's frannie never existed and are introducing frannie as a new character. Nothing against Hannah bc it's really not her fault, but i feel like they've hired Ruby as a place holder. if Frannie was really 16 in s1 then why they didn't cast someone who they wanted to keep and make her a main character? Lots of shows have adults playing 16y/o
Ikr? All they had to do was have her wear a chestnut-colored wig. It’s literally that simple. It's almost like they don't give a damn about consistency when it comes to this show 🤔😂
I agree with you completely. It's so clear that they weren't planning on recasting her. It's not like they couldn’t have given each upcoming season to the siblings in birth order. That way Ruby would’ve been the proper age to play a mature version of Frannie in her season which would’ve come by in around four years (that is if the show went on for that long). But in my opinion, the idea to give polin season three was obviously not a decision that was planned and neither was their choice to recast Frannie. Whether that has anything to do with Ruby’s plans is the question here. Technically, Frannie is 20 when she marries John so they could’ve kept Ruby since she’s super close to that age (If the Internet is right about her being 22). Plus it's not like Fran is the main character in season three, so why couldn’t Ruby do both her new show and Bridgerton simultaneously like Jhonny is doing, especially since both Bridgerton and Lockwood & Co are Netflix shows? I just hope that Ruby is treated well by that production team and Hannah gets proper screen time in Bridgerton.
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alrightsnaps · 3 years ago
It upsets me that RJP left the show because I wanted to see the WHOLE family growing. Especially because it’s just him, Kate and Sophie for a while (and also John, but he and Frannie were mostly in Scotland) I hope we get kathony in S3, even if they’re not in it a lot I want to see them married and being in love, same with Benophie in S4 because god knows they’re the only reason I would have to even watch a whole season of p*lin 😒
I didn't care much at first because I was too angry at the wave of people throwing a tantrum because he wouldn't be in the show, but after things cooled down a bit those were my thoughts too. I'd have loved to see Simon and Anthony's relationship develop and mend for example, because we hardly got to see them as best friends in season 1. And it would have been nice to see Simon's reactions to Anthony falling head over heels for Kate!
If Colin, Eloise and Penelope can take time out of other couples’ seasons and promo, why shouldn't Anthony and Kate and later on Benedict and Sophie do as well? It's not like Shonda wouldn't have adjusted the s02 script to give Simon and Daphne their own arcs.
And don't get me started on Francesca! Scotland isn't even an excuse yet and her character is practically nonexistent. They've given all the grown Bridgertons their own early storylines from season 1 and deliberately kept Frannie out of the story entirely. Are they really gonna spend the first 3 seasons giving her two guest appearances per seasons and then say she got married off screen and she's in Scotland? If they can have Colin get engaged and Eloise play Enola Holmes, the least they can do is give us a proper Frannie/John storyline one season and keep up with her in Scotland. I'm not even asking for much for fuck’s sake, just give her the screen time Benedict, Colin or Eloise had in s01!
If s04 is going to be just Polin and Eloise why even bother? We'll get more of the PR they're already giving them, minus any worthwhile couples
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youngandanactress · 4 years ago
To clarify some thoughts/opinions I thought I’d post a few random things about myself?
I’m 18, and a sophomore in college (this is because I graduated High School a year early. I’m currently an online student because of Covid obvi ����)
I’m double-majoring in Political Science and Drama.
I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest.
I’m planning on pursuing acting post-graduation. I was signed to an acting agency prior to college, but college students aren’t usually able to work professionally because of school schedules.
I’m cisgender, bisexual and my pronouns are she/her.
Alongside acting, I model because I’m needlessly tall (5’10) and I’m both ethnically and religiously (Reform) Jewish. My ethnicity means that I (according to some industry professionals, most of which being white men) apparently appear “somewhat ethnically ambiguous” or “exotic.” (I have 3b/3c natural/curly hair and a wide nose/nose bridge so I’m fairly obviously not “WASPy” in appearance. But my eyes aren’t brown and I’m tall so I apparently don’t fit the idea of what a Jewish woman “looks like.” Honestly, to most Jews I appear Jewish/Semitic. The label of “exotic” feels like poorly veiled antisemitism.)
I’m an intersectional feminist and a member of the ‘Democratic Socialists of America.’
I’m a fan of: Taylor Swift, Megan Thee Stallion and Kacey Musgraves. (I love Kacey and Taylor but hate, hate, hate almost all country music.)
I’m neurodivergent (I have fairly intense ADHD and ADD.)
I’m impatient, to my own self detriment, (and often unfortunately the detriment of others.)
Some of my Bridgerton-related favorites:
My favorite books:
#1: TVWLM (by far. It’s not even fucking close.)
#2: RMB and TSPWL tie (I wish TSPWL was longer and I dislike the allusions to domestic violence in RMB.)
#3: WHWW (I think it’s one of the best written books, but I feel like certain parts are longer than necessary.)
My favorite couples:
#1: Kathony and Polin “duke it out” ;), but I’m currently in a Kathony mood because of S2. I somehow actually prefer show-Polin to book-Polin thus far. Probably because Nicola and Luke N are adorable.
#2: Franchael and Philoise tie. As morose as it sounds, I love the whole “sunshine after the rain” theme. (Another reason I’m drawn to Kathony.) There’s added complexity given the sanctuary-like environment aforementioned relationships provide to the characters in them.
#3: Hyacinth/Gareth. I love them. Truly, deeply, loudly. However IIHK is lacking to me because the narration feels incomplete.
My favorite characters:
#1. Anthony and Kate tie. I never thought I could love Kate Sharma/Sheffield more and then Simone Ashley was cast. I feel that oftentimes Romance authors allocate too little time to developing complex individual characters, and instead choose to simply focus on developing the relationship between them. Kate and Anthony are independently gorgeous and vivid characters, which is why their relationship is so poetic and legendary.
#2. Michael Sterling. If Dev Patel isn’t at least considered for the role, I’m going to cry. Michael pines for Francesca for such a long time, and yet it’s never creepy or manipulative. The standards for men are on the fucking ground, but Michael’s extraordinary and I love him deeply.
#3. In no particular order: Hyacinth, Penelope and Francesca. I love all three of these women, and hope to god that Frannie gets more screen time in S2. I also hope that we see Penelope recognize the power she wields, and the ramifications of her actions. It feels slightly difficult to reconcile S1 Penelope with book-Penelope, and I hope we see her mature in S2.
#4. Colin and (show) Benedict tie. I love book AND show Colin. However, somehow the show depiction of Benedict is even more enchanting than the book version. This is likely due to the innate talent and acting ability of Luke T.
#5. Mary Sharma/Sheffield. I’m a Jew so my opinion regarding the topic of sainthood is irrelevant but, the woman’s a SAINT. I want show Mary to be slightly more ‘mama bear’ than mentioned in the books. I would like for her to maternally chastise/contradict Kate (regarding some of Kate’s more denigrating/insecure comments about herself.)
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kepnerandavery · 4 years ago
But enough about me. I wanted to ask you about When He Was Wicked. Specifically, how you would adapt it into the series. As you can see in this awesome timeline (©@pink-roses-garden for this brilliant tool), pretty much all of Francesca's story runs parallel with another book. John & Frannie courting is presumably at the time of AOFAG; part 1 mostly stands alone (until TSPWL starts), when part 2 happens it runs into RMB, and by the time Francesca gets her man, TSPWL ends too.
So, my question: how would you make sure that Francesca's story gets the focus and praise it deserves? While still counting in the other stories (most notably TSPWL; especially because Eloise and Francesca are such extremely different characters)?
I'm looking forward to reading what your ideas would be.
Kind regards,
— Thel. 💚
I honestly read and enjoyed the book for what it is, and didn’t think too much about how it would be adapted to the show, specially since it would be so far off in to the future. But now that you mentioned it, I feel like it would be a shame if the creators didn’t mess with the timeline a bit, and gave Michael and Francesca their own season. Not to mention, blending their story with that of Polin’s and Philoise’s will also be unfair to both of those couples and their fans. If they followed the books exactly, it would take 3 seasons to cover all three stories simultaneously, and that isn’t what Bridgerton is like.
But I do think they might have to introduce both John and Michael a bit earlier (maybe at the end of the 3rd season). Or, I would prefer it if they just waited and introduced them in the 6th season (fingers crossed there is one) and showed Michael and Francesca’s first encounter, John and Francesca’s wedding, a flash forward of the two years of their marriage, as well as Micheal’s reaction to having to endure being around her and John all the time, and then finally John’s death, all in the first episode, and then saved the rest of the episodes for Franchael’s story.
Even though the timeline is crucial to the flow of the books, the only thing that would really be altered is Colin being married. And his character’s contribution to WHWW could easily be done by a married version of him. Maybe it’ll even be better if he gave Michael advice from a place of experience. And same with Eloise, her being married doesn’t really alter the story too much. Francesca’s story doesn’t really have much to do with any events that occurred in any of her siblings lives. She has her own problems to deal with (a lot lol). Plus, the time between the start of RMB and the end of TSPWL is only 2 months, and WHWW spans throughout 6 years. I don’t see how much good it would do to mesh all of it together.
As for Francesca’s character getting enough focus, I do think that they need to include her more in the show. But I guess, she wasn’t really in much of the the first 5 books so that doesn’t leave much room for her to be in the show. I think she will be way more invloved in the 3rd season though, since she was in AOFAG a bit. But surely they could at least incorporate her more into family scenes right? Maybe give her more screentime in order for the viewers to really begin to understand who she is as a character.
I personally love how she was written in the book. She’s fierce and independent. Although she’s kind of an ambivert, and likes to keep to herself, she shares all the root characteristics of the other siblings (stubbornness, kindness and infinite love for their family), but she’s way more low key and subtle compared to them. She’s different but I think that makes her super interesting. She’s not in your face, but that doesn’t mean that she deserves any less screen time or dialogue 💁‍♀️
I think as long as they find a actor that could do justice to Michael’s character, keep both him and Francesca true to character, and have the storyline be anything close to what it is in the books, the praise will just come naturally. Because their story really is beautiful ❤️
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