#at least i have been getting writing done
dduane · 1 day
I am writing a fic for a bang and have hit the point where I think it's complete and utter garbage. But it has to post in about a month, so I need to somehow find a way to get it done because I don't want to let my bang artist down. What do you do when you reach the garbage stage? Thanks for your time!
You keep writing the garbage.
The odds, as it happens, are surprisingly in favor of what you're doing not actually being garbage. (Especially if you have previous personal experience of it not having been garbage before. And if you've got any kind of validation of this position from others, that's even better.)
Writers are as prone as any other members of H. sapiens to having their judgment be whipsawed by temporarily-skewed "stressy" brain chemistry into the perception that their creative performance is impaired. And the added stress flowing from that perception then skews the brain chemistry further out of whack—so that the cycle can keep feeding on itself and making you feel more and more like you're doing bad work, when you're really not.
Lacking other ways of breaking the cycle (like taking a little time off before you're done), your job right now is to finish your first draft as quickly as is also consonant with your previous experience of doing good work. Then if you possibly can, take at least a day (or two or three...) off from it so that your brain has a bit of a chance to reset, via rest and food and so forth. After that, have another look at what you've done. If you see places in the drafted writing that still need work*, then start attacking those at best speed.
Anyway: hope this helps you! But you can absolutely do this... so (ideally after a little rest and food...) go get on with it. :)
*And there are always places that need more work. Surprise! :)
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moonstruckme · 2 days
James Potter or tasm!peter parker fluff or comfort?? I dont mind whatever you write ill love 🙏🙏
Thanks for requesting :)
cw: implied past abuse
tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader ♡ 1.2k words
Peter’s having a rough week. These things always seem to happen to him. He’s got a big presentation at work on Friday, by which time the project he’s been underfunded and understaffed for has to be finished. His Aunt May has been busy with work, too, so either you or Peter is at her place most nights trying to help out, except she seems to think when it’s Peter it’s familial responsibility but when it’s you it's an unfair burden, so it’s mostly been Peter. There’s also an impressively organized cell of criminals he’s been trying to investigate before they blow up a bank or something. So of course, he’s sleep deprived to boot. 
And while you know the rough edge of frustration in his voice isn’t meant for you, hearing it makes your skin tighten nonetheless. 
“How does a person run out of salt?” Peter stalks through the front door and straight into the kitchen. “Or maybe the better question is, why does it take going to three bodegas to find one with salt in stock?”  
He’s soaked from the rain, and you feel guilty for being all cozied up on the couch while he’s been running around the city. Maybe it’s irrational, but you feel sort of like you should have been stressed out and cold all night, too. In solidarity. 
“May didn’t have salt?” you guess as Peter opens the fridge, stooping low to peer inside. 
“You should see her pantry, babe. It’s like everything either expired at the turn of the century or got bugs in it. Hey, did you make anything for dinner?” 
“No.” You hesitate. “You told me you wanted to eat at May’s, so I had the leftovers from last night.” 
“Shit.” He closes the fridge, resting his forehead on the door. “You’re right. I totally forgot, I only made enough for her.” 
“I’ll make something now.” You stand. Peter gives you a look that conveys both apology and gratitude as you join him in your small kitchen. “You feel like pasta?” 
“Thank you,” he says, kissing the top of your head lightly. 
“Course,” you murmur. Really, it feels like the least you can do. “Would you mind chopping up some basil?” 
“For my own dinner?” Peter teases. The levity in his voice is obviously forced, and the air between you heavies as he realizes you’ve heard it too. 
You almost don’t want to ask, but you do want to be a supportive girlfriend. You can lend him a compassionate ear. “How was work today?” 
He sighs, grabbing the cutting board from a cabinet near your feet and shutting the door with perhaps a tad too much force. 
“It was…ahh.” He scrubs a hand through his hair, stooping again into the white fridge light to find the basil. It casts dark shadows underneath his eyes. “You’ve gotta be sick of hearing about this.” 
“It’s okay. Unless you don’t feel like talking about it.” 
“No, it’s just, how do they expect us to stick to their tight schedule when half of my lab is being pulled away to other projects all the time?” Peter’s knife slices through the basil, hitting the cutting board with a sharp thunk. “Today, we were down one intern who caught the stomach flu, and it set us way back. One intern shouldn’t be that crucial to a big project like this!” 
You hum, ignoring the way the back of your neck prickles. The tension emanating from Peter is completely valid, your reaction a bothersome, purposeless souvenir from an old life. You find yourself staring into the pot of water and waiting for it to boil. 
“And it’s not like it’s anyone’s fault, but all the rest of us are working extra hours to try and get this done in time.” 
Small bubbles in the bottom of the pot, rising tentatively to the surface. Peter’s knife thunks a quickening rhythm on the cutting board. 
“If they’d given us the money we asked for, we could have hired more people, been working with better equipment, but instead—” The water starts to rumble, steam warming your face. It’s thick in your throat. “—it’s like we don’t even work for a top-notch lab. Like, do they think we really believe they don’t have any resources to spare?”
Peter’s voice is rising, irritation sharpening his words. You reach to turn down the stove when big bubbles reach the surface, splattering hot onto your wrist. You ignore the sting. 
“My boss keeps talking about how important this presentation is,” Peter goes on, opening the cabinet next to your head and reaching inside, “but if it were really important, he’d have—” He slams the cabinet door. 
You both freeze. 
To anyone else, it would look like nothing—the way your expression stays perfectly still, your muscles stiffening just slightly, the invisible pause in your heartbeat. But Peter knows you. 
“Sorry.” He sounds as breathless as you feel. “I’m sorry. You okay?” 
“Mhm.” Despite your best intentions, your voice comes out pitchy. You can’t make yourself move in a way that feels natural, so you stay not moving at all. Steam wafting warm up onto your face. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Peter says, tone softer than you’ve heard it in days. “I shouldn’t have—I didn’t mean to yell.” The roiling pot has calmed to a gurgle. You can see him swallow in your peripheral vision. “Can you look at me?” 
You take in what you hope is a subtle breath, turning to your boyfriend with a wan smile. “Sorry,” you manage. “I don’t know why I did that.” 
“It’s okay,” he says, brows bunched in the middle. Brown eyes like a puppy’s. 
He shifts his arms, a question, and you step into them. You do it more for him than for you, but the second Peter’s arms wrap around your back the last of the tension shudders out of you. You hug him back, rubbing between his shoulder blades reassuringly. 
“I scared you?” he asks, still in that soft voice like he’s afraid of startling you. It’s not really a question. “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to get so mad.” 
“You’re allowed to be mad,” you argue weakly. There’s an embarrassing blockage in your throat. “It’s not your fault if I freak out, you should still be allowed to vent.” 
“No, but I know how you are.” Peter squeezes your shoulders. “I can vent without slamming things. It’s not nice.” 
You don’t have much of an argument for that. Still, “You really shouldn’t be the one comforting me right now,” you point out. 
A light hum. “Says who? I’m feeling a lot better already.” His hand climbs up to cup the back of your neck, his face turning down so his lips rest on your head. “Should’a just gone straight for the hug when I got home. Might have saved us both a lot of ranting.” 
You push your face into his sweatshirt, mindless of its dampness. He smells like rainwater. You don’t know how you could ever have thought, even for a second, that someone like this could be capable of hurting you. 
“I’ll make a note of that,” you murmur. 
“Yeah, please do,” Peter teases, pressing a kiss to your head. He pulls away and sets two still-chilled hands on your face. “Are you really okay?” he asks sincerely. “I know how scared you get, sweetheart. I’m so sorry I did that to you.” 
“You didn’t mean to,” you tell him, “and it wouldn’t be your fault anyways. I’m really okay.” 
Your boyfriend nods, but he still looks troubled. “Another hug for good measure?” 
“For you or for me?” 
A corner of his mouth kicks up. “Does it matter?” 
It doesn’t really.
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synopsis// both of you stuck in a time loop until you can accept each other. you can not make it out alone no matter how hard you try.
pairing// katsuki bakugo x gn!reader
word count// 9.6k
contents// no quirks, angst, fluff ?, they r idiots, slow burn-ish? at least at first, profanity. like a lot. i stg they cuss every other sentence, it’s like i was a middle school boy who just discovered cuss words writing this, ooc bakugo probably, ages aren’t specified but they r adults, pure cringe but its mha and coming from me so did u expect anything different..?
notes// my last mha draft... im finally free.... anyway i wrote this ages ago but i rlly love this and it may or may not have been inspired by a fnaf song..... (it totally was)
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You wake up with a gasp, sitting up quickly to find everything in the room in the same place it was the last hundred times you woke up.
You throw your legs over the side of your bed and reach for your phone, hoping for something different but getting nothing. There are no notifications, no services, and no matter how long you stare at the time, it never changes. You would know considering you’ve done this routine a hundred times. You throw your phone back onto the nightstand and slip your shoes on, the repetitiveness of it all making your head spin. You’ve got to be going insane; what other logical explanation could there be for reliving the same day over and over again?
"I don't know what I did to piss the universe off, but now it's pissing me off," you mumble as you walk out of your empty house—you'd know because you've checked every nook and cranny for the past hundred times. The minute you step outside, you shout at the air, the sky, the universe, the gods, whatever put you here, “Is this what you wanted? pay back? You fucking got it!” 
You stand there half hoping that something would happen, whether someone appeared or a voice would say something to you, but nothing; it’s just complete silence apart from the wind whooshing by. though that’s not to say people weren’t here. If you went far enough into the city, there were crowds of people walking around with no destinations; they seemed like NPCs. The only difference is that you can interact with NPCs, whereas the shells of humans you see in town don't talk, at least not to you. They don't even acknowledge you. It’s almost as if you’re a ghost, which is ironic considering how, when you were alive—no, that's not the right word, sentient maybe? Whatever the point is, when you were a productive member of society, you longed for something exactly like this. To slip by people like the wind, like a ghost, yet now that you have it, you wish for anything but this.
"God, if this is what the afterlife is like, I don't plan on dying anytime soon,” you mutter to yourself as you walk deeper into the city. “Maybe this is the afterlife? or maybe this is hell.”
You stare at your feet as you walk until you hit the point where there are empty husks of humans walking past, and at this point you lift your head, starting to wave at them and standing directly in front of them in a futile attempt to get their attention. Of course it serves to be useless when they walk right past you... just like they have the last hundred times you’ve tried. After a few more futile attempts, you begin walking past them toward a forest. This has been your routine for the entire time you've been trapped here, wherever here may be.
You check your home, walk outside, curse a higher being and ask what you've done to deserve this, contemplate life—or lack thereof?, walk into the city, try to catch someone's attention, and when that doesn't work, you walk off into the forest, spending the whole day there— or you would if time worked properly here—and eventually finding yourself at some random, poorly placed door deep into the forest. You stand right in front of the door; it mocks you, and you imagine yourself tearing it to shreds if it weren't for the fact that the minute you touch it, you're back at square one. You opt to sit in front of the door, just merely studying it; it’s not like there's really much else for you to do.
You don’t know how long you just sit there going back and forth between staring at the door and tearing out the grass from under your hands; had time worked properly here, you’re sure that the moon would have been out by now. You finally admit defeat—for the hundredth time. You stand up and wipe your hands clean of the dirt now laid upon them before you look around the door once more, hoping for something new to appear behind it or beside it, but nothing—the only thing behind the door is more empty forest. So with a sigh, you begrudgingly touch the door handle, and you immediately find yourself waking up with a gasp, sitting up quickly, with everything in the room in the same place it was the last hundred times you woke up again.
This time, though, you don't get up immediately; you lay back down in your bed with a sigh, pulling your blanket up to your chin. You’ve always been alone. This wasn't new to you, but at least before it was your choice. It wasn’t like people didn’t want to be your friend; you just didn’t want to be theirs. In some fucked-up way, you saw your hyper-independence as superior to how other people seemed to need and want friends. but now? Now you want nothing more than to be annoyed by your coworker; you want nothing more than to walk outside and run into someone who will acknowledge you; even if it isn't a positive interaction, it's still an interaction. and after being stuck here for ages, you would kill for an interaction. You throw your blanket off of you as you begin your routine, finally having enough of your pity party.
Check phone? Check.
Put your shoes on? Check.
Search every inch of your house? Check. 
Step outside and curse the universe? Check. 
Find yourself surronded by people where you cant tell if you’re the ghost here or if they are? Check! Wait—Is that a new person?
You've been here long enough to have memorized or at least vaguely remembered every single person in the crowd, but this new face in the distance isn't one you've seen before; it's unique, you'd remember it, so who is this? Is this a sign your time here is coming to an end? In a frenzy, you push your way through the crowd, ignoring all your thoughts. You stop a few feet in front of him; he’s still a bit away as you study him. His brow furrowed in a scowl, and he's muttering something under his breath that you can't quite make out, but you can tell he's frustrated by his facial expression and the way his hands are curled into tight fists at his side, knuckles paper white at this point.
He finally reaches you but ignores you as he walks past you, and you sigh, wondering why you thought he'd be the one to acknowledge you.
you frown, mumbling aloud to yourself in disappointment, “Do I really need any more NPCs here?”
suddenly though, he stops dead in his tracks like he heard you and he turns around to face you. Holy shit, he heard you?
“What the fuck did you say to me?”
You stare at him blankly before looking to the sides of you and even behind you. “Uh, are you talking to me?”
He looks at you like you’re stupid as he takes a few steps toward you, and subconsciously, you take a few back. “Of course I'm talking to you; who the fuck else would I be talking to?”
You put your hands out in front of you in a stop motion briefly, your face scrunching up in disdain. "Chill the fuck out, asshole, it was just a question."
“Chill the fuck out?” He repeats in disbelief and takes another step forward, while you stand still, tensing up to appear tougher. “I'm stuck in some weird ass place where, up to this point, no one except for your dumbass has even acknowledged me and you’re telling me to chill the fuck out?”
You roll your eyes at his outburst and ask curiously, “You just got here, didn’t you?”
“What the hell do you think? Where even are we?”
"A time loop of some sort,” you say nonchalantly as you shrug, though everything you’re feeling right now is anything but nonchalance.
He scoffs. “Time loop? You expect me to believe that stupid shit?”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Believe what you want, either way, you’re still stuck here, idiot.”
“Oh, Im the idiot for getting stuck here? What about you?”
“Me?” you scoff.
“You seem like you’ve been here longer than I have, and you’re still not out. So who’s the real idiot?”
You cross your arms and look away, grumbling, “Maybe I like it here.”
He looks you up and down before rolling his eyes and shoving his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, I doubt that.”
Your gaze returns to him with a glare. “Fuck you, I was going to help you.”
“I don't need your fucking help,” he sneers. "You obviously have no idea what the fuck you're doing in the first place."
You walk away, flipping him off, and he does the same, both of you going your separate ways. Though once you hit the edge of the forest, you turn to look back and see if he’s anywhere near, but it’s like he never existed at all. back to the routine.
Enter the forest and walk for an unreasonable amount of time? Check. 
Reach the out of place, uncanny door deep in the forest? Check. 
Stare at it and imagine ripping it to shreds until it's nothing but dust? Check.
Finally sit down and accept your fate for a bit? Check. 
You sigh as you poke at the dirt, the patches of grass you pulled out last time returning to normal as if you had never ripped them out in the first place. Remember what you said earlier about wishing for human interaction? You changed your mind after meeting that random guy, who quickly reminded you why you disliked it in the first place. Although you’ve made up your mind about hating him, you can't help but wonder what he’s doing here in the first place. Obviously, you have no idea why you’re here either, but why did he just pop up after doing this a hundred times or more already? Why is he the only one who can suddenly acknowledge your existence? Maybe there was a glitch in your eternal hell; maybe this was an accident, and he’d be gone by the time you did this all over again. Back to the routine.
Stand up and clean your hands of dirt? Check. 
Touch the door handle and wake back up in your bed with a gasp? Check!
You groan and grip your head slightly; the action of being in one place only to suddenly be in another never fails to give you a slight headache. Today, you go through your routine quickly in order to get into the city faster. You want to know if he's still here so badly that you almost seem desperate. much to your dismay, and his—he’s still here and groans at the sight of you.
"What the fuck did you do?" he demands angrily.
You narrow your eyes at him. You regret coming here. “excuse me?”
“One minute I'm walking, and the next I'm back here."
“It’s called a time loop for a reason, idiot.”
“I don't fucking care what it’s called, just stop doing it," he snaps.
“Oh yeah, like I fucking control that! Let me just stop this whole time loop while we’re at it, huh?”
He says nothing; he merely flips you off and walks away, and you do the same.
Just like every other time you find yourself back at the door in the forest, this time you don’t wait to touch it; you immediately go for the handle and restart the time loop in spite of him snapping at you. He comes into your time loop and has the audacity to complain? No one told him to invade your eternal hell. The first handful of days (if you could even call them that) go the exact same way. Wake up, check phone, slip on shoes, check house, curse the universe some more, go into the crowd, argue with the blond-haired boy who seemed to piss you off beyond words, go your separate ways, go into the forest, find the door, think about tearing down said door, sit on the floor for a bit, and then finally go to touch the door only to do it all over again.
The next handful of days were similar, except you and the invader of your eternal hell eventually stopped arguing; you two still acknowledged each other, but only with a scowl and a flip of your middle fingers, walking straight past each other to do your own thing. You can't say you were upset with the arrangement because at least you didn't have to listen to his whining any longer. You just hated how something was added to the time loop yet it seems like nothing has changed at all. you're still stuck, and the door still won't budge. What exactly are you even supposed to be doing? How do you escape? Can you even escape?
You wake up with a gasp for what now seems like the thousandth time, and you're starting to feel the effects of being here for so damn long. You’re exhausted, your bones ache, and you feel like you could drop dead at any moment. Then again, who’s to say you aren’t already dead? You lazily go through your routine; everything is as it should be until you get into the city. The crowds are still there, but someone is missing. The only person who has acknowledged you is missing. Part of you is happy that he’s gone; it’s not like you two have had a productive conversation in the time he's been there; if anything, he was hindering your escape. but the other part?
The other part is a tad bit disappointed, for two reasons. that one, he managed to get out before you, and two, you’re all alone again. As you begin walking toward the forest, you groan. Who cares? It’s not like you needed him or wanted him here anyway; you could get out on your own. Sometime lost in thought, you finally made it to the entrance of the forest, stopping and resting against a tree. You wonder if the longer you stay, the worse you start to deteriorate, like whatever this place is doesn’t want you here in the first place. You frown, it’s not like you want to be here anymore than this place wants you here; you didn’t ask to get stuck in some stupid ass time loop.
“I’ve had enough of your games! let me out!” You scream into the woods, half expecting someone to respond, and someone does.
“Do you have to be so loud?” A deep voice comes from beside you, tone full of annoyance.
You jump slightly as you turn your head to the side to see the owner of the voice, and you’re almost disappointed to see it’s the blond boy with a permanent scowl and jaw clenched tight.
“What the fuck, you’re still here?” You ask breathlessly, still trying to calm your racing heart from his slight jumpscare.
He rolls his eyes and leans against a nearby tree to mimic you. “Where the fuck else would I have gone?”
"I thought you got out or something..."
"Clearly not," he says, tsking. “What is this?”
“A forest. What does it look like, idiot?”
“No shit, I mean, why are we here?”
You stare at him as blankly as your voice comes out, "We? How the hell did you even get here?”
“Followed you,” he says as he crosses his arms. 
“You... followed me?” you repeat curiously.
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?”
"Why?" you ask softly, catching him off guard. You almost miss how his eyes widen at the sudden shift toward him.
He sighs and looks away, preferring to take in his surroundings, which mainly consist of the seemingly endless forest. "I've looked everywhere else and there's nothing, so I'm assuming you've found something if you keep coming here."
You hum, so he’s not just an angry idiot after all; he’s an observant idiot too.
“So?” he asks with a small bob of his head. 
"So what?"
He scowls, which takes you by surprise because you thought he was already scowling... must just be his face then. “So, did you find something?”
“Oh,” you say. "Yeah, I did, kinda.”
He seems to perk up, impatiently asking, “What is it?”
You go silent briefly, unsure of how to explain a random, uncanny door deep into the forest. "uh- it's difficult to explain," you admit sheepishly.
“Just spit it out already, idiot.”
“No, because you probably won’t even believe me!” you snap in frustration.
He rolls his eyes and pushes himself off the tree. “Then show me.”
You stare at him with wide eyes as he walks into the forest. “What?” 
“Show me dumbass!” He barks back at you, not pausing to slow down.
You push yourself off the tree in a hurry, yelling as you run after him, “Can you fucking wait! You don’t even know where you’re going!”
He stops, but not without groaning dramatically, which makes you roll your eyes. You caught up to him quickly because he wasn't far away, but that didn't stop you from bending over and placing your hands on your knees as you breathed heavily in and out.
He looks down at you in slight disgust. “You didn’t even run that far, why are you acting like you're dying?”
“Because,” you breathe out heavily. "It takes a toll on you when you've been stuck here as long as I have!"
“Whatever, just hurry up.”
After a moment, you stand back up fully and jerk your head toward the forest, silently telling the boy, “Let's go.”
The walk is quiet; awkwardness hangs heavy in the air as you sluggishly lead the way. It makes you wish he had escaped, because then you wouldn’t have to be dealing with this.
“How long have you been here?” He asks, breaking the silence, which takes you by surprise, but you’re sure anything he does that isn’t just him scowling or yelling could take you by surprise at this point.
You clear your throat. “I dunno…. long.” 
“You don’t know?”
"I stopped counting after the hundredth time the loop reset," you shrug.
“Jesus christ, you’ve been here that long?”
“Unfortunately,” you sigh. 
Another moment of silence lingers between the two of you as you walk through the forest, but at least the awkwardness has subsided. Though how slowly you're walking is starting to irritate him. 
“Can you walk any faster?” he asks harshly. 
“I’m tired.” 
“Not my problem.”
“You know what?” you say, stopping dead in your tracks. “I think I’m actually gonna take a break.”
“What?” he asks as he watches you sit down on the floor, leaning back against a tree.
you smile up at him mockingly. “Yep! I’m super tired; I need a break.”
He scoffs. “Fuck you, get up.”
You shake your head. “Nah, I don’t think I will. If you wanna get there so bad, find it yourself.”
He glares at you, his lip twitching with the threat of turning into a sneer. “Fine, I will,” he says through clenched teeth.
You’re still smiling at him as you wave goodbye and watch him walk deeper into the forest. He won’t find it. You know that because the door is still a ways away—you've done this walk over a hundred times—he has no chance of finding it without you, so you'll just sit here and relax until he comes running back to you. Lord knows you need it.
Sometime during your relaxing, you ended up falling asleep. Which you didn’t even know was possible here, but nonetheless, it was well appreciated. You would have continued sleeping if it hadn't been for something softly kicking your legs. You frown and try to swat whatever is kicking you away without opening your eyes, wanting to sleep more, but the kicking doesn't stop. You finally, and begrudgingly, open your eyes to find the boy (who you knew would come back) is the one kicking you.
"Oh, you're back already," you yawn, rubbing your eyes.
He stared at you curiously. “Already?” 
You nod as you stand up. “I knew you’d come back.”
“Fuck you, you don’t know shit.” 
"Then why are you back?"
He tsks and looks away. “Whatever.” 
“That’s what I thought,” you say triumphantly. 
He says nothing; instead, he waits for you to start walking ahead so he can follow you. Your walking is much faster now, and although you're still exhausted, it’s much more tolerable now. It's as if the fog around your head has lifted, and you can function normally now. If time worked properly here, it would have been about an hour or two after you guys resumed walking when he finally decided to break the long silence.
“Jesus christ, do you even know where you’re going?” he asks in frustration.
You roll your eyes. “Of course I do. I'm not an idiot.”
“Debatable,” he mumbles under his breath.
You decide to ignore that and sigh. “We’re almost there chill out.” There's another lull of silence before you ask, "What's your name?"
He turns to look at you briefly with narrowed eyes before settling his gaze back in front of him. “What? Why the fuck would I tell you that?"
"We're stuck in a time loop together, so I thought it would be nice to know your name, but if you just want me to keep referring to you as an idiot, I'd be more than happy-"
"It's Bakugo," he cuts you off, clearly annoyed.
“I'm y/n,” you say with a grin—wait, you’re actually smiling at getting to know someone? That's odd; you would never... But you guess you could allow it just this once, considering the circumstances.
“Didn’t ask.”
You ignore him. “We’re almost there, by the way.”
“Fucking finally, what even is it?”
You’re close enough that you can see it in the distance. you point at it as you speak, “a-“
“A door?” he erupts, cutting you off and beginning to run off toward it.
You quickly run after him. “Bakugo wait, don't t-“
You suddenly awake with a gasp.
“Don't touch it,” you say to yourself with a groan. "Fucking idiot," you mutter as you roll out of bed, ignoring your routine and simply slipping on your shoes and running off into the city to find him again.
Once you arrive, like yesterday, you can’t find him, and you frown as you start walking toward the forest, because if it’s anything like yesterday, he’d end up there. At least you're hoping he’s there, because if he actually managed to get out before you by doing the same thing you’ve done for a hundred plus times, you would be furious. You arrive at the forest to find him already there, leaning against a tree, and you sigh out in relief as he stands up straight once he sees you.
"What the fuck happened?" he asks when you reach him.
You exhale heavily, slightly frustrated, a dull pain in your head adding to your frustration. "Well, if you had let me explain, I would have told you that touching the door resets the time loop."
"Oh,” he says blankly. “Sorry.” 
“You’re apologizing?..” You ask in slight disbelief, he doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would, but then again, you don’t even know him. Who are you to judge him? Wow, you’ve been here so long that you’ve actually gotten to the point of not judging people; maybe you are going insane.
“You don’t seem like someone who would.” 
He shrugs. “I wasn't, but, uh, I’ve been trying to work on it or something.”
“I’m not either,” you confess. “But, uh, for the record, I guess i’m sorry too… for you know, yelling at you?” 
A range of emotions seem to slather themselves onto Bakugo’s face. first anger, then confusion, and then disgust before his usual scowl returns. “Whatever. What now?” 
“Now we go back to the door.”
“And do what?”
“Stare at it? I don't know,” you sigh. 
“I’m sorry?” he says in confusion as his eyes immediately narrow in on you. “Is that all you’ve been doing? Staring at the fucking door?”
You throw your arms up in the air dramatically as you defend yourself, asking, “What the fuck else am I supposed to do? If I touch it, the time loop restarts!”
His eye twitches. “So we��re just gonna stare at it. Until what? We fucking die here?”
“Who’s to say we aren’t even already dead?” you mumble under your breath in annoyance. “Besides, do you have any better ideas?”
Bakugo stays silent. 
“Right, that’s what I thought.”
He tsks and starts walking into the forest. “Whatever, let's just go.”
You find yourself biting back a smile at what you consider a win, even if this wasn’t a challenge; you just have a terrible habit of seeing everything as a challenge... but nonetheless you find yourself walking with him side by side quietly. The walk was, of course, long, but not as long as last time considering you didn’t stop to sleep this time, so the two of you quickly found yourselves at the door. Both of you just stand there staring at it.
“Maybe it’ll actually do something this time,” Bakugo says, tilting his head at the door as if trying to look at it from a different angle.
You drop yourself to the ground, sitting down with a soft groan. “Try whatever you want in a little bit; doesn’t the time loop being reset hurt your head?”
Bakugo looks down at you and shrugs. “Haven’t noticed.” 
You laugh, though it comes out more like a huff of air. “You will eventually.”
Bakugo stares at you curiously, what you said having piqued his interest, as he plops himself down on the ground next to you. “How long have you been here?” 
You raise an eyebrow at him. “You’ve already asked me that.”
He rolls his eyes. “I’m asking again.” 
“I don’t know. My answer's still the same.” 
He nods slowly. “What was it like?” he asks. "You know, in the beginning, all alone?"
“You actually care?” you ask, wide-eyed and in slight disbelief.
He tsks and returns his attention to the door in front of him. “I don't,” he says harshly. “I’m just trying to make conversation; what the fuck else are we supposed to do?”
"Fair enough," you say, nodding slightly. "At first, I kinda liked it here."
“I liked being alone.”
“That’s fucking stupid,” he spits out. 
You frown. “You don’t look like the type to enjoy other people’s company either.”
“I don’t.” 
“Then what the fuck?”
"I don't like people, but I also don't like being alone," he says softly.
“You’re an idiot.” 
“Whatever,” he says. “So what? Do you not like being alone anymore?”
you shrug. “If being alone meant I didn’t have to deal with your dumbass anymore, then yes, I still like being alone.”
“Fuck you; you just complained about being alone,” he grumbled.
“I did not complain,” you explain. “I’m just saying I like being alone when it’s on my own terms.”
He hums. 
“And you?” you ask. 
"And me what?" he asks, his eyes narrowing at the door.
"What was it like when you first got here?"
“Oh,” he says before he thinks for a moment. “I don’t know; annoying more than anything. I have shit to do in the real world; this doesn’t help.”
You pull your knees in toward your chest. “Where do you even think we are?”
"Fuck if I know," he says, shrugging. "I just want to get the fuck out; if I was stuck here as long as you, I'd probably go insane."
You stare at him blankly. “You’re already insane, and I'm already insane.”
Bakugo side eyes you. 
“What other logical explanation is there for us being here? We’re obviously crazy.”
He huffs and you almost find yourself mistaking it for a laugh. "Yeah, I guess so.”
You feel your heart race a little, and although you two still bicker a bit, you can’t deny how much you're starting to appreciate his company. It's an odd feeling, really, appreciating company for a change instead of immediately trying to get rid of it. As you push yourself up onto your feet, you sigh. “Round two?” 
He nods as he copies your actions by standing up. “Guess so.” 
You take a deep breath before touching the door, only to gasp as you awaken, but this time there's another gasp. You look beside you and discover Bakugo in your bed, which causes you to fall out of it from shock.
"Jesus, why are you in my bed?!"
“Why are you asking like I fucking know?!”
You immediately rose to your feet, rubbing your head because, if the headache from the reset wasn’t enough, you also hit it when you fell out of bed. “What the fuck is going on…”
Bakugo quickly gets out of your bed and tsks. “Why’d it change?”
“Maybe the time loop likes us working together?” You ask rhetorically because it's not like Bakugo has an answer either.
“Yeah, or it hates us working together.”
“Whatever it is, at least something changed finally. Maybe other things changed too?” you wonder as you go to slip on your shoes.
“Do we plan on just going back to the stupid ass door every time?”
"It's not like we have any other options, Bakugo. Are you ready?”
“I fucking guess.”
The two of you venture off into the city, with nothing seeming out of place or changed, and it becomes obvious that the only thing that changed was Bakugo being in your bed when you end up reaching the door.
"So much for something changing," mutters Bakugo, frustrated.
You drop yourself to the ground again. “This is annoying.”
He mimics your actions. “No shit.”
A moment of silence falls between you two before you speak up. “Are you even real?”
Bakugo’s face scrunches up in annoyance and confusion. “What the fuck do you mean am i real?”
“I don't know! Maybe I have gone insane and just made you up!”
He rolls his eyes. “Yes, I'm real. I have a whole fucking life outside of this place,” he turns his attention to you, “Are you real?”
“Yes, I also have a whole fucking life outside of this place,” you snap back.
He hums, almost like he doesn't believe you, but he doesn't outright say it, and you quickly respond with a hum of your own before laying yourself down on the grass, looking up toward the never-changing sky. It's so blue and there are so many clouds that it almost looks fake, which makes sense given that this entire place appears to be fake, an empty husk of the real place that exists somewhere else outside of here.
"How was your life?" you inquire, seemingly out of nowhere.
Bakugo looks down at you. “Boring,” he says with a sigh. "It wasn't as boring as this place, but it was still fucking boring; at least I had friends and could do shit there."
You can't help but giggle. “You had friends?”
He scowls at you and flips you off before turning away and nodding. “Unlike you, I'm sure.”
You shrug, though it looks more like a jolt. “I prefer being alone.”
“You say that, but you’re not all that convincing.”
“Oh, fuck off and tell me about your imaginary friends,” you snicker and ignore his very wrong—very right— comment.
He bit back a smirk in response to your jab at him. Normally, Bakugo would despise anyone who dared to fight back, but right now? It was actually nice? which, the feeling within itself, made Bakugo want to hate you even more.
“Bakugo?” you ask after a few moments of silence. 
“Shut up, I'm thinking,” he snaps. "There are only three people I consider to be my friends."
You laugh. “What?”
“The rest are just.. acquaintances.”
You hum in content, your hands behind your head. “Tell me bout em.”
“There's this nerd; I've known him since we were kids,” he begins to explain. “I was a douche to him.”
"I can believe that."
Bakugo gives you a look that either says he wants to murder you or for you to shut up, and you merely grin up at him.
"He somehow forgave me, and yeah, we've been friends since."
“And the other two?”
“Some dumbass with shitty hair and another dumbass with pink cheeks,” he explains vaguely.
"Wow, I'm sure they really enjoy being called a dumbass," you state flatly.
He shrugs. "They should if they want to be my friend."
“Those are your only requirements? Tolerate being called a dumbass and anyone can be your friend?” you tease. 
“Shut up, at least I have friends.”
“I already told you, I like being alone!” you defend with a pout.
He hums as he lays himself down. “And I already told you I don't believe you.”
"Believe what you want," you say as you turn to face him, only to find him already looking at you. “Besides, what do you care?”
He shifts his gaze to the sky. “I don’t.”
You follow along with him, looking back up at the sky, mumbling, "Sure you don't."
Bakugo doesn't bother replying, and you don't bother trying to keep the conversation going. The two of you just lay there, staring up at the sky and listening to the trees sway in the wind.
You suddenly find yourself being woken up with small kicks to your legs, and you groan. You try to open your eyes only to be blinded by the sun.
“Jesus Christ!” you wince.
Bakugo groans as he places his hand over your face to shield your eyes from the sun. You finally get them to open, and you mutter a small thanks to him.
“Did I fall asleep?” you ask as you stand up. 
Bakugo shoves his hands into his pockets with a nod. “Yeah.”
"It's fine," he says, shrugging. “Round three?”
You nod as you stretch, which is a pointless action when you're about to be thrown into your bed, but you do it anyway. Bakugo touches the door, and you find yourselves immediately waking up with a gasp in your bed.
You jump straight up and rub your temples. “God, I will never get used to that.”
"Yeah, because the day you get used to that is the day you lose your mind."
You slip your shoes on and roll your eyes. “Ready?”
He stares at you blankly.
"Stupid question, my bad, damn," you quickly add, realizing he's not going to say anything.
When the two of you walk out of your house, Bakugo's steps are loud, and you can tell he's annoyed just by them. Bakugo tries to walk into the city only to be stopped by something.
"What are you doing?" you ask, watching him stagger backwards.
"It's not me," he snaps as he extends his hand in front of him, only to be stopped by something that isn't there, he kind of looks like a mime.
You hold back a laugh as you join him by his side, reaching out only to be stopped by an invisible wall of some sort; this makes your face drop. “What the fuck?”
“So what? We aren't allowed in the city anymore?”
"I guess not." Bakugo groans, annoyed. “Is there another way to the forest?”
You don't even get the chance to reply when the two of you hear rumbling. Both your heads snapping toward the noise only to see a newly carved out path to the forest in the distance.
You swallow hard, blinking at the scene in front of you. “You, uh, you saw that right?”
Bakugo nods slowly. “I did.”
You laugh nervously and extend your hands as if to show off the new path. “After you.”
“Fuck no, after you.”
“What are you scared? Coward.”
Bakugo glares at you. “Fuck you,” he says before starting to walk toward the path, and you smile in triumph.
The two of you are silent the whole walk, taking in your new surroundings for anything suspicious. This walk seems longer than the one from the city, but it's not like you expected anything different, and it doesn't matter when you finally get to the door.
"Why are things changing so suddenly?" you wonder as you stare at the door.
"Hell if I know," mumbles Bakugo, joining you in staring at the door.
“Do you think we’re doing something right?” you ask as you turn your head to look at him.
“Or something wrong.”
“God, this is so weird,” you sigh in frustration as you take a few steps back and sit down. 
He turns to look down at you, perplexed. “Oh, now it's weird? It wasn't weird the first hundred fucking times we stared at this door?”
"You know what I mean."
He rolls his eyes as he sits down a few feet in front of you. “Whatever.”
You both sit there in silence, your minds racing with confusion. Why are things changing now, and are they changing for the better or for the worse? You sit there picking at your nails while he sits there staring at the door like he’s trying to make it explode with his mind. After a while, Bakugo sighs, and this catching of your attention makes you look up at him. When he speaks up, you're about to ask if he's okay.
“What was your life like?” He asks out of nowhere, and you certainly were not expecting that to come out of his mouth.
“Oh,” you say in slight confusion. “Um, fine? I don't know; I mean, I didn't have friends-“
“Knew it,” he chimes in with a smirk. 
“Fuck off.”
"So, what did you have if you didn't have friends?" He asks flatly, not as if he really cares but as if he's just trying to avoid silence, which could be him caring in some ways.
“I had a job at a little coffee shop,” you recall with a small smile.
“I thought you would've worked from home or something.”
“Because you hate people and like being alone?” He says it almost condescendingly, like you should have already known the reason why.
“Huh,” you say flatly. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Maybe you were subconsciously yearning for social interaction?
“I'm always right.”
You hum and lay yourself down. “What’s your full name?”
He lays down with you. “Why the fuck do you wanna know? You gonna stalk me?”
“You wish.”
“Katsuki Bakugo.”
“That’s a nice name.”
He closes his eyes. “I know dumbass.”
“You could’ve just said thank you.”
“Thank you,” he says harshly, like he's mocking you, but you ignore it and smile. “What’s yours?” he asks quietly.
“Y/n L/n.”
“My name is better, but yours is alright, I guess,” he says under his breath, like this is his best attempt at a compliment.
You laugh softly, and the noise causes Bakugo's cheeks to warm, which he tries to ignore and blames on the sun. You don't bother responding and close your eyes. Both of you are just laying there with your eyes closed, enjoying each other's company, or at least you're enjoying his. Which is odd; it makes you slightly nauseous to think that for once, you’re actually enjoying someone's company.
Had someone told real life you that you'd be enjoying someone's company, you would have laughed in their face and probably insulted them for not being as “independent” as you are. But despite all of that, you can't actually say you hate it—not at all, actually. but for the time being, you're blaming that on the circumstances. After a while, you find yourself opening your eyes, slightly wincing at the bright sun, but turning your head to look at Bakugo, who is staring up at the sky without a scowl on his face. Huh. You thought that scowl was permanent, though he actually looks surprisingly nice without one?
“Are you dead?” you ask out of nowhere.
Bakugo flinches slightly, taken aback by your voice. “Being dead would probably be better than this.”
“Rude,” you huff.
“I mean the situation, not you.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you tease. “Round four?”
He sighs defeatedly. “Yeah, I guess.”
You nod as the two of you stand up and quickly dust yourselves off. You step toward the door and find yourself hesitating.
“What are you waiting for?” Bakugo asks impatiently.
You shake your head and touch the door. You both wake up with a gasp, but you're not in your room; instead, you're back on the forest floor where you were just moments ago.
“What the fuck?” you exclaim aloud.
"Did you touch it?" asks Bakugo, looking down at the ground beneath him.
“Of course I did!” you explain. “I don't understand?”
Bakugo quickly stands up and offers a hand out to help you out. You hesitate to take his hand, making him shake his head as if to silently ask, “What's the problem?” You sigh as you accept his help.
Once your up, Bakugo pulls his hand away and asks, “Should we try to go back to your house?”
“Uh, yeah, sure, that's a good idea.”
Bakugo nods back, and you find yourself walking out of the forest, a strange feeling given that you're always walking in, never out; it's eerie in a way. You’ve only been walking for, what you assume, a few minutes when he speaks up.
"Is that actually your house?" he wonders. "Like in the real world, I guess."
You shake your head. “Nah, I just call it that considering how long I've been here, you know? I actually live in an apartment.”
He hums. “Me too.”
"You too?"
“Yes? Why the fuck do you sound so shocked?” he asks with a confused shake of his head.
"I don't know... I guess you seem like the type of person who would say they're too good for an apartment," you explain with a shrug.
“It’s cheaper, and because I have a roommate that makes it even more cheap.”
“Oh!! Let me guess!” you speak up excitedly. “Is it the nerd? Or the shitty hair? Oh or the pink cheeks?”
He finds himself chuckling at your use of his nicknames for them, and the sound goes straight to your stomach. Butterflies immediately begin to grow there. “It's the nerd,” he says once he’s finally composed himself.
You nod with a smile. “My roommate is a cat.”
He hums, and before he can respond, he walks straight into something, just like the last time, except this time it's not the invisible city wall he walked into but the middle of the forest. You immediately find yourself frantically grabbing at the invisible force.
“Are you serious?” you fume. “Now we’re trapped in the fucking forest?”
Bakugo finds himself walking toward the sides, only to find that those are blocked off by nothing as well. “So what? we can’t leave?”
“It doesn’t want us to leave,” you correct him. 
“Who the fuck is it?” Bakugo asked with a confused glare.
“Whatever the fuck is doing this.”
Bakugo sighs out in defeat as he places his hands on his hips, letting his head drop as he just stares at the floor. “Now what?” he mumbles.
You rub your face in frustration. “We go back to the door, I guess.”
He lifts his head and tsks. “Great.”
The walk back into the forest is tense, but since you two had only made it halfway before being stopped, it wasn't that long. Still, the air between you two had become suffocating from your respective frustrations with being trapped here, his more so than yours. Finally, you two arrive at the door, and Bakugo collapses to the ground with a loud groan.
“This sucks,” he seethes.
You shrug as you take a seat in front of him. “It could be worse.”
“What?” he asks harshly. “Please, please, please enlighten me on how this could be any worse.”
You keep your gaze on the ground, nervously pulling out the grass as you speak. “Well, I mean, yeah, of course it sucks! like, really bad! and like, yeah, sure, the universe seems very against me right now, but at least I have you?”
"Huh," he says blankly before remaining silent for a moment, and you grimace; you should not have said that. Why the fuck would you say that? “Yeah.”
Your head shoots up to see him already staring at you softly. “Yeah?” you repeat. 
"Yeah, you're right," he says slowly, almost painfully so.
You can't help but break out into a wide grin. “Bakugo? Are you actually starting to care about me?”
He bites back a smile as he rolls his eyes. “Oh fuck off.”
You laugh and lay yourself on the grass. “Lay with me.”
He hums curiously at you yet listens, laying himself right next to you, leaving only a small space between you two. You ignore the strange urge to take his hand in yours.
“Do you think we would’ve been friends in, like, real life, I guess?”
“I never agreed to being your friend,” he points out flatly, ignoring your question. 
“Shut up, Bakugo.”
He snickers. “Probably not though.”
You feign offense, or you feign feigning offense, because that does actually hurt your feelings slightly. “Rude…”
“Shut up. I don't mean it like that,” he reassures. “I mean, you even said it yourself—you don't like people, and I only consider like three people my friends.”
You frown. “I guess you’re right.”
"It's futile to think about that shit now; I doubt we'll ever go back," he mumbles, disappointed.
You ignore how much you’re not disappointed that you might not ever go back anytime soon. “Round five?”
Bakugo nods as he stands up. “Yeah.”
You try to get up, but he stops you. You stare at him curiously.
“If we’re just going to end up lying back down when it restarts, maybe if you’re already lying down, your head won't hurt as much?” he questions thoughtfully. 
You ignore how warm your cheeks feel at his concern and lay back down. “Yeah, maybe.”
Bakugo nods at you before touching the door, and still, both of you end up waking up with a gasp in your positions from a moment ago, but your head doesn't hurt this time.
Bakugo ignores the disappointment swimming in his stomach and turns his gaze to you, who appears shocked. “Did it work?”
You nod slowly before looking at him with a smile. “Yeah, it did! Thanks Bakugo..”
He presses his lips into a tight line as if to stop a smile or ignore how hot his face feels. “Yeah, whatever. Uh, should we go see how far we can make it out?”
You stand up and extend your hand to him, and he quickly accepts it. “Yep!”
The two of you don't even make it ten feet away before being blocked by an invisible wall. The two of you stumble back and stare at each other wide-eyed before both of you immediately start walking out toward the sides, only to be stopped again.
"Oh my fucking god, it boxed us in," Bakugo barks. 
You laugh out nervously. “Um, so, like, is it just gonna keep getting smaller?”
Bakugo's head snaps toward you in concern as your voice shakes, and he notices you beginning to tremble.
"N-not that it's a big deal; I'm not claustrophobic or anything, I'm just curious." You panic, your chest heaving up and down.
Bakugo immediately runs up to you (not that he has to run far) and places his hands on your shoulders, roughly gripping them in some poor attempt to ground you, which works slightly because now you're staring at just him, getting lost in his eyes.
“It’s fine, It's gonna be fucking fine,” he says harshly. “I’ll get us out of here, okay?”
You just stare at him, blinking at him blankly.
He shakes you gently. “Y/n?”
you swallow harshly. 
You flinch. “Y-yes?”
"You're going to be fine," he assures, softly smiling at you.
And although you know he can't guarantee that, he can't guarantee that you'll be okay or that he’ll get you guys out of here, you still believe him.
you nod. “Okay. I trust you.”
He nods and returns his hands to his sides before walking back to the door (not that he has to walk far) and sitting down, patting the ground in front of him to invite you to join him. You two sit in comfortable silence, but you can't stand it; you need to talk about something or you'll start spiraling at the thought of the invisible walls closing in on you.
“Do you think we’re supposed to be learning something?” you inquire, pulling your knees into your chest.
He leans back on his palms as he stares at you through furrowed eyebrows. “What?”
“Like a lesson?” you elaborate. "Isn't that why most people get trapped in time loops?"
He gives a half-shrug and thinks for a moment. “I guess? Do you think you’re learning a ‘lesson’?” 
“Maybe?” you say as you place your head on your knees.
Bakugo stares at you, and when you don't say anything, he bobs his head as if to tell you to go on.
“I don't think I like being alone as much as I say I do.”
"Oh?" he says, tilting his head at you with a cocky grin.
You roll your eyes at him through a smile. “Shut up… I'm just saying you’re not so bad; your company is actually enjoyable?”
“Of course it is; It’s me,” he boasts. 
“I regret saying anything.”
“I get it, though.”
“You do?”
He nods. “I mean, I get it through my lesson?”
You bobbed your head at him in the same way he did at you.
"Maybe I don't hate having or making new friends as much as I say I do," he admits quietly.
“Of course you don't; it’s me,” you mock with a shit-eating grin.
He stares at you just smiling fondly, not even a laugh, or a fuck off. No, he's just staring at you as if you're the best thing that's ever happened to him, as if you created the universe—no, scratch that, as if you are the universe. But before you or he can say anything, you hear something rattling, specifically the door handle rattling.
Both of your heads turn toward the door, watching it rattle before looking back at each other and slowly rising in unison.
“Get behind me,” he whispers harshly. 
“I can take care of—“
“Y/n,” he snaps through clenched teeth in an attempt to hush his voice.
You sigh and begrudgingly agree, placing yourself behind him as you two walk toward the door.
He takes a deep breath before whispering, "Round six?"
You nod slowly. “Round six.”
You gasp and sit up quickly, instinctively looking to your side for Bakugo, but you're met by your cat.
He paws at you, and you just stare blankly at him, your chest heaving up and down rapidly. Your cat climbs onto your lap, and you begin to pet him as tears sting your eyes and you take in your surroundings. Though your moment of realizing you're back home is ruined by a phone call. You immediately pick up.
“Bakugo?” you say breathlessly. 
Your coworker clears her throat awkwardly. “uh what? It’s mina, y/n. Where are you? I mean, I know you don't like me, but at least come to work!"
You exhale heavily and rub the tears from your eyes harshly. "I'm so sorry, Mina- I'll be there as soon as I can."
“Oh, uh, it’s fine. Take your time. See you soon!” She says it softly, obviously taken off guard by your apology and lack of hostility.
You hang up quickly and sniffle. “Shit,” you mutter under your breath. How long has it even been? Has any time even passed here? When you look at the date, it is the same as it was before you were thrown into the time loop. It could have been months there, but here? It had been merely seconds, if that. You feel your heart break at the lack of Bakugo here; you had been stuck with him for probably weeks, and now you’re... not. And you’re supposed to just go back to being a productive member of society like nothing happened? Like he didn't just single-handedly change your view on being alone? You sigh and shake your head as you pick your cat off of you, now is not the time to have an existential crisis, you have a job to get to. You set your cat down and practically dash to get dressed, not caring enough about even looking presentable as you grab your things and run out the door, getting to your job in record time.
Mina is surprised to see you almost break through the door. “I told you to take your time,” she says with a frown.
You shake your head and bend over as you catch your breath. “No, it's okay,” you say through ragged breaths.
She just stares at you silently until you calm down and approach her behind the counter. “I'm sorry,” you say once you've reached her.
She laughs. "It's fine; being late isn't such a big deal."
You frown; god, she's really gonna make you say it, isn’t she? “No, I mean, I'm sorry about, uh, always being an asshole towards you and stuff,” you start mumbling toward the end, of course you mean it but you still find it quite embarrasing. 
“Oh! Thank you? Um… Did something happen?”
You let out a breathy laugh that almost sounds sad, if that's even possible, and if it isn't, you're making it so. “Uh, yeah, you could say that.”
Mina notices how your demeanor has wilted and places a comforting hand on your shoulder while giving you a small smile.
You return her smile before sighing. "I'm gonna go put my things in the back."
While in the back, you hear the shop bell ring, indicating that a customer is approaching, so you hurry and put your belongings away to assist Mina. Once you're back out there, you don't notice how the customer is waiting by the counter, where you would hand them their coffee. Your main focus is just on making the drink as Mina hands you the cup with what they want written on it. You make quick work of it as Mina starts taking other orders from people beginning to walk in, and in record time you finish the drink, walking to the side of the counter where people pick up coffees. You turn the cup around to look for a name and feel your heart drop when you see it.
Your brow furrows as you mumble, "Bakugo?"
When he hears your voice, Bakugo's head snaps up from his phone, and he doesn't even try to hide the smile that has now appeared on his face. “Y/n?”
"Holy shit!" you exclaim excitedly as you lose your grip on his drink and it splatters everywhere, Bakugo laughing at how half of it is now on your clothes and you can't help but laugh along with him.
“You plan on remaking my drink?”
You nod quickly and hurriedly speak, “Yes! but, um, can you stay after?”
He smirks. “What, was our time together not enough for you?”
You roll your eyes playfully at him. “If I agree, will you stay?”
You sigh. "Yes Bakugo, our time together wasn't enough for me."
Bakugo chuckles softly. 
“Yeah Y/n, I’ll stay.”
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ham-st4r · 2 days
honestly, don't you get tired of writing about the same old stuff?? Fwb to lovers? like can you be creative for once, you're so talented but it's such a waste seriously. Your last story was really nice with a unique plot and everything but now -
The contradiction in less than 10 words is crazy
First of all if you message me come with respect as I do with all of you
I never once stated that the ending would be them being lovers but ok
Thank you for the backhanded compliment I guess
Most of my plots are unique and you can’t even sit up here and tell me otherwise
To name a few
Nobody gets me I’ve never seen anyone write something like that before
Unholy ties again never seen someone write about that before
Wrong doings never seen that before
Cyber sex never seen that before
Angels like you never seen that before
Not saying it hasn’t been done before but if it was such the “same old stuff” seems like I would have at least seen it
To say be creative for once is a huge insult to everything I’ve written up till this point
Before I made a post asking for plots that people wanted and it would have been nice if you were there to give me some suggestions as well
My work isn’t a waste just cause it has a cliche plot
And to say “but now” like I didn’t just release coffee and cream is baffling to me
I can’t please everybody and that’s fine but next time if you message me again be more thoughtful of your choice of words
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moonydustx · 15 hours
time to shake off the dust and remove the rust, or more simply, get back to writing. A little fluff (and of course, a hint of angst) with Law.
warnings: a frustrated date, Law is anxious, F!Reader has some insecurities (not detailed). Fluff and happy ending.
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Law could feel the anxiety course through his body from the moment he opened his eyes that morning. He had finally found the courage to carry out the task that seemed so difficult: asking you out on a date.
When the words "Yes, sure. When?" came excitedly from your lips, he swore he could melt there, under your curious eyes looking at him or your shy smile. Why had it taken him so long if in the end it would be so simple.
Well, if he looked at how long it took you to interact with others or to not get exactly tense when he passed by you, or how long it took for him to convince you that you didn't need to call him captain every time and that he could being good company for dinners, drinks or a simple afternoon studying, maybe it wasn't that simple. All of this had been a lot of work for Law, so he allowed himself to calm down and say that it wasn't that simple - just as a way for him not to blame himself for not having done it sooner - but that it was worth the effort. Something told him you were worth it.
He had chosen a special place on the island where you were docked, he decided to take you there on the last day before leaving, so you wouldn't have so many tasks to worry about. He had thought of everything and the problem was this: he was thinking too much.
Thinking about what to say, what to wear, what you might like or not. Caught up in so many thoughts - and so many tasks he was trying to distract his mind - that at one point, such a tactic worked, except that Law had perhaps become too distracted.
When he noticed, night had already fallen outside Polar Tang, the clock showed that the meeting he had arranged was almost two hours late.
"Shit!" He threw the papers aside, heading almost blindly towards your room.
He still needed to get ready, but he needed you to know that he hadn't forgotten, that it was important to him too. After a few knocks on the door, he realized that not only were you not responding, but the door was open. At first he hoped not to find a version of you furious with him, as soon as he reached you, he wished to see you furious. It would be much better than seeing you there, dressed in a beautiful dress, even with the heels that you should have chosen especially for the date, the makeup that was almost imperceptible became noticeable in his eyes due to the smudges caused by what he I was sure they were tears.
Shrouded in his own guilt and shame, he chose to return to his own room, mulling over the fact that he had probably blown every chance he hadn't been able to stop thinking about.
The night passed in a blur for Law, thinking of all the ways he could apologize to you, how angry you could be. As soon as the morning began, he looked for you at Polar Tang, finding you sitting, turning your breakfast from one side to the other on your plate.
"Good morning." he murmured, sitting down across from you.
"Good morning Captain." Damn, he was back to square one. Furthermore, your low and hoarse voice indicated and weighed much more heavily on the guilt he carried.
"I needed to talk to you." he tried and saw you stand.
"Sorry, Captain. I have some unfinished business to take care of." Leaving him behind, you left.
You weren't furious or angry.
You were hurt, a pain you knew well and hoped that Law would never be responsible for it. Looking at him reminded you that maybe you weren't good enough and that hurt more than you were able to hide.
You barely reached the control room door before you felt a hand grab yours and the outline around you turned blue - and then turned into a room you weren't all that familiar with.
"I know I'm being selfish doing this." Law began, seeing you turn to him in confusion. "I owe you at the very least an explanation or an apology."
"I didn't expect you to do that, Captain." the words came out of you spit and full of hurt. "I know the boys probably told you about me liking you and I know there must be a thousand girls, but making me go alone…"
"Wait, wait, wait." Law's hands held your face, pulling you back to that moment. "No one told me anything."
"But, I thought you didn't go to the restaurant because…" you tried to find words, but his proximity didn't help. "Because it would be like a joke, like something."
"No!" With knitted eyebrows and a disconsolate expression, he began to vehemently deny it. "It wasn't that, it wasn't like that at all. Nobody ever told me anything."
"Sorry, Captain."
"Please don't call me that, not when we're talking about ourselves." us, as something that already existed and made sense in his head.
Law let go of your face only to take a few steps back. His hands lifting his hat and adjusting his black hair, itching and letting anxiety run through his body.
"I couldn't stop thinking about our date, about what might happen and whether you would like the place, whether you would like me the way I like you." the words fell like a waterfall from his mouth, unstoppable. "I fucked up, okay? I tried to find other things to do, so I wouldn't just think about it and I got distracted, I ended up wasting time." your light laugh took him out of the little spiral that Law was entering, attentive eyes focused on you. "What happened?"
"I'd be lying if I didn't say I was the same way, I had to ask Bepo to cover my chores." you confessed and saw him become less tense for a moment. "And well, I think I already said what I shouldn't have said before, but, I like you Law."
"Can you forgive me for yesterday?" he approached again, controlling his hands not to touch you, not wanting to appear as nervous as he was. "You looked so beautiful." the sentence came out as a whisper, not going unnoticed by you.
"Me? beautiful?"
"I went after you and saw when you were already in your room." he gave up and you could see his face blush. "You looked beautiful, you're so beautiful, sorry again for not coming."
"It's okay, let's leave this in the past."
Gathering the shreds of courage that still existed in you, you hugged Law innocently and it took a few seconds for him to return the gesture, hugging you with twice the strength you were capable of. When you walked away, you realized that Law didn't let go of you at any point, just as you didn't insist on letting go of him.
"I want to do this the right way, so…" he began, speaking quietly and trying hard not to skip steps there, with you so close to him. "Will you go on a date with me?"
"Yes, sure. When?"
"Tonight, wherever you want." feeling lighter, he again allowed himself to hold your face in his hands.
"Could it be the same restaurant? The menu looked delicious." he just nodded and pulled you to emerge further into his embrace.
"It's agreed then, I promise not to ruin everything this time." he murmured and let his lips wander into a light kiss on the top of your head.
As soon as you left, Law had to take a few deep breaths.
He had one more chance, one more date. And this time, it would work
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Baby, You're Like Lightning In A Bottle
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requested?: no pairing(s): Jake Sim x afab!reader genre: Fluff and a smidge of angst, smut, college au, non-idol au warning(s): mentions of an age gap (not hugely mentioned, jake is older than reader), angry love confession in the rain (i think that should be a warning for all those romance book readers out there), smut, praise kink, two damn idiots in love, reader thinks jake is in love with someone else, jake nd reader get into a fight, pussy drunk jake(ish), oral (f&m recieveing), acarophilia, size kink, breast play, facefucking(?), squirting, hair pulling (ish), jake holds readers hand through her first time (yes, this is a warning, shush), body worship(ish) summary: 𝘫𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴, 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 word count: 3.6k (HOLY SHIT) a/n: so sorry the fic was not out for a while guys! i got caught up in bridgerton and completely forgot to start writing lmao. (plus i just suck at love confessions) hope you all enjoy, remember to eat and drink something, love yas, mwah! (p.s WTF THIS IS PROBABLY THE BEST IVE EVER WRITTEN)
you and jake had always been best friends for a while, since you were born. he was a few years older than you, so he had always taken responsibility over you. Every heartbreak you went through, he was there, every date who stood you up, he was there. every fight you had with your parents, he was there. every single event that happened in your life, he was there.
even when you didn’t want him to be, even when you were angry at a stupid little boy for breaking your heart, he was there and you could not deny that you felt something towards the boy.
little did you know, jake reciprocated those feelings, because, everything he was there for, you were there for more. through everything. when his first girlfriend cheated on him, when he got stood up from dates. you were there through every heartbreak, every fight. you two were always there for eachother.
recently, you hadn’t been paying that much attention to your own love life and needs, mostly getting other people together and giving relationship advice even though the only ones you had ever been in were toxic. you were really good at paying attention to other people and how their body language changed around the people they liked, whether it be romantically or platonically. You were also really good at noticing how fast jake had fallen in love with a specific girl, lily.
you were heartbroken, naturally, but you did what had to be done. you had tried to set the two of them up over and over. lily had never shut up about how much he liked jake, no matter how many times you ignored her and made it obvious you could not give a single fuck about how much she loved jake.
you didn’t care because you loved jake. nobody knew him as well as you did. but, lily was your friend and so was jake, so you set them up. or at least tried to.
jake had just gotten back from a date with lily, and by the looks of things, it wasn’t a good one. the thing was, you hadn’t told jake a very crucial piece of information. you had gotten accepted into a university that would help you take on your dream job, but it was in london, and since you were both in college in new york, it would mean having to move ages away. jake was pissed when he came back, claiming the whole date was just shit because lily had only talked about herself the whole time and knew absolutely nothing about jake.
you had tried to calm him down and convince him to go on another date, but he just ended up blowing up on you. so you shut up, taking your coat and leaving your and his dorm. it was storming outside, and you needed to blow off steam, and try to calm yourself down before you did anything drastic which you would definitely regret later.
“where are you going?” jake said, following you outside. everything had built up recently and it just now had hit you how much you had been neglecting your own feelings compared to everyone else’s, so you ignored his protests and began to walk to your favourite café. “c’mon, sunshine, you can’t run away forever”
“i got into a university in london” you blurt out. jake looked at you as if you were joking, it was obvious you weren’t, you sighed deeply and turned away from him. “i didn’t tell you because i wanted you to be happy with lily for a while before i left”
“so you were just gonna leave without saying anything?” he says. you couldn’t tell if it were tears or the rain, but something was beginning to fall down your cheeks. “answer me!” he close to yells.
“yes! yes, okay, i was going to leave without saying anything. i didn’t want to make you sad when you had lily” you almost yell back.
there was a pause between the two of you. you could see the gears turning inside jake’s head. it took him a while before he decided to speak again.
“what about me and lily?” he says, taking a step closer to you. you were both at a safe distance from eachother, but another three large strides could change that. you, however, stayed rooted to the spot.
you furrowed your brows in confusion, stammering out a response.
“i… i thought you liked lily? she likes you, so i set you two up” you say. yup, it was definitely tears.
“no? i don’t like lily, well, not like that at least” he pauses “you’re too caught up in matching other people you forgot about yourself. your own needs. you need to find love too, sunshine” he takes a step closer to you, this time you react, taking a step back to distance yourself.
“lily loves you” you whisper “i can’t do that to her” you take another step back.
“for fucks sakes, when will you put other people aside and do something for yourself?” jake says frustratedly.
there was a beat of silence, then two, then three. none of you spoke. you felt like you couldn’t breathe, even though there was so much air. you turned away, running a hand down your face.
“its you. its always been you” jake speaks, you turn around.
“what?” you ask in a tired tone.
“i am in love with you” he takes a step towards you “ever since we were friends as kids. ever since we met eachother, i have been madly in love with you, sunshine. i have never been able to get you out of my goddamn head, and it kills me. it kills me to know you tried to match me up with someone just because you refuse to believe that it is you who somebody is in love with, its you that i am in love with. you have never left my head, your face, your body, your voice. you are the kindest, selfless person i have ever met. you put yourself before anybody else because you don’t like the thought of people getting left out. you always make everyone feel included even if it means you miss out, because you don’t want someone else to be the outcast. your eyes glint when you laugh, you scrunch your nose when you taste something you don’t like, you furrow your brows and bite your lip when you’re concentrated on something” you didn’t notice until now how close he had gotten.
you gasped softly as his fingers met your chin, his thumb ad index finger lifting your face up so you were looking at him.
“i love you sunshine, and nothing will ever change that” he whispers before closing the gap between your faces. both of his hands were firmly placed on your cheeks, keeping you in place where you were.
it took you a few seconds to register what was going on, your stomach erupted in butterflies, your body went tingly and your knees almost gave out, but you steadied yourself by wrapping your arms around jake’s neck. it was almost subconscious the way your lips moved against his, the kiss was soft and languid, nothing like you had ever felt before. the kiss was loving, sweet, something that your past relationships never had.
by the time you both pulled away, you were panting a little while gazing into eachother’s sparkling eyes.
“i know everything about you, and you know everything about me” he whispers, “i know what you want the most”
“and what’s that?” you questioned, whispering with him.
“you want love. you want a man to scoop you off of your feet and bow down to you. submit to you” he whispers, his face slowly getting closer and closer to yours, the smirk was evident on his face “but right now? right now your eyes are telling me you want me to take you right back to our dorm and fuck you the way your tight little pussy deserves” then it hit you.
you were eighteen, he was twenty-two, and you were a fucking virgin. by the look on your face, jake’s smirk widened. of course he knew you were a virgin, the both of you told eachother everything, like, everything. he told you the first time he had sex, hell, he even told you what he was into during sex. when he had asked you, you tried to steer off topic, but that’s when he asked if you were a virgin and you said yes, very bashfully. but jake left it, you hadn’t revisited the topic, well, not until now.
“jake i’m-“ he cuts you off.
“a virgin? i know, sunshine. you don’t need to worry, i’ll take care of you” he smiled before lifting you up by the backs of your thighs and wraps them around his waist, supporting your full weight with his large hands on your ass.
it didn’t take long for jake to be kicking the door open to your dorm, kicking it shut behind him and wasting no time to lay you down on the bed. he leaned down to kiss you again, groaning against your lips when your hips involuntarily rolled up into his. you had your fair share of make out sessions, but you didn’t know how to do the full thing.
jake pulled away and looked at you a smirk was still playing on his face. he didn’t waste any time in attacking your neck with kisses, leaving small red bites that would be sure to leave a mark by tomorrow. he kissed down your collarbone, nipping and sucking as he travelled down.
both your clothes had stuck to your body due to the rain, so he had to put a lot of effort in to peel your top off of your body.
“god, you have no idea how long i have been waiting to do this” he whispers against your chest, his hands reaching behind you to unclasp your bra (which he was somehow very skilled in and got it off almost immediately). he attached his lips to one of your tits, sucking and licking the pebbled bud, and massaging the other in his free hand. you let out lewd moans as he did so, and he eventually switched over to the other tit, giving it as much attention as he did the other, before beginning to kiss down your body again.
as he slowly moved down, he whispered soft praises like “so gorgeous” or “so soft and pretty for me, sunshine” before he reached the waistband of your pants. he looked up at you through his lashes before you nodded softly, giving him the answer he needed in order to carry on. again, jake had to peel off your pants, along with your panties. as he got the pants down to your ankles, he sat up on his knees, taking one of your ankles in his hand and taking your shoe off, then moving your pants off fully, before repeating this action on the other. he left small pecks on your shins as he did so.
it didn’t take long before he was settled in-between your legs again, face to face with your glistening cunt.
“god, you’re so wet for me. so pretty sunshine” he muttered, kissing the insides of both of your thighs before moving to your clit, leaving a small peck on it. he smirked as you bucked your hip towards his face and let out a small whimper.
jake decided he had probably teased you enough and grasped at your thighs, pulling you towards him before his mouth attaches to your pussy, licking a thick stripe up before flicking his tongue against your clit. you moan out, your left hand coming down to his hair and tugging gently. with this, jake drifted his hand up to your chest, allowing your right hand to latch onto his finger. you held his index finger in your hand, your full hand wrapping around it.
“so small” he mutters against your cunt, making you squirm in his grasp. jake doesn’t let up, keeping up with sucking and licking at your cunt, your juices dripping down his chin. your moans began to get higher in pitch and a lot more frantic as he made his tongue go faster, fucking it in and out of you, his nose bumping your clit.
you soon felt a tight sensation in your stomach, your pleasure eventually drove you over the edge. and before you knew it, your eyes were rolled back, your head thrown back along with them. your back was arched as liquid left your cunt. jake still didn’t let out, allowing you to ride out your high on his face. soon, parts of your vision began to come back as you came down from your high.
jake was still between your legs, smirking up at you. his chin was slick with your juices, as he got up to eye level with you, he used the back of his hand to wipe off your juices.
“never took you for a squirter, sunshine” jake husks, “i always knew you would taste good, though, but not that good”
you felt so embarrassed. there was no way you just did that. you tried to turn away from him, attempting to roll on your side.
“nuh uh uh” jake tuts, pinning you down underneath him, looking down into your sparking eyes. “i wanna know what else that pretty mouth of yours can do other than whine and moan while i stick my tongue inside your pretty pussy” he smirks.
jake grabbed his shirt and quickly got rid of it, revealing his toned abs and v-line. he then grabbed your hips and flipped you both so you were sat on his lap while he was sat on the edge of the bed. he grabbed your small hands in his and placed them on his belt. you knew what he was asking you to do, so you quickly removed his belt, peeling down his jeans and boxers. your eyes widened as his length, struggling to take in how big he was. how were you ever going to take him in your mouth? never mind your cunt.
“don’t worry, sunshine. i’ll make sure it fits” he smiles softly, stroking your cheek with his thumb. he helped you down onto your knees in front of him, you swallowed thickly, trying to think of any way you weren’t going to gag on his length. “you aren’t gonna gag, gonna teach you a little trick” you nod in response, settling your palms on his thighs. “you’re gonna put your thumb in the palm of your hand, like this” he shows you what to do, and you copy “then the rest of your fingers are gonna go around your thumb” he does the action, and again, you copy.
he let you get yourself ready and comfortable, before he allowed you to open your mouth and take him inside of it. his hand immediately flew to your hair, tugging harshly before gathering all of it into a ponytail and shoving your face down fully, making you take his full length inside of your mouth.
his tip hit the back of your throat, making you gag a little, but not much before you remembered what jake taught you. jake groans deeply when he feels your throat contract around him.
“fuck, you’re a natural, sunshine” jake husks, his hips rutting up to meet your mouth whenever you bob your head on his cock. he filled your mouth perfectly, a mixture of his pre-cum and your saliva dripping down your chin and onto your bedding. soon, you forgot about the trick jake had taught you as your mouth was too full for you to fully comprehend what he was saying.
it only took a few more gags for jake to be coming down your throat, his length so far into your mouth that it was practically forcing you to swallow every drop he gave you. you sat back up on your knees.
“open” jake had a hold of your chin with his thumb and index finger, forcing you to look up at him. but, you do as he says, opening your mouth so he can see you had swallowed every drop. he smiles and allows you to close your mouth, “good girl” he coos.
jake stands you up and flips you both around so your knees fall over the side of the bed and you fall back onto it. jake attaches his lips to yours, pushing your thighs apart with his forearms. he wasted no time in lining his tip up with your entrance before pulling away from the kiss, his face hovering not far from yours.
“this is gonna hurt for a minute” he whispers, you nod, positioning your hands on his back. you didn’t know what you expected when he pushed his meaty cock inside of you, fulling you up entirely. the stretch was painful at first, but you soon adjusted around the fatness of his dick.
you nodded to give him the good to go, and he took that opportunity. jake took his cock out of your tight pussy, until only the tip remained before pushing back into you at a fast but gentle pace. you whimpered at the feeling, the pleasure mixed with the pain. it was all too much, but it felt so good at the same time.
jake’s pace fastened, and you arched your back into jake. your nails dug into the skin of jake’s back, creating little indents and red marks on his back, occasionally drawing blood. you were too blindsided by pleasure to care, you were most likely going to care later though. above you, jake looked too dazed to care too. he was in love with the feeling of your pussy, how it so snuggly accommodates his length, how it clamps around him whenever he hits that gummy spot inside of you.
all the while, his hand had snuck up to where your hand was om his back, bringing it down to your side and allowing you to wrap your fingers around his index finger as you had done before.
jake pulls your left leg up to press against your chest, your right leg moving around his waist to keep him close, giving him a new angle to slam into you and pistol his hips into yours to abuse your g-spot over and over. you mewled whimpered and whined as he did so, your poor cunny dripping with how good he made you feel, it was impossible not to be so wet when you had the hottest man on earth ramming into your hole with so much force you could practically see stars.
your nails dug into his back even harder, your eyes rolling back and back arching even more when he delivered a particularly hard thrust to that gummy spot inside of you. you moaned out loudly as you came, at this point not caring if anyone had heard your late night shenanigans.
you were too fucked out to care, jake whispering small praises, but his pace never faltered, his hips still pistoling into yours at such a force you almost came again. your slick coated jake’s fat meaty cock as he pulled out and came all over your right thigh with a deep groan of your name.
it took you both a few moments to find eachother again before you gazed into eachother’s eyes. your chests were both heaving, trying to catch your breathes in your post-orgasm bliss. it wasn’t long before jake was up and leaving the room to the attached bathroom. he appeared a few moments later and picked you up bridal style, and taking you to the bathroom. there was a prepared warm bath with bubbles, all for you and him.
he softly placed you in the bathtub, before managing to shimmy in behind you, having you sit in between his legs. you layed your head back into his chest, allowing him to massage your scalp.
“you’re so perfect, your body is so soft and perfect sunshine” he murmurs. “did so good f’me, gonna be a little sore tomorrow, but i’ll help you, don’t worry” he pecks the crown of your head.
“did you really mean what you said before?” you whispered after a while, looking up at him with your doe eyes that he loved so very much.
“about how much i love you, or about how much your pussy needs to be fucked?” he smirks, you swat his chest, but not hard enough for it to hurt.
“yes, i meant it sunshine” he says lowly “i do love you, and i always have” he says softly. he smiles down at you and leans down.
jake presses your lips into a kiss, a lot more soft and sensual from your previous activities.
“but i still did mean what i said about your tight little pussy needing to get fucked. i’m glad you let me be your first, sunshine” he smiles, pulling away from the kiss.
“and i’m glad you agreed to be my first” you smile back, leaning up to press your lips into a kiss once again. fuck lily, you would deal with her in the morning.
“and i’m going with you” jake murmured against your lips.
“jake-“ you try to argue, pulling away from his lips, but he cuts you off.
“i don’t wanna hear it. wherever you go, i go, and i’m always gonna be with you, no matter what” he whispers, pulling you into another kiss.
this time you wouldn’t argue, simply because part of you wanted him to go with you, but you were never going to admit it for as long as you lived.
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crazylittlejester · 2 days
Did you know that it’s apparently possible to get sick from eating too many oranges? One of my friends just told me that when she was a kid, her grandma had an orange tree so one day she decided to browse on oranges all afternoon and had like 10 oranges in the course of a few hours. She was up all night throwing up, I think maybe because that much vitamin C in a short period might be bad.
I thought of you the second I heard this story, soooooo do with this information what you will when it comes to Wars 😈
ALSKSK I DID, but only because I’ve done it to myself 😭
Doing this to Wars is something I’ve considered more than once because of the Angst Potential, but also I don’t think I could do that to him. Firstly because it’d be very mean (though that ain’t ever stopped me before LMAO), but also the long term psychological effects. I considered writing a fic where he eats too many oranges, feels sick, and is convinced he’s been poisoned because what else could’ve happened to him, but that would take away oranges as a safe food for him. Even once he stopped feeling sick and was able to think rationally, he is (to me) someone who is so paranoid I think he’d no longer be able to find comfort in oranges after that. and i think it’d take him a while to bounce back and feel safe eating other foods too, at least with how i characterize him
So i gotta rule out a fic in You’re A Part Of Me where he accidentally makes himself sick by eating too many oranges 💔
However an unattached oneshot- A single standalone fic- THAT i might do >:) because at the end of the day i am evil and sick and twisted
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adding it to the wip pile 🫡
(it will take me a while because i have a LOT of projects to do first, and Mandarin Wars Anons fic is my top priority rn)
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middlepartmatt · 2 days
7 Minutes in Heaven — Part 2
"darling, can i be your favorite? i’ll be your girl, let you taste it" — FAVORITE, isabel la rosa
SUMMARY: there’s another party, this time hosted at the triplets house. you’ve shown up just to see matt again, hoping to take it further than the last time you saw each other.
WARNINGS: smut, riding/cowgirl
AUTHOR’S NOTE: i can’t believe how long this has taken me to write LMFAOOO sorry abt that! hope u enjoy part 2 of subby matt 🤭🤭 (pls enjoy bc this genuinely took years off my life) also thank you for all of the support on part 1! <33
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Funnily enough, the next party being hosted by someone in your school turned out to be at none other than the Sturniolo triplets.
The end of the school year is nearing, and the triplets are hosting an end of year bash at theirs while their parents are away for the weekend for their anniversary. You’re particularly looking forward to it for two reasons — 1. the triplets’ house is fucking huge with lots of area to go crazy, and 2. Matt will be there.
Or at least you hope so. You’re not sure why he wouldn’t be, since it is his house after all, but he usually avoids these types of things. The last party was a one time thing for him, but you’re hoping to make it a second.
Despite yourself, you haven’t been able to stop thinking about him. Something about the fact that you’re the only girl he’s ever been with makes him special to you. You recall the way he was all flustered and whimpering beneath you, and it makes you so desperately want to be the one to teach him more, to teach him everything.
Not that you’ll get the chance to do that, because Matt is nowhere to be found. You asked Nick a while ago where he was, but Matt’s brother merely shrugged before walking off.
Bored and only slightly annoyed, you decide to get a drink and sit down somewhere. There’s no use in standing around like a loser waiting for him. If he wants something, he can come find you himself, but both your thoughts and the vodka RedBull you just poured are leaving a burning sensation in your heart and a bad taste in your mouth.
The thought of leaving without even seeing him makes you feel a little sick, and it bothers you. You’re not sure why you care. So, to take your mind off of the thought of Matt and his infuriating glasses you can’t help but love, you head to the living room where everyone is either dancing or standing on the sidelines talking to one another.
A voice interrupts your pursuit for the dance floor, and you turn around to find Matt standing in front of you. As usual, he’s wearing his glasses, paired with a blue button up shirt and black jeans. He looks good, really good, and your breath hitches a little.
“Mind if I join you?” he asks, and you glance to the empty space next to your before silently nodding. Matt moves to stand closer to you, his eyes nervously darting around the room. It’s like he’s doing everything not to hold eye contact with you, his nerves taking over.
After a few moments of silence, Matt sighs and lets his hands fall to his sides. “I- I’ve never really done this before,” he says quietly.
“What?” you question, not sure what he’s talking about.
“Partied,” he clarifies. You cock your head to the side and grin at him.
“Really? I would’ve never guessed,” you tease, and Matt gives you an embarrassed shrug as well as a small, awkward smile. He’s so cute, and you can’t explain why.
“Yeah, never partied. I think my brothers have done enough for me though,” he jokes, and you roll your eyes.
“Come on,” you press, taking a step closer to him and giving Matt a knowing look. “You’ve never been tempted to bust your ass to SexyBack?”
“Um, no?” he says, giving you an apologetic smile. You sigh, but continue smiling nonetheless.
As if on cue, the aforementioned song suddenly begins blasting from the speakers, and your eyes widen in pleasant surprise as you stare at Matt. You reach forward to take his hand, which catches him slightly off guard, but you’re talking again before he can register your touch.
“Okay, now you have to dance,” you say. Matt shakes his head, though his hand stays firmly in yours.
“I don’t dance,” he replies. You shake your head in dismay. “I’m not asking you to waltz, Matt,” you laugh, pulling him further into the crowd of people dancing.
Nick spots the two of you and giggles at Matt’s awkward moves, him barely moving in tune with the music. You shift your eyes back over to him and find yourself chuckling too. He’s awfully adorable, and you love it. Somehow, without realizing, the two of you have gotten closer and closer while dancing, your back now flushed against his chest.
Matt inhales sharply, and you grin to yourself. Finally, you think, your smile growing as Matt leans slightly forward and you feel his breath against your ear and neck.
“W-what am I doing here?” he whispers, and you shrug in response.
“You were secretly desperate to dance to SexyBack?” you answer, voice laced with sarcasm.
“Y-yeah, sure,” he laughs awkwardly. You roll your eyes and turn around to look at him, your faces only inches apart. You lean closer, pressing a kiss to his neck just below his ear. Matt’s eyes flutter shut and he tilts his head back, clearly wanting more. “Come with me,” you whisper, tugging slightly on his hand to lead him away from everyone.
Once you’re in the mostly empty hallway, you stop walking and look at Matt, whose eyes seem a little glazed over. It’s like he’s entranced by your presence, your touch. Again, you lean close to him, softly mumbling “Where’s your room?” as you press another couple of kisses to his neck. “Upstairs,” is Matt’s breathy response, and you grin before making your way up the stairs, following his lead as you turn into one of the rooms.
You don’t bother checking out how he’s decorated his room or whatever the fuck, your focus instead on closing the door behind you. Once you’ve done so, you pull Matt to you and push him against the door, so that his back is pressed against the wooden surface.
Dropping his hand, you kiss him and he instantly reciprocates. You suppress a moan at just how good he tastes and instead fumble around with the zipper of his jeans. Matt flinches, placing a hand on top of yours.
“What, uh- what are you doing?” he asks. You grin wickedly, though Matt’s expression seems hesitant, almost concerned. You’re about to pull down his jeans when he stops you. His Adam’s apple bobs up and down as you shift your gaze up to meet his, eyebrows knitted in confusion. You’re suddenly embarrassed, and unsure of how you’ve gotten it all wrong.
Matt notices you falter, awkwardly clearing his throat and comfortingly squeezing your hand. “I- um, I’m sorry,” he stammers. “It’s not that I don’t what to do this but… I feel bad.”
“Feel bad?” you repeat, a little stunned. “About what?”
“I just…” Matt begins, before falling silent. “Isn’t it your turn?”
Your eyes widen in surprise, before your lips curve upwards into a sly smile. “You remember?”
“‘Course,” he says as his confidence clearly grows by the way he smiles at you. As you begin to pull off your skirt, your gaze falls down to his boxers. They’re straining, tented against his erection, and just the sight of it makes your heart race. You kiss him then, practically melting into how he kisses you back — half nervous and half excited.
You break the kiss, your body instantly craving his touch again as you take his hand and lead him over to the bed. You sit down on the edge, looking up at him and fluttering your eyelashes. Matt stands there looking down at you, and you struggle to concentrate with his hard-on practically at level with your gaze. He swallows nervously, glasses beginning to slide down his nose just a tad.
“Do you want to fuck me, Matt?” you ask, which catches him completely by surprise. His eyes widen and his mouth falls slightly agape, before he clamps it back shut and clears his throat.
“Uh… y-yes,” he mumbles. “Right here, right now?”
“Yeah, if you’re down,” you shrug nonchalantly.
“I- I am,” he replies, eyes darting around the room. “I want to… Do it, I mean.”
“Do what?” you ask, tilting your head to the side teasingly. When he stays silent, you run your fingers lightly down his jaw, feeling the remnants of stubble there. “Say it, Matt.”
“I want to fuck you,” he says. You grin. “Don’t be nervous. I’ll lead,” you tell him. This assertion of dominance over him has Matt practically squirming, and using one finger you beckon him onto the bed. He crawls over you as you grab hold of the collar of his shirt and pull him to you. Your lips reconnect, tongues gliding over one another as the kiss immediately becomes messy and needy.
You pull off Matt’s shirt and he does the same, only slightly hesitating as his long fingers lightly brush the lace of your bra. His veins are prominent, and your gaze follows them all of the way up his arm. You’ve shuffled up his bed, so now Matt’s back is pressed up against the headboard, similar to the last time you two found yourselves in this kind of situation.
He can’t get enough of you, short whimpers escaping his lips with every kiss you press to his mouth, his jaw, his neck. You shift as you bite softly onto his neck, straddling him. Matt’s back arches as your weight presses onto his erection, yet another moan leaving his throat.
“Feels so good,” he mumbles breathlessly. You smile against his skin, continuing to kiss his neck, hands moving down to finally feel the waistband of his boxers. You pull them down, finally allowing his cock to spring free. It’s already leaking with precum, so you reach forward and wrap your fingers around his shaft. You run the pad of your thumb over his tip, reveling in the groan it draws from his lips.
You pull away from his neck to look Matt in the eyes as you begin pumping him up and down rhythmically. “Fuck,” he breathes, eyes still locked with yours.
“Are you ready, baby?” you ask, and Matt nods quickly in response. Usually you’d ask him to tell you explicitly, but you can tell he’s already close so you spare him the effort.
You push up with your knees and lower yourself down onto him. Matt lets out a low groan and even you can’t keep your composure, moaning loudly as he stretches you out completely.
“Holy shit,” Matt whimpers. “Y-you feel so good,” he adds as you begin riding him, starting off slow as you move up and down on his cock. You just grin and lean forward to kiss him, making his breath hitch as he becomes more needy and begins to thrust up into you.
“Faster,” you whisper, your voice shaky because of how good this feels. Matt nods hesitantly, yet he doesn’t need to be told twice as he quickens his rhythm and thrusts up into you harder.
You feel his dick twitch inside of you just as heat pools in the bottom of your stomach. Grabbing onto his shoulders, you kiss his one last time, grabbing his bottom lip between your teeth. You push yourself further down onto his length using his shoulders as support, and Matt throws his head back once again, hitting the headboard with a thump.
“I’m gonna-“ Matt doesn’t have the chance to finish his sentence as he thrusts up into you one last time, causing you to let out a cry as you come. You fall forward, pressing your head against his chest as you continue to ride out your orgasm, yours and Matt’s heavy breathing the only sound to be heard. His touch is comforting as he holds you close, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
Once you’ve recovered from your high, you take a deep breath and look up, giving Matt a warm smile. You push up off of him and flop down next to him on the bed, hyper aware of how his eyes are on you.
You turn to look at him and find him breathless, his hair a mess and his expression fucked out and almost giddy. The smile on your face is uncontrollable now, and Matt returns the expression before running his tongue along his bottom lip.
“Well, uh, that wasn’t how I expected to spend my night,” he chuckles awkwardly. You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Really?” you question. “Why else would I be here?”
Matt’s surprised by this, and he furrows his brows in confusion. “Uhh.. to party?” You shake your head in disbelief.
“I wanted to see you, dummy,” you tell him honestly. You don’t fail to notice the blush that creeps onto Matt’s already-flushed cheeks.
“Yeah?” he asks.
“Yeah,” you repeat with a confirming nod of your head. “After being stuck in a closet with you and then getting to taste your pretty dick, it turns out I like you.”
AUTHOR’S NOTE PT. 2: need me a sub matt so badly!!!! also thank u for 600 followers i am so gratefullll :’)
TAGS: @mattgirl4life-blog @hypnotizedsturn @l3sbiancvnt @mrsmattyb sorry if i missed anyone !
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crescencestudio · 2 days
๋࣭⭑ Devlog #42 | 6.25.24 ๋࣭⭑
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tis the season of Kayn
Hope you're all doing well and keeping cool <3 I know for me it's started getting to.... the Hot Season. To celebrate the start of Hot Girl Summer (and the beta route going live), I of course had to draw the hottest girl, Kayn.
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we must stay cool brothers
Now that we've paid respect to The Hot Girl, let's get into the devlog!
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Writing has been fun this month. A lot of it has been dedicated to Etza edits and writing Kuna'a's route. We're getting to about the halfway mark with Etza edits, so we are definitely chugging along!
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Sneaky peeky of a recent edit
For Kuna'a's route, I said I wanted to have his first draft complete or almost complete by the next devlog, and I'm VERY PLEASED AND PROUD to say their first draft is In Fact almost complete! This is, of course, the very, very first draft so I'll be going back in to flesh some scenes out here and there and rizz him up even more. But I'm happy with the fact that at least the very base draft is done ^^
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This month, I did quite a bit of drawing actually! I finished rendering two of Kayn's CGs, meaning 8 out of their total 9 CGs are finished YYYEEEAAAHHHH!!!!!
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it feels so good to see the ending cg titles ouuggHHHH
Because Fenir's beta will be going out soon, I wanted to make some headway on his CGs. This month, I ended up finishing 3 of his CGs and sketching two. I'd really like to get 5-6 of his CGs finished so that it's a similar amount to Kayn's beta, so here's to praying!
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baby girl
I also finished Senja's (they/he) sprite and base expressions. His outfit was designed by very talented bestie @saffein-e so please thank them for doing god's work o7
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Finally, this past month we worked mostly on Kayn's beta route and getting Fenir's beta route ready for Patreon access!
If you'd like to try out Kayn's beta, you can get access to it if you subscribe to my Patreon (tier Hydra). Beta access to Kayn's route will close as soon as Fenir's beta goes up which will be early July, so if you want to experience Kayn's beta, definitely make sure you subscribe before it ends!
Player feedback for Kayn's route so far has been really positive, which has been a relief, especially since Kayn's route is the first one I wrote so is arguably the roughest (I have a big soft spot for it and like it, but I'm obviously Biased). So I hope you're all looking forward to it!! <4
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beta feedback: so real
I also have started the voice acting sessions for the characters, which is EXTREMELY EXCITING!! That's the last asset I need basically, so the fact we have finally entered a stage where we can start recording is crazy. Our current session is for Kayn's route, but in the coming months we'll be moving to the next routes similar to how beta-testing is going :')
Aside from Kayn's route, I've also been working on coding Fenir's beta route. Rereading his script and he's... a cutie, I'll admit. So I hope the Fenir fans are excited for his route to enter the beta phase!
Last thing, but I also ran a poll on Alaris's release, basically asking whether you all would prefer a full or segmented release. The results were basically 50/50 LMFAO and that's the vibe I've been getting in general. So while I don't want to solidify anything yet, just let it be known that Alaris may end up having a segmented release, where the first four Central routes are released first, and the Fae routes a bit later. I'll see how I start feeling as the year goes on and where Alaris stands, but thank you all for the support and understanding for the poll <3
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I was pretty busy this month, so I didn't have too much time to do market research :cries:
I did see the new Haikyuu movie..................... And I am the biggest Haikyuu fan. Quite literally if you want to know everything about who I am as a person and creator, watch Haikyuu and you will understand who I am to my deepest depths.
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obviously I had to draw baby
But aside from that, I want to give one last shoutout to our Hot Girl Summer cross-promo! If there are any games you haven't tried out in this little set, I highly recommend giving at least 1 or 2 of them a peek! All of the games are so charming and have some similarity to Alaris, whether it's a personality mechanic, hot Fae, or a fantasy/ adventure story :')
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Links to each game can be found on the Alaris Game page under the magic and mystery otome section!
I'm pretty happy with the progress we made this month. While there's still a lot to do, it's satisfying to see Alaris come more and more to life with each month. See you all next month with hopefully more exciting progress!
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diazheartsbuckley · 8 hours
🚨🚨 🎓 🎓
Hiya Purple 💕
Here is 🚨
🎓 (High school sweethearts AU)
Accidentally switched this around, it’s supposed to be 🏫 (which can be found here)
Buck wanted to nothing more than to pull Eddie into his embrace, hold him close and never let him go again. 15 years of loving someone from a distance was more than enough. But when Shannon introduced herself to him, he smiled kindly at her, a smile that never quite reached his eyes and he felt his heart being ripped open and torn into a million new pieces.
And as soon as Shannon had introduced herself, Buck felt so goddamn out of place and even downright stupid for believing that he and Eddie could ever have a shot at love again. It didn’t help that she was dominating the conversation for a few minutes until she slipped away again, leaving Buck and Eddie alone again, standing a mere two feet apart but still it felt like they were a world away from each other.
“She seems nice” Buck said as he glanced in Shannon’s direction, watching her tug a dark brown curl behind her ear as she spoke to someone that Buck recognized from his and Eddie’s history class.
Eddie rubbed his neck, shifting his weight as he stood in front of Buck and he exhaled deeply. “She is, she’s a good person, she’s a good mom” Eddie explained like it was the most logical thing in the world to him.
“Right” Buck had to fight every fiber of his being to not roll his eyes to the back of his head. Not because he didn’t believe that Shannon wasn’t a good person or a good mom. But because he hated seeing Eddie with a woman. Because he hated seeing Eddie with someone else period. “Well, this has been fun. I need a drink” Buck added, without letting Eddie get a word in as he walked past him, letting their shoulders brush together and suddenly he was 17 years old again, fighting to keep his hands off of Eddie in public, fighting every urge to not cup his stupidly perfect face and kiss him silly in front of everyone.
He pushed those thoughts away as he made his way to the bar and he leaned over the counter slightly, trying to get the bartenders attention, thinking that he was alone. Or at least out of sight from Eddie. He couldn’t do this. Not sober at least.
“You kept it” Eddie’s voice came from behind him and it took him a moment to realize what he meant. In his weak attempt to get the bartenders attention, his necklace had slipped out from his shirt, revealing the black ring that he normally kept hidden. The ring that Eddie had given him on his 18th birthday all while making a promise that one day he’d replace it an engagement ring. Well, that didn’t happen.
Without answering, Buck tugged his necklace away again, hiding it away from the world just like he’d done with his and Eddie’s relationship for years before they finally broke up when they went off to college.
“Evan” Eddie said in a tone that sounded all too familiar. It’s the same that he had used when he wanted Buck to express what was on his mind.
“You don’t-…you don’t get to call me that anymore” Buck turned to face Eddie, staring into those perfect brown eyes, all while trying to not lose his composure as he took in the beauty of the man in front of him. He had missed so much of Eddie’s life. Eddie had aged so amazingly and Buck hated that all he could see when he looked at Eddie, was all the promises that he was never able to keep.
“Look, I’m sorry-…”
“You’re about 15 years too late with that one, Eddie. And I-I-I” Buck stammered, taking a shaky breath. “I still wear this because unlike you, I keep my promises. But I’m glad you’re happy, I am” The words tasted like poison on his lips and he hated it. “Please just… just leave me alone. I can’t do this with you”
Make me write ✍️
Using this as my wip wednesday
Tagged by @dangerpronebuddie @bidisasterevankinard and @spotsandsocks 💕
@tizniz @watchyourbuck @wikiangela
@daffi-990 @steadfastsaturnsrings @diazsdimples
@wildlife4life @jeeyuns @housewifebuck
@babygirl-diaz @spagheddiediaz @spaceprincessem
@giddyupbuck @butraura @elvensorceress
@bucksbignaturals @bucksbirthmark @bucks-daddy-issues
@hippolotamus @himbobuck @jesuisici33
@honestlydarkprincess @rogerzsteven @devirnis
@loveyourownsmiilee @agentoutofdiaz @thewolvesof1998
@actuallyitsellie @actualalligator @exhuastedpigeon
@monsterrae1 @underwaterninja13 🩵🦋
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chaifootsteps · 24 hours
I could be totally off base with this, and if you’re Pansexual please feel free to correct me on this but like…
…as far as I know, Blitz is either the only Pansexual main character in the Hellaverse, or at the very least the most prominent pan character in either series. (If Blitz is not pan or is bi, then my mistake)
I don’t know if it is the same for pansexuality, but I’m well aware of the false stereotypes that bisexual people are super promiscuous, cheat on their partners, etc.
Again I could be totally out of line but like. It at the very least *seems* like Blitz was written into these stereotypes with the last episode. We know that Blitz pushes people away, and that he’s had exes that he’s wronged. But for the writing to now insert a WHOLE HOUSE PARTY of people he’s slept with and explicitly hurt every single one of them for the purpose of showing how terrible he is at relationships?
It just. I don’t think it was intentional, but it comes off as not only really gross to me, but also as an excuse to make Blitzø look even worse to the audience.
It very much reminds me of when Viv decided to make Stella over the top villainous and abusive to “fix” the fact that Stolas cheated on her.
We’ve already been shown that Blitzø is bad at relationships and breakups with Verosika and Fizz. But apparently that’s not enough, and we also have to have a whole host of other people he’s wronged, just to drill in how terrible he is. It again feels like a writing choice done to make Stolas look better by comparison.
Idk, am I crazy here? Would like to hear what your opinion is.
Nah, I agree...I'm pretty sure it wasn't intentional, but it does come across looking an awful lot like good, sweet little bisexual Moxxie, could shoot a man on 5th Avenue and get away with it Stolas, and dirty cheating pansexual whore Blitzo.
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miyamoratsumuu · 2 days
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"𝐈 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞"
requested by @sable9639: Could I get Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu comforting an insecure reader, like they tend to overthink and that leads them being insecure about everything? You don't have to of course! But thank you if you choose to do this !
please see the guidelines for requesting if you'd like to request as well!!
a/n: I finally got to this request!! this was submitted back at my old blog, but I couldn't pass up on writing for tetsutetsu. and i may have gone a teensy bit overboard on this one, but I have a soft spot for tetsutetsu anyway, so
contains: established relationship, fem reader, lowercase intended, self-loathing, reader comparing herself to her classmates, tetsutetsu calls reader pet names (babe, sweets), a little angsty in the beginning
navigation . . .
mha masterlist
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you loved being a hero. well, training to be a professional one, at least. and you knew the side conditions that came with it. the unpredictable villain run-ins, being included in professional missions that involved your mentors, and of course, the opinions of onlookers. no matter how long you've been a student at UA high, you could never get used to the last one.
it couldn't be helped. after an encounter with a villain, there would be cameras, news reporters, and civilians surrounding the whole area after you and your team successfully apprehended the culprit. most of the eyes that were looking at you would be filled with joy, happy that you heroes saved lives once again. despite the majority of the people looking at you with joy, you never fail to notice those that were frowning your way. you wanted to think that they don't mean to look so spiteful, but them glaring daggers at you told you otherwise. the argument in your thoughts went on for who knows how long, until fatgum tapped you on the shoulder, bringing you back to reality.
it didn't help that every time you walked through the halls of your school you wouldn't fail to notice a student side-eyeing you while quietly whispering to whoever was beside them. you tried convincing yourself that they were discussing a topic that wasn't about you, but why did they have to look at you while talking about it? for the rest of your walk to your classroom, you kept your arms around yourself, trying your best not to let the glances and hushed whispers get to you. 'they're talking about something else'. you assured yourself. well, at least you tried to.
one time, one of your classmates had asked you if you'd like to spar with them after today's classes. you weighed your pros and cons, cons being that your pretty tired from today, and that you wouldn't be able to perform at your best anyway. while your pros were... none. sure, you'd get extra training, but you'd be tiring your body way too much. as much as you didn't want to decline, not wanting to upset your classmate, or even make them dislike you, you really wanted (needed) the rest.
noticing your classmate was staring at you with their eyebrows furrowed, you realized that you thought about it for way too long. clearing your throat, you politely declined their offer. and instead of telling them you preferred to rest, you reasoned that you had schoolwork you wanted to finish in advance.
"alright then. goodluck with that." your classmate almost immediately replied. waving while their back was turned to you. their dismissive behavior sent negative thoughts running through your mind in an instant. your shoulders dropped and your nervous smile was replaced with a frown. sighing, you began to pack your things in your bag, still in thought. you left the classroom, wanting to get back to your dorm as soon as possible.
at a rush to leave, you didn't notice tetsutetsu giving you a worried glance. he made a mental note to visit you at your dorm once kendo was done talking to him.
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it's been fifteen minutes since you got to your dorm, changed your clothes, and settled on your bed. you almost looked content, having a blanket wrapped around your shoulders with your phone in hand. you thought scrolling mindlessly on social media would soothe your overthinking.
you were proven wrong when you came across a photo monoma posted captioned "one step closer to getting ahead of class a!" above the caption, it shows that tetsutetsu had liked the post. the photo consisted of some of your classmates in their hero suits. tsunotori was there, so was takage. along with kendo and komori.
your eyes kept scanning over the four girls, and since when did they become so pretty? you knew all the girls in both your class and class a's were outstandingly gorgeous, but in this picture specifically, they were absolutely breathtaking. and seeing as your boyfriend liked the post, it seemed like he thought so too. you knew you shouldn't be thinking like that, but how could you help it? even someone would two blurry eyes could see how good they looked.
you sighed, putting down your phone. opening social media wasn't a good idea after all. the thought of tetsutetsu preferring the other girls in your class plagued your mind. what if he's starting to like one of them? what if he's starting to have eyes for someone else that's not even in your class? for all you know, it's not impossible that he has female friends outside of UA. what if he has prettier, smarter friends? what if he leaves you for one of them-
knock knock. your never-ending questions were interrupted by a knock on your door.
"sweets?" you sucked in a breath, knowing there was only one person who would call you by that name. not hearing a response from you, the person at the other side of the door continued.
"you in there? do you mind if I come in?" tetsutetsu asked, loud enough for you to hear, but quiet enough as to not disturb those who were in the dorms beside yours.
"mhm, come in." you answered both his questions simultaneously.
tetsutetsu opened the door, poking his head in first as if he was testing the waters, before opening it completely to let himself inside. he grinned at you, bright as he always does, and you hated it right now. how could he smile at you like that, knowing there were so many others out there that were better for him compared to you? before you spiraled again, tetsutetsu spoke up, walking towards your bed.
"I hope you don't mind the sudden visit. but I wanted to check up on you." he sat beside you keeping a small distance between the two of you.
"why do you feel the need to?" you looked to the other side, not wanting to look him in the eye just yet.
"well, you seemed upset when you left the classroom earlier. I wanted to follow you pronto, but kendo said she just had something to talk to me about for a moment." he chuckled and continued.
as he was talking about whatever he and kendo was talking about, you were consumed by your own thoughts again. kendo. your oh so beautiful, smart, class president kendo. she'd be a great candidate to being a love interest for tetsutetsu, wouldn't she? after all, she's-
"babe?" you're negative thoughts were silenced when you felt a hand on your shoulder. worried eyes stared right back at your teary ones. since when did you get teary?
"alright, what's wrong? you've been off-ish the whole day, and I hate seeing you like this. I'm here for you, sweets. you know that. at least I hope you do." his eyebrows furrowed at his last sentence.
you sighed, not really in the mood to have this conversation right now. you were never really fond of opening up to tetsutetsu, especially with this topic. knowing that no matter how many talks you could have with tetsutetsu about your overthinking, it really can't be helped. and despite doing after almost every interaction you have with other people, you don't like it. at all. who'd like overworking their brain, coming up with all the negative thoughts known to man every time someone talks to you, or even looks your way?
you must've been caught up in your thoughts again because you felt a hand on both your shoulders now.
"talk to me. please?" it was both a plea and a demand. tetsutetsu wasn't lying earlier. he really did hate seeing you like this.
"c'mere" desperate to do anything to make you feel better, he pulled you towards his chest. you couldn't help but let your tears fall freely now. you hated feeling like this, but you didn't want to burden tetsutetsu with your non-stop thoughts either. he smoothed his hands over your hair, silently urging you to open up to him.
taking a deep breath, you sat up from laying your head on his chest, and looked him straight in the eye.
"please let me know if I'm being too much." you almost begged him.
"you could never be. but sure. if I need a break, I'll let you know." he gave you a genuine smile, just happy that you're finally willing to open up to him.
you leaned on his shoulder, intertwining your hand with his. you told him about the looks people gave you at times. making sure you told him how you were sure they didn't mean any malice behind it and that your mind just led you to believe that they did.
you told him how every time you talked to someone, you end up believing they despised you or worse, judging you. may it be your looks, the way you spoke, or your personality in general.
then came the hardest part, telling him how you thought there are others out there that would be so much better for him than you. heck, you thought most of your female classmates would be a great match for him. you told him how him and this girl or that girl would be a better, cuter couple.
he listened the whole time. but at that point, tetsutetsu wanted to interrupt your rant. what would lead you to think others would be better for him? and he really doubts anyone could hate you. you were a literal angel in his eyes. plus, people should really stop judging someone based on a small interaction. but worst of all, he loved you. and only you. he could never ever have eyes for anyone else, and he promised you that the day you agreed to be his girlfriend. looking back, he was ecstatic that day. he really couldn't be any happier.
but back to the present. you finished your rant, voiced out all that's been going through your head, just now noticing how much it all piled up. you lifted your head from tetsutetsu's shoulder, looking up at him. you were more than surprised to see him tearing up as well.
"tetsu?! I'm sorry, was that all too much? I didn't mean to-" you were cut off when he wrapped his arms around you, burrying his face in your hair.
"I'm sorry." he choked out. you were about to reprimand him for apologizing, but he continued.
"and before you tell me I shouldn't be apologizing, please don't. I should've noticed you weren't feeling your best these past weeks. I can't believe you had to carry this burden all by yourself." he pulled away from the hug, looking you in the eye.
"I know I can't completely get rid of those thoughts eating away at you. but I promise you, just like I did from the start, that I will always, always be by you. whether it be behind your back or right by your side." he took a deep breath before continuing.
"and I know I can't stop you from comparing yourself to other girls, but at least let me make you feel like you are the most beautiful girl out there. because you are. no one could be more perfect for me, sweets. I'm here with you right now because I love you. not one of our other classmates, or a friend I have outside of school. I love and care about you. that's what I stand for. and I don't plan on changing it." it was your turn to tear up again. seeing tears slowly begin to fall from your eyes again, tetsutetsu immediately wiped them away, still keeping his gaze on you. smiling at you like a lovesick teenager. he was, though.
he wrapped his arms around you once again. it was a silent promise that he would always keep you safe. whether it be from villains, petty criminals, or your own negative thoughts that tend to eat away at you. he's made a lot of promises to you already, and he won't break a single one. he knows kirishima wouldn't let him hear the end of it if he did.
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Not to be a downer, but I actually finished my novel and now I’m confused because I don’t want to publish it. I don’t even particularly want anyone other than maybe my two close friends to even read it. What on Earth did I write 40k words (which I know is not really long enough for a novel, but it’s still far and away the longest thing I’ve ever written) for? I know people say “write for yourself” but like… am I just wasting my time? Help?
(p.s. you can leave this off anon)
(p.p.s your blog is really great 👍)
There's No Such Thing as Wasted Writing
I'm going to tackle this two ways...
#1 - "Write For Yourself" - there's a reason this common phrase has echoed through the Hall of Writers since time immemorial. It's because it's true! Writing doesn't have to be anything more than a pastime. It doesn't have to be anything more than something you do for your own benefit and enjoyment.
I have an in-joke with family members about how any time one of us does something the least bit crafty, DIY, skilled, whatever, a particular family member will always say, "You did a great job! You should do it for a living!" Like, someone can't even crochet a Kawaii mushroom without being pressured to turn it into an Etsy dynasty, or paint a cabinet without being pressured to become the next Property Brothers. And that's such a BANANAS capitalistic mindset, isn't it? This idea that nothing can be done purely for our own enjoyment. That you can't just write a novel because you want to... you can only write it if you plan to share it or publish it? It's just so silly.
And, the thing is, we don't even apply that mentality to a lot of other things people do purely for enjoyment. No one is streaming all of Bridgerton in two nights and saying, "I enjoyed every second of that, but why did I do that? Such a waste of time!" No one spends an hour strumming their guitar under the stars on a beach, and then says, "That was so relaxing and fun, but I didn't charge for that performance and I didn't record it to sell it, so that was obviously a waste of time."
You know what I mean?
#2 - And Anyway, Practice Makes Perfect - And if you keep writing--even if you continue not to share or publish--you'll get better and better with each story you write. Which, maybe all that means is you get to appreciate your own improvement, but also, should you ever change your mind and decide to write something to share or publish, you've now spent time honing your skills. Even if those other stories never see the light of day, they're still an important foundation of the writer you become. Do you know how many unpublished novellas, novels, and short stories I have? Too many to count. Hundreds of fan-fiction and original fiction short stories I've only shared with one or two other people, if anyone. A dozen or so novels and novellas that have only been read by a few people, and some haven't been read by anyone else or have only been read by my CPs. I would never consider those stories and novels and novellas to be a waste of time, because I know every single one made me a better writer. My published work is better because I wrote those other things.
So, I hope that makes you feel better. At the very least you hopefully enjoyed writing your novel--or at least got something out of it--and you definitely honed your writing skills, which matters! ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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voxofthevoid · 1 day
Mundane Unclekuna Wednesday #2 ✨
I'm 25k and 4+ chapters into the fic, and it's been...a fun adventure. The PoV structure is Yuuji - Gojou - Sukuna - Sukuna - Gojou - Yuuji for the main six chapters, with a Megumi PoV chapter to conclude the story.
And Chapters 3 and 4, the Sukuna PoV chapters, come to a total of 12.4k. This is the first time I'm tackling his PoV. I thought writing Grimmjow PoV (which is one of the most fun character voices I've ever written) for Bleach would give me some guidance; it did and it didn't. There are similarities, but Sukuna is a very different flavor overall.
Something I realized a few passages in is that I just...could not write Yuuji's name in Sukuna's interior monologue. It wasn't happening. Despite the modern context, the fucker just would not acknowledge Yuuji by name. So we have over 12k of "brat" and "boy" and assorted insults. Won't lie, I enjoyed it, though I'll have a time polishing the phrasing during edits. Contextually apt, relevant epithet usage is always a fun challenge.
Click through for some uncle-nephew incest: Sukuna is his own warning, but Yuuji matches him well enough.
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The brat freezes. “What?”
“I said,” Sukuna enunciates slowly, “strip.”
“I want to see your damage. If some two-bit sons of a whore fucked you up any, there will be hell to pay, brat.”
“They didn’t,” the kid snaps, eyes all fire. “I told you, they only got Fushiguro, and even that was—”
“I do not care,” Sukuna cuts in, “about Fushiguro Megumi.”
“I do.” It’s a snarl, the mouth matching the eyes. “He’s my friend, and he got caught up in that shit because of me.”
“Did I ask?” Sukuna’s on the kid before he can speak again, grabbing his collar and throwing him to the center of the room. He doesn’t stumble, turning around midway and controlling his momentum so he doesn’t so sprawling on the mat. “Now take off your fucking clothes before I rip them off you. And don’t let your twisted little head fool you, brat—you won’t enjoy it.”
Furious red streaks the brat’s cheek—anger or arousal, even Sukuna can’t tell.
Both, knowing this freak.
“How much?”
Sukuna raises an eyebrow.
The brat raises bold hands to his collar, undoing the top two buttons of his jacket with quick, flicking motions. “How much do you want to see? The top? All of it?”
Despite everything, including all the nights this same boy lied his way into Sukuna’s bed just to molest him in his pretend-sleep, Sukuna finds himself surprised.
“I’ve found dirt-cheap whores with more shame than you,” he says, marveling.
The brat just holds his head higher. “Says more about you than them.”
“You little—”
The rest of the jacket is unbuttoned with startling speed. The brat shrugs it off unceremoniously. By the time it hits the floor, he’s already halfway done with the thin white shirt underneath.
It’s almost like he’s eager to get naked.
The shirt joins the jacket on the floor.
Topless, the brat raises his head, meeting Sukuna’s eyes with a challenge splattered all over his face.
Never had the sense god gave a worm, this one.
Sukuna steps closer—and closer and closer.
The brat doesn’t waver, eyes to toes.
Sukuna drops his gaze to the sweat-slick column of a neck and further down, sneering at the hard curves of muscle. The brat had thinned out a little after that growth spurt last year, like fat and muscle just couldn’t keep up with changing body they clung to, but that didn’t last long. The brat filled right back out, bulging out from biceps to thighs. The uniform shows it better than his casual clothes, straining against shoulders and arms and legs like seams will rip and buttons will pop any moment.
It’s a powerful body—Sukuna’s body, in every way that counts. This boy would never have become what he is today if not for Sukuna.
The brat wasn’t lying, at least. There’s not a mark on him, not even a bruise.
Sukuna’s thorough with the check, circling around the brat once, twice, then again and again, and the little shit relaxes into parade rest, playing at nonchalance, as if Sukuna can’t see his breath quickening and skin dewing.
He comes to a stop directly behind the brat, close enough that he can feel the warmth of his body—a half-phantom haze in the air.
“I should make you take off the rest too,” Sukuna murmurs, watching those shoulders tense up in response. “But you’d enjoy it too much, wouldn’t you?”
The brat’s clasped hands grow tight around each other, those bruised knuckles spotting blood.
But his voice is steady when he says, “Don’t pin this on me. You’re the pervert here.”
Oh, the fucking audacity.
“I’ll tell you a secret, brat,” Sukuna tells him, grinning till his lips sting at how every inch of the brat grows stiff. “You truly are your mother’s child.”
The deflation is almost as amusing as that taut-wire tension.
“That’s not the insult you think it is. I like Mum fine.”
“I wonder about that.”
“The hell does that mean?”
“Turn around.”
The brat practically whips around, taking a step closer till he’s glaring up at Sukuna from less than a foot away.
Sukuna meets his eyes, and the brat doesn’t flinch, doesn’t blink.
Some fools never learn.
“Are you going to ask?”
Sukuna blinks, trying and failing to make sense of the question. “Ask what? Whether you were dropped on your head as a kid? I already know.”
“Funny,” comes the flat response. “The fight—why I did it, why they started it.”
“Am I supposed to care?”
Sukuna snorts in spite of himself. “Alright, let’s hear it. Might as well know what I’m wasting my time for.”
“I was talking to Fushiguro.”
“That all it takes to stir up you kids these days? Things must be goddamn boring there.”
The brat growls. “Just listen.”
“Get to the point then.”
“I was talking to Fushiguro,” the brat repeats pointedly, the sheer intensity of it all not matching his words—not yet. “I was telling him something. Something I realized recently. Those guys overheard—and didn’t like what they heard. I wasn’t planning on a fight, but the shit they said…” The kid shrugs, not breaking eye contact. “I don’t regret it.”
“Good for you,” Sukuna drawls. “This is still the most boring fucking—”
“I like men,” the brat cuts in. “I was telling Fushiguro about my type of guy. That’s what pissed off those assholes.”
Sukuna’s mind blanks for a moment, before whirling to life with a vengeance.
Something I realized recently, the brat said. But there’s no way in hell even this idiot would’ve been so oblivious. Yeah, he fucking likes men. He’s been eye-fucking Sukuna since puberty, and the last year or so, he’s also been trying his perverted best to turn that into reality.
“I must’ve kicked you in the head one too many times,” he says, clicking his tongue and grinning when the brat’s expression twists up. “Congratulations, you fucking idiot. You finally figured out what everyone and their mother—yours included—knew since before you knew what to do with your dick.”
“Oh, shut up—”
“So, what, were you talking about opening up one of those kids? Singing loving odes to his shit-crusted backside? Word of advice, brat, if you’re perving on people where they can hear, be ready to commit, one way or the other.” Sukuna glances down at one of the brat’s bloodied knuckles. “And this way tends to get you arrested.”
The brat’s gaping at him.
“What kind of a creep do you think I am?” he asks with all the self-awareness of a piece of rock. “Of course I wasn’t doing that! I didn’t even know them. And you know damn well why they picked a fight.”
He does. Sukuna’s broken his fair share of bastards who couldn’t keep their mouths shut about who and how he fucked. And the world’s changed but not that much.
He’s not worried for the kid. He never will be. Either he’ll survive or he won’t, and if he gives the world more reasons to hate him, he better be ready to chew up every resulting misery till it shows its belly.
“Enlighten me then,” Sukuna says despite his better judgement, “on your type.”
The brat freezes—only for a moment, but it’s telling enough. The air between them thickens.
Blood in the water.
“You shy now?” Sukuna asks softly. “Come on, brat, spill. It better have been something else to get those shitstains so worked up.”
The brat’s jaw sets. “Big, tall men with a good ass.”
Sukuna blinks, somehow caught off guard by the sheer, shameless bluntness.  
“Helps if they’re older,” the brat continues, a corner of his mouth curling meanly—an expression Sukuna recognizes from the goddamn mirror. “But I’m not sure about that yet. Girls are easier. I like how they’re soft and warm everywhere. Guys… I guess they can be soft and cute too. Like Fushiguro. He’s pretty. And I guess it’d be easier if he’s the sort I wanted. And I wouldn’t mind, I think, but he doesn’t make my brain light up like that. Don’t look at me like that—I didn’t tell him this part. He’s my friend.”
Whatever the expression on Sukuna’s face, it’s not judging what the brat thinks he’s judging.
“Your friend,” Sukuna echoes, hearing his voice with a hollow, ringing echo that trembles down every one of his veins, “but not your type—unlike that teacher of yours, the Gojou brat.”
There’s a minute flinch, mostly there in the mouth. “Gojou-sensei is way too old for you to call him a brat.”
“And that’s just how you like ‘em, isn’t it?” Sukuna watches his hand move, curling around a throat that moves under it with a harsh swallow. The brat’s eyes are wider, wilder. “That man will eat you alive, you stupid fucking child.”
The brat curls his hand around Sukuna’s wrist, the pressure of it blisteringly familiar.
“As if you won’t,” he says quietly.
Sukuna tightens his grip. “Speak up, brat. Show some balls for once in your pathetic life.”
The boy snarls, surging like a storm.
Sukuna thinks it’s a punch at first, the force and fury of it like nothing else, and then teeth cut into his lip, drawing blood, and he realizes it’s meant to be a kiss. The brat’s throat is pulled taut, the bulge there digging into Sukuna’s palm as it works around air and spit and swallowed sense. The mouth is a mess, more teeth than lips. He’s kissing Sukuna like he wants to bite off his jaw, the heat of it like nothing else.
Sukuna hasn’t frozen for anything in well over a decade, but now, he does, if only for a moment.
He makes the brat pay for it.
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chaotictarlos · 1 day
For the angsty prompts- Tarlos- “you never listen to me”
Thank you! I'm a bit rusty but I think this is decent!
Send me an angst prompt and I might write something!
The exasperated sight that fell from Carlos’ lips told TK everything he needed to know. He shook his head and turned away from his husband, shoulders dropping as he shook his head. He knew better than to bring the subject up - and had known better several rounds ago but it was hard to let go. It was hard just to walk away when it was one of the very few things that they disagreed on.
“Tyler-” Carlos started and TK could feel his husband start to walk towards him.
“You never listen to me anymore,” TK interrupted before Carlos could say anything else. He moved forward, putting more space in between them. 
“What?” Carlos asked, the shock lacing the word and making TK turn back around. Carlos’ eyes were rounded, shock in them and the corners of his mouth were turned down more than they had been just moments ago. “That’s not true. I listen to you all the time. You tell me about your day, the random things Lou Two has done, the random shit you and Mateo get into. I listen to you.”
“You listen to everyday things,” TK said simply, shrugging a little. “But you haven’t listened to me about bigger things. Deeper things.Things that mean more than what I had for lunch two days ago. We’ve been married for so long that we’ve fallen a bit out of touch with listening to each other. I’ve noticed, I’m working to do better and I’ve talked to my therapist about it. Now I need you to realize it too.”
“I know it’s hard,” TK said. “I know it’s hard when you’re so rooted in holding a stance that you don’t want to listen, but I need you to hear me out. I need to know that what I am saying matters and is valued.”
Carlos sighed again and rubbed his hand over his face. “I’m sorry that it’s felt like I haven’t been listening to you and hearing what you have to say.”
TK took a step forward, “I’m sorry too.”
“What you say does matter,” Carlos said as he closed the rest of the distance. “Even if I don’t like what you have to say.”
TK wrapped his arms around Carlos and gave him a ghost of a smile, “I’m glad to know that. What you say matters too.”
TK leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to TK’s lips, “But?”
“The answer is still no.”
TK sighed, feeling just slightly bad about the decision. “Will you at least think about it?”
Carlos pulled back so that he could look down at TK, searching his eyes for a few long moments. “Yes, I’ll think about it.”
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talentpiper11 · 10 hours
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Work In Progress Wednesday
Hey all! Thanks to @rimeswithpurple and @monbons for the tags.
This week I've been a liiiiittle bit incorrigible— I've finished the short (~1500 word) story that is my longform method of punching the Mage in his metaphorical face, and I'll be posting that very soon, and I've also started (you'll never guess) ANOTHER wip. I cannot be stopped, not even by my own better judgement. To that end, here's a little barely-spoilery excerpt:
“What was that?”  I’m unable to keep confusion (and, I’ll admit, a bit of awe) from my voice as I ask. Frankly, I think I’m responding remarkably well to the revelation that Simon can apparently share his magic with people— with me— but then again, I’m somewhat inured to his tendency to do impossible things. He’s been known to do six impossible things before breakfast, which is especially remarkable given how early he leaves our room in search of scones. Something in my tone must surprise him, though, because he throws his arms up into a defensive stance, protecting his chest and face. As if I’m going to attack him. As if I hadn’t sworn myself to our truce. (As if I’d ever really hurt him.) 
Yes, it's more Snowbaz. No, I will not stop.
I'll be starting a new job next week (Making more money! Having better benefits!) and I'm excited for that, but it may mean I don't get as much writing done here. We'll have to see!
Last but not least, here's the first layer of painting I've done on that Check, Please art I posted the sketch for last week!
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So, there's that! The next pass of painting will lay in the finer details but I'm pleased with this work so far.
As always, no pressure tags and hellos to:
@monbons @rimeswithpurple @larkral @raenestee @youarenevertooold @simonsnowsfreckles @prettygoododds @roomwithanopenfire @ebbpettier and anyone else who’d like to post something but hasn’t been tagged yet!
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