#at first i thought she was just wearing a button up which i adored but then i noticed it was a jumpsuit and i think i died
babychosen · 1 day
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jumpsuit angela you will always be famous to me
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thewritingrowlet · 4 months
The Outing Trip pt. 1, ft. tripleS Xinyu
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tags: daddy kink, anal teasing, creampie, praise kink (just a bit), rough
tw: violence (OC takes a punch in the face, nothing crazy I promise)
word count: 12k+
author's note: this is the first part of a small series (4 parts max.) inspired by an anon's idea of a university outing trip (minus the "stranded in an island due to a storm with a bunch of girls" part) featuring a handful of tripleS members. This part also mentions Yooyeon, Nakyoung, Dahyun, and Chaeyeon as I consider them to be candidates to be featured in future parts.
p.s. after I finish writing part 2 of this series, I'm gonna stop writing about tripleS members for one or two fics. Let me know if you think there's anyone (who is over the age of 18 in May 2024) that needs attention (be it bcs they're from a less-popular group, or bcs they only debuted recently and you're a fan, etc).
It is now September. The hot summer days are starting to go and be replaced by the chiller and refreshing days of shorter daylight that autumn usually has in its bag. September is also the month where every single student organization in the university goes on outings to welcome their new members. That includes the student council that you’re the president of. You’re having a meeting with a bunch of council staffs and governors—the term your university uses to refer to council leaders on the faculty level because the university wants to replicate real-world governmental structure—in about 10 minutes to talk about details about the outing itself. Everyone will be wearing their uniform, which is a sight you find to be cute.
“President-oppa!”, you hear a girl’s voice behind you as you’re walking to the meeting place, so you turn around to see who it is. You see Xinyu, the council’s vice president who also happens to be your lovely girlfriend, walking like a supermodel towards you. “Hey, princess”, you greet her before taking her hand and pecking it. Xinyu loves it when you do those two things (call her “princess” and kiss her hand), blushing every time she sees you do it. You, on the other hand, don’t really care if her fondness of praises is a sign of narcissism because no one can tell you she doesn't deserve such treatment. You also don’t really care about displaying affection in public—why wouldn’t you want to show affection to your perfect-in-every-aspect girlfriend all the time? It also serves as an announcement that both you and Xinyu are off-limits since the relationship is not a secret.
“O-oppa”, she looks down at her shoes to hide the red hue on her cheeks, “you always do these sweet things to me”. You wrap an arm around her waist, “because you deserve it, sweetie”. She twiddles her index fingers in shyness, “but my heart can only take so much of it in a day, oppa”. “Skill issue, baby”, you chuckle—how adorable is it that you’ve been dating her for over a year and living together in an apartment for almost as long and she still gets overwhelmed with your sweet gestures and words?
“Xinyu-yah”, you throw a lifebuoy to save her from drowning in her own thoughts, “we need to get to get there fast, baby; there’s only a few minutes left and we’re the last people who get to be late”. You take her hand and start running, making Xinyu yell in surprise and possibly turn some people’s heads. You stop running when you’re in front of the elevator and press the button to go up. It’s nice that the elevator doesn’t have a CCTV in it, because you can share a bit of intimacy with Xinyu by pecking her on the lips and forcing a blush once again—her poor heart is guaranteed to give out by the end of the day. “Oppa, I really can’t take much of this anymore”, Xinyu complains. “Of course you can, what are you talking about?”, you laugh. You and Xinyu need to put on a serious face soon, though, as the elevator doors are opening, and you’ll be met with people outside.
“I thought you two were going to be late, not gonna lie”, Nakyoung, Xinyu’s best friend and fellow council member, greets you at the doors of the auditorium. “Do you really think that low of us, Nakyoung-ah?”, Xinyu protests. Nakyoung laughs, “not really, no—just thought maybe you ran off on a date or something”. Xinyu pinches Nakyoung’s cheeks in annoyance, making a small scene in front of a bunch of council members. You shake your head in amusement, “alright, that’s enough, kids. Is everyone here, Nakyoung-ah?”. “Almost; the Faculty of Medicine’s governor will be late. She’s still assisting in a lab and said you can start without her”, Nakyoung explains before taking you and Xinyu’s hands and pulling the both of you into the auditorium. You look at the clock hanging on the wall and see that you’re perfectly on time—perfectly calculated, if you say so yourself.
“Good afternoon, governors. Thank you for taking the time for today’s little meeting”, you take the center spot on the stage. You sometimes wonder why you talk and act like this in front of fellow students but since the university wants this to be as authentic of an experience as possible, you can’t help but play along. “This is September, and you guys know what it means: we need to welcome the new members of our councils on both the university and faculty level. Would someone kindly kick us off and report their preparation progress?”, you see the Faculty of Science’s governor, Kim Yooyeon, raise her hand so you step to the side and let her take your spot on the stage.
She starts presenting the things she and her members have done to prepare, such as consulting with the dean, surveying the area she wants to go to, and calculating the cost of the entire thing. You admire her thoroughness and ability to think ahead—the girl students call the goddess isn’t just known for her looks, but also sharpness of mind. Just one thing, though: she doesn’t like attention, as shown by the way she jogs back to her seat while partially covering her face after she’s done talking. “Thank you, Yooyeon-ah—oh, hello, Jiwoo-yah!”, you greet Son Jiwoo, the aforementioned governor from the Faculty of Medicine who just entered the room. “Hi, hello”, she rushes to her seat, “sorry for being late, I was needed in the lab”. “No, you’re fine, sweetie. Let’s continue, though”, your over-friendliness spills out and Xinyu glares at you from her seat, but you miss it since you don’t have eyes on the back of your head.
One governor after the other takes turns to present their plans; some have come up with elaborate plans, while others have simpler ideas as to how to welcome their new members. Once everyone is done presenting their plans, you wrap up the meeting (not without expressing appreciation to everyone) and let them go so that they can go about the rest of their day. Yooyeon stays behind, probably because she has some things to discuss with the three of you. “Hey, guys”, she approaches slowly, “I want to talk about something, but can we get out of here first? This auditorium keeps reminding me of some of my hardest days”. “Yeah, sure. Lead the way, unnie”, Nakyoung says before suggesting another idea, “are you guys free, by the way? We can talk over some food if you are—oppa will pay since he’s the richest among us”.
Nakyoung and Yooyeon walk side-by-side while holding hands, while you and Xinyu walk behind them with your hands intertwined. Xinyu then slows down her steps, creating a decent gap between Nakyoung and Yooyeon. “Oppa”, she tugs your hand, a hint of sadness in her voice, “you.. you’re not interested in Jiwoo-unnie, are you?”. Her question catches you off guard, “Jiwoo-unnie? Son Jiwoo? No, of course not. Why?”. “You, um, were a little too friendly with her earlier—I mean, she is pretty, so I understand”, she sulks. You try to recount what happened during the meeting, and you realize that you called her “sweetie”—that pet name is supposed to be reserved for Xinyu only. You instantly feel a huge wave of guilt at the realization, “I’m so sorry, baby. I promise you it was nothing but a slip up”. She lets go of your hand and hugs the clipboard she’s holding with both arms, “please don’t do that again. I-I didn’t like it”, she says.
She refuses to hold your hand for the rest of the walk, and that’s a hint the size of a mountain that you’ve fucked up and you’ll need to make it up to your princess. You finally arrive at the student-favorite noodle spot after a few minutes of walking. It’s not too packed since most students are in class, considering what time it is. Nakyoung joins your group after ordering for everyone. Yooyeon sits across Nakyoung, so that leaves Xinyu no option but to sit across you. Only when she sits down can you see her teary eyes, “you fucked up and now you’re in trouble, son”, your heart says. “Okay, unnie, we’re here. So, what was it you wanted to talk about?”, Nakyoung says. Yooyeon scratches the back of her head, “oh, um, I actually just wanted to hang out with you guys. You seem to be a fun trio to be around”. You chuckle, “yeah, that’s fine, we were getting food regardless. Welcome to the fold, I guess”. You arrange your words more carefully this time because you don’t want to fuck things up even further.
You’re now standing at the bus stop after the meal, still surrounded by your friends. “So, what now?”, you ask. Nakyoung, oblivious to your situation with Xinyu, throws her idea into the ring, “let’s go to your place, oppa. I really wanna lay down on that gloriously soft and fluffy sofa of yours”. You glance at Xinyu, who doesn’t seem to hate the idea, and nod in agreement to the idea, “yeah, we can do that. What about you, Yooyeon-ah? You have other classes after this?”. “N-no, ca-can I join you again? I-I don’t have many friends, you see”, Yooyeon hides her face behind her hands after saying that—you never knew a goddess could be so shy around people and have so few friends, but here you are. “Alright, let’s get on that bus so that we don’t have to walk to the parking lot”, you point to the approaching yellow campus bus—the off-site parking lot is not too far but you just can’t be assed to walk at the moment.
Doesn’t take long for the bus to arrive and take the four of you to the parking lot. You lead them to your car and Yooyeon makes a comment when she sees it, “nice car, Jisung-ah”. “I’m telling you, Jisung-oppa is rich, unnie. Daddy and mommy’s money, right, oppa?”, Nakyoung chimes in to tease you—this mischievous cat never runs out of ideas to tease her friends. “Well, when you put it like that”, you say. You’re never one to brag about your wealth, so you simply thank Yooyeon for the compliment and unlock the car so that your friends can get in. Xinyu gets in the front passenger seat like usual while the other two sit in the middle row.
You’re now out of the parking lot and on the way back to your apartment. “I need to stop at a convenience store, sorry. I need to buy something”, you say to your friends. “I bet he’s buying condoms”, Nakyoung chirps. Xinyu is probably not too entertained with what Nakyoung is suggesting, but they tease each other like that all the time. “I promise you I’m not”, you say as you pull into the driveway of the convenience store. “You guys do it raw, Xinyu-yah?”, Nakyoung lets out a fake surprise gasp at the end. “Kim Nakyoung, I promise I will throw you out the window of our apartment if you keep teasing me”, Xinyu says. “Look at them, unnie; they live together and have unprotected sex all the time”, Nakyoung turns to Yooyeon, who hides her face behind her palms again. You roll your eyes and get out of the car—you just want to get Xinyu’s favorite chocolate and snacks, it is not supposed to be this difficult, ever.
You finally arrive at your building after a short drive from the university. You hop off the car and walk in front, and would you look at that: Xinyu is wrapping a hand around your arm and leaning her head against your shoulder; “glad you’re feeling better, baby. I’m so sorry for being an ass”, you whisper to her. “I can’t stay mad at you for long, oppa, you know this”, Xinyu whispers back. Nakyoung is used to seeing your public display of affection, but Yooyeon, who is hanging out with your bunch for the first time, is not; she’s probably looking away so that she doesn't have to see this. You walk to the elevator and continue to your unit followed by the three girls, until you finally arrive at the door. Xinyu does the honors and unlocks the door before running into the bedroom. “Welcome to our little apartment, girls. Please make yourself at home”, you stand to the side and let them in. Nakyoung, as she has promised earlier, runs straight to your sofa and lies down on it, “Little apartment, my ass—oh my God, it’s so comfortable; this thing must be mad expensive. Unnie, come here, what are you doing?”, she invites Yooyeon who’s standing awkwardly in the doorway. “You can go with her, Yooyeon-ah. Please, make yourself comfortable”, you encourage her.
You then make your way to the bedroom to follow Xinyu and close the door behind you, you see that she has ditched her shirt for a white sleeveless tee that fits her perfect body like a bespoke glove. “I know you bought me snacks. Show me where they are or I will, I will—what’s a good one—not kiss you for the rest of the day”, she knows she can’t threaten you to save her life, so she must improvise to make herself sound scary. You chuckle and fish a bar of chocolate and a bunch of chips out of the bag, “for you, princess”. “Oh my God, chocolate too?! Thank you, oppa, you’re the best!”, she happily accepts your tribute and rips open a bag of chips. You peck the girl who’s munching so enthusiastically on the forehead, “anything for you, love. My world is dark without you”. Xinyu blushes at your words, “I can say the same about you, oppa. You know that right?”. You open your mouth to answer her, but that’s when you hear a knock on the door. “Oppa, Xinyu­-yah, are you guys done having sex? Yooyeon-unnie wants to talk”, Nakyoung says from the other side of the door.
Xinyu rushes out of the bedroom and flicks Nakyoung’s forehead, “we were not having sex, God damn it!”. You follow Xinyu out of the bedroom and head to the dining table, “play nice, girls. Come, we can talk here”, you call out to your friends. Yooyeon joins you on the table, followed by Xinyu and Nakyoung who have broken their little scuffle. “Before we start”, you poke Xinyu on the shoulder, “order some pizza for us, sweetie. We can get your favorite”. Xinyu runs back to the bedroom to get her phone and order her favorite pizza—food is truly the bullet train to her heart (and pants but we’ll save that for later). She high-steps her way to the table to join you, seemingly excited at the prospect of having her favorite pizza. She stops next to you and pecks you on the cheek, “I love you”, she says. “I love you more, sweetie. Sit, please”, you pull a chair for her. Nakyoung sighs, “I know you just joined us, unnie, but I guarantee that you’ll get tired of seeing these two act like this very soon”. “Oh, uh, I personally find it cute, actually. I’m happy for them; I hope I can experience that myself one day”, Yooyeon confesses before looking away.
“It’s nothing crazy, really”, Yooyeon starts, “I was just curious about your council’s plans to welcome the new members of your own. I-I was thinking maybe I discuss it if that’s okay with you guys”. Xinyu gets excited hearing those words, “of course, unnie. We would love that”. “Can you tell me a summary first?”, Yooyeon says. You tell her how you and Xinyu plan to do a 3-day trip to the nearby island that also happens to be a famous tourism destination. Nakyoung helps explain the schedule and agendas that she and another council member have come up with. Lastly, Xinyu explains other details such as logistics, methods of transportation, and accommodation; “we are prohibiting alcohol for this trip, by the way. The last thing we need is some drunk freshmen fucking things up”, she adds. “How do you plan to do that, exactly?”, Yooyeon inquires. “Well, I called the manager of the accomodation and specifically and precisely asked them to not sell anyone from our group alcohol and to notify ask should someone try”, Xinyu explains.
Yooyeon gets up from her seat and asks for your permission to get water, so you tell her to get some from the dispenser in the kitchen. She then gets back in her seat and starts talking again. “So, president, vice president, and—what are you again?”, Yooyeon turns to Nakyoung, who lets out a frustrated grunt, “Oh, God damn it—I’m the secretary and the third wheel to the president and vice president. Remember that, please”. “Right, sorry”, Yooyeon clears her throat, “The reason I wanted to talk to you guys is because I have some potential candidates that might be able to join you guys in the council at the university level”. “Okay, go on”, you encourage her to keep talking. “They initially wanted to join us at the faculty, but we couldn’t accept them simply because we were full. I was thinking that maybe these two can thrive under your flag instead”. “Names, unnie?”, Nakyoung asks as she pulls out her phone to write their names. “Seo Dahyun, born in ‘03, and Kim Chaeyeon, born in ‘04”, Yooyeon says, “Dahyun had to retake the SAT for the second time; that’s why it took her a bit longer to get here, but that fact doesn’t take anything away from her, I assure you”.
Yooyeon obviously knows these people better than anyone in the room, since she knows them and has interviewed them personally, so the three of you decide to trust her perception of them. Xinyu arranges an interview for each of them tomorrow at noon—no precise time yet since you’ll need to confirm their schedules with each of them. Yooyeon gives Nakyoung their numbers and she starts hitting them up on CocoaSpeak. “One more thing, Jisung-ah”, she looks at you, “I want to be in the room where it happens”. “Sure, you can be there with us for the interview”, you say to her. “Won’t that be too intimidating?”, Xinyu utters her concern. Yooyeon shakes her head in disagreement, “these two don’t get intimidated easily, they’ll be fine”.
You hear a buzz from the door, so you ask Xinyu to get the pizza from the delivery guy. You make sure to pay attention to the exchange because Xinyu has had a bad experience with a degenerate delivery guy who thought that she was attractive and decided to take his 1-in-a-billion chance. You understand that you can take the pizza yourself but letting her do it helps Xinyu overcome her trauma as she knows that you have her back. Xinyu slams the door a bit too roughly and runs back towards the dining table. “I present to you, the Zhou Xinyu Special!”, she opens the box and puts it down on the table. Yooyeon keeps staring at the large pizza on the table in confusion, until Nakyoung notices and pokes her in the arm to get her attention, “it’s a pizza with ground beef, pepperoni, mushroom, and extra cheese, unnie—they use a lot of cheese, hence the pie-like visual”. “Ah, I see”, Yooyeon nods after hearing the explanation.
You take a slice from the box and start eating, followed by the three girls. “I’ve eaten this pizza so often, but it still amazes me every time. You really know your way around food, don’t you, Xinyu-yah?”, Nakyoung remarks. “Of course, food is the second thing I love the most in this world after oppa”, Xinyu says before exclaiming at the taste of her favorite pizza. “I love you too”, you wipe your mouth with a napkin before pecking Xinyu on the cheek. Xinyu blushes after hearing your words and receiving a peck, as she tries to hide her face behind the slice of pizza in her hand. “You two are so cute”, Yooyeon comments, not helping Xinyu overcome the heat on her cheeks.
The four of you start talking about a bunch of topics, from how Yooyeon initially wanted to join the university’s council but got rejected, how Nakyoung met Yooyeon for the first time and thought that she was a cold and scary person, and, at Yooyeon’s request, how you and Xinyu started dating. You explain that you had known Xinyu for a while as a fellow member of the council during freshman year but only admired her from afar. The two of you were then placed in the same group for a community service project the president at the time had come up with. “Xinyu was crying alone after the first day because of how exhausting and hard it was, so I mustered up the courage to approach her and offered to take her to dinner because I always hate seeing a girl cry, no matter what reason she might have. I actually was so scared that she would push me away instead of taking my offer”, you explain to the small crowd in front of you. It’s now Xinyu’s time to tell her side of the story; “I saw how kind oppa really is behind his rich guy façade; he was super helpful and attentive to everyone that day and there was no way I would’ve pushed him away—I wanted him for myself”. Xinyu leans against your shoulder before continuing her speech, “After our first time having sex, he revealed that I was his first and all I could think about was how I hoped he had been my first as well—I’m so sorry, oppa”. You squeeze her hand, “there’s nothing to be sorry for, love. You’re here with me now”.
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Everyone has dispersed from the dining table and is now in their own worlds. Yooyeon is looking at notes on her tablet, Nakyoung is lying on the sofa with her eyes closed, Xinyu is chilling in the bedroom, and you’re sitting on the toilet with your phone in hand. You’re mindlessly scrolling through social media until you see a notification from Xinyu. It’s a picture of her lying in bed in her pajamas with one of the dolls you bought for her. “How cute”, you think to yourself. She sees that you’re not replying to her, so she expresses her unhappiness, “>: say something already”. “I’m busy, bby”, you reply to her before flushing the toilet and cleaning your ass. You’re on your way to the bathroom door as it swings open seemingly on its own. Xinyu barges into the bathroom and locks the door behind her. She puts her hands on your chest and pushes you to the wall, “if you won’t give me the attention I want, I’ll get it myself”. She pulls your shorts and boxers down together as she kneels in front of you, making your cock spring out of its restraints instantly.
“We could’ve done so much more had you given me the attention I wanted”, she’s doing her best to instill regret and guilt in your heart. Her hand is wrapped around your cock tightly and you don’t want to make her mad even more because you don’t want her to break your cock. “P-princess, they’re still here. We can do this later”, you persuade her. “I don’t care, they can go suck cock if they want”, she says before taking you in her mouth. The wetness and warmth of Xinyu’s mouth sends shivers down your spine. You dare hold her hair in your hand as she bobs her head up and down your shaft while gagging every now and then. “P-princess”, you mutter before moaning, “you’re so good, baby”. She instantly removes you from her mouth and squeezes your cock, “stay quiet if you want to make it out of this alive”. “Oh, fuck—I’m-I’m sorry, please don’t break my penis”, you say to the angry-but-horny girl kneeling in front of you.
She accepts your apology for now and gets back to stuffing her face with your cock. You don’t want to upset her considering how vulnerable you are at the moment, so you do nothing but moan. She removes your cock from her mouth once again when she feels it twitch in her mouth, “I’ll let you cum if you ask nicely”. You take a deep breath before ‘asking nicely’, “please let me cum, princess”. “Not good enough, but I’ll take it for now”, she says before letting you in her mouth once again. It doesn’t take long until your cum is accumulated on the tip of your cock. Xinyu knows this, so she goes deeper until she reaches the base of your cock. “I’m cum-ming”, you say with heavy breaths, “princess, please”. Your cock blows a load as soon as you say that, and Xinyu tries her best to not let a drop leak out of her mouth.
You lean back against the wall to catch your breath, feeling drained—quite literally—by Xinyu’s little stunt. You look down at Xinyu who is still on her knees, and you see her gulp down your load into her stomach. “Xinyu, baby”, you say with heavy pants, “thank you, that was really good”. “Of course, oppa. I love you—I’ll drain your soul the next time you ignore me, though”, she rises to her feet and wipes her mouth before pecking your cheek. “Now how do we get out of this place?”, you ask her for ideas. “Just walk out, we’re adults”, she shrugs. You do as she suggested and walk out of the bathroom as casually as possible. Yooyeon sees the two of you walking out together and covers her face with some papers. You see Xinyu give her a wink and gesture to her to stay quiet.
Xinyu then walks to the sofa and poke Nakyoung in the arm, “Naky-yah, are you staying the night or what?”. Nakyoung wakes up slowly from her peaceful nap on your sofa, “hngh, what time is it?”. You look at the clock above the TV, “about 7.30 pm”, you tell the sleepy cat. Nakyoung rises and walks to the fridge like a zombie, “I’m tempted to stay but I imagine you two want some private time”, she says. You can tell that her playfulness hasn’t returned to her entirely, as shown by how she hasn’t bantered or teased anyone yet. She takes a few gulps of fridge-cold water out of her bottle—she visits your apartment a lot so a few months ago she decided to leave a bottle in your fridge so that she wouldn’t drink from one of yours—and turns to you, “did you guys have fun when I was asleep?”. Xinyu answers her right away with confidence, “I did—I don’t know about oppa, though”, she says, hinting at sex. Nakyoung smirks as she walks back to the sofa, “if you had fun, then so did oppa, most likely”.
Nakyoung spends another 30 minutes lying on your sofa while on her phone, while Yooyeon is still busy with studying. “Unnie, I think we should leave soon”, she says to the studying goddess as she gets up. “Hm? Oh, yeah, sure”, Yooyeon says as she starts tidying up her papers and tablet. Nakyoung takes Yooyeon’s hand and walks to the door with her. “Thank you for the hospitality, you two”, Yooyeon bows slightly and waves at you and Xinyu. “You should hang out with us more, Yooyeon-ah. See you at the interview— byeee”, you say as they exit the door and close it behind them.
Seeing that the coast is now clear, Xinyu runs to you and jumps at you, so you catch her with both arms. “I’m tired, oppa. Take me to bed, please”, she says with a cute whiny voice. You peck her temple and carry her to the bed as requested. You set Xinyu on the bed with you on top of her body, and she immediately wraps her long limbs around your body. “Stay, please”, she says, acting cute to convince you to do what she wants, “I can feel you poking me down there, by the way”. It’s not that you’re horny, it’s just that you’re long—almost too long, “I’m sorry, sweetie”. “I’m horny and tired at the same time, which one do I choose, oppa?”, she pinches your cheek playfully. “I suggest sleeping, love. I don’t know if I have another load for you and I would hate to disappoint”, you kiss her forehead apologetically. “Hmph you’re no fun, oppa, but I love you so I’ll listen to you”, Xinyu pouts and lets you go from her strangling limbs.
It is now Friday. You and the usual suspects will be interviewing the candidates that Yooyeon told you about a few days ago. Nakyoung gave each candidate freedom to choose the place of the interview, and they both chose the multipurpose meeting room in the library building, so now you and Xinyu make your way to the appointed place—one problem, though: there’s quite a commotion in front of the meeting room. “You’re holding an interview, aren’t you? I know you are. Why aren’t you letting me in?”, the guy is shouting at Nakyoung who’s holding the line at the door. You see that Nakyoung is in deep distress, but you want to observe the situation a little bit more before jumping in. That is when you see the guy lay his hands on Nakyoung, which you’re not a fan of—Xinyu’s friends are your friends, and you’re not letting harm come their way. “Listen to her and just leave, man. We’ll pretend this never happened”, you say with a serious voice and grab him by the shoulder.
Surprisingly, the guy thinks that it’s a good idea to get violent and punches you in the face as he turns around, “SHUT THE FUCK UP”, he yells out. Nothing could’ve prepared you for a punch in the face, so you took a few steps back in surprise. Xinyu rushes to your aid in panic while screaming, “oh my God, oppa! Oppa, are you okay? Somebody, get security!”. “Holy shit, you’re so fucked”, Nakyoung says to the guy, who only now figured out who he just punched, “out of all the people present, you chose to punch the president—absolutely incredible. You still expect us to accept you after seeing you act like this? We will make your life miserable for this, by the way; we don’t forget”. The guy approaches you slowly in fear, “I-I’m so sorry, sunbaenim, I don’t know what got into me. Are you okay?”. You sigh in disappointment, not because you just took a punch in the face, but because someone thought it was okay to be violent, especially on campus grounds. “I suggest finding a lawyer”, you say, angriness obvious in your voice. He kneels and bows in front of you to beg for forgiveness, “no, no, please. I’m so sorry. I’ve learned my lesson, sunbaenim, please”. You hear the boots of the security guards approaching, so you say your last piece to the brat, “you have not, but you will soon”.
Once you see that the security guards have control of the situation, you leave the scene and forcefully drag Xinyu and Nakyoung by their wrists into the room. “Op-oppa, you’re hurting me; please let go”, Nakyoung tries to pry your fingers off her wrist. You didn’t realize that you were holding their hands so tightly, so you let them go and apologize. “Thank you for saving me, guys”, Nakyoung sobs as she hugs Xinyu for comfort, “he-he was so adamant, and I got so scared”. “I’m glad he decided to punch me and not one of you”, you sigh, “where is Yooyeon, by the way?”. “I’m here”, Yooyeon says as she closes the door behind her, “what just happened? Why are there security guards?”. “Someone thought it was a good idea to punch Jisung-oppa”, Xinyu explains to the confused girl. Yooyeon shakes her head and sighs, “are you okay, Jisung-ah?”. You rub the spot where the punch landed and reply to her, “I’ll be fine—it hurts, though”.
You take a few minutes to catch your breath and process everything that just happened while Xinyu, Yooyeon, and Nakyoung brief each other about the upcoming interview. You soon hear some knocks on the door and a girl peeks into the room, “excuse me, we’re here for the interview”. “Oh, hello, you guys must be Dahyun and Chaeyeon”, Nakyoung greets them and lets them in. Dahyun gasps in surprise when she sees your face, “oh God, what happened to you, sunbaenim? Why is there a bruise on your face?”. “We can talk about that as we go. Please, have a seat and stop calling me and everyone else in this room ‘sunbaenim’. We’ll interview you guys at the same time, I hope that’s okay”, you gesture to the empty chairs on the round table, and they take a seat in them. “So, there’s something I need to explain before we start”, you start the conversation, “you guys are here because Governor Kim over here recommended that you be considered to be recruited into the university council because her faculty council is full”. They turn to Yooyeon and express their appreciation to her, which makes Yooyeon smile in shyness.
You take the first turn to ask them a bunch of questions, from what makes them interested in joining the council, what they think the council should be for students and the surrounding community, and if they’ll interested in becoming the president in the future. They answer each question with some of the best answers you’ve ever heard in your term as president, and you can tell that everyone in the room is impressed and is starting to like them. Xinyu and Nakyoung then take turns asking them questions of their own while Yooyeon opts to observe and listen in silence.
Once they’re done asking questions and getting answers, it’s the recruits’ turn to ask questions. Dahyun kicks off the session by asking you about your wound, “can I ask what happened to your face, oppa?”. “You can, Dahyun-ah”, you sigh, “someone punched me in the face after screaming at Nakyoung-ie because she didn’t let him join the interview—disappointing behavior, if you ask me”. Xinyu moves to you in her chair and grabs your hand, “are you actually pressing charges, oppa? I would love it if you did—no one gets to punch my boyfriend like that”. “He’s your boyfriend, unnie?”, Chaeyeon asks the vice president. Xinyu brings a palm to her forehead, “oh, right, I forgot that you’re not in our circle yet—yes, he is, and I love him and I hate seeing him get hurt. We’ll go get some ointment after this, oppa, okay?”. “The president and vice president are dating, unnie. Are we in a drama right now?”, Chaeyeon turns to Dahyun, who lets out a giggle.
The six of you spend more time getting to know each other better as individuals, and you can tell again that everyone is really interested in having them join the council and this small circle of yours. Nakyoung explicitly tells them about it; “I know we only met today but I know that everyone here likes the two of you, so I sincerely ask you to consider joining our little friend group once you’re formally accepted as members of the council. Your cute little governor here is also with us, by the way”, she says—the way she’s saying it makes it sound like it’s a circle of nepotism with leading figures of the council and a bunch of new recruits. Dahyun shyly accepts the invitation, “we would love that, unnie. Thank you for being so kind to juniors like us”.
The interview is now done, and you find yourself surrounded by 5 girls outside the library. “Oppa, I’m hungry. Can we get lunch?”, Xinyu tugs your hand. “We can, sweetie. Wanna invite the others as well?”, you reply to her. Xinyu turns to the others, “guys, we’re gonna go get lunch, wanna join us?”. Nakyoung and Yooyeon obviously nod in agreement, but Dahyun and Chaeyeon are hesitant. “You two can join us as well, no need to be shy. We’re your friends, just a bit older in age”, you say to them. Chaeyeon answers for herself and Dahyun, “we would love that, oppa, if that’s okay with you”. Nakyoung pinches Chaeyeon’s cheeks playfully, “we’re friends, God damn it. Start acting accordingly, will you?”. You lead them to your car that’s parked in the campus’ parking lot—the parking lot is not as packed on Fridays since the professors are usually doing other stuff off campus, and you managed to find one because you arrived early. Chaeyeon makes a comment when she sees your car, “OF COURSE HE’S RICH—oh my God, I’m so sorry, oppa”. You chuckle at her comment, “it’s okay, I’ve heard that a lot before. Come on, let’s get in”.
You find yourself sailing the slow sea of Friday afternoon traffic, thankfully it’s not as bad as usual. “Does anyone have any idea where we should go?”, you ask the crowd in your car. Dahyun raises her hands after mustering up as much confidence as she can, “can we go get burgers, oppa? There’s a good burger shop nearby—if-if everyone else agrees, that is”. Xinyu is the most excited one at the prospect, “we sure can, I looove burgers. Drive faster, oppa!”. You laugh at her words, “just admit that you love everything, sweetie”.
Dahyun wasn’t lying when she said it was near, as you are now parked in front of an alleyway where the burger shop is. “We’ve been students for so long, but we’ve never heard about this shop once”, you remark. Dahyun shyly confesses to the group, “Th-this place is my parents’, oppa. I-I wanted to promote my parents’ business since they only opened recently, I’m sorry”. Xinyu rushes to hug Dahyun from the side, “awww, how cute. You’re such a good daughter, Dahyun-ah”. Dahyun hides her face behind her palms before replying to Xinyu, “you’re so kind, unnie”. “Now you know why people fall for her, Dahyun-ah”, you say, bragging about your lovely girlfriend to your new friend.
Dahyun leads you into the shop and runs towards the cashier to hug the lady attending it. “Everyone, this is my mom, you can call her Mrs. Seo—duh. Mom, this the council’s president, vice president, secretary, and governor—obviously you know Chaeyeon already. We just became friends today”, she introduces everyone to her mom by pointing at you one by one. “Aigoo, you brought your friends, Dahyun-ah? Welcome, kids—oh my God, what happened to your face? Also, you don’t need to pay today since you’re Dahyun’s friends”, Dahyun’s mom says to your group. You don’t want to not pay, considering how much your friends eat and the fact that your friend’s parents own the place; “It’s a bit of a long story, madam. We would hate to not pay; we eat a lot, you see”, you try to convince her mom. “Okay but promise us you’ll come back. Now what can I get for you?”, Mrs. Seo asks you. You turn to Dahyun, who most likely knows what’s best here, “you have any recommendations, Dahyun-ah?”. “I mean, I think everything is good but I’m very biased”, she giggles.
Since this is your first time here, you decide to choose whatever catches your fancy, which happens to be a double cheeseburger with portobella mushroom and beef bacon. Everyone else then takes turns to order before leaving to find a place to sit together. Mrs. Seo tells you to join two tables together since they only have 4 chairs each, so you do as she says. While you wait, you decide to talk with your friends—you know, like friends do.
It takes about 20 minutes for the food to come out, not bad at all considering how big of an order it was. Mrs. Seo calls out to Dahyun to help carry the food to your table, so she stands up and heads to the kitchen to help. You see the visuals of each thing on the trays, and you can’t help but drool at the sight. “Holy sh—excuse my language—that looks so good!”, Nakyoung shows her enthusiasm to the food. You see that Yooyeon, who usually shows little emotions, has an excited face as well, and it brings joy to Mrs. Seo. “You are such sweet kids. I’m glad Dahyun can be friends with you”, she says. “The pleasure is ours, madam. Dahyun is such a sweet girl as well”, Xinyu says.
Dahyun and her mom set the trays on the table, and everyone jumps to get their stuff right away. Nakyoung is the first to take a bite, and she exclaims in excitement immediately, “oh my God, this is incredible—Mrs. Seo, this is amazing!”. “Omo, I’m so glad you like it”, she says before putting a big squeeze bottle on the table, “try this with the fries, will you? We’ve been developing a sauce recipe and would love to hear some feedback—Chaeyeon-ie has tried this before so she knows already”. Xinyu squeezes the sauce on a piece of fry and shoves it in her mouth, “oh my, that is glorious. What sauce is this, Mrs. Seo? Oppa, try this, quick!”. You take the bottle from Xinyu’s hands and do the same thing she did, and you instantly let out a satisfied groan thanks to the taste. “it’s minced garlic, chives, and white pepper mixed with mayonnaise and a little bit of my husband’s hot sauce—you know, you two look so cute together; have you considered dating?”, she explains. “They are indeed dating, madam”, Nakyoung answers for you with a laugh like the spokesperson that she often is. Mrs. Seo gasps, “oh, that’s so cute. Alright, I’m gonna stop bothering you guys—enjoy!”.
No one says anything for the rest of the meal as they savor every glorious bite of their food, letting out excited yelps and satisfied groans at the incredible taste. “Dahyun-ah”, you say after swallowing a bite, “would your parents be interested in getting some investment?”. “Look at him, flexing his wealth in front of his junior”, Nakyoung says. Dahyun’s eyes widen at your unexpected question, “I-I’ll need to ask my parents”, she says. “Can you please ask now? I’m curious what they’d say”, you push further. Dahyun sips her drink before running to the cashier and dragging his mom back to the table. “Mom, mom, president-oppa wants to invest in us!”, Dahyun excitedly says to her mom. Mrs. Seo’s turns her head to you in surprise, “do you actually?”. “I do, madam”, you say, as humble sounding as possible, “I think you can do great things with this business, hence my interest”. “I, I”, you see tears gathering in Mrs. Seo’s eyes, “thank you for the kind words, son. Yes, we would love to get an investment—what are the terms, though?”. “My family’s treasurer will reach out to your family in less than 7 business days, madam. You can discuss the terms with her—I’ll make sure it’s more favorable to you than me”, you say to her. “Please stand up, son”, Mrs. Seo says to you, so you do as she says. She hugs you warmly as she’s shedding (you hope) happy tears, “thank you so much, son; it means a lot to our family. How rich are you that your family has a treasurer, though?”. You answer her question with the answer your parents have taught you since you were a kid, “we are comfortable, madam”. She lets go of the hug and wipes her eyes, “I gotta call my husband; this is crazy! Dahyun-ah, isn’t this crazy?”. Dahyun bows to you, “thank you so much, oppa. We won’t forget your kindness”. You’re surprised to see her bow to you, so you grab her shoulders and make her straighten her back, “oh, c’mon, there’s no need to act like that”.
You excuse yourself and head to the back alley behind the shop to call your family’s treasurer, Mrs. Kwon Yuri. She picks up immediately after one ring, “Good afternoon, Mr. Jung. Can I help you?”. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Kwon”, you greet her, “I’m planning to make an investment in a burger shop owned by my friend’s family. Can you please handle it for me? I’ll send you their number after this”. Mrs. Kwon stays silent for a few seconds, but you hear her keyboard clacking over the phone, “I can, Mr. Jung; I will reach out to them in two days”. You feel a wave of relief in your heart, “sounds great, Mrs. Kwon. Be sure to make it favorable for them, please—5 or 10 percent is fine. Thanks for the help”. You send her their number after hanging up and with it, your investment will soon be confirmed, and they’ll get a small boost to grow their business.
Unbeknownst to you, Xinyu has been hiding around the corner waiting for you to end the call. She runs to you when she hears you hang up the phone and hugs you tightly. “My God, that is so sexy, oppa”, she says. “What is, baby?”, you say, unsure about what she’s referring to. “The fact that you’re willing to use your money to help someone else. I know it’s probably spare change for you but it’s still meaningful”, she looks at you straight in the eyes as her hands are on each side of your head. ”I was just trying to help, it’s not like they don’t deserve it—I mean, you know how good their stuff is”, you tell her. “Oh, I know, but you know what else is good?”, she smiles at you. “No?”, you say, oblivious. “My boyfriend’s lips on mine”, she says before pressing her lips against yours. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t like kissing Xinyu but kissing her in broad daylight in a back alley feels scandalous. You let your lips stay pressed against Xinyu’s for what feels like a few seconds before you push her away. “Baby, we can’t afford to get caught”, you bargain. “You’re right”, she sighs, “we’ll continue this later”.
You take her hand and enter the shop again. You see Dahyun and her mom crying while a man, who you assume is Mr. Seo, tries to calm them down. Dahyun then points a finger to you and the man walks up to you and reaches his hand out to shake yours. “You must be Jung Jisung”, the man says, “I’m Dahyun’s dad. Thank you so much for your help, son. It means a lot to us”. You’re surprised by how Dahyun’s family is reacting to your little feat, “I-I just wanted to help, sir. My friends and I really like the products your family is selling here”. Mr. Seo pulls you into a hug and you see that Nakyoung and Chaeyeon are leaning against Yooyeon’s shoulders on each side while sobbing. “What is happening, man?”, you think to yourself. Mr. Seo lets you go after a few seconds and shakes your hand one more time; “I need to go; I have two ladies to attend to”, he says, referring to his wife and daughter who are still weeping.
You sit down at the table again and ask your friends about what happened when you were away for that short a time. “They-they told us how hard it was to start this business, oppa”, Nakyoung holds back a sob before continuing, “they-they had to take a bunch of loans and barely had customers at the start—our tab today is one of the biggest ones they’ve had so far. Dahyun even had to do several part-time jobs to help her family’s economy”. Chaeyeon is making it obvious that she’s the most sensitive person in the friend group, as she cries even more after hearing Nakyoung’s summary of what has just happened. “They were over the moon when you said you were going to invest, and now the emotions have finally caught up to them”, Yooyeon says before wiping her eyes with a napkin. You realize that this is what your parents have been preaching for your whole life: to be able to help someone with what you have—especially money—no matter how big or small it is. You silently praise your parents and pray to whatever celestial being is up there for their health and safety.
You wait until everyone has calmed down before walking to the cashier to pick up the tab. “Ji-Jisung-ah”, Mrs. Seo’s emotions are still high as she keeps sobbing after all this time, “are you 100% sure you’re going to invest in us?”. “I am sure, madam. I’ve called the treasurer; she’ll reach out in two days. It’s the least I can do to help, madam”. Mrs. Seo opens her arms and hugs you, “thank you, son; thank you so much”. You close your eyes and savor the genuine emotions she’s showing you, “the pleasure is mine, madam; believe me”. She lets go and fiddles with the computer in front of her, “since you insisted on paying, everything will be ₩50.000 and I’m giving you a 10% discount—so what is that, then?”. Your eyes widen in surprise when you hear her words, “wait, no, no, no. Please, there’s no need for that”. You argue back and forth with Mrs. Seo until she agrees not to give you a discount. You hand her two ₩50.000 banknotes and tell her to keep the rest, which makes her bawl her eyes out again. You’re starting to feel terrible for making these people cry so much today, so you awkwardly walk back to the table so that you can get your friends to leave with you.
Everyone stands up when they’re finally ready to leave and file out of the door one by one except for Dahyun. Before it’s your turn to leave, Mr. Seo pulls you to the side and hugs you one more time. “Thank you for everything, Jisung-ah”, Mr. Seo says to your ear, “I would offer you my Dahyun but I was told that you have a girlfriend already”. Your eyes widen in shock, “That won’t be necessary ever, Mr. Seo. I don’t even know if Dahyun likes me like that—also she’s not anyone’s property, respectfully”, you whisper in his ear. He lets go of you and shakes your hand softly, so you reciprocate his gesture and do the same. “Oppa”, Dahyun calls out to you, “thank you so much for everything, seriously. I promise I’ll do my best in the council; I’ll do whatever you guys ask me to”. You smile at her, “I know you will, Dahyun-ah. I can tell that you’re a hardworking person as well”. Dahyun looks at the door and makes sure that the coast is clear before hugging you. “I know you have Xinyu-unnie but please let me have this for now”, she then gets on her tippy toes and pecks your cheek, which makes the two of you blush at the same time. “Thank you, Dahyun-ah. I wish you and everyone health and safety. See you soon, okay?”, you make to leave the restaurant and catch up with your friends.
You get back in the car and start driving again; everyone except Xinyu (obviously) asks you to take them back to campus, so you do as they ask and take them back there. They get off at the campus gate and wave at you as you leave, and now you’re left alone with Xinyu. “Let’s go home, oppa”, she says before reaching over and palming your cock, “I’m so fucking horny, oppa—if you hadn’t stopped me back in the alley, I would’ve got on my knees and sucked your cock”. You can feel your cock getting hard and your patience running thin, so you take a deep breath before replying to Xinyu, “patience, princess; we’ll get home before you know it”. You hope that your words were good enough to convince her to be patient, but they apparently weren’t, as she keeps palming your cock the rest of the way home.
You make it back to the parking lot of your building again. You stand next to the car and wait for Xinyu to get off. Instead of taking her hand and walk side by side, you lift her by her thighs and carry her to your destination. “You’re not getting away with being such a brat—you wanna palm my cock because you’re horny? Fine, I’ll show you horny”, you whisper aggressively in her ear. “You’re gonna make me pay, daddy?”, she whispers back, her voice laced with lust. You rush to your apartment and enter the bedroom straight away. Your lust-controlled brain doesn’t want to play nice, as it makes you drop Xinyu on the bed not-too-softly. Xinyu bites her bottom lip; “I like it when you’re rough”, she says, trying to rile you up more. You want to talk dirty with her, but you’re given another idea instead; “let’s make a deal: if you can make it through this session without cumming, I’ll buy you whatever you want—including Dahyun’s restaurant. Now pick a fucking safe word”. You take off everything you have on your body in front of her, and she bites her lip again, “Oh please, just who exactly do you think I am? Just come and punish me, daddy; use me, stretch me, choke me, cum in me—do whatever pleases you and I’ll take it like a good girl, because I am one”.
You pull her off the bed and onto her feet; “strip”, you command. “Yes, daddy” is her reply; short, but laden with obedience. She takes her sweet time to take off each thing and tries putting on a show for you, but since you’re now thinking with your cock and not your brain, you’re getting impatient; “I told you to strip, princess, not to take off your clothes”, you say as you palm her neck and squeeze it slightly while glaring right into her eyes—she’s taller than most people but you still tower over her (shoutout to dad for his genes). You see that she’s starting to get intimidated but still has her strong girl façade on, “hngh—patience, daddy, plea-please”. You let her neck go and she takes the rest of her clothes seemingly nervously, as seen by how her hands shake as she’s doing it. Xinyu gets back in bed when nothing is on her body, now ready to start the session. As much as you’re horny and rough, you’re never one to act without consent, so you ask the seemingly scared girl in your bed, “are you okay? Was I too mean? Do you want to keep going?”. “N-no, you’re okay—I’m okay”, she takes a deep breath and welcomes you to bed.
You get on top of her and start sucking and nibbling her neck, marking it with your lips as she moans and sighs at the contact. “You love marking me, right, daddy?”, she eggs you on, “you like showing people who I belong to, don’t you?”. You leave her neck when you see that it has a red spot on the side, knowing that it will turn into a decently sized hickey tomorrow, “Uh-huh; they’ll know if they haven’t already”, you say to her, “if you cover it with makeup, I will make you sleep on the sofa for a month”. She pleas her case, “but what if my professors see it?”. You shrug, “we’re adults—your words, not mine. Now stay still, I have things to do”.
You move to her breasts, putting one in your mouth while fondling the other. Xinyu has always been sensitive there, so you know it’ll be plenty of stimulation for her. “Daddy”, she sighs, “why do you like my breasts so much?”. You lift your mouth off so you can reply to her; “because they fit in my hands so well”, you palm a breast; a perfect handful in your hand, “can you feel how perfect it is in my hand?”. Xinyu nods to your question, “ye-yes, daddy; they’re perfect for you, just like the rest of my body”. “Good answer, princess—you should be able to feel this as well”, you pinch a nipple and tug, making Xinyu scream instantly, “oh, fuck, fuck—the-they’re sensitive, daddy”. You chuckle, “I know they are, but you’re mine to play with”.
You play with her tits a bit more before moving on. You opt to skip her tummy (no matter how firm and soft it looks) and go straight to her pussy. “Open your legs, princess”, you command her, and she instantly spread her long legs enough for you to fit your head between them. “I-I hope you like what you see”, she says with a blush on her cheeks. Honestly, how can you not like the sight despite having seen it a lot—her perfectly pink and glistening pussy is making you drool, literally. You dive into her pussy right away; your tongue is pressed against her entrance, threatening to invade it while your index finger is on her nub. Xinyu starts moaning and squirming around as you start licking her pussy, so you hold down her thighs so that you don’t miss your target. “Remember to hold your cum”, you remind the moaning girl. Her heavy breathing makes it hard for her to verbally answer you, so she just nods to your say.
“Op-oppa”, she calls out with heavy pants, “you-you’re gonna make me cum if you keep doing that”. You lift your face off her crotch and look at her in disbelief, “is that supposed to be a threat? You dare threat me, you slut? That’s the wrong name too, by the way”. Xinyu panics, “no-no, daddy; I would never—oh, fuck—I would never threaten you, I swear”. You plunge two fingers into her pussy, “that’s what I thought”. “Oh, fuck—daddy, please”, she lets out whiny moans. You know that she’s doing her best to hold off her orgasm, and you praise her for her efforts; even good girls have their limits, and hers is very close. You keep fucking her with your fingers until you feel her pussy squeeze them, indicating that she’s having her orgasm soon. True enough, she screams from the top of her lungs after a few seconds, “I’M-I’M CUMMING, FUCK!”. You pull your fingers out as she squirts her juices out and stroke her thighs to help her calm down. It takes a few minutes of moaning and whining until her mind is cleared and her high is dissipated. “You came”, you say with a fake disappointed voice. Realization of what just happened slaps her in the face, “I’m so sorry, daddy; please don’t punish me, I beg you. I-I’ll give you my mouth, I’ll give you my asshole—anything you want. Just don’t punish me, please”. “There’s no way she’s offering you her ass”, your brain says, “she’s never trained for it, has she? She’ll never be able to take your cock there—don’t take it, son”.
You decide to keep her in the dark and not tell her that you’re not getting in her ass because you’re naughty like that. “On your stomach, princess”, you command her, and you see that she’s nervous because she’s clueless as to what you have in mind. “I’m so dead; we’ve never trained my ass before and he’s getting in there—this is why you don’t run your mouth, Zhou Xinyu”, Xinyu thinks to herself. She gets even more scared when you lift her ass but not the rest of her body. You make her think that you’re going in her ass by asking her to spread her cheeks. Xinyu’s fear peaks when you put your thumb on her asshole and slather spit on it—she even sheds a tear because she’s that scared. “Look at it”, you say, “that must be so tight and snug”. “I guess this is how I die”, she thinks as more tears are released from her eyes, “he’s going in there dry, too—fuck, this will hurt like a bitch”. You remove your thumb and announce to her that you’re going in, so she closes her eyes and braces for the pain. To her surprise, you decide to plunge into her pussy instead, so Xinyu lets out a loud moan immediately; “oh, God, daddy, yes, yes—I’m your good girl, daddy”. A wave of relief washes over Xinyu; “he’s not getting in my ass!”, she thinks to herself.
You lean forward and whisper in Xinyu’s ear, “you thought I was gonna take your ass, didn’t you, princess?”. She moans before answering you, “ye-yes, daddy. I-I was so scared”. You laugh at her; you’d think she would know by now that you’d never do anything without her explicit and clear consent, but here she is, scared shitless at the prospect of losing her anal virginity to you. “I might not be taking your ass today, but I’m taking your pussy”, you say before pulling her gloriously thick jet-black hair. “It’s yours, daddy—I’m yours; take me anytime you want—oh, fuck, that’s so fucking deep”, she replies. You press Xinyu’s head into the pillow, “I’m cumming in your pussy and I want you to keep it in”. You feel her nod against your hand, and you pick up the pace of your thrusts.
You keep pumping her pussy deep and fast, just like how you like it. Xinyu is holding the pillow under her head with all her might, her knuckles turning white thanks to how hard she’s gripping it. You feel your lust peaking, so you give her rougher thrusts as your crotch makes clapping sounds when it hits Xinyu’s cheeks. Xinyu is moaning and screaming your name away, as she feels the rough thrusts you’re giving her; “I’m gonna feel this tomorrow”, she says in her head. You can feel your orgasm approaching, so you get in a squatting position without pulling out and keep thrusting into her pussy with all your strength. Xinyu knows this as well, so she eggs you on, “keep stretching me like that, daddy—oh, fuck, you’re in my belly”.
You start feeling tired from fucking her in such position. Thankfully for you, you’re so close to cumming as well. “Princess”, you say with heavy breathing, “I’m so close”. She turns her head to see you over her shoulder, “yes, daddy; I’m so close as well—oh, fuck—please let me cum with you”. You’re reminded of her words a few days ago when you said you were close, and you decide to use it against her, “I’ll let you cum if you ask nicely”. She takes a deep breath so that she can ‘ask nicely’, “daddy, please, let me cum with you—I’m-I’m begging you, daddy”. Satisfied with her answer, you pet her head; “good job, princess”. To make sure that she indeed cums with you, you reach around her waist and rub her clit as you’re fucking her.
Your orgasm finally hits after some more thrusts. You plug your cock deep into her and start shooting your cum deep into Xinyu’s pussy; at the same time, Xinyu’s legs quiver thanks to her second orgasm—no squirting this time, unfortunately. You stand up on the bed after all your cum is released into her; “if you let it leak out, I’m taking your ass”, you threaten her falsely. You know that Xinyu lacks training, so unless she trains her ass, you’re not getting in there—unless she decides to act like a brat again. Xinyu doesn’t know that it was a fake threat, so she keeps her ass up to prevent your cum from leaking out while she tries her best to catch her breath.
You jump off the bed and leave to get water and towel, “be right back, princess”. When you return, she still has her ass up because at heart, she is very obedient and just wants to please her boyfriend as much as she can. “Daddy”, she calls out with teary eyes, “can-can I put my ass down now? I’m s-starting to get tired”. You feel a rush of guilt in your heart because she actually fell for the false threat; “you can, princess. Just relax, okay?”, you say as you guide her waist down by pressing down on the small of her back until she’s flat on the bed. “I’m gonna wipe your body with this towel, okay, princess?”. You see her nod, so you start wiping her body from her nape down to her legs, making sure not to miss a spot as you go. You roll her over onto her back to clean the other side of her body and that’s when you see the messy makeup on her face—solid proof that tears were running down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry, princess”, you stroke her cheeks softly with your thumb, “I was so rough on you, wasn’t I?”. She sniffles before answering you, “you-you were, but it’s okay; nothing I’m not used to”. “Can I clean that makeup for you, or do you want to do it yourself?”, you ask her. She reaches out to grab the towel from your hands and wipe her face with it, “this should be enough”. She then returns the towel to you so you can clean the rest of her body.
“Honey”, you call out to her, “wanna shower or no?”. She sighs in exhaustion, “no, too tired—you can shower if you want”. You jump back in bed and lie next to her; “no, too tired”, you return her words. She gathers all her might and scoots over so that she can cuddle you; “I hope that was satisfactory”, she says. You peck her head, “of course it was. Thank you very much, love”. “I was so scared that you were going to fuck me in the ass, daddy”, she hasn’t dropped the name yet, “you know I’ve never trained my ass so I thought you were gonna take my anal virginity raw and dry—I mean sure, it’s only right that I give you that but I was super scared”. You stroke the back of her head softly, “we can talk about that later, sweetie—just know this: I would never do anything to you without your clear and explicit consent, so until I hear that you’re ready to take me in your ass, I’m not fucking you in the ass. I promise you that”.
She hums in understanding—you can tell that she’s grateful too—but is then reminded about the deal from earlier, “so I guess you’re not buying me whatever I want since I came?”. You let out a chuckle, “what do you want to get, sweetie?”. She blushes when she realizes that she didn’t lose the deal because of how sweet and kind you really are behind all those façades, “oh-oh, um, I-I wa-want burgers and fries from Dahyun’s place again, oppa”. You nod to her, “sure, love. We can go after this if you want”.
You and Xinyu get back in the car after regaining energy and showering, as you two are now on your way to Dahyun’s restaurant for the second time today. When you arrive, you see that Dahyun’s attending the cashier this time. She sees you two in front of the door and rushes to open it for you, “oppa, unnie, welcome back!”. “Hey, baby. Nice to see you again”, Xinyu hugs the girl in front of her. “We promised we would return so here we are”, you say to her. “Where are the others, though?”, Dahyun asks. “No idea; we just had sex at home and came here after cuddling and showering”, Xinyu utters oh-so-brazenly. “OH MY GOD! UNNIE!”, Dahyun covers her ears and runs away from the two of you. You palm your face, “I’m so sorry, Dahyun-ah; you didn’t need to hear all that”. Dahyun fans her cheeks with her hands to fight her blush, “oh my, how could you say that so casually—wh-what can I get for you guys this time?”. You pinch Xinyu’s cheek for her little shenanigan before turning to Dahyun and repeat your order from this afternoon; “oh, can we get 2 more fries and that sauce again? So 4 fries in total and the sauce”, you ask her. “Of course you can, oppa. Please wait at the table for your food”.
Dahyun brings a tray of food to you after about 15 minutes. She thinks that she can waltz away after that, so you call out to her, “where on God’s green earth do you think you’re going, Dahyun-ah?”. Surprised to hear you call her that way, she walks back to you your table awkwardly, “I-I’m sorry?”. “Why do you think we ordered 4 burgers?”, you point at the empty seat next to Xinyu, “have a seat with us. We can have a little chit-chat—you can get back to work if there’s another customer coming”. “Uwuwu, my baby”, Xinyu peppers Dahyun’s face with pecks. “I’m sorry, oppa, but is unnie always like this?”, Dahyun asks you. “No, only to people she likes”, you say with a smile, indicating to her that she’s one of those people.
No other customer ends up coming, so you have the entire restaurant to yourselves. “Dahyun-ah, would you be able to cater for the entire council? I would love to introduce your products to our staffs”, you say before shoving another piece of fry coated in sauce, “holy shit, that is glorious—you know what, we’ll pay for this bottle of sauce since we’re probably finishing this”. “Oppa”, she says with a soft voice, “you.. are you serious?”. You’re not sure what she’s talking about, “pardon?”. “Are you serious about asking us to cater for the council? That’d be, like, our biggest sales so far”, she says, tears threatening to burst out of her eyes for the second time today. “Let’s ask Xinyu what she thinks”, you point to the girl sitting next to Dahyun. “I agwee wif offa”, she says with a full mouth before swallowing her food, “ehm, excuse me—yes, I agree with oppa’s idea; we should introduce this to everyone. We’ll need the sauce as well, by the way”.
Dahyun sits in silence before covering her face to hide her tears; “oppa, unnie, why are you guys so kind to us? First it was the investment and now this?”, she says with trembling voice. Xinyu hugs the crying girl, “because we love you and we love your food, baby”. If Xinyu was calling another guy “baby”, you would flip out, but you don’t mind since it’s Dahyun. “I know that we sound like a broken record, but we genuinely love the food here. Can you give me an estimation as to when you think you’ll be able to do it?”, the way you say it makes you sound like your dad right now. Dahyun sniffles and gathers her mind to think of an answer, “um, probably in a few weeks; I need to talk with my parents, though”. “Very cool”, you clap your hands once, “we’ll be having a meeting with everyone in the council at the end of September. We’ll tell them to come with an empty stomach”.
You’re now ready to leave the restaurant after finishing your burgers, fries, and a whole bottle of sauce. “We’re gonna need to hit the gym this weekend”, you think to yourself. You’re standing in front of the cashier with Dahyun and Xinyu, and that’s when Xinyu excuses herself and runs to the toilet. Dahyun keeps her eyes on Xinyu until she disappears behind the toilet door and walks up to you slowly. You’re not too sure what she’s trying to do, so you opt to let things run their course for now. She wraps her arms around your nape and pulls you down for a kiss. As she’s kissing you, you can’t help but notice how soft her lips are. Dahyun then pulls away from the kiss after a few seconds; “I swear I’ll find a way to repay you, just wait—also, don’t think that I didn’t see your mark on unnie’s neck; sex with you must be amazing, oppa”, she says before taking a few steps back to avoid Xinyu’s suspicion. “You’re saying a lot of nonsense right now, darling”, you say in a quiet voice—that’s another pet name spilling out of your lips and Dahyun catches it right away. “Darling, hm? I like the sound of that, darling”, she winks at you and walks away. Perfect timing, really, because you see that Xinyu is opening the toilet door and about to walk out.
You close your eyes and put a palm on your forehead; “what is happening right now, man?”. Life is throwing another girl at you, and you’re not sure why because you already have a girlfriend—a lovely one at that. You take a deep breath before holding your girlfriend’s hand and leading her out of the door. You take a glance at Dahyun over your shoulder, and you see her wink at you once again. “I’m so fucking cooked”, you think to yourself.
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honeylations · 10 months
Prompt: Minjeong, your best friend (and secret crush), lied to her parents about having a girlfriend. You didn’t expect that YOU were the girlfriend. Let’s see how your heart plays out.
Warnings/Notes: loser nerd Minjeong, g!p Minjeong, eventual smut, best friends to lovers
A/N: more loser Minjeong because she’s so cute
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‘Sorry, will be a few mins late!’ Was Minjeong’s last text before you found yourself sitting alone in the Uni’s library for what was supposed to be exam prepping.
However the ‘few mins’ that Minjeong said ended up being almost half an hour and you were close to ditching the plan for a matcha latte, but the taller girl touched your shoulder which almost sent you into cardiac arrest.
“Jesus Jeongie! Don’t sneak up on my like that!”
“I’m sorry for making you wait! Something happened at home so I couldn’t just leave” she sighed and sat beside you.
She was wearing her oversized Minecraft shirt and baggy jeans. Complimented with her old and extremely dirty converses that you told her to throw away. Her short hair was tied into a mini ponytail and her adorable black glasses were taped together in the middle after she accidentally got hit with a basketball in the face.
Oh your adorable nerdy Jeongie :(
“Wanna talk about it?” You asked softly once seeing her stressed state.
She nodded cutely. Like a little puppy. But that thought went out the window when she rested her arm around the back of your chair, leaning closely so no one else would hear what she was gonna say.
Your stomach started to do flips from the close proximity. Her big eyes looked into yours desperately, like she was asking for help.
“Please don’t get mad, Y/n-ie”
“What’s wrong Jeongie?”
She sighed once more and looked away for a split second before meeting your eyes again. My God, she was so hot.
“I may or may not have told my parents that you were my girlfriend…”
That’s when you lost your voice. The air around you felt thick and there was only one way you were able to respond.
You punched her face.
Minjeong grunted and fell out of her seat from the sudden blow. She held her cheek and turned to you in shock. “What the hell Y/n!”
“Are you kidding me Minjeong? What the hell happened for you to lie like that!”
She stood up, still holding her pained cheek. “Both of my sisters got girlfriends leaving me stuck like some virgin loser with no life! What else was I supposed to do? My parents are on my tail and I couldn’t let them know that I’m still refusing to have some human interaction while playing with legos”
You threw a small tantrum. “So what, we just hold hands for the rest of our lives?”
“Look, I just want you to come for dinner tonight. Have some simple conversations with them and it’ll seal the deal. They won’t bother me anymore after”
She was making it harder for you to say no. You wanted her so bad as your girlfriend since you first met but not in the situation she has currently put you in. Letting go of her face, she walked up to you and gently rubbed your shoulders.
You looked up and felt the butterflies again. Why couldn’t the girlfriend thing just be real instead?
“Please Y/n-ie. I really need your help”
Well that was enough to convince you. Talk about being whipped.
“Alright Jeongie. But you owe me big time”
“Yes yes of course! Thank you!” She cutely celebrated and pulled you in for a tight hug.
“I’ll send you my parent’s address. Come at 7 okay? You can even sleep over my dorm afterwards”
“That sounds nice. I haven’t slept over your dorm in a while”
She shrugged. “We get too busy nowadays”
“Yeah we do. Do I have to dress nicely?”
Minjeong looked up to think for a moment before nodding. “Might as well. I’ll dress nice too”
“Alright. Let’s start studying”
You stood at the front door and rang the bell, quickly adjusting the short tight dress just in time for Minjeong to open the door to greet you.
You found yourself stuck in a trance as your best friend revealed herself in a black button up and slacks. The top 3 buttons were undone to reveal the chain necklace you gifted her ages ago.
Minjeong wasn’t wearing her glasses either and her short brown hair wasn’t tied in her usual ponytail. Her hair was free and looking so fluffy as she ran her fingers through it.
“Y/n welcome!” She gave that ever so handsome smile while hugging you.
Her perfume was stronger than usual, almost intoxicating you.
“Jeongie you look so…”
“Different? Yeah I know. It feels a bit weird” she giggled and looked at her own outfit.
“I was gonna say hot but yeah that works too”
Her lips parted adorably. “You think so?”
“Don’t get too happy now” you winked as she allowed you inside and to the kitchen where her parents and two sisters were seated at the table.
“Just go with the flow. It’ll be okay” she whispered in your ear before gently holding your hand. “Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Jang Y/n. Y/n, these are my parents and my two sisters Chaewon and Taeyeon”
You bowed and flashed a bright smile. “Pleasure to finally meet you all!”
“I didn’t think our little JeongJeong was able to pull such a pretty woman” Taeyeon smiled, making you instantly blush.
You felt Minjeong’s hand tighten around yours and you noticed her jaw clenching. Chaewon picked up on it aswell and began laughing.
“Oh relax Minjeong, no one’s planning to steal your girl. Tone down the jealousy”
“I’m not jealous. Come on Y/n, take a seat” she said and pulled the chair out for you to sit on.
She took her own seat afterwards and returned to holding your hand again. “Also guys, please don’t overwhelm my girlfriend with too many questions okay? I’m sure she’s tired already from her uni lectures today”
“Oh you study Y/n?” Her Dad asked with crossed arms as if he was studying you.
“Yes sir, I’m a pharmacy student” you answered proudly, earning an impressed reaction from the family.
“Is that so? May I ask why?”
“My dad currently owns a pharmacy and I hope to open my own after graduation”
“Awe you’re such a sweetheart” Minjeong’s mom cooed, holding your free hand. “Let’s not bother her any longer, honey” She whispered to her husband and then smiling at you again.
“Let’s eat now”
And that’s how the remainder of the dinner went. Chaewon and Taeyeon asked a few more casual questions here and there to get to know you better and surprisingly the 3 of you clicked. You and Chaewon love mint chocolate ice cream whereas you and Taeyeon used to play the violin.
That’s when the two older Kim sisters brought out expensive wine for you to share and then you got a bit carried away from the delectable taste.
Chaewon was slightly worse. Only two glasses in and she was passed out at the dinner table. Taeyeon was more responsible, being the eldest sibling as she took reasonable sips of the liquor. You just chugged every pour and your red cheeks were enough of a sign for Minjeong to confiscate the glass from you.
“That’s enough, Y/n”
“Awe man” you whined and let your head fall onto her shoulder.
“I didn’t expect the dinner to end like this. Sorry Mom and Dad. I promise you she doesn’t usually drink so carelessly” Minjeong smiled sheepishly at her smiling parents
“Sometimes a uni student needs their break” Her mom giggled.
“Thanks for introducing her to us, darling. She’s a gem you need to take care of. If I find out you made her cry, I’m hunting YOU down” Her dad joked, earning a nudge from his wife.
“Thanks guys. It’s time to take her home. I’ll visit you guys again next weekend once exams are over” Minjeong told.
She stood up with you leaning into her arms like a sleepy toddler.
“That sounds lovely. Do bring Y/n again if you can”
“I’ll ask her. Have a goodnight, I love you both”
You woke up during the car ride back to Minjeong’s dorm, feeling a bit dizzy from the wine. “Jeongie?”
“Hey, silly. Didn’t expect you to wake up so soon”
You sat up in the passenger seat and started scanning the view of your supposed to be nerdy best friend driving. She looked so attractive?
She had one hand on the wheel and the other resting on the gear stick, unintentionally displaying the rings on her index and middle finger.
“What’s going on?”
“You’re sleeping over my place remember? Unless you changed your mind. I can drive you to your place instead”
“No no!” You quickly panicked, surprising Minjeong a little.
“Cool. You feeling better?”
The effects of the alcohol were coming back as your eyes did their own thing again, starting from your best friend’s Adam’s Apple down to her unbuttoned shirt and finally…her crotch.
You remember accidentally walking in on her changing out of her pants and seeing quite an impressive size underneath her boxers but that was when Minjeong’s dick was flaccid. It made you wonder the size when hard.
“I’d suck your dick until my jaw dislocates” You randomly blurt out.
Minjeong’s eyes went wide, almost sending the car flying with how hard she slammed on the brakes. “W-What?”
The wine was giving you more confidence than needed so you decided to continue by running a hand from her knee up to her crotch and giving a gentle squeeze. Minjeong’s hands tightened around the wheel as she continued driving.
“Y-Y/n, we’re gonna crash”
“You don’t understand how badly I’ve wanted you, Jeongie” you husked, hand never leaving her bulge.
“Y-You want me?” She cutely squeaked, eyes darting from your hand to the road.
“Always wanted you. The faster you drive us, the faster you get to fucking me, baby” you whispered hotly in her ear and kissing the lobe after.
You found out that same night that Minjeong didn’t like taking things slow. You were both already naked on her bed, her hand wrapped around your throat while she kissed you like she was starved.
She quickly sat up and fished out a condom but you snatched it from her and threw it away. “I want it raw, baby”
“Do you just let anyone fuck you raw?”
“No, just you. You’re all I ever think about”
Minjeong cursed under her breath before kissing you again, already pushing in her cock inside your desperate cunt. Her lips moved to the space on your neck that her hand wasn’t covering, sucking and biting while your back arched.
“Oh my god, Jeongie”
She smirked into your skin and began moving her hips. “My pretty cock sleeve”
Her words, her actions, her tone were beyond your expectations. A loser nerd girl who was also fucking hot under the sheets and knows how to use her dick? There’s nothing else you could’ve wanted.
“Ah!” You gasped at a particular hard thrust, pushing Minjeong’s head closer to your skin that she continued marking.
“Fuck Princess, need you to be mine” she growled and the hand she had on your throat had pinned your wrists above your head, letting you see her biceps under the dim lighting and her hot face, shining with sweat.
Her chain was dangling just above your nose as her movements became rougher. She bit on her lower lip and released a muffled moan that got you clenching.
“Shit. Gonna fucking cum, Y/n-ie”
“Yes please, Jeongie! I want to be yours”
She leaned down to kiss your nipples and then your lips. “Gonna claim you, okay baby? Not only will you be my girlfriend but you’ll be my personal cum dump too. How does that sound?” She smirked evilly, watching you nod.
“Yes yes yes! Fucking have me. I’ll be anything you want!”
“Good” Minjeong simply said before flipping you over with your ass up.
She held your hips and began fucking you from behind like a mad dog, slapping your ass hard enough to leave a mark. You cried into the sheets as you fisted the ruined blanket, looking to the side and seeing the lewd reflection in the mirror.
You could see Minjeong’s lips parted as she destroyed your insides, almost setting them on fire. “Fuck, gonna cum in this delicious pussy of yours, baby”
You chanted a bunch of “yes”’s as the bed started ramming into the wall. Your eyes rolled back and you released a scream, feeling yourself explode your cum all over Minjeong’s big cock, but she continued to pound into you chasing for her own release.
“Fucking take it, bitch” she panted, feeling the familiar tightness in her abdomen. “Holy shit, Y/n!”
You moaned at the warm feeling of her cum fill your insides, certain that it was going to trickle out of you. Minjeong pulled out and kissed your right ass cheek before staring intently at the white liquid escaping your abused pussy.
“I came a lot for a virgin” she chuckled, making your head whip so fast.
“You’re a virgin?!”
“I thought it would be obvious with, you know, the Minecraft shirts, my Roblox merch…”
“You’re a virgin but you literally fucked me like that?!” You said breathlessly.
“Pleasing a woman doesn’t seem so hard. Porn sites are quite educational too” she winked and laid you beside her.
She pulled the sheets over your sweaty bodies and kissed your crown. “So…does this mean you’re my girlfriend now? Like for real?”
You looked up at her and giggled. “Yes it does”
“Yayyy” she scrunched her nose, personality returning to the loser Minjeong you fell in love with.
“I need to build my Lego soon” she added.
“It’s literally 4am”
“I said what I said”
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theotherbuckley · 5 months
I'm Not Going Anywhere
bucktommy ficlet | 1.4K | G | read on ao3
The first time Evan spends the night over, Tommy panics. He panics when he wakes up in the morning, sun seeping through the gaps of the blinds. He expects to wake to a warm body wrapped around his front, Evan drooling onto his chest adorably, the way he was positioned when they went to sleep. Instead, he wakes up cold. He frowns, his eyes still closed as he lets out a groggy grumble, reaching out and fumbling with the sheets trying to locate his boyfriend. He slaps around at nothing but cold sheets. That’s when his eyes snap open and the panic seeps in. Because Evan’s not there. Hasn’t been for a while, as the coldness of the space beside him suggests.
Tommy should have known better. He doesn’t have many, if any, people who seem to want to stick around for him. His parents always thought he was more hassle than he was worth. He was constantly tossed between them during the divorce, neither one seeming too interested in keeping him for any longer than their agreement stipulated. His first girlfriend didn’t love him, which he supposes was only fair since he could never love her either. That didn’t make it hurt any less when she gave up and left. He caught his first boyfriend cheating on him when he came home early from a shift. They’d just lost a kid and his captain had sent him home. He had wanted to come home to his boyfriend, cuddle on the couch, watch some dumb romcom to cheer himself up. Instead he came home in a sleep-deprived daze, not registering the sounds coming from inside the apartment until it was too late. He didn’t have it in him to do anything more than let the tears stream down from his blood shot eyes. His boyfriend and his— whatever— left without even an apology. It was then that Tommy told himself he’d never let himself fall for something that wasn’t real.
The point is that Tommy should really know better. He thought maybe Evan was different, that he would want to stick around. But it had only been their first night together to have Evan scared off and running for the door. Tommy sighs, rolling onto his back and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, blinking up at the ceiling. He debates spending the day moping in bed, but his bladder forces him to get up. After relieving himself he patters back to his bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed and trying to figure out where the hell he went wrong. Did he come on too strong? Did he do something? Or was there just something wrong with him? 
A knock at the doorway startles him out of his spiral and he turns to see a half dressed Evan leaning against the frame. His hair is sticking out in every which direction, full of unkempt light brown curls. He looks ridiculously adorable standing there in his boxers and what looks to be one of Tommy’s shirts. It hangs loosely around Evan’s body, it fits Evan well actually, but it’s very different to the normally snug, tight fitting shirts that Evan normally wears, the ones whose buttons seem to be constantly fighting for their life. The sight of Evan in his clothing sends a wave of heat through his body, a warmth settling somewhere deep in his chest, chasing away the negative spiral of thoughts in his mind.
“Thought I heard you get up,” Evan says, grinning at Tommy who’s still stuck staring at the beautiful man in front of him. “I—I made breakfast, I hope you don’t mind,” Evan continues, ducking his head as a dusting of red blooms across his cheeks and down his neck. 
Tommy smiles at him then, a wide smile that has his eyes crinkling in the corner. He gets up, walking over towards Evan and placing his fingers gently under his chin, lifting softly so that Evan has to look at him. “You made me breakfast?” Tommy repeats softly, unable to hide the awe in his voice. 
Evan tries to duck his head again but Tommy doesn’t remove his hand from his chin. 
“Yeah. Is that— is that okay?” He looks so shy and nervous and that simply won’t do. Tommy leans forward, presses a chaste kiss to Evan’s lips, once, twice, three times because he simply can’t resist. Evan’s cheeks now almost match the colour of his birthmark. Tommy thinks he may just be the cutest man to ever exist. 
“More than okay, thank you,” Tommy says, his voice cracking lightly with sleep. Evan beams at him, standing up straighter, feeling much more confident now. Tommy wraps his arms around Evan’s waist, pulling him flush against him and tucking his head into the curve of his shoulder, unable to stop himself from seeking a little bit more comfort from his boyfriend.
“You okay?” Evan asks when Tommy finally pulls back. He’s always so caring, always able to sense when something’s not quite right.
Tommy nods, “Better now,” he says sincerely. 
Evan tilts his head a silent question to elaborate if he chooses. Tommy ducks his head this time. “I just—” Tommy shakes his head, “didn’t know where you went,” he finishes.
Evan’s expression drops and his eyes widen as the pieces click together. He’s quick to apologise, “I’m so sorry Tommy, I—I didn’t think! I just wanted to do something nice for you. I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you wake up, I’m so—” Tommy cuts off his rambling with a sweet kiss to his lips. 
“I know, baby,” Tommy says gently, the pet name slipping out. 
Evan blushes the prettiest shade of pink and he smiles. “Good, cause—cause I’m not going anywhere, just so you know,” he says confidently. “Unless— unless you get sick of me,” Evan adds, insecurely seeping out.
“Don’t think that’s possible,” Tommy admits.
“Good, good. Come on I made pancakes,” Evan says, dragging Tommy by the arm towards the kitchen. He stops suddenly and Tommy crashes into the back of him. He raises his eyebrow at him quizzically. Evan simply smiles, hand coming up to rest on the back of his head and Tommy finds himself being pulled into a much deeper kiss, a startled moan leaves his lips but it only seems to spur Evan on more. Evan finally pulls back for air, placing another two chaste kisses to his lips before deeming that to be good enough. “Good morning,” he says in a way that has butterflies blooming in his stomach. He thought he was too old to feel this way but with Evan he can’t help but feel like a teenager with a crush. 
“Mmm, good morning indeed,” Tommy murmurs, unable to resist pulling Evan back in for another quick peck. 
Evan chuckles, a sound that Tommy could happily listen to on repeat. “Come on, the food will get cold.”
Tommy follows him out to the kitchen, eyes widening when he sees the food laid out. He didn’t even know he had that much food in his pantry. “You made this all for me?” Tommy says, voice heavy with emotion.
“Of course,” Evan replies simply, settling himself into one of the seats at the kitchen island. “I hope that’s alright,” he says again, and Tommy doesn’t miss the way Evan looks to him for assurance. 
Tommy smiles at him, pulling out the chair beside Evan. He places a soft kiss to Evan’s cheek, before sitting himself down. “Thank you,” Tommy says.
The breakfast is one of the best that Tommy has had in a while. He can’t help but moan after he takes his first bite. He looks up at Evan who’s practically scoffing away at his pancakes in a way that Tommy should not find as adorable as he does. He lets out a chuckle, unable to look away from his boyfriend.
“What? Do I have something on my face?” Evan says when he notices Tommy staring. He brings his hands to his face, wiping at it in an attempt to get off something that isn’t even there.
Tommy shakes his head fondly. “No, no, just admiring the view,” he says, smiling at Evan, relishing in the way Evan immediately goes pink. Tommy loves how easy it is to make him blush, how easy praise affects him. He makes sure to take note of that for later. “You look good in my clothes,” he tells Evan, who only seems to get redder. Yeah, Tommy thinks, he could get used to this.
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sweetteainthesummerx · 4 months
In which we visit the homeland...
series masterlist
Notes: ty for sticking w me and indulging me in my slow updates hehe
let me know if you want to be added to the taglist or if you have any feedback!
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
charles_leclerc posted
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charles_leclerc famiglia 🇮🇹
liked by olliebearman, carlos_sainz55 and 75,092 others
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charles_leclercfannie just a man with his son, his sons gf, who is also his gf's gf
-- user1 family tree goes hard
-- user2 the two cutest couples on the grid fr
scuderiaferrari the motherland 🇮🇹
-- charles_leclerc ❤️
oscarpiastri was the spaghetti good
-- olliebearman it was very
carlos_sainz55 where was my invite
-- alexandrasaintmleux group trip w beck next break!!
gridfandom THE GIRLS ARE SO MOTHERRRR like do u need a family dog other than Leo I can bark
aubreyyang posted on their story
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caption: gelato and espresso 🍨☕️
tagged: alexandrasaintmleux
macecoronel replied to your story
you look hot
Aubrey frowned at the notification. Maybe it was time to finally block him. Ollie, now wearing her sunglasses as they boarded the yacht they'd rented out for the afternoon, leaned down to wrap her up in her arms.
"What's wrong?" he set his chin on her shoulder.
"My ex." she chewed her lip and showed him the text.
He took the phone gently, deleting the reply, "You're here to have a good time, love. Let's get you a drink and some sun."
She just about melted into a puddle.
She let Ollie press the block button and slip the phone into her purse, and let him hand her a fruity cocktail, and let him rub sunscreen onto her neck and back.
aubreyyang posted
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aubreyyang you're golden like daylight
liked by olliebearman, aubreyday1 and 75,092 others
aubreyday1 mama y papa
-- user1 new parents alert!!
-- user2 waiting for them to be official that has to be ollie
olliebearman cool rocks
-- aubreyyang almost lost my life climbing them
-- charles_leclerc but you got a great photo TAKEN BY ME
-- f1fankinnie lmaooo hes so fed up with not being credited
dior.n.goodjohn I am no better than a man 🤤
-- alexandrasaintmleux same
-- charles_leclerc ???
"He's staring." Alex giggled from where the girls were tanning on the boat. The boys were a few meters off, talking with the captain and trying to convince the older, stern man to let them have a go at driving the boat.
"Your boyfriend of two years? I would hope he's staring at you." Aubrey rolled her eyes.
"No, your boyfriend of..."
"No, not-" she started, but Alex rolled her eyes so hard that Aubrey thought they would fall out of her head.
"He told you that your more to him than that and he thinks your better than any fame. I know these things, ma petite. That is a man in love."
"He is not-"
"Speak of the devil."
"Hey, guys." Ollie was approaching them, a mischievous look on his boyish face, and Aubrey immediately knew what he was going to do.
"No, no!" she tried to scramble up and away, but he was too fast. Quickly, he picked her up like she weighed nothing and jumped into the sun-warmed ocean, twisting so he hit the water first.
She climbed onto his waist, legs wrapped around him. He smiled proudly as she spluttered, wiping her hair away.
"Oliver! That was so uncalled for." she scolded, but she herself could even hear the laugh in her warning.
"You looked pretty. Wanted to get up close."
"And personal?" she snorted as he laughed.
His nose bumped hers, and the warmth that always seemed to bubble up when he was near resurfaced.
olliebearman posted
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olliebearman italia :)
liked by olliebearmanfanart, aubreyyang and 61,382 others
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landonorris nice view
-- olliebearman mate
-- georgerusselstance21 OH THEYRE TOGETHER TOGETHER HUH
olliebearmanfanart my parents fr they're adorable
user1 his old gf was better tbh...
-- aubersfan1 get tf out. they're clearly happier together and dont ruin it because ur an incel.
-- user2 OH WORDDD
alexalbon cool hat
-- aubreyyang why ty I bought one for lily u can steal it
-- lilymhe MY WIFEEE
-- alexalbon im literally right here like 🧍🏻‍♂️
aubreyyang ❤️
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
Taglist: @callsignwidow @iloveyou3000morgan @honethatty12 @taygrls @destinyg237 @ilivbullyingjeongin @eiaaasamantha @1uvsptnik @yla-aira
© sweetteainthesummerx.tumblr. all rights reserved. unauthorized copying, translation, or claiming of my writing or any works as your own is strictly prohibited.
147 notes · View notes
chapter seven: what's the worst that can happen?
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Sebastian Vettel x Fem!Reader
Warnings: babysitting/playdate uncle mickey for the girls, a sweet mention of michael <3, seb is sooo love sick, < mick thinks it's hilarious, fun date stuff, some kissing because seb is loving on his lady, mick teasing the two of you, a few cheeky comments, illusions to 18+ stuff at the end ;)
Word Count: 2.7k
Author’s Note: finally giving y'all wanted to see; the y/n and seb date! there's a fun lil surprise at the end for you freaky fuckers ;) enjoy it :)
sugar and spice; all things nice masterlist
"Which one?" Sebastian asks, the one hanger in each hand.
Mick looks up from his phone, finding Sebastian in front of him extremely serious about which shirt he should be wearing on his date with y/n. "Oh Seb," the younger German laughs, "you're nervous!"
"I am not!" He groans, rolling his eyes at Mick's teasing - he was sooo nervous. "Just help me pick a shirt, Mick."
"You're like a teenager with a crush," he smiles, making Sebastian groan once again but he nods towards the baby blue button up. "That one."
"You're a pain in the ass, Mick." Sebastian tells him as he hangs the white shirt back in the closet.
Mick shrugs, making himself comfortable on Seb's bed. "Just doing what dad would do." He says, both of them sharing a smile at the thought of Michael; he would have definitely teased Sebastian about his nervousness, but he would have been the first person to support whatever this was between him and y/n.
The thought is pulled away when they hear the little footsteps coming towards the room, Milly pushing the door open as she flings herself into her uncle's arms. Mick catches the girl, hugging her before he pulls her up onto the bed with him.
Sebastian smiles at the sight of them; Mick's holding the girl, Amelia sitting on his lap as she tells him all about the stuff she has planned for her, Olivia and Mick to do.
Had you told him when he met Michael all those years ago, as a young RedBull driver, that his daughter and Michael's son would be like siblings, he would have never believed you.
The doorbell rings and the girl jumps off of the bed, pulling Mick behind her. The man follows her without much of a choice.
"That's Liv! C'mon uncle Mick!" She shouts, running out the room with Mick right behind her. The two of them make it downstairs, Angie pawing at the front door while barking. Mick opens the door, the little girl runs in and hugs his legs.
"Hi Mickey!" She smiles at him and he smiles, reaching down to pinch her chunky cheek.
"Hi sweetheart, come in." He steps aside, scooting Angie back a bit so they had space to come in.
Angie was licking Liv's hand, Milly making the introduction between her best friend and her fur friend. The two girls run off towards the living room after Milly waves hello to you and Mick shuts the door behind you.
He smiles when he sees you, "wow.. you look beautiful."
"Thank you, Mick." You smiled. Angie was running up to you, standing on her back legs as she put her paws on your thighs, barking for some attention.
"Angie! Down!" Mick wags a finger at her and she does drop back down but she barks at him, giving him a look that you can only assume was for ruining her fun. You laugh, kneeling down to pat her side. "Hi pretty girl, dad's no fun huh?" You made a face at her, the dog nuzzling into your arm as you scratched her belly.
"You're spoiling her," Mick laughs when you stand up, Angie running off when Milly calls for her.
"She's adorable. Is Seb ready?"
There are footsteps from your left, you both look towards the stairs where Seb was coming down. "I am."
Mick can't help but laugh; "you know you're supposed to be picking y/n up. This should be the other way around."
You smiled at the boy's comment and Sebastian rolled his eyes, coming down to kiss your cheek. "We're not a very traditional couple, Mick."
Seb takes a moment to admire you; a red top that fit you perfectly and was just low cut enough to leave him wanting more, jeans that were made for you and only you; he resisted the urge to grab your ass in front of Mick - don't want to traumatize the man that's babysitting your children.
"You look.. wow." He smiles, making you chuckle. "You look pretty wow yourself."
"God, this is like watching my parents flirt," Mick gags, walking into the living room.
Seb takes that as his chance; his arm wrapping around your waist to pull you flush against him, hand slipping down to rest on your ass when he kisses you.
"Behave," you mumble, wiping the lipgloss off of his lips. He rolls his eyes playfully, "says you."
The girls were playing with Angie on the floor, Mick stretched out on the couch with the TV playing; very big brother, little sisters coded of them.
"We're heading out now." Sebastian announces and the girls come over, hugging you both goodbye. You give them both a kiss on the cheek, making them promise not to give Mick a hard time while Seb was off to the side talking to previously mentioned man.
"So do I get one of those too?" Mick asks when Seb finally lets him go.
Your brows furrow but Mick glances at the girls but turning his face to the side and leaning towards you. Laughing, you kiss his cheek and leave a red kiss shaped mark on his cheek as you had done with the girls.
Sebastian holds your hand, leading you out of the house before you get a chance to change your mind.
You shout on the way out of the door. "Have fun, you guys! Call if you need us!"
The two of you ended up taking Seb's car - he didn't let you drive, claiming that you driving over was all the driving you'd be doing for the night. Sebastian had planned the date, you had no idea where the two of you were going, or if you were even dressed for the right occasion.
So when he pulled up to the parking lot and the neon sign read mini golf, you looked over at him a bit confused. "Are you serious?" You can't help the laugh.
Sebastian shrugs, "Mick suggested it."
"No wonder," you chuckled, getting out of the car. Seb's cheeks are red, his hand resting on your lower back as you two walk towards the front door. "We can leave.. I can think of something-"
"Relax," you reach for his arm, giving it a squeeze. "It's an odd choice but, I'm sure we'll have fun."
"Okay," he nods, exhaling as he opens the door for you. "I haven't been on a date in a long time.. so I'm a little out of practice." The man admits his thoughts and feelings to you and yet there you were making a joke; "Right, I forget you're 800 years old."
Sebastian rolls his eyes. His hand that previously rested on your back reaches over to pinch your hip teasingly, making you smile. You often tease bit about him acting older than he actually is; a lot of the things that you tell him or show him, he doesn't even have a clue about.
Despite the two of you only having a five year age gap, Seb was an old soul in comparison to you.
Not that you minded, you appreciated the stability that he brought into your life as well as Olivia's.
"But don't worry, me either." You tell him, referring to his dating comment. "At least not a good one, anyways."
"So you're certain this one will be good?" he raises a brow, making you laugh yet again as you two walked in.
You nod, smiling at the man. "I think so."
The two of you decide to play a few rounds, making it around the course. It wasn't until you made it to the last hole that the two of you decided that you wouldn't be playing another round.
"Go on," he tells you, letting you hit the ball into the hole. It misses the hole by an inch and you watch as Seb purposefully misses his shot as well.
You line your club up with the ball. "You didn't have to do that."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." He smiles, clapping for you when you get the ball into the final hole, you take a small bow and hand him your club.
His hand rests on your lower back yet again, leading you towards the exit. "Shall we get out of here?" He asks and you nod. "Where to?"
Sebastian, a gentlemen as always, opens the door for you to get into the car. "I know a place," he tells you before shutting the door and getting in.
It was about an hour drive away. The two of you chatting away as Sebastian drives down a lonely road that leads to what seems like the middle of nowhere. You look over at the man, a bit confused before turning to look out of the window yet again.
There's a big blue sign coming up to your left that reads; drive in movies.
You smile, turning back to Seb as he drives through the gate. "What are we watching?"
"I believe they have the cabin in the woods running tonight." He tells you, pulling into a spot towards the back. It was fairly empty so you could still see the big projector screen.
"You know," you start as you two get out of the car, meeting by the side to walk towards the snack booth. "I hate scary movies."
Seb's arm links with yours, pulling you into your side. "I'll protect you," he says, a goofy grin on his face as he raises his eyebrows.
You roll your eyes, laughing as you two pick out some snacks.
The two of you return to the car, settling into your seats as the movie begins. It's gotten about 30 minutes into the movie before the first scary thing happens, causing you to jump in your seat and spill popcorn everywhere.
Sebastian looks away, his hand over his mouth as he snickers and you can't help but laugh, your hand reaching out to smack his shoulder. "It's not funny!"
"It kinda is," he chuckled, leaning over to give you a kiss.
The popcorn is long forgotten, Sebastian's hand resting on your jaw as he kisses you. Your own hand wraps around his wrist, pulling him closer. Leaning over the centre console, Seb's hands begin to wander, his lips traveling from your lips to your jaw, down to your neck.
Your cheeks flush red when you realize you're still in public, anyone can look over and see you. "Seb," you whispered, the man mumbles against your neck, moving further down.
A hand holds his chin, forcing him to stop and look up at you. "What?"
"Not here," you smiled at him, giving him one more kiss before wiping the lipgloss off of his face.
It made you smile; at your grown age, he still made you blush and giggle like a teenage girl.
It was nearly 10:30 when the movie ended and Sebastian asked you if you'd like to get dinner. You nod, "but will Mick be okay with the girls?"
"Yeah, he'll be fine. We can call if you'd like?"
"Please," you smiled and Sebastian pulled his phone out and called Mick, the two of you watching and waiting to see if they'd pick up.
"Hey," Mick smiles when he answers, sitting on the couch. "Hey," the two of you say at the same time, making you laugh.
"Girls!" Mick calls out to them, knowing that's who you wanted to talk to. Milly and Liv come running in, Angie running behind them as they climb onto the couch with Mick.
The two of them shout hello, overlapping each other as they tell you how much fun they're having with Mick. Liv holds his hand up, "mom look!"
Mick had blue and purple nail polish all over his nails. The man bites back a smile, Milly giggles. "He let us do whatever colour we wanted!"
"That's nice, girls. We're gonna be out a bit longer, will you guys be okay with Mick?"
"Yeah!" They say together, making you smile. Seb tells them to listen to Mick and that when he says it's bedtime, they've got to go to bed. They agree and run off to play again, leaving Mick with the phone.
"Soooo.." he smiles when he gets the phone back, "how's it going?"
"Good," you tell him, "we'll be out a bit later though, you're sure you'll be okay with the girls?"
"Absolutely, I'll put them to bed. You two take as long as you need." He says and you smile when you thank him. You hand the phone back over to Seb and the younger German laughs when he sees his friend.
"Why have you got sparkles on your face, Sebastian?" He asks, a smirk on his face.
Seb rolls his eyes, "shut up, Mick."
Mick can hear your snicker from behind Seb, making him laugh. "Gross you guys. Okay bye, have fun.. but not too much fun!" He says in a fit of laughter when Seb hangs up on him.
"Where to now?" You looked over at him and Seb shrugged. "Dinner?" He suggests and you nod, "but what's open? Most places close at 10."
"I think I saw a diner, unless you want McDonalds or something?"
You hum, taking a moment to think. "Either is fine with me," you smiled.
The man nods, pulling out of the lot. You two end up in the parking lot of the diner only to realize they were closed. It wasn't until you were almost back home that Sebastian pulls into a McDonald's, the only place that was open at this time of the night. You aren't sure since when restaurants close at 10pm on a Friday, but you went along with it anyways.
A brown paper bag sat on the middle console as the two of you ate chicken nuggets, at midnight, in some sketchy McDonald's parking lot.
"You didn't actually say that," you look over at him, taking a bite of your nugget. Seb nods, "I did; I was racing, I was faster, I passed him, I won." The man shrugs, a wicked grin on his face.
You roll your eyes, "you were so cocky."
"If only we had met sooner," he says, leaning back in his seat, head turning to look at you. "I would have charmed the panties off of you."
You snorted, smacking his arm. "You can still do that now, Seb."
He smiles, his head reaching over for yours. Seb's fingers interlock with yours. "Shall we go home?" He asks.
"Will Mick be okay with the girls for a bit longer? I was thinking.. we could, you know.. go back to mine."
"Yeah?" Seb raises an eyebrow, "what for?"
You shrug, smiling at him. Seb gets the hint; "I'm sure he'll be fine. Shall we?" You nod, smiling. "You're the driver, so please."
It's a short drive back to yours and Sebastian follows you inside, his hand holding yours as you walk in. He stopped in the entryway, you were up the first two steps.
"What?" You look at him and he shakes his head, smiling as he follows behind you. You make it up the staircase, stopping again outside of your bedroom and Seb looks at you.
You weren't sure if you were making the right choice; you wouldn't be able to go back if you did this.
"Are you sure?" You asked him quietly and Seb nods, his hand cupping your jaw before he leans in. HIs lips ghost over yours, "I've never been more sure in my life."
Sebastian closes the gap between the two of you, your hand fumbling behind you to open the door. The two of you are tangled together, hands all over each other, lips moving from one spot to the other as you stumbled to the bed.
He lets you get on before joining you, moving to settle between your legs before kissing you again. One by one, the clothes end up on the floor in the pile.
"You're sure?" Sebastian looks down at you, your leg on his hip.
You nod, pulling him down for another kiss. "I've never been more sure."
if you weren't tagged in this, it's because the limit was met. I'll add the rest in a reblog!
taglist:  @lighttsoutlewis @hc-dutch @laura-naruto-fan1998 @dubistweltmeistersv5 @kakorrhaphiphobia @myescapefromthislife @f1medlife  @charles-dimple @hockeyshmockey  @ellethewitchbitch  @handsupforamiracle @ads-skywalker-leclerc @anicega @ship-slut @bigdicric @mysticalnightenthusiast @ellalovesvettel @lettersfromvenus @coincidence-ithinknots-blog @coldheartedmar @koufaxx @alexander-hamilhoe @charlewisss @mistrose23 @mehrmonga @eclairmcqueen  @consisedictionaryofmistakes  @nyenye @callsign-scully @molliemoo3 @like-fire-love-blog @agentstarkid @rose-tinted-juls @lynnismypseudonym @gagaga167  @dreamycloudsworld  @motorsp0rt  
582 notes · View notes
butterflywithsass · 5 months
Watched Dead Boy Detectives last night and I’m obsessed. If you like the queerness of good omens, but with more gore, and in the same universe as the Sandman (death and despair both show up) if you like dark academia gay boys, if you like ghosts, or paranormal stuff, or demons, if you like cats — lemme tell you this show is for you.
So, like, there’s these two ghost boys who are best friends but also gay for each other but also a secret third thing and their names are Edwin and Charles.
Edwin Payne was a demonic sacrifice in 1916 and as spend literal decades in hell but escaped. He’s a repressed Victorian gay who has zero charisma but every single man he meets becomes obsessed with him and wants to sleep with him except the boy he actually likes which is his best friend Charles. His entire character arc is about gay panic and getting over his internalized homophobia — he wears bow ties!!!! He doesn’t know what a hand job is. He’s literally the perfect tumblr blorbo. His superpower is getting tortured. He’s so sassy! His sexual awakening comes at the hands of a cat king and his first kiss is with a crow.
Charles died in like the 90s or something I’m not sure. He’s so optimistic and sunshine but also so full of rage. He’s the most supportive guy 100/10 would trust him with anything. He doesn’t like to talk about his issues. When confronted with the inexorable monsters of hell he solved the problem with a Molotov cocktail. I love him and his single earring he’s a golden retriever who would rather stay on earth with best friend than move on to a peaceful afterlife. His jawline is impeccable he can’t not press a big red button when he sees it.
Crystal Palace I wasn’t sold on because I thought she’d get between my boys but she actually so cool and I developed a bit of a crush let’s be honest I have a thing for curly haired witchy girls, she’s a physic with amnesia and a demon stalker ex boyfriend people stare at her when she hangs out with the boys cause it looks like she’s talking to herself. Everyone she knows thinks she’s insane. She’s a reformed mean girl.
Niko Sisaki I was a little iffy about because it felt like they were gonna go with the bimbo anime Asian girl but turns out she just had a parasite that made pink hearts float around her. She’s so weird she tries to help Edwin with his gay problem by introducing him to explicit gay fan fiction, she tries to get her landlord to date, she likes cool rocks. She has two tiny people trapped in a jar in her room. Her friendship with Edwin is everything. She’s ghosting her mom.
Jenny. I love her so much, she feels so safe which is weird because she chops meat and all her clothes are covered in blood. Everything about just screams big sister and her character arc is learning to embrace that. She goes on one date and almost gets murdered.
Monty. He’s literally a crow turned into a boy. He’s down bad for Edwin. He’s a secret honeypot agent for an evil witch. He has the most adorable smile, the whole time I was expecting him to be an agent of Morpheus. He’s obsessed with astrology.
The Night nurse originally annoyed me a bit (in a good way) I just wanted to get rid of her. When Charles punted her into a giant sea monster I clapped. Then it just got weird and I love it.
The cat king. He’s such a creep, but honestly, I love that for him. He has some of the best lines and he just exudes cat. He’s a classic fairy tale trickster, he a nuisance for the whole season, he’s central to the plot, he’s constantly hitting on Edwin.
Esther. She’s a archetypal evil witch. She gives off mystic trash vibes. She’s obsessed with beauty and revenge. She’s shamelessly horrible. She feeds kids to her giant snake. She literally can’t die.
All in all, I think I’m gonna have brain rot over this for the next year, go and watch it.
125 notes · View notes
fanaticsnail · 3 months
You have made a grave mistake by adding that little dialogue between Reader & Law and Law mentioning how Reader made his time with the DQ Pirates bearable for the Yandere Doffy fic?
Grave, grave mistake. Because little Law...
(Pulls out the Reader Being A Mother Figure to Little Law binder and puts it on the table. The table shakes from the weight.)
Is my precious baby boy.
Brace yourself. I have a lot of thoughts here, and with Reader being a princess (rubs hands together)
- Reader first met Little Law when her family was on a trip to Flevance and as Law's parents were heads doctors, they gave Reader's family a tour of the hospital, she got to meet Law & Lami (my heart is breaking just typing this, my babies 😭) and they absolutely adored her. They were sad when a week later, Reader & her family left Flevance.
- Extra deliciousness if Reader's kingdom was allied with Flevance and against what the World Government did such as closing the Flevance borders, extra extra flavour if the World Government found that out and their schemes are the reason Reader's kingdom fell. If we want to make it interesting, nobody will find that out until later except myb Doffy who might try to use this to get Reader to trust him even more. We can even make it that Reader's parents wrote a letter to the WG or Five Elders assuring they have no symptoms, attaching with the letter the recent medical exams they took, and asking them to open the borders to Flevance, offering to take everyone from Flevance into their kingdom until the hazardous white lead is removed from Flevance. They never got a reply. Instead, what they did get is having their kingdom attacked and destroyed a week before the Flevance attack.
- Reader also knows the truth of Flevance, as she took the medical exams, too, wishing to help Law and Lami and the entire country.
Imagine the gasp when you see Law - all battered, dirty, with an empty, hateful look in his gaze, so different from the happy, smiling boy wearing a little doctor's coat while holding his sister's hand. Imagine the tears, the waterworks. Imagine Law's little eyes widening in recognition. You hug him without a single moment of hesitation - it overcomes reason.
Oh, Doffy has a devil's smile on his face then as he watches the scene. He already sees the potential in Law to become his right-hand man, and now it turns out you have a history with Law?
Yeah, Law will be a great tool new addition to the crew!
Law is distant, though. He isn't the same anymore. His eyes are sharp, he is constantly glaring, he has a scowl on his face that slightly softens when you talk to him while picking out new clothes for him. But that's okay. You give him space, except for that tight, warm hug that nearly made him break down again because he's forgotten how it feels to be hugged. Forgotten how warm it is. How nice it feels. Nobody wanted to touch him, after all, with the White Lead Disease.
After Law bathes, Doflamingo gives Law some of his old clothes when he was a kid and watches you help Law button up the buttons. He watches you two like a grinning pink vulture flying around two rabbits who are weakened from lack of water in a dehydrated land, deciding which moment to strike, and in what way to swoop in.
When Law trains, you're always there when he returns and hand him a towel and a water bottle. You pack him (and upon Doffy's insistence) and Doflamingo lunch boxes when they leave for a mission. It's very clear Law has a special place in your heart.
So of course Yandere Doffy tries to use that to his advantage. He's caught the way your eyes softened and turned warm when you saw him tutoring Law in his studies in the study room. You'd even smiled.
You always pack Law the most riceballs in his lunchbox, much to Doffy's displeasure.
You also have some telepathic instincts, because you woke Doflamingo up one night trying to wriggle out of his arms, and when he grippped you harder, you said it was Law.
It did turn out to be Law, who was screaming and crying in his sleep, and had woken the other kids he slept with with the screams. Doflamingo was about to wake him up by shaking him or smacking him on the floor (it worked with Rosinante when he was a kid, so what if Rosinante cried harder then? At least his brother would stop snoring like an elephant.) but you gently lifted Law and cradled him to your chest and shushed him, your fingers gently caressing his hair. You also sang a Flevance lullaby and Law, after a minute, calms down completely, returning to deep sleep, his little hands clutching your clothes.
You always welcome them (read Law) with cupcakes and donuts and the kids love you. But Law loves you the most. He even fought Baby 5 and Buffalo — and won — when they argued who loves you most.
Doflamingo said he loves you, most, though, and Law couldn't hold out ten seconds in a fight against Doflamingo - he tried, though. His face had hurt for a week from Doflamingo's kick.
Law does hate that you bottle feed Dellinger, though, you hold the toddler so gently. Dellinger is so lucky.
When Doflamingo marries you, you toss the flowers on purpose to Baby 5, who was the flower girl. She beams and blushed in her pink dress. Everyone cheers and claps at this, except Doflamingo. Law was forced to be the ring carrier, and had to wear a pink suit with a white tie - worst moment of his life, really. It was the only time he saw Doflamingo wearing a full white suit, as white as the sand of the beach where the ceremony took place. Law hated every second of it. He didn't think Doflamingo was right for you.
Thankfully, Corazon, who was the best man, set himself on fire, so that somehow made the day bearable. The rest was a lot of drinking child champagne that made his mouth all tingly and eating luxurious foods he needed an instruction manual how to eat. Thankfully, Señor Pink showed him how to eat them.
When you and Doflamingo danced, with the way Doflamingo was dressed and tidied up, he looked like a prince, which freaked Law out.
A month later, Law's life gets turned upside down because he says his real name and Corazon hears him.
It also adds that level of desperation to retrieve Law on Minion Island to Yandere Doffy bcs you were softening up to him when Law was around.
Ugh, Yandere Doffy be it when he is King or in North Blue, little Law, Reader getting ill and Doffy suffering, Law healing Reader, ugh, I can't wait to see what you do with this.
There is something wonderful about Yandere King Doflamingo & Princess Reader, I love it. I love everything, ugh.
Sending love to you, Snail. 🩷
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There are no thoughts, this is perfect. I just.
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Adding Lami in too??? Like????? AAAAAAAA. Okay, so I'm doing a Rosinante fic a lot like this too, but yandere Doffy is just on my mind and I can't. The WEDDING. MY GUY, THE WEDDING IDEA.
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But, this begs the question, do you love Doflamingo too? Or is it a rouse, and Doflamingo is using your alliance and friendliness with Law to keep you there? Do you catch feelings or fondness for him, are there tender touches reserved for only you in the quiet of the night away from the others? When you're sick, does he leave your bedside? Does he order all of the roses in Dressrosa to shower you with? All the carnations in all the colours, his favoured pinks and reds to depict his undying devotion to you.
OKAY BUT WHEN YOU FIRST START GETTING SICK, DOES LAW GET A LITTLE BINDER AND LIST OUT YOUR SYMPTOMS? Does he check you over when Doffy leaves? Does Rosinante look over your bond and feels a pang of guilt at the fact he is going to take this small joy away from you in your sickness in a bid to cure Law's?
I love these thoughts, never cease!!
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elliesmainhoe · 2 years
You deserve more
Ellie Williams x fem!reader (modern!au)
Summary: after you caught your boyfriend making out with another girl at a bar, you call Ellie for a ride home.
Content: cheating, slight angst, fluff fluff fluff and more fluff, gay panic, a bit of internalised homophobia, comfort, pining, confessions, kissing.❤️
My Masterlist
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God. This shit was not helping your mental state. Tears streaming down red cheeks, blood shot eyes and puffy lips as you walked down the road trying desperately to get away from that bar.
Ankles throbbing in pain as your heels fell into a rhythmic shuffle on the slippery pavement, dodging puddles occasionally due to the current downpour of rain. Sobs crept up your throat begging to be released but you swallowed them down. Men like him don't deserve your tears, men don't deserve tears at all, stuck up entitled dicks.
The image of your (now ex) boyfriend of 4 months sloppily making out with a beautiful, gorgeous girl infuriated you in so many ways. One of those being that you were jealous, not of her, but of him. The intrusive thought of kissing that beautiful blonde in a green dress creeping into your mind but leaving just as quickly as it came. Another is that it was Ingrained in your head as much as the blonde in the green dress was beautiful and perfect all from just the quick glance you saw of her, the thought of someone else sharing a kiss with you slipped into your mind.
Shaking your head to rid those unnecessary thoughts as cars flew past you on the road causing you to stumble slightly, your thin square toe heels giving up beneath you, your body collapsing on to the wet cold concrete. A whimper left your lips at the harsh impact as a stab of pain ran up your ankle into your legs.
You don't know why you did this to yourself, having come to the conclusion that heels were invented for sadists by masochists and were a torture device that slowly eliminated any ankle support you posses, years ago.
But here you are sitting on the dirty floor by the side of a road you couldn't name, unable to get up, drenched tangled hair, running makeup and snotty nose. Grabbing your phone you gazed at the screen.
A large crack split your screen in half, nervousness now increasing and your hands shake as you press the on button.
The light flickers on and a verbal sigh leaves your lips, a small smile grazes your lips at the photos of you and Ellie in a photo booth showing off cheesy grins and back to back, you swipe to your contacts and your fingers hover over the contact.
'Ells ❤️💪⭐🧟🚀🦕🦖👨‍🚀🔭'
The contact name remained the same from the day you first met, the coffee shop where she spilt her hot chocolate all over your new flowy white dress and patchwork jacket. One thing lead to another and she offered to pay for a new dress, which lead to a trip to the mall, and then the park and then a new Mexican resteraunt that opened downtown and the rest was history.
You have been best friends for three years, knowing eachother a little too much for comfort. Ellie always knew if something you did wouldn't work out or not, it was slightly unnerving but you tried not dwell on it too much.
Ellie always said that dating that 'ass hat' was a bad idea, and to be honest, I knew that too. But my feelings were getting too much and the adoration couldn't be applied to Ellie in a platonic way anymore, so I had to find someone else to love. The hurt of not feeling comfortable with any pretty girl let alone the hottest woman who had ever walked the earth (who just happened to be your best friend) fucking sucked.
Ellie was so perfect, her beautiful fucking smile, her soft eyes, her plush lips, her gorgeous hands, her laugh, her humour. She was your everything. She was so unapologetically herself, so open about her sexuality, her up bringing, you envied her.
You were the peak idea of femininity and you hated it, always dating the athletic boys, clad in pink and dresses, always wearing makeup, you were quiet, smart and pretty. You never liked the boys you dated, always analysing them and picking a half decent boy to date just so you wouldn't rouse suspision.
A loud van drove past music blasting as your head came back to your current situation, your fingers trembled as the cold of the wind had began getting you and you clicked on her name and keyboard smash of emojis.
"hey, what's up?" A gravely voice traveled out your phone speaker, sleep evident in her voice. "did I wake you I'm, uh, I'm sorry." You say trying to seem as normal as you could, although the hoarse voice and sniffs said otherwise.
"Oh what did that fucker do now, do you want me to beat him up? You know I will if you give me the word" she says seemingly more awake."I uh, don't want to talk about it right now Ells, can you come pick me up, I slipped and rolled my ankle. Can't get home. I don't know the road I'm on but it's opposite the salons parking lot." You sniff as you look around your surroundings trying to find a landmark so Ellie could come find you.
"Got it. I'll be there in ten, stay safe till I get there, yeah?" "yeah, see you in a bit Ells"
And as promised when the time finally went from 1:43 to 1:53, a red pickup truck pulled up and Ellie got out the driver's side picking you up from the floor clad in a grey hoodie and matching sweats, hair pulled up messily and concern etched upon her features. God, she was so beautiful.
She opened the passenger door, not yet saying a word and put you down on the seat, leaning over to buckle you up, seemingly forgetting it was just your leg you couldn't move not your arms. Hot air drifted out of the trucks dashboard and you closed your eyes letting the warmth consume your being, and eventually your shaking body slowly eased.
The rumble of the old trucks engine brought you back to reality, eyes zeroing onto Ellie's face, worry obvious on her face but you could tell she was holding back, trying not to impose.
"I found AssHat making out with this blonde chick at the bar on fourth street" you say bluntly and emotionlessly. Your ability to cry had now been used up and tears could no longer physically form.
"what the actual fuck, he was so lucky he even got a chance with you and he wasted it just like that! You're so hot, way to hot for him and he wasted that. Ungrateful shitbag... On a serious note though... You good? " She says looking into the rearview mirror at your expressionless face.
Shrugging "I don't know Ells. I'm so confused, I don't know what I feel, I'm sad but I'm not sad. I fucking hate it. Jus' wanna go home" she hummed in acknowledgement.
"you wanna stay over tonight, pretty girl?, got loads of junk food you can binge eat and theres a few films I've been meaning to watch with you, could make you feel a bit better." "I'd really like that Ells, thanks" you say, a smile gracing your face at the nickname making Ellie smile back at you.
"never a problem for you, gorgeous"
Thirty minutes into a shitty horror film about a haunted house and some creepy ass poltergeists that Ellie seemed far to enamoured with, a small smile graced your face when you looked at her, Ellie made everything better, just her presence made anything and everything clear for you.
Ellie felt your gaze burn into the side of her face, but she didn't move to look at you. She had been thinking about what to say to you. It was weird... You just got cheated on and yeah you seem a little down, but right now you seem quite contempt, bundled up under a cocoon of blankets on her cheap second hand leather couch and gazing at her. You were so beautiful, inside and out.
She couldn't understand men. Why would they let such a beautiful, stunning, funny, amazing girl like you down. Ellie always thought about your shitty ex boyfriends, scoffing as she recalled horror stories you told her about. She would treat you so much better, she'd show you off to everyone, be so affectionate, cheer you up when you're upset, cook you breakfast in the morning, buy you flowers unprompted.
Fuck it.
"Hey Y/N..." She whispers still looking at the TV screen, scared to meet your eyes... your mesmerising eyes. She received a soft hum in response, telling her to continue.
"we've been friends for years now and I can't imagine my life without you. I know I seem like I have my shit together, but without you I would be so hopeless, so lost. You're such a wonderful person and so so beautiful, and you deserve someone who values that just as much as I do. And whatever boy ends up being that for you, who wins your heart, is so so so fucking lucky."
She finally looks at you, your eyes wide and watering, a small meek smile painted on your lips, you were suddenly so close to her, you bite down on your lip softly preparing yourself for what you want to say.
"oh Ellie... I don't want a boy, he can't have my heart. I want you Ellie, in every way possible, I want you to brush your hands through my hair, I want to steal your hoodies, I want to kiss you and hug you and love you. Your all I've ever wanted" you said, you were both so close now, centimeters away from eachother.
Ellie tilted her head and softly attached her lips with yours her hand going towards the back of your head pulling you in closer, you could feel her smile through the kiss, her lips were so soft and you could taste the vanilla ice-cream that still lingered on her lips. The kiss was soft, gentle and every once in a while you would break apart, Ellie mumbled words like "pretty, baby, mine", whether it was mumbled when they left her mouth or became incoherent when they reached your hazy mine is unknown.
Her hands softly combed through your hair, detangling and plaiting, your hand rested on her cheek rubbing circles on her skin. A sudden laugh startled you as you looked up at the blushing brunette you were now straddling.
"God that was so fucking cheesy" she laughed, and you joined in.
"well at least we're self aware" you said back a stupid smile on your face.
Omg. My first fic ever and I don't think I like it 💀. But anything for Ellie(the love of my life). Anyways I hope you enjoyed the very basic fic you just read, constructive criticism and requests are appreciated.
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Succession Preference: Seeing Their S/O Wearing Their Clothes
A/N: This is literally the cutest thing ever, my love. Thank you for requesting!!! Hope you like it!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Connor sees you in his pajamas for the first time. They were warm, just come out of the dryer, and far too tall on you, but they smelled like him. His sweetness. He can't take his eyes off you, can't stop the smile from spreading across his face. His eyes light up. He lets out a small chuckle, taking his attention away from whatever he was doing before. You climb into bed, showing off your newly acquired pajamas. It makes him feel special, even if it's something as small as this, that you're his and he's yours. He wished he'd thought of this sooner. He'd give you his whole wardrobe if it meant you looked this adorable all the time. "I'll give them back, I swear!" He's not the least bit worried about that.
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His arms omfg- Kendall sees you wearing one his jackets, the kind that he wears for parties when he's on top of the world. It's flashy, a bit impractical, but you're going out and you want to look the part. Paired with your sexier clothes, you look like a million bucks. Kendall agrees. He oggles a little, his jaw hanging wide open. You laughed, embarrassed, but he means it in the best way possible. You ask if he wants it back, but he shakes his head. You look so much better in it than he does, it's yours now. To picture you rummaging through his closet, trying things on, it's adorable. It makes him blush. It's such a sweet act. Plus he knows once he gets it back, it'll smell like you.
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Shiv didn't notice at first, but you wore one of her sweaters to the office. Your clothes were so mixed, it was hard to tell who's was who's. It was soft and warm and thankfully had no stains. You thought it looked nice wirh your outfit, professional. It's only when she goes to kiss you between meetings does she realize. It makes her grin. She doesn't say anything, liking that she's the only one who knows. You look better in it anyways. It brings out your eyes. She likes when you wear her things, even on accident. She likes wearing your things, too. The mix and match. It makes her feel like you're that much closer.
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Roman makes every joke in the world at your expense. Secretly, he loves it. You got wine on your clothes and borrowed one of his button downs. It was a last minute change, one that you hoped would save the day and not make you the laughing stock of the entire company. He calls you clumsy and desperate, both of which you are in this moment, but he gives you the shirt anyways, warning you that if you get wine on this too he'll bill you. You look nice in it. It makes him feel like you've got a piece of him wherever you go. Would he ever admit to feeling like this? Of course not. Never in a million years would he, but you know. He can't take his eyes off you and his cheeks are a little pinker when you mention how kind he is for lending it to you.
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ryuichirou · 9 months
Since you have some headcanons on fem Floyd/Riddle, do you have any other genderswap ship headcanons for say Rook/Vil, Ace/Deuce and Idia/Azul? Sorry if that’s a bit too much
Anon, thank you for this ask! I’m always happy for the opportunity to talk about them, so I was actually excited to write this reply lol Since there are three ships there, it ended up being a bit lengthy, but I hope you enjoy the headcanons.
Just like in the FloRid post, the majority of the headcanons are more or less sexual, because the general dynamic between the characters wouldn’t change much.
They are pretty much “these two girls who always mess around with each other and it’s obvious that there is some sexual tension between them but they can’t acknowledge it”… yeah, just like the regular Ace and Deuce lol But with more boob grabbing… Well, usually from Ace’s side. Deuce also grabbed Ace’s boob one or two times but only as a revenge, and felt super weird about it. In general, sometimes it feels like they just try to come up with excuses to touch each other.
Which means they are also “these two girls who secretly kiss each other and say it’s some kind of practice”. This was also Ace’s initiative: Deuce only agreed because she didn’t want Ace to think that she chickened out. Or maybe there were other reasons hmmm? But yeah, they “practice” kissing every night, sometimes with Ace telling Deuce to imagine that she’s kissing her future husband or something, but it kind of makes Deuce’s kisses more stiff and awkward, which Ace finds hilarious.
Their kissing sessions would definitely lead to them touching themselves under the same blanket first, and then to them just touching each other. And they’re really a bit dumb and honestly think that their roommates don’t know what they do… but in all fairness, they really try to be secretive about it. Sometimes they even bite each other not to make any sounds.
One night they had a whole room to themselves, and got so excited that wanted to try something other than touching each other sneakily under the blankets. In short, they tried to do the scissoring thing… and didn’t really do it right, couldn’t find the balance, long story short they ended up falling off the bed.
Like I mentioned in another post, both of them wear sports bras, but own other sets too. And there’s been a couple of times when Deuce had to wear a regular bra, and just couldn’t make the little hook thingy in the back work. So yeah Ace helps her to put it on sometimes.
Like I already said in another post, Vil (just like the regular Vil) wears whatever she wants, and Rook prefers something functional (albeit stylish), so it’s not unusual to see Vil in a beautiful dress accompanied by Rook in a pantsuit. But if they were to get married, both of them would probably wear suits.
Not necessarily a headcanon, but a thought: with these two being girlies, Vil forcing Rook to take care of her hands and fingernails makes even more sense lol The first time was kind of rough for them. It wasn’t bad at all, but Rook was never allowed to touch Vil with her hands unkempt anymore.
Rook is skilled enough and knows Vil’s body well enough to make her orgasm in less than a minute, but she also likes to take her time and torment Vil a little bit. She likes it when Vil is having a hard time keeping it together and is getting impatient. Vil, however, sometimes just needs Rook to grab her, make her cum and then be free to do whatever she was doing before that. So whenever they sneak out, and instead of hitting all the right buttons at once Rook starts to tease her through her underwear, Vil gives her this very angry yet aroused look that Rook adores.
They are one of the couples who know everything about their own preferences, but also experiment from time to time. The catalogue of positions they like is quite vast, mostly due to both of them being flexible + Rook being very inventive. These are also the reasons why these two have absolutely mastered the art of scissoring lol
Rook is also very skilled with her tongue, because Vil is kiiind of hard to please, so one has to learn and improve to be able to satisfy her. One of Rook’s most absolute favourite indicators that she’s doing a good job is the fact that she can feel her head and neck being squeezed by Vil’s merciless thighs.
Azul is a bit of a touch-me-not: she likes being complimented on her looks, but is very uncomfortable with people touching her. Which is why Idia is a perfect partner for her: Idia is a bit intimidated by Azul’s natural sex appeal, so she never touches her and just lies on her back and accepts her fate.
That being said, sometimes Idia is allowed to rest her head on Azul’s lap. “No no, I’m good” Idia says at first, because this position is way too romantic and awkward, but then Azul forces her down and Idia just drowns in just how comfy Azul’s thighs are and how sweetly her perfume smells… if only Azul stopped squeezing her shoulder so hard to keep her down…
Sometimes they have sex a couple of times per day, sometimes they don’t have sex for a long period of time, and it’s because of Azul. She is a mermaid and doesn’t get human periods, but she must have some sort of cycle going on, because in general it’s like she doesn’t think about sex at all. Sometimes Idia looks at her and thinks “I wonder if Azul-shi knows how sexual this pose/gesture is”, and chances are, she doesn’t, because she’s too busy thinking about the lounge. But the next day Azul suddenly gets into the mood, tosses Idia, mounts her, kisses her, almost purring like a cat.
Azul (wo)manhandles Idia a lot in general. She tosses her, moves her around, throws Idia’s legs on her shoulders and stuff. Idia finds it both way too intense (not a bad thing lol) and a bit funny, because Azul tries so hard to look like a lady, but her actions are almost like of a hentai manga mob. Azul doesn’t fully understand what Idia means, but slaps her butt for that. It sounds offensive.
Azul is scarily good at cunnilingus for someone who doesn’t have much experience with sex. Or maybe it’s only good for Idia because she likes it when it’s strong and intense?? In any way, it doesn’t happen too often, but when it does, Idia isn’t sure if she is going to die faster because she’s overwhelmed or because she’s embarrassed.
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ryuyejiho · 1 year
"Friend with benefits or just idol?" - Sunwoo
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Pairing: Sunwoo x Reader
Genre: Smut
Warnings: 18+, Smut, Fingering, Sex, Swearing, Sex with a stranger/idol, Dirty words
Summary: The usual winning ticket to meet the biggest idol turned into a meeting at the hotel in the middle of the night...
Word Count: ~4.9 k
The day I read the e-mail that I had won my biggest idol's birthday raffle was by far the happiest day of my life.
I took part with the attitude that I would lose nothing from it and probably gain nothing as well. But how big was my surprise when I, along with five other people, won a fansing, a one-on-one meeting with Kim Sunwoo from The Boyz himself.
So I was currently sitting on the plane that would take me straight to the South Korean capital. I was currently recalling grammar and vocabulary from the Korean language in case I forgot everything I knew due to stress.
I'm half Korean but I've lived in the U.S. all my life so I only started learning the language about five years ago.
But it wasn't even half an hour when I got bored, took my headphones and listening to my favorite songs, mostly The Boyz, I fell asleep.
As soon as we landed I went to catch taxi and went to the hotel to freshen up as quickly as possible and get ready to leave. After 15 minutes I was in the hotel room where I took a quick shower, dried and straightened my hair and did a quick but expressive makeup with eyeliner.
Opening my suitcase, I prayed that the dress I had prepared would not be crumpled and ready to go. Fortunately, it was, and as soon as I put it on and zipped up the back I put on my Converse platform shoes and grabbing my bag I left the room.
After about 40 minutes I was already there, the meeting was to take place in one of the halls of the label building so I went there. Before entering I was greeted by a nice girl from the staff who gave me an entrance pass to the label area and directed me where to go.
Along the way I passed a lot of doors and hallways, some places I recognized from The Boyz' various vlogs on YouTube. When I entered the hall I saw one girl who was dressed in shorts, a cute pink top and had pink makeup. I looked at myself in the big mirror that was all along the wall and thought how different we were.
She dressed in pink, with small heeled shoes and cute pink makeup and me who was dressed in a tight black dress, black platform Converse and wearing strong makeup with equally strong and long lines on my eyes.
Still, I liked how I looked, I wanted to make the best impression on Sunwoo. Maybe it's not that I damn well like him.... well, okay, I like him so fucking much. More than once I dreamed of getting to know him closer, much closer, to be able to touch him and feel his beautiful plump lips on me.
I sat down next to the pink girl and greeted her quietly when three others entered the room. They all looked alike, adorably dressed in short skirts and pastel-colored shirts. One had a fringe flipped every which way, another had a straight cut in front of her eyebrows. Their makeup was hardly any different, bright glossy eye shadow and faintly painted eyelashes.
However, when the last girl entered the room I felt a drip of envy. She was the only one wearing pants which, combined with a short top, created the perfect look. She sat down next to me and smiled, but when the door opened we all looked in their direction.
The first to enter was the man from the staff and Sunwoo followed him in. He looked so appealing and sexy that I panicked. I knew it would be difficult for me to express myself in front of him, but seeing him like this I knew it would be a hundred times worse.
He was wearing a black shirt in which the top buttons were undone. Jeans of the same color were wide but matched the shirt perfectly. His also black hair was straightened and arranged so that his forehead was visible.
When he walked into the room his gaze stopped on me and at first I got hot, but when I realized that I was the only one sitting and the girls threw themselves in his direction I felt embarrassed. However, I quickly passed when one of the girls started hysterically crying and trying to hug him, making Staff have to forcefully pull her away from him. The girl in the pants looked at me amused and stood next to me as a line formed.
I was the last but I didn't mind. I had time to mentally set myself up to talk to him plus I knew that if I was last I had a good chance that he would remember me the most.
Staff told us to sit on the sofa against the wall and wait our turn. I was glad because I was sitting in such a place where I had a perfect view of him but when I noticed that he glanced in my direction every now and then I felt embarrassed.
In addition to the fact that he intimidated me just by looking at me, all what I constantly had in my mind was the situation where everyone was greeting him and I was sitting like a fool.
For over an hour while he was talking to other girls, grabbing their hands, stroking their hair, etc. he kept glancing at me. It got more and more intesive as he looked at me longer and longer each time, licked his lips and took deep breaths.
Finally when it was my turn I was stressing like never before in my life. When I walked toward him and pushed back my chair to sit down he didn't look at me once being busy looking for the right page and signing it in the album. But once he raised his head and looked at me I momentarily became hot.
I didn't know whether to look, at his large eyes which were now slightly squinted, his lips which he was now licking, his sharply defined jawline or his neck with his collarbones sticking out from his shirt.
Suddenly I was speechless and just sat there looking at him. He started laughing when I still didn't speak for a long moment and caught my one hand in two of his own.
"So you've been very lucky since you're here," he riddled, to which I nodded and thought about what I was supposed to answer. I found him completely dazzling, so much so that I forgot my tongue.
"ah yes, haha..." I laughed nervously and looked at our hands as he began to squeeze it and stroke the top with his thumb.
He watched me for a long time with a smile and a slight tilt of his head. His eyes were so intense that when I tried to look into them I gave up after a few seconds.
"You look very pretty. In general you are very pretty," it was that moment I was about to exploding. Such words combined with his voice that suddenly became even lower than usual. I didn't know what to answer so I burped a stupid "you too". I immediately mentally hit my head, even more so when he laughed.
"Thank you. Hey look, we fit in with styles and colors" with his hand he pointed at himself and me.
"indeed. The black color suits you very well, you look very sexy in that shirt" I looked at him and seeing his surprised face I realized what I had said.
But he, instead of being angry or anything, smirked and nodded. He let go of my hand and took back the album that was lying on the corner of the table. He opened it to a random page, just where Eric was, and grabbing as if to snatch it he looked at me waiting for permission.
Surprised, I nodded slightly at which he pulled a piece of paper down at the same time coughing so as to drown out the sound. He quickly grabbed a pen and wrote something on the torn piece then forcibly put it in my hand so that no one could see. He closed the album and put it back in place discreetly looking around to make sure no one saw his actions.
Before I could say anything one man from the staff went over to us and informed us that the meeting was over and we were to say goodbye.
I was damn sorry that I didn't even dare to say anything, but when I heard Sunwoo say "see you later" as I were leaving, I started to think about it. His voice sounded like he wanted to convey something more to me with it, and I couldn't wait to get out of here and see to was on the card he gave me.
On the way out he said goodbye to all of us thanking us for coming and a moment later we were ushered out of the room. Earlier each girl was searched along with looking through the album after which we were allowed to leave the hall.
As soon as I stepped outside the building I hid the album in my bag and looked at the piece of paper I still held tightly in my hand.
There was a phone number unneatly written on it, under which it only said 'call me'.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing, the fact that I had just received Sunwoo's phone number.
I walked all the way to the hotel in shock and spent the whole evening wondering why I had gotten the number. I didn't know if it was definitely his number, if I should call or write. I didn't know what was going on.
However, when I spent another hour trying to fall asleep and not think about what had happened, I gave up. I got up and grabbed my phone, typed in the number that was lying on the cabinet next to the bed and after a moment's thought, I called.
Hearing the signals on the phone, my heart was beating like crazy. But once I heard his my heart stopped. I didn't know what to say, I hadn't even thought it through.
"Hello?" I heard again so I decided to speak up.
"hey, I got your number today and decided to call you".
"finally. I thought you wouldn't call." he laughed at which I smiled but my face immediately turned serious when he continued "we didn't talk much before so I thought we could get together. I liked you a lot so.... I was hoping we could get to know each other more"
My heart was about to leap out of my chest
"sure... I mean.. I'm in Korea for 6 more days but if need be I'll even stay longer" I laughed to which he responded with the same thing
"okey then... do you have time today?" he asked enthusiastically to which I looked surprised at the clock which hung opposite the bed and showed 2 am.
"i mean yeah, i have time. I couldn't fall asleep anyway."
"you couldn't fall asleep so you called me" was more of a statement than a question. Suddenly his voice became sexier, at least that's what it seemed to me.
"something like that" I replied to which I heard a quiet snort.
"Since you're not from Korea you must be at the hotel now, right? I can come to you if you want. It's better if you don't walk alone at night in a city you don't know," he offered, to which I had no choice but to agree.
He was supposed to come in half an hour so I quickly got up and cleaned up what I had messed up during the time I had been here.
Just as I finished fixing my hair I heard the sound of the phone to which I almost ran.
"I'm already at the entrance" was all I heard before he hung up so putting on my slippers I quickly left the room and took the elevator downstairs to go out to get him.
He was dressed in a plain black T-shirt and gray sweatpants, he had a baseball cap on his head and on his face there was not a trace of the makeup he had on at the earlier meeting. In his hand he held a white net with the logo of a store that was nearby.
I tried to act normal so with a smile I walked up to him and said hello. After a while we went inside the hotel and walked towards the elevator. This one immediately opened so we went inside where I dialed the floor number.
Since my room was all the way up on the 21st floor it took us a long while to get there. All this time we didn't say anything but I still felt his gaze on me, when we were about to leave I looked at him but he didn't even look away from me for a moment.
When we finally got out of the elevator we went to my room, I told him to get comfortable which he immediately did by putting the net on the floor and literally throwing himself on the bed. I started laughing at him when he sprawled all over the bed, closed his eyes and theatrically started snoring.
"Tired?" I asked again not knowing what to say. He nodded at that and got up to sit on the edge of the bed.
"very, comeback soon and we are still busy" he said at which I opened my eyes wide "oops... I just said something I shouldn't have said".
We laughed about it, after a while he got up and took a net from which he took out two bottles of soju, two beers, chips, chocolate and two packets of ramen. He put everything on the bed and asking if I had Netflix he took my laptop in his hand.
I was surprised at how comfortable he felt, but the longer I stayed with him the more comfortable I also felt, as if we had known each other a lot longer.
"and what do you want to watch?" I asked, sitting down on the bed and leaning against a pile of pillows. He seeing this also changed his seat and, handing me a bottle of soju, sat down next to me. Too close for a first meeting but I didn't mind.
"You know. Netflix and chill, those things" he looked at me amused but then looked at my breasts. That's when I noticed I was wearing an sleep shirt that barely covered what it should cover. He turned his head while licking his lips and turned on one of the movies.
The whole time I tried to focus on the movie but I was distracted by everything. From the sound of the mini-fridge being turned on to his proximity. Every movement he made was equivalent to rubbing his body against mine. I tried not to move but it didn't help when he couldn't sit still and every now and then reached for a packet of chips.
Lying on my side on the pillows I started looking at his face. He had such a beautiful and handsome face profile that I could look at his photos for hours and now that I had him so close in person he was incomparably more handsome.
When he once again bent down to the packet of chips he felt that I was watching him and with a smile he asked without even looking at me
"You like what you see" he again stated more than asked at which I became very abashed but I did not want to be quiet again and show from such a side
"yes, very much" I said quiet at which he turned around. He licked his fingers off the spices from chips in a way as if they were dirty from something else, I looked at his long slender fingers between his lips and took a deep breath which did not escape his notice because he smiled immediately afterwards.
"Very?" he moved a little closer to me and tilted his head to the side. I nodded and squinted my eyes when his gaze again went to my cleavage. He looked back into my eyes and smiled in the sexiest way I had ever seen in him.
I couldn't help myself and smiled back licking and biting my lip. He looked at my lips and moved so close that our noses were in contact with each other, he put his hand on my waist as he moved my body closer to him
"don't bite your lip when you're around me, remember this or else it will end up being more than the usual going to sleep" he muttered directly into my mouth and kissed it gently. When he moved away to sit back down I bit my lip again wanting to see what will he do.
He saw it immediately and in a flash he moved closer to me and pressed himself to my lips. A million thoughts and questions ran through my head, but feeling how well he kissed me I gave myself over to the moment. I grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him even closer to me then he came top of me and resting the whole weight of his body on mine, roamed his hands all over my body.
At that moment I forgot that I was kissing my idol, at that moment I thought of him as a deadly handsome boy whom I know very well.
"you have such an awesome beautiful body, I wanted to touch you as soon as I saw you" he said in between kisses "you are so fucking gorgeous"
He moved his kisses to my neck, kissing every one of my most sensitive points as if he knew my body and my needs perfectly. I couldn't help myself and began to moan quietly feeling good under him. Hearing my moans he raised himself up on his hands and started kissing my lips again, this time much more passionately than before.
"I've wanted to hear it ever since you first spoke," his voice grew lower and sexier by the minute.
I often thought about what he was like in bed. More than once in the night I imagined how I lay beneath him while he works on me with his rapper's tongue. How he thrusts into me with his hips that perfectly perform choreographed dances.
"What are you thinking about?" he asked while kissing my cheek and massaging my thigh.
"About you. About how long I've been dreaming of this moment."
"Have you been dreaming about it? You dreamed of fucking with me?" I nodded, closing my eyes as I felt his hip press against the tender spot between my legs. "Are you still dreaming about it?"
"and do you fulfill the dreams of others?"
"Yours I will fulfill every one. Just tell me what you want," he said in a seductive voice kissing my cleavage.
"I want you Sunwoo, but I don't think it's right for you to sleep with your fan" I played with his hair while breathing deeply. At my words he raised his head and looked into my eyes.
"Do you consider me and like me only as a band member or like a boy you met before?
"I've always wanted to get to know you and become friends with you," I confessed slightly embarrassed
"Make friends? How about friends with benefits?" he asked seriously
"so you fulfill the dreams of others, though?" I laughed
"as I said, only yours" he suddenly knelt down in front of me and quickly pulled off his T-shirt. My gaze immediately flew to his tattoo which was on the side of his waist. He moved closer to me and grabbing the material of my T-shirt, pulled it upward. He did the same with my shorts making me stay in only my underwear.
He lay on top of me again and, stroking my belly, went higher and higher to my breasts. He put his hand under the material of my bra but it was clearly disturbed so he quickly pulled it off me.
His actions were so fast that I didn't even have time to think about anything, I just lay there and quietly moaned. When he threw my bra behind him he was momentarily at my breasts, licked the skin between them and, looking into my eyes, took one nipple between his lips.
I put my fingers in his fluffy hair, put my other hand over my mouth in an attempt to drown out my increasingly loud moans. It was of no use to me when he started sucking on my nipple, at the same time massaging both of my breasts. I scratched his bare back, wanting to leave any sign of me on his body. I wanted him to remember me for as long as possible.
When he got tired of playing with my boobs, he began to go lower and lower, kissing every millimeter of my belly until he reached my panties. However, he didn't pull them down, he went lower to my thighs and placing my legs on his back, kissed the inner parts of my thighs. I could feel how wet I was getting, my pussy was starting to get sore craving for any kind of attentions.
And after a while it got it. Sunwoo kissed the top of my pussy and began to slide his finger up and down it. My thighs involuntarily clenched around his head, especially when he pressed his tongue against my clit through the material of my panties. Hearing my rather loud moan he looked at me, moved my panties aside and licked my naked clit.
I let out an even louder moan at which he screeched
"I haven't done anything like that yet and you're already moaning so much. Are you that turned on by what I'm doing?" asking, he inserted his finger deep into my pussy and after a moment placed his lips on my clit. He began to insert his finger at a slow pace at the same time starting to suck on my clit.
I grabbed the pillow behind my head and moaned louder and louder. I looked down at him and seeing him between my legs working on my pussy made me even wetter.
He was doing it so magnificently that within a few minutes I was on the verge of coming. He, as if reading my mind, stopped his activities and lifted himself up along with my legs which were still on his shoulders. In this way I gave him perfect access to me at which he himself smiled and started kissing me passionately, I could feel my juices on his tongue which was even more exciting.
"I want to feel you Sunwoo," I said between kisses. At my words he immediately sat up and pulled down my panties throwing them behind.
"Won't you regret it?" he asked looking down at me. I immediately shook my head and wanted to pull him with my leg but he moved away. He smiled and got up from the bed walking over to the net he came with earlier. From it he took out a small box which he threw on the bed next to me and pulled down his pants, staying in his boxers. He knelt beside me on the bed putting his hands on his hips and raised one eyebrow. I couldn't help but start to look at his whole body, every now and then suspending my gaze on his primate.
"Now you do something," he said slightly amused at which I quickly sat up and moved closer to him. I put my hand on his penis and looked up at him. He was looking down at me and breathing heavier and heavier. I smiled and brought my lips closer to his and kissed gently the tip of his dick, at which he bit his lip hard.
I decided not to play with him anymore and pulled his boxers down, releasing his length. I tried to act normal, reasonably sexy, but when I saw him I involuntarily smiled. I caught him in my hand and brought it to my lips, at which Sunwoo put his hand in my hair. I put the tip between my lips and lightly started sucking. I heard a loud hiss so I looked at him, his eyes were closed and his lips parted as he breathed hard and fast. I wanted to please him even more so I took him as much as I could and sucked a little harder.
Then I heard him moan. A loud, low moan through which I felt myself getting incredibly wet again. I purposely started sucking him harder, just to hear him. He started moaning more often, grabbing my hair solidly and forcing me to move my head.
I wanted to see us from a different perspective. Him kneeling on the bed and me sitting in front of him holding his long cock in my mouth. Him pulling my hair with his head tilted back as he moaned in pleasure and me touching myself as my pussy began to get sore.
Then he lowered his head and, seeing my hand between my thighs, began to play with my right breast. His intense eyes and fingers teasing my sensitive nipple drove me to such horny that I began to moan still holding him in my mouth. Suddenly the vibrations that went to his penis caused him to jerk his hips back making his penis fall out of my mouth.
I thought it was the perfect time to move on so I took the package he had thrown on the bed earlier, pulled out a single condom and opened it. Looking at him I grabbed him in my hand and put the condom to the tip, he smiled and gestured with his head to let me continue so I stretched the condom all the way around him. As soon as I let him go he was quickly between my legs and pushed me onto the bed so that I was lying down.
He smiled sexily and directed his cock at my entrance but before he entered me he rubbed his tip against my pussy a few times. He leaned down so that he put his head in the hollow of my neck and kissing my neck, began slowly entering me.
"oh fuck. I didn't expect you to be so tight," he muttered against the skin of my neck and cursing several times, entered me fully.
The feeling was so amazing that I had a complete blank in my head, all I could think about was how deep he was in me now and how wonderful the stretching sensation was. I moaned his name every now and then as he began to move his hips, I could feel him smiling against my neck and when after a while he raised himself so that he was level with my face I could see his smirk.
I didn't know Sunwoo personally, except for today, but it wasn't hard to guess what he was like. I knew it was easy to boost his ego by picking on him, etc., and I knew how flirtatious he was just by looking at his attitude toward his fans on fancalls or bubble conversations. Following him on social media or watching performances, mv's etc you can clearly see he is a dominator type.
This was awesome to me especially when just now I was lying underneath him as he entered me painfully slowly with a smile that suggested he was the one in control of the pace, he was in control of me. With his hands resting on my chest pressing my body against the bed, he looked at me non-stop every now and then glancing at the place where our bodies came together.
Suddenly his movements became faster and faster making me reflexively moan more. I put my legs around his waist and pressed my thighs against him feeling more and more pleasure, I clenched my eyes but he immediately caught my cheek
"Look at me baby, I want to see your beautiful eyes" I immediately looked at him and at his nickname my heart beat harder. I tried not to break eye contact but when he increased his speed again I clenched them tightly again. He perfectly hit my most sensitive points and rubbed perfectly against my insides.
"You're not looking again" he laughed quietly and kissed my lips in a sensual way "you are so tight, so perfect.... so hot" saying this he began to enter me harder without changing his pace. I was breathing harder and harder as I heard all his dirty words
"you're such a good doll.... so cute and sexy at the same time" he pounded into me several times much harder than before and came out of me. Hiting my thigh he gave me a sign to turn around which I immediately did. I knelt with my back to him supporting myself on my forearms, he slapped my buttock with all his strength and I felt him attach his cock to my pussy
"your ass is so fucking perfect" again slapping my buttock he pounded into me, rested his whole body weight on my back supporting himself with his hands and started to enter me incredibly fast and hard
"fuck Sunwoo... you are so good, ahh fuck" I started moaning much louder not caring that anyone could hear it. His quiet moans, dirty words and the sound of our bodies hitting each other was so sexy.
"You are so fucking hot when you are under me. I can do anything to you. I want you to be mine, only mine. Tell me you're mine" with these words he fucked me even more, so that I could barely get any words out of myself
"I am yours Sunwoo, only yours" I muttered between loud moans. I felt his hands move from my ass to my shoulders and resting his torso against my back, he began to enter me slowly and sensually. He put one of his hands under me and massaged my breast, kissing my shoulder. I tried to calm my breathing at least a little when he slowed his movements for a moment.
"I love the way you moans my name" he whispered and kissing my shoulder one last time then get up "I want to hear more of this".
Again he began to move his hips quickly at which I immediately literally screamed his name, I felt I couldn't stand it any longer like this and like an orgasm was coming to me.
"Look at you, writhing beneath me and screaming my name even though you only know me as an idol. Isn't it great happiness to win such an encounter?" he strokes my body from my thighs to my shoulders, I didn't know where to focus, on the incredible feeling in my lower abdomen, on his low voice that said such dirty things that turned me on even more or on his hands.
I was in total mess, I knew my hair was tumbled, there was a pillow on my face due to the fact that Sunwoo kept pressing me against the mattress. But I totally didn't care, I had just experienced my best sex with the hottest guy who walked the planet.
"You feel so good, I'm about to come," I managed to say at which he stopped his actions and came out of me. But not for long because he forcibly pushed me aside so that I was lying on my back, drew me closer to him and placing my leg on his shoulder, entered me again. He didn't wait a second and started moving so fast that I was beginning to see stars.
I grabbed onto his shoulders and driving my nails into his skin, I arched my back and moaned as much as I'd ever moaned before. I tried to look at him, he had his eyebrows pulled together and a focused expression but seeing that I was looking at him he smiled.
"you have no idea what you're doing to me, from the moment I saw you until now... ahh fuck" he rested his forehead against mine and clenched his eyes as my pussy involuntarily clamped down on him. I felt that an orgasm could hit me at any moment
"I'm so close now" I howled and closed my eyes tightly.
"Come on baby, feel as good as you've ever felt before" as soon as he said this as if on cue a wave of pleasure hit me, so strong that my whole body began to shake intensely. I knew that Sunwoo would also come any minute because he hid his face in the hollow of my neck and moaned louder and louder. My nails left lots of scratches and marks as my hands caresses his back.
Not even a minute passed when Sunwoo cummed all over, stopped his movements pressing into me as deeply as he could
"Fuck I came" his voice was much higher than before, his moans also became several tones higher and much louder. His body began to shake uncontrollably, just like mine before. After a while he again began to slowly move his hips entering me slowly wanting to prolong my and his own orgasm.
Finally he stopped moving and sank down on top of me with all his weight, we were panting hard and fast, when I put my hand in his hair and stroked it to calm him down he began to purr satisfied like a cat.
"You did the best," I spoke up quietly after a long moment, he sat up to pull off and throw away the condom and then lay down next to me pulling me close to him
"I recommend myself for the future," he replied as I snuggled into his torso and he put his arms around me.
"then when is your next free date?" I joked in a relatively serious voice. He looked down at me and replied
"tomorrow at the same time? maybe I'll put you into my schedule later this morning" I laughed lightly and closed my eyes. I don't even know when I fell asleep, cuddled up with Kim Sunwoo himself.
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packsvlog · 2 months
Hello!! I've recently found your blog and I absolutely adore your writing and even have notifications on, hehe 🫶🏻 I'd like to request a match up, but of course only if you have the time to do it!
I'm 22 years old and I use she/her pronouns. I speak two languages (German+English), I have blond, medium length hair (it's dyed, my natural hair color is brown) which is wavy but I straighten it because I think it looks better. Sometimes, when I'm bored, I dye some colorful strands into it! (Like pink, or red, or purple.) I'm average in height, although on the higher side of the spectrum by being 5'7. I'm chubby, which I'm a insecure about, but I don't let that hold me back from dressing how I want, at least on most days. I usually wear baggy or loose clothes but on special occasions I wear form fitting clothes as well. I wear glasses, they're transparent and pink, and I absolutely love to do my make up! I'm very creative when it comes to it and it's often that I wear a lot of colors on my face, but not that it's too overbearing.
My personality type is ENFP 2w3 and I tend to get along with everyone, but more so with ambivert people since I sometimes have phases where I'm more introverted. I like people who are different from me since I like hearing a different perspective on things, so people who are too close to me in terms of personality are a no go. I also like mature people, so unnecessary fights or arguments can easily be avoided. I talk a lot and I joke around a lot too, so people tend to call me a social butterfly which I agree with. I need my downtime too, so it isn't too uncommon to find me sitting alone in my room, listening to music and playing video games at the end of the day.
I do have a few mental struggles and I do have a chronic illness as well (I don't wanna outright say what I have, but I have incredibly bad stomach aches from time to time, so bad that I even had to have a surgery because of it when I was 17.) All that is too say is that I can be a bit complicated at times, but I try my best to better myself.
My hobbies include: mainly playing video games (like stardew valley, animal crossing, generally more relaxing games), doing my make up, baking (when I'm stressed which is too often), and going out with my friends! I love running errands with my friends and spending time with them that way! I'm open to a lot of new things but I get extremely frustrated when I'm not immediately good at something, lol.
I'd like to be matched up with someone my age or older than me since that's my preference if that is alright! I hope this wasn't too much information 😭 I appreciate you and your work and thank you for taking your time to do these match ups!! 🩷
a/n: hiiiiiii, thank you for sending this, specially the many informations and the preference for your age or older. i had others in mind for you, being geto and hiromi. still, i think toji could do just fine with you, yay!
⁀➷ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. . . ﹫ 𝘵𝘰𝘫𝘪 ៹ ༉‧₊🫕
toji, in all his powerful presence, goes inside a room with a permanent scowl on his face. you, sparkly white eyeshadow with smoke eyeliner, pink glasses and equally pink highlights, comes behind. bubbly and threatening aura mixing together to create something no one else would have thought, yet, anyone can see the care you both have for the other.
can’t you see? if you look closely to toji, there is glitter sprinkled on his cheekbones and nose button, as well as a blue strand of his hair. but mostly, he might have show to everyone a threatening face, but when he stares at you, there is a smile present on his lips and a shine in his eyes.
it’s something that had been lost for a long time, some could say.
your dressed to the extreme for this boring party shiu is throwing, black silk dress conturing your waist and hips, at first you might have had some doubts about it, still you didn’t changed it — never one to back down.
that’s one of the many things that made toji attracted to you, your insecurities does not define you. thank god for that, he thinks while admiring you doing your eyes. so pretty and so his, he might just not go the party and have you all to himself.
“you look pretty.” he compliments while trying to knit his tie. you finish the final touches before moving his way, pressing a peck to his lips and doing it for him. “thank you, doll.”
“anything for you.” raising on your feet, you kiss him again, with your hands you caress his face, moving away you see the shine in it, thanks to your dirty fingers and laugh. “you have glitter in you, let me grab the oil to remove.”
“nah, no need, let’s match.” he is so sexy, that you might have arrived late to the party.
toji is a simple guy, his clothes are either black or grey and sometimes a dark blue might be presented in his drawer. that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like colors, if anyone where to ask him what’s his favorite, he would find you and pick the most vibrant one you are wearing. you’re his favorite everything, okay? in the presence of your room, if you ask, he will say is the color of your lips.
while first meeting, toji was instantly attracted to you, but he thought you would never give him a chance. that was, of course, until you let it slip how you are more inclined to romantic partners different than you, and hey! toji has the social life of a fucking worm with amnesia and you are a social butterfly, what could be more different than that?
a lot. a fucking lot!
he knew he had you right there, and you had been aware as well, so the dating started right away. toji and you don’t fight, he might not seem mature but he is strategic and pays attention to everything, so if something bothers you, he knows right away and change whatever it is quickly. you didn’t liked him gambling and he stopped before you could get even more annoyed.
your disagreements never reach the fighting stage if it comes from his side, but if comes from yours, you are more than happy to hear what is his complain and make it work. cheers to being non-toxic!
toji is very worrying of you. he likes to come home and see you happy, doing a random makeup or playing video games. he will sit on the bed while talking to you about both of your days, happy that you are recharging and having a you time. still, he goes extremely quiet and full on boyfriend mood when he comes home and you are baking. your pastries are divine, but something is wrong!
you will soon find yourself relaxing in a bathtub, using him as a personal pillow, caressing your back while letting you vent. if it is your medical condition, he will encourage you to go to a doctor, just for a checkup at least, if is mental, he will also beg for you to go to a professional, and also ends the night spoiling you by buying your favorite food. the next day he won’t work, instead toji rather be with you, learning how to play your games and having you doing his makeup.
─┈ ⭑ ° ⋆ FUN FACTS 𓂃ᰔ
🫕 ┊ dating toji means that you can wear whatever high heels, you’re still short to him.
🫕 ┊ toji is your biggest supporter, even if words of affirmation is not his thing, toji still helps you overcome this distress of not being good at everything at first. he basically points to himself as an example of hard work pays well!
🫕 ┊ toji has a different humor than most people, still, he laughs at your jokes and does the same with you. obviously, all in the presence of your house.
🫕 ┊ toji is a different man inside and outside your home, he loves you in all his forms, and everyone can see that!
🫕 ┊ his love language is acts of service and quality time.
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varlaisvea · 10 days
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He smirked at me as he undid the top button, and had I not spent years building a tolerance, I might have openly swooned at how the firelight played off his features. “Here is the curse, dear spouse:
whenever you see this one wearing these very sleek formal robes—which will be quite often—you will be unable to avoid thinking about your Araszha sitting on this couch with his cock hard and his eyes full of admiration.”
I smiled and crossed my arms with mock disinterest, though I believe my eyes were teary as well. “Hm,” I said, “thanks to many years of loving Araszha, I am already well familiar with the sight of his teary-eyed adoration paired with a throbbing erection. What special accursedness is conferred by this particular furniture and attire?”
He looked at me with a sort of smug charity—as if he thought my attempt at playing hard-to-get was adorable. “I am glad you have asked, ziiri-ko. This curse pays a debt: if you recall all those years ago, Eymei did not want to be the first to remove this one’s adepts’ robes.”
“Of course I did! I believe I said I was honored, and it was not a lie.”
He shook his head. “Adept Araszha-dar was very proud of his admission to the College, and very anxious about messing up his brand new robes. So, helpful new witch-friend Eymei volunteered to take this one’s robes off. But…” He smiled the crooked smile that means Eymei has already lost the game she did not realize she was playing. “Originally, Eymei asked if Araszha wanted to leave them on.” He waited calmly.
I am not proud, but I may have gasped. I tried to keep my tone calm as I said, “you want me to fuck you with the Arch-Mage’s robes on?”
Ara suppressed a smile and nodded coolly. “I want you to be the first and only one to fuck me with the Arch-Mage’s robes on.”
I am certain I made a rather undignified noise of delight, and I must have looked like a child seeing a birthday cake, because Araszha immediately lost his sleek nonchalance and started cackling at my wide-eyed reaction. “Ah, Araszha saved something special for his beloved Elf-wife, after all!” he said, and then continued laughing.
I stood in front of him as he sat on the couch, and we kissed messily and groped each other inelegantly as he finally allowed me to finish untying and unclasping the rest of the robe. “Ass! I wanted to push you onto the bed before, as soon as you sat down,” I said between kisses and nips, “but here I was worried about treating your robes respectfully!”
We paused, and Ara held me by the arms so I’d meet his eyes—my dear spouse has drama in his veins as much as magicka! “To everyone else in this frozen city, even other lovers, the person under these robes is Arch-Mage,” he said, reclining regally on the couch. “So these robes must command respect. To you, maijiit-dra—” he grinned his cockiest Dashing-dar grin, unbuttoning the last button on his pants, “—they are just clothes.”
He certainly got the swoon he was seeking! Oh, he relishes breaking my Elven composure, and sweet Ara still reacts as if he has achieved something in doing so. I shall let him believe it as long as the illusion holds—most siphoning mages can only steal life-energy with their draining touch, but my spouse is a siphoning mage so powerful that he can drain away my intellect, poise, and sense of propriety with his words alone. My dear Araszha, I have already been so cursed for the better part of thirty years!
We kissed through teary smiles as I hastily helped him out of his pants. I was hurriedly unbuttoning my skirt as I climbed onto his lap, but he said, “leave your robes on too, witch.”
(this is an excerpt, full chapter here, and for an extra good time and a peek at the 4th-era timeline of this story, read this J’zargo chapter.)
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ailendolin · 9 months
Here are my first thoughts after finally having watched the 2023 Christmas Special for the first time:
Baby Mia is absolutely adorable and Alison and Mike are wonderful parents. They've grown and matured so much throughout the series and it's lovely to see that in the way they are with Mia and take care of her
and speaking of growth: I think it's lovely that in the end, the ghosts are ready to let Alison and Mike go. They've really come full circle from trying to get them to leave in the beginning to begging them to stay in series 5 and finally, to encouraging them to leave because that's what's best for Alison and Mike's family
I love that Alison looks like the tired, exhausted mum she is. These days, characters often look picture perfect in film and TV, no matter the situation, and Ghosts has always felt like a breath of fresh air because people are allowed to look normal. It's little things like Alison's yellow coat that she's worn throughout the show hanging by the door, her wearing Mike's flannels or having bags under her eyes that make it feel beautifully real down to Earth, and I'm glad the downsides of having a child didn't get glossed over
one of my favourite moments was the shrug Humphrey's body gave when everyone was looking for its head. That genuinely made me laugh because of course the body would not care whether the head would get exorcised or not
and omg, the exorcism scene was so well done! I love the music in the background (I so hope we'll get a soundtrack one day), the panic on Mike's face when he quite literally runs to warn Alison, the panic on Alison's face when she's faced with the possibility of losing the ghosts, the fear when she can't find them (which parallels 5x01) and finally the relief and smile when she hears their voices. That whole sequence was just perfect
I love that it's Thomas who says, "Because they just can't help being who they are," because it's not an excuse for his behaviour but an explanation - and a recurring theme for him. Right in the beginning of the show, he said, "We stay how we die," and I think for him, those words have proven to be true. He is heartbroken and he'll stay that way. He can't help that. He does not want Alison to go ("Why did I vote for this? I hate it.") but in the end he knows it's what's best for her and for himself, even if it breaks his broken heart a little more.
seeing Button House in all its glory in the end. It still being called Button House. Fanny and Humphrey's portraits on the wall (and the third one might be Kitty's?). Higham Suite (which was the thing that made me tear up because my first thought was that it's meant to honour Isabelle and I love that (although I realise it's probably meant to honour Kitty but I'm choosing to ignore that)). Thomas still complimenting Alison even though she's grown old and thus making a point that his affections for her were never just about her looks
I would have preferred if Alison and Mike had stayed at Button House because for me, the show has always been about family and I don't think they had to leave the ghosts behind to find their own way. BUT the way the Idiots wrote and executed it - with the ghosts encouraging them to leave, establishing that Alison and Mike regularly come back to the house and with details like Higham Suite that clearly show that Alison and Mike had the ghosts in mind when they made the contract for sale - makes it okay for me.
I'm a bit sad we did not get to see more of the ghosts interacting with baby Mia but what we saw - Pat and Cap especially - was very sweet
the pacing. I am so sorry but I think they crammed too much into the episode. They either should have cut the exorcism storyline (as much as I loved it) or gone for a 60 minute special. There's just too much going on for 30 minutes, and too many time jumps (I wasn't a fan of them in the 2021 Christmas Special either) that sadly make the whole episode feel very rushed
and because it felt so rushed a lot of plots did not have the impact they were meant to have, at least not on me. Robin's feelings about Christmas for example.
also what was going on with Kitty and the baby at the beginning? Her being jealous is obviously not a new thing but the issue did not really get resolved, did it?
the latter also goes for Thomas's feelings for Alison which brings me to my biggest criticism of the whole show: he never got the character development he deserved (and, to an extent, neither did Fanny). The whole baby storyline would have been the perfect set up for him to move on from Alison (including discussions about different types of love and him realising that Alison does love him platonically and that that's enough) but it never happened. I feel like he was done dirty in that regard because every other character except him got to grow
I have probably missed a ton of moments - and I will rewatch the episode once I've rewatched series 5 - and likely repeated things here that others have said before. Since I had blocked all tags blocked when the Special aired I have no idea how the fandom's reaction to it was but if anyone still wants to talk about it, my asks are open.
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ptn-imagines · 7 months
as hcs, what are suspect r’s reactions to f!chief’s fashion? if possible, could you also include the upcoming cny event’s attire (f!chief looks so handsome, 10/10 cutie pie <3)?? no worries if not, i’m technically at ch11, and chief already has like five skins (tho rip me i’m at medium bfl + f2p only :/)
follow up on r’s reactions to chief (not sure if i could ask both together so i split it just in case <3): as hcs, what would f!chief’s thoughts be about her Wife’s- i mean suspect r’s attires? i know she technically already saw her in the prologue (and later in the iconic wet dream- i mean her surprise appearance in ch6) but lmao she just woke up, groggy and totally clueless and first thing she sees is a half revealed chest? and what about the dress and cute hat r wears in the trailer and the crimebrand? also do NOT ask me how long i stared at creation i’m gobbling up every suspect r crumb (oh ho ho hooo i spy expensive gloves and an even more expensive purse looks like a certain suspect is super rich but what peek? what experiment?? (ok that one is probably connected to paradeisos) whAT SECRET??? WHAT PROMISE???????) ALSO i’m sorry for rambling a bit more but before r woke her wife- i mean f!chief did r seriously change her dress to a shirt and unbuttoned the top five buttons and rolled up her sleeves and made sure her skirt shows her fine booty perfectly even if chief can’t even see or feel it fhsadhakjdhakj truly no one does it like suspect r pls never change ma’am
Hi anon! The deluge of Suspect R asks startled the shit out of me but it's okay because I love her. I decided to combine these two requests because otherwise the one about Chief reacting to Suspect R's fashion would've been reaaaaally short. I hope that we see more of Suspect R in act two of the story, I'm begging for crumbs... It's been over an in-game year since we saw her! And I'm pretty sure it's also been around that much time irl too. Aisno is edging us. I need to know what she knows about us! She acts way too much like our ex-wife! Clearly she knows us and she speaks of us fondly, who were we to her?!
Suspect R and F!Chief reacting to each other's fashion
The Bureau uniform is what Suspect R is used to, of course. She doesn't think much of it, beyond what she thinks of Chief herself: that she's absolutely stunning no matter what she wears. R longs to run her fingers through Chief's hair… and of course, she would've gotten Chief some clothes more to her taste if she'd managed to scoop her up and whisk her away. She also finds the jacket cute – and she has no room to talk about wearing your jacket properly. She thinks it's a way in which they match, which she likes.
The Stalker attire just adds a hood and cloak, but R thinks Chief wears it extremely well. If she could, she'd love to tease about how she looks like a “true Syndican” now.
R is more enamored by the story behind the Passage of Time attire than the outfit itself. She thinks the colors and patterns look nice on the Chief, but what truly makes it shine to her is Chief's interactions with OwO. She also thinks the braid looks very nice. Overall, it's a bit of a different look to what she's used to from the Chief, but she likes it anyway.
She thinks the Traveler attire is adorable. She honestly can't pick a favorite part about it because her eyes are too busy roaming everywhere, though she definitely appreciates the good view of Chief's legs. This is a strong competitor for her favorite outfit, because she thinks it brings out Chief's heroic spirit and kind heart by the vibes of it, which is by far her favorite aspect of the Chief.
Her reaction to Nightfall Soiree can be summarized as “lol cute.” She prefers seeing Chief in blue – not that she's biased or anything – but she admits the red is a good look on Chief. It's bolder than what is standard for the Chief, and she thinks her fluffy curls look adorable. It's an easy contender for her top three.
Her thoughts on the upcoming attire is that she wants to pull on Chief's ponyta– ahem. She's a big fan of the subtle touches of red against the black and white. While her bias is definitely Chief in dresses, she's a big fan of looks like these as well – she prefers it to Passage of Time, as far as celebrating the Chinese New Year goes. Once again, she feels like this outfit brings out her beloved Chief's heroic spirit.
As for Chief…
When you awaken with amnesia, you don't expect your first sight to be… anything at all, really. But if Chief did have expectations, Suspect R and her appearance would've been low on the list.
It actually took a moment for Chief to take note of R's fashion, held spellbound by the striking glow of her eyes – but when she did tear her gaze away, her heart did a flip in her chest and she had to swallow as her mouth suddenly felt drier than a desert.
R was stunning, simply stunning. Her blonde hair cascading over perfect shoulders, slender fingers tracing over Chief's cheek, breath hot on her face…
Oh, and it didn't help that her top, uh… left little to the imagination. A physical one was not the only awakening Chief went through in that moment; if Nightingale hadn't showed up, Suspect R would've probably succeeded in whisking her away.
When Chief finally gets to see R's alternate outfit, she'll be stunned as always. It's not something she'd ever imagine R wearing, but she can't deny that R looks amazing – and white has always been a good color on her.
Still, Chief prefers Rebecca's more casual outfit – if you can call it that. Her fancier outfit feels like it loses some of R's spirit, the spark that draws Chief to her in the first place – making her look like any other rich Eastside (or Paradeisos…?) lady.
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