#at first i thought it was just because it's weird to draw dbz characters in different outfits
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I was dicking around in CSP and drew yet another DBZ character in northern Pakistani clothes (art block yields the most random drawings)  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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smackins · 2 months
Not to be THAT guy, but I really need to bare my soul here.
I don't know if I want to do Artfight anymore.
While I'm extremely grateful for the attacks I did receive this year (I still owe 2 revenge pieces, don't worry, I'm working on them ❤️) it's become less fun and more of a reminder of how isolated I feel as an artist. I got a total of five attacks this year. I have friends who were attacked right out of the gate, on the very first day, by a barrage folks who were chomping at the bit to draw their ocs.
It's not Artfight's fault, and not really other people's fault, either. I'm not like, "How dare you not attack me!!111!!" It's just it amplifies so many insecurities I've had for years and makes it hard to ignore them.
I get an overwhelming feeling like there's something wrong with me as an artist, not even that I'm medicocre skill wise (though I feel that, too), but that I'm just fundamentally uninteresting and forgettable. My characters and my stories aren't worth asking about. They aren't worth anyone's enthusiasm or curiosity, they're not worth the encouragement. I can share a piece that I spent 6 hours on and just get "cute" as a response, while others could share a non-serious doodle of their ocs that took 5 minutes tops and get responses like "AHHH I LOVE THEM THEYRE SO AMAZING YOURE SO FUNNY."
And I know it's not good to compare yourself to others, but sometimes it's hard not to when everywhere I go, it feels so blatantly obvious how I'm barely worth anyone's time.
At first I thought it was the fact I draw non-human characters, because those are hard for people, so I made a little note on Artfight that I'll accept humanized versions. But plenty of people draw nonhuman characters, all the time, and recieve lots of encouragement and feedback from other people. Then I thought, "maybe it's my original comic characters that intimidate people" you know, my weird scorpion aliens. But that's not it either, because they're admittedly a lot less "alien" than they could be, and I know people with some absolutely WILD speculative-biology-type character designs who, again, get loads of enthusiasm and feedback. Plus, that doesn't explain why my fan ocs go ignored- plenty of people like Digimon, Mass Effect, and DBZ.
I feel like I'm just weird and tainted and cursed somehow, which I KNOW is absurd, but that's the best way I can describe this frustration. And yeah, I know if I posted more art and more about my characters, I MIGHT get a little more traction, but when I get so little encouragement from so few people, it's so hard to feel motivated to share. And it's not like I'm looking for huge, detailed responses or specifics about why people like my technique or whatever, because God knows I struggle to form specific words as to why EXACTLY I like something, but I just want to feel like people give a damn and ACTUALLY want to know more. Very few people ask questions or get curious. I have a lore blog for my original comic that has been up for 7 whole years, yet the only questions or comments I get are from the same 2 or 3 (very lovely and appreciated) people. Most of those posts have zero notes, a ton of them have been reblogged to my personal blog over, and over, and over again and still get ignored.
This isn't about popularity, or notes, or anything like that. I just want to feel like what I put into the world matters. Yes, I do get satisfaction from drawing for myself, but that can only go so far when I feel like I'm the little kid in the corner playing alone because the other kids don't notice me.
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Just some unpopular (I guess) thoughts on vegebul, which I have nowhere else to express I'm not really in the fandom, so I dunno
I really wish there were more fanfiction about the unattractive Vegeta. When all these authors describe him as a walking wet dream, I all but grit my teeth with boredom. I mean... in my country, DBZ isn't big thing at all, so I watched it for the first time this year, knowing almost nothing about the plot and the characters. And before I found out about Trunks' origins, I didn't see Vegeta as a man at all. And when this information falls on you, and he sits with his evil mug and weird physique, wearing his ridiculous pink shirt, the only thought that arises in your head is: "Holy shit. How could this even happen?" Especially considering how much Bulma appreciates external attractiveness in men. It just blows your mind up.
And then all these writers are like, "No, actually he was very handsome and sexy, it's just a bad drawing style." And 50% of the intrigue of 3-year-gap immediately flies into the ditch. 
I mean... I like vegebul because it makes me think: "Gosh, life can be really strange and unpredictable at times." For me, the appeal of this ship is in many different "despite". And I just like to think that "despite Vegeta's looks" is one of them. Simply put, the tale of how a short evil troll was able to attract a beautiful brilliant woman with his wits and personality is much more interesting for me than the story of how a horny lonely girl fell for the radiant half-naked Apollo living in her house. ... On the other hand, I clearly have a weakness for idealizing Vegeta’s intelligence. Smart Vegeta just turns me on much more than handsome one, lol.  So, I guess it's basically a matter of taste.
Of course, there are quite a few good fics with the attractive Vegeta anyway, but... This cognitive dissonance was what got me interested in the ship in the first place, and I just can't find the answer that would really satisfy my kind of curiosity, among most of the stories I read. (Well, there is a great "Choices", but a) it's AU with other circumstances b) being unattractive and being disfigured are slightly different things, I guess). As if not being conventionally handsome is a worse crime than being a mass murderer. It's just so frustrating for me. Almost as frustrating as the fact that I really like the voice of the young Ryo Horikawa, but everyone describes the voice of Chris Sabat in their fics, but that's another story. 
What a shame that i can't write, really
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z Movie 13: Wrath of the Dragon
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Kind of wild that I made it to Movie 13.   I want to call it the last movie, but it’s not.   “Path to Power” was released several months later, and while Movie 13 used to be the final film under the Dragon Ball Z branding, it was eventually followed by “Battle of Gods” and “Resurrection F” in the 2010′s.  Kind of wild how the 2010′s are nearly over.   I was just getting used to it being the 2010′s.
I’m tempted to think of this movie as a finale in some sense, because it’s set after the Kid Buu fight, but DBZ doesn’t end there.    There’s a three-episode epilogue set ten years after Kid Buu.   Really, this movie is just the first in what became a long list of Dragon Ball projects set during that ten-year period.  
This was, I think, the last DBZ material released by Funimation before they started re-dubbing things for the Orange Brick Sets and Dragon Ball Kai.  I remember attending a Funimation panel at a 2006 comic convention where they talked about this movie, and some of the voice actors were kind of sad that this would be the last time they would portray these characters.    At the time, it certainly seemed that way.    
So this movie premiered in Japanese theaters on July 15, 1995, after Episode 270 of the anime, and before 271.   So if you were a fan in Japan, you could watch Vegito and Super Buu in hot vore action, then go see this movie a few days later, and then watch Super Buu turn Vegito into candy, which strangely isn’t hot vore action.
The release chronology kind of surprises me, because I just got so used to thinking of this movie as an epilogue to Dragon Ball Z.   It kind of is, in a way, because the Dragon Ball manga had already finished up in May 1995, which is probably why this movie lines up so well with post-Buu continuity.    Everyone who’s supposed to be dead is dead, and everyone who’s supposed to be alive is alive.   
This one is my second favorite movie after Fusion Reborn, so I kind of wanted to consider what makes it the second best.   I mean, it’s a matter of taste, really, but I think it’s a question worth asking.   
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So let’s get down to business.   This one opens with a kid holding a sword.   He had an ocarina, but he dropped it, and he looks like he’s in some trouble.
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Then a giant monster steps on him, and he’s dead.   A mysterious voice declares that Earth is next.    Ominous!
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Unlike every other DBZ movie, this one doesn’t feature the opening theme music, just a title card, which looks bad-ass by the way.
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And here’s the title of the movie, which in Japanese was “Dragon Fist Explosion!! If Goku Can't Do It, Who Will?”
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In lieu of a theme song, the credits roll over the next couple minutes of the movie, which I’ve always found to be a really nice touch.    All along, I’ve been admiring the looming sense of finality in DBZ, and this is a good example of what I’m talking about.    It’s July 1995.    The manga is over, which means the anime will be over soon, and as far as anyone knew, this would be the last movie, and it just sort of quietly proceeds with its business.    Z stands for the end.
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This scene is mostly just to establish the Gohan and Videl are fighting crime as a team now, with Gohan as Great Saiyaman  and Videl as Great Saiyaman Mark 2.   Not sure why Gohan stopped wearing a cape, or why he still has that bandana and sunglasses.    He only switched to that because his Saiyaman helmet was illegal in the Tenkaichi Budokai, but that’s long over.   Videl got a helmet, so why can’t he wear one to match?
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The weird thing is that Videl’s costumed identity is public knowledge, but Gohan’s isn’t?   They go back to class, and everyone just seems to know that Videl is still fighting crime like always, but as Great Saiyaman 2, or Great Saiyawoman, or whatever.   But Gohan pretends he just went to the restroom, like he used to do in the Great Saiyaman Saga.
Weirder still, everyone knows Gohan is the Great Saiyaman.   He unmasked at the tournament, after all.    I thought this movie might have forgotten about that, except Sharpner even points it out when Gohan returns to class.   
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Incidentally, I’m not sure it makes sense for Gohan and Videl to still be in high school in this movie.   It’s set after the Kid Buu fight, but they use the Dragon Balls in this movie, which means it must take place one year after they wish for Shenron to erase everyone’s knowledge of Majin Buu.   So wouldn’t Gohan and Videl have graduated by this point?   They’d both be about 18, wouldn’t they?
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Then Videl gets another call on her radio watch, and the cops want the Saiyaman duo to deal with a strange old man who climbed Raenzel Tower.   Videl seems to think that sort of job is beneath the Saiyamen, but they hang up on her, so she’s stuck.
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So Gohan has to ask to use the restroom again, after he just got back.    He says he ate bad frog meat, like that does anything but raise further questions.   Erasa seems really confused, like she doesn’t know what’s going on.    Also, it kind of looks like Sharpner, Erasa, Gohan, and Videl are all sitting apart from each other in this movie.    Maybe there was some falling out?  
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So here’s Raenzel Tower.   I don’t know that the scenery in this movie necessarily resembles any particular real world city, but this all feels a lot more like Japan than the world of DBZ.   That’s been kind of a gradual trend since DBZ began.   You’d see fewer and fewer animal-people in crowd shots, and by the Majin Buu arc you almost see none at all.    Now that I think of it, Satan City looks and feels a lot more like a “real” city than West City ever used to.    That car at the start of the movie had wheels, for example. 
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Anyway, this red dude has climbed up the tower and he’s threatening to jump, because he’s so despondent.   Gohan tries to talk him down, but he won’t cooperate, and Videl gets fed up and dares him to jump.
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So he does, much to Videl’s surprise, and then the guy complains that they almost didn’t save him in time.
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For some reason, Videl is just irritated with this whole segment of the movie.    I guess she really didn’t like getting called out for this mission, and she probably doesn’t appreciate this guy pretending to be a suicide jumper just to get their attention.   Also, she really wants to get back to school for some reason.   Maybe she just really digs whatever book they’re reading in English Lit. 
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Aw, look at that dog!
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So this red dude is named Hoi, or Hoy, I forget which spelling Funimation went with, but the subs call him Hoi.    Climbing the tower was just a ruse to get Gohan’s attention so that he could enlist his aid in freeing Tapion, the great hero who saved Planet Conuts in the South Galaxy 1000 years ago.  
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Gohan wants to meet the guy, but he’s stuck inside a music box and can’t get out.   Hoi wants to release Tapion, because he claims that there’s going to be a terrible crisis on Earth.   That’s why he’s spent the past thirty years searching for this music box, because he thinks it’s the only way to save the Earth.
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To open the box, you just have to turn the handle to play its song, but the handle won’t turn, no matter how hard Gohan tries to force it.   Tapion then explains that he wants to make a wish to Shenron to open the music box, and that’s why he came to Gohan, because he found out that Gohan’s circle has had dealings with the Dragon.  
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So Gohan takes the box to Bulma’s house, where she scans it with her... whatever all this stuff is.   This kind of looks like the bridge of the Enterprise, now that I think about it.  Anyway, she can’t make heads or tails of it, and Goku can’t force the handle either, so they decide to gather the Dragon Balls.
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As they head out to search for the Balls, Hoi expresses gratitude for finding this kind of help on Earth, which prompts Goku to ask him if he’s not from this planet, and he kind of backpedals and acts like he lived here his whole life.    Seems to me that if he already knows about the Planet Counuts in the South Galaxy, then he must not be from Earth at all.    And even if he is an alien, why would he feel the need to hide that from Goku?   He’s an alien too, after all, so I don’t  think that would make him suspicious.  
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For some reason, Videl is now really excited to see Tapion now, becase she’s “so interested in heroes.”   Did she decide Hoi’s story is on the level, or is she just warming up to the idea?
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Krillin searches for a Dragon Ball in a carnival haunted house.    This is his only real contribution to the film.
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So in no, time, the gang finds a bunch of Dragon Balls.   I’m not sure how they could split up like this, though, unless Bulma made multiple Dragon Radars.  
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The seventh ball is in a lion cage at the zoo, so Goku just jumps in and takes it, because Goku does whatever he wants.   That lion’s lucky Bulma promised him shish kebabs later, or otherwise Goku would have just eaten this guy raw right in front of everyone.   
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I can’t figure out Videl’s outfit in this movie.    From the back, it looks like shorts, but from the front it looks like a skirt.  
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Anyway, Shenron grants the wish and zaps the music box so hard that it shocks Hoi.  
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At first, it doesn’t seem to have had any effect, but then the handle starts to turn and it plays its song.   
Okay, so this is a weird place to bring up continuity, but isn’t it odd how Shenron only granted the one wish?   Dende upgraded him to grant two or three, depending on the wishes, so he should have at least asked if the gang wanted something else before he split.  
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Anyway, there’s a big light and sound spectacular while the box opens, but Hoi’s eyes glow red and he has this extra-sinister look on his face.   Hmmmm...
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Then Tapion comes out, and he’s kind of pissed that they released him.   He draws his sword and demands to be put back in the box, but the box fell apart when it opened, so it’s impossible.
What I don’t understand is that, later in the movie, Tapion acts like he knows Hoi, which implies that he recognizes him on sight.   If so, why doesn’t he just kill him here, while he has the chance?   Or would killing him not accomplish anything?
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Then he leaves in a huff.   Trunks thinks Tapion is awesome, but everyone else is kind of puzzled, because he didn’t even thank them for getting him out of the box.
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Later, Trunks and Goten track Tapion down to... a junkyard I guess?   Goten isn’t sure this is a great idea, but Trunks wants to meet this guy and hear all his hero stories.  
You know, this is really a beautiful shot.    Watching this again, I guess the main difference between this and Fusion Reborn is that this movie is much more grounded.    There were colorful shots like this in Movie 12, but they were mostly fantasy scenes of heaven or hell, or those extra-cartoony shots of the city.   Movie 13 achieves similar beauty in the mundane.  Instead of a mountain of needles surrounded by crystal jellybeans, we have a crane looming over a rusty storage tank.
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Inside, Tapion’s just sort of brooding and freaking out.    When Trunks peeks in on him, he’s kind of taken aback by what he sees.   Maybe this isn’t a tank.    I’m not sure what this place is.   Maybe a derelict factory?
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Hey, it’s a barbecue!   Goku was a good boy for not eating those lions, so he gets shish kebab.   Or whatever this is called.   There’s like a cocktail weenie and a shrimp and a pickle on the thing.  
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Everyone wonders where Hoi went off to, and Master Roshi starts drunkenly blathering about how he’s harassing women, just like he’s about to start doing.   Why are Roshi and Oolong even in this scene?  
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Gohan knows which way the wind is blowing, so he heroically puts himself in front of Videl so Roshi has to go through him to molest her.    It looks like Roshi’s poking Gohan in the dick, though.   Master Roshi belongs in jail.  
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He gets fresh with Bulma, so she smacks the shit out of him.   Why does she keep inviting him to these things?  
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There’s a cute moment here where Goku notices the boys trying to swipe food off the grill, so he scoots some closer so they can reach it.    Again, this is down-to-earth stuff you can’t get in Movie 12.
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Okay, maybe this is a junkyard, what with all the wrecked cars here.    In any case, Goten and Trunks are taking food to Tapion’s lair.
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Tapion keeps telling everyone to get away from him, so Trunks leaves the food behind and promises to come back tomorrow with more.
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So then there’s a monster attack, and wow, these are some great scenes.    Again, very real-life-y, compared to early Dragon Ball material.   The only distinct Dragon Ball imagery here are the Royal Military uniforms on the soliders.   Otherwise, it would be very easy to mistake these for some other anime.  
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That’s not a bad thing, by any means, because I’d say all these realistic city scenes help make the characters stand out more.
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So it’s not actually a monster, but half of a monster.   The lower half, to be specific.   Gohan wonders if this was the terrible crisis Hoi warned about earlier in the movie.   I guess when you’ve lived Gohan’s life, you really can’t be sure if a creature like this is related to Hoi’s warning or not.    It could be some completely different crisis starting up.
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Videl wants to do their usual routine on the creature, but it attacks them during their pose.  For some reason, Videl is super into the poses in this movie.  Other than one episode of the TV series, this is the only time we see Great Saiyaman 2 in action, but I guess it makes sense she’d dive into the role.   If she was eager to wear the costume, she must be up for the whole nine yards.  
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So Gohan fights this thing for a bit, and he discovers that it’s intangible most of the time, and it’s only solid during the moment when it’s attacking something else.   I don’t think I ever noticed before that Gohan figures this out so early in the film.  
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So Gohan seems to do pretty well against the creature...
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And Videl thinks he’s won, but Gohan’s not convinced.   
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The monster has a knack for vanishing and reappearing, kind of like Janemba, but without the pixelation effect.  It’s more of a fog kind of thing.    But then it seems to disappear for good, and when Gohan and Videl search for it, they find Tapion playing his ocarina.   
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They also spot Hoi lurking nearby, but I doubt they’d recognize him in his ninja getup.
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Later, Trunks brings more food to Tapion’s hideout, but he hasn’t eaten the last meal he left, and Tapion still won’t talk to him.   Later that night, Tapion falls asleep and drops his ocarina, and then he’s attacked by the top half of a monster...
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It nearly kills him, but he manages to pick up his ocarina and play it, and this makes the monster fade away.
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The next morning, Trunks finds the place shredded from the monster attack, but he’s relieved to see Tapion is still okay, so he leaves breakfast for him.
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Then we get this scene where Videl and Bulma are washing dishes together, and she tells Videl how Trunks is sneaking food to Tapion, because he looks up to the guy like a big brother figure.    Trunks is an only child, you see, and he envies Goten’s relationship with Gohan.  Videl’s an only child herself, so she can relate.  
What I don’t get here is when Bulma replies “But you’ve been so keyed up lately”, and Videl seems unnerved by this and says “It’s Trunks’ power that is keyed up!”   I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.    Videl’s reaction almost resembles how she acted when Chi-Chi asked her if she had thought about marriage in Movie 12.   Was Bulma trying to imply that Videl has a thing for Tapion, and it got mistranslated?  I dunno.
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On Trunks’ next visit to Tapion’s place, Hoi intrudes and tries to steal Tapion’s ocarina, but Trunks manages to get it instead.  Hoi unmasks and asks Trunks to give him the flute, because Tapion is the danger he had been warning about earlier on.   He claims that Tapion is connected to the monster that Gohan fought the other night.  
You know, one thing that never really gets clarified in this movie is where all of this is happening.   I would assume Tapion’s lair is in West City, since that’s where he escaped the music box, and why would he go to another town to find a junkyard?    But Gohan and Videl always did their superhero stuff in Satan City, so I assume that’s where they fought the monster.  
Anyway, I never understood why Hoi expected Trunks to trust him in this scene.    Initially he told them all that Tapion was supposed to save them from a crisis, and now he’s accusing Tapion of being part of the problem.   
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Then again, I guess Trunks might be somewhat conflicted, since Tapion’s been acting very mysterious and moody this whole time.   But Tapion asks Trunks to trust him, and after a tense moment, Trunks does.   He gives Tapion the flute and Hoi leaves empty-handed.  I guess you could say that Trunks went with his gut.   From the beginning, Trunks saw something he liked about Tapion, and he decided to trust that first impression over Hoi’s exaggerated warnings.
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Trunks prepares to leave before Tapion chews him out again, but instead Tapion invites him to stick around and join him for dinner.   Awwww.
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Later, Bulma informs Videl that Trunks has invited Tapion to spend the night at their home.   Speaking of which, doesn’t Videl have her own home?    Why is she spending all her time at Capsule Corp. these days?
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So Trunks shows Tapion all of his toys, but a toy robot catches Tapion’s attention.  It separates into two halves, sort of like that monster.  Hmmmm...
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Later, Tapion tells Trunks about his little brother, Minotia, but Trunks falls asleep during his story.
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As he watches Trunks sleep, he can’t help but be reminded of Minotia, and just so there’s no misunderstanding, that was the kid we saw die in the opening scene of the movie.   
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So Tapion leaves Trunks to sleep, only to run into Bulma in the hallway.   She’s wearing this shawl, or maybe it’s a blanket or something.    It looks cute, is my point.   It also looks very different from what we usually see Bulma wear.   
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She just looks a lot more like a regular person instead of some genius billionaire inventor.   She kind of reminds me of the older Chi-Chi from the History of Trunks special.   Anyway, she invites Tapion to stay at Capsule Corp. all the time, but he’s afraid of what might happen if he does.  
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She wants to know what he’s talking about, but it’s a long story, so she puts on a pot of coffee.   I always thought it was tea, but that looks like a coffee pot to me.    Also, there’s an entire fruit basket just in case anyone gets hungry in the middle of the night.   Speaking of Vegeta, imagine if he’s in this room, just out of the frame, sullenly chewing on an orange while Tapion tells his gloomy origin story.    Vegeta eats oranges with the peel because no one ever told him not to.   Bulma can’t tell him now because it would be awkward after all this time.  
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All right, so here’s the deal.    One thousand years ago, on the planet Conuts, they had this totem that absorbed all the evil will on the planet.   I don’t know if that’s legit, or some kind of superstition, but the totem was this big stone sculpture.    One day, this “sect of warlocks” from some other place showed up and turned the totem into “phantasm” named Hildegarn, or Hirudegarn.    Then they turned it loose on Conuts’ population.   Hoi was one of the warlocks.  
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Man, I love this shot of Bulma.   This is really the difference between Movies 12 and 13.   13 has it’s share of fantasy stuff going on, but there’s a certain distance to it.   In Movie 12, the characters are right in the thick of it all, but here, it’s an ancient tale being told to a regular lady over coffee.  There’s a certain weight to all of this that none of the other movies really achieve.    For one thing, Bulma now realizes that she was deceived by Hoi, and their fun afternoon of summoning Shenron to meet a hero was actually part of Hoi’s plot to destroy their world.   So if things go badly from here, she’s at least partly responsible for whatever happens next.   You don’t get that complexity in the earlier movies.
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Conuts was able to defeat Hirudegarn eventually, thanks to a pair of swords and flutes that were empowered by “God” to control the totem.   I think the idea is that the Kami of Planet Conuts was in charge of this, sort of like how Dende, the Kami of Earth, oversees the Dragon Balls.   But they might actually mean a higher power besides a DBZ-style Kami.  
Anyway, Tapion and Miotia played the ocarinas, which had the ability to immboilize Hirudegarn, and while they did that, a priest cut the monster in half with one of the swords.    The subs suggest that there’s only one special sword involved here, but Tapion and Minotia are both equipped with them, so I think that means there are two.    Maybe Minotia’s is just a regular sword. 
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Here’s the priest, by the way.   I kind of like his design better than Tapions?   Anyway.
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So that put an end to Hirudegarn, right?  Well, not quite.  I guess they couldn’t just kill the thing, so they did the next best thing and sealed each half of the phantasm in Tapion and Minotia.   Tapion got the top half, and Minotia got the legs.  But even that wasn’t good enough, because the warlocks kept trying to attack the brothers to take back Hirudegarn.  
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So they ended up getting sealed inside music boxes.    I think that may be the Kami of Conuts there in the background.   The one with the multicolored halo.  As we’ve seen, these must be special music boxes, since Goku couldn’t even turn the handle on one.
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Then they shot the music boxes into space, just to make sure they would be as far apart from one another as possible.   And that’s how Tapion ended up on Earth, and why Hoi came to Earth.   He told Dragon Team that he wanted to free Tapion to save the universe, but he actually wanted to get Tapion out of the box so that he could get the top half of Hirudegarn out of Tapion.  
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Aw, man this shot from the aquarium is awesome.   This really is a great movie.   I think it’s a matter of taste.   Critics would probably complain that the battle at the end is kind of short and disconnected from the rest of the story, but this movie is telling a quieter, more emotional story.   I think Movie 12 is better, because I prefer the louder, goofier tone it has, but it really is a matter of personal taste.   
Anyway, it’s a safe bet what happened to Minotia.   At some point, Hoi tracked him down, managed to release the lower half of Hirudegarn, and used that to kill Minotia, as we saw in the beginning.  
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So it’s up to Tapion now to make certain Hoi can’t gain control of both halves, or else Hirudegarn will destroy everything.    And as we’ve seen, he can’t go to sleep, or the monster will emerge from his body.    That worries Bulma a great deal, so she offers to build him a chamber to serve as a replacement for the music box.   At least, she thinks she can do it, since she still has the pieces from before, and she believes if she analyzes them that she can whip up a substitute.   
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I like that about this movie.  Bulma hears out this poor kid’s story, and she’s like “Well, I’ll build you a box that’ll let you sleep!” and it won’t even take her very long.   Tapion’s supposed to be this magical hero, but Bulma has a bit of that same aura herself.
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All she asks in return is that he spend some quality time with her son, and he’s happy to do that.    Also, Majin Buu’s dog is here for some  reason.   At least, I think that’s Bee. 
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Then she steps outside to tell them it’s ready, and she’s still in her pajamas, so I think this means she was up all night working on this thing.    Bulma’s awesome. 
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So this thing looks ridiculous, and I have no idea how it’s supposed to work, but I guess the idea is that she reverse engineered whatever mojo the original music box had, minus the part where a grown man could fit inside it.    Why did she bother adding the gold trim to the sides?   Because Bulma, that’s why.
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Meanwhile, the lower half of Hirudegarn is attacking somewhere else, and I guess his tail can open up to reveal dozens of tentacles.
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I guess this is how Hirudegarn feeds?   It’s pretty gross.    It suddenly occurred to me to search for Hirudegarn fics on AO3, but I’m pretty sure I don’t wanna know. 
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Then Tapion gets some sort of psychic feedback, maybe?   I’m not clear on what’s going on, exactly, but it blows up the bedroom Bulma built for him.    So did it just never work to begin with, or is Hirudegarn becoming powerful enough to overload it somehow?
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So Bulma calls in Goku, Gohan, and Goten.   Goku acts like he’s searching for clues, but let’s be real here, he doesn’t know what he’s doing.    He only picked up that gear because he thought it was made of chocolate.
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Then Tapion stumbles back into the house, and he explains that the upper half got loose again, and he’s having more trouble controlling it.   He somehow got it back inside his body, but he asks the others to kill him before it gets out again.  Bulma offers to build a sturdier room for him, but he seems to think we’re past that.
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Then Hoi shows up with the lower half of Hirudegarn, and they attack.    Trunks gives Tapion the ocarina, but it doesn’t work this time.
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I don’t think this ever really gets explained properly.    Is Hirudgarn getting too strong to contain, or is Tapion’s power over him weakening?   Or is this because Hoi is doing something to help get Hirudegarn loose?   Or is it because Minotia is dead?
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Anyway, now Hirudegarn is finally reunited, and Hoi is convinced that he’s now become invincible.    In the dub, Hoi explains that he’s the sole survivor of a species called the Kashvar, who believe themselves superior to all other forms of life.   The subs never get into this, but it’s a bit of lore that I enjoy.   
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Hoi’s a pretty cool bad guy.   I like how he suckered all the good guys.    I like how he resembles Babidi but not too closely.   And I like his naughty red color.   
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So there’s not much Tapion can do from here, so Trunks moves him to a safe distance an tells him to let them handle things from here.    Magic ocarinas and music boxes worked pretty well for a while, but now it’s time to do this the DBZ way, which means throwing down, mang.   
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There’s a trailer for Movie 13 that was included in the video file I downloaded when I first watched the fansub of this movie.   In it, Masako Nozawa as Goku explains the premise of the movie, and how there’s this monster who’s going to wreck the world, and then she screams “I WON’T LET ANYONE DESTROY THE EARTH!”   It’s awesome.   
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So there’s a couple of issues with this fight.    First, the elephant in the room is that Gohan’s the strongest guy in the movie, but Goku’s the one who makes the big save at the end.   The movie does a decent job working around this, but that leads into the second problem....
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Which is that nobody can actually touch Hirudegarn now that he’s reunited.   I guess he’s stronger and faster than he was when Gohan fought the legs, so even though Gohan knows he can only hit him while Hirudegarn is attacking, it’s a lot harder to pull that off this time.    But what you end up with is a lot of footage of the Saiyans punching trails of mist, then getting clobbered.    It’s good for building suspense, but it’s not very inspired compared to some other movie fights.    Movie 8 was pretty one-sided, but at least the gang could hit Broly.   It just never hurt him, which indicated how tough he is.   
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At one point, Hirudegarn turns solid so he can grab Gohan, but this sets him up for an attack by Vegeta, who finally shows up in this scene to bawl out Hirudegarn for attacking his house.  
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But he gets the same treatment as everyone else.   Hirudegarn flings him into a nearby office building, and Vegeta expends the rest of his power just shielding himself and the bystanders from Hirudegarn’s fiery breath.
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Goku tries to help him, and he just gets clobbered for his trouble.
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So Goten and Trunks try to turn the tide with fusion, and for a hot minute, Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks seems to have an edge.   
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After a volley of ki blasts, it looks like Hirudegarn just keels over and dies.   Oh, hey, that’s the same tower Hoi was climbing on when he first showed up.   So I guess this whole movie takes place in West City?    Only we saw Gohan and Videl in Orange Star High.   Ah well.
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So it looks like Hirudegarn is dead or dying, but...
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It turns out he was just molting.    Did Tapion have any idea that he could do this?   I wonder.
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So Gotenks is the first to fall.   One swat from Big H knocks him down to the ground so hard that he de-fuses on the first bounce.  
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Gohan and Videl are next.    I’m not sure why this thing keeps trying to crush Gohan, unless it’s because he’s the strongest one in the group.  Maybe that was their way of acknowledging this.  
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So that leaves Goku to hold the line on his own, but he doesn’t last much longer.   Just when it looks like there’s no one to defend West City...
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Tapion returns with his ocarina.  He hasn’t exactly had a winning track record with this lately, but it’s the only card he has to play, so he’s giving it all he’s got.
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With a herculean effort, Tapion manages to seal all of Hirudegarn into his own body.   Trunks runs over to congratulate him...
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... but this was only a temporary measure.    Tapion hasn’t beaten Hirudegarn.   He’s just holding him for a moment, long enough for someone to kill him before Hirudegarn can escape again.  And since Trunks is the only one on his feet, its up to him.   
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It’s an impossible choice.  Trunks is just a boy.   This is too much for a kid like him, but there’s no other way.   If he doesn’t act now, Hirudegarn will escape, and there’ll be no way to stop him.     That’d be hard enough, but he loves Tapion like the older brother he never had.  It’s too cruel that he should have to do this.   And yet, what else can he do?
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But before Trunks can decide, Hirudegarn busts loose, and the ocarina breaks.   So Tapion won’t be able to try that stunt again.    I’m not sure he’d be able to stand the strain even if he could try again.   Hirudegarn is just too powerful like this.  
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So yeah, it looks like a total shut-out for Hoi.   Yessir, looking pretty rosy for the last Kashvar...
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HAHAHAHAHA HOI’S DEAD!   I love this part!   Did Hoi ever really have any control over Hirudegarn?   I mean, he wasn’t exactly telling him to do anything he wouldn’t have been doing anyway.    Nice knowin’ ya, you sorry bastard.
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But everyone else is still screed.    Hoi couldn’t conrol Hirudegarn and Tapion can’t contain him and the Z-Fighters can’t beat him, so what does that leave.    Yeah, Trunks didn’t have to kill Tapion, but it looks like he’s going to die here no matter what.    Z stands for the end.  
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But not yet.
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Yeah, now I see why I had so much trouble telling what city this was.   It’s not West City or Satan City.    Hirudegarn needs to update his GPS, because he somehow ended up taking I-65 straight into Goku Town, population: get wrecked, son.
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Hirudegarn goes to attack Goku, but before he can do that, Trunks jumps in and chops off his tail with Tapion’s sword.   Yeah!   
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That got him good, but Goku wants Trunks to stay out of this one.    Gohan tries to tell Goku that Hirudegarn has a weakness, but Goku’s already figured it out.   He needs to goad Hirudegarn into attacking, and then use that moment to hit him with everything he’s got.   
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Fortunately, Hirudegarn is happy to oblige, and he starts punching Goku, while Goku doesn’t do much about it.   He just no-sells each blow, taunting Hirudegarn to try again.   
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Maybe this fight’s better than I gave it credit for.    The mistake the Z-Fighters made earlier was that they kept trying to strike Hirudegarn, which only left them wide open to his counterattacks.    The key here is to stay on the defensive, and lull Hirudegarn into remaining solid.
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Of course, you’ve still got to be sturdy enough to weather this kind of storm, but that’s why Goku’s using Super Saiyan 3.   Gohan could have done this himself, but he got beaten up before he could come up with this strategy.    Goku can make it work, but he can’t stay in this form for very long, so he probably only has one shot at this.
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But if he doesn’t do it, who will?!
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Hirudegarn goes for one more punch...
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But this time Goku jumps over his fist and...
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AAAAAAAGH!   His punch exploded!
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And it turned into Shenron this is nuts! 
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Hirudegarn knows he’s done fucked up now!
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Yeah, say goodbye to your kidneys, asshole!   You thought you could just step on Capsule Corp.!   That’s where Goku gets his shish kebab, idiot!    There’s gonna be hell to pay now.
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OH YOU THOUGHT WE WERE DONE?    Guess what, now the ki dragon that shot through you is gonna wrap around you and strangle you to death!
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Also, it explodes again, so yeah, that’s the end of Hirudegarn.
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Victory for Goku!    And the moral of the story is, don’t send a flute to do an exploding punch dragon fist’s job.
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Later, the good guys reassure Tapion that they’ll wish all of Hirudegarn’s victims back with the Dragon Balls.   Well yeah, but it’ll be months before they can make another wish, so that’s kind of awkward.  
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As for Tapion, Bulma has apparently built her own version of the time machine used by Future Trunks in the Androids Saga.   Either that, or she refurbished the duplicate time machine Cell used to arrive in this timeline.   This movie doesn’t play too well with Dragon Ball Super continuity, but fuck the Zamasu arc, it was stupid and this movie rules. 
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So I guess Tapion’s going to go back in time to when everyone he knew and loved was still alive on Conuts.   I think the dub indicated that he was going to prevent Minotia’s death somehow, but I’m not sure how that would work.    Anyway, Trunks is sorry to see him go, but Bulma says they can just use the time machine to visit him.    Wait, so does she mean she has a second time machine?   Becase I don’t think they’re getting this one back.  
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Before he departs, Tapion gives Trunks his sword, saying he won’t be needing it anymore.   So that’s pretty cool.
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And as the time machine fades away, Trunks watches it go with his new sword on his back, and the credits roll...
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... with scenes of Future Trunks in action.    Clearly, Toei wanted to connect these two versions of Trunks.    I think a lot of fans have mistakenly assumed that this movie is trying to suggest that this is the origin story for Future Trunks’ sword.   Maybe Future Trunks met some alternate version of Tapion, but I think this story was just making the point that Kid Trunks would admire a hero who resembled Future Trunks in a lot of ways, including the sword and the stoic, selfless personality.  
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But yeah, that’s Movie 13.    It’s not as flashy as Movie 12, but it never comes close to being dull, and the Super Dragon Fist at the end is the cherry on top.   
Plus, you’ve got the excellent ending theme, “Ore Ga Yaranakya Dare Ga Yaru” by Hironobu Kageyama.  
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slothcritic · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z Abridged - Episode 9 Review
Consistently funny. The weak points do not drag this episode down.
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The Set Up begins with a great cold open. Piccolo is drop-dead unconscious on the ground, Gohan is desperately trying to wake him up, and Krillin is anxiously awaiting for Goku to show up. After all, he’s their friend who would never let them down right? Meanwhile... Goku is busy eating at Jadoshin's palace. Even as a departure from the original series, I like the idea that the two of them made up and are friends now. Jadoshin, however, has to remind Goku about the Saiyans. Goku then runs out in a panic.
[Title Sequence]
Piccolo isn't getting up and Nappa needs a new toy. He chooses Gohan seemingly at random from the two remaining, and floors him in one kick.
"Wooo! Not me!"
When Krillin isn't being the resident Milhouse, he's the rimshot comedian. The joy doesn't last for much longer though, as Gohan stays down.
Nappa is about to tear Krillin a new one, when the bald monk suddenly screams out that it's his turn. And for some glorious reason, this actually works on Nappa. This is some straight up Looney Tunes, "Duck Season, Fire!" type tomfoolery.
Vegeta does not handle Nappa's stupidity very well, and in his anger does a fourth wall break where he references a timestamp in the video. This is kind of clever and a bit of a break from the other fourth wall jokes that they've done so far, but I feel like it could lose its charm if it's done more than once. As for the timestamp itself, which is at 9:18 in the video... we'll get to that later.
Krillin decides to use the Destructo-Kienzan, and Vegeta shouts a warning to Nappa that it's a trick.
"But Vegeta... tricks are for kids."
The tense background music just completely stops here, but you can still hear the vibrations of the kienzan in the background. Great sound design. The long pause afterwards is also well timed, and Vegeta takes up the "fuck it, you wanna die, then die." mentality with Nappa. This skit is succinct, well paced and well editied.
Nappa receives a deep cut to the face for his troubles, as it just nearly takes his head off. Nappa laments his modeling career, and the scene cuts to a photoshopped rendition of Nappa on Vogue magazine. The bald, beautiful Saiyan, and his 10 tips on being a better lover!
This might have been a joke before its time, or perhaps the intention was different while writing this in 2009, but Nappa shows us all what a "nice guy" he was trying to be during all of this, and now decides "okay, full ultra-violence it is!" and fades Krillin with a white sparkly angel dust attack. I'm sure it has an actual cool sounding name (Like "Galaxy Breaker" or something) but I'm going to keep calling it the white sparkly angel dust attack. The owned counter ticks up to 8 here, but it doesn't feel deserved.
Piccolo jumps up with an "I'm back" and shoots Nappa... in the back. He sees what you did there. Just as Piccolo and Nappa are about to throw down, Gohan appears out of nowhere and roundhouse kicks him through a boulder. More indication that Gohan has some incredible hidden power inside of him. This surprises Piccolo, and Gohan is initially apologetic, but Piccolo begs for him to stay angry before Nappa just as quickly hops back to his feet.
It turns out Gohan hit Nappa so hard that he turned Italian. Seems a little out of left field, but why not. The "I'm a firing my laser" reference is perhaps the most dated thing I've seen since Episode 1. Would this even count as a meme? Wasn't "Firin Mah Laser" something that came out before the word meme even became popular as a way of describing internet fads, jokes, templates and trends? Back when Demotivational Posters and I Can Haz Cheeseburger ruled the internet? Truthfully, I loved this joke when it came out, but now all it does is remind me of the proto-internet days. And part of me feels weird for being nostalgic about that, because I just know someone in their 30's is going to read this and roll their eyes saying "Oh God, I'm getting old", in much the same way I'll feel horrified when people start to become nostalgic for Fortnite in the next 10 or 20 years.
Back to the episode, Piccolo's sacrifice happens right about here, and the scene does a good job of pointing out a plot contrivance in the source material. Piccolo could have just grabbed Gohan and moved out of the way. Though the scene plays up the amount of time Piccolo had to work with, there was still nothing stopping him from just grabbing him and chucking him like a bag of potatoes out of the way, even in the original. However, if Piccolo doesn't die, there's no real reason to go to Namek. What I think might be a more practical reason is that, this is a turning point for Piccolo as a character where he starts thinking emotionally. It's no real secret across both the canon and the abridged material that Piccolo is actually a pretty decent parent. So this right here is the idea of Piccolo more or less abandoning rational thought and considered only protecting Gohan. That contrasts a little with the ruthless, methodical, cunning, intelligent character he's been shown to be, just to throw that all away to save him, but the contrivance definitely becomes less egregious when you consider these factors.
However you want to address it, then end result is that Piccolo sacrifices himself to protect Gohan. In the original this is capped off with Piccolo comparing Gohan to his son, which is what Gohan begins to explain before Piccolo calls him a nerd. In this series however, Piccolo laments one final time:
"Why... didn't you... DODGE!!!"
Bleh. And with Piccolo's death, Kami is soon to follow. He explains the Namekian Dragon Balls to Mr Popo, and the long (very long) journey that must be undertook in order to revive everyone, but Mr Popo outright refuses and simply reminds Kami of the pecking order. Kami dies, and thus the Dragon Balls become inert.
Back at the battlefield, Vegeta was busy reading an issue of that very same Vogue magazine with Nappa on the cover and thus didn't see him kill Piccolo, like a mother three sangria's deep at her kid's soccer practice.
I've never much cared for Gohan's exasperated expletives in this or any scene in DBZA. This one in particular doesn't sit well with me simply because they went to the effort of being purposefully verbose but then still chose to use the word "condom" over "contraceptive" - A condom is made of latex, whereas a contraceptive is any kind of device at all that prevents pregnancy. As an example, some of the first contraceptives in history were made from linen and animal intestines, while the condom itself wasn't invented until 1855. Gohan specifically saying he's going to use Nappa's intestines as a condom serves the same purpose either way, but “contraceptive” would’ve been more technically accurate, in a bit of dialogue that is purposefully trying to be technically accurate. I wouldn't be picking on the semantics so much if that weren't the express purpose of this entire scene. Also it has more syllables and therefore sounds more smarterer.
Nappa gives this scene the backhand and the "bitch please" it deserves and we're done with that.
"Everyone important to you is dead." "Hey I'm still alive--" "EVERYONE important." "...Damn it."
See, this is where the Krillin Owned count should have gone up.
After Nappa doesn't smash, Goku appears on the battlefield. His reaction to showing up too late and everyone being dead is uncharacteristically deadpan, and it's hilarious. He asks where Chiaotzu is, and Krillin gives him the Achmed the Dead Terrorist explanation. Over there, over there, and up there. I'm not actually sure if this episode predates Jeff Dunham or not, but I enjoy both, both used the same joke at least once, and both make me laugh so I'm drawing the comparison anyways.
Goku asks why everyone is dead and Nappa immediately and without hesitation calls dibs. This leads into one of most famous and iconic scenes, if only for meme reasons, in all of DBZ.
"Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?" "It's... 1006." "Wha-- Really?" "Yeah. Kick his ass, Nappa!"
Not gonna lie, this genuinely made me burst into laughter the first time I saw it. I don't know if it was just shock value or what, but it doesn't have the same effect now that I know it's coming every time I rewatch this episode. I just love the idea of the scouter being upside-down and Vegeta not questioning it. An even better headcanon is that the scouter was never upside-down, Vegeta was just getting tired of Nappa's bullshit and just decided to send him into an ass-kicking anyways.
We're treated to a solid 15 seconds of Nappa getting completely curbstomped while the various characters look on in shock and awe, until Nappa gets dumped at Vegeta's feet.
It's also here that Vegeta finally learns that Piccolo's life is directly intertwined with the Dragon Balls. I believe this was already established in the original series, but no such conversation ever occurred here. Vegeta has quite simply lost his chance at immortality and it’s all because of Nappa.
I actually wonder how an immortal Saiyan would work. They receive a Zenkai boost, which makes them stronger when they almost die, but if you can't ever die, you can't ever “almost” die either, so you wouldn't get the Zenkai boost and your power wouldn't increase that way. Then again, most expectations of logic or consistency within Dragon Ball are pretty much always doomed.
Speaking of doomed, remember that timestamp at 9:18 that Vegeta referenced earlier? Because Vegeta certainly does, and with both the camel’s and Nappa's back having officially been broken, Nappa is sent to the shadow realm in a blinding flash of light and a massive explosion.
Vegeta's smirk is all we needed to close out this episode. There is no stinger.
Really good episode, actually. I wouldn't consider it as strong as Episode 7, but it definitely holds the same energy throughout. There are more high quality comedic moments in this episode than I could count on both hands. At worst some of the dialogue was uninteresting, pointless or overproduced, but the average pace of this episode rests rather highly compared to its valleys.
Microphone quality and sound mixing on some pieces of dialogue is still meh. Krillin's first line in this episode peaks the audio or something similar, because it takes me out for a hot second just because it's so sudden and emphatic.
We also see a slight evolution in the dynamic between Vegeta and Nappa which keeps things fresh. This is becoming less of a deadpan snarker and over the top clown, treads more into the ticking time bomb territory which is great for slowly building tension, and not unjustly as it has a satisfying payoff.
Plot holes in the original are addressed and lampooned here, creative jokes such as the Vogue Nappa and “1006″ are present and accounted for, and on the whole there's a lot of very on the mark humor, and only some of it is overdone. The story for this episode also holds significant weight and momentum, and it all blends together quite well with an above-average script and some great visual and audio edits.
Score: 77
Passing Thoughts
"Riiiiiicola!" - Oh hey, it's this again.
"Oh and I totally killed that guy. Oh well, at least we still had fun getting here, right Vegeta? Vegeta? Remember the bug planet? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vege-- AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!"
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thefloatingstone · 7 years
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I’m stealing my mom’s phone data to post this. I’m sure she’ll understand. I’m still not online yet but I have no patience so I’m uploading this now.
“Hey! I know what would be a good idea! Let’s draw the boys from @tyranttortoise‘s SSLL fic in their civvies! Yeah! That’s an excellent idea!”
5000 years later and here we are. (seriously I started this in January before my birthday)
It turns out fewer of them wear alt outfits in the fic than I thought when I was going through it. In retrospect maybe I should’ve drawn the beach episode chapter instead. Or the Halloween one. Oh well. If nothing else this helped cement some of their designs in my mind that I was struggling with.
big fat AU breakdown notes under the cut!
First off; another reason for this picture was to play around with the designs of each character, since I personally don’t like it when characters are just copypastas of each other with different outfits on. So I was playing around not just with the idea of civvies, but also with differences in height, body shape, posture, etc etc.
First we have Red and our vanilla boi Sans. I imagine these two as being the most similar in terms of looks, with only details being slightly different. However there are small differences. Red is slightly taller than Sans, and although you can’t see it under all that fluff, his shoulders are broader. I like the weird dynamic these two have in the fic. They’re generally in ok terms, but Red seems to have pretty rotten luck and often accidentally does something to paint himself as someone untrustworthy, and with the king of distrust around, Sans comes across as having pinned him as “troublemaker” who he has to kinda shuffle back into place every now and then. By extension, Red is actually pretty intimidated by Sans.... because he’s Sans.
Next we have Edge and Blackberry. Edge is taller than Papyrus but not the tallest of the bros (although he’s the tallest in the main building) Although this may just be because he likes his boots with a bit of a heel. I think his differences to Paps are pretty obvious. His overall facial structure is spikier not just with his teeth but overall. Black on the other hand is the shortest of the whole group which purely comes from the fact that I love the idea that the most tyrannical and bossiest of the group happens to be the smallest and he doesn’t give a fuck. He’s gonna order you around and you’re gonna listen to him. I also like envisioning Black, unlike the rest of the shorter bros, as being pretty spindly. One last detail is that Princess heel click. Which you KNOW he probably does all the time. a little detail I have to thank Vegeta from DBZ for in one specific scene somebody pointed out on tumblr with the tag “what a fucking princess”. And the second lack entered the fic that’s immediately how I pegged him.
Russ/Mutt and Vanilla Paps. Russ is the second tallest overall and the biggest flirt which is a huge fucking accomplishment. However I like the idea that he’s only serious about %5 of the time and actually just does it either out of habit or just because it’s funny to rile people up and annoy and/or fluster them. Papyrus, pure soul that he is, seems both oblivious and immune. I think he’s just happy for any kind of compliment, missing the intention behind it completely... ..I think.... Paps is difficult to fully understand sometimes. How much is he fully overlooking and how much is he perfectly aware of and just ignores. It’s a mystery. Russ’ facial structure is a mess compared to Pap’s. His jaw is really large and his chin is chiseled. His face is basically mostly jaw. It’s insane.
Blue and Crooks! Blue is a character I always struggle with, but I’m slowly getting to grips with him better (I hope???) I made him taller than Sans because I like the idea that the one who you’d project as being the youngest is bigger than some of the oldest. Otherwise, not much to say. His face is less round than Sans’ and yet somehow looks younger because of it??? weird. Crooks is the tallest, but he’s always hunched over to deal with everyone else so it’s a little unclear how tall he really is. Of course, one of the first exposures I has to AUs at all was from @forgivemeimmasin and her HT boys. So when Crooks entered the story I could only picture him as looking like her design for him. Heck in my mind he’s a mirror copy, complete with his large shabby coat and fingerless gloves. However, he doesn’t actually wear those in the story so I left them off. But yeah, he’s suppose to be Mun’s design which is why he looks just like him.
Axe, Stretch and Q! Axe is actually an exact copy of Sans. The only thing different is his posture which makes him look shorter, but it’s just his hunched, on-alert, way of standing. Again, heavily inspired by Forgivemeimmasin’s design, however, in the SSLL fic he’s literally exactly Sans but with the head wound and eye. So I stuck closer to that idea. I left off his beanie because I wanted to draw that crack. I also put him in the hoodie that the canon Sans plushie wears, rather than my personal default of Sans’ fluff hood. Just to put some distance between the two, however cosmetic.
Stretch I think I struggled with the most for some reason. I think again the differences are pretty clear. He’s taller than Paps but shorter than Edge (although just slightly) however his posture makes him seem shorter. He’s got longer legs than Paps though. And he’s got them hollow cheeks.
And lastly we have @jolie-in-the-underground‘s Q in his civvies. In the fic he actually doesn’t wear his admin outfit that much, however it’s what most people draw him in. I decided to copy Jolie’s header image for his civvies but not lose his digital cues *jazz hands*. Obviously the tallest of the Sans’, but very different in overall stature and design from the others. I don’t think that is actually canon within the fic, but my visual mind puts him looking more like this than short potato Sans. I reason it’s because the more time goes by, the more Q’s design shifts naturally away from Sans into being his own unique form. The change is just so slow and subtle it’s hard to tell.
Also also, this is completely at odds with the fic, but I imagine the shorter bros to all be a tiny bit shorter than the LL (even Red) and the taller bros are taller than her. anyway, my mom’s phone is being eaten alive data wise so that’s gonna have to be it.
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cherrysaiyan · 6 years
There was an experience I had when I still had my dA up and running. It was over one of my old [self-insert] dbz OCs, Daiko.
At the time, her name wasn’t Daiko but Lia, which was just my name minus the S. In middle school, specifically 6th grade, I was obsessed with dbz. I made self-inserts of myself and my cousins, ‘cause we all loved dbz. Reason I took out the S from the name is because I was embarrassed over my classmates knowing that was self-insert, since a lot of them always liked looking through my sketchbooks [something I stopped doing when I had E N O U G H of them smudging the pencil art and getting finger prints all over other pages].
Now, when I started out my dA account, dbz OCs were some of the first art I put up. I don’t think I ever made it clear “Lia” was my self-insert, but I never really thought that needed to be said seeing as I made my real name public on there. It should’ve been obvious, right?
Anyways, fast forward years later, maybe some time in 2013 or 2014, maybe even 2015? At that point, I’ve pretty much abandoned my account because my abuser stilled followed my dA and a lot of the shit he forced me to draw for him was still the most recent of art I had up. I’d still post art once in a while, but then I stopped when my stalker from Gaia Online started stealing my dbz art and asking for weird requests [he kept asking for ship art of Bardock and Pan, which.. yanno, he’s her great grandpa 8| I genuinely believe this guy knew NOTHING about dbz, but that’s another story].
So, some time before I deactivated my account, someone felt the need to comment on a profile I made for Lia. This person told me that it was canon that all saiyans have black hair and eyes, and that a saiyan who lost a mate would mourn over for them a long period of time and wouldn’t move on so quickly. Now, if you remember, Lia was my self-insert. I gave her some of my traits - brown hair, green eyes, and I made her love interests the dbz guys I was madly in love with during middle school - Raditz and Yamcha. I was 11-12 yos when I came up with that stuff, and still applied it when I was like.. 16-17. When my abuser came into my life, I was never able to focus on making changes to her because all my time and energy went into him and wat he wanted.
This person left a comment about canon stuff, and I just fucking laughed. Like, at this point, I’m already in my mid 20s. I even showed this to @kaiju-z to laugh over it n shit. I know for a damn fact someone outright stole/copied Lia’s design/story. My stalker already did that as well as another person [I had a friend confirm this, and he offered to out the person, but I told him he didn’t have to], and some other random person stole another of my dbz OC’s design/looks before. But, because I hadn’t been active in so long, there’s no way I could back up my claims on the 2nd part of the former. My only alibi was the date on which I posted the art, but this person only focused on the art itself. Obviously, this person is friends with someone who stole my character Lia.
The reason I say that is due to the fact that I have a black-haired saiyaness with purple/violet eyes, another with fucking magenta hair & violet + blue streaks and blue eyes, a third with strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes, a saiyan with blond hair and blue eyes, and a saiyaness with silver hair and eyes. All outlandish hair + eye colors that stick out. But no, this person goes for my self-insert. I’m not sure how far they dug into my gallery, but they did and decided to comment on my self-insert and tell me all this canon shit and wat not. They could’ve left that comment on literally any of the listed saiyan OCs, but went for my self-insert, which made me Very Suspicious.
I replied back saying I had made all this in middle/high school, changes were a thing that’d happen soon enough. It still makes me suspicious that this person pointed out my self-insert, especially when they had a self-insert demon saiyan with red eyes. So, my only conclusion is that this person was friends with someone who ripped off my self-insert.
Being spiteful, I’ve left her hair brown and eyes green. I changed her name to Daiko, ‘cause I decided to give all my Planet Vegeta born saiyans veggie pun/related names, as well as their kids. I’ve left Daiko paired up with Yamcha. To add some extra spite, I made a new saiyansona/self-insert that I paired up with Raditz. 8) In fact, I might very well make a saiyan OC with bubblegum pink hair and bright blue eyes. 
So, I guess the moral of the story is to let people be creative regardless of canon [esp if it’s harmless creativity] and don’t steal people’s art/OCs/etc, and then enable/defend the art thief and hound out the person they stole from and tell them to change their OC.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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sugirandom · 7 years
365 days of writing: day 345 and 346
Days 345 and 346: cold
   Yesterday my day went ok other than us having another Kanji test, I actually didn’t really study much since I felt I’d do badly either way so I just did what I could remember..which as always was not much. I find it weird that I can manage to draw sometimes but Kanji just doesn’t work. Then again I was never very good at copying an image exactly as it is and I guess that’s why I struggle with writing Kanji correctly as well, either that or despite it feeling like drawing sometimes it’s actually still writing so it’s still the writing part of my brain and therefore I still can’t do it but can draw...IDK. I haven’t drawn in so long either because of my sore wrist so I worry I might not do great at that at first either ...I started rambling....sorry
Anyway, after class I came home because someone was coming to look at the hot water and of course it worked for him but the fact that the water wasn’t immediatly hot concerned him enough so he decided that he needs to replace the hot water heater and plans to come do that Wednesday afternoon. I basically spent the evening catching up on my youtube videos and got a visit from a guy who is living in an apartment on the 3rd floor. I was hoping he could give me some good advice about how to handle the student visa if I quit the school but other than telling me to maybe try getting a job and changinig it to a work VIsa he didn’t have a whole lot of suggestions. So, I was beginning to despair again.
Today class was so-so but I struggled with listening class. I think I can understand it if I only listen but the problem is the teacher asks us to take notes and it’s so fast that if I stop to take notes I miss information. I think next time I will just listen and see if that goes better, I am a pretty auditory learner so I think trying to get me to write is what the problem is. Man, all my problems are summed up as writing problems aren’t they?  Anyway, after class I wondered around to try to find a new place to eat that wasn’t too pricey but it was freezing out so I gave up and went to Okonomiyaki place I like to eat at near school because I knew that they’d turn on that grill they have on the table and that that would help warm me up. My mood got a little bit better after lunch. I have decided to ask the place I sub for if they’ll have any full-time openings next semester and other thant that I’ll stop trying to figure things out for now. I think that if I’m meant to do something else that that option will become available. Also, just as I thought you can’t get into voice acting over here if you aren’t Japanese so I will pursue that when I come home. Anyway, after lunch I bought some rice to have with dinner and then I came home, studied breifly, and then finished my youutbe queue.
I also finally got back to watching DBZ. I watched episode 103 and 104 and the website I’m using breifly swtiched to some sort of fandub of I guess a TV recording or maybve a Japanese VHS of DBZ for episode 103. I could tell right away because they cut out the opening and ending, the animation was grainier, and in my (controversal) opinion looked better than the cleaned-up quality they usually use that is clearly from the Fuinmation DVDs or Blue-rays. They switched back after that though for episode 104 and they did a fake out where they tried to make us think Freeza was finally going to die but I knew it was too good to be true. I think the only way I can think of to explain how 1 minute still isn’t up yet is that I guess they can fight at such a fast speed that that’s how time is so slow when we view what they’re doing. This does not explain how all the other scenes involving characters who aren’t fighting seem to be affected the same way. That’s just when you have to stop thinking too hard about it ne? So yeah, I’m going to go have some dinner now but I wanted to do my entries since I finished my videos a bit early and I didn’t think it was a good idea to eat an hour earlier than usual so I needed to pass the time a bit.
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lupodefae-blog · 7 years
So I'm writing this simply because yesterday I talked to someone I have a very serious interest in and after a few minutes into the conversation they said that I haven't really shared much about me. That they didn’t even know I'm from New York and not from here. So I'm writing this at 9:50 because I guess I don’t really reveal much to anyone about me. So what better way to reveal all then to just write??? I don’t know… well might as well start My name is Benigno Agosto III, ya I'm the third. My father and grandfather being the first and junior, but more on them later I suppose. I was born in Manhattan, New York but memories of it at my younger age are pretty fuzzy. My mother is Katie and I get everything from here xD minus the skin tone. My father is Benigno Agosto jr. i… honestly don’t know much about him what so ever. All I know and remember is he is a very abusive man and alcoholic. Which was kind of my reasoning to act certain ways when I was younger and how I cat now sort of. We left NY when I was very young but came by it every now and then just for the trips sake. I met my father one time in my life and called him twice. When I called him I was 8 and I simply said 'hi I am your son' to which he didn’t even remember me, saying I'm not his son. So that was great as one could imagine. I met him when I was 13 and he showed no excitement, no emotion toward a crying kid hugging his dad for the first time. So that was fun as well. Then I called him one last time when I was 20 to tell him how I was, he was doing okay and we chatted for a bit. It was okay I guess. But he wanted me to call him dad, which I refused and explained I couldn’t give a man that title who out right abandoned his son and never gave so much as a happy birthday for his whole life. I feel no resentment anymore, when I was younger that’s all I had but no longer. I have 2 sisters on that side of my family and they are both pretty nice, I see my mouth and attitude comes from that side as well, blessings and curses I suppose xD When I was in the beginning stages of school I guess when my creativity came up, I really liked to draw, I liked singing and pretend to be a knight (which I came dressed to school as when asked to come as what I wanted to be when I was older) I had one friend named Huy. Now Huy was what I wanted to be like because he was SUPER cool and drew REALLY WELL. Like he was drawing DBZ characters in 5 minutes when I was drawing weird trees and little animals in hours and they weren't even good. But he told me to keep trying and I did, my teacher Mrs.Cashmen was my teacher and fully supported me and my like of art and me wanting to be better at it. She saw me as sweet and kind, even though I was super quiet (those who know me now yeah, I was EXTEREMLY QUIET) but other then them it was like I was against everyone… like everyone had something against me so I got into a lot of fights that no one even knew about. Around 3-4 grade, cant remember too well because it was just so long ago I had a major crush on one girl named Sarah. I didn’t know what to do, but I thought a good way to get girls was to be what dad was (bad idea) so I stole her Gameboy thinking if I did I could help her look for it and get her to keep talking to me. Eventually I just felt really mean and shitty and just told her the truth. We stopped talking after that obviously which really sucked. Around this time I was still getting into fights, but I had more friends. I saw Mrs. Cashmen from time to time and she always made me feel better. Huy went to another school from what I recall. But like I said I had friends who talked to me. At this point I gave up on art from the amount of comments about how I sucked and how I wasn’t good, so did the thoughts of being a comedian, and actor, and anything involving art really. I got into more fights, but this time for friends instead of them on me. Because I wanted someone to be there for me, so I thought it would be the same for others. unfortunately a kid proved that somewhat wrong when he and His friends jumped me after school for… w.e. reason. From there I got even more distant and to myself. Around that time suicidal thoughts came into play. Wanted to take pills but I didn’t know what would do anything, I wanted to cut myself but I was too scared of having to feel myself bleed out, I wanted to shoot myself but had no way to a freakin gun. Eventually I attempted to jump off my schools balcony on a Wednesday, I was gonna jump but a my gym teacher came and stopped me, I wish I remembered his name because I really appreciate his words. He just told me about how sad everyone would be if I did do it, family and friends, my mom who lost her brother to suicide. So instead of jumping I got taken to the hospital and had an evaluation right after. I lied and said I was okay but I really I didn’t wanna go away somewhere without my mom, because in that time that’s all I really had. After the event I didn’t make big attempts on my life, instead I just drew, wrote and though about what I would do if I could. All the negative thoughts kind of put me in a weird circle of thinking of myself. That if I don’t hate myself everyone will and keep hurting me, if I didn’t hate myself I wouldn’t get anywhere. If I'm breathing I need a find a way to stop so everyone will just leave me alone… but those were inner thoughts. After around grade 5 or 6 I lost all fucks and just got into fights left and right, and fought back really hard. Suspensions and held back one time for the amount of damage I did to one kid, but never once did I start the fights. I met Cristopher and a few others from my early days. They showed me how to be really happy and helped me get back into art and expression and I got a bit better after that. Crushes became relationships, relationships broke down and I got super sad and hard on myself, then they came to help me get better. I guess those were the better years I guess. High school came!! Well fuck, honestly I didn’t think I would really get that far. Thought id be gone before that. But here I was. I saw a girl who was literally my biggest crush in life like I even took the theater class I was in at the time all because she was going to take it too. Very bad I know but that was my thought process at the time xD I was so bad at flirting and my looks weren't as good as they are now (truly was an ugly duckling) messed that one super bad because I just looked weird and stuff. Had a crush on a new girl who was there only for a few weeks and had to go back to Florida after, but we had a relationship for a bit. We did some stuff I never did before most in a sexual context but nothing crazy. I thought id lose her if I didn’t play to her interests, so I played along with the sexual things so I wouldn’t lose her, I lied about being an awesome graphic designer and got caught lying about that and tried to walk around it all and that kind of lead to a break up. Well earned on my end. But she's doing great which I'm very happy to hear. Lots of relationships from that time and lots of break ups, where I was at fault, they were at fault, it was both parties, and some times there weren't many reasons why it just ended. All around honestly it was fun when it was fun and sucked bad when it sucked. All around alright experience College came and I guess at that time is where I came to be the me a lot of you have met and enjoy the most, so I guess I can ramble about stuff in life between all of the times xD I wanted to be a knight, but no one is being kidnapped and taken to castles anymore and no dragons were around to fight so I scrapped that at a young age. I then wanted to be a comedian and actor and performer, then I was told I sucked and I wasn’t funny. But now I am funny as fuck so to those who told me I sucked can suck it now! Bitches!... Ahem, now then. I wanted to be a vet after that because I loved animals, but I hate school just as much as I love them sooooo that went out the window. Now I'm in school trying to get a degree in Law and Psychology, mostly because I want to be a councilor, because I wanna help people who didn’t get the people I did… because everyone really needs SOMEBODY there. I love dogs, I like comedy and horror movies, even though I scream and freak out I still love the rush of horror, I like sitting at home and just relaxing, I enjoy my friends and hanging outside and going out because I didn’t get to any of that till college really. I like sweets, love chocolate but it makes me break out (what a sad life I live) but I eat that shit anyway because fuck it. I like working out even though I'm not super big yet. I like acting and wanna be a voice actor for fun and maybe be in a game or two xD I hate cats because they are the bane of my existence and they hate me. If its kittens then we can have a nice middle ground. I hate dolls because of my Chucky and a few Spanish movies involving dolls, if you ever give me on I will kick the shit out of it and kick the shit out of you simply because you gave it to me. I hate spicy foods, I cant take the heat, but id try it if you truly wanted me to. I dislike seafood, the texture just feels off, but I can eat sushi!!! Mostly because of the other stuff with it. I hate people who abuse others and hate those who hit women, and if I catch that shit anywhere I have been known to jump in that shit and stop it… even though chances are I will get in a shit ton of trouble or get beat I will do it anyway. I right now wanna start a business but I don’t wanna tell anyone about it because I'm afraid someone will do it before me and I cant risk that, because this business plan is one of the only motivations I have right now. I am called a flirt when truly I just enjoy complimenting people and knowing they are happy and see something good in them, not to gain anything out of it. I have the outward appearance of someone who might model, write awesome stuff, take wild adventures and live a great life with woman and money But I am a nerd in a handsome body xD I play dungeons and dragons, video games, and honesty am super shy despite the mask I wear that shows me being so super out there and up in crowds. I play guitar and don’t think I'm too good at it, I write a lot of poetry and stories… but I hate what I wrote. I take selfies and pictures of things but I hate what I capture on cameras at times. I am a guy who shows so much confidence but really has very little views on himse
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petite-neko · 7 years
For the fanfictions thing: 6, 9, 10, 20, 31, 41 and 50 please (yes I'm curious 😇)
Just Bombarding me with questions, aren’t ya?
Fandom Questions
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.?
Dear god.... Um let’s start from the beginning? Naruto: kaka sasu//Saso dei. Ze//lda: Sh//ink DBZ: Truhan - but with Mirai and present Trunks. Danny Phantom: Let’s just go with Vlad/Fenton parents, shall we? And of course for One Piece: Lawlu
9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
I COULD GO ON FOREVER ABOUT IT BUT I’LL STICK WITH THIS: It’s what a fandom SHOULD be. I don’t see too many wars. People don’t persecute another for liking a certain ship(s) or character(s). Or the way they write the character(s) or ship(s). That people don’t try and force their ideas or headcanons onto others or try and say their ideas are more canon than another. There isn’t all this comparison to see who is better. It’s just ‘you enjoy what you enjoy. If I like some of it sure, sweet stuff! If I don’t, no biggie, you continue enjoying it!’
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Bahaha. Yeah. A number of them. I tend to delve into the Tales of series (If I’ve completed the game) And sometimes older fandoms I’ve always enjoyed. (Ranma 1/2 // Inuyasha... Also enjoy Kyo Kara Maoh!) Most of the time as long as I won’t get spoiled forthe series and the concept interests me, I’ll read it, as long as I’m familiar with it :D
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Lawlu, honestly. Like, yeah I have my casual ships (Zolu, Zosan, Nami/Vivi) but they are more ‘sure, why not, it’s nice’ and the other ships that are ‘eh, okay, sure.’ that I can see happening. (Practically, most of the ships that don’t fall under my ‘notp’ section -- which is really just ‘stuff I don’t/won’t ship’ as opposed to an actual ‘notp’)
Mostly because I never really saw myself shipping Luffy with anybody. Like, sure, Zolu to me was ‘okay then, sure, I can see it. Interesting concepts. Artwork’s nice. No smut plz.’ but I’d never thought I’d actually SHIP somebody with Luffy. Like ever. Where I’d wanna write a bajillion ideas, or read more and more stuff. Or rant about ideas with friends and see all these pretty artworks and just get IMMERSED into it so wholly.
Author Questions
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
I’m going to put a disclaimer on this: There’s probably nicer things, but due to ‘recent’ (Within the last year) occurrences this takes the cake.
People telling me how in character I am when I write. Due to old stuff that was a mixture of drama, wars, and RL issues, I really doubted how accurate I wrote my characters. I’m more or less over it, but when I started writing for this fandom, when I was told how good my writing is, and how in character the characters seemed? It just... lifted a weight off of my shoulders. It was like somebody shone the light on me and pulled me out? Because I just... I enjoy writing so much and to have it almost ripped away from me like that was hard. And to know that people enjoy my writing. That they want me to continue and that I do get the characterisations right was what got me going again. And honestly, I don’t think I’d be able to ever forget that. Eventually, I probably would have gotten here by myself - I like writing too much - but that help was just something else.
So thank all of you guys :3 If it weren’t for your comments and likes and just everything, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
Oh dear me.
I am really enjoying Black Gold right now
And there’s always The Greatest Adventure (So amazing. And yes, I know I’ve linked it at least 5 times already but)
How to Snare a Life is also pretty good - one of the few AUs I actually read :D
And the other AU I read: Wrong Number
Annnnd while I’m not CURRENTLY reading it, this is the first thing I’m going to finish once I get back into the fandom: Congruent It’s an amazing Sh//ink fic.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
Okay folks. Get out the popcorn. Let’s see a black and white film about me getting into the fandom world. (Really though, it started like 13-14 years ago.)
I’m going to start out with a few years before I even got into being a fanboy: What got me into writing.
Tldr; version of it is, back in grade 5/6 I had some close online friends, and they convinced me to start writing poetry. I used it as an outlet for emotions and stuff. I was an angsty teenager. I was apparently ‘really good’ at it and so I continued. (PS: Also got published in grade 9 for a poem I wrote in grade 6 SNORTS)
Anyway, ended up losing contact with those friends over the years // broke up the friendship with one of them and eventually I just stopped writing poetry. Mostly because I didn’t have anybody to really show it to.
Now, I’m still just enjoying shows on TV, and gradually getting into watching anime online because of my older brother. It wasn’t until the end of grade nine that I became involved (reading/writing/drawing/etc.) in what is known as ‘the fandom’
Now I had a friend, and he was a big old nerd. Nerdier than I. The one who declined to hang out with friends because I wanted to game. We got along great, but soon, I fell. And I never got back up. Because, you see, he introduced me to all these ‘weird’ and ‘strange’ fandom things. At first, there wasn’t fandom things. At first we started making our own characters in their own world and oh look. Roleplaying.
But then these things called ships. and what’s that? Yaoi and Yuri? and What? People ship Naruto and Sasuke together? wth? And then, one day, I had decided to just (not a smart move at all, I must say) google search (Or Deviant Art search, I can’t remember) ‘Naruto Yaoi’ for shits and giggles, before I stumbled upon my First ship. And there was just no going back from there. Soon I began to look up everything on that ship: Drawing, and what’s this? People write stories about this? Holy shit. I need to check this out! Before one day, I decided to take my newfound writing skills of roleplaying my OCs into: Writing fanfiction.
Many different ships and fandoms later: Here I am. And yes, I still ship my first ship.
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kyoulove · 8 years
40 Questions - Meme for Shippers
So @bethanyactually was doing these yesterday, and I wanted to answer them all, so I am! I’ll do a couple then put the rest under a cut so you all don’t get a wall of text. :D (I’ve actually had this open in a word document for about a week, so it’s way later than I intended to post hahahaha whoops)
1.  Talk about the first ship you ever had. OH MAN. My wee shipper heart! I think (think!) the first one I ever had was the couple from Today’s Special? That kids show where the mannequin came to life and they were obviously in love with eachother.
2.  Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life. Oooo in my life? Well…. Snape/Hermione was one that I shipped for YEARS as a teen (I still ship them but don’t actively read about them). Bulma/Vegeta from DBZ really got me into fandom as a youngling. Inquisitor/Cullen is so important to me too, because of the impact that Dragon Age Inquisition had on me.
3.  What’s your current OTP? But how do I pick just one? Right this second I have tabs open for stories to read with Bellamy/Clarke, from The 100. And also Jyn/Cassian from Rogue One. And a couple random Inquisitor/Cullen stories and Steve/Bucky ones.
4.  What’s your current NOTP? Um….. There isn’t a lot I don’t ship, really….. Hm…. Haha - Voldemort/Hermione. I don’t know what was happening in the internet last week but wow. Ooooo wait I thought of one! Ron/Hermione. Nope, don’t like it.
5.  Do you have any poly ships? Damn you, Leverage, but you made me ship it. So hard. SO HARD.
6.  How do you feel about love triangles? While I’m pretty much over them right now, done right I don’t necessarily dislike them. Sometimes. Really though, at this point in my reading/shipping life, a love triangle seems like such a contrived plot point that I just want it to go away.
7.  How do you feel about RPF? It makes me really uncomfortable, and I don’t read it. Fictional characters are wonderful to write about, but real people are actually real people and there is a line there, I think. (Though, when I was but a young teen, a couple friends and I were deep DEEP into writing Hanson RPF – I think we wrote that they moved in next door? It spawned and epic and ultimately weirdly tragic tale.)
8.  Have you ever shipped yourself with a character? Have I ever introduced you to my fictional husband, Ser Cullen Stanton Rutherford? (Though honestly, I actually ship myself more with the Iron Bull, because I can’t play through his romance in game.)
9.  Do you have many ships that never got together at all? Yesssssss so many. Betty/Jughead (I haven’t thought of them in so long, thanks Riverdale), let’s not even get into Stiles/Derek, are Clarke/Bellamy actually together? I don’t know, I think most of my ships are not canon. I tend to like those almost more in fandom, because romances that happen on screen have already happened! It’s a weird feeling.  
10.  Do you ship any characters that have never met? No, I can’t think of any?
11.  Talk about your favorite first kiss. Ooooo Veronica and Logan. They have an A+ first kiss.
12.  Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together? Well, most of my ships don’t…
13.  Has a ship ever broken your heart? YES. Elizabeth and Will in Pirates of the Caribbean. The ending of the first trilogy, where they can only be together for one day every 10 years was SO UNSATISFYING I can’t actually watch the movies again.
14.  How do you feel about will they/won’t they? Uggggg. I don’t mind a bit of tension about the relationship, but if it’s dragged on too long I lose interest, and frankly think the relationship becomes unhealthy. Pining is great, pining for years is awkward. (See: Bones)
15.  Have you ever “shipped at first sight”? Yes, pretty much always.
16.  Talk about a ship you initially disliked. I would say probably my OT3 from Leverage, just because I didn’t want an OT3 in my life LOL.
17.  Talk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically. When I was reading the first Mistborn book, I initially shipped Vin and Kelsier together. However as the book progressed, they fell into more of a father/daughter relationship which suited the characters perfectly.
18.  Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship. I’m sure there is something but I’m drawing a blank, friends. A BLANK. I guess the entire Civil War arc made me question all my Steve/Tony feels?
19.  Have you ever shipped something despite yourself? Well, I am normally not into poly relationships, but then ALONG CAME LEVERAGE AND HERE WE ARE. Lordie. The three of them are just so in love. I really didn’t want anything to do with The 100 as a show either, but I slipped and fell in thanks to the fanfiction LOL.
20.  Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping. Lassiter/Shawn from Psych. I mean. Clearly they love eachother. But there just isn’t a whole lot of fanfiction! One day, maybe!
21.  Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against? Scott/Stiles, I think. I really love them as brothers, and have a hard time moving past that!
22.  Which of your ships have the best chemistry? Steve/Bucky, probably. Sterek is a close second too!
23.  Which of your ships deserve better writing? All have good writing, I think, but I think the Jack/Phryne ship needs more. Much more. Because I love them and I need it :D (Actually, more is basically what I want for all fandoms ever, because I’m just so greedy LOL)
24.  Do you mostly ship canon pairings? No, I think I ship the ones that never really happen the most!
25.  Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar? I have never had the slightest desire to watch The 100, but I ship Bellamy/Clarke so hard. I also started watching Teen Wolf solely because of the quality Sterek fandom of the time.
26.  Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to? I love enemies to lovers, I love “OOOPS I caught a feeling what do I do”, I love an age difference (only in fiction kids, only in fiction), I love sass and pining. I love a long, drawn out story where both of the idiots think the other doesn’t have any romantic feelings. Oh, and coffee shop AUs. Classic.
27.  Is there a ship you’ve shipped for most of your life? Not really, though Snape/Hermione is probably the longest running one.
28.  Does shipping come easily to you? As easy as breathing. I love love! Show me two people with the slightest degree of feelings and BAM I have probably shipped it.
29.  Do you need to ship something to really enjoy a movie/book/tv show/comic? No, but it certainly helps! And frankly, unless it is a piece of entertainment with only one person I am probably going to find the ship hiding in it.
30.  Name a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships. Ahahahahahahahhaha it’s possible that one doesn’t exist but TRY ME INTERNET.
31.  Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love. It’s not really a headcannon per se, but I’ve read a lot of fanfics where Jyn/Cassian share a bed before they really admit their feelings and I love itttttt.
32.  Share five must-read fics. But How to choose??? Tearing Down the Heavens [Inquisitor/Cullen – Dragon Age Inquisition], Champion’s Coffer [Hawke/Varric – Dragon Age 2], let’s give ‘em something to talk about [Jyn/Cassian – Star Wars Rogue One], regardless of warning the future doesn’t scare me at all [Clarke/Bellamy – The 100], This Your Protect [Steve/Bucky – Captain America: The Winter Soldier]
33.  Name your favorite fanartist(s). Ummmm….. I don’t have one?
34.  Share your favorite fanmix for your OTP. I don’t have one of these either!
35.  Recommend 1-5 shipper blogs. Pass – I don’t want to link to people and all the blogs I follow are multi fandom blogs :D
36.  Do you create fanmixes/gif sets/fanart/fic/fanvids and so on for you ships? Nope!
37.  Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP? Coffeeshop AUs are just the best I think. A long slow burn and enemies to lovers is also great.
38.  Do you like and use ship names? I think the only one I really use is Sterek, the rest of them are name/name.
39.  Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself? Mmmm nah. I mean, I love my husband a lot, and frankly, we put our favorite characters through some shit!
40.  If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be? Hahahah I don’t have an OTP – the closest I can get is sometimes an OTP within a fandom lol. Let’s see. I think across the board I would like to see more producers/writers who love the fandom actually DO something with that information. Less queerbaiting and actually making it canon, for a start (looking at you, Teen Wolf). If there are some unattached people that are loudly and enthusiastically paired together, why not try it out? Sometimes the writers have a different path in mind, and I get that, but so often in shows it’s to draw out the tension or to just ignore it entirely. And please, stop the love triangles.
Well, now that I’ve read and written the word “ship” way to many times, thank you and goodnight. :D
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akasen-the-red · 7 years
On RE Creators
It's hard to say what my initial outlook on RE Creators was. Whether I thought in the beginning if it would be a good series or not is something I don't recall anymore. All I know is that I was disappointed by this shows progression and setups on a nearly weekly basis after I started it.
The idea of a battle royale between fictional anime characters is an interesting concept. Left in my hands, I'd have written a situation where somehow characters from Cowboy Bebop, Macross, Hellsing, Berserk, Trigun, Golgo 13, Black Lagoon, DBZ, Fist of the North Star, JJBA, Full Metal Alchemist, and some assortment of Shonen Jump battle manga just all find themselves in the situation we find ourselves with RE Creators.
This might also seem like a super weird roster of characters as well, but take in stride two things: First, I named many series I know of off the top of my head that I also might like, which may show a bias as to how I like my action. Second, if you think about it there's an interesting dynamic going on here. In a lot of cases, we have relatively normal people who are skilled with guns, some degree of martial arts, and their wits fighting against people who are (1) Humanoid Aliens whose power levels exceed over 9000, (2) from a world where the ability to change the property of something to another is as simple as drawing cricles or clapping your hands, (3) All sorts of magical fuckery in a Bizzare Adventure, (4) people pilotting jets that also transform into giant robots and is well known for shooting ridiculous amounts of missiles, (5) a world where Vampires exist and Dracula is probably the most OP anime character I can think of.
I find this situation interesting if at the very least because we get this lovely "what-if" moment of having people of truly varying settings going toe to toe. Sure, I highly doubt Revvy from Black Lagoon could survive Alucard, but then it would be funny to watch Joseph Joestar somehow make a fool of Alucard.
I kind of get where Troyca was going with their decisions though. They obviously could not write what  I'm thinking of exactly, and even making cheap rip offs of these characters would be just that, cheap rip offs. But the direction they still went still feels cheap. It's kind of like the fantasy worlds of Konosuba or GATE: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri. It's highly derivative work, but not thoroughly well thought out stuff. It uses basic archetypes for a character of these genres without doing the job of helping to further establish on the most basic level who these characters are.
While not totally flat and at the very least interesting as people on their own, the archetypes we are presented are not something to cheer or root for. I'd have been rooting for the character Blitz Talker by all means if it weren't for the fact that I wasn't really feeling it for him beyond a basic "I like this guy". The worst part is, he's basically a sort of Emiya Kiritsugu homage. This comes from the directors mouth mind you. So this particular character IS likely someone I'd have liked, but I end up feeling somewhat apathetic towards him. It could be the nature of his fights though and his general presentation.
It's just a shame that a series like this with a potentially great idea suffers, in my eyes, from just simple bits of poor writing. Maybe all these characters are clear homages to series, shows, and the like I've never seen before but have no interest in and that's why.
If Blitz was basically a derivative Kiritsugu, certainly other characters have to have a clear concept in mind for what they're a derivative of.
I can't think of any other high fantasy series with Mecha, but Escaflowne could be one (with regards to Selesia).
Meteora is just a video game character of some form.
Alicetaria befuddles me. I could maybe get the idea she's basically Saber from Fate, but I also feel like there's more. I also just think she's a pretty terrible Saber Clone and I refuse to believe that she's a Saber clone. Then again, I can accept Blitz's origins, so fuck it.
Yuya Mirokuji and his buddy I have no complaints about honestly.
Mamika is a generic magical girl. So generic, it hurts.
Then finally, Altair is Hatsune Miku. This isn't a joke, this is a serious observation. If the whole reason of her character being OP is because of the fact that she has no sort of fictional canon, Hatsune Miku, whose personality, lifestyle, and memes are all fan produced, serves as the most logical equivalent.
Altair is basically powered by memes in both the Dawkin's sense of memes and a bit of the modern internet sense of it. She is powered by the creation of information and acceptance of that information relating to her.
Thus, if I were to rewrite RE Creators, I'd have Hatsune Miku as the villain.
Mind you that as I write this, I have only watched this series once from the beginning to the end of the season, so I don't really have the best idea of the series as a whole, just the series as I recall it from weeks upon weeks of watching it. Don't take this as a review or anything, but just the ill-planned, but structured ramblings of a guy whose thoughts tend to be all over the place
Also of note, this has been sitting in a LibreOffice document for a couple days now and I just want to get it out. So asides from the fact that I rarely proofread my own thoughts, if something seems half baked, it probably is a half baked thought
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incognitowetrust · 6 years
I’m kinda mad at myself for not having done this one first-Gelato-drawing that I’ve been wanting to get done. I’ve been kinda distracted I guess. 
And then Sketchbook Pro likes to do weird things here and there, so though I was getting some work done tonight I kinda decided to call it quits after it thought I was trying to use the layer underneath the one I wanted to select, and via the stylus and program functions it would make a new layer and HNNNN it’s fine, it’s fine, this is fine, I’ll get back to it and the problem will be randomly gone. 
Though for anyone interested, I’ve kinda been thinking up a parent for Gelato just because I guess it’d be good to have one character of my own making linked closely with him, the other dbz OCs I made I dunno if I’d even have them know him very well, they were just kinda made to do their own thing if I needed them to. 
I guess I don’t have a ton of details figured out, but Gelato’s parent/papa (I mean, Ice Demons are technically their own gender/sex, same with namekians, but they’re all called “he”, and canonically they produce asexually and stuff, so yeah, Mr.mom papa) is named “Soft”. I didn’t want to go with another obviously-cold-related-meme so I went with something ice cream related because of Gelato’s name. I dunno when I’ll get around to designing him, or, like with any new characters I do, I dunno how much I’ll end up using him. 
So many ideas, and I’m so slow. 
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 288
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So between Episodes 287 and 289, you’ve got this ten year gap, spanning the wish to erase the world’s memories of Buu, to the first appearance of Uub, which marks the epilogue to Dragon Ball Z.     Over the years, there’s been a lot of material created to fill in that “ten year gap.”  The last ten minutes of Episode 287, this episode, Movies 13, 14, and 15, all 131 episodes of Dragon Ball Super and the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie.  Uh, what else?   That Yo! Son Goku and his Friends Return special.   There was some crossover special with One-Piece and another anime I forget the name of.  Also, both of the Xenoverse games, while set in the future, feature Goku pulled from this general time period.
I can’t blame people for trying to fill in this period with new stories.  The question is whether there’s really a story worth telling at this point.  I like Movies 13 and 14. Movie 15 was okay, but hardly worth the trouble, and Dragon Ball Super didn’t get good until the Tournament of Power, which I wouldn’t call essential viewing.    The action was good, but the story doesn’t hold a candle to classic Dragon Ball and DBZ.
In a lot of ways, Episode 288 is sort of a prototype for a lot of what Dragon Ball Super ended up doing: these slice of life, quiet moments in between the big adventures.  This is mainly because Super had a really hard time cooking up an antagonist worthy of the franchise.   Beerus and Golden Frieza were borrowed from movies, Champa, Hit, and Jiren weren’t really bad guys, and Zamasu was absolutely fucking awful.  When I watched Super, it was honestly a relief to see that the next episode would be the gang screwing around at a basebal field or a movie set or whatever.   At the same time, it was always frustrating to me.   They went out of their way to bring these characters back, and they never seemed to have a plan for what they wanted to do with them.  I’ll watch the Tenchi Muyo! gang hang out in a mall or something, that sounds like a good time.   But Goku?   I expect a little more from him.
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In this episode, everyone’s having a party at Bulma’s place, but Goku went off to watch some pterodactyl eggs hatch.   So it’s pretty similar to a number of one-shot DBS episodes, except DBZ hasn’t done this sort of thing very often, so it’s a lot more effective.  
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Here’s the problem: One of the four eggs fell out of the nest and is stuck in this precarious-looking branch.    Goku wants to move it back, but the parents won’t let him, and I guess he’s not eager to force the issue with his powers.   He’s worried that the baby will fall once it hatches, so he sticks around to keep an eye on the situation.
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Anyway, Chi-Chi got all dolled up for this pary, so she’s decided to just go without Goku’s broke-ass and leave him to his nature hike or whatever.    There needs to be more fan-art of Chi-Chi in this getup.  
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If I’m not mistaken, Goten’s outfit in this episode is a callback to the clothes Goku wore in that one episode of the Fortuneteller Baba Saga.   Let me just pull that up...
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Eh... close, but not quite.   Goten’s got the tie and the hat, but he’s wearing suspenders instead of a vest. 
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Anyway, everyone arrives at Capsule Corp.   Yamcha’s got a new car Bulma had made for him at a discount, and Krillin’s thinking of asking for one of his own.    The Son family shows up and Chi-Chi gets miffed when anyone asks about Goku.   Chi-Chi says he’s waiting for his eggs to hatch.
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Anyway, they’ve got a nice spread here.    This looks like the place where all of Dr. Brief’s animals run around, but that seems like a bad place to hold a party, so maybe they have more than one indoor park.  
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Anyway, Tien and Krillin have some pizza, and Master Roshi laughs at a “photo album” (it’s porn).
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Buu wants Vegeta’s hot dog, and he’s in a good mood so he gives it to him.   I always liked that.  It shows that they managed to get along at some point.     This is the sort of thing Dragon Ball Super should have done.   Buu never got a chance to interact with most of these guys in Z, and they killed him off in GT, so they could have gotten some mileage out of him in Super, but they didn’t.
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Chiaotzu drinks exactly half of one soda and leaves.  
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Piccolo’s just chillin’ out in a flower bed.    Character arc, complete.
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Oh, you thought this was the smug Goku macro?   Tell me again how you didn’t know it was from this scene where Goku reminisces about his grandfather.
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I guess the place where his space pod crashed wasn’t too far from this pterodactyl nest.   I’m surrprised the crater grew over so fast.    Also, this is like the third or fourth time they’ve shown this location in Z, and it never looks the same twice.
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Anyway, Grandpa Gohan was strict but also very kind, and I always like how Goku remembers him here, as the series is drawing to a close.  
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Then a DINOSAUR FIGHT happens, because this show rules! Not sure why the two-legged dinosaur has hippo ears, but okay.   It’s like Toei thought the rights holders for actual dinosaurs would sue them or something.   
This scene also features the Ginyu Force song from the early portion of DBZ.   You know the one.
Thirty-two seconds into this video.    They ran this song into the ground in the Namek Saga, and then slowly weaned themselves off of it in the Frieza Saga, until eventually it fell out of rotation.   I think it got used a couple of times in the Androids/Cell arc, and this might be the first time it’s been used since then.   And you know, it’s a great song when it’s used sparingly.   Once I got used to expecting it in every episode, it got really grating, but here, it works perfectly.    I found myself sort of missing it.   
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Anyway, Goku totally in favor of cool dinosaur fights, but he doesn’t want them near this nest, so he carries these rowdy boys to another spot and tells them to fight there.  
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But that sort of kills the whole mood, you know?
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Never mind that, because it’s TIME TO DANCE.
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In the Japanese version, the score uses the rock music Tank Clerk was jamming to in Fusion Reborn.   I guess this is the only rock music in all of Dragon Ball, sort of like how Cold Slither’s music is the only rock music in G.I. Joe or Transformers.
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We’re tired of words!   We’ve heard it before!
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We’re not gonna play the game no more!
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We’re Cold Slither, heavy metal  machine!
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Through the eyes of a lizard in you will dream!
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When the venom stings, a new order brings our control!
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Anyway Chi-Chi rules the disco floor until she throws out her back.   
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Then Dende mentions Goku and it brings down the mood.   This is why no one invites you to these things, Dende.  Even Tien thinks you’re a buzzkill and he just spent the last half hour explaining the Haber-Bosch process.   
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Bulma is worried about Goku, but Chi-Chi playfully suggests that Bulma is sweet on him, but that’s just too bad, because Chi-Chi’s too pretty for her to steal him away.    Is she drunk?   Maybe, but this is still less awkward than the dub version, where she suggested they trade husbands.   “No, I was only kidding about swinging, Bulma.... UNLESS...”
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Back at where Goku is, all these other animals show up to watch the nest, because I guess animals do that in this show.  
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Then it rains, and Goku shores up the nest with a bunch of logs.  Not sure how this improves the situation, but okay.
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He tries to work on the branch the fourth egg is sitting in, but it falls into the river first.
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Goku saves it, but then a fish tries to eat him.
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But the egg is okay, so victory for Goku.
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Kind of an ominous shot of Capsule Corp.   Looks like something out of Revenge of the Sith.
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Everyone’s playing cards, and that looks like a lot of fun.    Well, not if I have to play with Roshi and Oolong.    Take me to the non-sex-offender table, please.
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Krillin and his family prepare to head out, but they walk out the door just as Goku shows up.
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This part here is great.
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Chi-Chi gives him a hard time, but she can’t be too mad, because he does this sort of crap all the time.
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So she takes Goku back to where the food is, and Goku gives Gohan the wink like “Yep, life of Riley.”
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I almost wonder if they tried to do some sort of Last Supper thing with this, except they couldn’t fit everyone into the shot on a 4:3 TV.    Anyway, Goku explains how things turned out with the pterodactyls.
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They all hatched.   Don’t really know what else to add to that.  Weird how some of these animals watching were causing trouble earlier.   That snake tried to eat the eggs until Goku tosses it away.
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Goten asks if he was cuter than the pterodactyls when he was born, and Goku explains that he was dead when Goten was born, so he doesn’t know.   Awkward.
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Then he invites Vegeta to come over and join them, because he’s sulking over by the window.   
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i think Vegeta’s just enjoying this vaporwave sunset outside, but okay,
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Then the narrator observes that everyone just has more fun when Goku’s around, which, true, but this is the sort of lionizing of Goku that made GT really irritating.  
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Then the Looney Tunes thing happens to him and that’s all, folks.  
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 284
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Okay, so you know how everyone got killed over the past fifty episodes?   Well, they’re all back, except the really bad ones, whatever that means.   
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Piccolo, I just got done explaining this.   If you’re not going to listen...
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Krillin and Yamcha explain to the others how they were on the Grand Kai Planet instead of heaven.   Chi-Chi thought they might have ended up in hell when they couldn’t find them.    Wait, so they remember what it was like in Heaven?  Isn’t that kind of weird?   I don’t know, I remember this Fantastic Four comic where the Thing dies and they bring him back to life, but he finds living on Earth kind of crummy somehow because he remembers how nice it was in heaven.   On the other hand, you can’t have sex in heaven in DBZ, so maybe everyone’s happy to have their legs back.    Pretty sure Yamcha could have gotten laid on the Grand Kai Planet, but he never found any women there so oh well.
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Also, it’s a little weird how Krillin was on the Grand Kai Planet while his family was presumably in heaven.   Like, would he ever get to see them again? 
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One guy who won’t be coming back is Dabura, since Porunga deemed him too evil to revive, in accordance with the wish.   He doesn’t mind though, and he promises to pray for everyone’s happiness in the living world.    I don’t know why I like Heaven Dabura so much, but I just do.
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Meanwhile, the battle on the Supreme Kai Planet is still going on.    Kid Buu is beating up the Fat Buu, who is currently the only one strong enough to hold the line.   Vegeta’s plan is to have Goku create a Spirit Bomb and beat Buu with that.   This is why he wished the Earth and its people back, so Goku would have a planet full of people to draw energy from.  But Goku’s not so sure it’ll work.
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After all, when King Kai first taught him the Bomb, he warned Goku not to use it while the sun was out, because it might destroy the whole planet.   And then Goku used it in broad daylight anyway, and it didn’t work, not against Vegeta or Frieza.  
But Vegeta has a twist in mind.    Instead of taking a small amount of energy from every living thing on Earth, he wants Goku to take as much power as possible.   All they have to do is get everyone to cooperate and contribute their full power, and Goku will end up with the biggest Spirit Bomb of all time.
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But to do that, Vegeta needs to address the Earth’s population.   He thinks Kibitoshin can do that, but he can’t.  Neither can the Elder Kai.    That’s weird, because Babidi knew how to do that, and so can...
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... this guy, right here.   Why can King Kai do something that the Supreme Kais can’t?   Oh well, the point is that he can open a telepathic channel so that Vegeta can speak to everyone at once.   Oh, and he’s also flattered that Vegeta is utilizing King Kai’s patened Spirit Bomb technique.
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So Vegeta explains the situation to the Earth.   They all know that they got killed by Majin Buu, only to return to life like nothing happened, but he assures them that this was no dream, and that they need everyone’s help to defeat Majin Buu.
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Mr. Satan wanders over while this is going on, to ask Goku and Vegeta to help Fat Buu, but they’re busy.
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Bulma is pretty worked up to hear Vegeta talking.   At first I didn’t understand why, but I forgot that he was one of the first ones to die after Buu showed up, and she had probably given up hope that he would have been revived.
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Anyway, Vegeta asks the Earthlings to raise their hands, and this will apparently draw the ki out of their bodies and send it to Goku’s Spirit Bomb.   I guess that makes sense.   All the previous bombs had been involuntary, because they skimmed a small amount of energy from everything.   For this, I guess there had to be some way for each person to affirmatively give their power.    It’ll tire them out, but no more than that.  
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But King Kai isn’t too impressed with Vegeta’s approach to this request.    He’s basically ordering everyone to do this, and they don’t even know who he is.    I can’t blame him though.   He’s desperate, and he assumes the Earthlings would share in that desperation.   
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So with that worked out, Goku rips off his outer shirt to make a Spirit Bomb.   He’s pretty pleased with how well Vegeta worked all of this out.   
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So all of the major characters raise their hands right away, because they know what’s up.   And that alone makes the Spirit Bomb pretty damn big.  But it’s not enough.
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King Kai is certain that the bomb would be much bigger by now if everyone on Earth was cooperating.   Moori checks to make sure everyone got resurrected properly, but that’s not the issue.   
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The problem is that most of the people who heard Vegeta don’t believe what he said.   Some of them think this is a trick, or that it won’t do them any good, or that there’s no danger.   So they simply ignore his words.
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That pisses Vegeta off, which only makes his message even more testy than it was before. 
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And there’s not much time to massage the PR situation, because Fat Buu is running on fumes.   Without him to hold off Kid Buu, this whole idea is going to fall apart.
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King Kai tries to get Vegeta to keep at it, since this is their only shot, but Vegeta doesn’t know how else to ask.    What can he say that hasn’t already been said?
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In hell, all the bad guys are pretty smug about this.   I don’t see why, since none of this affects them in the least.   
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But no one listens.   That seems a bit weird to me, because if I had some creep shouting into my head, I don’t think I’d be able to just go about my day and ignore it, like these women are doing.  
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