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GUARD-B-Q IS POSTPONED DUE TO HURRICANE HILARY. STAY SAFE AND STAY TUNED FOR UPDATES! Sunday, August 20, 2023, the San Diego Sisters will be celebrating their 17th anniversary with their Guards hosting the annual Guard-B-Q at The Loft San Diego from noon until 5PM. Join us, shall you?
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In these troubling times, we need to tap into sources of joy...meet three of them. Guard Isaac Wiener, Sister Rita Booke @sisterritab and Sister Develyn Angels @develynangels are members of The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, The Asylum of the Tortured Heart @sdsisters which strives to bring joy, happinesses and generally uplift the community of San Diego, CA. Hear how they accomplish it June 4th on @u_mind_pod #sistersofperpetualindulgence #asylumofthetorturedheart #joy #love #loveyourself #happiness #acceptance #sandiego #lgbt #equality #kindness #community #friendship #theumindpodcast #lucidnapproductions (at Vista, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvwbjIDW0y/?igshid=13xefx4wd5t7x
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@sisteridaknow at #robbfieldstatepark #oceanbeach #ob #sandiego #sistersofperpetualindulgence #sistersighting #asylumofthetorturedheart @sandiegoconclave #sdsisters (at Ocean Beach, San Diego)
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Looking for something fun? Come on out and join your San Diego Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence on Monday, October 16, 2023 at 6pm! We'll be at the San Diego Central Library in the Neil Morgan Auditorium watching The Cockettes!
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A heartfelt THANK YOU goes out to all who participated in CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION at the Til Two Club ~ you are appreciated!
Children of the Revolution is the Novice Project of Judith Priest @sr.judith.priest ~ her thank you letter reads:
"I meant to do this earlier, but there was so much to say that I wanted to really think about
it. I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who participated in the
event on Friday. I'd love to make it a yearly Pride kick-off event. We've got a semi-official count of $1k raised for the ACTU Drag Defense Fund on Friday Night. That gets added to the almost $6500 we raised in the month of June. We should all be proud. I specifically want to thank my friends at the Til Two Club for
reaching out to offer up a free Friday Night. It lit the fire under my tush. I also want to thank
all of my sisters and saints who held my hand and talked me off of the ledge for a month. You
all were more lovely and supportive than a nunling could ever hope for. And a huge shout
out to the friends, fambliy and community members who donated, sang. danced, twirled,
dropped, and generally showed the fuck out for me. The vibes were immaculate and I hope you
feel as uplifted and supported as I do. JOY!!"
#sistersofperpetualindulgence#fundraiser#sandiego#asylumofthetorturedheart#aclu#children of the revolution#thankful#Instagram
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We thank another sponsor of tonight's event CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION ~ Ilegal Mezcal!
Dottie Deville has created a special cocktail menu for tonight featuring the liquor sponsors.
Join us for a drink and entertainment starting at 7PM at The Til-Two Club in City Heights.
Your suggested donation of $5 benefits the ACLU Drag Defense Fund
CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION is the Novice Project of Judith Priest
#ilegalmezcal #childrenoftherevolution #noviceproject #tiltwoclub #cocktails
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A big thank you to the liquor sponsors for CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION ~ Crystal Head Vodka, Bacardi, and Bushmill's Irish Whiskey
Thank you to Dottie Deville from the Til-Two Club for securing the sponsors and creating a special cocktail menu just for CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION tomorrow night.
Join us for a drink and an extensive entertainment line-up starting at 7PM.
Your suggested donation of $5 benefits the ACLU Drag Defense Fund
CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION is the Novice Project of Judith Priest
#sistersofperpetualindulgence #cocktails #liquorsponsors #bacardi #bushmillswhiskey #crystalheadvodka #pride🌈 #childrenoftherevolution
#children of the revolution#sistersofperpetualindulgence#sandiego#fundraiser#asylumofthetorturedheart#crystal head vodka#bushmills irish whiskey#bacardi#Instagram
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Sister Amanda Reckinwith ~ seen here with Mayor Todd Gloria when the San Diego Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence were presented with a Tom Homman LGBT Law Association community service award ~ will be performing at CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION tomorrow night at The Til-Two Club
Join us when doors open at 7PM for a night of entertainment celebrating queer joy!
Your suggested donation of $5 benefits the ACLU Drag Defense Fund
CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION is the Novice Project of Judith Priest
#amandareckinwith #sistersofperpetualindulgence #childrenoftherevolution #queershowcase #queervarietyshow #queertalent #queerjoy #noviceproject #acludragdefensefund
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The Legendary Coco Chanel will be performing at CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION tomorrow night ~ Friday, June 30th, 2023, 7PM, the Til-Two Club
Coco is a drag entertainer specializing in celebrity illusions. We are thrilled to have Coco gracing the stage at our variety show celebrating queer joy.
CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION is the Novice Project of Judith Priest
Your $5 suggested donation benefits the ACLU Drag Defense Fund
#dragisnotacrime #dragisart #queershowcase #queertalent #queervarietyshow #lgbtqevents #queerjoy #cocochanel #sistersofperpetualindulgence #novicesister #noviceproject #acludragdefensefund
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Didi Alters is a campy shapeshifter who uses spectacle and drag as activism and artform to spread awareness about mental health issues.
They aim to be the best Fairy godmother that all the gaybies and theybies have been waiting for.
Didi will be performing at CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION ~ a variety show celebrating queer joy tomorrow night at The Til-Two Club in City Heights.
Doors at 7PM.
The suggested donation of $5 benefits the ACLU Drag Defense Fund
#childrenoftherevolution #noviceproject #sistersofperpetualindulgence #didialters #queertalent #queerjoy #queervarietyshow
#children of the revolution#sistersofperpetualindulgence#queer joy#sandiego#fundraiser#asylumofthetorturedheart#Instagram
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Comedian Chuck Foster is a 50 something father of two gay kids.
"I am an ally as well as a board member of the Hillcrest All-Inclusive Kiwanis club founded in 2021 to provide support and visibility to the community. I believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to be their authentic self without barriers."
Chuck will be performing at CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION, a variety show celebrating queer joy, tomorrow night at The Til-Two Club
Doors at 7, suggested donation of $5 benefits the ACLU Drag Defense Fund
CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION is the Novice Project of Judith Priest
#comedy #comic #queerjoy
#varietyshow #tiltwoclub
#noviceproject #sistersofperpetualindulgence #judithpriest #chuckfoster
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Jessica Hudson performs all around San Diego County at comedy clubs and bars and is the host of Gen X-Rated Comedy show at Mic Drop Comedy club.
Jessica will be performing at CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION tomorrow night at The Til-Two Club
Doors at 7
Suggested $5 donation benefits the ACLU Drag Defense Fund
CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION is a variety show celebrating queer joy and is the Novice Project of Judith Priest
#jessicahudson #comic #comedy
#queershowcase #queervarietyshow #queerjoy #sistersofperpetualindulgence #asylumofthetorturedheart #novicesister #noviceproject #judithpriest
#sistersofperpetualindulgence#sandiego#fundraiser#asylumofthetorturedheart#aclu#queer comedy#Instagram
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Sister Raven Lunatic @rlunatic will be performing at CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION tomorrow night at The Til-Two Club @tiltwoclub in San Diego @visitsandiego
CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION is the Novice Project of Judith Priest @sr.judith.priest and your $5 suggested donation benefits the ACLU Drag Defense Fund @aclu_nationwide
Doors at 7PM - join us, shall you?
#ravenlunatic #sistersofperpetualindulgence #judithpriest #novicesister #noviceproject #queervarietyshow #lgbtqevents #acludragdefensefund #dragisnotacrime #dragnun #childrenoftherevolution
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LUST @lust_drag has been entertaining audiences across the United States for almost 20 years. Wowing audiences with live vocals and stunning handmade looks. She’s fronted punk bands and broken barriers as the first trans woman to play a cis female role at the Historic Abbevile Opera House in Abbeville, South Carolina. Now this pastel princess resides here in San Diego, California.
LUST will be performing at CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION tomorrow night, Friday, June 30th, 2023
Venue: The Til-Two Club @tiltwoclub
Doors; 7PM
Suggested Donation: $5
Benefits: The ACLU Drag Defense Fund @aclu_nationwide.
CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION is the Novice Project of Judith Priest @sr.judith.priest
Join us, shall you?
#lust #dragisnotacrime #tiltwoclub #queershowcase
#queertalent #queervarietyshow #childrenoftherevolution #noviceproject #judithpriest #sistersofperpetualindulgence #acludragdefensefund
#sistersofperpetualindulgence#sandiego#fundraiser#asylumofthetorturedheart#drag is art#drag isn't dangerous#Instagram
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Rand @rand4laughs grew up in the great state of Michigan, which he left as soon as possible once he became an adult, by age not maturity. He started comedy at the age of 8 when he fell over a boat and into the polluted Flint River, in front of church members who thought it was hysterical. He realized then if he could make good Christians laugh, making sinners laugh would be a piece of cake. Rand finds humor in most any situation, including growing up in the gay mecca of Flint Michigan, aging non-gracefully in the gay matrix and his life's journey to becoming the grumpy gay man he is today.
Rand will be performing at CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION this Friday, June 30th, 2023, at the Til-Two Club @tiltwoclub
Doors: 7PM
Suggested Donation: $5
Benefits: the ACLU Drag Defense Fund @aclu_nationwide
CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION is the Novice Project of Judith Priest @sr.judith.priest
#comedy #gaycomedian #rand #childrenoftherevolution #queertalent #queershowcase #queervarietyshow #lgbtqevents #judithpriest #noviceproject #sistersofperpetualindulgence
#sistersofperpetualindulgence#sandiego#fundraiser#asylumofthetorturedheart#queer comedy#aclu#Instagram
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Sasha Corine Ruster @ruster.music (she/they) is a nonbinary singer/songwriter and music producer from the San Diego backcountry. Her music focuses on healing and having hope in times of adversity. As a busker, the joy and visibility they bring in song is their premiere passion.
Sasha will be performing at CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION this Friday, June 30th, at the Til-Two Club @tiltwoclub ~ doors at 7, suggested donation of $5 benefits the ACLU Drag Defense Fund @aclu_nationwide
CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION is a queer joy variety show and is the Novice Project of Judith Priest @sr.judith.priest
#busker #music #tiltwoclub #queertalent #queervarietyshow #queerjoy #sandiego #lgbtqevents #judithpriest #noviceproject #sistersofperpetualindulgence
#sistersofperpetualindulgence#sandiego#fundraiser#asylumofthetorturedheart#aclu#queer joy#music#Instagram
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