starrahcoolership · 6 months
floating on a astronave, like stars in the sky tonight.
avalo you try and make a refund one more time I swerve now I am moving than your pops avalo. Now how you conqueror with the support avalo.
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grazielladwan · 6 months
Stai per fare un viaggio attraverso il paese. Aereo, treno, autobus, auto o bici? In attesa di un’astronave, uso aereo e auto. L’aereo, questa magnifica invenzione che ci permette di attraversare oceani e continenti in poche ore, è forse il più vicino al viaggio spaziale rimanendo ancorati alla Terra. È vero, non possiamo fluttuare in assenza di gravità o fare amicizia con alieni di passaggio…
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giampierocaleffi · 1 year
La Stella e L'astronauta
Ricordo ancora quell’astronauta solitario Che scelse la via dello spazio Per trovar la sua stella Ricordo i percorsi che fece La scia della nave degli astri Che prese a volare Ricordo meteore veloci che ruppero ali E stelle cadenti davanti al suo sguardo d’amore Ricordo gli stalli A sfiancare quel viaggio Allungando tragitti Ricordo tempeste spaziali Che proibirono con nubi…
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acidvalleymagazine · 1 year
Cose dell'altro mondo
Tornano in voga gli UFO avvistati quasi sempre negli USA David Grusch è un ufficiale delle Forze Aeree degli USA ed ex-ufficiale di intelligenza. In questi giorni è schizzato al centro dell’attenzione per le sue dichiarazioni in merito a un programma segreto che il Governo Federale degli USA starebbe portando avanti in vista del recupero di navi spaziali “non umane” e “resti biologici”…
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spotforme · 5 months
let me share a few ships i think about in the delirious hours of the night
Paranoia and Stabbim (just a skutter acting out orders to kill when it descovers that maybe he's the only one who can get through to the hallucination without making him paranoid, will it reveal it's previous orders and expose it's decietfull job (stabber) and maybe break Paranoia's fragile trust in the process? or do the orders exceed the man (the skutter) and does the ultimate tragic of killing a loved one befall in the hands (claws) of Stabbim when he can't resist orders anymore)
Talkie the Toaster and support force (unrequited love, Talkie ne'er has time to ponder the importance of support force in his life, he knows it excists, but toast will always win out. and support force knows that. it's happy to just hold Talkie up and take any breadcrums it gets as long as it can)
Cat deepthroathing those polymorph eggs (it could've worked out if she hadn't died immediately and he wouldn've killed all her children, but life happens i get it)
the overly polite swordsmen and Rimmer's courage and self confidence (they're making out sloppy style, they spotter eachothers hats and swords from across the room and it has been escalating at an alarming speed)
Sir. Francis Walsingham and the "i am a fish" exam paper (he would gladly be the fish. proxcimity to dear people affecting how one behaves and all that)
Carter Burke and Rimmer (they die a horrible death together, the thought of the other there doesn't comfort them because they know both want to leave the other as a sacrifice and run, so they try to make themselves un-abandonable. doesn't work. they suffer horribly with all hope lost)
The Sister Brothers and the Rimmer Monster (it's lesbian/ gay solidarity as they bitch about the world. my favourite)
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yaminerua · 1 year
Rimmer deciding he’ll try to keep going with therapy sessions with Snacky the dispenser because even though he had only mistaken Snacky as Asclepius and all the help he thought he got from that session was all in his head he DID feel better after getting it out of his system and sometimes Snacky does have insight into some of the things he struggles with so why not keep it up? Snacky may not be qualified in that area but he has picked up a lot of potentially useful information just by being in the vicinity of intelligent people from various different fields. He was after all able to configure the stasis booths successfully. And besides, for Rimmer, getting things off his chest to someone who won’t be likely to use what they learn about him against him is better than the alternative of just sitting with it forever and never making progress.
Snacky will usually just let him vent, only offering advice if it seems fitting but otherwise most of the time Rimmer will talk himself round into some sort of realisation or solution on his own so there’s very little he needs to do other than be a listening ear.
But maybe one day Rimmer finally dares to bring up his insecurity around his sexuality and how he always tries to behave as expected, as he was raised to think and behave, but that it doesn’t come naturally to him and the whole thing always feels like he’s walking into an exam for a subject he’s never even taken. How he’ll pursue women and act the way he does but that it feels so much like an ill-fitting glove, a role he’s putting on and has been for years but he’s been too terrified to examine what that means because the alternative is something which was unspeakable of back on Io with all its uptight conservative traditionalist rigidity. So he just never dared think about it. Just pressed on as he always had been, trying to fit a mould he’s increasingly becoming worried he wasn’t made for.
Snacky tries gently to start suggesting some possible answers to all this but Rimmer is too flighty and immediately attempts to shut the conversation down, chickening out of hearing whatever Snacky has to say at the last second. He doesn’t want to know. He’ll just keep doing what he’s doing. What does it matter 3 million years in deep space anyway? He just wanted to get it off his chest, no advice needed, thank you Snacky, goodbye!!!!!
Snacky wouldn’t bother following it up at all if it didn’t continue to keep cropping up from time to time, the issue still evidently floating around unresolved amongst Rimmer’s many other anxieties regardless of how much he later insists he doesn’t actually want answers.
So instead of pushing the matter directly maybe Snacky decides to put the responsibility of learning about himself into Rimmer’s own hands and simply discretely delivers some informative pamphlets from the medical bay, info sheets on Asexuality for him to read at his own discretion to digest the information held within at his own pace.
When he finally does sit down and read them, after much procrastination and several attempts at throwing away the pamphlets before someone like Lister can see them, at first he feels kind of hollow, because he has to accept and face the reality that there really had been something missing there the whole time, something different that he had been overcompensating for. But after a long while of just sitting with the information he eventually accepts it reluctantly and is in a way somewhat relieved to have a reason to drop the performative act without it meaning or implying that he’s gay or anything instead…
Snacky has thoughts on that too, of course, and has a selection of appropriate pamphlets set aside for future use when the time is right. Because it will crop up eventually. But for now it’s best to take this one step at a time. Rimmer needs time to fully process this first big revelation and discovery about himself. He needs to work through how he feels about it, how he feels his family might have felt about it, and whether he ought to even give a smeg about what any of them would have thought about it!
Unpacking the rest of himself will have to wait. And Snacky has a sneaking suspicion that once that particular process begins he’s going to have quite a lot more therapy sessions on his plate.
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aldocerandaz · 2 years
Misterioso anillo de polvo alrededor de Urano descubierto en datos redescubiertos de la Voyager 2
Los científicos han descubierto un nuevo misterio sobre los anillos de Urano enterrados en los datos de la icónica misión Voyager 2 de la NASA. La Voyager 2 sobrevoló Urano en enero de 1986, descubrió 10 lunas y dos anillos y se convirtió en la primera y hasta ahora única nave espacial en visitar el gigante de hielo. Uno de esos anillos, que los científicos llaman anillo zeta, ha frustrado a los…
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enos43 · 26 days
Moscerini infinitesimi
Con un’estate afosa e umida il problema dei moscerini molesti è di grande attualità. Il racconto che vorrebbe trattare il tema con arguzia, é inedito e andrà a fare parte del libro intitolato provvisoriamente “Racconti scelti” che riunirà i racconti, selezionati dall’autore, per i quali i lettori hanno mostrato particolare gradimento una volta pubblicati su WordPress, Facebook, Linkedin,…
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
May I, please and thank you, ask ruby in autumn at dusk with Tech and Crosshair and a female jedi? (Maybe in the clone wars or an au where Cross came back in Kamino and we are blatanty ignoring end s2-s3)
Summary: For all that your former Master used to claim that relationships were hard, you can’t help but think that it’s the easiest thing you’ve ever done in your life.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x Jedi F!Reader x TBB Tech
Word Count: 976
Prompt: Ruby - Passionate Love
Warnings: Order 66 happens at the very end, but reader survives
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I need you to understand I could have written 5k words of this. Involving smut and a proper plot. I barely, just barely, managed to keep this under my self imposed word limit. Anyway! I hope you like it!
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Autumn on Kamino is just like every other season, wet. Although, you think it’s a little more wet than other seasons. Not that you mind, you get to hear the sound of the rain pounding against the window as the sun sets.
“I have to go back to Coruscant,” You announce into the quiet of the room that you share with Crosshair and Tech. Both men, absorbed in their own work, jolt up. Identical eyes snapping to your face.
“What?” Crosshair demands, his brow furrowing.
“Why do you need to return to Coruscant? You are the Jedi General of Clone Force 99. And we are not going to Coruscant.” Tech points out, his brow furrowed as well.
Crosshair, you know, is scowling because he doesn’t like it when you’re away from him. Tech, however, is puzzled because he can’t figure out why you would need to go to Coruscant when your Squad isn’t going to Coruscant.
They really are so cute.
You feel your heart swell with affection. 
You sit up from where you’re lounging in the bed, stretching your arms over your head with a groan, “Well, you’re both aware that I’m a very young Jedi General, right?”
Crosshair’s gaze, which had fallen to your stomach when your tank top rose as you stretched, snaps back to your face, “You were Knighted.”
“I was! At 18, when the war began.” You smile at him knowingly, “And, because of said war, I never finished my education. Which, apparently, is a problem.” Tech releases a choking noise, and you turn your patient smile onto the other man.
“You never finished your education?!”
He would be offended by that, wouldn’t he?
“I finished the important ones. First aid, diplomacy, bladework, investigations. I just never finished my astronav class.” You shrug, “So, I have to go back to Coruscant and sit the exam for that.”
A squeak falls from your lips as Crosshair moves and coils himself around you, “Absolutely not.”
You giggle as his lips find your pulse point, and your giggle morphs into a startled gasp as he bites down and leaves a dark mark blooming on your skin. “That wasn’t me asking, Cross.”
Another squeak falls from your lips as Tech wraps his fingers around one of your ankles, and he presses a lazy, lingering kiss against your calf, “And what are we meant to do while you are gone?” He asks, his lips still pressed against your calf.
“I’m sure they’ll find something for you all to do-” A yelp falls from your lips this time as Crosshair’s lips move to your shoulder, and he bites down, “Are you trying to stake your claim, Cross?” You ask with an amused smile.
“Too many Regs on Coruscant.” He grumbles, “They might try something.”
You roll your eyes, “It’s not like I’m going clubbing, Cross. I’m going to the temple.” You shift and squirm slightly so you’re able to reach up and comb your fingers through his short hair, “Besides, it’s not like I’m pretty enough to snag anyone’s attention-”
Tech, who has shifted so that his lips are hovering just over your lower thigh, releases an explosive sigh and bites a mark into your thigh, “Ridiculous. You are ridiculous.”
“How do you think you managed to catch us, kitten?” Crosshair points out as he shifts so he’s able to look in your eyes.
“Kinda just assumed that you both shared incredibly poor taste-” You squeak when both Tech and Crosshair bite down at the same time, leaving nearly identical marks on your skin. 
“Try again.” Crosshair growls against your throat.
You pout at him, though even if he could see it, he’d ignore it, “Fine. Because, for some reason, you both love me.”
“Better.” Tech murmurs from somewhere around your thigh, and you shiver at the feel of his warm breath against your sensitive skin.
You swallow hard, and steel your will, “I still have to go to Coruscant.”
There’s silence for a moment, and then Crosshair curses and drops his forehead to your chest, while Tech just releases a sigh and lays his cheek against your thigh.
“I am sorry.” You murmur, “I wouldn’t go if I didn’t have to.”
“When do you have to leave?” Tech asks.
“Day after tomorrow.” You reply, lifting your head to look at him.
“That’s plenty of time, I suppose.” Crosshair murmurs.
“For what?” You ask, dropping your head back to the pillow to stare at him, bewildered.
Crosshair just smirks at you and lazily drags the strap of your tank top down your shoulder, “Take a wild guess, kitten.”
And your face burns with slightly flustered embarrassment, pulling laughter from both men. 
“Do not worry, cyare.” Tech murmurs as his fingers glide up your outer thighs to hook around the waist of your shorts, “We will take good care of you.” He adds as his gaze locks with yours.
And, in spite of your burning face, you smile, “I’m not worried. You always do.”
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One week later, four days after you leave Kamino and a day before you land on Coruscant, your boys are ordered to help Jedi Master Depa Billaba and her Battalion with their mission on Kaller.
10 days after you left Kamino, the Batch arrives on Kaller to help Master Billaba.
10 days and 2 hours after you left Kamino, the 501 marches on the Jedi temple, while you’re in the middle of your AstroNav exam.
10 days and 5 hours after you left Kamino, you’ve taken shelter with Senator Riyo Chuchi, and you’re missing an arm and an eye. 
But you’re alive, which is more than can be said for the majority of your brethren.
And all you can do is hope that Crosshair and Tech are okay, and hope that they wouldn’t turn on you if, and when, you see them again.
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A (Hair)Cut Above The Rest [Hunter x Fem!Reader]
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Warnings and Information: Trying to brute force my motivation to write by writing this in the course of an hour or so, so blame any spelling/grammar/plot mistakes I didn't catch in the editing on the caffeine. Undescribed fem!reader. Hunter is not described completely accurately to how he's depicted in The Bad Batch show (meaning not whitewashed) and is having a little hair trouble. Reader helps him out. Mando'a pet names are used. Order 66? Don't know her.  [I got a haircut recently and I'm gonna have Hunter thoughts about it apparently.]
Word-count: 1,688
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Through a turn of events that would take too long to recap, it has been you and the sergeant of Clone Force 99 aboard the Havoc Marauder for the past four days, and only you and the sergeant. You haven't minded traversing the stars, just the two of you, but you suspect he's beginning to become antsy for one reason or another the longer you and Hunter have been away on a supply run. 
Several times now you've caught grumbling and grimacing every occasion he has to adjust the crimson bandana for any reason.
He's being as discreet as he can be, but you just get this feeling that Hunter is growing so uncomfortable the longer you're away from his brothers. "How much longer until we get back to the rest of the squad on Saleucami?" When he asks you this question, it's through gritted teeth and measured breathing, like he's trying to reign in his temper or something. Stave off panic, perhaps. 
You look at the astronav and perform a quick mental estimate with a shrug. "Probably a day, or less. Why?" 
"I don't think I can wait that long…" Hunter swears bitterly under his breath as he rips the knot of his bandana apart, and lifts the thick, curled brown hair off the back of his neck. "It's my hair," he explains with a flushing face, "normally one of my brothers helps me with this when it gets too long, but it's just you and me right now, mesh'la. I really need your help. I don't think I can wait another day before I can get this extra weight off my head and neck. Please, Ka'ra…" 
He's near-desperately asking you for help in wrangling his hair, even buttering you up with pet names in Mando'a. Beautiful. Star. 
Before he can beg again, you agree to help. Maker help you for having such a tender heart; never one to turn away a friend in need. "I'm not exactly a cosmetology school graduate, but I'll see what I can do." You just have to grab some items like a few hair clips and something to cut his hair with from your shower kit that's stashed in your bunk first, and then you can meet him in the refresher that's just barely big enough for Wrecker to comfortably fit in to get a handle on Hunter's hair situation. 
"I don't need pretty, I just need it gone." Hunter insists, his breathing a little hitched. "There's just too much weight on my head, ka'ra." He's looking for a place to sit in the fresher, finally opting for the floor. It'll have to do. You have to kneel behind him as you make a quick assessment, and you promise you'll be gentle.
"If I'm pulling too much, you let me know, okay?" 
You start to make the first cut, hoping to whatever higher powers that be in the galaxy that you'll have feeling in your knees by the time you're done. It's not exactly pleasant to put all your weight on your knees for a long time in such a cramped space. 
Hunter comes just short of moaning in his relief as the weight eases off his tender scalp with every careful cut, and every slow pass of the comb through his hair to keep things tidy and mostly blended as you do your best to cut his hair in the tiny on-board 'fresher. You're going slow to start out with, doing your best to avoid sending him over the edge. You're no stranger to the rare instance that touch and taste and sound and smell becomes much too much for the Clone with half of a skull forever painted into the bronzed skin of his face. And you prove your attentiveness by how tenderly you hold the hair off the back of his neck, sensing he needs a break from all the tugging and brushing of his thick head of hair after ten minutes. 
"Thank you… thank you, ka'ra…" Hunter utters, grateful that you offer reprieve without being explicitly asked. He can allow his eyes to flutter closed for a moment and likely lose himself in the constant thrum of noise inside the attack shuttle. "Feeling a bit better already."
"Oh, good. If you want me to let go, or you're ready to start again, just say the word." 
"I appreciate you doing this…" he says again in a fervent utterance of thanks after some time passes by in silence, nodding decidedly when he's ready again. "...I just couldn't wait any longer. It was getting to be too much." 
You pick up the pair of scissors you had set down in order to hold his hair up, and get back into position behind him. "You're welcome, Hunter. Don't want you to be too uncomfortable, now do we?" You've heard his brothers say those words a hundred times over. (But his brothers aren't here with you now. You'll be back to them soon. Hopefully they've kept out of trouble while visiting the Lawquanes.)
Sometimes Crosshair, Echo, Wrecker and Tech say it in teasing, when Hunter's hesitant to go perusing a quaint summer market on Naboo because of the pressing crowds. Sometimes they say it while trying to force him into his bunk, knowing that the careful cocktail of muscle relaxers and pain relievers will knock him flat on his ass once they've kicked in after particularly long missions, and Hunter stubbornly believes he'll lay down in his bunk before they do. 
You've laughed yourself silly listening to Crosshair or Echo scolding him with a stern, mostly concerned "Get back in bed, Hunter!" like a child caught out of bed on more than one occasion as he's tried to stumble his way through the shuttle. "You don't need to take care of that right now, let one of us do it. You're. Drugged. Lay down so the medicine can do its job." 
As more and more hair is snipped free, you see the relief washing over him, the discomfort ebbing away at last. "Feeling better?" you ask, brushing through his ends one last time to make sure it looks mostly lined up. 
 "Much. Thank you, mesh'la…"
You could theoretically have all his hair cut at once, and you offer while you've still got the scissors and comb in your hands, but Hunter thinks he can wait on thinning out the rest when you get back to the Lawquanes with things they needed for the farm. It was just the weight of his hair on his neck that he was struggling with the most today. 
"Well, I'm glad I could help. Hopefully I didn't do too bad a job." you say with a gentle chuckle, brushing the loose hair from his shoulders and sweeping up the mess with the small dustpan set Hunter found somewhere else on the Marauder. He runs his hands through his hair experimentally, and then carefully ties it back with the red slip of fabric he tucked in his pocket. 
"Not too bad I'd say, mesh'la…" Hunter's warm, appreciative grin sends your stomach fluttering at the sincerity, the way his eyes crease ever so gently with the gesture is equally precious. "Certainly a cut above what I could've done on my own." 
"Who usually helps you cut your hair?" you wonder, fixing a curling lock of hair back into place previously trapped under the bandana. 
"Cross does, typically." 
"That's nice of him," you reply with a bright smile, "hopefully I didn't steal all his fun when we get back to Saleucami and he finishes the rest of the haircut." 
Nothing gets past the sharp-sighted sniper: when you disembark the Omicron-class shuttle, Hunter just a little behind you as you carefully tromp down the ramp, Cross stops mid-turn in a game of Sabacc up against Cut, Echo and Tech to voice himself. 
"I told you you should have let me cut your hair before you left, Hunter." 
"You did, yes." 
"And you didn't listen," Crosshair continues, shaking his head almost disapprovingly. Almost. He's slightly more worried than it would appear. "Had sensory troubles and had to cut it, didn't you?" Hunter bobs his head once, and sheds the bandana to allow Crosshair to perform an inspection, Sabacc now abandoned momentarily. "Hmm. Doesn't look half bad this time, Hunter." 
"Afraid I can't take the credit. I asked her to help me." Hunter explains, nodding once in your direction. Crosshair's tone of scrutiny changes, now that he understands it's not his brother's handiwork. 
To his memory, this is the first time you've offered to help Hunter deal with his hair like this. His brother takes good enough care of his hair on his own, save for cutting what he can't see or comfortably reach behind his head, and that's where Hunter usually turns to his brothers for help. 
Wrecker, who's just gotten back from exploring with Omega, Jek and Shaeeah since they saw the Marauder coming in for a landing near the farm not too long ago, sees that Crosshair is still passively fussing through Hunter's recently-cut hair and assumes he's missed the trimming. 
"Hey not bad, Cross! That was quick!"
"Can't take the credit," Cross chuckles softly, nodding in your direction, "but she can."
And there's a little cleaning up that he notices he'll need to do, but otherwise, you pretty much nailed it. "Not bad, doll." Crosshair offers at long last. "Not bad at all. Think you're gonna replace me if I'm not careful." After dinner, time and circumstances allowing, he'll coach you through on how he usually takes care of Hunter's hair when it reaches a certain length since Hunter trusted you enough to ask for help out of the blue, after Hunter recounts the ordeal to his brothers and sister.
"Always happy to help, Hunter." you promise him. 
Hunter returns your friendly smile as he ties his hair back for the time being, saying he'll help Cut gather everything from the shuttle and put it in the shed for the time being before everyone helps with getting things ready for dinner. 
"I'm certainly lucky that you are, mesh'la."
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Don't have a fic taglist for the time being. For now, though, if you'd like to join a taglist for specific types of fics (for example: just TBB-centric or just TCW-centric (or both)) don't hesitate to ask. 🩷
[Masterlist] [Requests: OPEN]
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sanerontheinside · 7 months
♜: Shoulder rubs quiobi
Qui-Gon scowled at the datapad in front of him, feeling slightly cross-eyed. He remembered the days of checking over Obi-Wan's astronav homework well enough, but his experience with Anakin was much different now.
For one thing, Obi-Wan had always been considerably neater. He would sooner redo a problem afresh than try to correct his work in the original form. Some of Anakin's haphazard writing was certainly a result of learning Aurebesh writing late and doing most of his steps in his head. At this point, it was becoming difficult to follow the logic.
"Are you all right?"
Qui-Gon glanced up for what felt like the first time in hours, and spotted Obi-Wan standing in front of him with a cup of steaming hot tea. "Force bless you," he breathed, eagerly reaching for the tea.
Obi-Wan breathed out a startled chuckle. "You look like a migraine waiting to happen."
Qui-Gon resurfaced after a deep, indulgent draught. "You might be right." He tipped his head back, suddenly aware of the ache in his neck. "I've been staring at this for too long."
Obi-Wan rounded the table and came up behind him, peering over his shoulder. "Ah. Astronav homework. How's he doing?"
"I'm sure his internal logic is sound."
"Oh, is that all?" Obi-Wan asked, amused.
His hands landed warm and gentle on Qui-Gon's shoulders, and Qui-Gon couldn't help a faint, startled moan.
"Tight as beskar, here," Obi-Wan muttered. "May I?"
"Please." Qui-Gon leaned back in his chair with a quiet sigh. "He'll redo a problem time and time again, but I don't think he catches all the mistakes in the process. I know his thought process must be ordered well—he couldn't program a droid otherwise—but on paper..."
"Hm. Might be worth considering giving him more space to work on than a datapad," Obi-Wan remarked. "He does well when he can spread out."
Those clever hands were rubbing circles into hard muscle, easing the tension in the knotted tissue. Qui-Gon closed his eyes in pleasure.
Already, he felt as though a weight had been taken from him. It had been this way since Naboo: after the repairs to his spine and his ribs, his muscles had done their best to compensate for the replacement tissue and bionics. The Healers had done well with it all, considering the unusual injury. But it was Obi-Wan who knew, better than any of them, how to loosen the tightness that collected there over the course of a day.
And eventually, the daily massages became less necessary—the discomfort could be staved off for days, eventually for up to a week. Now it was merely an incidental thing. But Qui-Gon never turned down the comfort of Obi-Wan's hands.
He took a deep breath, released it, and let his head fall back against Obi-Wan's stomach. "Thank you," he murmured.
"Don't fall asleep on me there," Obi-Wan replied, with an audible grin. His palm slid to the nape of Qui-Gon's neck, then up to cup the back of his head. "I had plans, you know."
"Plans..." Qui-Gon hummed regretfully. "I'm afraid I can't, Master Kenobi. I've still got homework to check."
Obi-Wan leaned close and nuzzled at the crown of his head. "I'll check it for you, Master Jinn," he murmured. "Come on."
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evilgirlboob · 7 months
short list of characters for my star blazers project
sorry if its a bit short, this is only like a couple, ill add more later
EARTH CHARACTERS Vice Admiral Juzo Okita (沖田十三) M61 Famed hero of the 2nd Battle over Mars. A stern, fearless stoic. Captain of the Yamato (UNS BBY-001) and formerly captain of the battleship Kirishima (UNS BBS-555). His battle strategies are nearly always high risk, high reward, and it miraculously always seems to work out perfectly.
Commander Mamoru Kodai (古代守) M27 Elder brother of Susumu and captain of UNS DDS-117 (JSS Yukikaze). His family was wiped out by an interplanetary bomb that struck the Miura Peninsula. Only he and his brother Susumu survived. He is shot down by the Gamilons while drawing their fire during Operation M so Okita could return home.
Commander-in-Chief Heikuro Todo (藤堂平九郎) M59 CinC of the Earth Defense Force. A calm, collected, reasonable man. Believes in the prioritization of morals over orders.
Admiral Kotetsu Serizawa (芹沢虎鉄) M55 Todo's right hand. A stern, angry, stubborn man. Harsh, immovable, but well intentioned. Reasonably disliked by the general public. Foil to Field Marshal Zöllick.
Lieutenant Commander Yuki Mori (森雪) F21 First mate aboard the Yamato, formerly a staff officer at EDF central command. Highly intelligent. A woman of great forethought and consideration. Kindhearted, consistently collected, fiercely believes in legitimate justice & the invalidity of sheer revenge, no matter how heinous the crime. Closely resembles the beautiful Sasha of Iscändar, who crashed on Mars.
Lieutenant Susumu Kodai (古代進) M19 Chief of the Tactical department. Hotheaded, righteous, brooding when upset. Mamoru's only surviving relative. Main protagonist of this story.
Lieutenant Daisuke Shima (島大介) M19 Friend and compatriot of Susumu. Yamato's Helmsman and Navigation department Chief. An expert navigator with an interest in astronomy. Calmer, more proper and more level-headed than Kodai. The exception being when Kodai is actually around, in which case Shima is even more rash and foolish than he.
Lieutenant JG Hajime Hirata (平田一) M21 An older fellow student at the Space Force academy when Kodai and Shima attended. A sort of "older brother" type friend to them.
Dr. Sakezo Sado (佐渡酒造) M54 A brilliant physician and a confidant of the Captain. Appointed as the ship's Medical department Chief despite no prior astronaval experience. A widely beloved drunkard. Cat person.
Makoto Harada (原田真琴) F21 Medic, officially a civilian.
Analyzer (AU09-Q1309) X3 AI companion of Dr. Sado and improvised autonomous subframe of the Yamato after the original was destroyed. Prefers to be called "Analyzer", as opposed to AU09 or Q1309.
Lieutenant Shiro Sanada (真田志郎) M28 Science and Technologies department Chief. A highly analytical and intellectually gifted man. His mind was designed to create machines. Highly emotionally intelligent, though bad at reading and expressing emotions. The Wave-Motion Gun is his brainchild.
Lieutenant JG Saburo Kato (加藤三郎) M23 Captain of the Yamato's Air Corps. Damn well coulda been born and raised in a cockpit, for the way he flies. Righteous, a little bit of a control freak. Close with Yamamoto.
Lieutenant JG Yasuo "Dash" Nanbu (南部"DASH"康雄) M20 Chief of Gunnery subdepartment of Tactial. Very much envies Kodai's position. About twice as hotheaded as Kodai, and 10 times as pigheaded. Excellent, loyal soldier, even if he disagrees with is commanding officers.
Ensign Yoshikazu Aihara (相原義一) M21 Operations department Chief and Comms officer. Reports to XO Mori. Sort of on-edge a lot of the time. Often overshadowed by those around him.
Ensign Kenjiro Ohta (太田健二郎) M24 Radar officer and Chief of the Space Weather Prediction subdepartment under Navigation. Eager and enthusiastically helpful. Bit of a mild Osaka hillbilly stereotype.
SP3 Haruki Ando (安藤春樹) M18 Wave-Motion Ballast & Shield technician. Brilliant kid, rushed through school with the goal of helping the cause against the Gamilons. Did not intend to be a soldier, merely a scientist, but is overjoyed nonetheless. Follows Kodai around like a duckling.
Kaoru Shintani (新谷かおる) M43 Chief OMCS technician. AKA, shipboard cook.
Lieutenant Commander Hikozaemon Tokugawa (徳川彦左衛門) M62 Chief engineer. Like Sado and Okita, quite brilliant, though quite odd. Former Chief engineer of the Kirishima. Very warm & paternal to all, considered the nice grandpa of the crew.
PO1 Sukeji Yabu (藪助治) M31 Tokugawa's favorite student. Cautious, introverted, kinda weird. Extremely intelligent. Refers to Starsha of Iscändar as a goddess.
Lieutenant JG Sho Yamazaki (山崎奨) M45 Tokugawa's official right hand.
Ensign Akira Yamamoto (山本明) F20 Another prodigy seemingly born to fly. Similarly to Kodai, she and her elder brother Akio were the only survivors of the early planet bombings by the Gamilons. ALSO similarly to Kodai, said elder brother died in Operation M. She and Kodai seem to keep ending up in bleak situations and having to save each other.
Ensign Hiroki Shinohara (篠原弘樹) M24 Deputy Captain of the ship's Air Corps. Quite unserious and smug in general. Very mature and insightful when the time calls for it. Never angry, and excellent mediator.
Lieutenant Akira Nemoto (根本明) M31 Captain of the Yamato's Marine Corps. Cold, quiet. Foolhardy, but a quick learner. Eager to kill Gamilons.
Corporal Kazuhiko Sugiyama (杉山和彦) M18 Deputy Captain of the ship's space Marines. Smug asshole most of the time, but humbles up quick when he deems it necessary. Doesn't like to take things too far. An EXCELLENT shot.
MCPO Isami Enomoto (榎本勇) M36 Boatswain's Mate. Kodai, Shima, and Hirata's former Practical Skills instructor. Simultaneously bubbly and friendly & strict and unforgiving.
PO3 Shinpei Iwata (岩田新平) and SP1 Kiyoshi Toyama (遠山清) M27 and M26 3rd deck operators. Inseparable. Idiots. Simultaneously fully competent and woefully incompetent. Often subjected to Enomoto's wrath.
WO2 Yuria Misaki (岬百合亜) F19 Member of the Supply department and self-proclaimed ESP haver.
WO2 Shigeru Hayashi (林繁) M18 Member of the Navigation department, plagued by visions (suffering from nightmares).
Lieutenant Kaoru Niimi (新見薫) F37 Chief of the Security department. Friend of Serizawa.
Lieutenant JG Shinya Itou (伊東真也) M21 Chief of the Armed Security department. Eerily friendly. Unnervingly polite. Gives of bad vibes.
WO1 Toru Hoshina (星名透) M19 Member of the Armed Security department. Love interest of Misaki.
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elbiotipo · 5 months
ALQUILO: Para estudiantes o parejas de cosmonautas, espacio 2x4, cocina y baño incluidos, mesa plegable, cuatro paneles solares, un puerto de acoplamiento. Ubicada en lugar estratégico en LEO. 500.000 más expensas precio a acordar. No se permiten mascotas. Astronave Soyuz no incluida.
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bicheco · 7 months
Idea per il film più comico dell'universo
Suonano alla porta di un tipo, un trentenne, mezzo bifolco dello Utah. L'uomo apre e di fronte a lui c'è un mostro alieno (sul tipo di E.T) che tiene in braccio un fagottino.
"Ciao terrestre, ti ricordi di me?". L'uomo è talmente scioccato che non ha paura. "Ma veramente direi di n....". "Tre anni fa, quando fosti rapito da una navicella aliena?!" "Ah sì certo, quel sogno stranissimo, inquietante, eppure così vivido e rea...". "Non era un sogno: sei stato rapito per davvero. Abbiamo fatto molti esperimenti su di te. Questo è tuo figlio! Fino ad ora ce lo siamo sbolognato noi, adesso però non ce la facciamo più, la sua parte terrestre gli impedisce di continuare a vivere nel nostro pianeta. Qui da voi invece starà una meraviglia! Buona fortuna". Il mostro gli consegna il fagottino, saluta abbozzando un hi-five a cui l'uomo non risponde e poi si solleva in aria risucchiato da un'enorme astronave.
L'uomo è paralizzato. Guarda il fagottino che lentamente si muove tra le sue braccia. Scosta la coperta per vederne le fattezze e quindi nero e titoli di testa.
Il film racconta le comiche, vagamente surreali nonché grottesche avventure di un giovane semi-alieno nella società americana.
Come lo intitolereste questo film?
Rispondete bastardi, vediamo se avete fantasia.
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longlostlorian · 4 months
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maybe this is a silly thing to be excited over in the scheme of things but Astronave (Maelstrom's Spanish publisher) is sharing some early pages on instagram!! I love learning languages and so it's been a HUGE dream of mine to have a translated edition of something I've made... I'm so happy with everything I've seen of their work on it!! Spanish edition is out in June and the original English is out right... NOW!!
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twodiamondhoes · 7 months
There's No Kind of Atmosphere (WIP)
A Scarian Red Dwarf AU
The door to their bunk slid open, the pneumatics swishing in a way that was familiar to Scar the same way that his own heartbeat was, when it thundered in the silence of being the last alive of over a thousand crew members.
Familiar, too, was the low hum of Grian's light bee, alerting Scar to his presence before he was even all the way through the door. Scar would never admit it, but the sound was nearly as comforting as the rumble of the ship's engine from seventy decks below.
He glanced over at his bunkmate, and was unsurprised to see him sitting at the table by their lockers, fully ignoring his astronav textbook in favor of arguing with the toaster.
"Yes, well, if I wanted a treatise on the universal quandaries of toast, I'd go to you, wouldn't I? But if, say, I didn't, which I don't, then your opinion would be entirely irrelevant."
"Rude," the toaster replied, it's voice still crackling from the last time Scar had punted it across the room. He needed to fix its voice box soon.
"You'll be lucky if you get lukewarm bread tomorrow morning," Scar said, before the toaster could start insulting Grian. They'd be at it all night, if he did, and while Grian might not need to sleep, Scar certainly did. Besides, he knew Grian liked sleeping, liked holding onto the facsimile of life, even if he was closer to being like Mumbo or Etho than he was to Scar. And it would be Scar who'd hear about it all day tomorrow, if he didn't nip this in the bud right now.
Grian stiffened, his back returning to it's usual ramrod-straightness. A muscle in his jaw twitched as he clenched his teeth. If he weren't a hologram, Scar thought, he'd be giving himself a devil of a headache. Then again, if ever there was a man who could give himself a simulation of a headache, it would be Grian.
"Fancy seeing you here," Grian said, his voice stiff, impassable. Scar resisted the urge to tell him he wasn't seeing anything, since he refused to so much as turn and look at Scar.
"It might come as a surprise," he said instead, trying to inject some humor into the situation. Sometimes Scar thought it would be easier to tell knock-knock jokes to a wall and get a laugh, "given my magnificence, but as amazing as I am, I do still need to sleep."
Scar could hear Grian's teeth grinding together, which was a feat, considering Grian was a projection made entirely of light, and didn't have any real teeth to grind. Scar would have to applaud Mumbo about his dedication to the facsimile of Grian, at some point.
"Let me rephrase, then. I'm surprised you're sleeping here."
Scar felt the world spin a little at the way that Grian's dark eyes cut over to him, looking at him at last, even as he felt his cheeks heat at the... well at the implications of it all.
"Oh," Scar said, because it was all that he could think of. He swung himself up onto his bunk, because it was easier than trying to figure out what Grian's face was doing, and what what Grian's face was doing was doing to him. He laid back, intending to leave it there, and heard Grian's sharp, irritated exhale. Then, because he couldn't leave well enough alone, he asked, "what do you think of her?"
"She's a git," Grian said automatically, and with a vehemence that Scar honestly didn't expect. He swung himself up so that his legs hung over the side of his bunk and looked at Grian again, ignoring the way his bones went sort of itchy with a feeling he wouldn't name when he did.
"Grian," he said, exasperated, "she's you."
Grian didn't answer. At first, Scar thought that that would be it, Grian would try and ignore the conversation, but then he said, in his most standoffish tone, "It's been three million years, Scar. I've always been dedicated to the plight of women in the world, and I think it's high time we all admitted that women can be gits, too."
"That's not," Scar cut himself off with a groan. It was worse than Grian trying to ignore the conversation. He was being willfully obtuse. Scar hated when Grian was willfully obtuse about things. It made him so much more stubborn. "That's not what I mean, and you know it."
Grian slammed the hologrammatic book closed. It dislodged the simulation of a dust jacket, revealing not Advanced Properties of Physics and You, but the startlingly yellow cover of Astronavigation for Dummies. Scar thought it made a satisfying noise, even if it was a little tinny, not as robust as slamming a real book shut would be. Grian stood up, passing through the chair he'd been almost-sitting in, and tucked the book under his arm. That, more than anything, clued Scar in to how upset Grian really was by all of this. He could pass through objects without trouble--had to, actually, given as a hologram, he couldn't touch anything--but he went out of his way to avoid it. Scar suspected it was another way to hold onto life, whatever way he could.
"Yes, yes," Grian said, his voice dripping with cheer, "we all know how taken you are with her and her space heroics, and her ponytail, it's all a bit sickening, really. Still, when you get around to it, do send me a save the date, so I can have Etho burn it."
"Grian," Scar began, but found he was speaking to Grian's back as he swept out of the room. He sighed, turning to the darkened screen in the corner of the room. "Where did I go wrong, Mumbo?"
The projection of the ship's computer flared to life, Mumbo's face twisted in sympathy.
"I'm no expert, mate, and this is just a guess, but I think it might have been when you asked him about Miss Griande."
Scar groaned again, frustrated beyond belief, and let himself fall back onto the thin mattress of his bunk.
"Lights," he called, and the room faded into darkness around him. He laid there a while, pretending to sleep, until a familiar hum returned to the room.
"Lights," Grian whispered, "dimmed."
Behind his closed eyelids, Scar noticed the lights raise infinitesimally. Something rose in him at the gesture. Grian had to know he wasn't asleep, he jabbed at Scar often enough about his snoring, but he still made the gesture, careful not to wake Scar. Careful to help them both maintain Scar's plausible deniability.
Grian sighed, sounding half frustrated, and half something Scar didn't quite recognize with his eyes closed.
Part of him wanted to ask what was wrong, but with the familiar hum of Grian's light bee finally back in the bunk below his, sleep was already stealing over Scar's consciousness.
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