museofhestia · 9 hours
Sun trine Pluto - September 21
The trine between the Sun and Pluto fosters a sense of purpose and determination, allowing us to pursue our goals with intensity and focus, often leading to significant breakthroughs. However, while this transit is generally supportive, it can still challenge us to confront our inner fears and to let go of what no longer serves us, including outdated beliefs or behaviors. The key lessons of this aspect revolve around embracing transformation with courage, stepping into our personal power without fear, and understanding the importance of using influence wisely and ethically. It encourages us to delve deeper into our own motivations and to harness the energy of change to create meaningful and lasting improvements in our lives.
The sun is activating the Pluto retrograde in Capricorn at this time. Since Pluto is a distant planet, it's presence is often subtle, especially during a retrograde. But when it makes a strong aspect to an inner planet or personal planet - especially the sun - the lessons of Pluto can become more prominent.
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nj-stone · 1 year
Linda G with Andre @astrologyalert  7/27/2023 https://youtu.be/JAKEzIas1ec?si=UOm0kdQhdPFrCzgj via @YouTube
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gabeportphotio-blog · 7 years
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OCTOBER 10TH...The planet of wealth moves into the planet of extremes October 10th, learn how to navigate the next year due to this influence. Deal with a profesh. Abundance is coming for you, but only if you know how to manage it. #Astrology #ASTROLOGYALERT #reading #jupiter #jupiterinscorpio #sagittarius #35dollars #affordableaf #advice #consultation #powerandwealth #plutogoesdirect #letmehelp #wealth #power #scorpio #pluto
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museofhestia · 2 days
Sun opposition Neptune - September 20
When the Sun is in opposition to Neptune, it creates a complex and challenging energy that blurs the lines between reality and illusion, making this a time of confusion, uncertainty, and potential misunderstandings. This transit can lead to feelings of low energy, lack of clarity, or even disillusionment, as our sense of purpose or direction may feel clouded.
It is easy to fall into escapism, idealization, or self-deception under this influence, making it essential to stay grounded and avoid over-romanticizing situations or people. The challenges of this transit involve navigating vague boundaries, recognizing where we may be deceiving ourselves or others, and avoiding being overly influenced by unrealistic expectations.
The lessons here focus on cultivating discernment, practicing self-compassion, and developing a deeper connection to intuition without losing touch with reality. It encourages us to find a balance between dreams and practicalities, to face truths with courage, and to navigate the fog of uncertainty with faith in our inner wisdom.
This can bring up some of the same feelings and lessons of the Lunar Eclipse that we had a couple days ago, because the Virgo-Pisces axis is again at play, and the Full Moon included a conjunction with Neptune.
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museofhestia · 1 year
Embracing the Transformative Energy of the Grand Water Trine 🌌🔮
🌟 Today, June 28, we journey through the powerful energy of the Grand Water Trine, composed of the Sun in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio, and Saturn in Pisces. This celestial configuration offers profound lessons and transformative energy for our lives. 🌌✨
✨ The Sun in Cancer shines its nurturing light on emotions, family, and the home. It urges us to connect with our innermost feelings, honor our intuition, and create a safe and loving space for ourselves and our loved ones. Cancer's energy invites us to embrace vulnerability, seek emotional security, and explore the depths of our hearts.
✨ The Moon in Scorpio adds intensity, passion, and depth to this cosmic blend. It encourages us to delve into the realms of our subconscious, to face our fears, and to transform ourselves from within. Scorpio's energy empowers us to navigate the shadows, heal emotional wounds, and embrace our personal power with courage and authenticity.
✨ Saturn in Pisces brings a touch of structure, discipline, and spiritual wisdom to this watery symphony. As the taskmaster of the zodiac, Saturn guides us to find stability, establish healthy boundaries, and cultivate a sense of responsibility. Pisces, the sign connected to compassion, intuition, and spirituality, helps us dissolve barriers and connect with the oneness of the universe.
This trine invites us to dive into our emotional depths, acknowledging and healing our wounds. Allow the transformative energies of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and emotional renewal.
Embrace the heightened intuition offered by this trine. Listen to the whispers of your inner self, trust your gut instincts, and tap into your psychic abilities. The combined energy of the three Water Signs enhances your connection to the unseen realms. Saturn's presence in this trine reminds us of the importance of establishing healthy emotional boundaries. Use the stability it provides to create a solid foundation for emotional well-being. Balance emotional vulnerability with self-care and responsible actions.
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