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kj-ursa · 1 year ago
Why You Cannot Launch Things (Easily) Into the Sun! Ft: Me Taking 18 Years to Get to the Point
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A Day in the Life
Today has been a pretty packed full day of academia, so I thought I’d take you on the journey through everything I did so you can get a better idea of just what I get up to. 7am I woke up and had breakfast. Nothing too exciting but the day has to start somewhere and I always try to make sure it’s with something healthy to get my body working! I planned my outfit the night before, it’s a new…
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aunsiro · 11 months ago
Hi! Space engineer here! Orbital Mechanics are a really beautiful field and can be much easier than most people realize! You don't even need the mass of your ship to calculate the free flight trajectory! (That's the reason you can use Delta-v mission design valid for any spacecraft)
I completely agree with the Kerbal Space Program recommendation! It uses a simplification of the math that works very well called Patched Conics approach. It is very easy to find videos about that on YouTube! If you like programming, there are also very nice open source libraries for Orbital Mechanics.
The key thing is to define a region called "Sphere of influence" around each celestial body. The sphere of influence is the region of space where that body has the strongest gravitational pull. You can assume that inside an sphere of influence, you only need to care about that celestial body, and outside the sphere of influence, you don't need to take it into account at all. You can easily find online the radius of the sphere of influence of every body in the solar system.
When you are under the influence of only one body, your trajectory will always be a conic curve: an ellipse, a parabola or a hyperbola. When you enter or exit an sphere of influence, you have to calculate the position and velocity in the new reference system and just continue the new conic until you intersect another frontier. You also need to take into account that the sphere of influence of the sun is your default state, unless you want to go really really far.
This simplification gives fairly accurate results, and only fall short when you need a lot of accuracy or want to design orbits around points where more bodies are simultaneously important (such as Lagrange Points).
Since conics are symmetrical, there are some funny results that might not be intuitive: if you enter the sphere of influence of a planet, you will always exit it with the same speed as you entered (relative to the planet) and a different direction, unless something interesting happens inside the sphere (like colliding with the planet, entering the sphere of influence of a moon, or turning on your motors).
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For example, suppose you were in an orbit around the sun such that your path enters the sphere of influence of Neptune at a point where your velocity respect to the sun were very small (That is the closest thing you can achieve to being static there without some sort of propulsion). Neptune is approaching you very rapidly in this frame of reference. Once you enter its sphere of influence and change your frame of reference, you suddenly can view it from the perspective of you being the one very rapidly approaching Neptune in a hyperbolic orbit. If you don't collide with it and don't interact with its moons, you will perform a flyby and eventually reach again the frontier of the sphere of influence, where you are exiting it at the same high speed you had relative to Neptune as when you entered it. Now you are again out of the sphere influence of Neptune. You change your system of reference again back to one based on the Sun, and realize that your new solar orbit is completely different to the one you had before the encounter! Since Neptune was orbiting the Sun while you were orbiting Neptune, it has dragged you along for a while and now you are in a different point of its orbit. But more importantly, your velocity has completely changed, in an amount easily of the same order as the speed of Neptune itself around the Sun. You may even be now in a solar hyperbolic orbit, fleeing the solar system forever, or bound to a very quick visit of the interior solar system before that. Or you may have drastically changed your orbital plane. If you were careful planning and your timing is right, you may very well get an orbit that intersect the sphere of influence of Pluto at some point in the future! :D
In fact, we were able to do just that with the New Horizons mission!
Hope this is of help to someone visualizing it! ☺️
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How far away would planets catch things in orbit? I'm talking about things like if I had spaceships in space. But what if they're like not running any engines in deep space. If they're too close to a planet they'll be sort of moved around in orbit too right? What is say, I had a spaceship and they need to travel from Pluto to Neptune, can they like just sit near a point where the orbits match up and like sit there for years and just wait for Neptune to get there. As an example of course.
Tex: It would depend on the mass and velocity of all involved bodies, at minimum, in order to properly calculate gravitational pull and whether one body’s pull would be enough to capture another into orbit or at least some form of deceleration. Ultimately it depends on your plot and whether you want the spaceship to be placed there, but most likely there would be some degree of drift - give it enough time, and the spaceship will eventually be free of the standstill of competing gravitational pulls. Wootzel: You’re right that other objects in proximity--be they planets, stars, or bigger--will pull on a ship and change its trajectory. Larger objects will pull from further away. 
In order to conceptualize how things move around each other in outer space, you honestly have to change the entire way you think about motion. There is no single definition of “stationary” in space, because it’s all relative. Everything is expanding all the time, and most things orbit other things in some kind of way. The inertia of orbiting keeps an object from just getting pulled straight into the nearest object with enough mass. Due to the good ol force of inertia and a lack of enough friction to slow things down, a spaceship that’s not running any engines will not be stationary (relative to whatever system it’s in) unless it’s been intentionally slowed to a stop. It’ll just keep happily moving along whatever path it’s on until a force acts on it. In your example of getting from Pluto to Neptune, it’s possible that the strategy there is to have your in-story Space Math Scientists calculate a whole bunch of factors like the speed of travel and Neptune’s orbit, and then just aim the ship so that, moving at whatever speed is reasonable for it, can intersect Neptune’s orbit.
This may seem like a silly suggestion, but it might be useful to how you conceptualize travel in space to spend some time in a space travel simulator that has mechanics approximating real physics. The one that occurs to me to suggest is Kerbal Space Program because it’s the only one I personally know of that has the mechanics I’m talking about. I’m sure there are other games/sims out that that will let you play around with the way orbits influence space travel, and how they can be useful for getting where you’re going. NASA has done some missions where the craft they’re sending out slingshots around one object before heading out to whatever its end-goal is.
I don’t think any of us can give you estimates of how far away a planet or star could be and still move your spaceship around, especially without a lot more details, but looking into simulators (Universe Sandbox might be an option) or online calculators could probably help with that as well.
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stuckinfishbowl · 7 months ago
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Thought it was fitting for my first post on here to be in celebration of one of my long-time drafted works finally coming to fruition! It took a few months, but the vision has finally been realized in a way I’m happy with!!! ^_^ SOLOMON… in all his delicate and ephemeral beauty. I hope I did him justice.
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macinthecaac · 1 year ago
I always used to want to be an author when I was younger, and I think Andy Weir genuinely inspired me to take up that dream again. I still plan on going to university, but maybe sci-fi writing is something I could do on the side.
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starfieldphotos · 1 year ago
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Sarah Morgan: Chair of Constellation; Commander, United Colonies Navy (retired); former head of defunct UC Navigator Corps; former drummer for disbanded Ironic Comet; astrodynamics expert; botany enthusiast, adventurer; explorer; wielder of laser weapons; my extraordinary wife, and favorite travelling companion, in 2330. Hopefully she'll remember us after Unity.
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astronauticalaspirations · 5 months ago
I miss doing astrodynamics calculations. Maybe if my life ever stops being such a mess I can work on mission plans again.
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fuchsiamae · 6 months ago
Some quotes from "Tragedy + Time" ch1, with sketches by @megalunalexi
The two robots barreled down the hallway, hollering at max volume, atop a pair of jet-powered office chairs. Long ago, some paper-pushers had smuggled in contraband from the labs to level up their chair-racing, and now their posthuman successors continued that tradition. The bots weren’t built for sitting, though—Blue squatted, spiderlike, its round core between its knees, while Orange’s long legs stuck out like antennae. Both had to cling to the seats underneath them. Above the engines’ roar, shrieks of mechanized delight echoed through the empty halls.
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In the paper hailstorm that broke out between them, the phone was left to dangle unnoticed, reciting the directory to no one as it spun slowly on its cord. “For Aeronautics, press 1-1-2. For Agriculture, press 1-1-3. For Astrodynamics…” It got no answer but the tinny giggles of bots at play.
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“Look, I’ll admit it. I don’t know how to motivate you. I’ve tried rewards. I’ve tried threats. I’ve tried wearing down your self-esteem, which I assume didn’t work only because you don’t have any to begin with. I burned your friend to death right in front of you. You know I’m serious. I will kill you if you don’t perform this test. So what’ll it be?”
The test subject didn’t flinch. And it wouldn’t, because it was a potted ficus, and she was out of ideas.
“This is pointless. What am I doing?” Testing a plant she’d found in an old break room and doused with radiation, that’s what she was doing. This was a new low. But what choice did she have? Nothing else worked—the Corvid Cognitive Testing Initiative was on hold while she tried to adapt a bird-sized portable portal device, the Human-Decentric Diversity Recruitment Program hadn’t caught so much as a squirrel, her cloning tanks churned out nothing but mindless sacks of organs, and she was talking to a ficus. The most massive collection of wisdom and raw computational power that ever existed, now reduced to—
Wait. The camera in the test chamber zoomed in.
Did it move? There was no wind to rustle its leaves down there, but she could swear it moved. Maybe those gamma rays just needed a little more time to take effect. Maybe she was losing her mind.
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ncytiri · 1 year ago
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you always enjoyed learning. but nothing could compare to the joy of teaching others. as humankind spread throughout the stars, there was never a lack of knowledge to obtain, and you gladly assisted.
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factsandstuffbyd · 2 years ago
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Astronomy is the scientific study of celestial objects, space, and the universe as a whole, aiming to understand their origins, behavior, and interactions. Here are some branches of Astronomy
Astrophysics: Examining the physical properties and behavior of celestial objects and phenomena.
Planetary Science: Investigating planets, moons, and other objects within our solar system.
Stellar Astronomy: Analyzing the life cycles, properties, and behavior of stars.
Galactic Astronomy: Studying the formation, dynamics, and evolution of galaxies.
Cosmology: Exploring the structure, origin, evolution, and fate of the universe.
Exoplanet Studies: Searching for and characterizing planets orbiting other stars.
Astrobiology: Investigating the potential for life beyond Earth in various environments.
Astrochemistry: Exploring the chemical compositions of space objects and interstellar matter.
Astrometry: Precise measurement of positions and motions of celestial bodies.
Radio Astronomy: Studying celestial objects using radio waves and radio telescopes.
Infrared Astronomy: Observing objects by detecting their infrared radiation.
Ultraviolet Astronomy: Examining space objects through their ultraviolet emissions.
Gamma-Ray Astronomy: Studying extremely energetic phenomena through gamma-ray emissions.
X-ray Astronomy: Investigating high-energy phenomena using X-ray observations.
Optical Astronomy: Exploring space through visible light observations.
Meteoritics: Analyzing meteorites to understand the early solar system.
Celestial Mechanics: Studying the motion and interactions of celestial bodies.
Space Weather: Monitoring and predicting space-based phenomena that affect Earth.
Solar Physics: Examining the behavior and properties of the Sun.
Gravitational Astronomy: Detecting gravitational waves to study cosmic events.
Astrodynamics: Calculating the trajectories of objects in space.
Dark Matter Research: Investigating the elusive matter that affects the cosmos.
High-Energy Astrophysics: Studying extremely energetic processes in the universe.
Neutron Star Studies: Analyzing the properties and behavior of neutron stars.
Black Hole Research: Investigating the nature and effects of black holes.
Stellar Evolution: Understanding the life stages and changes of stars.
Observational Astronomy: Collecting and interpreting data from observations.
Theoretical Astronomy: Developing models and theories to explain celestial phenomena.
Astrostatistics: Applying statistical methods to analyze astronomical data.
Astroinformatics: Developing and using computer tools for astronomical research.
Cosmic Microwave Background: Studying the afterglow of the Big Bang.
Meteor Astronomy: Observing meteors, meteor showers, and their origins.
Space Archaeology: Applying satellite imagery to discover ancient sites.
Astrocartography: Mapping celestial objects and phenomena.
Space Debris Research: Monitoring and mitigating human-made space debris.
Astrophotography: Capturing images of celestial objects and events.
Variable Star Observations: Monitoring stars that change in brightness.
Astronomical Spectroscopy: Analyzing the interaction of light with matter in space.
Astrogeology: Applying geological principles to study extraterrestrial surfaces.
Astronomical Surveys: Systematic observations of large portions of the sky to discover new phenomena.
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The First Week
So, things have been intense. My first week at uni is now done, I have so much to report I have no idea how long this post is going to be. I’ll do my best to detail everything, without going into too much of the rocket science as I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. So, let’s start with Monday morning… Over the past few days I’ve been trying to train myself to wake up early (around 7am), it…
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carolxdanvers · 1 month ago
I'm an astrophysics student with multiple research projects directly involving orbital mechanics under my belt. I know what orbit is, and it's not "the sun taking us towards the black hole in the center of the galaxy"
Furthermore, Sagittarius A* is not what the sun is orbiting. The sun is orbiting the barycenter of the Milky Way. To say we are orbiting Sag A* is like saying that the moon is specifically orbiting one specific chunk of iron in the Earth's outer core. Absurd. It's orbiting the barycenter of the earth-moon system, which is located roughly in the earth's outer core, and there happens to be a specific chunk of iron also located there. So the moon is not "going towards" that chunk of iron. We have terms like orbit for a reason, and that reason is specificity. If you're going to attempt to be pedantic, you're going to want to steer towards MORE specificity, not less. And you're going to want to check that the person you're condescending to isn't intimately familiar with astrodynamics.
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everyone on replies is terrified of this fact but i just think it's so sweet and heartwarming. she's holding our hand and leading us somewhere secret and we're both giggling like kids. i love her
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man-and-atom · 7 days ago
This is an interesting replay of the MUSES–A/Hiten scenario from thirty–five years ago, when a Japanese lunar orbiter was not successfully boosted out of Earth orbit, and had to be carefully “nudged” into something like its intended final orbit over a period of many months, taking advantage of perturbations such as the coincidence of solar and lunar tides.
The first mention of this technique (sometimes referred to as Weak Boundary Capture) which we have found was in the USSR circa 1957, and was published in translation in a volume entitled the Soviet Literature of Artifical Satellites in 1959. A major conclusion of that paper was that the computation requirements would be excessive. Today, that limit is hardly worth considering. It also indicated the vital necessity of mid–course corrections, which are routine today, but had barely even been thought of then.
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hackernewsrobot · 9 days ago
Lox – Oxidized Astrodynamics – A safe, ergonomic astrodynamics library
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spacenutspod · 6 months ago
On Sept. 26th, 2022, NASA’s Double Asteroids Redirect Test (DART) collided with Dimorphos, the small moonlet orbiting the larger asteroid Didymos. In so doing, the mission successfully demonstrated a proposed strategy for deflecting potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs) – the kinetic impact method. By October 2026, the ESA’s Hera mission will rendezvous with the double-asteroid system and perform a detailed post-impact survey of Dimorphos to ensure that this method of planetary defense can be repeated in the future. However, while the kinetic method could successfully deflect asteroids so they don’t threaten Earth, it could also create debris that might reach Earth and other celestial bodies. In a recent study, an international team of scientists explored how this impact test also presents an opportunity to observe how this debris could someday reach Earth and Mars as meteors. After conducting a series of dynamic simulations, they concluded that the asteroid ejecta could reach Mars and the Earth-Moon system within a decade. The research team was led by Dr. Eloy Peña-Asensio, a Research Fellow with the Deep-space Astrodynamics Research and Technology (DART) group at the Polytechnic Institute of Milan. He was joined by colleagues from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIS), part of the Spanish National Research Council, the Catalonia Institute of Space Studies (IEEC), and the European Space Agency (ESA). The paper that details their findings recently appeared online and has been accepted for publication by The Planetary Science Journal. For their study, Peña-Asensio and his colleagues relied on data obtained by the Light Italian CubeSat for Imaging of Asteroids (LICIACube), which accompanied the DART mission and witnessed the kinetic impact test. This data allowed the team to constrain the initial conditions of the ejecta, including its trajectories and velocities – ranging from a few tens of meters per second to about 500 m/s (1800 km/h; ~1120 mph). The team then used the supercomputers at NASA’s Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) to simulate what will become of the ejecta. These simulations tracked the 3 million particles created by the DART mission’s impact with Dimorphos. As Peña-Asensio told Universe Today via email: “LICIACube provided crucial data on the shape and direction of the ejecta cone immediately following the collision. In our simulation, the particles ranged in size from 10 centimeters to 30 micrometers, with the lower range representing the smallest sizes capable of producing observable meteors on Earth with current technology. The upper range was limited by the fact that only ejected centimeter-sized fragments were observed.” Their results indicated that some of these particles would reach Earth and Mars within a decade or more, depending on how fast they traveled after the impact. For example, particles ejected at velocities below 500 m/s could reach Mars in about 13 years, whereas those ejected at velocities exceeding 1.5 km/s (5,400 km/h; 3,355 mph) could reach Earth in as little as seven years. However, their simulations indicated that it will likely be up to 30 years before any of this ejecta is observed on Earth. This illustration shows the ESA’s Hera spacecraft and its two CubeSats at the binary asteroid Didymos. Credit: ESA “However, these faster particles are expected to be too small to produce visible meteors, based on early observations,” said Peña-Asensio. “Nevertheless, ongoing meteor observation campaigns will be critical in determining whether DART has created a new (and human-created) meteor shower: the Dimorphids. Meteor observing campaigns in the coming decades will have the last word. If these ejected Dimorphos fragments reach Earth, they will not pose any risk. Their small size and high speed will cause them to disintegrate in the atmosphere, creating a beautiful luminous streak in the sky.” Peña-Asensio and his colleagues also note that future Mars observation missions will have the opportunity to witness Martian meteors as fragments of Didymos burn up in its atmosphere. In the meantime, their study has provided the potential characteristics these and any future meteors burning up in our atmosphere will have. This includes direction, velocity, and the time of the year they will arrive, allowing any “Dimorphids” to be clearly identified. This is part of what makes the DART mission and its companion missions unique. In addition to validating a key strategy for planetary defense, DART has also provided an opportunity to model how ejecta caused by impacts could someday reach Earth and other bodies in the Solar System. As Michael Küppers, the Project Scientist of the ESA’s Hera mission and co-author of the paper, told Universe Today via email: “A unique aspect of the DART mission is that it is a controlled impact experiment, i.e., an impact where the impactor properties (size, shape, mass, velocity) are accurately known. Thanks to the Hera mission, we will also know the target properties well, including those of the DART impact site. Data about the ejecta came from LICIACube and earth-based observations after the impact. There is probably no other impact on a planetary scale with that much information about the impactor, the target, and the ejecta formation and early development. This allows us to test and improve our models and scaling laws of the impact process and ejecta evolution. Those data provide the input data (source location, size, and velocity distribution) used by the ejecta evolution models.” Further Reading: arXiv The post Debris from DART could Hit Earth and Mars Within a Decade appeared first on Universe Today.
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awkwardpariah · 2 months ago
From my astrodynamics professor a decade ago: Earth is an oblique spheroid.
I find the fact that the closest mountain point on earth to the moon, the highest mountain and the tallest mountain are 3 different mountains to be a tiny bit disturbing
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