Fade in from black into a glossy blue, the window of Karter's sleep pod. The camera moves around from Karter's POV. Heavy breathing as an obscured figure glides past the front of the glass. The voice fades out and Karter knocks something in his pod causing it to open. *Camera view switch looking down the long corridor* Karter falls out onto his knees in the corridor. Slowly he rises thinking to himself. Karter - Where am I? What is this place? I don't understand how I got here, I don't know where here is. Looking around he starts to wander down the corridor, taking in all the details. *Camera switch to side corridor* He walks over to another sleep pod and knocks on the glass. Nothing. He tries clearing the condensation with his sleeve, he spots inside is a girl he recognises from Funland, Fran. Her eyes jolt open and he jumps back in surprise *switch camera view back to long corridor* Her pod door slowly rises and she steps out in a calm but confused manor. Fran - ... Karter right? (pointing at Karter) Karter - yeh Fran - I'm Fran Karter - I know, I've seen you around Funland (small thumbs up as clarification) Fran - oh ... Okay *Camera switch to long corridor* Karter - do you know where we are? (nervously asking) Fran - I was hoping you'd know Karter - I've no idea, I just woke up here as well so no idea. (raising his arms in confusion) Fran - hmm ... Well we were in these pod ...bed ... thingy's? and asleep so I think its some kinda sleeping pod storage area?, have you seen anyone around? *Camera switch to side corridor Karter - ergh ... YES! there was a guy walked past just before ... I think? Fran - huh ... Yeah that would make sense, they were probably monitoring us. Karter - MONITORING? WHAT DO YOU MEAN? (In utter shock) Fran - If were okay like healthy and stuff probably. Karter - oh ... Wait so why do you think were here? (breathing out in relief) Fran - I have no idea, but its totally different to Funland, everything looks so much more real and sad. (looks down) Karter - real? Fran - like solid you know? Karter - I guess. A voice breaks there conversation, Karter and Fran turn back to back in confusion and shock. Athena starts talking in a excited and slightly jumpy tone. Athena - Hey dudes you've probably got questions but I cant answer them right now I need you to do exactly what I say okay? Fran - What? Karter - I think we should do what they say, we don't know where we are they might Fran - What?! How do you know its not a trap Karter - What makes you think it is? Athena - If your done talking and deciding to trust me, I need yous to jump through the vent in the floor! Karter and Fran look at each other in fear and wonder. Karter - They probably know what they're talking about. Fran - hmmm ... (feelings of disbelief paint her face) Karter - together? Fran - together! Karter lifts the vent and they both jump through leaving it to slam behind them! They fall down a shoot and land in a room with the walls plastered in monitors displaying all sorts of code and camera relays. Karter and Fran shake off the fall moaning and look up to see Athena. *Camera switch to new scene in Athena's lair* Athena - Welcome to... Karter - ahhhh , Right what's going on? (interrupting before Athena could finish) Athena - Welcome ... to the city, by the way your not in Kansas anymore ha ha. Karter - Kansas? Where is that? Athena - ahhhhhhh long fall I guess, doesn't matter though, you're in the Cityscape, I am Athena, I mean that's ... not my real name but whatever ... I don't tell anyone that. Only my close friends now me as Athena, by the way your my close friends. (Hopefully saying in an attempt to get Fran and Karter Fran - WAIT WHAT?! Karter- Nice to have you as a friend, Fran - How did we just get a new friend? Karter - Who cares I like them. And that's not the most important thing right now. Athena where are we? Fran – Yeah, last we remember was Funland, now were in this ... Ergh cityspace? Athena - Cityscape. And yes. Funland is a virtual place for kids to live out their childhood with fun and games, except it secretly teaches you things with fun! Karter - NO! I hate learning. That’s manipultion...mapinaiton...manipulpation? Fran - stop before you hurt yourself, and its clearly necessary, unless you want to be stupid forever ha. Not me. And its manipulation. Karter - ... Anyways why are we here? Athena - I brought yous here. Fran - Why? Athena - I need your help, you and the kids of Funland, the adults here, who are like ... Big ... sad kids? Are all sad and they are going to shut Funland down. Apparently it’s not necessary anymore. And making adults more upset when they leave Funland, from a perfect place of fun to the cityscape is a .... a rough change. Karter - What can we do to help? Athena - I need to get into Funland. I need access to their computer systems so I can lock them out of their stuff ... It'll stop them for a while. But first I need to get into Funland that's where you guys come in, your some of the people who've been in Funland the longest time. Karter - Really? Fran - who else has been in there the longest? (Athena turns to a computer and starts typing) Athena - This kid called Daemon, or Danny? Karter - Damien? Athena - YES! Fran - Isn't that that weirdo who walks round in the really big coat? Karter - That’s him! Athena - yeah he's been in the longest time; he's not actually got a time listed under his bio for how long he's been in. In fact he doesn't have a bio. I found him by looking up conversation logs. Karter - what's a bio? Fran - It's like a description of a person, but in this case I’d imagine its data the company keeps on us for one reason or another? ... Am I close? Athena - Almost spot on. Anyways I need yous to go back into your pods and into Funland, then imma try and hack into their servers and I am going to try and remotely join FUNLAND!! Ill meet you where the new Kids enter Funland Karter - Is this gunna work? Athena - Ehh maybe? Fran- MAYBE?!?!? Karter - MAYBE!? Athena - maybe! Fran and Karter walk back to their sleep pods chatting about their new friend, Athena and the kid no one knows about, Damien. *Camera switch back to long corridor* Karter – This will work right (unsure about the whole thing) Fran - There’s always gunna be a chance it doesn’t……but it should work Karter – I guess if it does ill see you on the other side then Fran – I guess so. Karter – well … ill seeya there then. Fran – Yeah should do, where do you wanna meet? Karter – Where did Athena say to meet? Fran – where new people come from, I think. Karter – Yes! Karter – right so we’ll meet where the new comers enter. Fran – Okay then. *Camera follows Karter as he climbs into his pod* Fran and Karter climb back into their pods and hear a little voice… *Camera switch to close up on Athena's mouth talking into a mic* Athena – Right I’m ready to send yous back, I’d ask if you’re ready but neither of your pods have microphones in so I wouldn’t know anyways … hahah Athena – 3 …. 2 …. 1 …. Get Ready Screen Flashes white for a few seconds. *Camera has a split between Karter and Fran* Both Karter and Fran wake up in their own beds, like they’d been asleep, however both vividly remember what just happened and rush out to try and find each other looking round both running round trying desperately to get back to the place where everyone enters, they both enter the zone around the same time, but on opposite sides of the square. They both casually walk over to meet somewhere in the middle near a fountain of pink liquid. *Camera shot merges back into one shot as they walk into each others frames* They both sit down and wait. *Camera shows front view of them sitting next to each other looking towards the camera* Karter – How long do you think it will take before Athena gets here? Fran – I don’t know it could a little while, could be a couple days, depends how it takes for him to do that hacking thing. Karter – Yeah I suppose. *Camera time-lapse through the day* Karter and Fran sit round waiting all day phasing out of everything only really waking up to the rubble of their hungry stomachs, They both agree that this can wait and go to get some food. Going to the nearest food court they find they are both confused by Athena’s lack of arrival. Fran – that hacking thing must have been harder than they though. Karter – What do you mean? Fran – Well Athena is nowhere to be found … so it would make sense that they didn’t really know what they were doing with it. Karter – No. Athena will turn up. *Camera follows both Karter and Fran from behind* As they walk into the food court they both spot a massive crowd of people surrounding what looks to be a person, so they run over and push to the front of the chanting crowd, to find Athena there sat munching through their 10th plate of food, everyone stood round in amazement at the amount of food Athena is actually eating. Fran – Athena what are you doing here? Your meant to meet us at the other place. Karter – Fran wait … GO GO GO! Your rocking this Athena! BRING THE 11th plate over ready. *Camera switch to Athena* Athena – No I’m full for now. Besides Fran is right we should be going. As Athena says this the crowd loses interest and disperses back to their own lives *Camera switch to Karter and Fran* Karter – we haven’t had our food yet though Fran Both their stomachs rubble as if to agree with Karter and remind Fran about food. Fran – FINE! Bring 3 more plates over please. Karter – So how did you get here so quickly? *Camera switch to Athena* Athena – What do you mean? I’ve been here for a day already? Where have yous been? I entered yesterday and no one was around to help me so I figured ill just act like everyone else and have fun. And my the day I've had has been great, there must be a delay for people joining through the pods, like some kind of scan, like a loading screen. *Camera switch to Karter and Fran* Fran – That would explain the delay, and we wouldn’t know about it, it would be like when your asleep, you’re out and then up. So you never really notice it. Karter – huh … okay then. They spend the entire night just talking about the situation outside Funland in the Cityscape 4 that the adults and their parents work in. Void of fun and anything enjoyable. They wake up having fallen asleep during the night, by the sun piercing through the window. They all get up and go outside into the street and Athena experiences the first sunrise they ever had as in the city there is too much smoke and fumes around to even see the sun at midday. Karter turns to Athena to see a small tear just roll down one cheek. Karter – Athena you okay? *Camera switch to Athena* Athena – Yeah just that’s the first time I’ve ever seen the sunrise virtual or not, that is beautiful. *Camera switch to Karter and Fran* Karter – Hey its your first proper day here, and by the way… WELCOME TO FUNLAND. Karter gives Athena a big thumbs up and smile. And Fran gives Athena a big hug. The screen fades to black and the title The Virtual Kidz glitches into the middle of the screen. Credits glitch into frame in a similar style to the Title.
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The Saladman

The images above show the final Artwork and turnaround as well as other colour options which for the suits at least i could easily change with a slight change in the colour.
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Episode Idea’s
The Virtual Kidz Day Off After saving the kids of Funland for now, The new friends, Karter, Fran, Athena and Damien decide to have a wild day of fun and eating and bonding as team, until something goes wrong and they find a glitch in the Funland software which causes them to be transported to an alternate version of Funland. Funland Alpha, the original map. Back from when the project was just in its early conception and testing. After making this discovery the try to find a way back through, however Athena in a moment of genius thinks of a fantastic idea to help the group stay off the radar of the Funland makers and provide a cool base where they wont be interfered with or tracked.
Day Out in the CityScape. In a two part episode, Karter, Fran and Damien go out of the safe haven that is Funland in an adventure to discover the worst jobs of the Cityscape in a recon mission that will take them crawling through vents, running through streets and climbing up walls! To discover what the outside world is guided by Athena from their remote tech lab setup in their new base in Funland Alpha. However they come into trouble when they get back and find their pods have been taken by other users. With a note left on Karter's reading 'I know your secret'.
Planning Fun! In the second part of the two part episode, the virtual kidz must find a way back into Funland now their pods have been taken by new users. Whilst also trying to figure out who left the note on Karter's old pod. With the data they have gathered they must get back into Funland and start their plans before the Person who knows that their out realises what they're doing and puts a stop to it. Athena must come back in to the Cityscape to create their own secret pod setup using older decommissioned pods. Facing some problems along the way. And an unplanned meeting with the villain behind the note.
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Background Concepts.
The contrast between Funland and the Cityscape needs to be clear for this show to function well. Otherwise younger views could get lost in the image. So I tried to keep to a rule of if you saw a still frame could you tell by the level of detail where they are. The only concept that would break this, is Funland Alpha where I have put more detail in, however the characters would still look the same as in Funland Beta (the main set).
The backgrounds I chose to conceptualise are the two Funlands, Alpha and Main (the higher detailed Funland is Alpha). The Virtual Kids base/lair which would be found in Funland Alpha hence the higher detail. The pod storage facilty and a wide shot of the Cityscape.
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Athena Artwork
As Athena is a mysterious character i tried to show that in their design and expressions trying to subdue any emotion shown. As well as using absurd and strange colour schemes seen in the colour develop before I was sure about which colours I was going to use.
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Damien Artwork
I kept Damien’s absurdly large coat in the final design and tried to keep it to a realistic colour as if it was a token given to him by his parents before they dumped in Funland and ran off.
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Fran Artwork
Fran as the brains of the group I tried to make as colourful as possible without going overboard, and feel I came to a solid conclusion and the colour scheme to a good job of accenting each other colour and would blend well into the vibrant world of Funland.
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Karter Artwork
These images show the final turnaround for Karter, the main character, with expressions and some experimentation with colour and T-Shirt designs as i felt his character might be a bit too generic. Although I did in the end settle on a plain green T-Shirt as seen.
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The Virtual Kids Final Art

The first image shows the hand drawn image of the crew together. The second is what they would look like in the actual show when they are in Funland.
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As Karter awakes from his perfect world to the situation on the outside he takes upon himself with help from some companions to help the outside world and change the way they think about things before the companies destroy the outside world for the generation of The Virtual Kidz!
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Broadcaster Research
Cartoon Network is a British channel founded in 1993 that specialises in animated shows and is targeted towards children. However some shows have become quite popular with old ages as well. Having at many points special sister networks broadcast on this channel for older targets such as CNX and Toonami.
Current shows in their roster include things like Adventure Time, The Amazing world of Gumball, Steven Universe and Teen Titans Go!. Some older shows such as Ben 10, Dexter’s Laboratory, Ed, Edd n Eddy and the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy were also popular during their time (see images below for reference for all).



One of the most popular shows of the network currently is Adventure Time. Which is a sci-fi, fantasy adventure driven comedy, that features a boy ‘Finn’ and his magic dog’s ‘Jake’ adventures in a post-apocalyptic world. It features other reoccurring characters in the episodes also. This show usually has around 11 minute episodes with a mixture of story in continuity and stand-alone episode stories. Currently the show is on its 9th season with 270 episodes all in all.
I believe this broadcaster would suit my show, as they are always bringing out newer stranger cartoons with wilder premises. I think like many shows who lead in their respective genres for different target markets, making a show for viewers of a specific other show can cause you to slowly involve more and more things picked up from that show. That is why I like to think my show is unlike any others and would attract a new audience and intrigue viewers of other shows.
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Concept of Show
The virtual kids is an action-adventure with comedic moments scattered about throughout the cartoon, set in a dystopian future when fully immersive VR has been perfected to a degree that no one can tell much of a difference . It uses a tried and tested base plot whereby the children try to save the adults of the world from destroying themselves and the kids, however a certain powerful group of adults are set on ruining everything for everyone except to enhance their own lives. The powerful company known in the show as 'The Company' are the makers who built a programme for the children of this world, after it was discovered that children learn better in these virtual environments which can be controlled easier. This programme is known as Funland which is the name of the world the kids in this exist in. The children who grew up in this age are known as the 'virtual kids' as they grew up in an entirely virtual world, this is also where the show gets its name 'The Virtual Kidz'.
The show follows a small group of virtual kids; Karter, Fran, Athena and Damien in their adventures to save the kids of Funland and the adults who reside in the Cityscapes scattered around the Earth. As fun is slowly taken out of everyday life. After they find out the truth they must find new ways to reinvent boring tasks of today to incorporate more fun, and then save the world and Funland.
The styling of the show is very simple cartoon designs using minimal shading, and having a more realistic looking outside world via high detailed backgrounds and simple minimalistic backgrounds for when they are in Funland. This and a change in colour palettes and lighting, from less saturated colours in the Cityscapes and outside world to very bright, very saturated colours in Funland due to the nature of its purpose. Lighting would also play a part in the contrast between the real world and Funland, being more realistic in the outside world than in Funland, where it will be slightly illogical as if it hadn't been coded well.
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Karter is a 12 year old boy who is the leader of the group of Virtual Kids. He is the jack of all trades and enjoys playing retro games at arcades, however is a very active and outgoing character. He is liked by most kids in Funland due to his fun nature and good sense of humour. He has been in Funland for the past 5 years whilst his parents have been hard at work in Cityscape 4 who have their jobs to pay for their lives and to keep Karter in Funland. His talent is for acrobatics and his weakness' include being afraid of being an outsider or rejected by people, and a fear of water.
Fran is an 11 year old girl and is the smartest character of the group who is in a similar position to Karter in that her parents work in Cityscape however her parents are rich as her father is a CEO of a big tech company. So unlike Karter she has been in Funland since the minimum age of 4 . She isn't liked by many people due to her intelligence however she doesn't care and enjoys solving puzzles on her own or with her friends of like minded people. Despite her active brain she is very lazy and isn't a very productive person which adds to why some people don't like her and others do. Her main talent is her Genius and her fears and weakness' are darkness and being average.
Damien is a 13 year old boy who is a the outsider of the group and brings his strange way of thinking to help solve problems in an illogical way which other wouldn't have thought of. He is a hard core sugar addict who wears a large coat which is always filled with some sugary treat. He is one of the oldest users of Funland and was one of the original beta testers and has since grown more and more paranoid that he is being watched. His parents no longer live in Cityscape 4, they left to find better work in hope they would return when he left the system. He has a talent for making disguises and blending in due to his exposure to the whole Funland system. His weakness' are of heights, and he struggles with big social situations which somewhat resulted in him becoming an outsider and somewhat was caused to him isolating himself from others.
Athena is the mysterious character no one really knows anything about. They have never been in Funland and are a kid of the Cityscape instead, they are the character that allows them to move in and out of Funland via their amateur tech lab setup in the head quarters of the evil corporation who runs Funland.
The 'Saladman'
Andrew . L . Freddricks, also known as the 'Saladman' to the kids in the cityscape is the CEO of L.I.V.E Corp. The company that developed and produced the Funland program. He built the company from the ground up after seeing his child suffer in the cityscape due to pollution levels and toxic fumes being belched from other manufacturing facilities and the lack of care the government had taken with controlling pollution levels. However slowly he was corrupted by money and power which changed his motivations.
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Area Designs





The top most image shows an initial design for what one of the sleep pods they sleep in could be like. I later decided logically it would be ineffective and decided to opt for a shop freezer section like set of doors. Below that are some mixed ideas for different sets including Funland, Cityscape, the Company headquaters possible streets and buildings in Funland, a different idea for how the kids could be put into Funland via a headset in a room and the base/lair for the virtual kids when they are in Funland.
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Damien Designs

I had always planned for this character to be the outsider of the group, what changed was the type of outsider. I had a few ideas where they were the a weirdo others where they just isolated themselves into being the outsider which is like the design i settled on which was the top right, keeping the giant coat.
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