#astro rants in class
elementalalien27 · 20 hours
Happy Birthday Mr Pilgrim!
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(Lets ignore how I’m sneaking pics of my comic in class-)
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no1ryomafan · 10 months
This is such a stupid thing I think about consistently among the swarm of daily stupid recollections I have because I really need to learn to let go of getting upset at small things but there isn’t a single fucking day I don’t think about a few months back at my community college campus when everyone was out in the hallway waiting for the anime club to start that the subject of old anime was mentioned and someone UNIRONICALLY said “wait there was anime before the 80s?” And I felt years of my lifespan be ripped off.
This might always live rent free in my head because how the FUCK does this happen.
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro observations #6
• Scorpio suns with Capricorn moons are very calculating and when jealous it can show pretty visibly.
• Cancer suns with Virgo risings are so chill!! Literally the type to give you some real advice and listen to your rants.
• Libra suns with Capricorn moons are charming and very friendly but also very reserved about their personal lives.
• Libra suns with Taurus moons are very much foodies and tend to have sweet/smooth & soft voices.
• Pisces suns with Gemini moons are really sweet and charming. Also very intelligent.
• Aries suns with Cancer moons literally must be protected at all costs!!
• Virgo suns with Virgo moons are so nice and down to earth. Also very analytical and you’ll often find them zoned out with this worried look on their face as they bite their lip or their nails.
• Sagittarius suns with Aquarius moons are my kind of people lol. Love love love traveling and are almost always away from home. They’re also sweet and understanding! And if they have a Sag mercury? Very hilarious and bold!!
• Taurus suns with Leo moons/Gemini venuses are definitely the class clowns!
• Scorpios suns with Libra moons give off very fast mentally vibes and constantly worrying about attractive people not likening them, especially if they have a Sag venus.
• Scorpio mars people are CHILLLL. But you don’t wanna see them mad or be on their bad side.
• Gemini placements tend to overthink everything before things even happen. Especially Gemini risings, no wonder they’re always nervous.
• Aquarius moons tend to have a squared jaw which oftentimes makes their faces look more rounder.
• Leo suns with Leo moons tend to have sharp jawlines!!
• Pisces suns with Aries mercuries are menaces! Lmaooo😂.
• Virgo suns with Virgo mercuries have a sexy logical way of thinking and speaking!!
• Virgo suns with Libra mercuries are more about what sounds fair.
• Virgo suns with Leo mercuries are wilddd.💀 I have mistaken them for Pisces suns with Aries mercuries at times.
• Taurus suns with Sagittarius moons have an obsession with video games I swear.
• Taurus sun & Earth moon parent-Scorpio sun & Earth moon child dynamics tends to be horrible! The Taurus sun-Earth moon parent will literally hold a 30+ year grudge against the Scorpio sun-Earth moon child and might belittle them or remind them of their failures often. They might also single them out or the Taurus sun-Earth moon parent might’ve always played favourites.
• Leo sun-Aqua moon & Cap sun-Gemini moon duos tend to joke a lot and laugh a lot together, even make fun of people in their faces lmao. Literally the type to be waving big jugs of water around, throwing water at each other in the middle of the street while laughing their asses off and walking bare footed. They might also argue at times or think one betrayed the other but besides that they’re very loyal to each other.🤞🏽
• Libra suns can be very caring and also give great advice.
• Aquarius sun people might be a little dry especially when you first meet them and throughout the friendship there may be a little awkwardness in the air but they’re very funny and very original!
• Virgo sun men with Aries risings why are you so fine?😩
• Water suns with Earth mars why are you so intuitively and physically sexy? 😻
• Gemini suns with Leo moons and Aries mars so hot!!🥵
• Fire venuses are sooo attractive!!
• Tbh I love Cap venuses because they’re not “gold diggers” they choose to slowly build a connection with someone instead of just jumping straight into a relationship. And they also wanna insure stability into their relationships—and there’s nothing wrong with that!
• Scorpio venuses tend to get attached easily! I love that placement!! Same with Scorpio mars!
• Taurus mars are literally so attractive!!!
• Sag mars are so fun!!
• Air in big 3 have a thing for saying ‘I’ll be there inna minute.” And “Okay I’ll do it inna minute”.🧐
• Aries risings, Sag risings, Cap risings and Gemini risings are fineee!!🤤
• Virgo risings might not show their smarts outwardly but they’re very smart people!
• Aquarius placements take the cake for being the most eccentric but why aren’t people talking about Gemini and Libra placements being eccentric too? Especially the moons! I see a lot of people with Libra moons especially, express themselves through art even down to the clothes their wear and their hair colors. And Gemini placements? Also tend to be eccentric and futuristic. Especially if there’s a mix of water in the charts.
• Libra suns/risings/moons can be so petty mostly when underdeveloped.
• Gemini suns/risings/moons can be the worst gossips if underdeveloped.
• Sagittarius suns with Libra moons and Sagittarius mercuries/venuses literally have my heart. <3
• Underdeveloped Cancer risings can be very emotionally manipulative. And if they have a Cancer Venus even worse!
• More matured Cancer risings are literally so nurturing, loving and very thoughtful.<3
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neptxn3 · 3 months
Omg gurl…. In your most recent astro notes you talk about Aquarius placements and innovative ideas……. And lemme tell you, I’ve never read something more accurate 😭😭 As someone who has a huge Aquarius stellium, people always talking about how we’re “innovators with a desire to change the world” made me wonder why doesn’t that feeling come to me 😭😭 Like its not that I don’t care about bettering the world, but it’s just not the first and biggest motivation to do things. I feel seen 🙏 🙏 (which is unsurprisingly rare). So yeah just wanted to let you know that I heavily relate to what you said. Sorry if the rant was unnecessary, but I hope you have a nice day 🫶🤍
This is so cute I love inboxes like this thank you so much 🤭 but yes I only realized this as a non Aquarian because I know so many Aquarius’ who do amazing things but have the funniest motivations. A friend of mine is currently in college as an aerospace engineer, so intelligent, top of her class and has such a good reputation in school. Did she do it because she wants to advance space travel for future humans? No, she just likes spaceships 😭 Did another friend create a strike at work because of their unfair wages? No, he just thought the manager was a cunt. I definitely think it comes from being on the same axis as Leo, both signs are self serving (and no this is not a bad thing) but they love the spotlight and they love themselves most of all and if making life changing choices for humanity is what an Aquarius needs to do to fuel their own selfish reasons I have nothing against it, in fact I encourage it🤷🏽‍♀️
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sophieinwonderland · 13 days
While reading the Community Guidelines to figure out what to report Astro for, I realized that you have often gotten very close to those boundaries. You seem to regularly dance near the red line in your more inflammatory posts.
Close maybe, but not crossing them. I've also read the guidelines, and am well aware of where the lines are.
It's why I might vague a post I see from an account that has me blocked, but I won't link to or screenshot the user so that nobody could claim I was causing them to be harassed, or that I was block evading them. (In truth, I was kind of disappointed in Nox for repeatedly contacting Problemaddtic after Problemaddtic blocked them.)
I rather like this blog, so I know where the lines are so as not to cross them. If I happen to dance close to the lines sometimes then so be it.
My angry rants, I think, are fine. Tumblr protects race, gender, and sexual orientations. But they don't protect bigots... or opinions in general. You can say all the hateful things you want about a political party like Republicans and Democrats for example, but you can't about a protected class of people, such as for their race, gender or sexual orientation.
None of my angrier posts qualify as hate speech. And I think the fact that I don't screenshot or name people who have me blocked, even the ones who are literally talking directly about me and attacking me by name, keeps me safe from reports of harassment.
And while some will accuse me of making "threats," these are threats of causing societal change they won't like. Not threats of me causing them direct violent or financial harm. Just a general "people won't like you if you keep being bigoted." And even these aren't targeted towards a specific person, but more at a general nebulous group.
So yeah, I do dance close to the red line at times.
But I avoid stepping over that line, unlike many other syscoursers.
And if me getting close to the red line provokes an anti-endo into crossing it, well, hopefully we'll have one less anti-endo to deal with.
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Asking some writers/artists I follow:
Is there anything in your fic/comic that you as the author know about, but won't end up in the actual story?
There is. a lot.
Spoilers for Spider's Web With Strings Attached (and a really long rant) below the cut
When she took Donnie's mask after Heinous Green bashed his head in, she kept it in her vault in case she needed to perform some sort of magic that required his DNA some day.
Big Mama never intended for Donnie to die.
That being said, she still recorded and sold copies of Donnie's death. It's her most sold recording ever.
Viper requested to fight Leo. Big Mama only agreed if she kept him alive and able to fight.
Like she got the orb that she captured all of New York in from Draxum, Big Mama got the spider brooches from Draxum many years ago. She only had two; she was lying about the other two for Raph and Mikey.
Before he knew where the twins were, Mikey kept having visions of them fighting people and getting hurt. He thought they were just nightmares.
Heinous Green was in the arena because Big Mama often partners with the Hidden City police. Criminals can work of time by serving the community. In this case, they serve the community by providing entertainment Roman Coliseum style.
Big Mama's family introduced arena fights to the humans.
There was going to be a fight where Tyrian fought a scorpion and writhed with agonizing poison for a chapter, but I forgot about it until it was too late to add it -_-
Raph and Mikey's arena names would have been Rouge and Terracotta.
Big Mama was panicking the majority of the fic. Because she kidnapped them very illegally, she had to manage their food, housing, medical care, and fight arrangements herself so none of the people who normally do that (legally) would get suspicious. Honestly, Big Mama didn't expect them to become SO well loved, and then worried about keeping audience interest by putting the twins in harder fights, but not killing off her greatest assets. She, like everyone else, thought that Leo would snap first. When Donnie snapped first and proved to be a very effective killer, some of the audience grew worried about what was happening behind the scenes and raised questions Big Mama couldn't answer. Panicking, she set up the death bracket, hoping that becoming the champion would turn public opinion of Tyrian positive again. She miscalculated, and Donnie died. She also didn't intend for Leo to get mixed up in the bracket. A LOT of people lost a LOT of money, and her stocks dropped. At that point, it became less about business and money making and much more about getting revenge via torture. By the time she offered Astros the 'out' that was one final fight, she was stressed out of her mind with upholding her reputation. Had Leo been in his right mind, he would have seen how much she was unraveling.
Todd turned his non profit lemonade into a fundraiser to find the twins back when they were first missing. There were a LOT of posters and Big Mama had a FIELD DAY trying to take them all down.
Mikey and Raph tried for DAYS to get the trackers back online, but it never worked.
After hearing that Donnie had died, Hypno, Warren, Meat Sweats, and Repo got together and made the Hamatos a gift basket.
April is failing most of her classes right now.
At some point during the recovery arc, Donnie snuck out to secretly turn every blinking red light in the Lair green. You know exactly why.
Raph was wrong when he said crime had been way down since the invasion. Casey Jr had been handling it without anyone knowing. The Purple Dragons hate him a lot now.
Draxum learned slang words from school, but April taught him what they meant
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cleopheanne · 19 days
Would yall jump me if I rant on here ??
It's just so difficult right now 😪
First off I freaking hate medschool, worst week of my life, I didn't made one friend and my whole friend group just splash so I can't even see them in class anymore I know it seems childish but I litteraly came back to my childhood where I was alone all the fucking time.
First I wouldn't care about this if my mother didn't died she was my whole life, yes maybe she was a very austere woman but she was my best friend it just fucking hurt to not see her anymore, I just miss her so bad, she used to protect me a lot and she had the same character as me so I feel like maybe that's why we use to argue so much also because I was a rude and moody teenager but just when I started to mature and reconcialate with her she left me and I just feel like there is nobody in the world who will see me and understand like she did and that's okay because this is place only a mother could have. She gave me structure because she knew of my elusive character, she thaught me a lot about all kinds of subjects, and I held her opinion highly, Anyway I litteraly behaved as an extension of my mother for majority of my childhood and I can't even realize this, that she is truly gone and will never comeback and I don't even have the time to process this. Now this catastrophe made me realize that I have a strong dislike for superficial connections, now that she is gone and people saying that they are my friends not even taking this in consideration makes me realize that I need to make to cut a couple of people off like it's just so disrespectful to her for me to be out here making it seem as nothing is weird when I don't even feel alive anymore...
Anyways I'm forced to stay with some family friends because first off I don't live I'm my country of origin and my dad went to bury my mom while I can't attend the funeral because everybody knows that she pretty much died because of witchcraft I know seems wild but my family history is that wild anyway I just am so tired of always having to give to people and I just want a fresh start and forget about these damn friends anyways
Also, Grief is a very weird experience despite of the fact that I went through it multiple times I just feel like shit when I catch myself breaking in tears because I still didn't realize that my mother is gone. Do you have any books or movies that I could read/watch in relation to grief to face my pain ? Art is the only way that I most of time process emotions
Also for this astro posts you might notice that I don't really feel comfortable right now to post since my studies are very demanding and I don't feel right so when I'll actually find my right foot I will comeback with even more interesting pieces !
Anyways this was just a rant if you read it thank you I just needed to get this of my chest !
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foximator-blog · 10 months
in all seriousness i find it appalling that the mm4 robot masters are under the DWN prefix instead of DCN on account of the fact those 8 were manufactured by Cossack [this also applies for tundra man in 11]
Wily has a nasty habit of being lazy and just stealing robots, and yet he has the Audacity to call Light a Plagiarist in 11. Even with original robots like the Dark men, Mega man killers, Bass, King, the copy Mega man with the purple scarf, and the Genesis unit accounted for, Wily has still stolen more robots than he's actually built.
MM1: Light
MM2: His own bots
MM3: Seven of these are technically a conjoined effort between Wily and Light, but Shadow man was found in some ancient ruins and Wily repaired him with a ninja motif. The robots using the DWN label is... Debatable here and a bit complicated, but because I hate Wily's guts, and Seven out of 8 weren't supposed to be for combat anyway. I'm going to count the MM3 cast as stolen. Despite most fanworks and the manga treating them as purely Wily created.
MM4: Cossacks robots. Not Wily's. Their code should be DCN, not DWN
MM5: Okay, Wily got off his lazy ass and built his own robots again for once. Good job Wily.
MM6: Made by various Scientists around the world and kidnapped after being tricked by a fake tournament. For Shame, Wily!
MM World V: Made by aliens to be war machines. Not Wily's work.
MM7: Many people think that the four pods in the start contain the four robots you face at the start of the game, and that wily quickly built the last 4... But I disagree after reading their descriptions in the field guide. Plus it would usually takes time to develop A.I. and test weapons. Plus all their descriptions describe them as having jobs either for, or not for Wily before the events of seven. Burst man, Freeze man, Cloud man, and Shade man were all stolen. And Slash, Junk, Spring, and Turbo were the ones he built, and most likely were the ones to break him out of prison.
MM8: Another mix of built and stolen. Wily stole Tengu, Astro, Clown, and Aqua. And Wily actually built Sword, Frost and Grenade. The source on wether or not Search is stolen varies... But out of spite I also class him as stolen.
MM&B: Wily's involvement is void, as King is the one doing the stealing and building. Though, Wily did build King.
MM9: Light's creations again.
MM10: All robots unfortunate enough to fall victim to Wily's virus. So no he didn't build them.
MM11: All stolen.
DOS: not necessarily canon. But all nine are stolen in my AU so let's count them.
That means that out of 126 boss characters (Excluding Mega man, Roll, and Proto man), Wily has literally only built roughly 36 (my math might be off. My brain is fried after this rant) meaning he's stolen 90 of those robots.
36 is impressive for one guy to build, but compared to the robots Wily has stolen and in some cases aside from light, taken credit for... Yeesh
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lilithian-labyrinth · 7 months
Astro Rant LOL
What are your thoughts on his Venus square my uranus, my venus square his saturn in synastry? But in composite, we have like saturn mercury sun conjuct in cancer, moon conjunct venus in leo, and like venus trine chiron double whammy.... a lot of other nice aspects like my mercury conjunct his moon, his mercury sextile my moon... Juno SN dw... idk anymore LOL (His saturn conjucts my moon tho ) like so many other saturn sextiles with each others chart too..
i once heard having saturn jupiter sextile is good? thats a DW here
One way i see venus sq uranus playing out is, we literally studied in same institute for a year, adjacent class, did not even meet... and after one more year we met in college.
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ioletia · 5 months
The FFXIV community has an issue- and that issue is the constant coddling of sprouts. The game is so easy, or has been made so easy, that anyone can learn it... And yet, I have seen some pants on head levels of idiot the last few weeks that have really tried my patience.
There are the whole collection of tanks that don't roll their mitigations- and when told to do so, they either stop using them altogether or say, "I am." No, honey, you're not. That's why I'm having to spam my gcd heals at you to keep you alive.
There are the whole host of healers who... Just can't? I had a healer the other day who "mained" Astro for "600 hours" and yet didn't know how their cards functioned- and then kept running out of mana because the two DPS had terrible gear and everything was taking forever. And then telling them that just drawing the cards themselves will fix their mana issues was responded with, "No, I'll learn the cards when the Dawntrail rework happens." What...
And then the DPS. I had a Samurai the other day who was purposefully taking damage just to pop his Third Eye. He was collecting vuln stacks like candy- and when I told him to stop he said, "But, I'll just heal it back- I have bloodbath." What... No. Not how that works. There was a Red Mage who ONLY used his melee abilities. I tried explaining to them that Red Mages were mainly a caster class and that their melee abilities are just there as spenders- and they cast one spell, didn't even use the dual cast, and went back to doing no damage with their sword.
And the community just lets this happen. People will actually defend this nonsense saying, "They're sprouts- they're learning." No, Karen, they aren't. They are refusing to learn and ruining the game that I'm paying for, all while they're still probably on the free trial. Fuck you. I am so frustrated by this. I'm just trying to gear up classes for Dawntrail- and the daily roulette has just become this constant mentor roulette where I'm having to deal with people not bothering to even learn the basics of the game that they're playing. And I'm not even doing the mentor roulette!
Ugh, such toxicity.
AND, while I'm ranting, USPS "delivered" my gay furry cologne to the wrong house... And now I'm sitting here hoping that no one opens it, because I don't want to explain why I'm buying cologne that smells that rat balls.
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biggerb0at · 5 months
man what gets disappointing in classes not being in stormblood they make up for crafter being in stormblood
like the far east only exists for NIN,DRG, and SAM. MNK and DRK went to ala mhigo, but all the others they stayed in ARR and HW areas.
meanwhile my crafting jobs took me to stormblood areas.
reaper didnt even go anywhere like I know Garlemald is only one location and its not the best story spot but there are stormblood areas where it could have been placed for a garlen refugee like come on really uldah of all places.
like I wanna be in the new content zone so they dont feel dry like if dragoon could make their story fit the far east into it so could the others, even astro eventually went to kugane.
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asunas-junk-drawer · 1 year
September 19th
i had no idea what to wear today. i just went with a black tank top and jeans with sneakers. i dont really think it matched. but its okay. i was particularly insecure about my hair though. i was trying to cut it with scissors as of recent during lunchtime, but my friend astro was being a bitch and ripped away the scissors from me. even when i told her that i was just trying to cut off my split ends, since im insecure…
i did stand up for myself tho… i told her to give them back to me and she actually did do that. she did back off thankfully. im working on trying to get her to understand boundaries as well. also today, she saw that i was texting some weird guy who goes to our school (she literally looked over my shoulder just so she could see……,,,,..). then she went on a rant and went ‘stop texting him, block him’. but like the thing is that im literally a lesbian????? plus i know that hes weird (well call him fei. hes kind of a weirdo who has a hentai pfp for his instagram acc. plus astro says that he watched hentai during class….). but like all he does is send memes to me…! plus i don’t even like him, but im pretty sure that astro doesnt know that since i made a comment about him being kind of fine. i never clarified if i was being serious or not so I guess thats kind of my fault. but she just kept on saying that and stuff…. im thinking of dumping her but the problem is that shes apart of my friend group and has a lot more influence over it than I do (meaning that if i do that, then i might get kicked out of it………). which is bad since i dont have any friends at school other than them, and i wouldnt say that im close with them tbh…….
when i came home, my siblings and parents weren’t there. i did things as normal, but i wanted to go into my old room (my grandma, who is visiting from mexico, is using my room right now, which means that I’m forced to sleep in the living room and have all my clothes in some spare room that we have….) so that i could search for some dresses for homecoming. while searching, i decided to get some heels that were inside of this little box. my grandma had some of her stuff on top of it, and I had to move it away to actually get to the shoes. Underneath the stuff, was fifty solid dollars. i stole it. It’s justified though because my grandma is a total bitch. i won’t go into too much detail, but she basically wants my dad to go back to mexico with her so that he can take care of her or something idk…. to reach this goal of hers, shes been trying to make my parents fight, so then she could get into my dads head and convince him to go back with her. She’s tried doing this once before.
when my parents got back home, my mom told me about stuff that happened with my grandma. She told me that while they were at the self checkout aisle for Walmart, that she forgot to scan a couple of items and technically stole from the store because my mom was distracted from my grandmas rambling. my mom got mad at my grandma because she didn’t like a doll that my mom picked out for my baby sister (the doll had a darker skin color). Basically my grandma was being colorist and kept saying that it was ugly just because of that…. (My mom literally has darker skin while my grandmother is racially white, but ethnically mexican). So yeahhh….
i don’t regret stealing those fifty dollars. My grandma is blind anyway…. It’s not like she’d notice lol
Listen to this. it’s a good song.
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1111jenx · 3 years
some astro notes🪴
— for a Thursday evening
check out my other astro notes and rants here
Mercury dominant/placements people may have a deep interest in business! They might also have incredibly insights when it comes to the business world. They also don't need a teacher to teach them certain things, a lot of Mercurians are self-taught geniuses by all means lol.
Not only does Jupiter in the 11th house people are good with social settings, they're also great with people of authority or people who work with the law!
Prominent Leo placements must learn to control their feelings or anger. Leo ruled over heart diseases so meditation may benefit them a lot!
Virgo risings or prominent Virgo placements actually are lovers of the art🪴 Very artistic people deep down.
Many Capricorn risings/placements tend to have a long face with narrow chin. They also usually have the prettiest short,round nose💞
Sagittarius rising/1H usually have a well-proportioned, strong body! The people with 15°-18° Sagittarius Rising may even have some eye vision issues.
People who have Sun in the first or Moon in the first usually have a lot of dignity! They're very prideful by nature no matter what. Grow to become more self awared as they age!
Sun in the 7th house will be looked up to by younger generations! As they age so will their knowledge and people tend to honor them a lot:)
Moon in the 7th may have had a lot of sorrow in their younger years. They become their best selves later in life.
Moon in the 6th and Mars in the 12th people tend to have a lot illnesses or health issues that stay with them despite their age! They need to pay attention to their health more intensively🥺
Venus in 9th house may have very.. sexual dreams? Like if they do get steamy dream usually its very pornographic-like😀 help
Venus in 9th house tend to stay single for a long time and they honestly might not get married too early.
Jupiter in the 9th however may have very prophetic dreams!! Pretty intuitive by nature too.
Moon in the 9th house will have many journeys in this life to discover new territories of emotions or people while Sun in the 9th house will have many profitable journeys!
Saturn in 9th house may have a lot of nightmares or sleep issues :(
Scorpio Venus usually have parents who are drastically different from one another in terms of classes or personalities.
Venus in the first/Venus (Taurus&Libra) placements and Venus dominant women might have very pretty sparkly eyes! Their iris tend to be big too💕
Venus in 12th house are actually pretty interesting people. A lot of them are not as shy as people like to think. In fact, its considered a placement indicating shamelessness (come for me love. i have it too😄)
Moon in the 12th house people must be careful with their circles as its likely for them to have many hidden enemies:(
Jupiter in the 12th house could have a dislike towards big animals or they could experience some kind of unpleasant personal encounters with big animals. Very random but you guys should for sure check it out!
Individuals with North Node in the first once correctly enabled and developed will live a fortunue and powerful life:) Very affluent people.
Mars in the 2nd may have been victims of theft. Let me elaborate. It is possible that something of them, whether tangible or intangible was stolen by others. Therefore they grew to become very territorial when it comes to certain things. Those are their "icks"
Mars in the 10th house may have a lot of quarrels with their blood family! The fights are usually very explosive.
Mars in the 7th house may often finds themselves with friends who soon to become their enemies. It is hard for them to trust.
Venus in the 7th however, find themselves laving a life free of controversy. Doesn't mean that its 100% drama-free but rather they prefer to keep it like that as they grow.
Mercurians/or Mercury dominant people are actually very forgetful, especially when its the smaller things! Their brains are filled with other fun fact you can't expect them to remember when your birthday is okay🥰
Mercury in the 4th house natived usually give off a nonjudgmental attitude and they tend to have a good understanding towards everything.
Mercury in the first along with beneficial placements to Jupiter, North Node, Neptune and Pluto(no square or oppositions) may indicate being very naturally great at mathematics!!! (Also Saturn in the 9th💦)
Also Mercury in first people may come off as very graceful🤎
Mercury dominant people might naturally have darker hair colour (brown)
Mercury in the 7th house and South Node in the 7th house tend to have enemies who are very public.
Saturn in the 5th house have terrific negotiations skills🥰
The dining room in the house is ruled by Gemini while Leo rules chimneys and places near fire. The cellars are ruled by Cancer and the ceiling is ruled by Gemini.
Heres a very short astro note post for you guys🤎 Remember that these placements may apply during your transits too!! ie: transit mars in your 10th means issues with your family may rise during this period.
If you have anymore questions please leave one under and I'll reply to y'all 💞💞
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saint jenx🪐
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to match why you became mod with the thief/prince discourse i decided. heir/lord discourse. heirs are objectively better than the lords, by a lot obviously. lords aint fucking protected by their aspect but GUESS WHAT. HEIRS ARE FUCKING PROTECTED BY THEIR ASPECT! WHICH IS PRETTY MUCH MORE GODDAMN DOPE THAN AHHH I AM MY ASPECT AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I CAN CONTROL IT!!
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Before I go off on a rant, I want to preface that your chosen godtier is your own opinion and how you view yourself and your “narrative”, and nothing I say following this aims to invalidate those views. I’m just saying why I personally am not a fan of them.
The issue I have with self-classpected master class godtiers is that they are essentially buffs meant for an already lost game. Master classes have all this power and flashiness and all that stuff, but in essence are slaves to the narrative and cannont escape the losing fate of their session, which is usually so stacked against that that they literally HAVE to break the game to win (see Lord English’s Monunmental Tantrum And Its Consequences and Causes, or as most people know it: Homestuck).
Self-Classpects Master Class Godtiers are the equivalent of a child on the playground going “nuh uh i didnt die I had on a bulletproof vest that is made of super rubber so actually the bullet you shot me with from your finger gun actually went right back and got you so i win”.
There is something to be said about a legitimate classpect where circumstances could fit a master class, but like tumblr user striderhell said, there’s so many more interesting stories to be told with the 12 regular classes. Like Rose for example. As a Seer of Light, she has all this supposed knowledge, but no experience or frame of reference for how to properly use it, which causes a lot of problems for her in the home run. THAT’S AN INTERESTING STORY!
tl;dr - Master Classes are good for narratives, but boring for characters, and ultimately pointless for people.
- Mod Astro
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jxmieswxnter · 4 years
Hello friend! Like I said, @neptunium134 and I have loads of AU up our sleeves. What do you think of College/University AU?
University AU
Gavin - Computing Degree
took a year out to save money for university and is now final year computing; hacks for fun; perpetually tired; headaches from staring at screens too long in the dark so occasionally wears blue light glasses; crams last minute; in the theatre club, usually in a support/side kick role; shares a flat with Dan; the one make the best tea
Dan - Art History Masters
got his degree in history but found he had love for art along the way, and so has gone on to an art history masters; dark academia aesthetic but lazy - boots and thrifted trousers and his shirt never matches his tie but he’s got the colour scheme down; runs on caffeine; will rant about art history to anyone who will listen and even those that don’t; human rights activist; loves museums; shares a flat with Gavin; the one that does the dishes
Ben - Business Degree
second year business; lives on his own in a studio flat designed for students off campus; will wip your ass, no provocation needed; social butterfly; plays for the university cricket team; will wear his cricket jumpers to class because he can; basic fashion but he makes it work; most likely to get drunk and end up in someone’s bed, but he will always respect the other person and go out of his way for the other if they’re not one of his friends-with-benefits mates; confident bi; sex positive and supportive of his friends putting themselves out there
Charlie - Nursing Degree
in his second year of nursing; moved off campus and in with a friend of a friend, Kate, because her roommate ditched last minute, and they become really good friends; everyone thinks their dating and it’s agitating because he can’t get a date; morning person; lets the others talk about their degrees because it makes them smile; can function on two hours of sleep with no side effects; the only one with any patience; funky sweaters; likes to hike; cabincore; owns corduroy trousers; environmental activist
Jamie - Astrophysics Degree
first year astro; still living on campus but plans to move out for second year if he can; always late to class; despite studying space, he’s still a sucker for stars; owns a telescope and binoculars; will rant about constellations; panicked bi; will drink two iced coffees and an energy drink just to make it through the day; “extra espresso no depresso;” light grunge aesthetic but lives in the same hoodie every day; bit of a himbo
How they all meet:
Gavin and Dan met briefly when Dan went to a theatre performance, but it was only a passing conversation. They met properly when the theatre production wanted some historically accurate history information, and Dan was there to help. He helped Gavin with understanding the old, old-timely language of his play, and they bonded over their love of old theatre. They moved in together at the start of Gavin’s second year, which was Dan’s third, and they’ve been living together since.
Ben’s friend Gail knew Gavin - both in theatre group - and they met at an after party. They slept together, a casual thing, but when Gavin said he wasn’t interested in anything else, Ben was cool with that, and they continued to be friends with no awkwardness.
Kate dragged Charlie out because she’s worried he doesn’t have a social like - which is true - and is introduced to microbiology student Kam. Kam dragged along Jamie because he hadn’t left the house properly in a week, and so Jamie and Charlie were introduced. Charlie was a little to happy and bright for Jamie at first, but after hanging out a few times, with Kate and Kam, they became good friends.
Charlie and Ben met at a university event, raising money for charity. Their university was partnered with another, and the cricket teams were to play off, charity bets being taken as well as donations. Charlie helped set up the event and was running around like mad on the day. They ran into each other, literally, and Charlie kept seeing him throughout the day, so made an effort to speak to him and get him into the university newsletter.
They all met at another fundraiser event. It was a weekend long thing, and all a lot of fun. Charlie, again, helped organise it. Dan helped as this was more along the human rights thing - not to say he doesn’t care about environmental issues, or anything else, but he’s better educated in human issues. Charlie had invited Kate and Jamie and Kam - he encouraged everyone and anyone to come. Kate met up with an old friend, and Kam spent time with her girlfriend, so Jamie naturally gravitated more to Charlie. Charlie introduced Ben and Jamie, and then Ben introduced Gavin and Dan to them as well. The five of them all got along really well that day, and even helped to tidy up at the end. They also saw each other around campus enough that relationships were never strained, and they kept meeting up as a group to hang out, and things went from there.
Their relationship:
They spend a lot of time at Dan and Gavin’s because it’s the biggest flat and also because of it’s location - it isn’t too far from the university so Jamie can walk but it’s far enough that the area isn’t swamped with students, and it’s also close to Charlie’s and Ben’s. They will order take-out - they eat a lot of Chinese food - and sit on the floor and play board games over dinner, even if they make a mess over the monopoly board. They go the cinema together. They’ll try to push each other out of their comfort zones.
Over winter break, they all went ice skating. Dan was surprisingly elegant. Gavin was unsurprisingly not. Charlie was quite good, but held onto the barrier for a while until Ben pried him away. Jamie had fun despite how often he felt - overconfidence and wanting to show off a little but hey, sometimes you want to impress your friends.
Charlie has a crush on Dan. It’s nothing serious, but his heart does flutter when Dan smiles. Kate gives him a good tease about it, but she thinks they’d be cute together. Dan us a cuddle kind of guy, regardless if he’s dating them, and so will happily cuddle up with Charlie - or anyone really - when they watch films. Dan does, perhaps, have a little crush on Charlie, but he doesn’t believe Charlie could ever like him back.
Gavin called Charlie every single time he’s ill, saying he’s dying, only for Charlie to come round in the evening to say he’s just got a cold.
Ben has tried to team Jamie cricket a few times. Despite his bulkier appearance, Jamie is surprisingly bad at cricket.
Dan makes the best homemade cookies, and will always make a batch whenever it’s someone’s birthday.
@midsomer4life @neptunium134 so how’s this one? honestly i may have gone a little overboard??
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moonlightkitkat · 4 years
ML:NYS reaction
Here’s my set of reactions from when I was watching the special, I wrote it all while I was watching. It’s a little scatterbrained lol
The opening is so pretty!
Oh this interaction is adorable! The wholesomeness!
But oh my god I had to pause because this is what I love! Chat can show affection and care about her, but I love how he’s taking her feelings into the gift he brings. He knows that she doesn’t want anything with romantic connotations because it’s leading him on, so instead he offers a rose of friendship, a truce. And I love how after hearing this, Ladybug immediately warms up and accepts, thanking him and offering kind words as well. I’m two minutes in and I already love this. 
Also the animation is so pretty!!
Oh Marinette no.. not the photos.. not the excuses.. ;-;
Yes Tikki hold her accountable!
Oh thank god I wanted my Chloe here
SHE'S PREGNANT?! Oh that poor baby
No no no no no no n no no no no Marinette please stop, please oh my god I’m dying on the inside
Oh my god she put his perfume on her pillow? Why? Why have her do this.
Oh my god she pulled a Twilight Sparkle and ranted about the power of friendship
Oh I know he’s lying but oh that’s such a sweet thing to say.
Gabriel why are you a JERK
That’s so cute! I love that!
Marinette no ;-;
“I’m as serious as it can get.” *squeak*, giggles. That’s adorable
I-I’m actually shocked that Ladybug didn’t think of that
 That’s pretty smart Adrien.
I’m still creeped out by the Snow White like case Emilie is in
Oh no she’s ranting about Adrien I’m crying 
Oh this is definitely fic material
Oh Marinette does not look happy about seeing Adrien 
Chloe’s arrival is amazing 
Alya what the heck
Oh god Marinette no
Oh my hands are crInging-NO HE FELL ON HER
Okay that art is adorable but Marinette looks terrified
Wooowwww the manipulation there lol, nice job class
Oh thank goodness, 
Oh poor Marinette
Ivan and Mylene are cuddling!
Wow Marinette is tiny
Awww DjWifi snuggles
wait why didn’t Mari sit with Rose?
Oh poor Marinette ;-;
Bro she’s physically uncomfortable, why would you move closer?
Oh that’s so cute-nevermind
Same Alya
Same Nino
They’re adorable but I hate this
I’m sorry WHAT
captain Marvel??
Alya is such a nerd I love her
Wair, do actual superheroes exist in this universe? Why hasn’t anyone shown up to help Paris??
wow the cat based pun
“Lil croissants on route,” that’s CUTE
Oh it was just puppets
Jess, yes I like her
Is she an actual AI?
Oh poor Sabrina ;-;
Nice reflexes 
Oh no
Oh now this is adorable, I like the soft music playing in the background 
Hot dog Dan?
Rapunzel Sabrina???
Aww that's cute 
They’re flying!
This is really really cute, but.... aren’t Adrien and Kagami together?
Oh this is such a cute dance
Oh Marinette no....
“Repetitive behaviors,” is that a joke about how they never change?
Adrie is definitely in love, but isn’t he with, you know, KAGAMI?!
What on earth is with Jess’s eyebrows?
Wait, I'm sorry are they sending supervillains to trap them in??
Hawkmoth is wearing a seatbelt, that’s hilarious
Did.. did he seriously offer the atomic bomb
Ohhh a hologram
Oh that’s a cool supervillain 
Did you ... need to transform though? You could have just pushed her out of the way
Theyre so DUMB
Batman? Nope, just Hawkmoth
Oh Ladybug is MAD. Rightfully so though
Oh yes tell him off
Wait, they’ve heard of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Why hasn’t anyone come to help them?
Oh my god she can actually bring people back to life
Ooooo chase scene
Teenage mutant super teens
Oh my god that’s terrifying for what happened to Paris
We are learning a lot about Ladybugs Powers, I’m loving this
Oh those two are lesbi-OH THEY'RE ACTUALLY LESBIANS
....Wow Zag is having fun with her cleavage AREN'T they?
Oh Marinno ;-;
oh this is so sad
I’m getting umbrella scene flashbacks
And Marinette being a thief has come back into
Why are her boobs so BIG
Is this just proof of how dangerous the DC superheroes are?
Wait these three heroes really are just Superman, Batman, Captain America aren’t they? 
I love the AI’s hair so much, it’s so pretty
Wow Jess was won over so quickly
All powerful magic? Useless against a simple AI
Wow he was won over quickly.. is he just really impulsive? That’s.. really not the best quality in a superhero who has the power to destroy whatever he touches.
Plagg that’s TOO CUTE
Wow I am So impressed by Jess
Awww hug
She forgave him a little too easily 
He lost his TAIL
Sparrow is transforming into an Eagle I love this
Ooooooooooooo I love her use of the power
Wow he legitimately s-YES ATTA GIRL
h-how did that reach the sun so fast
I thought Chat hit the guy and not the cuffs and I had a heart attack
You’ve known her for less than a day and you trust her with a miraculous?? Wait, they know all about the miraculous?? But how?
Also I’m really happy that we have an ingenious superhero! I’m really happy that her costume isn’t sexual used, and isn’t a LEOTARD
I’m really curious about what actual ingenious people think about her as a character and her uniform
Wait, she has dreamcatchers for earrings?
Why is she looking so buff in that suit
Oh? Is this a teaser for the Shanghai episode?
Oh that’s such a cute little banner for Adrien
That is a very underwhelming entrance and speech. Talk about rushed how did he say that with one BREATH
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