#sorry friend of the blog striderhell I know I got off point from the original ask
to match why you became mod with the thief/prince discourse i decided. heir/lord discourse. heirs are objectively better than the lords, by a lot obviously. lords aint fucking protected by their aspect but GUESS WHAT. HEIRS ARE FUCKING PROTECTED BY THEIR ASPECT! WHICH IS PRETTY MUCH MORE GODDAMN DOPE THAN AHHH I AM MY ASPECT AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I CAN CONTROL IT!!
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Before I go off on a rant, I want to preface that your chosen godtier is your own opinion and how you view yourself and your “narrative”, and nothing I say following this aims to invalidate those views. I’m just saying why I personally am not a fan of them.
The issue I have with self-classpected master class godtiers is that they are essentially buffs meant for an already lost game. Master classes have all this power and flashiness and all that stuff, but in essence are slaves to the narrative and cannont escape the losing fate of their session, which is usually so stacked against that that they literally HAVE to break the game to win (see Lord English’s Monunmental Tantrum And Its Consequences and Causes, or as most people know it: Homestuck).
Self-Classpects Master Class Godtiers are the equivalent of a child on the playground going “nuh uh i didnt die I had on a bulletproof vest that is made of super rubber so actually the bullet you shot me with from your finger gun actually went right back and got you so i win”.
There is something to be said about a legitimate classpect where circumstances could fit a master class, but like tumblr user striderhell said, there’s so many more interesting stories to be told with the 12 regular classes. Like Rose for example. As a Seer of Light, she has all this supposed knowledge, but no experience or frame of reference for how to properly use it, which causes a lot of problems for her in the home run. THAT’S AN INTERESTING STORY!
tl;dr - Master Classes are good for narratives, but boring for characters, and ultimately pointless for people.
- Mod Astro
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