#astra: 001
gildedsunshine · 9 months
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through hardships to the stars
Star Trek Graphic Design Series [1/?]
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starrypcrtal · 1 month
@sillymuses has liked/replied here for a starter (for Bill).
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"What are you doing here?" Astra scoffed slightly, a clear hint of wariness forming across her face. She still held onto her grappling hook as she took a few steps back. Bill looks...familiar to her and yet she felt genuine caution about Bill.
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resonette · 1 month
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@chaosfate ↻ ♡   (  not accepting.  ) 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 . . .   dirty laundry , nickelback.
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every rose has its thorns.
the woman entering the run-down galactic bar was evidence enough of that. far too pretty to be a regular and far too uptight to be a criminal, one thing was for sure: seren amphelos did not belong here. everything about her expression, the way she carried herself, the way she ordered her drink read law, and it was for that reason, and the gun on her hip, that there was an edge to the patrons here at the intergalactic tavern , of sorts. she didn't say much, though, aside from her drink order - something simple, smooth. decently strong, yet very obviously a beginner's drink. she sips it, and if she's affected by the taste, it doesn't read on her lips as she takes a cursory glance around the room. eyes, one dark, one golden, lock onto a red jacket somewhere over by a booth, and she approaches.
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when seren makes her way to the booth, leaning against one of the structural beams that kept this place upright, she smiles. the red of her lipstick matches the red of his jacket, and she wonders: was there blood on his hands that was the same color as hers, or was he so good at what he did that there was no need for gunplay? she sips her drink again, unblinking, and then in a motion all too fluid to not imply she's done something like this before, she sits down in front of him. smiling.
" you are not an easy man to find, you know. " seren says, and she hums. " i'm seren. i've heard a great deal about you. "
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elysiium · 2 years
& 𝐑𝐄.  ASTRA  /  @likestvrlight​​   ➔   ❪   central  park , new york   ❫
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IT  WASN’T  OFTEN  that  you  met  a  lone  shadowhunter  ;  most  ,  if  not  all  ,  grew  up  within  idris  or  an  institute  ,  surrounded  by  fellow  shadowhunters  .  so  when  logan  met  and  conversed  with  a  shadowhunter  who  was  not  with  any  of  them  ...  it  piqued  his  interest  .  if  the  clave  wasn’t  in  shambles  ,  perhaps  he  would  have  been  a  good  boy  and  alerted  them  of  his  presence  ,  but  a  part  of  him  knew  that  if  he  did  that  then  this  boy  would  slip  through  their  fingers  ,  potentially  removing  him  from  their  kind  forever  .  and  shadowhunters  belonged  with  one  another  ,  especially  nowadays  with  how  ...  chaotic  everything  has  been  .  he  did  not  expect  their  interaction  to  turn  into  meeting  the  boy’s  mother  ,  but  hey  ...  he  was  GOOD  WITH  MOTHERS  . the  shadowhunter  sat  on  a  park  bench  ,  an  earbud  in  his  ear  listening  to  some  mundane  singer  ,  but  he  takes  it  out  when  he  sees  the  two  approach  him  —  the  young  shadowhunter  he  met  and  his  adoptive  mother  (  he  assumes  )  .  he  stand  up ,  fixing  his  jacket  as  he  does  and  OFFERING  his  hand  out  to  the  stranger  .  ❛  hi  ,  i’m  logan  .  ❜  he  greets  ,  purposely  leaving  out  his  last  name  in  case  the  woman  knows  about  his  family’s  reputation  .  ❛  you  must  be  astra  ?  ❜
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devilbond · 7 months
astraeus tag dump.
✦. ┊ astra
✦. ┊ astra ┊open starters.
✦. ┊ astra ┊closed starters.
✦. ┊ astra ┊headcanons.
✦. ┊ astra ┊answered.
✦. ┊ astra ┊threads.
✦. ┊ astra ┊musings.
✦. ┊ astra ┊aesthetic.
✦. ┊ astra ┊visual.
✦. ┊ astra ┊verse 001.
0 notes
remnantsfm · 1 year
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[02:07KST]. ATTENTION. the ANSAN-ASTRA BROADCASTING CENTER is hereby issuing a SEVERE THUNDERSTORM and FLASH FLOOD WARNING beginning today to the end of the week. various areas around the city will be RESTRICTED for safety. enforcers urge all citizens to EVACUATE from any ground floor residencies, AVOID low-altitude and coastal areas, and SHELTER in high ground with food and clean water supplies. power outages are to be expected. numerous public buildings have been asked to act as temporary shelters in case of any affecte . . . . . . BREAKING: FEARS OF A KILLER-AT-LARGE AMIDST FL . . . . . . se read below for a timeline of events. while rainfall is expected to begin sporadically, thursday-friday will see the heaviest downpours. however, any sudden rainfall should be taken with extreme precaution, and we urge citizens to immediately seek high ground to avoid stranding and/or injuries . . .
the calm. ~tuesday to wednesday (ic).
tuesday, 2am kst: the above alert is issued ahead of an incoming storm cell. by 5am, every major news outlet is calling this the storm of the decade.
tuesday, 8am kst: many awaken to the news. individuals in coastal or low-ground areas are urged to temporarily evacuate. some are skeptical of the real severity of the storm while others tentatively begin to stock up supplies.
tuesday, 12pm kst: temporary shelters become open to the public. notable public areas are apollo medical, the ansan-astra broadcasting center, la mariposa, and world diner. in addition, several cyberclinics and individual homes are opening their doors to small numbers of individuals. flood preparation measures (extra drainage, emergency response teams, flood reservoirs) are activated. panic buying ramps up, with hotspots of looting.
tuesday, 6pm kst: the canals and floodstreets are closed down. the street-level exits of jindallae and black stone apartments are barricaded. entrances to seonjaedo and daebudo are closed down; all residences and businesses on the islands are urged to either evacuate or find high ground to shelter in place.
tuesday night & all day wednesday: on and off rainfall, ranging from light showers to downpours that can cause flash flooding. a brief calm period is expected around late wednesday afternoon, allowing resupplies or relocation before the brunt of the storm.
the storm. ~thursday to friday (ic).
all day thursday: the worst of the storm arrives. power outages are expected, but should be quickly mitigated with power from ansan's emergency city generators. canals are more than likely to flood and damages to buildings and any exposed structures on street level are expected, especially closer to the coast.
thursday evening: [ ? ]
friday, 1am kst: stormclouds begin to thin and rainfall begins to slow. the emergency alert remains in place for until water levels recede.
friday, 6am kst: dawn breaks. the city assesses the damage.
welcome to our first event! ic, event 001 will run through the four in-character days of the storm (tuesday - friday) ; ooc, it will run from 11. july to 28. july to allow enough time for threads.
you can tag both open/closed starters as #rmnt:event001!
expect a small mid-event update around week 2. this will involve an informal OOC, choose-your-own-adventure style voting that will affect the ending of the event, so stay tuned!
threads can take place at any point during the IC event days.
existing threads can continue if they take place before the storm; existing threads can also be transitioned into event threads. event threads will be allowed to continued past the OOC ending date, if they were started during the event.
feel free to headcanon details that weren't specified in this post! you can assume that the city and everyone involved (enforcers, medical responders, etc) are under emergency response mode before the storm.
if you have any specific questions, don't hesitate to ask! we hope you have fun and stay safe !
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dzthenerd490 · 8 months
Department of Universal Affairs
Description: Created in response to the rapid growth of the Foundation and its knowledge about our universe, our reality, the laws that govern it, the anomalies that threaten or could help it, and even the realities outside our own. Created to understand the laws inside and outside our reality relating to other realities, different timelines, the multiverse in general, and even the afterlife. Unknown to most Foundation staff is the DUA's main goal being contingency measures against entities that reside within the dimension known as "The Abyss" where the Scarlet King and many other eldritch horrors and ancient gods reside. 
- Multiverse Management Division: 
Universe-Α-1: "[data expunged by order of the O5 Council]"/ Situation: [data expunged by order of the O5 Council]/ Contact: [data expunged by order of the O5 Council]
Universe-Α-11: "When Day Breaks"/ Situation: SCP-001 "When Day Breaks" exists and has already turned all organic life into living blobs of flesh. SCP-001's light is so corrupting that even the soul becomes its slave and even the dead are converted/ Contact: Foundation researchers of high clearance and AFA-3 units are only allowed to enter after wearing the right protective gear against the sun. They have to go in and out quickly and never in the same location in order to prevent SCP-001 from finding our reality. This only happens in regard to highly classified experiments that are entirely under the control of the O5 Council. 
Universe-Ο-420: “Ad Astra Per Aspera”/ Situation: The earth has been destroyed by unknown means leaving humanity to travel the stars and colonize new planets. The veil has been broken as a result, though the SCP Foundation continues its work to protect humanity from anomalies by containing them, though now the public is more aware of the SCP Foundation and other Groups of Interest/ Contact: Contact with this reality is minimal. Mainly its reserved with messages between both O5 Councils to ensure that they both can better predict incoming anomalies and trade scientific knowledge about anomalies. 
Universe-Υ-17: "Broken Masquerade"/ Situation: Often called "Heroes and Villains" as it is an earth populated with lots and LOTS of humanoid anomalies. Thus, maintaining the veil has become impossible for the Foundation. Now everyone has to deal with the anomalous world in their own way, whether they want to or not. / Contact: [data expunged by order of the O5 Council]
Related Files:
- Intergalactic Management Division: 
Earth - Base of all Humanity. Top priority of protection because of [data expunged by order of the O5 Council]
Moon - Contains 60 Foundation Areas most on the dark side of the moon. Used as a recon base for forces on earth when the Foundation is dealing with intergalactic threats. Is also owned by the Global Occult Coalition, currently has 42 bases. The SCP Foundation owns 40%, The Global Occult Coalition owns 40%, and the Eight Wings of Mekhane owns 20%. 
Mars - Has 2 Foundation Sites, 1 Foundation owned city, 50 Foundation Areas, and 124 MTF outposts. The Foundation owns only 25% of Mars while the Global Occult Coalition owns 35%. The Eight Wings of Mekhane own 15%, The Church of Maxwellism 15%, and The Horizon Initiative owns 10%.
Venus - Has 5 Foundation Sites, 2 Foundation own cities, 48 Foundation Area, 200 MTF outposts. The SCP Foundation owns 30%, The Church of Maxwellism owns 20%, and The Global Occult owns 20%. Is under consideration to be used as a replacement of earth should humanity ever be wiped out on the planet. 
Mercury - Contains free ports for all members of the ACPA also used as a port for intergalactic allies of the ACPA. 
Jupiter - Under the watch of STF Apollo-1 due to SCP-2399. has most Apollo-1 space stations around the planet and is home to the second largest fleet in the SCP Foundation and Global Occult Coalition. 
Saturn - Under the watch of STF Apllo-1 due to SCP-[data expunged]. Its rings are regularly used for Foundation experimentation and has the third largest fleet in the SCP Foundation. 
Neptune - [data expunged] is also under the watch of the largest fleet in the solar system created by the combined efforts of the ACPA to help contain SCP-[data expunged] and SCP-[data expunged]
Pluto - Under the control of the Anomalous Celestial Body Management Department
- Afterlife Management Division: 
Major Projects:
Site-AFTERLIFE/ Situation: Still under construction, consideration to be under the control of the Department of the Impossible. 
Related Files:
[data expunged by order of the O5 Council]
- "Beyond Comprehension" Management Division: 
Universe-Ω-197 "The Backrooms"/ Situation: A seemingly never-ending liminal space. Made up of a seemingly never-ending number of "levels" with each one stretching out infinitely. Was discovered by accident through a Foundation experiment. / Contact: Efforts to have permanent Foundation presence within this reality is ongoing. Reality is very unstable and filled with anomalous entities making establishing permanent outposts difficult. Resistance has been confirmed by Group of Interest: The Black Queen's Insurgency. 
Universe-ΑΩ-Prime-7 "Hangout of the Gods"/ Situation: [data expunged by order of the O5 Council], including Dr. Stefansdottir/ Contact: Only Dr. Stefansdottir has access to this reality.
Universe-ΩΑ-Negative0 "The Abyss"/ Situation: The residence of the Scarlet King, The Original [data expunged], [data expunged], [data expunged], The Dark Blood, and many other ancient horrors/ Contact: We only know this reality exists, unfortunately they know we exist and have sent several anomalies into our reality in hopes of using the chaos to widen the cracks between both realities. Efforts to find ways to prevent the progression of the Abyss reaching our world is ongoing.
SCP: HMF - Departments and Divisions Hub
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Robot Rampage Database Entry #001 Name: Astra She was a police officer who fights for justice, until that red devilish imp captured her and roboticized her into a Super Fighting Robot. However, her justice within her programming prevented her from joining forces with the evil. ”Officer Astra, reporting for duty!” Good Point: Strong sense of justice Bad Point: Easily emotional Likes: Saving humanity Dislikes: Seeing anyone injured and dying, criminals Weapon: Star Buster
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capow02 · 2 years
001 Legends of Tomorrow?
Thanks for the ask!! And thanks for giving me an opportunity to talk about this amazing and underrated show 💜💜
Favourite character: Ava my beloved
Least favourite character: The first one that comes to mind is Bishop, because I hate everything he did to Ava, but in terms of main characters, I don't really like the hawk people from series one. They were pretty bland.
5 favourite ships: Avalance, obviously, Steelhacker is great, and Darhkatom too. Those are my main three, but I guess I also liked John with Desmond, and Gwyn was really cute with Alun.
Character I find most attractive: I wonder..
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Character I would marry: Ava again lol
Character I would be best friends with: Probably Sara, but I also feel like I would befriend Nate, Zari 1, Ray, Mona, Gary and Spooner.
A random thought: Ava's imposter syndrome about being a clone was such a good choice for her character and definitely could've been explored more! That's why I loved s4e4, because Ava finally got to experience what being a child is like with Sara 😭😭
An unpopular opinion: I really like s4's main storyline and finale. I know most people hate the finale but I found it really moving, and exploring Nate's relationship with his dad was a great focus and it really made me feel closer to Nate as a character. The finale may be a bit muddled but it is definitely not the worst. I just feel like it gets unnecessary hate.
My canon OTP: Avalance obviously
My non canon OTP: I've noticed that I don't tend to ship non canon ships, but I guess Esperastra seems the most plausible (in a purely romantic sense ofc.)
Most badass character: You can't make me choose between Sara and Ava.
Most epic villain: The Darhks by far. Not only were they genuinely scary and threatening, they consistently made me laugh and somehow also managed a plausible redemption arc. Props to Neil Mcdonough and Courtney Ford for their god tier acting.
Pairing I am not a fan of: John and Zari 2 by far. I don't know what on earth the writers were thinking, they have literally zero chemistry and nothing in common. I mean, I also don't like Behrastra, and Gary with Gideon seemed weird, but at least they were somewhat plausible. Any time John and Zari had a moment I wanted to fast forward or just turn off the show. Zari deserves a million times better.
Character I feel the writers screwed up: John, but only after he started dating Zari 2. I just feel like he got more unlikeable every episode, until it got to the point I was glad he left. Also Spooner, because they had her come out as ace in the second to last episode of s7 and then immediately cancelled the show. The fact that we only got two episodes of ace Spooner is a crime.
Favourite friendship: I'm partial to book club, but other highlights include Nate and Ray, Ava and Zari 2, and Spooner and Astra. It's a found family show gosh darn it, so pretty much all of them are great.
Character I most identify with: Ava again. So many autistic traits, and the relatability is off the charts.
Character I wish I could be: Sara. The best captain ever, I wish I was half as confident as her.
Okay now everyone go watch this show, it's crazy in the best way possible 👌
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gildedsunshine · 9 months
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through hardships to the stars
Star Trek Graphic Design Series [2/?] Redraw of "Glory to the Country of Cosmonauts" by A. Shmidshtein (1964).
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starrypcrtal · 1 month
@cartoonslackers || continued from here
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"...you're my other sibling but not actually my sibling." Astra made the connection, a soft wary frown plastering across her face. She took a few steps back out of caution, crossing her arms. "Traveling to other dimensions, I can't find my way back to my home, my-...the family I had." She explained warily, raising an eyebrow.
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The longer Astra looks at her "brother", she can see a resemblance between them. It made her feel nauseous and yet a bit agitated but she buried those feelings deep down. "I've been on my own for quite a while, I trusted somebody, my great-uncle...I think. I ended up getting sucked into the portal." She muttered out quietly, keeping her arms crossed.
"You look...familiar but even though I know you're not my actual sibling."
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wrathbrn-moved · 3 months
#𝗪𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗛𝗕𝗥𝗡      ╲   an   independent   ,   selective   ,   &   low   activity   roleplay   blog   for   millie   ,   from   helluva   boss.   mostly   canon   compliant   ,   diverted   with   some   headcanons.   dark   ,   triggering   themes   to   be   present.   minors   and   personals   ,   dni   !   as   loved   by   astra   ,   25+.   she   /   her.   (   sideblog    to   @lvndrhzd  ,   temp   rules   under   cut.   ) 
001. this blog is low activity and runs off inspiration. i’m an adult ( well, sometimes lol ). i work a full time job, 40hr a week. and i go to bed at grandma hours. i can't always push out replies like i used to or there may be times i go really quiet for long periods. it’s not me trying to ignore you. i am not mutuals only, just because if i followed everyone back .. i'd never be able to keep up with my main dash. so feel free to send me memes / request starters. unless otherwise stated in the tags, have at it. i still reserve the right to be selective over who i want to write with. but it's all vibes, no thoughts rn.
002. now. i do also happen to be living, breathing ship trash. and i make no apologies for it. writing out romantic dynamics is some of my favorite things. i like exploring the different ways people fall in love, the trials they face, and how they can transition from one stage of their relationship to another. millie is a proud pansexual women. while she doesn’t ( and has never ) ‘officially’ come out , she is comfortable in her sexuality. 
003. i tend to use two - three spaces between words, small text, bolds, italics, and blockquoted icons. please know that you are never expected to match my style or my writing length. how you choose to style your writing will never influence my decision to write with you. and if you are unable to read writing when there are extra spaces, please please please feel free to tell me. i will remove it for our threads.
004. nsfw / graphic content can ( and most likely will ) be present on this blog. violence, explicit language, blood, religion, and sexual themes. everything will be tagged accordingly. at this time, nsfw threads will not be put under a read more. but they will be tagged. i currently am not in need of any triggers being tagged, but on this blog they will be done as TRIGGER CW.
005. hey. hi. hello. welcome to my mess. if you've read this whole thing , you're an angel. i’m astra. ( she/her, 25+. ) i’ve been at this for a really long time, like too long. discord is available to all mutuals, we're getting better about replying. 
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elysiium · 1 year
& 𝐑𝐄. continued from here / @likestvrlight
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THE WARLOCK MIGHT be right . she was more powerful than the clave , could take them on . but they would try . and the trying could cause problems for all of them . logan does not want to do that to a fellow shadowhunter — even for one he does not know . and if he was being honest ? if astra was a problem , he preferred to see it for himself , hear it from her son ( if that was the case ) before dealing with it . ❛ that makes sense . there are ... things that none other than shadowhunters know . things that can only be taught by and from us . no matter how knowledgeable you are . ❜ logan is sure astra knows a great many things , but even she has her limits — and there was no one better to teach someone what to means to be a shadowhunter than a shadowhunter ( and perhaps the angels they follow ) . ❛ your daughter ? ❜ he asks , not knowing there was more to this family ( though he should not be surprised ) . ❛ well , if it makes you feel better the clave is a lot more preoccupied as of late with other matters to focus on a new shadowhunter joining our ranks . they'll hardly notice your son . if i take him in , he'll be safe . ❜
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xorc1st · 3 months
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#𝗫𝗢𝗥𝗖𝟭𝗦𝗧      ╲   an   independent   ,   selective   ,   &   low   activity   roleplay   blog   for   vaggie   ,   from   hazbin   hotel.   canon   compliant   through   season   one   ,   diverted   with   headcanons   until   we   have   more   information   about   season   two.   dark   ,   triggering   themes   to   be   present.   heavy   emphasis   on   religion   ,   lost   faith   ,   and   fallen   angels.   minors   and   personals   ,   dni   !   as   loved   by   astra   ,   25+.   she   /   her. ( sideblog to @lvndrhzd , temp rules under cut. ) 
001. this blog is low activity and runs off inspiration. i’m an adult ( well, sometimes lol ). i work a full time job, 40hr a week. and i go to bed at grandma hours. i can't always push out replies like i used to or there may be times i go really quiet for long periods. it’s not me trying to ignore you. i am not mutuals only, just because if i followed everyone back .. i'd never be able to keep up with my main dash. so feel free to send me memes / request starters. unless otherwise stated in the tags, have at it. i still reserve the right to be selective over who i want to write with. but it's all vibes, no thoughts rn.
002. now. i do also happen to be living, breathing ship trash. and i make no apologies for it. writing out romantic dynamics is some of my favorite things. i like exploring the different ways people fall in love, the trials they face, and how they can transition from one stage of their relationship to another. however , please keep in mind that vaggie is a lesbian. under no circumstances will i be entertaining anything less than that.
003. i tend to use two - three spaces between words, small text, bolds, italics, and blockquoted icons. please know that you are never expected to match my style or my writing length. how you choose to style your writing will never influence my decision to write with you. and if you are unable to read writing when there are extra spaces, please please please feel free to tell me. i will remove it for our threads.
004. nsfw / graphic content can ( and most likely will ) be present on this blog. violence, explicit language, blood, religion, and sexual themes. everything will be tagged accordingly. at this time, nsfw threads will not be put under a read more. but they will be tagged. i currently am not in need of any triggers being tagged, but on this blog they will be done as TRIGGER CW.
005. hey. hi. hello. welcome to my mess. if you've read this whole thing , you're an angel. i’m astra. ( she/her, 25+. ) i’ve been at this for a really long time, like too long. discord is available to all mutuals, we're getting better about replying.
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motorsportverso · 1 year
AS Categorias do Road To 1000 milhas
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Categoria P1 
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Principal categoria na geral da prova e dos protótipos correram os AJR V8,Sigma G4 e G5 ,Ginetta G57, Ligier JS P320 Track Day ,Protótipos FIA LMP3 
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Carros com motor V6 e V8 poderão estar no Grid carros como os MRX, ALDEE Spyder, MC40,Sigma G4 ,ABS01,Mamba Negra 2s.
Carros com motor V6 e que tambem podem correr carros com motor e cambio de moto.
Como os proprios MRX e Aldee Spyder com motor V6 e os protótipos H2R-suzuki Hayamusa e Roco 001, Radical SR3.
Carros com motor V6 e que tambem podem correr carros com motor e cambio de moto.
Como os proprios MRX e Aldee Spyder com motor V6 e os protótipos H2R-suzuki Hayamusa e Roco 001, Radical SR3.
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A categoria Fia GT3  que dos modelos atuais no Brasil  acima de 2012 temos ;Mercedes AMG GT3,Porsche 991.2 GT3 R ,Mclaren 720s GT3,Ferrari 488 GT3.
Fia GT3 até 2012 ,carros como Ferrari 458 Italia GT3, Lamborghini Gallardo GT3,Ford GT, Astom Martin Vantage V12 GT3  e nessa categoria tambem serão aceitos carros Stock Car antigos como Vectra ,Astra,Sonic e Peugeot 307 e 408. 
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A Fia GT4 são carro acima de 2012 como Mercedes AMG GT4 ,Ford Mustang GT4,Ginetta G55 GT4, BMW M4 GT4 ,Mclaren 570s GT4,Porsche Cayman GT4 CS RS 718 e também poderá ter carros modernos em tecnologia como BMW M2 CS Racing e o BMW M150 que correu a ultima etapa da GT Series Cup BR.
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GT4 Light 
Carros GT4 até 2012 
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Carros GT de produção como o Chevrolet Camaro de Track day do Rodrigo Mourão que corre na GT series.
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Copa Petrobras de marcas
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Ferrari 430 Challenge
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Mercedes CLA , C250 E C300 Cup da AMG Cup Brasil
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Protótipos nacionais com motor até 2.0 , como o Aldee Coupe , e o Aldee Spyder com bolha de Fusca, os carros do super turismo Gaucho como VW Gol com motor Honda K20.
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Protótipos nacionais com motor até 2.0 , com peso de 980 kg.
Carros de turismo até 1.6 turbo com fabricação nacional ou Mercosul.
Carros do Turismo nacional BR, Copa HB20 
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Carros de turismo até 2.0 , como Mitsubishi Lancer,Honda Civic, ou carros mexidos com motor até 2.0 
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TN1 B 
Carros com motor turbo ou V8 como Chevrolet Astra ,Vectra,Omega,Cruze e Peugeot 307 e 408 Stock Car,Opala V8,Ford Maverick V8, Fiat Linea Turbo,Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X RS.
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TN2:carros de turismo nacional com motor sobrealimentados até 2.000 cm³
Carros como Audi A3 DTCC,Mercedes C250, Fiat Palio Turbo.
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TN2A:carros de turismo nacional com motor sobrealimentados até 4.500 cm³
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Carros com motor Chevrolet 1.4 turbo 
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TNC: carros de turismo nacionais como VW Fusca,Brazilia, Gol,Voyage,Passat, Chevrolet;Monza,Chevete;Ford: Escort; Fiat Uno,Fiat 147.
Inscritos 2h do Velocita-SP
25-Ney Faustini\Igor Taques-Absoluta RacinG-ABS01-Chevrolet
777-Edras \Esdras\Juarez Suarez-Motorcar-MRX  VW 
222-Carlos Vallone\Gabriel Vallone-Spyder
GT4 Light
7-Amaury Bien-Mercedes C250
6-Caio Lacerda\Mauro Kern-HT Guerra-Aldee-VW 
96-Marcelo Servidone-VW Gol-Mamba Negra Racing
151-Marlon Luz-Hyundai HB20
9-Ciro Paciello\Sandro Sanchez-Big Power Competições-Chevrolet Omega Stock Car 
64-Marcos Philippe-Absoluta Racing-Chevrolet Cruze Stock Car
33-Finotti-LF Competições-VW Passat
48-Luis Guerreiro-CALLFLEX RACING-VW Voyage
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gyrosh-terna · 1 year
Il governo ha approvato il progetto "Treno Generale Veloce, Gyrosh Nord Ovest 001", consiste nella costruzione di un tracciato ferroviario che collegherà la città di Kaister nello stato di Gyrosh a PeachStar nello stato di Starlight,
Il tracciato sarà costruito vicino alla costa del fiume Astra.
Il tracciato è costituito da 2 ponti sul fiume Astra e da un tunnel nello stato di Starlight.
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