ravioxhilda · 2 years
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It has been over half a year since I’ve drawn them so I wanted to do another piece for them since the tag is basically dead except for me, I hope you enjoy!
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Marry Christmas 🎄
It has been a while when posting these two on my Tumblr list. These two aren’t my favorite anymore, but I at least had fun with these two cuties on here and it was fun while it lasted. I had forgotten to post it in December because I was on Christmas break and I didn’t post in like a month ago when not getting on my phone. but I at least still, just in a late time. People can make choices for them or think if they want to make fanart of them for there selfs just in case. I have been very annoyed buy other ships lately in Zelda games, *sigh* who I care, people can ship whatever they want as long as you’re not hurting anyone when being interest in something else like comparing Astorxpurah in my ideas. So yeah this is my last fanart of them in the future. And I’ll mostly forget them in one peace because I am a security beach fan now and I can make that choice to make something new in my path. unless if people want ideas for them, be my guess.
Hope you guys enjoy the last fanart of them.
(I will still Ship it, But I will NOT Draw them!!)
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(Sexy Attention)
Even if this looks beautiful or heroic it’s still a good ship Towards potential in More in it. Purah and Astor are kinda a cute Ship since it’s interesting to me when I started Shipping them it’s fun to make a new paring especially other random ships. 
Well I hope you enjoy all of the Fanart of them so far well to me because I was the first one putting them together. 
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(In a blushing situation)
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(Have a Picnic with me)
Ohhhhhhhh!!!!! Nice 👍🏼
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(Ganon’s not you)
Ganons not you he was never you in the first place he was just useing you for the bad of you’re desires to kill in the world ~ Purah.
(His feelings changed though her with kindness)
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(This isn’t like you)
Love to love an dance to dance up in the sky what could be next. Purah can’t fly so I’m wondering if Astor could since he does have powers. I wanted him to anyway since the Power source that he was been holding or floating in mid air of gravity for such a long time.
(Anyways hope y’all enjoy)
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(Steal it with a kiss 💋)
Hmmmmm quite cute eh just wanted to Lighten things up with this couple so we can all feel love an welcome for it :3 also I appreciate you’re guys support on “Astrah” it helps the couple grow faster and lighter. Black&White kinda have something in common I should say and there quite interesting to ship in Zelda games. (Anyways Enjoy)
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(Check-It Pose!!!!)
This ship is perfect and very amazing an beautiful the reason Why I prefer this paring is because I want them to feel love,compassion an interest to each other and even to me. Plus an my opinion I actually don’t really like Purah&Robbie together because I just figured and think that they are a lot like Brother&Sister to me just because of there hair and maybe there clothes so ya.
(Anyways Hope you love my new ship)
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(Astorxpurah in there amazing form)
When you seem depressed someone’s gotta sort it all and be sweet friends!!!
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(Let me show you the world!)
Basically We all know this is form Aladdin and I wanted to copy it just like in the movie of them soaring around the stars but this is different there in British looking around in England an all sorts of states. AnyWho I hope you enjoy it so far of my art of them I guess.
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(Kiss with Bubbles in the air)
Things only make sense when you put them together and even loving them as well.
(Hope y’all enjoy 😉)
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(Into the broken castle blood moons with monsters)
This took me like 80 minutes to make in this fantastic fanart of Astrah of the Nintendo game of the fire collecting drama or whatever it’s called During the blood moon. Since Purah was chatting link,Zelda& the others while beating all the monsters she basically had something against her sleeves when calling an decided to let the others wait for a while because Astor was in her space looking at her beautifully while carrying the blue flame in her hands. Wait was he busy just taking over the world or maybe he wanted to wait on that an wanted to play with Purahs hair an face. XD
Maybe so for me I can tell that he likes her an probably has feelings inside of him.
Plus I really really really wish that we could all just play as Purah,Astor&Robbie in the game I just WISH UGH it would be my dream to play as them an find out of what powers they would have in there experience though the game and even that one guy Astors friend In the apart of the yega clan lol :( 
Hopefully you like the ship so far I guess
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(I Hadn’t Had the fun to with you!!)
I’ll always will like this couple but sadly I have some Bad news&Good news for it. The bad news is I can’t do anymore AstorxPurah Artwork Since people wood say that it’s just a random ship And not interesting towards others in fans of botw age of calamity. Around at the end of Christmas that’s when I have to stop and move on with them.
But... there is one thing for the couple. For the good news is I’ll only make a change for myself to let people make fan art of them since I’ve reached my limit of artwork for them.
It will only be OK to me because I don’t want to make anymore that much since other botw ships kind of annoy me to much Especially Princess Zelda an Astor. And for the Record not to be rude for anything but I think it’s a terrible ship sorry for asking about it. It’s best just to say in other peoples Waze of an idea and not get attached to it an even for Robbie an Purah. But Hey I have my opinions and options of something that I don’t like. Anyway like I said by any peoples chances to make the ship popular please it will help me get back to it. If not then I can’t make any more of them. That’s my option for it sorry. :(
I still have a few more ways to go in the relationship of Astrah It’s best just to say it now for a reminder And however over the ship of them or other botw ships I’m not jealous just annoyed buy it so I ignored it.
Anyways Hope you like it again.
Ps: This ship is going to be done for me at the end of Christmas.  And I’m definitely not going to be shipping them in the future because it would might be a waste of time.
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Astor&Purah sketch in there calming an relaxing days with each other :3
I'll still ship them to this day if anyone's interested of doing fanart of them of there self's go ahead.
And I mean ya an we all know that they don't know each other but come on there both look very interesting to ship. I know I know he’s bad and she’s good and hey bad people can be good there’s a difference in everybody. 
And if you don’t ship it it’s fine I’m not offended or hate on anyone who likes or doesn’t like “Astrah” in art of them.
If people actually made fanart of them I’ll freak out and I’ll love to them in a relationship and also ship them forever no joke so yeah :3
I’ll only like them for a change just in case if people like or love them or not.
(Anyways I hope you enjoy it)
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(Astrah Comic)
A Beautiful Wonderful AstorxPurah Comic on there Journey since Purah has been alone taking pictures of things in her life so she decided to bring Astor along with her since there boyfriend&girlfriend now. Plus TYSM for you’re guys support on astrah I’m actually catching up to at least 20 posts of them and I’ll maybe make a little more of them maybe 30 or so because I kinda want to wait for other people to make fanart of them so I wouldn’t be the only one doing all the work over shipping or making more of them besides I was the first person who did ship them when the game came. But it’s fine I’ll just let people decided on what they want for them.
(Anyways enjoy) ❤️🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤❤️
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