dashinghealth · 2 years
Asthma Treatment - How Asthma Sufferers Can Be More Active
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Discover the key to asthma relief forever with this comprehensive guide to treating and managing asthma. Get more active today with these easy-to-implement tips!
A frequent chronic inflammatory condition that affects the airways is asthma. Bronchitis, reversible airflow obstruction, and recurrent and changeable symptoms all define this illness. Patients who have asthma should follow their treatment plan, collaborate with their doctor and other healthcare providers, and take an active role in managing their condition.
Controlling symptoms effectively involves avoiding situations that could set off an asthma attack and managing ailments that might interfere with your asthma treatment regimen.
The severity of a person's symptoms when they have asthma defines the condition. People who are having an asthma attack may find it frightening at times. Shortness of breath, wheezing, and chest tightness are the typical signs of an asthma attack. In extreme circumstances, a person's ability to breathe might be significantly hampered, such as when they can hear themselves wheezing.
A person with asthma should be aware of how crucial it is to have a personalized and detailed asthma treatment plan for controlling and monitoring their symptoms. They should be aware that the best ways to manage their asthma disease include using medicine, minimizing allergen exposure, and having tests done to determine how severe the symptoms are.
Asthma relief can be achieved through proactive lifestyle changes and avoiding triggers. Taking steps like reducing stress levels, addressing allergens in the home, and changing unhealthy habits can have lasting positive effects on asthma outcomes. It is also important to create a supportive environment at work, school or any other place you frequently visit to minimize the chance of exposure to triggers.
Asthma patients who receive medical care from a skilled doctor and medical staff can take back control of their health and lead active, fulfilling lives. The importance of follow-up medical care in the management of asthma will primarily depend on how effectively the patient's treatment plan is managing their symptoms and preventing asthma attacks.
Finding permanent relief from asthma can seem like an uphill battle, especially if an individual often encounters environmental triggers which make their condition worse. However, identifying and eliminating potential triggers at home, work, school or other areas one frequently visits can go a long way in effectively controlling and managing asthma flare-ups for the long-term.
When an individual's asthma won't stay under control, a doctor may need to increase the dose of the patient's medication. When an asthma patient's condition has been under good control for several months, their doctor may be able to reduce the dosage. A person with asthma must therefore continue receiving therapy for the disease from their doctor in order to keep the best possible control over their condition while also utilizing the least quantity of medication.
Groups including pregnant women, children, or individuals who develop asthma symptoms as a result of specific physical activities like exercise should seek the medical attention of a skilled doctor for asthma therapy. To meet their unique demands, some patients' treatments may need to be modified.
Read Also: Drug and Non-drug Treatment for Asthma in Pregnancy
  How can you help?
Reduce your breathing is the easy solution. Keep in mind that asthma cannot endure restricted breathing. Make sure to warm up your lungs before working out. Walk for 3–5 minutes. Inhaling too much air is dangerous, so make sure you are breathing via your nose.
After a while, continue to go forward while taking brief breath holds. Take a little breath in and a small breath out, and then hold your breath for three to five steps as you exhale. Then slowly inhale through your nose once more. Continue walking while taking quiet, gentle breaths through your nose for another 30 seconds, and then repeat the breath holds.
Do this for 5 to 10 minutes to warm up your lungs. You are now prepared to take part. Additionally, it's crucial if you have asthma, that you exercise or play sports while breathing through your nose. Asthma brought on by exercise can develop if you attempt to mouth breathe because you will breathe in too much air.
Why do you do this?
So, if you're playing soccer, you warm up as previously mentioned, and then you play the majority of the game while breathing through your nose. Asthma cannot withstand restricted breathing, so if you must sprint while using your mouth to breathe, make sure to attempt to settle down your breathing as soon as possible and go back to using your nose.
Asthma won't be activated if you maintain as much calm and quiet breathing as you can. If you run, only work out at a rate that allows you to nose breathe. This will be challenging at first, and you won't be able to do as much, but over time, you'll be able to increase your tolerance for exercise and the amount of activity you can perform while nose breathing, with the added benefit of preventing exercise-induced asthma.
Keep in mind to warm up your lungs as directed. After exercise, slow down your breathing to help you relax. Make sure to stop breathing like you're out on the soccer field and instead bring your breathing down to peaceful, at-rest levels.
Don't feed the asthma monster; if you always breathe deeply, slowly, and through your nose, you'll be able to keep it at bay.
If you’re looking to get asthma relief for good, there are certain lifestyle changes that you can make. By cutting down on your exposure to common asthma triggers and making positive modifications at home, work, school, or other places you visit frequently, you can reduce the severity of your asthma symptoms and gain more control over them.
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Whump Prompt #1166
Anon asked:
Do you have any specific whumps for the aftermath of some sort of inhaled poison/smoke?
I want the whumpee, who heroically escaped from a magic fire, to be begrudgingly weakened by asthma-like symptoms. 
Some symptoms for this could include:
Tightness in the chest
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Gasping for breath
^ The above causing things like light-headedness and anxiousness/panic. This could also result in the whumpee fainting. 
Further symptoms could include:
Blue/pale lips
Difficulty walking/talking
These can all be exaggerated by the whumpee having to physically exert themselves/talk a lot in the aftermath of the fire. 
If this is a fantasy setting, maybe their lips turn the colour of the smoke (so green smoke = green lips.) This makes it harder to hide. 
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kaesaaurelia · 12 days
Realizing tonight that:
a. Oh I definitely have either exercise-induced asthma or something with similar symptoms, and my doctor really is full of shit when he insists that because I didn't get diagnosed with asthma as a child I'm probably just out of shape (I am out of shape, this is not in question, I maintain that if getting back in shape means coughing up a lung for several hours I am not getting back in shape, also I still had this issue when I felt I was in shape -- but I wasn't thin);
b. A lot of the id appeal of the fic I'm writing now is maybe, um, "what if there was a doctor who sometimes listened to you? Would that be fucked up or what?"
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7oranges · 1 month
the question of whether i have adult onset asthma or an anxiety disorder is Not rocket science but oh well. doctors Hate my confounding breathing pattern
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vieramars · 1 month
Thinking about break me like a pattern again. That fic has a permanent grip on my soul.
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adhdandcomics · 2 years
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look. we’ve been though this before. MANY times we’ve been through this before. y’all were there. but somehow. every single time. it catches me off guard.
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tj-crochets · 1 year
Hey y’all! Can you please send me pictures of your favorite animals?  I am stressing out about all -ologists I’ll be going to over the next few months and could really use a distraction. On the one hand, I am grateful I can see these doctors, and that my new PCP is taking my health issues seriously and referring me to specialists. On the other, I have been caught in a never ending merry go round of specialists for more than a decade. I am tired. I never get answers, they always just take money and refer me to a new specialist in a loop, and the latest loop has led to the discovery that I am allergic to neurologists.  So...please send me pictures of your favorite animals (for plushie inspiration, and also just because animals are adorable)
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vulcandyke · 3 months
update er was wrong i do have covid :( everyone cry for me
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wheeble2252 · 7 months
Finally recovered! Been a rough month, sorry guys!
Have some motion studies (I can't find the ref for the first one anymore :[
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dashinghealth · 2 years
Asthma - Its Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
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Every day, millions of people all around the world suffer with asthma. Attacks can occur at any time of the day depending on a range of various "triggers," though most persons seem to have occurrences in the early morning or late at night. Animals, dust, pollen, smoke, and other things that elicit allergic reactions are all acceptable asthma triggers.
Additionally, research has linked smoking and obesity to a higher chance of developing asthma. Coughing, chest tightness, wheezing, and generalized shortness of breath are all common signs of asthma, especially when engaging in vigorous physical activity. A steroid-based inhaler is the recommended treatment in the majority of patients.
As each of the aforementioned problems affects the body's capacity to breathe in air, this steroid inhaler acts to enlarge the airways. While this strategy relieves asthma, there are other things that do so more naturally and without the unfavorable side effects that come with pharmaceuticals.
As was already established, certain environmental elements frequently serve as "triggers" for asthma attacks. Although the condition can also run in families, there have been many instances of persons developing asthma on their own. These individuals' asthma has been brought on by environmental elements at play.
Addressing the causes of asthma attacks may not cure the condition, yet it can help to either lessen their severity and frequency or soothe the symptoms. Targeting the causes that bring on asthma attacks allows for natural asthma relief.
It is possible to pinpoint the precise factors that first trigger the attack by noting when the symptoms appear. By attempting to eliminate those factors, one can aim to lessen the intensity and frequency of asthma attacks.
A variety of sprays and liquids that disinfect and sterilize the home environment offer natural asthma relief. These are all anti-allergenic products, and using humidifiers and air purifiers, which also help to physically eliminate allergens from the air, can provide extra relief.
It is possible to offer an asthma sufferer at least one place to escape the triggers that set off asthma attacks and to assist them find some personal respite by making sure the home is especially sterile and clean. One can avoid asthma episodes in a variety of ways.
• Avoid intense exercise since it puts a lot of strain on the lungs;
• Avoid areas with poor air quality.
This should be avoided by asthmatics to prevent further deterioration of their condition. Patients with asthma should take their illness seriously and refrain from making any significant alterations to a healthy lifestyle.
If you believe you may be experiencing symptoms of asthma, you should get checked out as soon as you can by a doctor who will be able to more accurately diagnose your illness.
Asthma prevention medications have been discovered in recent years. Asthma sufferers and those who may be developing signs of asthma should take this medication every day. The unique quality of this medicine is that it was developed to function just as well when combined with other allergy medications as when taken alone.
If you have asthma, be sure to take the precautions listed above. Do your part and inform anybody you know who has asthma of the few ways they can prevent an attack by sharing this information. We can all contribute to the best of our knowledge and skills, after all.
What could be worse than using your inhaler for asthma during a time of need only to discover it isn't doing any good? That's a scary concept, isn't it?
Just imagine how many individuals are going through the same thing right now, searching for all-natural asthma treatments when their inhalers stop working.
You won't just change a fast-acting inhaler without your doctor's approval, but what if it breaks down when you need it most? What will you do next, then?
Thankfully, there are successful natural treatments for asthma that, while they don't replace fast-acting inhalers, can still offer you some relief if your inhaler stops working. When it comes to taking an inhaler, many people struggle with this issue, but few of them are aware of what to do in these circumstances.
Here are some of the most effective asthma natural treatments at work:
Drinking a hot cup of coffee is one of the best all-natural treatments for asthma when an inhaler isn't working. This opens the airways right away, and you'll notice that your breathing improves considerably within a few minutes.
When an inhaler isn't working, many people turn to coffee to get them through an attack. This is one of the natural asthma remedies that is really effective and is used by a lot of individuals.
I strongly advise doing this if an inhaler is ineffective, even if you don't care for coffee at all. This can be utilized both at home and while you are away from the house.
Read Also:  Drug and Non-drug Treatment for Asthma in Pregnancy
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anghraine · 2 years
Another form of Depression Discourse that I'm extremely wary of is "here are some things that can help with depression, so it's totally curable! You just have to do The Things, even if they're hard."
The issue is that—yes, there are things you may be able to do that can help with depression, for some people. There are habits that are likely to be helpful, like dragging yourself to things you normally like or getting exercise where possible.
Does this mean that those things intrinsically cure depression if you just pull yourself up by your bootstraps try hard enough? No. They can cure some people's depression completely. They can help other people's. It depends on the person.
But for me, the incessant do this, do that, you've got to take responsibility and get over it, has always been far more discouraging than learning about things like the relatively high rate of recurrence. I used to think that the reason I couldn't get past it was wholly on me. It kept coming back because I was lazy or undisciplined or self-indulgent or simply not doing the right things for whatever reason. Not trying hard enough. I told myself that if I could just summon up enough will to push myself past it, I would cure myself by sheer personal strength.
But I never could.
It tended to come back worse when I was under a lot of pressure, but no matter how good things were, it always returned. I'd spend a week or two feeling really good and motivated and energetic, then irritable and anxiously go-go-go yet very distractable—and then there'd be this awful crash into another episode of depression, over and over and over. I lived in my favorite city, I took walks, I went to readings, I volunteered, I kept myself and my apartment clean, and yet I couldn't overcome it.
The only thing that really put a significant dent in it was getting diagnosed as bipolar and put on mood stabilizers and eventually antipsychotics. And it still comes back! The crash is less extreme, most of the time—but I have grad student insurance for my medication, I have a psychiatrist and access to counseling when I need it, legal accommodations, and necessarily keep a fairly strict schedule. Going to my university in person rather than online helps, doing things I ordinarily like helps, sleeping regular hours helps. None of them help very much without medication. And for me, nothing helps enough to cure it.
The point is not that improvement is impossible, or that it never goes away for good. It does for some people! It does for many people. But, without denying the effort those people have put in, there is an element of good fortune to that. I think it's important for the people who aren't cured, who can never pull the bootstraps hard enough, to know that that's not a moral failing. It's not because we're weak or undisciplined, it's not because we aren't trying, it's not because we have any less value or merit than the people who get better or people who never have depression at all.
So, personally, I think a more important, generally accurate, and compassionate message than "depression will get better if you just try hard enough" is this one:
Whether you're cured or not, whether the usual recommendations help much or not, whether medications help or not: this isn't your fault.
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dragontamer05 · 1 year
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Look I don't disbelieve that being out in the dead of winter, including having to bathe outside and any mounting stress caused his Asthma to flare up.
However I do think it's a missed opportunity to bring back up his previously mentioned Cat Allergy.
My boy has literally been living in close proximity to a -big- cat for several days (week? don't remember how much time had passed) at this point. Even if frequently kept in a cage/away from the others there is still likely going to be fur every where, especially considering he went into Beast's tent and hid in her trunk, which those clothes are gonna be covered in fur/dander.
Like if Sebastion's brief contact with the Tiger was enough for Ciel to want to be wary and keep his distance till he cleaned off then literally living in a close environment with said animal it's a wonder he's not at least sneezing more while there.
They could have had Sebastion asking the Doctor, after mentioning possible causes for a Asthma flare up/ to return after not having had one for several years,
"What about allergies?"
Or maybe later when Ciel tries to convince everyone he's fine now and that Obviously it was because he'd spent too much time around that Tiger, but now that they're a way from the Circus he'll be fine.
Idk do something with that
You make a point to bring up / remind us of his cat Allergy at the start of the arc and then give us Ciel having an Asthma attack but don't think to connect the two?
Especially cause right before the attack as I mentioned he was in Beast's tent, and had to hide in her trunk of clothes/stuff that any one who has a cat even if you've cleaned it there's always gonna be fur every where always.
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soledadcatalina · 12 days
man. ive been dealing with the worst chronic cough of my life for the past few months and leading up to my uni graduation, and now i gotta get back to looking for employment in my field..... but if this doesn't go away i don't know how i'm gonna sit through any job interviews when i got coughing fits every 15 minutes that leave me hacking and disoriented :(
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sillyspoonie · 3 months
Asthma, What is it?
Alt text: Asthma is a common lung condition that occasionally causes breathing difficulties. Asthma is caused by swelling (inflammation) of the breathing tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs.This makes the tubes highly sensitive, so they temporarily narrow. It may happen randomly or after exposure to a trigger. Although asthma can normally be kept under control, it's still a serious condition that can cause a number of problems. This is why it's important to follow your treatment plan and not ignore your symptoms if they're getting worse. There's also a risk of severe asthma attacks, which can be life threatening.
More info: https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/lungs-and-airways/asthma/
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Let's raise a glass (of cough sirup) to my first bronchitis of the fall!
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ccristata · 1 year
Shout out to the girlies (gender neutral) who have PAID a medical professional to tell them they can’t help with their symptoms.
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