#asterisk answers
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askterisk-asterisk · 5 months ago
beat them up four!!!
Why do you want him to beat me up so bad???
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Look, we can talk about this!
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And why should I trust YOU?!
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thatswhatsushesaid · 2 months ago
Who are your top fave characters from each mxtx novel? 👀
i'm going to exclude svsss from this list because i haven't finished it yet and therefore all of my opinions are just based on hearsay. but for the other two:
1. jin guangyao (obviously); the antagonist of circumstance who but for a trick of fate and authorial intent could have easily been the novel's protagonist
2. lan xichen; the very best of men 🥹 truly the person with the kindest heart and (in my opinion) the most tragic ending in the novel*. also i'm xiyao trash, who's surprised
3. su she; he and i are the same person honestly
4. jiang cheng; i think if i was going to go insane about any of the core cast, i'd probably go insane over jiang cheng. and i probably would have, if jin guangyao didn't exist! sorry, jiang cheng.
5. wen qing; who doesn't love a mad scientist??
1. xie lian; no seriously, i love the protagonist of this novel the best because he is everything i love about jin guangyao and lan xichen burrito'd up into one character
2. shi wudu; the heavens' cuntiest proto-capitalist, and also arguably the elder brother that the mdzs fandom wishes nie mingjue was for nie huaisang 👀 (this opinion has gotten me into at least 4 fights on the mdzs subreddit specifically)
3. pei ming; my ethical slut general. also the other half of peishui, my main non-hualian ship for this novel
4. mu qing; he did NOTHING wrong except have a bad attitude, since when is that a crime!!! (this is not serious analysis, please don't @ me with your mu qing criticism, i'm too tired for it right now)
5. jun wu; daddy 🥺
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slicedseafoam · 6 days ago
you never tell *me* that you miss me /hj
maybe you should tell me you miss me first huh.
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meirimerens · 3 months ago
hey sending you another ask since i was apparently eaten in the womb (your inbox), i just made a new post relaying dybowski's abuses with updated info from former HSE students/IPL members I've been working with and they hope it gains traction, you can share it if you're interested (warning, it's a lot of text) thanks for all the support!!
you were indeed eaten in the womb of my inbox i was checking in emails to see if the asks had showed up and i was about to screenshot yours and reply like that when you sent this one ^ so. perfect timing. mr electric and so on
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hinamie · 17 days ago
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your JJK art! Megumi... my beloved. I recently started watching Tokyo Ghoul, have you seen/read it? I feel like you'd get attached to Hide(that's my SON, just like Megu is) like I did lol
HI THANK U SO MUCH also omg tokyo ghoul was actually one of my og fandoms and where my url comes from!!! hide was indeed my son but my top 3 of kaneki*/eto/hinami are untouchable to me :>
honestly it's been a long while since i read the manga and i keep toying with the idea of doing a reread but alas i am hyperfixated elsewhere :') speaking of which, the overwhelming fandom consensus is tht u really have to read the manga if u want the full experience of the story the anime is kinda bare bones in comparison but obv u can go about your tg journey however u want !! i hope u enjoy it it truly does hold such a special place in my heart <333
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nibwhipdragon · 7 months ago
god, dear fucking god, the monster hunter movie was worse than humanly possible
if they wanted a monster to fight the military at least use a Bazelgeuse cause it's right up their alley
I'm putting this all under a cut because I ranted much more than I anticipated. All my thoughts on this stupid film are under the cut.
Anon this sounds like you've watched the film for the first time and. Man I am So Sorry. It was worse than what I expected it to be and my expectations were already at rock bottom. They used Gore in the advertising but it was only used as sequel bait??? Nasty. And there was gonna be a scene where it and Rathalos would fight in a shopping center or smth and MAN. That would've made the film a little bit enjoyable. The tiniest bit.
The film REALLY didn't need to be an isekai. If the director wanted to make his wife the protag (again. Why does he do this all the time. Give someone else a chance will you) why couldn't she have been a hunter? Either learning the ropes a la Legends of The Guild (a much better mh film you should watch if you haven't already) OR already a top tier hunter investigating an odd phenomenon. Not. That.
And the way the guns were useless on the Diablos??? (Why were the monsters so oddly big too) Hello. Bowguns. Ballistae. Barrel bombs. Gunlance. They could at least do SOME damage.
Also the hunter not knowing what chocolate is is INSANE. They have donuts canonically. They have coke canonically*. Is chocolate really that far of a stretch??? It's sugar and cocoa beans and milk. Not that hard to make and they sure have a lot of jungles so it's not like they can't find any cocoa beans.
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IN MHW THEY LITERALLY HAVE CHOCOLATE COVERED APPLES AND DONUTS. COME ON. It's like the director just treated the entire world as this sort of primitive place, rather than a place that's just different to ours. They're quite technologically advanced: They have airships, sandships, the dragonator and dragonrazer, and massive boats that can have up to 3 dragonators at a time on it. Steam trains*² too. All highly complex mechanisms. Yes they all seem to run on steam pressure but honestly? I don't think they'd plunder oil from the earth the way we do, so it makes sense. And all the knowledge on all these monsters and how they work and stuff? That's certainly not primitive. Also how did the Admiral know English. No I'm not taking that stupid timeloop paradox quest that used to be in MHW as canon. Because What Is That.
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Like cmon man. I can barely even see a resemblance. $60mil budget is actually fairly small for a film but COULD YOU NOT HAVE SPENT MORE OF THAT ON THE ADMIRAL'S DESIGN??? There was barely even any monster action in the film it was just Artemis and the hunter fighting. Surely the CGI didn't cost that much.
OK I went onto Wikipedia for that info and it led me to find out the director is British. Having a moment of silence to mourn the fact this scourge came from my home country.
Moving on. The insect glaive was shown at the end of the film. No kinsect. My brother in Christ THE KINSECT IS LIKE HALF THE WEAPON. IT'S IN THE NAME.
Another nitpick but the desert is so ridiculously empty I'm convinced the director doesn't know what a desert looks like (I know he wouldn't have been a concept artist. But he both and directed and wrote so I assume he has quite a bit of control over the other parts of the film's creation).
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Like cmon. Sure some parts of deserts are quite empty, like the Sahara, but I doubt a big monster like Diablos is going to be chilling in a place with no shade and no cacti. It can go underground to avoid the heat when traversing but in no way would it hang about as much as it did in the film. No reason to there are more optimal environments for it within the desert. At least make the background visually appealing on basis of it being a film. Can't the sand at LEAST be orange-yellow?
Also Bazelgeuse bombing them in the film would've been hilarious to me I wish that happened
Anyways. Go watch Legends of The Guild. Purify yourself. Great animated film that expands on pre-existing characters and also gave us the great indication that the games seem to take place in chronological order. I love you Legends of The Guild
* As one of the meal items in one of the games, I can't remember. Coke is cinnamon and vanilla flavoured so it isn't too outlandish for them to have it as a drink imo
*² The felynes in Elgado use a mini one near the dango food place thingy. Sure it's small but the fact it exist makes the concept of large ones used for transport and the like not too far-fetched
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habitual-creatures · 5 months ago
*oshebtis whisperinfg*
Wacky, but okay
Alwayshavebeen,Frost. Shouldn'thavetakenyouthislong.
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linkito · 28 days ago
minor note, but if you put asterisks in a name then everyone who blocked the name (but not variations) will see the post. i don't have him blocked, but every other name i've blocked i haven't sat down to try and find the ways people censor. to be clear i am so not accusing you of trying to do anything mean, i know most people don't think of it. otherwise thank you so much for that clip, so satisfying!
Fair point! Thanks for the heads up.
I originally didn’t tag my post at all because I didn’t want to put it in his tag or anything, but since it’s kinda caught a lot of attention, probably would have been best to anyway.
Noted for the future, thanks!
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felsicveins · 2 months ago
Love Clotto! I can’t help but imagine them accidentally becoming parents. Like there must be something in the air at Bruce and Son’s and One Daughter
Something in the air that ***** **** ***** **** **** ***** ***, ** ****** or nothing just ****** *** **** *** ***** and then an egg happens
Amazingly, the Clotto kids were planned. Clay's type-A is stronger than Otto's . Um . Disposition
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anyway I am to bed now in preparation for another long day of emails* tomorrow but. drafted that ask game that's going around for later bc I saw it and went omg I wanna play too...
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dynamitekansai · 1 year ago
aew: Who are the women that inspire the women of #AEW?
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askterisk-asterisk · 4 months ago
Little Pink Thing™️ do u like pink, do u like green too? I like green it's my favourite color!
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...Not too fond of green.
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doomedyuri · 1 year ago
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i don't give a shit lol
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the-typing-dragon · 7 months ago
sending you on a quest to collect the fossilized hard drive of the meat computer
i will tear through heaven and earth to provide it to you
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mcrololo · 4 months ago
Rolo I really am so so sorry like I honestly feel so terrible about that. I just want to clarify that I don’t support her views at all! I just love hp it was my childhood and a massive part of my life but again I’m so sorry
It's totally cool!! In fact, to show you how cool I feel to you anon, I want to offer you some owl house crossover instead:
“Beca told me that I need to know two,” Chloe held up two fingers exasperatedly, “spells before I’ve proven myself to join Hexside, and I only know the one.” Gail flipped the page of a book that stood propped against a set of bottles (full of questionable contents) and followed a random sentence with her pointer finger. She squinted, briefly, and hummed a troubled ‘hm’, before she continued to stir in the cooking pot in front of her. No doubt also filled with questionable contents.
Chloe paced around the counter and settled behind said book, which forced Gail to at least acknowledge her. “I need you to secretly teach me another spell, Gail.”
The wooden spoon whirled around once, twice, before it ended on the counter with a loud clack. “Now why would I waste my time on that?”
Chloe perked up, beaming. “Because if you don’t, you will have to teach me the entire summer.”
Gail sighed. Groaned. She turned off the stove with a flick of her wrist and left for the door. “Fine. Follow me.”
Chloe bounced after her with a squeal.
Training in secret ended up being not so secret.
Gail took her to The Knee – a spot where magic overflowed and even a little noob like her human heart should be able to feel it, according to Gail – and much to Chloe’s surprise they weren’t alone. Bundled up in a thick coat and an adorable woolen hat stood Beca Mitchell, wooden wand swinging between clutched fingers as her older friends instructed her in using it.
Gail snapped her fingers repeatedly in front of her face and Chloe finally came back to herself. “Look, kid, if you want this to work out, I need your full attention.”
“Um, yeah,” Chloe said, her eyes drifting from Gail back to Beca’s skilled hands and focused stare. “Totes.”
There was a heavy sigh as Gail pinched the bridge of her nose. “Titan, give me patience. This is going to be a long day.”
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imjustavenuxwithaboomerang · 4 months ago
i remember when i first saw the poster for thunderbolts* i thought yelena was a beautiful androgynous man and literally searched high and low trying to find out who was in the movie so i could find him....sigh
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