#assimilable immigrants
simply-ivanka · 7 months
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fiddles-ifs · 7 months
Bautista is a bit funny for me as an international fan of GW because I had a homeroom teacher with the same name, I wonder how they'd do in that position LOL. I do appreciate their character 'cause I don't often see my country in media, or really any of SEA that much, this is the first time I've seen it represented in IF specifically.
hehe thanks!!!
Bautista as a homeroom teacher would be the long-suffering type that tries to remain stoic even when their students catapult pencils into the ceiling. Their students swing wildly between thinking they're a hardass and (for the most part unintentionally) the funniest person alive. They try and impart important life lessons onto their students, but just end up exasperatedly explaining that no, carving your eraser into a throwing star shape is not technically a weapon, but that does not mean you can throw it at each other. Now read this passage from this book about World War II and shut up.
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hes-a-tough-kid · 1 year
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I’ve been thinking a lot about how Spider felt when he hit puberty and started growing facial hair, making him even more different to the Na’vi. I wonder if he hated it.
Also the inherent tenderness of a boy trusting someone else enough to help him shave for the first time… something about it makes my chest hurt. I really tried to capture it in Foreign Body but there’s so much more that I wish I’d left space for.
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choppedcowboydinosaur · 11 months
Looking back on the whole Apu controversy I wonder how much of the hatred for Apu is just a form of self hatred among 2nd generation Indian immigrants. I notice its usually 2nd generation Indian immigrants bitching about him. Even, though Apu is a 1st generation Indian immigrant.
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allgremlinart · 7 months
re: lrb sorry I didn't rb that dutch addition on that post but it was like. TOO funny for me to take seriously. and it's something that SHOULD be taken seriously!! "globalization" is often another word for "destruction of localized language and culture/neo-colonialism" so like. very much on page w that post.
. .. but the dutch thing was TOO funny sdhshs
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porcelain-rob0t · 1 year
thinking about Serge again
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
All the batfam is neurodivergent and you can’t convince me otherwise
They get along with the supers so well because sensory issues solidarity
frankly the superfam is all nd too i think. what is the "alien trying to fit in with regular humans" narrative if not a metaphor for masking?
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chicago-geniza · 10 months
Also a propos name changes, very often they're a translation or a soundex approximation of the person's given name. I knew a Russian family who got US citizenship and creatively changed their surname from Baranov (baran = ram/sheep) to Shepherd. And sometimes people start over from scratch.
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ossifer · 10 months
potentially controversial statement but maybe comparing the israelis to the nazis and thus israel to nazi germany isn't really the apt comparison you think it is. jews remain a historically and presently oppressed people, and i think it should be pretty hard to forget the role the holocaust played in the history of Israel. zionism spread so widely as an ideology for reasons deeply entwined with the persecution faced by jews across history and to the present day
we shouldn't get used to circulating a wildly offensive and antisemitic comparison that implies responsibility for their own oppression and reinforces the similarly antisemitic notion all israelis are european colonialists that should 'go back to where they came from'. you can criticise the ongoing genocide, the state of Israel, and zionism without equating a deeply oppressed people with their most infamous oppressor
i can freely cede the existence of parallels, but we should be able to discuss current events, especially when discussing them in relation to their historical context, without equating them to history that happened under completely different circumstances. we should be able to discuss israel without comparing jews to nazis. you shouldn't feel completely unconflicted about comparing an oppressed people to their oppressor
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bubble-you · 3 months
got karen'd by a white woman who was suspicious of me and in worry that i remind others and myself too much of an asian gang member/a hooligan i am trimming my dog's furs *nervous laughter with sweat emoji* the furs that make her look bigger than she is! you know the ones! the sideburns on a dog, the chest hairs that make her look big and strong, the long luxurious majestic fluffy tail, the trailing flags behind her limbs when she runs like the wind -- the excuse being that her fur does in fact mat and get daggy. i know i'm waxing poetic about it now but it is already done! sometimes an alternate universe exists in your head -- i have seen her run many times and have many videos so it's okay it's as if i have both sights to enjoy -- and that comforts u.
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depth-n-facade · 3 months
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Name of the Art Piece: Perfection
Date: August 21st/15.30pm
Codes: #perfection #surreal #flaws #poster
We still haven't heard from Miss Melancholii and it's starting to get worrisome. We decided to launch an investigation to find Ms. Melancholii to the point where her secretary would have no idea where she was either. By the way, we found a new piece of art that is also election-related and this time, the right wing party are supporting anti-immigration. We would like to add that this does not mean that Potii Potaria will not accept immigration but will not allow citizens to immigrate to other countries. Essentially the government is sabotaging citizens' visas so they don't leave Potii Potaria. And they have the audacity to make this painting for the election. This is basically a BLACK propaganda against this country's citizens. In this artwork, they are two individuals who are immigrated from different countries. They were portrayed as traitors and willingly abandon their families for their selfish desires. AKA citizenship via marriage. The woman was colored green which is the most unluckiest color in Potarian folklore and the man was colored blue which is the color of innocence. (Anyone who aren't aware what were we talking about, every women in Potarian folklore were portrayed as evil individuals who have selfish desires and all of them are taking advantage of ''innocent'' men who are working for the government or any men in that case. Even that, there was a horrible folklore from Medieval times that a BABY was colored in green. A baby! But that art piece is unknown and according to Mrs. Melancholii, only the government obtained the art piece. She saw it and read that folklore. When we asked about what it means, she always refused to explain further details about it. We must obtain the art piece and scan it for further information.) The government knew what they were doing and what they were planning to do which Mrs. Melancholii didn't, approved this at all. In order to prevent the citizens to immigrate to other countries, the right wing party will ensure that anyone who has the Potarian citizenship especially Potarian women WILL NOT date any foreigners and marry them in their hometown for citizenship. If they won't follow that, the right wing requested that they should get punished severely to a point they won't show their faces to the public anymore. It's messed up in so many levels that is inhumane and misogynistic. No wonder Mrs. Melancholii resigned. It's absolutely diabolical.
-H.E.I.S.T. (Headquarters of Explores, Investigate, Surveillance and Trials)
'' H.E.I.S.T is a centrist investigative company that provides evidence of corruption in the Land of Potii Potaria, Founded by Borg Heist in 1972. Heist ruled in a conservative party named NES Party (New Expedient Socialites) but resigned in 1970 following a scandal involving the Liberal party called JF (Justice Fighters). NES and JF were feuding since 1968 to 1970 and some members of both sides had affiliation with the aliens. This resulted the citizens being abducted and it left both the parties with no votes during the election of 1970. After resigning from his party, Heist founded the company to prevent similar situations from happening again. Unfortunately the current conservative party has deep connections with the aliens and it has become a massive issue in Potii Potaria. H.E.I.S.T. is currently reporting the issue that the current government forbids. Some of the researchers have been arrested for reporting it and the remaining ones are demanding justice for their coworkers who were wrongfully arrested and blacklisted by the government. ''
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britneyshakespeare · 6 months
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This is just a map of New England (minus Connecticut the fake New England state)
#text post#new england#source: boston 25 news website: believe it or not massachusetts is not the most irish state new study finds#18.9% of mass residents have irish ancestry#really this is not surprising at all. massachusetts is the most population-dense state by far with the most immigrants#and new hampshire? ask anyone where their family lived before they came to new hampshire. it was massachusetts#new hampshire is full of ethnically irish and italian and polish catholics whose families have been here long enough#to assimilate and move to the suburbs and become xenophobic and anti-immigrant.#literally bothers me so much when ppl named molly o'flannigan and patrick sullivan talk shit about dorchester lawrence etc#and other immigrant-dense areas in new england. i'm like baby your grandparents lived there#well or at least that's my experience#new england still does have a shocking amount of wasps whose families have been here since the fuckin mayflower#i dont have a direct link to that in my own family but it's very strange how that is taught to new england children as like#'our' heritage in schools. plymouth plantation and the puritans and all that. you're weirdly made to identify w it#and like as time goes on#just factually that only represents the population of ppl who live and are raised here less and less.#not to mention it does nothing to address DIVERSITY in the area. but i suppose there's like a local mythos#we have to teach a story to children and it has to be a 'we' story and that story has to be pilgrims#bc the story has to start at colonization and not expand after that. thats too complex. happy thanksgiving?#new england white people have a habit of thinking theyre irish catholic anglo-protestant settlers and they built this country#they dont parse out their own identity at all and they certainly don't want to have to consider other ppl's.#wow i didnt mean this to turn into a culture-critical rant im sure most of my followers arent even from here so idk what this means 2 u guy#happy saint patrick's day!
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innocentartery · 4 months
i want to go home..
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sangfielle · 1 year
the way dragon age handles ferelden is. so. something.
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not-poignant · 2 years
I just saw Janusz’s surname and it’s missing a “g” (it should be Bogdanowicz if you’re using existing Polish surnames). (Please ignore this message if it’s rude, I thought it may be a typo!) Also, thank you so so much for making one of your characters Polish and not changing his name (I’m looking at you Teen Wolf!)
It is for sure missing a 'g'!
It's been Anglicised - as in, Bodanowicz is actually found as an Anglicised spelling of Bogdanowicz in Australia, the UK and the USA (along with Bodanowitz).
He's not a Polish person who has freshly moved to Australia and therefore is much more likely to have kept the spelling of his surname. He's someone who had his Polish parents / grandparents come over, at a time when the Anglicisation of surnames was a lot more common (see artists like Jaduiga Bodanowicz).
I'm someone whose legal surname is in the same situation due to my grandparents immigrating over, my legal surname clearly 'foreign' and European but it was also altered very slightly to make it more appealing to people and it was never changed back again! If I go to the Netherlands now, some people would be like 'hey that's not quite right' but it is where I live, because it's legal and it's all I've ever known. My Oma completely changed her first name and was so ashamed of it, I never knew it until a few years before her death. She went by a very 'western' name instead (Coree/Corey).
So yeah, it would for sure be incorrect in Poland, but a lot of foreign names were altered slightly or significantly to make them more 'palatable' when people came to Australia which while not a great practice, I thought would be realistic to Janusz' heritage. There's a whole back-story about it (including why his parents decided to give him a name where they were like 'fuck it, we're not anglicising that anymore'), but basically it was a deliberate choice to more accurately reflect what a lot of foreign immigrants did when they came to Australia some decades ago.
Janusz' relationship to his Polish heritage and how he balances that with being Australian is something that he has some thoughts on in general, since like many Europeans who immigrated over, some worked quite hard to not quite erase their heritage, but simply not teach it to their kids, with the belief 'you're in Australia now.'
Sadly not a typo, just...what scared, displaced and uncertain immigrants did sometimes (and honestly still do sometimes) to try and fit in better in a new home.
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rotzaprachim · 2 years
very interested in/turning over and chewing slowly the idea of cassian and jyn in some kind of the americans fx meet mr and mrs smith au moment where like. they’re /both/ working for rebellion, obviously, collecting information and acting as the deep cover agents the rebellion needs so badly, but it’s all a set up, cassian still (tenuously and with great friction) reports to luthen as his handler and jyn still reports to saw and their whole fake marriage is in many ways both truce-meeing point and stand-off between the luthen and saw schools of rebellion: if i sell you out, the whole cell falls with you. 
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