#asra howl
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darlingzelda · 5 months ago
Therapist: Asra Howl isn’t real, he can’t hurt you Asra Howl:
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pichirobi · 11 months ago
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asra with sparkly anime mood ring eyes
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I was collecting up my fave characters I loved from younger me to now that are magical and realized a pattern
I don't know what this says about me, but I feel it's accurate lol
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snobgoblin · 4 months ago
anyway something something
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sweet-milky-tea705 · 1 year ago
....i definitely have a thing with wizards.
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leoandbeholdclark · 2 years ago
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I wasn't aware that it was Asra's birthday was in June. I don't usually keep up with info like that, but he's one of my favs and I wanted to make something for him. However, I got embarrassed over my work and didn't share it. I hope you all can enjoy it though.
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divinity-infinity · 2 years ago
Please vote and explain why in the tags, thank you
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sugary-bluebell · 2 years ago
Can you guys send me some cove holden or howl pendragon or asra requests?? They have all my attention rn
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hexesandroses · 7 months ago
steep, charcoal, and sapphire
and I still think of asra (cause of your old pfp) when I think of you so I ship you with him ^^
Thank you so much 🥹 but again, if you wanna study me you won't be satisfied. It's rough in here points at my body
Asra is one of my all time favorite characters and raised my standards to the sky, so this is an honor! He and I would make a great pair, I think, though we'd both struggle with doing the chores in time 😭 aaand I think we'd both be too lazy to leave the shop very often. Other than that and my fear of snakes, we'd manage :')
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bethiewhimsy · 2 years ago
asra’s trivia on his wiki page is my favorite thing ever actually. does he know i’d die for him, do they know i’d kill for them.
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aeshttp · 1 year ago
me 🤝🏾 pretty boy magicians
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whorejolras · 1 year ago
need howls cunty little cape
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xiangnymalnazar · 2 years ago
I cry each time I see them, I want to protect them so much
Love of my Life
This is a pmv of RD's story.
Most of the pregame comics are posted on the blog and instagram.
Their first encounter, the masquerade, moving in together, falling in love, etc.
When RD gets overwhelmed with anxiety/panic or heartbreak, their magic turns corrupt, floods their body and spills out of their eyes and mouth. Asra is there to ground them. This happens a few times throughout their life. It can be repressed but it takes a toll on their body.
After the game, RD and Asra have twins, River and Alexandria (Ria). They moved to Nopal when River's powers were causing him to freeze the city as a baby. The desert weather helped regulate his magic. Later in his story, River gets captured and ends up losing his hand. RD was able to rescue him but ended up getting a curse that infected their arms.
Ria also had issues controlling her magic when growing up. Helping her contain her power during an episode, it damaged RD (two streaks of white hair) but they were eventually able to regulate her magic as well. Ria became the ruler of RD's home country when their legacy and history was revealed and RD deposed the previous ruler after they took River.
Later in their lives, the Devil (the arcana) tries to take revenge and RD fights to save their family. RD was able to destroy the ancient entity but Asra loses the remaining half of his soul. He doesnt outright die, but he falls into a coma with no hope of waking up. Julian (the doctor) suggests a vivisection which was immediately shut down by RD. They go to meet their patron arcana, the Strength, to make a deal in order to save Asra. After some arguing, the Strength takes the entirety of RD's powers in exchange for his life which also turned their hair stark white. Overwhelmed with relief, they both break out into sobs.
RD and Asra continued their lives, going to the Winter Ball, participating in the Painted Daisy Festival, running their shop, and so on. Although they miss the convenience of magic, RD does not regret giving up their magic at all. They do have a fear that they won't be able to protect their family anymore but everyone is very capable on their own and take care of their aging nonny. RD needs to be treated for their cursed arms bc it causes them chronic pain since they no longer have to magic to treat it consistently.
In the slide of the twins, River is talking about the goddess (Terra) he met.
Asra looks at RD fondly as he thinks about how he was able to grow old with the love of his life.
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thearcanagame · 1 year ago
The gang are going to a convention! Who does everyone cosplay as?
Asra - Howl
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Julian - Miss Fortune
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Lucio - Prince Charming
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Portia - Sailor Moon
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Muriel - The Winter Soldier
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Nadia - Bayonetta
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leoandbeholdclark · 2 years ago
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My MC used to steal from others in this au, until he bumped into Asra. Who eventually put them on the straight and narrow (steal from the rich, not the poor).
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pupsmailbox · 1 year ago
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NAMES︰ aiden. ajax. alfie. amber. arbusto. asra. auburn. aveline. bandit. bark. baya. bella. berrian. blanc. blanche. blanchette. bosque. bramble. briar. bush. bushette. buster. byakko. caelus. calix. cameron. canidae. canis. cedar. chepi. christel. cinnabar. cinnamon. ciro. claud. claudia. claw. clawette. cody. copper. corsac. crimson. dash. eira. ember. eris. faelan. faux. fennec. fern. finn. fira. flannery. fluffers. fluffy. flyn. forest. fox. foxen. foxette foxette. foxian. foxie. foxsse. foxy. frost. frostette. frostine. fyre. gale. ginger. grim. harlow. hazel. hiver. holly. hunter. invierno. james. jamie. kit. lily. liora. lira. lune. lysander. maple. mary. mirren. mischiefesse. mischiefette. neige. nevada. nieve. nixie. noir. nyra. nyx. orin. patches. paw. pawer. pawette. pawie. powder. red. redd. rena. renard. renna. reynard. rita. rogue. rojo. rory. rouge. rougette. rowan. rufus. runa. rune. russ. rust. rustesse. rustette. ruston. rusty. scarlett. scout. serin. sly. snow. snowball. snowbelle. snowy. socks. softse. soren. sorrel. sox. sylvie. talia. tawny. tod. todd. trixie. velox. vire. vivi. vivienne. vix. vixen. vixenne. vulpa. vulpes. vulpine. vulpus. vuvu. whisp. willow. winter. wyn. yako. yap. yappy. yara. yip. yippers. zephyr. zinn. zorro.
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PRONOUNS︰ ae/aem. artic/artic. bark/bark. berry/berry. bite/bite. blanc/blanc. burrow/burrow. can/canid. can/canine. canid/canid. canidae/canidae. caninae/caninae. canine/canine. chase/chase. chew/chew. chomp/chomp. claw/claw. climb/climb. den/den. dig/dig. fa/fang. fang/fang. fast/fast. fennec/fennec. fi/fer. floof/floof. fluff/fluff. fluff/fluffer. fo/fox. forest/forest. fox/fox. frost/frost. fu/fur. fur/fur. fwu/fwu. gnaw/gnaw. gray/gray. growl/grow. growl/growl. grr/grr. hide/hide. hide/hider. howl/howl. hun/hunt. hunt/hunt. hunt/hunter. hx/hxm. hy/hym. ice/ice. jump/jump. ki/kit. kit/kit. leap/leap. mischief/mischief. ni/nip. nib/nib. nibble/nibble. noir/noir. nom/nom. nussle/nussle. orange/orange. pa/paw. pad/pad. paw/pad. paw/paw. pawpad/pawpad. pelt/pelt. pounce/pounce. prowl/prowl. puff/puff. pup/pup. purr/purr. quick/quick. rabbit/rabbit. red/red. scream/scream. shx/hxr. shy/hyr. si/swift. silver/silver. sly/fox. sly/sly. snea/sneak. sneak/sneak. sneak/sneaky. sneaky/sneaky. sno/snow. snout/snout. snow/snow. soft/soft. spirit/spirit. swift/swift. ta/tay. tail/tail. thxy/thxm. thy/thym. tri/tric. trick/trick. trot/trot. twitch/twitch. vix/vix. vix/vixen. vu/vulpi. vulp/vulp. vulp/vulpine. vulpine/vulpine. wag/wag. whine/whine. whisk/whisker. white/white. wi/wild. wild/wild. winter/winter. woof/woof. yap/yap. yelp/yelp. yip/yap. yip/yip. yop/yop. zoom/zoomie. ⛰️. 🌲. 🌿. 🍁. 🍂. 🐾. 🥩. 🦊. 🦴. 🧡.
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