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my lunch today it
made me very happy since
i cooked it myself.
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deepjams4 · 1 year ago
अनगिनत दफ़ा तूफ़ान झेले हैं मैंने
हज़ारों जख्मों के ताब झेले हैं मैंने
ज़िन्दगी इम्तिहान लेती रहे कितने
ख़तरों भरे खेल बड़े ही खेले हैं मैंने!
मगर अरमानों का तूफ़ान अलग है
अपनी ही कश्ती डूबते देखी है मैंने
दर्द-ओ-ग़म बर्दाश्त कैसे करूँ अब
सब्र-ओ-क़रार सब गँवा दिया मैंने
कितने ही अरमान दिल में दफ़्न हैं
ये हक़ीक़त अरमानों का कफ़न है
ख़्वाब-ओ-ख्याल जफ़ा बने सब
सब अधूरे ख़्वाब दिल के ज़ख़्म हैं
ग़र अरमान उमड़ें हैं अब कभी भी
ऐसी हिमाक़त मैंने रोकी तभी ही
ख़्वाब हैं ख़्वाब तो अधूरे ही रहेंगे
वो तिनके बन हवाओं में ही बहेंगे!
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tymianoxtheforgotten · 2 years ago
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melodyblossom22 · 1 month ago
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you gotta start somewhere...sharing love...♥️
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missedconfessions · 3 months ago
I thought one day you'd return the favor
for all the love I ever gave you
for all the years of you
and none of me
I thought one day you'd see
maybe the selfishness would subside
you would open your eyes
to the life I lived to better yours
to teach you of my lessons learned
I thought one day you'd notice
and you'd love me the same
after all you are my sister
even if only through his name.
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lillianbrockett · 7 months ago
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Unlock your poetic potential and pave your way to literary success! 🌟 "How to Find and Achieve Success as an Aspiring Poet" is your ultimate guide to navigating the world of poetry. Whether you're a budding poet or looking to refine your craft, this book offers invaluable tips, inspiration, and practical advice on honing your skills, finding your voice, and getting your work noticed. Dive into the secrets of successful poets and embark on your journey towards poetic acclaim…
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shastea · 4 years ago
it’s weird to think about how many people are out there that know things about ourselves that we’ve forgotten. somewhere there is someone thinking that you’re favorite color is orange because you told them that when you were 11. somewhere there is someone thinking your last meal on earth would be corn on the cob, mashed potatos, and greenbeans because on a whim you made each other’s last meals- we never know when it will be our last day here, might as well have our last meal now. somewhere out there is someone who thinks your favorite number is 77 because you told them that it was the only two-digit number with five syllables. somewhere out there is a boy who’s first date was with a girl at a fair who had to babysit a stranger and for months afterwards laughted about it. somewhere out there is a girl who can���t read books because they remind her of someone. somewhere out there someone drinks their coffee black while studying because a stranger told them it enhances their memory. 
our lives are filled with memories from strangers we once called friends. twenty years down the line, these people will remain the ages of the memoreis i hold dear in my brain. they will forever be the version of them i have created. 
- to all of my former friends, i’m sorry
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yucky-froggy · 4 years ago
Roses and Violets
by: yucky.froggy (me lol)
Roses are red
Violets are dying
That person is dead
But no ones left crying
Who cares if they’re not here another day
When they didn’t even care enough to stay
The roses still bloom
But why does it matter 
Their future is doomed
Im sorry, they’re goners
Just like the person under the ground
Who once was around to water the flower
But now they’re dead, no ones left at this hour 
To care for the rose left with such little power
Another day goes by
The rose still tries to survive
Foolish flower, do you not see
The one who once cared has been gone for a week
They left your pretty pink petals to bleed
The ones from the rose they grew from a seed
Oh, what a little sad life you lead
Just go, just proceed to the d=eath that awaits 
That’s a good flower, it’s time that you rest
We know that you’ve tried your best
But no one else knows, and no one else cares
Because its just a stupid flower, like everyone else but they’re all unaware
The struggles you've gone through
All you’ve endured
All the hope you held on too
To believe it’d be better
To believe that the thorns on your stem weren’t falling
To believe they would come, of course they wouldn’t leave their darling 
But alas, in the end
You gave up your petals
You sank to the ground
Because then you knew the truth;
Roses are dead
And Violets are dying
Why would you stay
If the world had turned gray
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ch3lledap0et · 4 years ago
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#aspiringpoet #aspiringartist #spokenword #poetry #poetryforhealing #healingpowerofpoetry #poetryislife #poetsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers #mentalhealthmatters @ch3lledap0et https://www.instagram.com/p/CNt3HVaBop_/?igshid=w4eqhhinftle
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tragically-poetic · 5 years ago
I still care
I still think about you sometimes
You fill my thoughts from time to time
I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you
But I'm so glad you're not mine
I wish I could hate you
It would simple things up a lot
If I can't hate you for what you did
Then what else will make these feelings stop?
You're a coward, so pathetic
But unfortunately I still care
You're the only one that I want
But it was always her that was there
You didn't care about me
I don't care what you say
You knew what you wanted
And you always get your own way
I don't understand how you had that power
I've never let anyone treat me so low
But people like you don't care about your actions
I'm so glad you let your true colours show
You made me hate myself
You made my heart tear
But I still miss you
And I still care
- c. n. b.
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More Poetry hehe
Why do I feel such a homesickness for the saddest parts of my life?
It’s as if I can only see the best pieces;
They shatter from the whole picture,
And in my mind
Stained glass windows form.
Looking through these windows reminds me of church;
The dragging weight of a guilty conscience, as I look through such beautiful times,
Ignoring the leftover shards piercing my insides.
Perhaps I’m an optimist, only seeing the best in situations.
But what is this hope when time and time again I am let down?
Far better to be a cynic and surprised.
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deepjams4 · 4 years ago
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A Resolve!
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tymianoxtheforgotten · 10 months ago
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✨ I hate you as much as myself
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x-hidden-butterfly-x · 5 years ago
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corneredpoets · 5 years ago
The Bird - a poem
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When dawn breaks and the first rays of the sun touch its feathers
It stretches its rusty wings and tiny neck
the bird awakes, shudders
chirps, pecks
It floats and flaps as the gushes of warm air push it off the dirt
and it opens its beak
gobbles bugs that shriek
It is a stain of scarlet in the yogourt coloured sky
that little bird perched on the thinest branch of the tree
an arrogant, nasty voice singing so high
when the little bird’s body is so wee
Its stomach is full and it is mighty
a little bird swinging in a tree
When dusk drapes its blanket
the little bird is dead
For it could no find its way home yet
and with a belly round as a loaf of bread
it found the inside of the house looked soft and cozy
But it flew too fast, and the little body was too wee
And all that now remains to tell its story, oh so mighty
is a splash of red sticky feathers
on a glossy blue window
- V.T.T. 04/2020
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aranell18 · 5 years ago
Should I post snippets/excerpts of my poetry and personal essays on here for you all to read? Im thinking about putting a book together.
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