mrjinx87 · 4 years
Not to toot my own horn too much, but I got the “r” word out of my system as an insult back when I was 17. And this was around 2004-2005. So, when I see 30 or 40 year old men still use that word (or just use the word gay) as an insult in 2020, I usually wind up thinking less of them as people.
“They’re just words, bruh. Don’t be so T R I G G E R E D.”
Yeah, they’re just words. But it’s the context and the implication that makes them bad. And using them as insults doesn’t make you “edgy” or “badass”. Using them as insults just makes you look like an immature asshole.
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eliaahthelonelyseal · 5 years
Never having friends pt. 6
6th grade: Mostly just me sitting at the benches and watching others be together, i was ignored by people and i don’t know why. I would usually just talk to the teachers or walk around the school alone. 
One day we were having a woodworking class with my favorite teacher and we were just talking while he was cutting wood into smaller pieces with the table saw. All of a sudden we see his finger slide into the table saw, he shuts the machine and runs out of the class. His finger wasn't completely cut luckily. So Mia cleans up the blood while us others clean up everything else and then head to the first floor. We were in the basement. We sit in the hallway and see the principal bandaging my teachers finger. We are informed that we get to go home earlier and the teacher goes to the hospital.
Everybody was like “Hurray we get to go home early!” and i asked them if they weren't sad that our teacher got hurt and they were like “ No we get to go home 2 hours early!” and i sat there frowning because it hurt to see these people not caring about my teacher at all. They asked me why i wasn't happy that we got to go home early and i said “I’d rather stay here the whole day than get go go home early because he got hurt.” and they laughed and told me that he was old either way. 
I didn't understand how people were so happy about something so terrible. They called me a teachers pet again but all i could think of was my teacher. 
Not short after he decided to become a pensioner and the rest of the school year we kept having new substitute teachers every few weeks. I was devastated and rarely saw him after the incident. He’s basically my neighbor and i used to see him out on walks often outside of school but that stopped too.
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lamoral-egmont · 6 years
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#Thanks4Everything #Asperger #GoodMemory #SelfDevelopment #Resilience #Greatness #Freedom #Inspirational #Success #Life #Wisdom #Honest #Neurodiversity #Knowledge #Courageous #Challenge #MoveForward #AjToussaint #AspieBoy https://www.instagram.com/p/Brlc0iBHgdF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mum9eqm9xtte
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Aspieboy is snapping life with Snapchat. #followforfollow
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lifeindalesmind · 11 years
Age 11: May 11th 2008
"I still hadn't seen the Dino-men since that day in the palace. And the Elemental greats were getting pretty difficult to find as well. I still had duties though to those who put their trust in me, even if they were loosing their faith in me. My ability to see the future had changed. For some unknown reason I couldn't see the future, that had somehow stopped. All I could do was know that something was about to happen. But it was never anything good, (no that would be boring) all I could know was that something bad was coming. Something was about to happen very soon and without the ability to see the future all I could do was sit and wait for it. And hope that somehow I could stop it."
More here 
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eliaahthelonelyseal · 5 years
Never having friends pt. 1
My life has been hard, I have always been the outcast. 
1st grade: I was friends with all of the people in my class, which was 2 boys and 4 girls. Although I knew them somewhat, they had known each other for a long time. I only was friends with one person from my class in the begging, so I was with her until I got to know the others.
It didn't take long to become friends with everyone. But there were groups. The two boys were with each other and played together, these two girls A and B had always been best friends with each other and no one was allowed to intrude when they were together. That leaves me, the girl C who i knew since birth and girl D. We became friends but, girl C and girl D were also best friends and according to them you were only allowed to have 1 best friend. So i always felt left out even when i was included. 
Since our class had 7 people in it, it was impossible to make even groups while having group projects. The teachers always let us choose pairs and i was always the one without a pair. If it was just reading in groups i always had to do my reading with the teacher. It made me feel even more left out than earlier. I always wondered why no one ever wanted to do reading with me but, i never got answers. 
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autisticeagle · 11 years
Since getting my diagnosis, my family have said some pretty weird things to me and im not sure how to react/respond. Any help? My brother wants to know why im not like rainman and not super clever/freak out majorly, and my sister refuses to believe im autistic because i didnt 'seem' autistic to her as a child. She hasn't lived with us since i was 9 (im 17 now), and says i wasn't autistic as a child. Im not quite sure how im meant to react to them. Any advice? Cheers
Autism is a SPECTRUM. Not every one of us is the same. That's just ridiculous to stereotype an entire group of people. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Autism is a neurotype, NOT a personality.
I recommend Rose's Autism 101 post, along with her other links.
Good luck with your family. They seem super (sarcasm).
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lamoral-egmont · 6 years
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#Thanks4Everything #Asperger #GoodMemory #SelfDevelopment #Resilience #Greatness #Freedom #Inspirational #Success #Life #Wisdom #Honest #Neurodiversity #Knowledge #Courageous #Challenge #MoveForward #AjToussaint #AspieBoy https://www.instagram.com/p/Bri3PQDHvTA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4wc7z4qbsnjd
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victhedick · 12 years
you're right anon... vic has changed. INTO A SUPER COOLER VIPSTER. fyi for you morons out there? vipster = vic hipster. - come visit me babzzzz xoxoxoo
hahahhahaha so hipsta it hurts! i will miss u x
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eliaahthelonelyseal · 5 years
Never having friends pt. 2
2nd grade: It was still the same, me and my classmates. I would always hear them planning things like sleepovers and other fun stuff. I was rarely invited, it made me feel like something was wrong with me. The dreadful day came were the new 1st graders were introduced,1 girl and 2 boys. The 1st and 2nd graders shared a classroom. 
The boys Pat and Dan (Not their real names) from my class knew one of the two boys from the 1st graders, I’ll call him Jon. Pat, Dan and Jon became this tight group who wouldn't let anybody in. The two girls Amy and Ivy (also not their real names) who were absolutely inseparable from my class stayed friends and didn't let anyone in their group. 
So the one new girl from first grade, lets call her sky. Sky joined our group, mine, Mia’s and lea’s group. Mia and Lea already knew Sky and we got to know each other with Sky. But I soon realized that the one 1st grader was alone with no one. So i went up to him, we were complete strangers but i didn't want him to feel left out. I’ll call him Mat. 
Mat and i became great friends and we would hang out with each other all day at school. The others took notice to this and we soon became the targets of bullying. We would be at the play at the playground together and the other 1st and 2nd graders would call us gay. It made us sad but i stood up for our friendship. I didn't want to stop being his friend just because of some jerks. The bullying eventually stopped once they noticed that we didn't give a shit.
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eliaahthelonelyseal · 5 years
Never having friends pt. 5
5th grade: My memory is a little blurry so i’m trying my best to remember what happened in 5th grade. In fifth grade The teachers had made the seating arrangements for my class and it was like this: Mia, Lea and Sky. Jon and Mat. Ivy and Amy. Me, Pat and Dan. I was wondering why i all the other ones got to sit with their friend and then i had to be wit the boys and they would constantly distract me while i was working. I would complain about it and everyone in the class would get mad and tell me to chill out. People would also call me a teachers pet because i would always get A’s without really studying. 
I didn't understand why people got mad at me when i wanted to concentrate on working and why they called me a teachers pet. People said i was annoying because i liked school and that i was strange for never wearing makeup. I just never really liked the idea of makeup. I wanted to be seen as good-looking even without makeup. I didn't want people to like me fr my looks but more for my personality. And people told me that i was acting childish and that i was immature, that i needed to grow up and start to be more like them or if i kept being the way i was i wouldn't have friends. I didn't want to change, if they'd stop being my friend because i was being myself then so be it. I wanted to be able to be myself and have friends that loved me for me. Because if i weren't allowed to be myself and would have to act to have friends i knew id be miserable. 
This was also the time where everyone started cursing and being rebels. They would always piss off the teacher and then he’d get mad and yell. I didn't like it when they made him mad. I didn't like it when he yelled, I got scared and it made me feel so small. I always told my teachers that i appreciated them and that i was thankful for them. My teachers got happy about that because i was the only one who wouldn't be wild in class and i was the only one who didn't curse. I didn't like cursing, i knew that it was bad and i just saw cursing as something stupid and unnecessary. I rarely got mad but when i did get mad i was unstoppable. I would always be on my side and id make sure that people who were making fun of that would stop. I got yelled at because i had said something wrong but i didn't realize that and i didn't know why people would yell at me.
I became a vegan after my sibling convinced me to become one and i told my friends at school and Dan said: “Okay guys lets not bully Elia for being vegan” and it made me feel happy. 
one day i got into a fight with Mia. I didn't know why and i asked her but all she would say was “That’s for you to figure out!” and then she went and told the rest of the class what i had done and then Dan said as loudly as he could “Well don’t listen to Elia hes stupid like for real hes an idiot and it shows because hes a vegan” That really hit me deep and i had been a vegan for about half a year but it hit me so deep that i had to stop being vegan.  
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eliaahthelonelyseal · 5 years
Never having friends pt. 4
4th grade: We started hanging out at the mall with Sky, Mia and Lea. They would always want to go to the clothes stores and buy new clothes or buy makeup. I didn't like makeup, we were 10. 10 year old’s aren’t supposed to wear makeup! Not in my mind at least. While they were looking at clothes i was looking at books and drawing supplies. I loved drawing and people said i was quite good so it boosted my confidence in drawing. 
Mia, Lea and Sky would always ask me why i didn't like makeup and why i wasn't interested in new clothes. I would tell them that makeup is for older people and that i already have perfectly fine clothes. They laughed at me when i said that makeup was for older people and said that 10 year old’s are supposed to wear makeup. I disagreed with them and didn't like to be laughed at for voicing my opinion. I didn't laugh at them when they said that they would never want to be friends with a bisexual. Again i accepted their opinion but i didn't change mine to please them. 
I would get called immature and childish because i didn't like makeup or dresses and it bothered me. Wasn't i allowed to have an opinion that differed from theirs? 
One day at the mall i we had been in clothes stores for hours and my legs were getting tired so we sat down. Sky, Lea and Mia wanted to go to another store that sells all sorts of shit. I told them to go without me since i wasn't ready to continue our shopping trip and since we had already been to that store once the same day. 
They went to the store and i sat on the bench. It had been a while and i decided id go surprise them. The store was made so that once you entered you could either take a left turn or a right turn and it’d basically be a circle around the store. Since the store was built on the the third floor and on the end of some escalators the walls stopped you from seeing all around the store from the entrance. I decided to go right since most people always start by from the left. My plan was that i would run into them at one point since i thought they had turned to the left and then we could go through the rest of the store together. 
So as i was walking i could hear them and then i saw that they had decided to go from the right side as well. They turned around and saw me and I smiled and waved at them. So we continued shopping and went to the ice cream bar together. I ate my ice cream and i then got a message from my mom telling me that she was there to pick me up. I said bye to the girls and left.
The next Saturday morning i woke up to multiple messages from a group on WhatsApp. This group had me, Lea, Mia and Sky in it. I had over 100 messages some were in the group others were received from just Mia, some were from just Lea and some were from just Sky. I opened the messages that weren't sent in the group it was just messages spamming me and calling me a stalker. I thought it was just some funny joke at first until i opened the group chat. “WHY WERE YOU STALKING US AT THE  STORE!? YOU'RE SUCH A CREEP WHAT THE FUCK!?” I explained that they had misunderstood and that i had planned on surprising them and that i thought they entered the from the left. They wouldn't believe me and soon they had told all of my classmates and everyone was now sending me hate messages. It got to the point where i had to shut off my phone because people were spamming me with hate. I was crying and i told my parents about it. What else could i do. My parents told me to ignore it and that they’d eventually stop. So i did, but things kept getting worse. It lasted for a week. At school they'd corner me and call me a creep and i tried to keep explaining but they would yell over me. My parents had to call the other parents and tell them to talk to their kids, the school made the kids apologize to me. But it didn't help. I spent my birthday alone, and when the relatives were over my friends kept making my phone go off and it was all hate. Luckily the situation calmed down but things weren't the same after that.
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eliaahthelonelyseal · 5 years
Never having friends pt. 3
3rd grade: The groups stayed pretty much the same, Mat and I. Pat, Dan and Jon. Amy and Ivy. Sky, Mia and Lea. When Mat would be sick, I was with Mia, Lea and Sky. Mat was gone a lot in 3rd grade so we became quite close with the other girls in my group. But whenever we weren't at school i would be home alone while i heard that Sky, Mia and Lea were hanging out together. It wasn't easy to hear that and I again started to wonder what was wrong with me and why they didn't like to hang out with me. My parents kept telling me that there was nothing wrong with me but i didn't believe them. There just had to be something wrong with me since they didn't want to be my friends. 
When my sibling came out as bisexual, I asked the girl group what they thought about having bi friends and they all said “I could never be friends with someone who’d be bi!” and i asked them why not. They said that they didn't like the idea of the bi person catching feelings towards them. So they thought i was bi, I explained that i wasn't bi but that my sibling was bi. I got pretty annoyed when they said they wouldn't be friends with someone who was bisexual and i didn't really understand why they’d mind that person liking them. 
We were 9 at the time and I just couldn't understand how there were people who couldn't accept the fact that these sort of people existed. I didn't stop being their friend since they were allowed to have their opinions but i did think about it a lot. 
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lamoral-egmont · 6 years
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#Thanks4Everything #Asperger #GoodMemory #SelfDevelopment #Resilience #Greatness #Freedom #Inspirational #Success #Life #Wisdom #Honest #Neurodiversity #Knowledge #Courageous #Challenge #MoveForward #AjToussaint #AspieBoy https://www.instagram.com/p/BrgSHCYnbpI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ay04zzbto6sy
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lamoral-egmont · 6 years
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#Thanks4Everything #Asperger #GoodMemory #SelfDevelopment #Resilience #Greatness #Freedom #Inspirational #Success #Life #Wisdom #Honest #Neurodiversity #Knowledge #Courageous #Challenge #MoveForward #AjToussaint #AspieBoy https://www.instagram.com/p/BrYkOt6Hqmj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15b06fpomgaui
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lamoral-egmont · 6 years
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#Thanks4Everything #Asperger #GoodMemory #SelfDevelopment #Resilience #Greatness #Freedom #Inspirational #Success #Life #Wisdom #Honest #Neurodiversity #Knowledge #Courageous #Challenge #MoveForward #AjToussaint #AspieBoy https://www.instagram.com/p/BrWBboTHLoz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=w3hh5o9gowzr
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